View Full Version : Judge Beating His Daughter

willie pete
3rd November 2011, 01:31 AM
Talk about a handing out Justice.....::) ....here's a guy who is a judge, whipping his daughter like a dog, I'm not against punishment, but I'd NEVER whip a child like that ....one angry mo-fo, he's in the wrong business....


Celtic Rogue
3rd November 2011, 03:05 AM
I am for corporal punishment... but this so called judge needs to be arrested for child abuse. That is way beyond the pale. Both parents are wacko... but I think the judge is the violent one and the mother is afraid to stand up to it. Get that poor girl out of there before she gets killed by that aggressive jerk of an asshole!!!

Twisted Titan
3rd November 2011, 03:33 AM
That girl is 23 today.....the mother divorced the father .....she has been sitting on these vids for close to 10 years.

This animal is a family court judge.

This is a shinning example of why I laugh when people say you can navigate a courtroom through procedure and protocol....you think.a bunch of papers and latin quotes would have protected this little girl?

Joe King
3rd November 2011, 04:52 AM
This is a shinning example of why I laugh when people say you can navigate a courtroom through procedure and protocol....you think.a bunch of papers and latin quotes would have protected this little girl?A gun certainly would've. With video like that, she'd have easily walked.

It amazes me that any parent could do that to their own kid. Especially over something as trivial as playing a computer game.

Twisted Titan
3rd November 2011, 04:54 AM

A neighbour said on Wednesday that she saw Adams packing up to leave with bags, a briefcase, clothes and rifles, which his girlfriend carried to the truck.

If you done nothing wrong you dont why do you find the need to hide?

3rd November 2011, 04:58 AM



Twisted Titan
3rd November 2011, 05:25 AM
Im sure book the loving father was only trying to save his daugther from the ravages of beer and wild parties

Having C P and all

po boy
3rd November 2011, 05:35 AM
That girl is 23 today.....the mother divorced the father .....she has been sitting on these vids for close to 10 years.

This animal is a family court judge.

This is a shinning example of why I laugh when people say you can navigate a courtroom through procedure and protocol....you think.a bunch of papers and latin quotes would have protected this little girl?

Paper and protocol may not have worked but that video along with a call to the CPS, sheriff and the local media sure would have.

3rd November 2011, 05:38 AM
Im sure book the loving father was only trying to save his daughter from the ravages of beer and wild parties

http://kpbs.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/croppedphotos/2011/05/16/frontline_meth_t614.jpg?a3ca5463f16dc11451266bb717 d38a6025dcea0e

Yeah...a father has no business interfering in decisions that his own teen-age daughter makes. None of his business.

;) "mind your own business dad and stay the hell out of my room"

po boy
3rd November 2011, 05:50 AM
http://kpbs.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/croppedphotos/2011/05/16/frontline_meth_t614.jpg?a3ca5463f16dc11451266bb717 d38a6025dcea0e

Yeah...a father has no business interfering in decisions that his own teen-age daughter makes. None of his business.

;) "mind your own business dad and stay the hell out of my room"

There's a good chance that's what this girl will be doing and end up with an abusive boyfriend husband as well.

Take the computer away and no need for the beating, this guy got off on it.

3rd November 2011, 05:50 AM

you are fucking HILARIOUS

Joe King
3rd November 2011, 06:23 AM


::)As usual, you're not even in the ballpark. What do those pics have to do with this? She got whipped over a video game. Based upon your response, it seems you apparently condone that.

3rd November 2011, 06:24 AM
he started hitting her and I stopped watching it.

Shoot back, dammit.

3rd November 2011, 06:26 AM

you are fucking HILARIOUS




3rd November 2011, 06:33 AM
Talk about a handing out Justice.....::) ....here's a guy who is a judge, whipping his daughter like a dog, I'm not against punishment, but I'd NEVER whip a child like that ....one angry mo-fo, he's in the wrong business....


To be fair, she didn't want to obey her father. If she had listened and took the punishment I doubt he would have kept lashing at her.

3rd November 2011, 06:35 AM
To be fair, she didn't want to obey her father. If she had listened and took the punishment I doubt he would have kept lashing at her.

"What do 1,000,000 abused teens have in common? THEY DON'T LISTEN."


3rd November 2011, 06:37 AM

po boy
3rd November 2011, 06:47 AM
Can't be lettin' those little girls have fun now can you, just gotta beat it out of 'em huh?

When one is in able to reason peacefully violence usually follows.

3rd November 2011, 06:47 AM
"What do 1,000,000 abused teens have in common? THEY DON'T LISTEN."


Shit, so what would you have done? By no means am I condoning this, but what is a father to do if his child does not follow instructions out of rebelliousness? I understand that the context is that she had been caught stealing.

po boy
3rd November 2011, 06:50 AM
Shit, so what would you have done? By no means am I condoning this, but what is a father to do if his child does not follow instructions out of rebelliousness? I understand that the context is that she had been caught stealing.

I heard in the video she was playing on the computer.

What would I have done...take away the computer.

3rd November 2011, 06:55 AM
To be fair, she didn't want to obey her father. If she had listened and took the punishment I doubt he would have kept lashing at her.

Maybe she had reason to believe that "bending over the bed" (again?) would result in her getting more than just a belt. Creepy, violent fuck like that, I wouldn't be surprised.

3rd November 2011, 06:58 AM
Maybe she had reason to believe that "bending over the bed" (again?) would result in her getting more than just a belt. Creepy, violent fuck like that, I wouldn't be surprised.

The mother is right there too. You think the mother would have the father sexually assault the daughter without complaint?

Joe King
3rd November 2011, 07:01 AM
Shit, so what would you have done? By no means am I condoning this, but what is a father to do if his child does not follow instructions out of rebelliousness? I understand that the context is that she had been caught stealing.
Where did you hear that? All I heard was dad and mom ranting crazily about a video game she installed on the computer.
1:50 he says "didn't I tell you to take that f'in thing off your computer?" Who the heck cusses at their 16yo daughter?
At the very beginning her sperm donor "dad" asks if she "put it back on against his instructions"
At :38 sec her mom mentions her having reinstalled something.

Those two are worthless excuses for parents. CPS was invinted for scum like them.

3rd November 2011, 07:04 AM
Where did you hear that? All I heard was dad and mom ranting crazily about a video game she installed on the computer.
1:50 he says "didn't I tell you to take that f'in thing off your computer?" Who the heck cusses at their 16yo daughter?
At the very beginning her sperm donor "dad" asks if she "put it back on against his instructions"
At :38 sec her mom mentions her having reinstalled something.

Those two are worthless excuses for parents. CPS was invinted for scum like them.

According to the article, she was "downloading pirated content from the Internet".

po boy
3rd November 2011, 07:08 AM
For whatever reason this thread made me want to post this.


Joe King
3rd November 2011, 07:09 AM
According to the article, she was "downloading pirated content from the Internet".Still not worthy of a beating. Disconnecting the PC from the internet would've been more effective, but not nearly as much fun for dad the sadist.

3rd November 2011, 07:22 AM
I can't see the vid, so I can't comment on it.

I will say that I support responsible corporal punishment if required, and if delt with control.

I will also say that most judges today would take your kids from you and hand them to state fostercare in the blink of an eye for so much as smacking your kid on the ass one time.

So all I can comment on is the hypocrisy of a "Judge whipping" his kid.
And I am left wondering; being a family judge, I would be curious to know if he had ever destroyed/disintegrated families for less that what he did to his own child?

3rd November 2011, 07:24 AM
The mother is right there too. You think the mother would have the father sexually assault the daughter without complaint?

Why not? I wouldn't be surprised if that's how he treats his wife as well. She did leave the marriage, no?

3rd November 2011, 07:37 AM
put down the torches and pitchforks.....if this guy was a rabbi this never would have seen the light of day. Keep your eyes on the REAL problem.

3rd November 2011, 07:44 AM
put down the torches and pitchforks.....if this guy was a rabbi this never would have seen the light of day. Keep your eyes on the REAL problem.

You are right.

3rd November 2011, 07:51 AM
So all I can comment on is the hypocrisy of a "Judge whipping" his kid.
And I am left wondering; being a family judge, I would be curious to know if he had ever destroyed/disintegrated families for less that what he did to his own child?

Other then the actual abuse in the video which upset me that is what is disturbing to me.

This guy is supposed to decide the future for families, who gets custody, if I child should be taken away because of abuse etc, meanwhile he is a child abuser. How many parents did he fuck over?

3rd November 2011, 08:02 AM
Totally. That's what I'm saying.

JDR is right about what he said, but I know a lot of good guys that have gotten fucked around in family courts, handing children to drunken, useless mothers, so this thread still deserves discussion, even though it has nothing to do with the shit that the BLT's do and get away with.

Twisted Titan
3rd November 2011, 08:05 AM
Other then the actual abuse in the video which upset me that is what is disturbing to me.

This guy is supposed to decide the future for families, who gets custody, if I child should be taken away because of abuse etc, meanwhile he is a child abuser. How many parents did he fuck over?

ding ding ding ding ding

Or even more chilling

How many childern where left to rot in abusive home because it didn't meet an acceptable level of trauma?

po boy
3rd November 2011, 08:13 AM
ding ding ding ding ding

Or even more chilling

How many childern where left to rot in abusive home because it didn't meet an acceptable level of trauma?

Even worse taken from one loving home to give to a sterile couple who's well connected.

3rd November 2011, 08:25 AM
Damn, you guys are a bunch of woosy liberals after all, been listening to too much TV.

That looks to me like standard discipline when I was a kid.

Don't cause trouble, cause you'll get twice the trouble at home, if you know what I mean.

They used a WIDE belt. They didn't even draw blood.

You guys would be freaking out if you saw a willow switch across the thighs.

Oh, by the way I never used that kind of punishment on my daughter. Bribery worked best on her.

3rd November 2011, 09:01 AM
The only thing I disagree with was all the cursing. She was just fine after the episode. More kids need a belt to their ass, we would have less crime.

3rd November 2011, 09:18 AM
Damn, you guys are a bunch of woosy liberals after all, been listening to too much TV.

That looks to me like standard discipline when I was a kid.

Don't cause trouble, cause you'll get twice the trouble at home, if you know what I mean.

They used a WIDE belt. They didn't even draw blood.

You guys would be freaking out if you saw a willow switch across the thighs.

Oh, by the way I never used that kind of punishment on my daughter. Bribery worked best on her.

Do you have any sisters? Did they get any extended beating sessions?

There's something about a grown man beating young girl with a belt that is both particularly pathetic, and disgusting. Especially if the wife is in on it with verbal abuse.

These are sick fucks that have serious issues.

If the guy is a judge he should be smart enough to know better, that's the sad part. Apparently he's still a mental weakling, and lets violence solve the problems his brain can't figure out.

3rd November 2011, 09:32 AM
If he would have given her 3-4 straps with the belt and left it at that it would have been one thing but it was extended and there was verbal abuse as well. "If you don't flip over I am going to strap you across the fucking face!" etc

Also at that age (16) corporal punishment is really not the way to go. In this situation disconnecting the internet or removing the computer would have been effective punishment I think.

3rd November 2011, 10:01 AM
Where did you hear that? All I heard was dad and mom ranting crazily about a video game she installed on the computer.

"She said she left her video camera on her dresser recording and covered its light with a scarf in order to capture the video."

In an interview with KZTV (http://www.kztv10.com/home/) outside his Rockport, Texas, home Wednesday, Adams confirmed to a reporter that he was the man beating his daughter with a belt and a board on the video. "She's mad because I've ordered her to bring the car back, in a nutshell, but yeah, that's me. I lost my temper," Adams told the station. "Her mother was there, she wasn't hurt ... it was a long time ago ... I really don't want to get into this right now because as you can see my life's been made very difficult over this child." Adams continued: "In my mind I have not done anything wrong other than discipline my child when she was caught stealing. I did lose my temper, I've apologized. It looks worse than it is."


::) Hey Joey: kid videotaped the whole thing and made sure to SCREAM really really loud for the camera to PROLONG the whole movie.

3rd November 2011, 10:03 AM
Book says it basically adds up to entrapment, therefore the parents really aren't so bad since they wouldn't have had to keep beating their child if the child had just shutup and taken the usual degree of beating.

po boy
3rd November 2011, 10:13 AM
It's interesting to watch some defending this beating on a child when if this guy was beating his wife for disobeying he'd be in jail.

3rd November 2011, 10:13 AM
Maybe she had reason to believe that "bending over the bed" (again?) would result in her getting more than just a belt.

The mother was also in the room as a witness.

::) i wonder if some here are projecting their own unresolved daddy issues into this thread

3rd November 2011, 10:17 AM
The mother was also in the room as a witness.

::) i wonder if some here are projecting their own unresolved daddy issues into this thread

Sorry about your daddy issues, book.

3rd November 2011, 10:20 AM
A belt used over clothes is nothing. More of an insult than a beating.

Apparently, most here have never been through anything like this.

3rd November 2011, 10:27 AM
More kids need a belt to their ass, we would have less crime.



Some here call this Freedom and yap about the Declaration of Independence and shooting cops.

::) obviously there was no father in their home

po boy
3rd November 2011, 10:30 AM
More lies by Book, no surprise there, btw why do you have all those gerbils?

3rd November 2011, 10:34 AM
More lies by Book...


Sad you have no father in the home and need to transfer your abandoned-po-boy angst onto me.

::) so sad. so obvious.

3rd November 2011, 10:39 AM
Book, just before I put you back on ignore again, I have to ask, why do you always write part of your post in regular text, then the other half in that silly yellow text? Why bother?

For the rest of this thread, I would just like to make note that I had never heard of a school shooting or stabbing until they took the Lords Prayer out of the daily morning curriculum, and made it so teachers could not repremand students for bad behaviour.

Once students stopped thinking about "God" and never got in trouble from teachers for anything, it all went to shit.

po boy
3rd November 2011, 10:41 AM
Wrong again, keep trying it's at least worth a chuckle.

po boy
3rd November 2011, 10:44 AM
Yep Awoke can't be pollutin' kids brains with creation they might start questioning power trippin' authorities about their constitutionally protected creator given rights.

Only .gov privileges when evolution is taught.

3rd November 2011, 10:47 AM
Book, just before I put you back on ignore again, I have to ask, why do you always write part of your post in regular text, then the other half in that silly yellow text? Why bother?

For the rest of this thread, I would just like to make note that I had never heard of a school shooting or stabbing until they took the Lords Prayer out of the daily morning curriculum, and made it so teachers could not repremand students for bad behaviour.

Once students stopped thinking about "God" and never got in trouble from teachers for anything, it all went to shit.

Book is a repressed government operative, that failed candidate selection. Now all he does is mimic technical operations in the hope that one day official sources will give him enough recognition to validate his miserable sycophantic existence.

3rd November 2011, 11:44 AM
I would just like to make note that I had never heard of a school shooting or stabbing until they took the Lords Prayer out of the daily morning curriculum, and made it so teachers could not reprimand students for bad behaviour.


It started when jew teevee began depicted all goy father figures as buffoons worthy of their children's disrespect.

http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/simpsons/bart_mooning.gif now it is all goy fathers and all goy police and all other male goy authority figures

po boy
3rd November 2011, 11:53 AM
Book blaming disrespect of cops on Jews mean while laughing about"freedum" can't see why cops are their own worst enemy.

They shit on the constitution every day and make a living violating peoples rights claiming how tough the job is while begging for donations. Sounds similar to a group Book speaks out against.

3rd November 2011, 12:00 PM
"She said she left her video camera on her dresser recording and covered its light with a scarf in order to capture the video."

In an interview with KZTV (http://www.kztv10.com/home/) outside his Rockport, Texas, home Wednesday, Adams confirmed to a reporter that he was the man beating his daughter with a belt and a board on the video. "She's mad because I've ordered her to bring the car back, in a nutshell, but yeah, that's me. I lost my temper," Adams told the station. "Her mother was there, she wasn't hurt ... it was a long time ago ... I really don't want to get into this right now because as you can see my life's been made very difficult over this child." Adams continued: "In my mind I have not done anything wrong other than discipline my child when she was caught stealing. I did lose my temper, I've apologized. It looks worse than it is."


::) Hey Joey: kid videotaped the whole thing and made sure to SCREAM really really loud for the camera to PROLONG the whole movie.

Maybe she put it there because it happens a lot.

Ever know an abusive parent either directly or through a best friend?

They fly off the handle all the time.

Don;t you recognize psycho parents when you see them? The mother was a demented bitch.

3rd November 2011, 12:01 PM
Pig father is out of control. In time he could have killed her, she is a survivor. It's good she released the viddy. I think it is just as horrible that the mother is fully supporting the abuse. In fact, she was a participant in the beating.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
3rd November 2011, 12:03 PM

3rd November 2011, 12:05 PM
Pig father is out of control. In time he could have killed her, she is a survivor. It's good she released the viddy. I think it is just as horrible that the mother is fully supporting the abuse. In fact, she was a participant in the beating.

What a load of crap, no blood, no fists, some bad language and you go off the deep end.

3rd November 2011, 12:08 PM
When I was a kid 40's, 50's the parental maxim was "spare the rod, spoil the child" now it's let them get away with murder and blame the awful parents.

3rd November 2011, 12:13 PM

That was entertaining to quickly skim over, but that board is out of control. That thread is full of single posts by new members that join the forum with a handle fully customized to suit whatever their stance is on the subject they are posting one.

I mean, every post in that thread could be put up by two people. Hell, even one guy could do it, if he was bored enough to argue with himself about it.

po boy
3rd November 2011, 12:13 PM
When I was a kid 40's, 50's the parental maxim was "spare the rod, spoil the child" now it's let them get away with murder and blame the awful parents.

That's from the old testament,and what was on the video is abuse not punishment. I got the belt a few time but it was never with malice like shown.

3rd November 2011, 12:14 PM
Reading through this thread is difficult because I can't see the vid. Just bear that in mind when you read my posts.

I agree with responsibly dealt corporal punishment if it is called for. I don't know what this "Judge" dealt out till I see it.

3rd November 2011, 12:22 PM
When I was a kid 40's, 50's the parental maxim was "spare the rod, spoil the child" now it's let them get away with murder and blame the awful parents.

another bible expert speaks... ::)

"Thy rod & thy staff they comfort me".... OT bible rods are not for spanking...

3rd November 2011, 12:22 PM
That's from the old testament,and what was on the video is abuse not punishment. I got the belt a few time but it was never with malice like shown.


More like lost their temper and in a highly emotional state. Sort of a usual thing when the kid deserves it.

Sounded to me like this was the one time too many, as in we've plowed this ground before.

po boy
3rd November 2011, 12:26 PM

More like lost their temper and in a highly emotional state. Sort of a usual thing when the kid deserves it.

Sounded to me like this was the one time too many, as in we've plowed this ground before.

Then better to regain composure and deliver punishment when cooled off.

3rd November 2011, 12:28 PM
another bible expert speaks... ::)

"Thy rod & thy staff they comfort me".... OT bible rods are not for spanking...

Verily, verily.

Lot sure didn't spare the rod for his daughters!

willie pete
3rd November 2011, 02:17 PM
Other then the actual abuse in the video which upset me that is what is disturbing to me.

This guy is supposed to decide the future for families, who gets custody, if I child should be taken away because of abuse etc, meanwhile he is a child abuser. How many parents did he fuck over?

...yea it's disturbing....to wonder how many children this douche-bag hypocrit has taken out of families....::) ....I'm not against punishmening a small child,but a 16 year old daughter I'd never cuss, whip & demean her like what happened in this vid, when their that age, there are many many better and more ways to punish them it's fairly clear, this guy has hatred and contempt for women....::)

Joe King
3rd November 2011, 02:31 PM
Reading through this thread is difficult because I can't see the vid. Just bear that in mind when you read my posts.He whipped his daughter 17 times with a belt over her butt, legs and arms, swinging it with all his mite while cusssing her for installing some program on her computer.
ie the most lamest reason one could have for doing such a thing.

I agree with responsibly dealt corporal punishment if it is called for. I don't know what this "Judge" dealt out till I see it.What he dealt out was abuse.
Had a cop witnessed it, dad would've went to jail.


More like lost their temper and in a highly emotional state. Sort of a usual thing when the kid deserves it.What could possibly be deserving of a beating like that?
Ohhh, she installed a software on the PC. Better watch out, she'll be raping and murdering people next....better beat her for it.
Her sperm donor of a dad could've been shot for less.

Sounded to me like this was the one time too many, as in we've plowed this ground before.The only reason it was the one time too many is only because of it being recorded. The reason it was recorded was because it wasn't a one-time deal.

IMHO, people that do crap like what that guy {and his wife} did simply shows that see their kid as a burden they'd rather not have. So instead of putting forth the effort to deal with the sitiation in reasonable manner that's steeped in love for ones child, they take the easy way out and use violence instead. People like those two are worthless.

bigjon, if your dad beat the crap out of you, I'm sorry to hear that. Were you really that bad of a child? Who did you ever hurt so badly that you deserved to be beaten?
Did you actually cause serious harm to another that a beating in return for it might have been justified?

3rd November 2011, 02:36 PM
I couldn't even watch it all. It was extremely severe and was definitely abuse. It's disturbing that anyone is defending it.

3rd November 2011, 02:57 PM
I couldn't even watch it all. It was extremely severe and was definitely abuse. It's disturbing that anyone is defending it.

Stop it. You know you liked it and came back for more. :(

Joe King
3rd November 2011, 02:57 PM
I couldn't even watch it all. It was extremely severe and was definitely abuse. It's disturbing that anyone is defending it.Apparently it gives some people fond memories of their childhood.
...and it seems Book must've been beaten, too. If so, you have my sympathy, Book.

po boy
3rd November 2011, 03:01 PM
Apparently it gives some people fond memories of their childhood.
...and it seems Book must've been beaten, too. If so, you have my sympathy, Book.

No he wasn't beat just defending the criminals he works for.

po boy
3rd November 2011, 03:11 PM

It wasn’t any huge happening or anything” that prompted her to post the video, she said. “I told him I had the video. He didn’t seem to think anything of it, and basically dared me to post it.”

But Hallie Adams, who took part in the belt-whipping in the nearly eight-minute video, acknowledged that its release comes as Judge Adams seeks to regain custody of their 10-year-old daughter. The couple divorced in 2007 after nearly 22 years of marriage.

Hallie Adams said her ex-husband brainwashed her, telling her what to do and say, and that her participation in the whipping was due to the control he had over her. She and her daughter have since reconciled.

A series of abusive and harassing texts and emails from Judge Adams continued recently, Hallie Adams said.

“I was cutting off talking to him. He’s filed to take my younger daughter away from me.”

Hallie Adams also revealed that the family has suffered from addiction and dysfunction though she didn’t elaborate.

Police are investigating the video but have not filed charges against Judge Adams. Hillary and Hallie Adams have not said they want to file criminal charges, but say they hope the attention will prompt Judge Adams to seek professional help.

Joe King
3rd November 2011, 03:20 PM
Now we know why she released the vid now.

Although IMHO she still should've taken it to school the day after it happened and played it for the school nurse. Or even the first cop she encountered on her way to school.

Uncle Salty
3rd November 2011, 05:47 PM
World Peace starts in the home.

A grown man beating his teenage daughter for downloading music is pathetic. Glad he will be humiliated and scorned for the rest of his life.

3rd November 2011, 06:44 PM
I have been sicker then a dog since last night, I just watched it.... No dad should be beating their 16 year old daughter or son with a belt... to bad she didn't grab an equalizer, and her piece of shit mother needs her ass kicked to.

3rd November 2011, 06:50 PM
Police: No charges to be filed against judge (http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/police-no-charges-to-be-filed-against-judge/article_35ef08bb-34ef-5419-81cf-1f07ecd60541.html)

Police say a Texas judge who was secretly videotaped beating his teenage daughter seven years ago won't face charges because the statutes of limitations have passed.

Rockport Police Chief Tim Jayroe said Thursday that Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams likely would have been charged with causing injury to a child and other assault offenses if the five-year statutes of limitations hadn't expired.

Adams is still being investigated by the state Department of Family and Protective Services, which has requested he not preside over any of its cases.
Adams' 23-year-old daughter, Hillary, posted the 8-minute clip of the 2004 beating on YouTube last week that shows her father savagely lash her 17 times with a belt.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

A Texas judge who presides over child abuse cases said Thursday that his daughter posted a YouTube video of him beating her several years ago because he told her he was reducing her financial support and taking away her Mercedes.
Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams, 51, issued a statement through his lawyer in which he questioned his 23-year-old daughter Hillary's motives for posting the secretly made 2004 video online last week. The three-page statement did not include an apology for the beating, in which the judge lashed his daughter with a belt 17 times in the legs while she begged him to stop.

rest at link

3rd November 2011, 06:57 PM
It was certainly excessive, however . . . the beginning of it started much like it started for myself and my siblings in my household. The only difference was, we listened and obeyed.

In my older years, I understand and even appreciate the way my parents had punished us. My parents would make us wait in our room. The waiting was the worst part. Then they would use a belt or a wooden spoon or whatever. I believe the waiting was also so that the punishment did not come in a fit of anger, but in a controlled way. I remember my dad saying countless times "This is going to hurt me worse than it hurts you." I bet I was 30 years old before I knew what that meant, but I know it now.

When we got older (11 or so), we stopped getting spankings and started getting grounded. That was the worst for us, because that meant no phone, no sports, no television, no leaving the house except for church and school.

I watch the way my nieces, nephews and friend's children are being raised, with no punishment whatsoever, at least from my perspective. Timeout? Stand in a corner for ONE MINUTE . . . and they get time off? WTF?

Again, the judge in the video used excessive force (and obviously did not dish out the punishment in a controlled manner), but the daughter also didn't listen. I may have tried that once or twice, but not a third time.

I also agree with those of you who think this is pretty frightening for a family court judge. But what do you do when your child will not listen? (I honestly don't know.)

3rd November 2011, 07:05 PM
...and it seems Book must've been beaten, too.

Not all boys can be as naturally well-mannered as you Joe.

Me and my two brothers got in our share of trouble when young. Got the belt only once and I had it coming...lol.

3rd November 2011, 07:08 PM
I have spanked my little one on the butt with my hand, it seems to add fuel to the fire she's screaming and crying I'm screaming because she is screaming, and it just elevates the whole ordeal,(she is hard headed) we tried time-outs hahah thats a joke, I found that if I take stuff away, an outing or tv time that works wayyyy better, she pays attention then.

3rd November 2011, 07:11 PM
A great way to make an enemy of ones own child.

3rd November 2011, 07:20 PM
It was certainly excessive, however . . . the beginning of it started much like it started for myself and my siblings in my household. The only difference was, we listened and obeyed.

In my older years, I understand and even appreciate the way my parents had punished us. My parents would make us wait in our room. The waiting was the worst part. Then they would use a belt or a wooden spoon or whatever. I believe the waiting was also so that the punishment did not come in a fit of anger, but in a controlled way. I remember my dad saying countless times "This is going to hurt me worse than it hurts you." I bet I was 30 years old before I knew what that meant, but I know it now.

When we got older (11 or so), we stopped getting spankings and started getting grounded. That was the worst for us, because that meant no phone, no sports, no television, no leaving the house except for church and school.

I watch the way my nieces, nephews and friend's children are being raised, with no punishment whatsoever, at least from my perspective. Timeout? Stand in a corner for ONE MINUTE . . . and they get time off? WTF?

Again, the judge in the video used excessive force (and obviously did not dish out the punishment in a controlled manner), but the daughter also didn't listen. I may have tried that once or twice, but not a third time.

I also agree with those of you who think this is pretty frightening for a family court judge. But what do you do when your child will not listen? (I honestly don't know.)

My parents never hit us, yet we were still afraid of them in the sense that we knew when they were serious and we listened. I don't hit my kids. My older one is a little difficult but I'm able to keep his behavior under control by taking away things that he loves or making him do extra work around the house, earlier bed time, etc. It works fine. My younger one is an approval seeker and I have never had to even raise my voice to him. He is just a really good kid. I hate the idea of hitting to "teach a lesson". I think it's so violent and just wrong. But I respect everyone's right to parent as they choose.

The incident in the video was not discipline. It was physical violence with permanent damage to the parent/child bond. (In my opinion.)

3rd November 2011, 07:26 PM
My parents never hit us, yet we were still afraid of them in the sense that we knew when they were serious and we listened. I don't hit my kids. My older one is a little difficult but I'm able to keep his behavior under control by taking away things that he loves or making him do extra work around the house, earlier bed time, etc. It works fine.

I suppose that would have worked on us too, except we didn't have much to take away. We didn't have any electronics and very few toys in general.

Edit to add: and chores were how we scored a nickel! Five chores meant a pack of Hubba Bubba for me (my favorite)!

My younger one is an approval seeker and I have never had to even raise my voice to him. He is just a really good kid. I hate the idea of hitting to "teach a lesson". I think it's so violent and just wrong. But I respect everyone's right to parent as they choose.

See, you probably have good kids. We weren't so good, I don't think.

The incident in the video was not discipline. It was physical violence with permanent damage to the parent/child bond. (In my opinion.)

I agree.

Joe King
3rd November 2011, 07:32 PM
but the daughter also didn't listen.

The only thing I saw her not do as told, was her refusal to lay down and willingly offer her butt for the lashing.

Or were you referring to her installing software after being told not to?
If he freaked out like that over software, could ya imagine how un-glued he'd come if she did something really bad, like break his TV or somethin'? He looks like one of them TV watchers, and you know how they can be. lol

Not all boys can be as naturally well-mannered as you Joe.I just try my best. I have my moments too. Same as anyone.

Me and my two brothers got in our share of trouble when young. Got the belt only once and I had it coming...lol.What did you actually do to deserve it?

3rd November 2011, 07:55 PM
It's shocking that some of you are treating this as a discussion on the merits of corporal punishment, i.e. whether a parent should be able to spank their child as punishment.

That was total abuse. Mistake #1: The father had NO control of his emotions, and was spanking out of anger, and not as a disciplinary measure. Mistake #2: The cursing was over the top. Mistake #3: Shocking verbal abuse. "You don't deserve to be in this fukking house!" "If I hear so much as you raising your f***ing voice to me or your mother with the wrong tone or do one little thing or you look at me f***ing wrong, I'm going to wear your f***ing a** out with this belt." Mistake #4: The two parents were still discussing the situation in front of the daughter while the whipping was being doled out, like they were trying to convince themselves they were doing the right thing.

Absolutely horrible.

po boy
3rd November 2011, 08:02 PM
Well it went from that's abuse to no it's not. I got spanked to a spanking is a beating to is it even necessary.

Only a few defend what was shown.

3rd November 2011, 10:03 PM
Well it went from that's abuse to no it's not. I got spanked to a spanking is a beating to is it even necessary.

Only a few defend what was shown.

Well, at least now we know who supports child abuse (and general tyranny, by extension), and who does not. Very useful thread. I'm definitely taking notes.

3rd November 2011, 10:35 PM
My dad used to physically beat the shit out of me...then one day when I was bigger and stronger at the age of 17 I turned the tables and beat the shit out of him with a baseball bat. Spent some time in Juvie.

I roughed my now 12 year old son up pretty good a couple times many years ago and he has been straight ever since. No need for punishment anymore (at least not yet)...the worst thing he does is leaves his TV on when sleeping. He knows his dad can get apeshit crazy in a split second and he simply doesn't take any chances.

He's a good kid I tell ya.

4th November 2011, 05:46 AM
I just finally saw the video. Completely fucking outrageous. The girl looks to be a young adult, and from what I can tell, the judge is getting off on beating her. The 3 or 4 whips he gives her before she even got to the couch more than qualifies for enough corporal punishment. He reminds me of an out of control cop. If I ever did anything remotely close to this to my own daughter, I would hope my family would have the good sense to beat me senseless.

4th November 2011, 06:23 AM

It started when jew teevee began depicted all goy father figures as buffoons worthy of their children's disrespect.

http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/simpsons/bart_mooning.gif now it is all goy fathers and all goy police and all other male goy authority figures
ding ding....we have a winner here folks

4th November 2011, 06:28 AM
A great way to make an enemy of ones own child.
or, ignore discipline altogether for the same result...im not defending this abusive (imo) @sshole
im just saying that there is room for corporal punishment at the right time, the right age and done in the right spirit.....sunshines last post where she sees a marked difference in temperments with her kids is very wise!

4th November 2011, 06:37 AM
Only a few defend what was shown.

That was clearly a beating. It went on for way too long. The parents were enjoying it, and working each other up over it.

Speaking of "does the punishment fit the crime", some seem to have problems figuring it out, maybe she also took a sandwich from the fridge? That could explain everything.

Those same few might agree they should have called the police, and let them beat her down, and electrocute her.

Wait till the parents get older, and need help. They'll be tossed into a ratbag glue factory "care" home to rot.

4th November 2011, 07:24 AM


Old Herb Lady
4th November 2011, 07:57 AM
The evil beast of a man should be stoned, IMO. He's in hiding now. Come out come out wherever u arrrrrrr.

Clearly verbal, mental & physical abuse.

This is probably more common than you think. The beast of a man was trying to directly beat her into submission.
People with power do this but powerless people do it, too.

The people with power, like the Illuminati, do it to us everyday, but indirectly.
(then never feel sorry for it, they'll justify it by doing more & worse)

"It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." (Luke 17:1-2)

4th November 2011, 08:10 AM
The evil beast of a man should be stoned, IMO. He's in hiding now. Come out come out wherever u arrrrrrr.

Clearly verbal, mental & physical abuse.

This is probably more common than you think. The beast of a man was trying to directly beat her into submission.
People with power do this but powerless people do it, too.

The people with power, like the Illuminati, do it to us everyday, but indirectly.
(then never feel sorry for it, they'll justify it by doing more & worse)

"It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." (Luke 17:1-2)

Oh give me a break, clearly the kid needed discipline, too bad the idiot of a father didn't know how to keep his cool.

4th November 2011, 08:13 AM
The evil beast of a man should be stoned, IMO.

Sure, but don't overlook the reptilian skank of a woman who threw a couple lashes in just for the sadistic joy of the moment.

4th November 2011, 08:39 AM
A lot of monday morning quarterbacks here who should only get 2¢,

4th November 2011, 11:06 AM
Little House on the Prairie video clip

I used to LOVE watching that show when I was a kid! But I disagree with what the YouTube poster says about this clip.

At the end of it the father tells the teacher that his other son told him about what had happened to young Charles at the school house.

The father should have gone to the teacher right when he'd heard about the incident and given him a piece of his mind, and let Charles know about it (or even go together). If he had, the boy wouldn't have felt the need or as much of a need to lash out at the teacher.

As for the boy's "wrong-doing," it's pretty mild compared to what the teacher did. The teacher had that and more coming to him. It's disgusting that adults think they can do anything they want to children because they're "authorities."

4th November 2011, 11:22 AM
Here's an update to the story, which includes a t.v. interview with the girl and her mom, and a clip of her playing the piano. Despite her disability, she's a pretty good pianist.

"Judge in brutal beating of disabled daughter WON'T be charged because too much time has passed... but he still could lose his job (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2057419/Judge-William-Adams-beat-disabled-daughter-Hillary-video-WONT-charged.html)"

4th November 2011, 01:07 PM
LOL! To nothing in particular.

I'll have my BLT now, I like thick bacon.

4th November 2011, 01:21 PM
That judge was way over the top in his actions and she was way too old for corporal punishment to do any good , except make him her enemy for life. The way she set up the vid camera and taped the act, shows that maybe she played for and to the camera, but still it does not excuse the father for what he did.

And reading the web about this and her TV interview, makes me think she and her mother used the tape to knee cap him and try to bring him down, he took her Mercedes car away (he owned it) for one and it sounds like he was supporting her still in some fashion.

It sounds like a case of pure vengeance on her and mothers part!

But it does not let the father off the hook for being a dumb ass sadist.

4th November 2011, 02:11 PM
^^ This pretty much.

Why wait 7 years or what ever to release this? Vengeance. Now the daughter and mother are doing interviews ::) She was in on the beating lol.

4th November 2011, 02:13 PM
^^ This pretty much.

Why wait 7 years or what ever to release this? Vengeance. Now the daughter and mother are doing interviews ::) She was in on the beating lol. Old saying that goes something like this "Revenge is a dish that is best served cold!"

po boy
4th November 2011, 02:20 PM
Isn't it refreshing this guy is employed Judging who's fit to be a parent, meanwhile lost custody of his own 10yo kid and beat the other and convinced his wife to help.

I'm sure he didn't know that the statute of limitations expired before he decided to quit helping out his kid.

4th November 2011, 02:28 PM
Her mother disgusts me as much. She should be ashamed. I don't buy that she was brainwashed. She knew exactly what she was doing. It was her responsibility to protect her child. Parenting Fail on both counts.

4th November 2011, 04:39 PM
“If I had to make a general rule for living and working with children, it might be this: be wary of saying or doing anything to a child that you would not do to another adult, whose good opinion and affection you valued.”
~ John Holt

4th November 2011, 04:54 PM
“If I had to make a general rule for living and working with children, it might be this: be wary of saying or doing anything to a child that you would not do to another adult, whose good opinion and affection you valued.”
~ John Holt

That's a nice quote, and a great ideal to try to uphold. I just want to point out that my dad spanked me, and he is one of my best friends, and has been for over a decade (after I finally "grew up"). I look forward to our weekly lunch dates. So, his spanking me as a child did not change my opinion or affection for him. I have always respected him and looked up to him.

I know that this video is not about spanking, but rather a brutal uncontrolled assault on a child too old to receive it. I just really believe in corporal punishment before a certain age.

Yet, again, it's fair to point out that I have no children, so who knows what I would do? The worst I can do to my (bad) dog is flick her ear when she is bad (she hates it). My other two dogs are good dogs and don't require any punishment. :)

Joe King
4th November 2011, 07:42 PM
Why wait 7 years or what ever to release this? Vengeance. Now the daughter and mother are doing interviews ::) She was in on the beating lol.I'd think that the timing had as much to do with the fact he was trying to get full custody of her 10yo sister, as it does anything else.ie who would want their younger sibling to potentially have to go through that?

Although I personally feel she should have shown someone the tape the very next day.

5th November 2011, 01:01 PM
I quit getting linkins when I found out I could out run my mother and figured I could whip my dad. I don't think I deserved all the lickings I got either.

5th November 2011, 05:15 PM
Well, at least now we know who supports child abuse (and general tyranny, by extension), and who does not. Very useful thread. I'm definitely taking notes.

Yep, I'm taking notes too, ******* liberal nanny state supporters.

po boy
5th November 2011, 05:19 PM
Yep, I'm taking notes too, ******* liberal nanny state supporters.

At least I ain't a child beating Marxist

5th November 2011, 05:26 PM
At least I ain't a child beating Marxist

What a load of crap, a wide belt over clothing is nothing. If he had her strip and used it on her bare skin it might have raised some welts as it was I doubt that there were any discernible marks ten minutes after.

You guys are the reason the family unit is under attack and you have been trained to believe you have the high ground, by marxist MF'rs who run our nation.

po boy
5th November 2011, 05:30 PM
What a load of crap, a wide belt over clothing is nothing. If he had her strip and used it on her bare skin it might have raised some welts as it was I doubt that there were any discernible marks ten minutes after.

You guys are the reason the family unit is under attack and you have been trained to believe you have the high ground, by marxist MF'rs who run our nation.

'Lemme guess you gotta social security # that means you want other to pay for you retirement right? So your a communist your practicing it most likely along with the rest of the 10 planks. That was abuse if you can't see it you just might be a child abuser yourself and a commy.

5th November 2011, 05:45 PM
'Lemme guess you gotta social security # that means you want other to pay for you retirement right? So your a communist your practicing it most likely along with the rest of the 10 planks. That was abuse if you can't see it you just might be a child abuser yourself and a commy.

Gee, our liberal nanny state supporter wants me to feel bad, about collecting SS after paying SS taxes all my life. Sorry I don't feel bad, I earned it and now you can pay.

5th November 2011, 05:47 PM
'Lemme guess you gotta social security # that means you want other to pay for you retirement right? So your a communist your practicing it most likely along with the rest of the 10 planks. That was abuse if you can't see it you just might be a child abuser yourself and a commy.

I don't want to add to derailing this thread, but since when does a SS# mean someone else is paying for your retirement? I have paid (oh boy have I paid) into my SS account, and I will not be shamed for withdrawing from it, when I need to.

Still, I'd rather not pay into it . . . but if I am forced to, I am taking back my government-held "savings", damn it!

po boy
5th November 2011, 05:54 PM
Ok the money you pay because you pledged it and a portion of all your labor for you life with no promise of a return, all those funds have been spent so any money collected come from those working today. See you gave the money away then later expect someone else to work to pay you what you gave away.

No one hold a gun to any one's head to sign up for SS, people only participate of their free will and because life is more convenient. It is socialist insurance.

po boy
5th November 2011, 05:56 PM
Gee, our liberal nanny state supporter wants me to feel bad, about collecting SS after paying SS taxes all my life. Sorry I don't feel bad, I earned it and now you can pay.

I'm not the liberal here and I don't support communism or child abuse.

5th November 2011, 05:58 PM
A lot of monday morning quarterbacks here who should only get 2¢,

Bigjon know how keep kitties in line...

5th November 2011, 06:06 PM
The girl being beaten has/had cerebral palsy.

I believe spanking can be appropriate at times, but this guy was out of control. He was more concerned with hitting the child into utter submission than the actual "problem", being the computer.

Guy has absolutely no creativity. If he doesn't want a computer in his house, then don't bring one in. Alternatively, install a key-logger to monitor activity on the computer if he believes the kid is in danger.

This is akin to bringing a cotton candy machine into the house, and then forbidding the kids from ever touching the cotton candy machine. And then beating the kid that has cerebral palsy when they try to eat some cotton candy.

5th November 2011, 06:20 PM
Yeah so the other day I was violently whipping my 16yr old cerebral palsy daughter with a leather belt...and about 30 mins into it, I got to thinking about work...shit really helps clear my head.

5th November 2011, 06:33 PM
No one hold a gun to any one's head to sign up for SS, people only participate of their free will and because life is more convenient. It is socialist insurance.

Bullshit, the very first job I took said I had to get a SS# or they would not hire me. Jobs were very hard to find in the early 60's and I didn't know any thing different. Having a SS#, was the normal thing for the time as it is now.

5th November 2011, 06:38 PM
I'm not the liberal here and I don't support communism or child abuse.

But you do support the nanny state.

When I was growing up, the thing you call abuse was called discipline. There were no sociologists telling people what they had to do to be a good parent. There were no psychologists drugging, abducting and breaking up families. That is what you are for.

5th November 2011, 06:41 PM
What a load of crap, a wide belt over clothing is nothing. If he had her strip and used it on her bare skin it might have raised some welts as it was I doubt that there were any discernible marks ten minutes after.

You guys are the reason the family unit is under attack and you have been trained to believe you have the high ground, by marxist MF'rs who run our nation.

Bigjon in action... Bigjon know family unit work...


5th November 2011, 06:41 PM
Yeah so the other day I was violently whipping my 16yr old cerebral palsy daughter with a leather belt...and about 30 mins into it, I got to thinking about work...shit really helps clear my head.

How long is that video. The so called beating lasted maybe 60 seconds.

5th November 2011, 06:42 PM
Bigjon in action... Bigjon know family unit work...


Another brainwashed nanny state supported heard from. You are going to love fascism.

5th November 2011, 06:48 PM
No Bigjon, nobody wants to kill off the family unit, the girl was 16 do you really you think that a beating is going to make her mind? Nobody deserves to be beat like a dog just a pos the doesn't really matter.

If he had any sense and didn't enjoy it so much, I'm sure he could have found a different way to deal with it.

5th November 2011, 06:50 PM
When I was growing up, the thing you call abuse was called discipline.

Bigjon family fun time special...


5th November 2011, 06:52 PM
The girl being beaten has/had cerebral palsy.

I believe spanking can be appropriate at times, but this guy was out of control. He was more concerned with hitting the child into utter submission than the actual "problem", being the computer.

Guy has absolutely no creativity. If he doesn't want a computer in his house, then don't bring one in. Alternatively, install a key-logger to monitor activity on the computer if he believes the kid is in danger.

This is akin to bringing a cotton candy machine into the house, and then forbidding the kids from ever touching the cotton candy machine. And then beating the kid that has cerebral palsy when they try to eat some cotton candy.

I agree the guy lost control, but we don't know what the history was that lead up to his temper tantrum.

In a perfect world we all would wish for a more reasoned approach to discipline.

5th November 2011, 06:56 PM
No Bigjon, nobody wants to kill off the family unit, the girl was 16 do you really you think that a beating is going to make her mind? Nobody deserves to be beat like a dog just a pos the doesn't really matter.

If he had any sense and didn't enjoy it so much, I'm sure he could have found a different way to deal with it.

It doesn't look like he is enjoying it to me. It looks like he is trying to justify his out of control behavior.

5th November 2011, 07:09 PM
The punishment must fit the crime, right is right and wrong is wrong no matter how you look at it.

po boy
5th November 2011, 07:16 PM
Bullshit, the very first job I took said I had to get a SS# or they would not hire me. Jobs were very hard to find in the early 60's and I didn't know any thing different. Having a SS#, was the normal thing for the time as it is now.

Who held a gun to your head and made you sigh up, no one, you chose to be a socialist like it or not. I was and stopped and don't expect any body's labor to pay for my old age expectations.

5th November 2011, 07:19 PM
Who held a gun to your head and made you sigh up, no one, you chose to be a socialist like it or not. I was and stopped and don't expect any body's labor to pay for my old age expectations.

My parents got my SS card when I was two or three years old.

Can you hold a regular job without an SS card? Not that I hold a regular job now . . . but I still pay SS taxes.

Oh crap, I don't want to derail this thread. Sorry! Maybe you can start a new thread?

po boy
5th November 2011, 07:19 PM
But you do support the nanny state.

When I was growing up, the thing you call abuse was called discipline. There were no sociologists telling people what they had to do to be a good parent. There were no psychologists drugging, abducting and breaking up families. That is what you are for.

I don't support abusing a child don't condone drugging children and don't fund the nanny state. Nice try though little man. Please deposit a silver dime to play again.

po boy
5th November 2011, 07:22 PM
My parents got my SS card when I was two or three years old.

Can you hold a regular job without an SS card? Not that I hold a regular job now . . . but I still pay SS taxes.

Oh crap, I don't want to derail this thread. Sorry! Maybe you can start a new thread?

Like I said SS is voluntary not convenient to operate without one but not impossible. I'll try and put up some links on this later have to check out for now.

Look up the voluntary nature of ss by larry beecraft. It ain't easy being cheesey.

willie pete
5th November 2011, 07:27 PM
I quit getting linkins when I found out I could out run my mother and figured I could whip my dad. I don't think I deserved all the lickings I got either.

...lol....I probably didn't deserve all the ones I got too.....looking back though, I'm especially glad I got it with switches and belts versus the kid down the street;.....his dad used a fan-belt off a car on him....lol ....I asked him one time why? ...he said his dad told him "..'cause it won't break"....>:D

5th November 2011, 07:44 PM
Who held a gun to your head.

My employer held a gun to my head, can't live, if you can't afford to eat.

5th November 2011, 07:54 PM
Paper and protocol may not have worked but that video along with a call to the CPS, sheriff and the local media sure would have.

This is the nanny state, that you say you don't support. Liar.

5th November 2011, 08:01 PM
How long is that video. The so called beating lasted maybe 60 seconds.

lol @ you defending beating a 16 yr old cerebral palsy girl with a leather belt, as it wasn't long enough.

Sanity check.

5th November 2011, 08:21 PM
lol @ you defending beating a 16 yr old cerebral palsy girl with a leather belt, as it wasn't long enough.

Sanity check.

I went back and looked it was 60 seconds followed by another 15 second interval.

You have no idea what lead up to this, yet you're ready to condemn the father and break up the family.

Sanity check works both ways, what is your solution?

Nanny state?

5th November 2011, 08:46 PM
Bigjohn you are just not getting it ,

By the time you are a 16 you know wrong from right and for a dad to be beating a 16 yr old daughter with a belt like she is a child is just ridiculous, do you understand that, you can't beat minding into a almost grown woman, it is just going to cause hatred on her part... nobody deserves this at any age. Beating somebody into being submissive doesn't work.

I guess he thought that beating her would make her respect him as the father, nope it doesn't work that way, she has no respect for him now, does she?

5th November 2011, 09:00 PM
Bigjohn you are just not getting it ,

By the time you are a 16 you know wrong from right and for a dad to be beating a 16 yr old daughter with a belt like she is a child is just ridiculous, do you understand that, you can't beat minding into a almost grown woman, it is just going to cause hatred on her part... nobody deserves this at any age. Beating somebody into being submissive doesn't work.

I guess he thought that beating her would make her respect him as the father, nope it doesn't work that way, she has no respect for him now, does she?

In Bigjon's house... You do as your fuck'n told!


5th November 2011, 09:01 PM
Yep, I'm taking notes too, ******* liberal nanny state supporters.

Now I'm a liberal? LOL. Troll.

5th November 2011, 09:15 PM
I went back and looked it was 60 seconds followed by another 15 second interval.

You have no idea what lead up to this, yet you're ready to condemn the father and break up the family.

Sanity check works both ways, what is your solution?

Nanny state?

Nothing really excuses what the father did regardless of what the girl did, and there's not really much of a family going on there judging by the nature of the verbal abuse. It's already broken. Someone should pop him in the head a few times like he deserves.

I've seen child abuse first hand. My best friend's father growing up broke both his legs when he was 5, used to hold a knife to his throat regularly, beat him all the time often with a bloody nose, and poured bleach in his eyes when I was over one time because he had the nerve to complain his ice skates were dull. Sometimes it was because of too much of any amount of noise, laughing, radio at normal levels, anything could trigger it.

Many times when I was over hanging out we'd have to push the dresser in front of his bedroom door, and escape out the window as his dad came running down the hallway to deal out another round.

We were 10 yrs old at the time. The mother used to hold him, and he'd scream for his life. "Breaking up" that "family", if that's what it could be called, would be a blessing.

I told my parents about it, they informed the police, we also informed the neighbors all round him (apartment building), and the aggravated sessions stopped. The father ended up tossing him in a home because he was too much of a "burden" i.e. he couldn't beat the shit out of him to his liking any more, and get away with it. Every kid in that family is messed up, the two sisters ran away at 17, and 18.

Getting that kid, any kid for that matter, out of the home was what I call a second chance at life.

po boy
5th November 2011, 09:38 PM
This is the nanny state, that you say you don't support. Liar.

Those are common law crimes tough guy a part of the republic cept cps you got me there my only defense is I'd offer my own home to that girl rather than puttin' on the taxpayer and if daddy came round with that crap he'd learn po' don't play dat.

5th November 2011, 09:50 PM
Nothing really excuses what the father did regardless of what the girl did, and there's not really much of a family going on there judging by the nature of the verbal abuse. It's already broken. Someone should pop him in the head a few times like he deserves.

I've seen child abuse first hand. My best friend's father growing up broke both his legs when he was 5, used to hold a knife to his throat regularly, beat him all the time often with a bloody nose, and poured bleach in his eyes when I was over one time because he had the nerve to complain his ice skates were dull. Sometimes it was because of too much of any amount of noise, laughing, radio at normal levels, anything could trigger it.

Many times when I was over hanging out we'd have to push the dresser in front of his bedroom door, and escape out the window as his dad came running down the hallway to deal out another round.

We were 10 yrs old at the time. The mother used to hold him, and he'd scream for his life. "Breaking up" that "family", if that's what it could be called, would be a blessing.

I told my parents about it, they informed the police, we also informed the neighbors all round him (apartment building), and the aggravated sessions stopped. The father ended up tossing him in a home because he was too much of a "burden" i.e. he couldn't beat the shit out of him to his liking any more, and get away with it. Every kid in that family is messed up, the two sisters ran away at 17, and 18.

Getting that kid, any kid for that matter, out of the home was what I call a second chance at life.

I didn't see anything like what you are describing in that video.

Did you?

In other words you are for the nanny state, a communist inspired idea.

5th November 2011, 09:55 PM
Bigjohn you are just not getting it ,

By the time you are a 16 you know wrong from right and for a dad to be beating a 16 yr old daughter with a belt like she is a child is just ridiculous, do you understand that, you can't beat minding into a almost grown woman, it is just going to cause hatred on her part... nobody deserves this at any age. Beating somebody into being submissive doesn't work.

I guess he thought that beating her would make her respect him as the father, nope it doesn't work that way, she has no respect for him now, does she?

I agree with what you are saying, but I don't think that threatening him with jail time or breaking up the family is an option I would choose. That seems to be the consensus of the people commenting.

I can't condemn someone based on a 5 minute video.

po boy
5th November 2011, 10:00 PM
I didn't see anything like what you are describing in that video.

Did you?

In other words you are for the nanny state, a communist inspired idea.

If your calling people libs and commys tell which of the 10 planks you don't practice?http://dont-tread-on.me/the-10-planks-of-the-communist-manifesto-in-america/

5th November 2011, 10:01 PM
Now I'm a liberal? LOL. Troll.

disagreeing with brewtech makes me a troll????

po boy
5th November 2011, 10:04 PM
disagreeing with brewtech makes me a troll????

You went fishin' and got a bite.lol

5th November 2011, 10:06 PM
At least I ain't a child beating Marxist

I think you started the commie name calling contest.

5th November 2011, 10:11 PM
In Bigjon's house... You do as your fuck'n told!

Bigjon had one daughter and she never even had one spanking. She was the best thing that ever happened in my life and now she is an MD with a husband and two beautiful daughters of her own.

Nothing quite like posting lies about people you don't know, just because they don't agree with you.

po boy
5th November 2011, 10:13 PM
I think you started the commie name calling contest.

I did when you started your lib comment and pointed out your a communist.

5th November 2011, 10:16 PM
I didn't see anything like what you are describing in that video.

Did you?

In other words you are for the nanny state, a communist inspired idea.

All kinds of shit happens in real life, some of it pretty dark. I definitely recognize the mindset of the parents. I wasn't under the impression that all life experience is contained to that video.

Maybe you would be calling for the nanny state by telling nanny prison warden that Bubba Joe three legs is working you at night, hoping to get a different cell, or a more civil roommate, or one less endowed.

5th November 2011, 10:16 PM
Bigjon had one daughter and she never even had one spanking.::)

Bigjon singing and taking care of his daughter...


5th November 2011, 10:17 PM
I did when you started your lib comment and pointed out your a communist.

Who are the people who support the nanny state? Who brought us the nanny state?

Conservatives or Liberals?

po boy
5th November 2011, 10:20 PM
Who are the people who support the nanny state? Who brought us the nanny state?

Conservatives or Liberals?

The people who use SSNs

5th November 2011, 10:22 PM
The people who use SSNs

conservatives use SSNs and they did not bring us the nanny state.

po boy
5th November 2011, 10:23 PM
conservatives use ssns and they did not bring us the nanny state.


po boy
5th November 2011, 10:27 PM
conservatives use SSNs and they did not bring us the nanny state.
As conservative as virgin whores.

5th November 2011, 10:32 PM

Show me.

the nanny state was started by lying Lyndon Johnson... "the Great Society"

po boy
5th November 2011, 10:35 PM
Show me.

the nanny state was started by lying Lyndon Johnson... "the Great Society"

You're conservative right? Give up socialist security relieving the burden on the generation coming up behind you unless you're owed something.

5th November 2011, 10:41 PM
You're conservative right? Give up socialist security relieving the burden on the generation coming up behind you unless you're owed something.

Well I consider myself to be a Libertarian, but I'm going to keep on collecting all that money I paid in plus all the money that could have been my pay if my employers didn't have to match my contributions.

I have not seen any credible evidence that what you say about SSNs is correct. It is mostly an internet rumor.

po boy
5th November 2011, 10:46 PM
Ask not what........

po boy
5th November 2011, 10:50 PM
Well I consider myself to be a Libertarian, but I'm going to keep on collecting all that money I paid in plus all the money that could have been my pay if my employers didn't have to match my contributions.

I have not seen any credible evidence that what you say about SSNs is correct. It is mostly an internet rumor.

As a socialist would reply, who held the gun to you head and made you a commy?

What you consider and what you are by your own action are totally different.

po boy
5th November 2011, 10:56 PM
Blow Job your gettin what you gave with me.
listen to all 7 of the SS series.

Be polite and you'll get polite be an ass and you'll see one.


Joe King
5th November 2011, 11:16 PM
Been following along amusedly. http://www.thebaglounge.com/images/smilies/popcorm1.gif

Well I consider myself to be a Libertarian, but I'm going to keep on collecting all that money I paid in plus all the money that could have been my pay if my employers didn't have to match my contributions.The point is that "your" $ has already long been spent and replaced with IOUs shackled to your children and grandchildrens backs , thanks to their being "signed up" and told, "you gotta do this thing here and not question it {because I needs my $ back}"
How is that any kind of fair? Seems more of a burden, if you ask me. lol

I have not seen any credible evidence that what you say about SSNs is correct. It is mostly an internet rumor.
Mostly? Ask yourself this....can one participate in the nanny State without one? I don't think one can. Without it, one does not "officially" exist in the eyes of the nanny State.
ie it's like your own personal "drop" from the all-encompassing grid that is the "Nanny State". lol

Think of it as your your own personal ticket to the most awesome man-made utopian paradise on Earth. You should relish in it and your benefits from it. {Swipe yo' EBT, it's free....get yours today!}

23rd November 2011, 06:09 PM
I consider myself a Minarchist.

Remember that judge that beat his daughter? That's what this thread is about.

He beat his developmentally disabled daughter. Now I'm not one to rule out a good spanking, but whipping a disabled female quasi child on the legs/thighs with a belt, especially for the amount of time that he did it (even bringing the mother into it) goes over the edge for me. Now I'm not saying that this guy should be prosecuted or anything, but I feel that it is morally wrong.

Also, keep in mind that this guy is a judge. This guy would probably take your child away and send you up the river for doing the same or less.

23rd November 2011, 08:20 PM
I consider myself a Minarchist.

Remember that judge that beat his daughter? That's what this thread is about.

He beat his developmentally disabled daughter. Now I'm not one to rule out a good spanking, but whipping a disabled female quasi child on the legs/thighs with a belt, especially for the amount of time that he did it (even bringing the mother into it) goes over the edge for me. Now I'm not saying that this guy should be prosecuted or anything, but I feel that it is morally wrong.

Also, keep in mind that this guy is a judge. This guy would probably take your child away and send you up the river for doing the same or less.

Today's minarchist is tomorrow's anarchist.

I ain't hatin'.

24th November 2011, 02:49 AM

Saw on the news the judge was suspended pending the outcome of the commission inquiry.

I bet he is still getting a check.

25th November 2011, 09:39 AM
I bet he is still getting a check.

I'll bet he'll be "suspended" or whatever until the justified furor and outrage over his behavior dies down (the holidays are perfect for this to take the masses' minds off it) and then be quietly re-instated. Sadists like this are just the type the PTB need to implement their plans.

8th December 2011, 02:49 AM

po boy
8th December 2011, 07:04 AM
BJ, would you beat your daughter like that?

8th December 2011, 07:24 AM
BJ, would you beat your daughter like that?

If you think that is a beating, you must have been raised by some real woosie liberals or were just a woosie yourself. Boys really know how to find trouble.

I've already answered that question. I never had to, she was very responsible from an early age. The carrot worked and the stick was never needed.

But Ramz says it best FU.

8th December 2011, 07:45 AM
lock me in a room with him for ten minutes...he'll never do it again. and he'll wish he never did it in the first place. Bullying behavior in any form really gets my blood boiling. this is waaay over the top. no surprise this f*ck became a judge.

8th December 2011, 08:04 AM
lock me in a room with him for ten minutes...he'll never do it again. and he'll wish he never did it in the first place. Bullying behavior in any form really gets my blood boiling. this is waaay over the top. no surprise this f*ck became a judge.

Another internet tough guy, how do you know she didn't deserve it?

She obviously set him up... had the video camera all set to go... then pushed all of dad's buttons... it was easy and the blackmail was oh so sweet... pay for my Mercede's daddy.

po boy
8th December 2011, 08:14 AM
If you think that is a beating, you must have been raised by some real woosie liberals or were just a woosie yourself. Boys really know how to find trouble.

But Ramz says it best FU.
So would you have beat that girl if she was your daughter?

You throw out that lib label while collecting socialist/communist welfare.LOL

Go ahead and tell us how your ENTITLED to someone else's labor.

8th December 2011, 08:28 AM
Another internet tough guy, how do you know she didn't deserve it?

She obviously set him up... had the video camera all set to go... then pushed all of dad's buttons... it was easy and the blackmail was oh so sweet... pay for my Mercede's daddy.
So you're saying you are ok with his behavior then?

8th December 2011, 08:41 AM
So would you have beat that girl if she was your daughter?

You throw out that lib label while collecting socialist/communist welfare.LOL

Go ahead and tell us how your ENTITLED to someone else's labor.

I was never in his situation, so I will not pass judgement without hearing all the facts, some of which are obviously missing. Who sets up a video camera beforehand and is a blackmailer.

You sound like a lib to me, especially the part about not paying SS tax.
So you are calling 99% of the people on this website socialists.

I am holding them responsible for what they promised for my payments and my employers payments. It is socialism and I was against it, but I also paid for it, as did my employer.

po boy
8th December 2011, 08:48 AM
I was never in his situation, so I will not pass judgement without hearing all the facts, some of which are obviously missing. Who sets up a video camera beforehand and is a blackmailer.

You sound like a lib to me, especially the part about not paying SS tax.
So you are calling 99% of the people on this website socialists.

I am holding them responsible for what they promised for my payments and my employers payments. It is socialism and I was against it, but I also paid for it, as did my employer.

Where is this promise to pay?

Sound like lib isn't lib. How do you equate not wanting social security and leaving what was paid behind a liberal.

As far as the 99 yes please stop funding this tontine ponzi scheme!

Since you know it's socialism and admit it you keep pointing out the log that you perceive is in my eye?

8th December 2011, 09:08 AM
Holy fuck BigJon, after all your years of knowing the content of this board and GIM, you still buy into the Liberals VS Conservative lie?

God help you.

8th December 2011, 09:13 AM
I don't typically have a issue with the stuff you post, and I know I just commented on the same of you still being fooled by the LRP above, so I want to make sure you know I am not going out of my way to attack you, but:

how do you know she didn't deserve it?

Give me a break. You sound like a fucking NWO pig COP with that comment. Maybe the Judge should have tazered her too?

She obviously set him up... had the video camera all set to go... then pushed all of dad's buttons... it was easy and the blackmail was oh so sweet... pay for my Mercede's daddy.

How can you say that? How do you know anything about the dynamics of that family environment?
Maybe this was such a regular occurance that the daughter decided to take this route instead of being a victim?
Maybe in her mind the only other option was to shoot him in self defense, and she didn't want to go that route?

You can't say this is an obvious set up.

8th December 2011, 09:16 AM
Holy fuck BigJon, after all your years of knowing the content of this board and GIM, you still buy into the Liberals VS Conservative lie?

God help you.

Sorry I don't buy that the political parties are liberal vs conservative, they are both liberal, but there are true liberals and true conservatives.

po boy
8th December 2011, 09:19 AM
Sorry I don't buy that the political parties are liberal vs conservative, they are both liberal, but there are true liberals and true conservatives.

So these true conservative practice socialism?

Maybe Ramz will help you with that?

8th December 2011, 09:19 AM
I don't typically have a issue with the stuff you post, and I know I just commented on the same of you still being fooled by the LRP above, so I want to make sure you know I am not going out of my way to attack you, but:

Give me a break. You sound like a fucking NWO pig COP with that comment. Maybe the Judge should have tazered her too?

How can you say that? How do you know anything about the dynamics of that family environment?
Maybe this was such a regular occurance that the daughter decided to take this route instead of being a victim?
Maybe in her mind the only other option was to shoot him in self defense, and she didn't want to go that route?

You can't say this is an obvious set up.

FU too.

Sure I can say it was a set up the evidence says so.

She only released the video when daddy got tired of making her car payments.

A real beautiful child, one of your hero's.

8th December 2011, 09:25 AM
So these true conservative practice socialism?

Maybe Ramz will help you with that?

Do you renege on the contracts you sign? I'll bet you do.

I held up my part of the contract and now I’m the bad guy for expecting them to hold up their end.

8th December 2011, 09:29 AM
Sorry I don't buy that the political parties are liberal vs conservative, they are both liberal, but there are true liberals and true conservatives.

No John. They are all cultists. The left right paradigm is there for people like you to argue about "choice" with other people like you.

FU too.

Thanks for the personal shot.

Sure I can say it was a set up the evidence says so.

She only released the video when daddy got tired of making her car payments.

What evidence?
How do you know any of this?

po boy
8th December 2011, 09:40 AM
Do you renege on the contracts you sign? I'll bet you do.

I held up my part of the contract and now I’m the bad guy for expecting them to hold up their end.

I held up my end and paid what I owed,I was signed up by my parents once I learned better I choose not to practice socialism.

I didn't say you were bad just a practicing socialist acting as a conservative calling people liberals and now telling board members to fo.

8th December 2011, 09:50 AM

OK, I'm a bad person, FU all >:D


Is there redemption? :p ;D ;D

8th December 2011, 09:56 AM
I went back and looked it was 60 seconds followed by another 15 second interval.

You have no idea what lead up to this, yet you're ready to condemn the father and break up the family.

you have no idea what led up to this either, yet YOU are ready to condemn the daughter.

I can't condemn someone based on a 5 minute video.

you obviously can, and have...the daughter.

8th December 2011, 09:58 AM
FU too.

Sure I can say it was a set up the evidence says so.

She only released the video when daddy got tired of making her car payments.

A real beautiful child, one of your hero's.

I thought there was some issue in regard to the Judge seeking custody of the younger sister and that's why she released the video..

By the way, in reference to your 'how do you know she didn't deserve it' comment: you can't prove a negative..

Joe King
8th December 2011, 10:34 AM
I thought there was some issue in regard to the Judge seeking custody of the younger sister and that's why she released the video.That was my understanding also What person would want their younger sibling exposed to that type of "poarenting"?

By the way, in reference to your 'how do you know she didn't deserve it' comment: you can't prove a negative..I understood that what she had done was to install some game or something on her computer....and dad had just about enough of that shit the last time it happened. An easier solution, assuming there was truly a problem, would have been to just turn off her internet.
...or even just take away her mouse and keyboard for a week, as punishment.

That dude was on a power trip, plain and simple. Now he's not only lost his family unit, he's also most likely lost the love of his own children.......all because of some internet game he chose to go ape-shit over. CaRaZy!

po boy
8th December 2011, 12:54 PM
I held up my part of the contract and now I’m the bad guy for expecting them to hold up their end.

Where is that contract?