View Full Version : Bad Moon Rising - the millenial generation, OWS

2nd November 2011, 08:42 PM
This is a lengthy article hosted on Zero Hedge, but it echoes many of the things I've been saying about how the Millenialist Generation (many of whom are at the heart of Occupy Wall Street) are going to lead the change resulting from the crisis period that we are going to experience over the next decade.

For you "Fourth Turning" fans (like me), it ties current events together in terms of the next generational turning that is now underway. It's not light reading, but it's well done.


or the original page:


3rd November 2011, 01:25 PM
Good read, thanks!

3rd November 2011, 02:49 PM
From 1997:


Joe King
3rd November 2011, 06:08 PM
This is a lengthy article hosted on Zero Hedge, but it echoes many of the things I've been saying about how the Millenialist Generation (many of whom are at the heart of Occupy Wall Street) are going to lead the change resulting from the crisis period that we are going to experience over the next decade.

For you "Fourth Turning" fans (like me), it ties current events together in terms of the next generational turning that is now underway. It's not light reading, but it's well done.

There was a website I saw a few years ago that explained the whole generational dynamics of how things progress over time and how each generation repeats every 80 years or so, but I can't seem to find it. Anyone know anything about it? I believe I originally saw the link for it on a thread way back on gim1.

3rd November 2011, 11:10 PM
Generational degradation propaganda created to incite a Free World back into Monarchy.

3rd November 2011, 11:25 PM
I am so sick and tired of what people keep saying that is going to happen and the "different" reasons as to why is has to happen, either the economy, religion, food, war, over population, a comet or even because Ponce is getting angry.........the final word is that is going to be bad and that's it, and the reason is of no concern to me.............people keep on judging all this as if they were bets at a football game and I can tell you this.....both teams are going to loose.

4th November 2011, 01:43 PM
Generational degradation propaganda created to incite a Free World back into Monarchy.

How do you figure? You think we had a free world in 1997 when the prediction was made? You think this is making people flee to a monarchy? The whole point is that the Millennials are going to knock the system on its ass.

4th November 2011, 01:46 PM
I am so sick and tired of what people keep saying that is going to happen and the "different" reasons as to why is has to happen, either the economy, religion, food, war, over population, a comet or even because Ponce is getting angry.........the final word is that is going to be bad and that's it, and the reason is of no concern to me.............people keep on judging all this as if they were bets at a football game and I can tell you this.....both teams are going to loose.

Ponce, the original authors of The Fourth Turning make no claim as to why it will happen or how it will happen. Just that it will happen during the period 2005-2025. They said the same thing as you, that there are no "sides" to take. It is what it is, so be prepared for it.

4th November 2011, 08:11 PM
You may have to choose sides in a
generational war. No one wants to face bitter choices. No one wants
bloodshed and war. But it really doesn’t matter what we want....

You will not be able to avoid choosing sides, just as you cannot avoid Winter if you ever want to see the dawn of another Spring.Sides of an existing generational system,

he even goes as far as to compare it to the oldest of systems, the seasonal & violent war weather systems.

Lemme guess, Sparky, your gonna side up with Gen. X'ers, or Y'ers, or Millenial'ers? :cool:

po boy
4th November 2011, 08:25 PM
Try this...

4th November 2011, 09:22 PM
Sides of an existing generational system,

he even goes as far as to compare it to the oldest of systems, the seasonal & violent war weather systems.

Lemme guess, Sparky, your gonna side up with Gen. X'ers, or Y'ers, or Millenial'ers? :cool:

My guess is that most of us GSUSers will ultimately side with the Millennials, since they'll be trying to overthrow a system we all despise and distrust. Right? You have to imagine them not as 28 year old hippies, but 38 year old movers and shakers who have had 10 years to learn how the system really works and what must be done to break it.

4th November 2011, 09:23 PM
Thanks po boy. That's a nice summary of the "turning" theory.

4th November 2011, 10:12 PM
I read Generations a couple of years back, and I found it fascinating. A lot of my friends are Millennial's (a decade younger than me) . . . and I found many truths in that book regarding my friends, from personal experience. I also read a lot of truth about my own generation, sadly named the Generation X. It's not always spot on with everyone, but what stereotype is?

It gave me some hope for the future, actually, instead of always cursing "the kids these days". I am going to have to pick up The Fourth Turning, and Millenials Rising now.

po boy
4th November 2011, 11:08 PM
Thanks po boy. That's a nice summary of the "turning" theory.

Well sparky I have to shamefully admit it was my better half, she's got a few books on the subject and since Joe ask I ask her to give it a shot. Hopefully it helped.

It will be interesting to see how the theory holds up with the economic and technological changes occurring as fast as they are.(Her thoughts not mine)

Joe King
4th November 2011, 11:29 PM
Well sparky I have to shamefully admit it was my better half, she's got a few books on the subject and since Joe ask I ask her to give it a shot. Hopefully it helped.Thanks, it did help a lot. That was exactly the information I was asking about.

Here's a link to the actual site I'd seen before. http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi-bin/D.PL?d=ww2010.i.forecast090503

5th November 2011, 12:37 AM
It's not always spot on with everyone, but what stereotype is?

Exactly, just another means of division.

I have no beef with the premise of the generational cycle as its obviously there to be broken, the problem is most will interpret it as something that cannot be broken.

Just as Neocon's determine war as natural apart of man's cycle. Zion/Babylon

Realizing a cycle as detrimental, and then getting on and riding it are two completely different things.

This one will be tinged at the end with a "Democratic to Monarchy" cycle, you wait.