View Full Version : U.S. Government kills 16 year old American Citizen

2nd November 2011, 09:25 AM
Two weeks after the U.S. killed American citizen Anwar Awlaki with a drone strike in Yemen — far from any battlefield and with no due process — it did the same to his 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, ending the teenager’s life on Friday along with his 17-year-old cousin and seven other people. News reports, based on government sources, originally claimed that Awlaki’s son was 21 years old and an Al Qaeda fighter (needless to say, as Terrorist often means: “anyone killed by the U.S.”), but a birth certificate (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/documents/abdulrahman-al-awlaki-birth-certificate.html) published by The Washington Post proved that he was born only 16 years ago in Denver. As The New Yorker‘s Amy Davidson wrote: “Looking at his birth certificate, one wonders what those assertions say either about the the quality of the government’s evidence — or the honesty of its claims — and about our own capacity for self-deception.” The boy’s grandfather said that he and his cousin were at a barbecue and preparing to eat when the U.S. attacked them by air and ended their lives. There are two points worth making about this:

(1) It is unknown whether the U.S. targeted the teenager or whether he was merely “collateral damage.” The reason that’s unknown is because the Obama administration refuses to tell us. Said the Post: “The officials would not discuss the attack in any detail, including who the target was.” So here we have yet again one of the most consequential acts a government can take — killing one of its own citizens, in this case a teenage boy — and the government refuses even to talk about what it did, why it did it, what its justification is, what evidence it possesses, or what principles it has embraced in general for such actions. Indeed, it refuses even to admit it did this, since it refuses even to admit that it has a drone program at all and that it is engaged in military action in Yemen. It’s just all shrouded in total secrecy.

Of course, the same thing happened with the killing of Awlaki himself. The Executive Branch decided it has the authority to target U.S. citizens for death without due process, but told nobody (until it was leaked) and refuses to identify the principles that guide these decisions. It then concluded in a secret legal memo that Awlaki specifically could be killed, but refuses to disclose what it ruled or in which principles this ruling was grounded. And although the Obama administration repeatedly accused Awlaki of having an “operational role” in Terrorist plots, it has — as Davidson put it — “so far kept the evidence for that to itself.”

This is all part and parcel of the Obama administration’s extreme — at times unprecedented — fixation on secrecy. Even with Senators in the President’s own party warning that the administration’s secret interpretation of its domestic surveillance powers under the Patriot Act is so warped and radical that it would shock the public if they knew, Obama officials simply refuse even to release its legal memos setting forth how it is interpreting those powers. As EFF’s Trevor Timm told The Daily Beast today: “The government classified a staggering 77 million documents last year, a 40 percent increase on the year before.” And as I wrote about many times, the Obama administration even tried — and failed — to force The New York Times‘ James Risen to reveal his source for his story about an inept, disastrous CIA effort to infiltrate Iran’s nuclear program, but as Politico‘s Josh Gerstein reports today, the Obama DOJ is now appealing the decision in Risen’s favor. Gerstein writes:

The executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Lucy Dalglish, said the appeal was troubling for First Amendment advocates, but not unexpected.

“I’m not surprised at all,” Dalglish said “The Obama administration has made it absolutely clear they detest leakers and they are going to be very aggressive against leakers.”

Since Obama took office, his administration has initiated five prosecutions of alleged leakers under the Espionage Act — a sum roughly equal to the total number of such prosecutions in all prior administrations combined. . . .
“It’s really looking like they want to put Risen in prison,” [the defendant's lawyer Edward] MacMahon said in a brief interview. . . . “For the journalists in the world, it’s quite a significant First Amendment appeal.”

You can offer the ability to citizens to choose from one of the two parties and elect their leaders as much as you want. But “democracy” is an illusion — a sham — if the most significant acts taken by those leaders are kept concealed from the citizenry. Dana Priest and William Arkin wrote a multi-part series, and followed it up with a book, describing “Top Secret America”: the sprawling, secret government/private-sector apparatus accountable to nobody. Leaks and whistleblowers are the only real avenue remaining for citizens to know what their government does, and it’s why the Obama administration is so obsessed with persecuting whistleblowers, crushing WikiLeaks, and now even trying to imprison one of the nation’s best investigative journalists.

For many people, this type of secrecy is not bothersome because — when their party controls the White House — they trust their leader to be honest and act properly; that’s what Bush followers who viewed Bush as a good, earnest Christian constantly said in response to objections over radical secrecy, and it’s what many Obama followers say now (if Obama says someone is a Terrorist, I don’t need to see evidence: I’m sure he is – if Obama says Iran is behind a Terrorist plot, I don’t need to see evidence: I’m sure they are). But that obviously isn’t a healthy mindset when forming expectations of political leaders. More so, you can’t have a functioning democracy if the government refuses even to discuss its most radical and significant acts. The Obama administration is just off waging a secret war in Yemen, killing its own citizens from the sky, and refusing to account to anyone for what it’s doing. If you accept that level of secrecy, what don’t you accept?

(2) Every now and then it’s worth pausing to reflect on how often we talk about the killing of people by the U.S. Literally, the U.S. government is just continuously killing people in multiple countries around the world. Who else does that? Nobody — certainly nowhere near on this scale. The U.S. President expressly claims the power to target anyone he wants, anywhere in the world, for death, including his own citizens; he does it in total secrecy and with no oversight; and this power is not just asserted but routinely exercised. The U.S., over and over, eradicates people’s lives by the dozens from the sky, with bombs, with checkpoint shootings, with night raids — in far more places and far more frequently than any other nation or group on the planet. Those are just facts.

What’s most striking about this is how little effort is needed to induce America’s political and media elites to acquiesce to it. The government need do nothing more than utter empty nationalistic phrases such as “we’re at war” and “Terrorist!” and this unparalleled, endless state violence all becomes instantly justified. Yesterday, Yemen expert Gregory Johnsen wrote about the Awlaki killings: “Many Yemenis can understand (if disagree) killing the father, few can understand killing the son,” and pointed to this Facebook entry from a young Yemeni as illustration of what he meant; read the text:


I have no doubt that many Americans, probably most, would consider this comparison to be outrageous hyperbole, even offensive and slanderous. I have just as little doubt that many Americans, probably most, would be saying things quite similar to this if it were another country, engaging in far more violence than all others, routinely zapping innocent teeangers, children, women and men out out of existence on American soil using sky robots and cluster bombs (just look at America’s ongoing reaction to a single, one-day attack on its soil a full decade ago). But the U.S. does this so often, and has for so long, that most of the citizenry has either concocted or ingested mental and intellectual strategies for pretending this doesn’t happen or justifying it when they can’t. So we just killed an American teenager and his teenage cousin by drone-bombing them to death? They merely join a very long list of similar recent victims — a list that, paradoxically, makes less of an impact the longer it becomes.

UPDATE: Those who believe evidence and transparency in such matters are unnecessary because the government under Obama — unlike under Bush — would never issue false claims about such things and can be trusted without accountability should review this (http://www.salon.com/2011/07/19/drones/) and this. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/04/osama-bin-laden-killing-us-story-change)


2nd November 2011, 09:58 AM
Anyone that accepts these fifth columnists as "citizens' has a technical glitch in their brains.

2nd November 2011, 10:01 AM
Now days being a US citizen will not protect you even from the US government.....and if you are overseas you better then say that you are Canadian.........or even a Cuban.........saying that you are an American will make you a target.

Mi Cubano, mi no peaki inglis.

2nd November 2011, 10:07 AM
So instead of letting the kid come back to the US and sue the government for the killing of his father, they simply kill him too.

2nd November 2011, 10:08 AM
Anyone that accepts these fifth columnists as "citizens' has a technical glitch in their brains.

My gist of it is the government killed him without due process, and no evidence presented to detail why they said he was a terrorist. The son marked for death because of the sins of the father?

2nd November 2011, 10:49 AM
The real crime was allowing that family and that religion into this country in the first place.

Open borders, diversity, globalism are the real crimes.

po boy
2nd November 2011, 11:02 AM
The real crime was allowing that family and that religion into this country in the first place.

Open borders, diversity, globalism are the real crimes.

So do you think we should just scrap the 1st amendment?

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"

2nd November 2011, 11:28 AM
So do you think we should just scrap the 1st amendment?

Where to start,first that tired poor claptrap did not come with the statue, it was added by some communists and is just graffiti in my opinion.

If you can't see by now that our government has been co-opted by one worlders there is no hope for you.

I believe our Constitution only applies and was meant for people of full blooded European decent.

So save the marxisms for someone who gives a shit.

2nd November 2011, 11:46 AM
I believe our Constitution only applies and was meant for people of full blooded European descent

Really? Why didn't they write that then? Wouldn't it be better if the law and the actions of government was based upon the constitution instead of interpretations on what was REALLY meant by it?

po boy
2nd November 2011, 12:42 PM
Where to start,first that tired poor claptrap did not come with the statue, it was added by some communists and is just graffiti in my opinion.

If you can't see by now that our government has been co-opted by one worlders there is no hope for you.

I believe our Constitution only applies and was meant for people of full blooded European decent.

So save the marxisms for someone who gives a shit.

So says a practicing communist who interprets the constitution to fit his view.

Which of the ten planks do you not practice?
"THE TEN STEPS OF KARL MARX (With my comments interspersed). Taken from the Communist Manifesto

1) Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

We already have this in America. Through property taxes we have been made serfs on our own land. Through tyrannical zoning laws, wetlands regulations, EPA regulations, etc., we no longer control our lands. Our once strong private property rights have been abolished through regulatory oppression, bureaucratic tyranny and unbiblical types of taxation.

2) A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

We already have this in America. The higher your income, the higher the tax bracket you are placed in for purposes of calculating your tax bill. This is completely evil and unBiblical. The Bible Teaches us the principle of the Flat Tax when it requires that everyone is to pay a Tithe (1/10) of their produce to the Lord. God did not say that the poor only pay 5% and the wealthy are to pay 25%. God said everyone rich or poor, pays the same percentage. Why do liberals pretend to want to tax the wealthy more? Because it advances their program for fomenting class envy and class warfare. Divide and conquer, that is the strategy of the evil communist liberals who are wrecking America with ever higher taxes and increasingly bigger government.

3) Abolition of all right of inheritance.

We already have this in America. The inheritance taxes are astronomically high and this is just plain evil. The Bible says in Proverbs 13:22 that "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just." Liberals want to destroy the family because strong families do not need socialism or government give away programs. Liberals want to destroy the ability of strong families to perpetuate the influence of their progeny by stealing half of their net worth through the imposition of confiscatory inheritance tax rates.

4) Confiscation of the property of emigrants and rebels.

We already have this in America. You have heard about "FORFEITURE LAWS." Many branches of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and regulatory agencies are confiscating property, goods and money without a trial, without due process, etc. This is a perfect tool for the tyrant bureaucrat who wants to make your life hell. If you are not "Politically Correct" liberals will use these laws to harass you and confiscate your property.

5) Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

We already have this in America. It is called the Federal Reserve Bank. This is the single most evil, deadly and damaging of the 10 Planks of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. The counterfeit paper debt based monetary scheme that we now suffer is going to destroy our Republic, our liberty and our economy. The Federal Reserve System is an exclusive monopoly. The Federal Reserve is not a branch of the Federal Government and it does not have any reserves of Gold or Silver coin backing their "Federal Reserve Notes." Federal Reserve Notes are counterfeit Money, fiat money. The Federal Reserve controls our economy through it's monopolistic control of interest rates. We have a 20 Trillion Dollar Debt pyramid in this nation and one day it is all going to come crashing down. When it does crash, the bankers who gave us nothing more than paper money will repossess and confiscate nearly every home, business, farm, vehicle and all property in America that has a mortgage or outstanding balance on it. On that day you should take you gun out and kill as many communist liberals as you can find.

6) Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.

Communists, Socialists and Liberals have worked very hard to exercise complete control over the media via the FCC and monopolistic media mogul billionaires. At this time they control 90 to 95% of the media that the masses turn to for information. But the free press has proved more resilient than our enemies planned and the Internet is really upsetting their apple-cart. As for their efforts to centralize transportation, liberals are very anxious to force us all to use state run mass transit trains, subways and car pooling schemes. Thus we can see how the enemies of liberty have very nearly achieved their goal of fully implementing the sixth plank of the communist manifesto.

7) Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

American Communists, Socialists and Liberals have worked very hard to force central planning on farmers. They have been very successful through the use farm subsidies and regulations at destroying the small independent family owned farm. Today instead of family farms our nations food supply is produced and controlled by huge corporations and this is called "agri-business." This destruction of the family owned farms was not an accident of history, rather it was done by design. American Communists, Socialists and Liberals have worked very hard to force central planning on the manufacturing sector. By imposing millions of regulations on every minute aspect of business, they have either driven the small independent factories out of business or forced them to sell out to one of the large multi-national mega-corporations. Only the large corporations have the capability, the man-power to research and obey all of the millions of federal regulations. This destruction of the family owned factories was not an accident of history, rather it was done by design. Again we can see how the enemies of liberty have very nearly achieved their goal of fully implementing the seventh plank of the communist manifesto.

8) Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

American Communists, Socialists and Liberals have worked very hard to pass federal legislation to implement the goals of this Plank of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. So called "industrial armies" in modern parlance are known as Unions. The collection by "force" of Union Dues, from the employees who are subject to Forced Unionism, has been devastating to the political process in America. Every Union without exception supports left wing candidates with both money and man-power. As to the concept of equal pay for all workers regardless of skill or productivity, this plank of the communist manifesto has been implemented both in Union shops and via the minimum wage. But the minimum wage law violates the rights of private parties to contract without interference and is another example of the numerous ways that liberals have worked to implement Marxism in our nation.

9) Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country.

This is Social Engineering. This, for example, is telling people where to live and telling farmers and businessmen by dint of government regulations and central planning how to run their business! Yes we have plenty of Social Engineering in America. Yes our nation has been severely damaged by leftists who have been very successful at implementing to a greater or lesser degree all ten planks of the Communist Manifesto, but it is not yet absolute or irreversible.

10) Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.

Yes we have this in America. In my opinion this Plank of the Communist Manifesto ranks second place for the evil it has done to our nation. Our lousy, government run, Public School and Public University system costs three to four times more than it should and yet they do a poor job of educating the children. Now the Federal government is trying to take over public education in America. The Fed's are proposing through their Goals 2000 program, another program that is right out of the communist manifesto. It is called the "Schools to work program." But the worst aspect of government schools is that they are actively promoting and indoctrinating our children in the ideas of Marxism, big government, central planning, government run education, fiat currency or paper money, environmental extremism, forced unionism, evolution, feminism, homosexuality and socialism in general. May God Help Us to defeat our enemies peacefully now rather than by violence or war later.

Here is the total:

This goal has been fully implemented.
This goal has been fully implemented.
This goal is only partially implemented.
This goal has been fully implemented.
This goal has been fully implemented.
This goal is only partially implemented.
This goal is only partially implemented.
This goal is only partially implemented.
This goal is only partially implemented.
This goal has been fully implemented.

This means that America is already approximately 50 to 60% communist. Odd isn't it that the 60% figure is exactly what most conservative economists say we are paying in taxes when you add up every tax and combine that figure with the cost of Federal regulations."

2nd November 2011, 12:56 PM
I thought you would just call me a rassist.

Jeez a commie, thats low.

po boy
2nd November 2011, 01:03 PM
I thought you would just call me a rassist.

Jeez a commie, thats low.

Don't feel bad I'm a recovering communists, it's just that it took a while for me to realize that communism has fully taken over America without firing a shot.

So, which of the 10 planks do you not practice?

2nd November 2011, 01:17 PM
I thought you would just call me a rassist.

Jeez a commie, thats low.

Don't feel bad I'm a recovering communists, it's just that it took a while for me to realize that communism has fully taken over America without firing a shot.

So, which of the 10 planks do you not practice? At least you were not called a commie pinko fag!

Dam ! , that saying is so 60'ish ;D But very popular in the old hippy/antiwar days!

2nd November 2011, 01:36 PM
At least you were not called a commie pinko fag!

Dam ! , that saying is so 60'ish ;D But very popular in the old hippy/antiwar days!

It's really funny that most people were taught to laugh at those epitaphs, like Pavlov's dogs, when in fact they were spot on.

2nd November 2011, 02:29 PM
I thought you would just call me a rassist.

Jeez a commie, thats low.

Calling someone a communist is like calling someone a Zionist.......after all, they were the founders of the Communist Party.

2nd November 2011, 06:56 PM
I apologize for leading this thread off topic.

It was about muzzies and no matter how nice we are, they will always envy us and even though the parents are 'lovely" people, they will breed more enemies.