View Full Version : Domestic Terror Plot

2nd November 2011, 08:40 AM
Got to keep the sheeple scared


2nd November 2011, 09:33 AM
Another ridiculous story, with an informant who is jailed and didn't pass a polygraph test, but the affidavits from him is still enough for the Feds to go and arrest these old men and terrorise their families...

midnight rambler
2nd November 2011, 09:37 AM
Just goes to show that *anyone* can be a domesticated terra-ist, especially including senior citizens with 'bucket lists' - no one is beyond reproach, no one.

If you see something, say something (except when it involves g men or those they have by the short hairs, those are all definitely beyond reproach).

Celtic Rogue
2nd November 2011, 09:55 AM
OK so as stated we all can be declared domestic terrorists with the so called "informer" just saying it is so. We are stripped of our rights(like we really had any anyway) and flung head long into the legal system that is stacked against us... yep thats the way I see it to be.

Oh and be on the lookout for these obviously scary dangerous people! You never know what is in their heads!


2nd November 2011, 10:07 AM
Wait a minute! Wasn't this the exact storyline in Cocoon III??? Boy, the FBI is really on the ball lately... seems like EVERYONE they hand a bomb to these days, turns out to be a terra-ist!

2nd November 2011, 10:34 AM
Boy, the FBI is really on the ball lately... seems like EVERYONE they hand a bomb to these days, turns out to be a terra-ist!

HAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for the laugh!

2nd November 2011, 10:36 AM
They hate us for our youth !
Praise the F.B.I. for "uncovering" this sinister plot.

2nd November 2011, 10:49 AM
We may find it ridiculous, but it works. That poor woman interviewed is now scared and will want to be protected from scary seniors.
They will be grateful when the TSA sets up checkpoints on the freeways.