View Full Version : Pat Buchanan on Truth Jihad Radio

3rd November 2011, 04:34 AM
I just downloaded, haven't heard it yet, but expect it'll be interesting no matter what! :p

edit: doh!! I'm 11 mins into the Buchanan interview, and PB drops the 911 OCT bomb, and now they're getting into it!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

James Petras, Pat Buchanan join Truth Jihad Radio! (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/11/james-petras-pat-buchanan-join-truth.html)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eycBtC4vluk/TrFNgzidV3I/AAAAAAAAA8Q/W0NJPsdCTI8/s320/left-right-combo.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eycBtC4vluk/TrFNgzidV3I/AAAAAAAAA8Q/W0NJPsdCTI8/s1600/left-right-combo.jpg)Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 11/2/11 (http://loveforlife.com.au/content/10/11/19/american-social-credit-why-we-need-it-now-you-need-understand-stealth-economic-warf), 1-3 pm Central, American Fre (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/)edom R (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/)adio (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/)(archived here (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/Barrett_11.html).) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1632985004#%21/profile.php?id=100002369316004).

How's this for a left-right combination? James Petras (http://petras.lahaine.org/), America's leading leftist sociologist, and Pat Buchanan (http://www.buchanan.org/), the top conservative commentator of the past half-century, will join me to throw some hard punches at the treasonous financier elite that is running our great nation, and our world, into the ground.

First hour: James Petras, Bartle Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Binghamton University, is the author of 62 books published in 29 languages, and over 600 articles. A cautious 9/11 skeptic (http://patriotsquestion911.com/professors.html#Petras), Dr. Petras is the author of the underground bestseller The Power of Israel in the United States (http://www.amazon.com/Power-Israel-United-States/dp/0932863515) (read Steve Lendman's review (http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/2006/10/james-petras-new-book-power-of-israel.html).) His latest article (http://petras.lahaine.org/?p=1878)compares Argentina's brilliant and successful defiance of the international bankers, and subsequent full-blown recovery from its economic crisis, to the USA's craven capitulation and stagnation.

Second hour: Patrick J. Buchanan's stature as America's leading conservative commentator has only risen during the ongoing neocon attempt to redefine "conservative" as "trotskyite nazi." His latest book Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025? (http://www.amazon.com/Suicide-Superpower-Will-America-Survive/dp/0312579977) is a scintillating jeremiad that mixes formidable erudition with soaring rhetoric. While I don't agree with all of his views, I find Buchanan compulsively readable and, more often than not, right on the proverbial money. His strongest point: A certain financier elite is quite literally dismantling what remains of the United States of America by spending us into the ground while shipping American jobs and manufacturing overseas under the auspices of a phantasmagoric hallucination known as "free trade" or "globalization" - euphemisms for the New World Order's endgame of all-out planetary plunder. And while I think he over-emphasizes his conservative take on the culture wars, embraces a rosily mythological view of US history, fails to register the full, horrific import of the neocon annihilation of the Constitution, and likes nationalism and tribalism better than I do, I love Buchanan's politically-incorrect eloquence, his acknowledgment of the crucial role of religious values, and his passionate defense of a nation that we both agree is falling apart.
Posted by Kevin Barrett at 5:42 AM (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/11/james-petras-pat-buchanan-join-truth.html) 1 comments (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/11/james-petras-pat-buchanan-join-truth.html#comments) http://img2.blogblog.com/img/icon18_edit_allbkg.gif (http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=2253633813431459343&postID=9196795587436538241&from=pencil)

Labels: globalization (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/globalization), james petras (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/james%20petras), Kevin Barrett (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/Kevin%20Barrett), new world order (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/new%20world%20order), pat buchanan (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/pat%20buchanan), patrick buchanan (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/patrick%20buchanan), power of israel (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/power%20of%20israel), suicide of a superpower (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/suicide%20of%20a%20superpower)
MP3 DOWNLOAD (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Truth-Jihad-32k-110211.mp3) - 2 hrs, 27 MBs - Buchanan is 2nd hour so advance MP3 to middle to land at top of 2nd hour. The 1st hour with Petras should also be interesting, he's a big critic of Occupied Palestine. FF through the commercial breaks.

3rd November 2011, 06:41 AM
Barrett & Buchanan get into it again re 911 Truth in the last segment. Barrett makes some hay of the fact that earlier, PB had claimed Paul Craig Roberts ["Father of Reaganomics"] as a friend of his. PCR is a 911 Truther! So KB suggested PB talk to his friend PCR about 911. Also mentioned was PCR's review of PB's book, Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025? (http://www.amazon.com/Suicide-Superpower-Will-America-Survive/dp/0312579977)

here's that review:

The Suicide of Liberty (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29386.htm)

By Paul Craig Roberts

October 13, 2011 "Information Clearing House (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/)" -- Pat Buchanan’s latest book, Suicide of a Superpower, raises the question whether America will survive to 2025. The question might strike some readers as unduly pessimistic and others as optimistic. It is unclear whether the US, as we have known it, will survive its next presidential election.

Consider the candidates. Liberal law professor Jonathan Turley, who was likely to have been an early Obama supporter, now wonders if Obama is “the most disastrous president in our history.” Despite Obama’s failure, the Republicans can’t come up with anyone any better. One Republican candidate admires Alan Greenspan, the Federal Reserve chairman who gave us financial deregulation and the financial crisis. Another is ready for a preemptive strike on Iran. Yet another thinks the Soviet Union is a grave threat to the United States. None of these clueless dopes are capable of presiding over a government.

Anyone who has been paying attention knows that the “superpower” is over-extended financially and militarily. The US is currently involved in six conflicts with Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and Pakistan on the waiting list for full fledged military attacks and perhaps invasions. Russia is being encircled with missile bases, and war plans are being drawn up for China.

Where is the money going to come from when the country’s debt is bursting at the seams, the economy is in decline, and unemployment on the rise?

Washington thinks that the money can simply be printed. However, enough has already been printed that the rest of the world is already suspicious of the dollar and its role as reserve currency.

As John Williams has said, the world could begin dumping dollar assets at any time.

I don’t think we can dismiss Buchanan’s concern as pessimistic.

Buchanan documents his concern across a wide front. For example, the combination of mass immigration and its consequent demographics together with the “diversity cult” means the end of “white America” and the transformation of what once was the dominant population into a disadvantaged underclass.

Buchanan cites a Wall Street Journal article by Ron Unz published 12 years ago. Unz found that white American gentiles who would be considered Christian are dramatically under-represented in America’s elite universities, which provide the elites who dominate government, business, and the professions.

Unz reported that white Americans who comprised 70% of the US population made up only 25% of Harvard’s enrollment and that the composition of the student bodies at Yale Princeton Columbia, Berkeley, and Stanford was much the same.

Asians who comprised 3% of the US population comprised one-fifth of Harvard’s enrollment, and Jews, who comprised 2.5% of the population comprised between one-fourth and one-third of Harvard’s student body.

As Buchanan puts it, the country’s native-born majority has relegated its own progeny to the trash bin of history.

Buchanan doesn’t address the question whether the rest of the world will miss white America. Considering the endless wars and astounding hypocrisy and immorality associated with white America since the collapse of the Soviet Union two decades ago, the world is likely to cheer when power slips from the hands of what Leonard Jeffries termed the “ice people,” that is, people without souls or feelings for others. Americans are so wrapped up in the myth of their “exceptionalism (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29383.htm)” that they are oblivious to the world’s opinion.
American soft power, once a foundation of US influence, has been squandered, another reason the “superpower” status is crumbling.

Financial deregulation and the consequent financial crisis, collapse of the real estate market, and evictions of millions of Americans from their homes have greatly dimmed America’s economic prospects. However, as Buchanan points out, the offshoring of US jobs and industry under the guise of “free trade” has damaged the middle class, halted the growth in consumer purchasing power and left many college graduates without careers.

In the first decade of the 21st century, the Bush/Cheney years, America lost one-third of its manufacturing jobs. During this decade, Michigan lost 48% of its manufacturing jobs, New Jersey lost 39%, and New York and Ohio lost 38%.

 During this decade, the US incurred trade deficits totaling $6.2 trillion, of which $3.8 trillion is in manufactured goods. In other words, imports of manufactured goods are a larger cause of the trade deficit than oil imports. Early in the decade the US lost its trade surplus in advanced technology products. In recent years the US has run up $300 billion in trade deficits in advanced technology products with China alone. As Macy Block’s site, Economy in Crisis, documents, foreigners have used their huge dollar earnings to buy up American companies, with the consequence that foreign earnings on US investments now exceed US earnings abroad, thus worsening the current account deficit.

Although Buchanan makes many points, this is not his best book. He becomes lost in old arguments that no longer make sense, such as the claim that the poor vote away the property of the rich, and he ignores the destruction of the US Constitution in the name of “the war on terror,” which has transformed the US into a police state.

Conservatives are stuck in the canard that democracy is a tool used by the poor to provide themselves with benefits at the expense of the rich. Buchanan cites statistics of those on welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and so on as evidence that the rich are being plundered. Yet, the facts are the opposite. The distribution of income has completely reversed since the 1960s.

In the 1960s, the top 1 percent received 11% of the income gains (http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=2908), and the bottom 90% received 65%, leaving 24% of income gains for the 9% of richest Americans just below the top 1%. In the first decade of the 21st century, these figures have reversed. The top 1% receive 65% of the income gains and the bottom 90% receive 12%, leaving 23% for those rich Americans in the 91-99 percentile.

If recent history (Yugoslavia, Soviet Empire) is a guide, Buchanan is probably correct that a country whose population consists of diverse ethnic and racial groups is less likely to share a common interest and enjoy political stability. However real this threat, it is not comparable to the threat to American identity of a destroyed Constitution.

The Bush/Cheney/Obama regimes have shredded the constitutional protections that gave American citizens their liberty. By dictate alone, the executive branch has acquired the power, prohibited by the Constitution, to incarcerate citizens indefinitely without presenting evidence and obtaining conviction. According to the US government, a secret executive branch panel now exists that has acquired from somewhere the unaccountable power to put citizens on a list to be assassinated without due process of law merely on the basis of an unproven government assertion. How does this differ from Stalinist Russia and Gestapo Germany?

The transformation of the US into a police state has been achieved quickly and with scant protest. Congress and the courts are silent. The media is silent, as are the law schools and bar associations. Out of 535 US Senators and Representatives, only Ron Paul has protested the destruction of liberty.

Buchanan is concerned that America might not survive until 2025. Instead, shouldn’t we be concerned that the American police state could last that long? Shouldn’t we be worried that the police state will survive yet another presidential election, or even one more day?


5th November 2011, 10:10 AM
interesting comment exchange between a reader "Carl" and KBarrett - KB's last statement will make some cringe though,

Anonymous said... Good grief, Kevin!

I *loved* your interview with Pat Buchanan! I kept thinking, as I often do during your 'higher profile' interviews, "In a just and alternate universe, Kevin would be a successful national late night tv or radio talk show host. He's got the voice, a sharp wit, an incisive intellect and (usually) his facts are solid." And I keep hoping when the 'tipping point' hits that's where you'll end up.

You don't think this has anything to do with you interviewing him, do you?



Begin forwarded message:

Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2011 08:03:15 -0500
From: "Ali Rozell, CREDO Action"
Subject: A white supremacist at MSNBC

Dear Carl,

For years, Pat Buchanan has passed off white supremacist ideology as legitimate mainstream political commentary. And MSNBC continues to pay him and give him a platform on national TV to do it.

And he's at it again.

Buchanan has just published a book which says that increasing racial diversity is a threat to this country and will mean the "End of White
America."1 To promote his book, he went on a white supremacist radio show whose host has said things like "MLK's dream is our nightmare," and "interracial sex is white genocide."2

Buchanan should be able to say just about anything he wants. But MSNBC -- a network that is now working to position itself as the progressive alternative to FOX News and CNN -- doesn't have to pay him money and give him an international television platform to spread his racist lies.

Tell MSNBC: Fire Pat Buchanan!

MSNBC President Phil Griffin considers the network "the place to go for progressives."3

But promoting bigotry and racism is anything but progressive. Buchanan's laundry list of unabashed white-supremacy includes downplaying slavery,4 writing a book in which he advocated shutting down our borders to maintain white dominance and espoused the genetic superiority of whites,5 complaining that confirming Elena Kagan would put too many Jews on the Supreme Court,6 and even defending Hitler. Repeatedly.7

If Buchanan wasn't paid money and given a powerful media platform, he'd be just another person with outdated, extremist ideas. But it's
irresponsible and dangerous for MSNBC to promote his hateful views to an audience of millions.

Tell MSNBC: Fire Pat Buchanan!

Thank you for standing up to hate.

Ali Rozell, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

1."Twelve Pretty Racist Or Just Crazy Quotes From Pat Buchanan's New
Jillian Rayfield, Talking Points Memo, 10-24-2011.
2. "Pat Buchanan Appears On 'Pro-White' Radio Show,"
Media Matters, 10-23-2011.
3. "Phil Griffin: 'MSNBC Stands For Something ...Is Really The Place To
Go For Progressives,'"
Mark Joyella, Mediaite, 6-20-2011.
4. "Buchanan: 'What is happening now to white men right now is exactly
what was done to black folks for years,'"
Matt Corley, ThinkProgress, 5-6-2009.
5. "Buchanan Argues For Immigration Moratorium To Preserve White
Judd Legum , ThinkProgress, 8-22-2006.
6. "Buchanan complains that with Kagan, Supreme Court will have too many
Media Matters, 5-14-2010.
7. "MSNBC's Pat Buchanan defends Hitler. Again."
Media Matters, 9-02-2009.
November 4, 2011 6:56 AM (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/11/james-petras-pat-buchanan-join-truth.html?showComment=1320414995275#c570543801978 1530464) http://www.blogger.com/img/icon_delete13.gif (http://www.blogger.com/delete-comment.g?blogID=2253633813431459343&postID=5705438019781530464)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1_WxkOeIxkk/SarAwDnDmxI/AAAAAAAAAAs/nnr7GHlLYtI/S45/Kevin%2BBarrettQ%2B220%2BJPG80.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1_WxkOeIxkk/SarAwDnDmxI/AAAAAAAAAAs/nnr7GHlLYtI/S45/Kevin%2BBarrettQ%2B220%2BJPG80.jpg (http://www.blogger.com/profile/16674471854209420488)
Kevin Barrett (http://www.blogger.com/profile/16674471854209420488) said... Thanks for the kind words, Carl!

I wish I could say, as Alex Jones can, that I've turned down multi-million dollar offers to "go mainstream & let us censor what you say."

Maybe they're setting me up for something like that.

If so, my response (like Alex's) would be "no thanks, I'd rather wait for the tipping point."


PS I don't agree with Buchanan's "race & tribe" stuff, but it sure beats the vapid, namby-pampy political correctness of his critics. At least he's calling it the way he sees it, and doing so with wit, courage and eloquence.

I do agree with him that Christianity as we know it here is part of a white culture that's just about run its course. That's one reason I like being a Muslim and praying beside people of all races and ethnicities ; - ) I also agree with Buchanan that Euro-culture is in decline due to loss of religion - and with the traditionalists http://traditionalism.org/ that Islam, a much more rational religion than Christianity, is Europe's best hope.
November 4, 2011 6:57 AM (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/11/james-petras-pat-buchanan-join-truth.html?showComment=1320415066655#c664992336035 3290639)

19th February 2012, 06:27 AM
hmm, who could these "blacklisters" PB refers to here, possibly be?!????

The New Blacklist (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/18/the-new-blacklist/)http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-ab3gTb8xb3dLg.gif

By Pat Buchanan

My days as a political analyst at MSNBC have come to an end.

After 10 enjoyable years, I am departing, after an incessant clamor from the left that to permit me continued access to the microphones of MSNBC would be an outrage against decency, and dangerous.

The calls for my firing began almost immediately with the Oct. 18 publication of “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?”

A group called Color of Change, whose mission statement says that it “exists to strengthen Black America’s political voice,” claimed that my book espouses a “white supremacist ideology.” Color of Change took particular umbrage at the title of Chapter 4, “The End of White America.”

Media Matters parroted the party line: He has blasphemed!

A Human Rights Campaign that bills itself as America’s leading voice for lesbians, bisexuals, gays and transgendered people said that Buchanan’s “extremist ideas are incredibly harmful to millions of LBGT people around the world.”

Their rage was triggered by a remark to NPR’s Diane Rehm — that I believe homosexual acts to be “unnatural and immoral.”

On Nov. 2, Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League, who has sought to have me censored for 22 years, piled on.

“Buchanan has shown himself, time and again, to be a racist and an anti-Semite,” said Foxman. Buchanan “bemoans the destruction of white Christian America” and says America’s shrinking Jewish population is due to the “collective decision of Jews themselves.”

Well, yes, I do bemoan what Newsweek’s 2009 cover called “The Decline and Fall of Christian America” and editor Jon Meacham described as “The End of Christian America.” After all, I am a Christian.

And what else explains the shrinkage of the U.S. Jewish population by 6 percent in the 1990s and its projected decline by another 50 percent by 2050, if not the “collective decision of Jews themselves”?

Let error be tolerated, said Thomas Jefferson, “so long as reason is left free to combat it.” What Foxman and ADL are about in demanding that my voice be silenced is, in the Jeffersonian sense, intrinsically un-American.

Consider what it is these people are saying.

They are saying that a respected publisher, St. Martin’s, colluded with me to produce a racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic book, and CNN, Fox News, C-SPAN, Fox Business News and the 150 radio shows on which I appeared failed to detect its evil and helped to promote a moral atrocity.

If my book is racist and anti-Semitic, how did Sean Hannity, Erin Burnett, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Megyn Kelly, Lou Dobbs and Ralph Nader miss that? How did Charles Payne, African-American host on Fox radio, who has interviewed me three times, fail to detect its racism?

How did Michael Medved miss its anti-Semitism?

In a 2009 cover story in the Atlantic, “The End of White America?” from which my chapter title was taken, professor Hua Hsu revels in the passing of America’s white majority.

At Portland State, President Clinton got a huge ovation when he told students that white Americans will be a minority in 2050.

Is this writer alone forbidden to broach the subject?

That homosexual acts are unnatural and immoral has been doctrine in the Catholic Church for 2,000 years.

Is it now hate speech to restate traditional Catholic beliefs?

Documented in the 488 pages and 1,500 footnotes of “Suicide of a Superpower” is my thesis that America is Balkanizing, breaking down along the lines of religion, race, ethnicity, culture and ideology, and that Western peoples are facing demographic death by century’s end.

Are such subjects taboo? Are they unfit for national debate?

So it would seem. MSNBC President Phil Griffin told reporters, “I don’t think the ideas that (Buchanan) put forth (in his book) are appropriate for the national dialogue, much less on MSNBC.”

In the 10 years I have been at MSNBC, the network has taken heat for what I have written, and faithfully honored our contract.

Yet my four-months’ absence from MSNBC and now my departure represent an undeniable victory for the blacklisters.

The modus operandi of these thought police at Color of Change and ADL is to brand as racists and anti-Semites any writer who dares to venture outside the narrow corral in which they seek to confine debate.

All the while prattling about their love of dissent and devotion to the First Amendment, they seek systematically to silence and censor dissent.

Without a hearing, they smear and stigmatize as racist, homophobic or anti-Semitic any who contradict what George Orwell once called their “smelly little orthodoxies.” They then demand that the heretic recant, grovel, apologize, and pledge to go forth and sin no more.

Defy them, and they will go after the network where you work, the newspapers that carry your column, the conventions that invite you to speak. If all else fails, they go after the advertisers.

I know these blacklisters. They operate behind closed doors, with phone calls, mailed threats and off-the-record meetings. They work in the dark because, as Al Smith said, nothing un-American can live in the sunlight.

Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?” To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com (http://www.creators.com/).
