View Full Version : Bay Bridge Occupied

2nd November 2011, 05:46 PM
ABC7 reports bay bridge is shut down.

2nd November 2011, 05:53 PM
The people are everywhere like ants!


2nd November 2011, 05:57 PM
Someone I know was down there today and everyone was released from work early because they feared they would all be stuck downtown.

2nd November 2011, 05:57 PM

2nd November 2011, 06:00 PM
Oh Shit! Wow! Local news, thousands shut down the port. Wow!

Go Oakland!!! I am so proud right now.

2nd November 2011, 06:01 PM
LMAO Global Revolution doughnuts!

2nd November 2011, 06:05 PM
LMAO Global Revolution doughnuts!

Did you see the mass of people stomping there? Unbelievable!

History is being made...right now.

2nd November 2011, 06:09 PM
This my friends, may get very interesting.

2nd November 2011, 06:13 PM
Well, it's getting dark. And this is nuts.

2nd November 2011, 06:15 PM

midnight rambler
2nd November 2011, 06:17 PM
If they keep loading that sign bridge up with people standing shoulder to shoulder they're going to have some casualties. Very poor judgment there.

2nd November 2011, 06:21 PM
fucking hippies.

po boy
2nd November 2011, 06:27 PM
Damn keyboard commandos.

2nd November 2011, 06:33 PM

Revolutions are dangerous and unpredictable beasts,
and for a population to enter into one without fully understanding what is at stake
is much like handing a loaded 45 automatic to a toddler.

2nd November 2011, 06:36 PM
sound cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, batons... problem solved...

2nd November 2011, 06:36 PM
Cops are on the way!

po boy
2nd November 2011, 06:42 PM
sound cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, batons... problem solved...

It hasn't worked so far, I thought this ows stuff would have died weeks back. The more force used against the protesters the fuel will be added to this fire.

I'm starting to think this ows stuff is going to spark martial law in some cities.

2nd November 2011, 07:12 PM
fucking hippies.



2nd November 2011, 07:34 PM


This was New York.
Video: OWS meltdown star a Columbia grad student … with a trust fund (http://hotair.com/archives/2011/10/16/video-ows-meltdown-star-a-columbia-grad-student-with-a-trust-fund/)


This is from the Oakland Cops. Not condoning the whole flash bang and rubber bullets to the head thing. But they make a point.

Letter to the Mayor over his whole stance on the Occupy Protesters, or at least part of it.

Apologies that I grabbed the text from Beck's site. It was the quickest search find.


On Tuesday, October 25th, we were ordered by Mayor Quan to clear out the encampments at Frank Ogawa Plaza and to keep protesters out of the Plaza. We performed the job that the Mayor’s Administration asked us to do, being fully aware that past protests in Oakland have resulted in rioting, violence and destruction of property.

Then, on Wednesday, October 26th, the Mayor allowed protesters back in – to camp out at the very place they were evacuated from the day before.

To add to the confusion, the Administration issued a memo on Friday, October 28th to all City workers in support of the “Stop Work” strike scheduled for Wednesday, giving all employees, except for police officers, permission to take the day off.

That’s hundreds of City workers encouraged to take off work to participate in the protest against “the establishment.” But aren’t the Mayor and her Administration part of the establishment they are paying City employees to protest? Is it the City’s intention to have City employees on both sides of a skirmish line?
It is all very confusing to us.

My original comment was in jest. I guess I should have used a smiley.
You know, Bay Area and hippies. Sheesh.

3rd November 2011, 12:23 AM
Lots happening right now. Police, attacking, gas, provocateurs...

3rd November 2011, 03:58 AM
Lots happening right now. Police, attacking, gas, provocateurs...

all that ABC link in reply #1 is showing now is a tweet stream.

This from RT,
Oakland turns to 1st general strike in 65 years (http://rt.com/usa/news/oakland-general-strike-city-425/)

Published: 02 November, 2011, 20:18
Edited: 03 November, 2011, 12:1

3rd November 2011, 05:59 AM
Summary of events:

11.26am GMT: It appears to have calmed down and most protesters have retired for the night (it's approaching 4.30 am in the morning in Oakland) so we're going to wrap up the blog now. You can follow more Oakland updates on our keyword page here.

Here's a summary of the day's events:

• Occupy demonstrators forced a halt to operations at Oakland's port which is the fifth busiest port in the US, on Wednesday night. Officials said maritime area operations would resume "when it is safe and secure to do so". Police estimated that a crowd of about 3,000 gathered at the Port of Oakland by early evening

• Police used teargas and flash bangs to try to clear protesters, beginning from about midnight. At least one man was carried away injured after protesters said he was shot in the leg by a rubber bullet (the cause of his wound could not be independently verified). Reports suggested he was a homeless man.

• There were - apparently isolated - incidents of violence by some protesters. Projectiles were thrown at police, shop windows smashed and a barricade set on fire. Police said around 60 protesters were arrested.

• A pedestrian, identified by local media as a protester, was taken to a local hospital after being hit by a car. Video posted online showed a man blocking the path of a car and banging his hands on the bonnet before it accelerated

3rd November 2011, 07:40 AM
remember, the sheenies just want civil unrest, they DONT CARE what the reason is.....they have in hand more draconian measures to foist upon the public when this gets out of hand.....so, yes, irrespective of motive or cause this wont end well.

3rd November 2011, 10:16 AM
It hasn't worked so far, I thought this ows stuff would have died weeks back. The more force used against the protesters the fuel will be added to this fire.

I'm starting to think this ows stuff is going to spark martial law in some cities.

I was discussing this today at lunch hour. Co-worker ask memy thoughts on the whole OWS thing, and I said I think it's a set up.
I explained how the the agents of revolution have been behind every single revolution of the past, and explained how in the end there is always massive transfer of either money, land or power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few.

You figure, there is an OWS movement going on in every single state. Almost every large city across teh country has an OWS movement happening.

The NWO pigs are trying their best to incite riotous violence, by way of punching young women in their faces, pepper spraying young women, shooting people in the head with smoke grenades, flash banging, etc. They are TRYING to get the people to boil over into violence.
Because there is an OWS movement in pretty much every large city, and in every state, a declaration of Martial Law NATION WIDE would not surprise me at all.

My only hope is that if they do declare Martial Law, people ignore/resist/fight the police state, instead of quietly walking away before curfew.

But I am no-one to talk. I am showing up for work everyday, and not occupying wall street.
But, like I said, I think it's a set up. Fuck that. I'm prepped for the worst regardless.

3rd November 2011, 10:55 AM
remember, the sheenies just want civil unrest, they DONT CARE what the reason is.....they have in hand more draconian measures to foist upon the public when this gets out of hand.....so, yes, irrespective of motive or cause this wont end well.


3rd November 2011, 12:47 PM
"The 99%" want the greedy 1% to give up a piece of their pie...LMAO

Martial Law is the plan is my guess. Planned from the beginning.

Gotta make use of them FEMA camps.

3rd November 2011, 01:40 PM
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — A protest that shut down the Port of Oakland to show the broadening reach of the Occupy Wall Street movement ended in violence when police in riot gear arrested dozens of protesters overnight who broke into a vacant building, shattered downtown windows, sprayed graffiti and set blazes along the way.
At least four protesters were hospitalized Thursday with various injuries, including one needing stitches after fighting with an officer, police said. Several officers were also injured but didn't need hospitalization.
"We go from having a peaceful movement to now just chaos," protester Monique Agnew, 40, said early Thursday.
Protesters also threw concrete chunks, metal pipes, lit roman candles and molotov cocktails, police said.
The far-flung movement of protesters challenging the world's economic systems and distribution of wealth has gained momentum in recent weeks, capturing the world's attention by shutting down one of the nation's busiest shipping ports toward the end of a daylong "general strike" that prompted solidarity rallies across the U.S.
Several thousands of people converged on the Port of Oakland, the nation's fifth-busiest harbor, in a nearly five-hour protest Wednesday, swarming the area and blocking exits and streets with illegally parked vehicles and hastily erected, chain-link fences afterward.
The Port of Oakland reopened after Wall Street protesters removed a blockade. Port officials say workers are returning to their jobs and operations have partially resumed.
Supporters in New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and elsewhere staged smaller-scale demonstrations. Each group said its protest was a show of support for the Oakland movement, which became a rallying point when an Iraq War veteran was seriously injured in a clash with police last week.
The larger Occupy movement has yet to coalesce into an organized association and until the port shut down had largely been limited scattershot marches, rallies and tent encampments since it began in September.
Organizers in Oakland viewed the strike and port shutdown as a significant victory. Police said that about 7,000 people participated in demonstrations throughout the day that were peaceful except for a few incidents of vandalism at local banks and businesses.
Boots Riley, a protest organizer, touted the day as a success, saying "we put together an ideological principle that the mainstream media wouldn't talk about two months ago."
His comments came before a group of protesters broke into the former Travelers Aid building in order to, as some shouting protesters put it, "reclaim the building for the people."
Riley, whose anti-capitalist views are well documented, considered the port shutdown particularly significant for organizers who targeted it in an effort to stop the "flow of capital."
The port sends goods primarily to Asia, including wine as well as rice, fruits and nuts, and handles imported electronics, apparel and manufacturing equipment, mostly from Asia, as well as cars and parts from Toyota, Honda, Nissan and Hyundai.
An accounting of the financial toll from the shutdown was not immediately available.
The potential for the chaos that ultimately erupted was not something Riley wanted to even consider.
"If they do that after all this ..." said Riley pausing cautiously, then adding, "They're smarter than that."
But the peace that abided throughout a sunny warm autumn Wednesday, as protesters hung a large black banner downtown that read: "DEATH TO CAPITALISM," did not last as a cool midnight approached.
Occupy protesters voicing anger over a budget trim that forced the closure of a homeless aid program converged on the empty building where it had been housed just outside of downtown.
They blocked off a street with wood, metal Dumpsters and other large trash bins, sparking bonfires that leapt as high as 15 feet in the air.
City officials later released a statement describing the spasm of unrest.
"Oakland Police responded to a late night call that protesters had broken into and occupied a downtown building and set several simultaneous fires," the statement read. "The protesters began hurling rocks, explosives, bottles, and flaming objects at responding officers."
Several businesses were heavily vandalized. Dozens of protesters wielding shields were surrounded and arrested.
Protesters ran from several rounds of tear gas and bright flashes and deafening pops that some thought were caused by "flash bang" grenades. Fire crews arrived and suppressed the protesters' flames.
Protesters and police faced off in an uneasy standoff until the wee hours of the morning.
In Philadelphia, protesters were arrested earlier Wednesday as they held a sit-in at the headquarters of cable giant Comcast.
In New York, about 100 military veterans marched in uniform and stopped in front of the New York Stock Exchange, standing in loose formation as police officers on scooters separated them from the entrance. On the other side was a lineup of NYPD horses carrying officers with nightsticks.
"We are marching to express support for our brother, (Iraq war veteran) Scott Olsen, who was injured in Oakland," said Jerry Bordeleau, a former Army specialist who served in Iraq through 2009.
The veterans were also angry that returned from war to find few job prospects.
"Wall Street corporations have played a big role in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan," said Bordeleau, now a college student. He said private contractors have reaped big profits in those countries.
A New York Post editorial on Thursday called on protesters camped out in Manhattan to leave or have police evict them. "What began as a credible protest against bank bailouts, crony capitalism and the like has, in large measure, been hijacked by crazies and criminals," it said.
In Boston, college students and union workers marched on Bank of America offices, the Harvard Club and the Statehouse to protest the nation's burgeoning student debt crisis. They said total outstanding student loans exceed credit card debt, increase by $1 million every six minutes and will reach $1 trillion this year, potentially undermining the economy.
"There are so many students that are trying to get jobs and go on with their lives," said Sarvenaz Asasy, of Boston, who joined the march after recently graduating with a master's degree and $60,000 in loan debt. "They've educated themselves and there are no jobs and we're paying tons of student loans. For what?"
And among the other protests in Oakland, parents and their kids, some in strollers, joined in by forming a "children's brigade."
"There's absolutely something wrong with the system," said Jessica Medina, a single mother who attends school part time and works at an Oakland cafe. "We need to change that."
Associated Press writers Garance Burke and Marcus Wohlsen and Beth Duff-Brown in San Francisco, Mark Pratt in Boston, JoAnn Loviglio in Philadelphia, Jon Fahey and Verena Dobnik in New York and Christina Hoag in Los Angeles contributed to this report.

3rd November 2011, 03:30 PM
This isn't even headline news, what is everyone so excited about?

Herman Cain's innuendos, and a judge spanking his daughter 9 years ago are more a threat to National Security.