View Full Version : Eurozone Crisis: Now Italy and France are in Trouble

2nd November 2011, 11:35 AM
I guess the one thing we can say about this eurozone crisis is that there’s never a dull moment.

So yesterday we were all digesting the information that Greece was going to hold a referendum: meaning that the last deal didn’t even last a week. Today it gets much more exciting. As Paul Krugman notes, the yield on Italian debt is now over 6%. This is the sort of level where even if Italy wasn’t in trouble it would be, will be, simply because yields are over 6%.

But our day’s excitement doesn’t end there at all. We also see that French bond yields are rising strongly and that the EFSF has had to pull a bond issue.

Now there’s huge amounts of jargon, many acronyms and, well, just lots of really boring technical stuff out there about all this. If that’s the sort of thing you like, try reading this. An excellent description of the ins and outs of what the EU is trying to do.

Now let me try and explain it without the jargon. Some detail will be missed in doing so but it’ll be good enough for anyone not actually trading Eurozone bonds right now.

So, Greece is bankrupt, they’re going to need to tell some of the people they owe money to that they cannot have it. Shrug, this sort of thing happens all the time, people go bankrupt, right? In fact, Greece has told the people it owes money to exactly this for 50% of the time it has been an independent country.

There’s two other small countries in the same situation, Ireland and Portugal. Forget about them.

What worries is that Spain and Italy are not in the Greek situation but they could be. Greece is bust and Spain and Italy could be driven bust. They both have a lot of debt and each year some of that debt has to be repaid. Now governments almost never do repay debt, they just borrow some more and use the new money to pay off the old. Bit like swirling what you owe around a few credit cards.

Which is just fine: except, if interest rates rise then they have to pay more interest on this new debt that they’re issuing to pay off the old. And if interest rates rise enough then they do go bust, as the interest payments they have to make take too much money out of the budget. Switching money around on zero interest introductory rate cards is very different from doing it when you’re being charged 30%.

Now, the general agreement is that when the interest rates are above 6% then Italy and Spain are in danger of going bust. When they’re over 7% they will do so. But of course, when people see that Italian interest rates are above 6% then they become more wary of lending Italy any more money and so interest rates keep on rising to possibly above 7% and game over.

So, what’s the solution to this? Well, other friendly European countries could go and buy some of the Italian debt. This would keep the interest rates down and thus the problem doesn’t happen. OK, fine, but how are they going to do this? The other European countries don’t in fact have enough money. So, they’ve built the EFSF. Don’t sweat the details: it’s like your parents guarantee your credit card so that you pay less interest.

Again, all is fine. Except, except, the EFSF has to go and borrow money itself. Sure, it pays a nice low interest rate because all hte big countries like France and Germany are guaranteeing it. But look up: we’ve just said that the EFSF has had to pull (cancel, or at least delay) a bond issue. Because the buyers wanted a higher interest rate than the EFSF was willing to pay.

It’s as if Mom lost her job and Dad’s not getting any more overtime so their guarantee on your credit card is worth less.

And it doesn’t stop there. Because, again if you look up, you can see that the interest rate on France’s debt is rising. This is as if people are worried that Dad might lose his job: at which point their guarantee on your card just isn’t worth very much, is it?

This is the important thing to understand about the proposed Euro and Eurozone solutions. No one is actually using their own money. They are borrowing money using their credit ratings to guarantee it. But the people who are lending the money aren’t sure about the value of those guarantees: so everyone is having to pay more to borrow. And the problem is, if everyone has to pay more to borrow then borrowing to lend to Italy or Spain doesn’t work: because too much interest has to be paid.

Essentially, the markets right now are wondering: “Does France have enough money to pay what they’ve said they will pay?”. Disturbingly, the answer at the moment is, “well, we’re not sure”. If the answer ever becomes “no” then that’s it, game over.

Yes, there is an answer to this. The ECB (like the Fed) could simply print the money and buy all the bonds. Sure, there would be inflation but so what? However, it would be illegal for the ECB to do that.

It isn’t really obvious that there is a way out of this. As Paul Krugman says, we shouldn’t be here, the system should never have been designed the way it was. But it was and we are and, well, it might just be that there really, really, isn’t a nice way to get out of this problem.


2nd November 2011, 11:37 AM

Sheesh Forbes has been out of the loop for too long.

2nd November 2011, 12:26 PM
No need for any of this to happen......it is happening only because someone wants it to happen.

General of Darkness
2nd November 2011, 12:30 PM

Sheesh Forbes has been out of the loop for too long.

Yeah no shit. It's like the family that knew the girl was pregnant, and at 9 months said, "Oh shit, she's going to have a baby". The kikes at Forbes are just that, self serving kikes.

2nd November 2011, 02:05 PM
If I were Germany, I would build a large army an conquer them all.