View Full Version : California Sherrifs Standing for the People?

3rd November 2011, 09:34 AM
I just got this, and it looks worth investigating. I cannot do it now (at work), but thought some of you may be interested.


www.ToServeAndToProtect.com (http://www.toserveandtoprotect.com/)

with Statewide Communications

I am forwarding this to my local sheriff just as it is.

From: Keith Porter
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 1:44 PM
Subject: Patriot Alert! Videos of 8 Northern California Sheriffs speaking out for the citizens!!!

Click the link and watch the video and send it to everyone you know GET THE WORD OUT

Remember they are actors in a grand play. They will feed you a line of sh*t, and expect you to believe it all. You can't have a democracy [Republic], in such a way that peoples rights are protected with cops, and freedoms are preserved. You are failing to remember the past. He who wishes to "sell a little freedom for safety deserves neither". Sounds like a school yard.. ".. teacher .. he hit me .. make him stop ." " .. teacher .. she's looking at me ... " and on and on.

I think they may want to do the right thing, but it is all still wrong. If they (the sheriffs) don't begin removing the victimless laws, nothing will change. They aren't laying the axe at the root of the problem. Get rid of the victimless crimes and be done with it all. Simple measure no one seems to want to even take into consideration. locking someone up on a victimless crime is a crime. Is it going to take a serious divine intervention before we realize this?

It is a fact that keeping people locked up costs you the tax payers, jobs, and your children's inheritance. Simply because you don't have the money to do it with, so why not sell out your birthright to do it? That's what it boils down to, among similar grains of sand that make up the land mass. I got it.. lets spend 30k this year for someone who spit on the sidewalk, or got caught pissing in public. Yea that will teach them. O_o

When they begin telling the truth, about fictions, and the fact that their private corporate policies are not even made for human beings, then you will know the truth.. till then it is just ad-lib to a beautiful screen play.


From: Subject: Re: Patriot Alert!
Videos of 8 Northern California Sheriffs speaking out for the

The People in Pasco need to enlist the sheriff against Agenda 21 that the commissioners all signed on to. This is wonderful if true

My email list is diverse. Some of you get it, some of you don’t (regardless, you’ve all been on it for a long time). For those that think I’m a total kook, watch the videos below and then come back and please have a discussion with me. Start with this video: Intro - Sheriff Jon Lopey – Siskiyou County, CA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIrGFRMIryk

A dear friend signs all his emails with the following… (I know he won’t mind my sharing it): “Don’t call it your country, if you won’t fight for it!” Just remember “our” country was founded through God and based in Freedom. God Bless, Debra

(From Heather)
Patriots, Last weekend I went up to Siskiyou to support the local ranchers in opposing the removal of 4 dams. The highlight of the trip was a panel of 8 eight sheriffs from different counties coming together to stand against the tyranny that has taken over California and our Country. I can’t tell you how inspiring this was. It has never happened before that sheriffs have formed a coalition to protect the people! Please pass this on. We need this to go viral.

These videos are a MUST Watch! I live in another part of California where I have no city council, my board of supervisors are all Green Goons and my Sheriff won’t answer my emails. To find 8 Sheriffs in California that actually want to do their job and uphold the Constitution and adhere to their oath brings tears to my eyes.

Sheriffs Stand TALL for the Constitution

This is the Full length version of the Sheriff panel:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4RuWK2Ww-4

Here are all the links to each of the sheriff comments:

Intro - Sheriff Jon Lopey – Siskiyou County, CAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIrGFRMIryk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIrGFRMIryk)

The below videos titled WATER RIGHTS will be replaced but are still presently active..

Sheriff Dean Wilson – Del Norte County, CA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceNEpwAdFF0

Sheriff Bruce Haney – Trinity County, CA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KucFBCihnx0

Sheriff Tom Bosenko – Shasta County, CA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRyhXsI9fFg

Sheriff Jon Lopey’s Siskiyou County - second address http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duG9uvD3VqQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duG9uvD3VqQ)

Sheriff Greg Hagwood – Plumas County, CAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_fhPEMFOxk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_fhPEMFOxk)

Karen Budd-Falen - Wyoming Property Rights Attorneyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2OcKlXXico (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2OcKlXXico)

Sheriff Glenn E. Palmer – Grant County, ORhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ild07EuVqCY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ild07EuVqCY)

Sheriff Dave Hencratt – Tehama County, CA.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar4p9dSjqWc

Sheriff Greg Growden – Lassen County, CAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXd9M0Um3YY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXd9M0Um3YY)

25th August 2016, 05:34 PM
Constitutional Sheriff Glen E. Palmer being railroaded by Lez Zaitz and his wife, editor of Blue Mountain Eagle.


https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-1/p100x100/942520_904581026306151_5795427613167918080_n.jpg?o h=c8654c0a5a1254d17e0decb57465666e&oe=585EE6B7&__gda__=1480804771_71257b0722763dc3080811ec300b260 1

The Voice of Grant County, Oregon (https://www.facebook.com/TheVoiceOfGrantCountyOregon/?fref=nf)

4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/TheVoiceOfGrantCountyOregon/posts/1002447583186161) ·

August 24, 2016 – Letter to the Editor of the Blue Mountain Eagle Tabloid

For over a decade the majority of Grant County voters have chosen Sheriff Glenn Palmer to be the premiere law enforcement office in our county based on years of experience, trust, and loyalty. Now we are faced with the tabloid media’s implication that the same Grant County citizens are ignorant peons because of our choice of sheriff.

Sheriff Palmer and the people who support him are under attack by individuals (those who only understand from their limited level of perception), news media, and special interest groups playing sick political games with peoples’ lives, targeting those whose opinions do not support their obdurate scheme.

To understand the path of this destructive mentality, you must follow the money not the bawling distraction of the man who pictures himself as the biggest bull in the media pen (and we know what comes from bulls) who uses the tools of tyrants to pervert the plain meaning of words.

Follow the people who would benefit from a new “agency friendly” sheriff or the disbandment of the elected County Forest Commission that stands in support of our public lands. Who is plotting the takeover of our public lands and subverting our Constitutional rights?

Why does Les Zaitz and the Oregonian want public records from the Sheriff’s office? What does he plan to do with them…use them to harass individuals identified in those records? Continue to twist the truth and lead those with intellectual disabilities by the nose with lies?

Association is nothing where there is no honor or truth. You might also ask who benefits from the illegal destruction of Sheriff Palmer’s political signs. Signs from private property, paid for by private citizens who are also your neighbors. Destruction of signs and redundant attacks from skewed media reporting should not destroy our trust and loyalty. They only serve to instill disgust in Grant County citizens for the warped mind set of those attempting to destroy our way of life. jk

The Voice of Grant County, Oregon (https://www.facebook.com/TheVoiceOfGrantCountyOregon/?rc=p)
This is precisely the reason you needed your Committee of Correspondence Judy Kerr. You and all the supporters of Sheriff Palmer need to support Sheriff Palmer by turning the tables on Les Zaitz. Zaitz obviously has an agenda - find out what it is and who he really works for (SPLC???). Put your money together and hire a private detective to do some serious research on him. Keep track of EVERYTHING he writes... but it in a binder, have your committee of correspondence respond to it - AS A GROUP.

You might even consider hiring an attorney to represent the citizens of the county. Just because Les Zaitz works for the press doesn't mean that he can drive your sheriff out of office with harassment and scurrilous lies.

25th August 2016, 05:46 PM
Constitutional Sheriff Glen E. Palmer being railroaded by Lez Zaitz and his wife, editor of Blue Mountain Eagle.

(((Les Zaitz)))


25th August 2016, 06:58 PM
is Les a shriner?

27th August 2016, 06:29 AM
Lazarro Escenaro exposes Les Zaitz's twisted journalism

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"Rob Seaver
56 mins
Oregonian reporter Les Zaitz seems to have a problem with the truth. In his zeal to attack Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer, Zaitz uses innuendo and omissions of fact to create a false and deceptive sense of accuracy and truth in his reporting.

Case in point: Roy Peterson, whom Sheriff Glenn Palmer had appointed to be a special deputy for search & rescue. This week, Roy went on trial in a theft case, arising out of a property dispute. Search & rescue had nothing whatsoever to do with the alleged theft case.

Zaitz is trying to use Roy's association with Sheriff Palmer to discredit him. Let's see what Zaitz had to say about this, and then I'll tell you what Zaitz conveniently left out of his account.

"In March, Palmer appointed Roy R. Peterson, 63, of Monument, as a special deputy for search missions. Palmer's county cellphone records dating back to November show he talked to Peterson more than anyone. Peterson didn't respond to telephone messages or written questions.

In 2013, Palmer investigated a rural fire district's complaint that Peterson misappropriated state fire money and equipment. He concluded it was a civil matter and closed his criminal investigation.

The state police thought otherwise, opening their own case that led to Peterson's indictment late that year on theft, possession of a stolen vehicle and other charges. His trial is scheduled to start Monday."

What Zaitz intentionally fails to mention is that prior to Sheriff Palmer beginning an investigation, that Roy Peterson went of his own accord and met with Ryan Joslin, then the elected DA of Grant County. Roy met with DA Joslin to try and clear the matter up. DA Joslin concluded that it was indeed a civil matter and not a criminal one.

Zaitz makes it sound like Sheriff Palmer arbitrarily stopped his investigation, the implication being that Roy received special treatment because he was a special deputy, and because he was in contact with the sheriff "more than anyone." When in fact, Sheriff Palmer was also investigating, in addition to the DA, to be certain that it was, indeed a civil matter and Sheriff Palmer was carrying out his due diligence.

Furthermore, the Grant County DA's Office is not even involved in the theft case that is being prosecuted now. Instead it is being prosecuted by Daniel P Wendel and Bumjoon Park, two attorneys with the Oregon Department of Justice (DOJ) from Salem.

Not only has Oregon DOJ been involved in numerous scandals including mishandling evidence and blowing several murder cases (leading to their dismissal), but why are they even involved in the first place in Roy Peterson's case? The Oregon State Police (OSP), the lead agency in Roy's case, also routinely bring cases to the Grant County DA for review & prosecution. Why not this time? Isn't Grant County justice good enough for them?

"Peterson was under indictment when Palmer deputized him."

So what. Is not Roy Peterson innocent until proven guilty? Zaitz also never mentions why Sheriff Palmer placed that level of trust in Roy in the first place, and that Roy had well earned that trust by his dedicated involvement for the betterment of his community, by being a long time volunteer fire fighter & fire chief.

Zaitz also writes about a search & rescue incident involving Roy, stating:

"[Sheriff] Palmer said in a Facebook post that volunteers such as Peterson 'expect nothing but a thank you.'
Peterson got more. George Martin of Keno, one of the trapped men, said he paid Palmer's special deputy $400 for clearing snow so he and the others could leave. Martin said the sheriff walked away as the two men negotiated."

Once again, Zaitz uses innuendo and omits information to manufacture the sort of negative image he so desperately wants to promote. The fact is that what George Martin and the others wanted was beyond the scope of the rescue itself. Those people were already rescued and for that there was certainly no charge (even though they created the rescue situation by being there in the first place).

It was not unreasonable to negotiate or to charge for the work it took so they could get their personal vehicles out, which was a separate issue. But Zaitz leaves that part out.

Zaitz's use of Roy Peterson to attempt to discredit Sheriff Palmer is but one small element in the vendetta Zaitz is on to destroy Sheriff Palmer's career. I now know from personal experience with Zaitz, just how much he hates the sheriff or anyone even remotely connected to him. It is utterly pathological. Zaitz's twisted work lacks objectivity, is slanted to plant a false perception in the minds of his readers, and is tabloid "journalism" at it's worst.

The latest story Zaitz used Roy Peterson in (regarding Sheriff Palmer) that the above mentioned quotes were taken from, is here:"


Letter: Sheriff Palmer is under attack - Letters to the Editor -
http://www.bluemountaineagle.com/…/letter-sheriff-palmer-is… (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bluemountaineagle.com%2FL etters%2F20160823%2Fletter-sheriff-palmer-is-under-attack&h=JAQEGIFDuAQGmGteiY6KnM4HeA3AlgP74ve1BMG_fnG9ltg&enc=AZPMBhj6F8vaf-X_i218hBB7VBdMPWRLgCAVCloVhkKQiP6jMSnMTjzaOy8eyM9n ylfGkPAUlI-1kz24GagOgVQ9gJOQhltOIloaxoHDbIYHmRivl0Y0zs6CagQDz jUr3TjqeWPg_PyofGAglvA9b2vEXpE8GxigCuad-o270AvNdKYKNww9st91RWhSUjY-a9Q&s=1)

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27th August 2016, 06:39 AM
In 2015 Sheriff Glen Palmer testified in Congress. Maybe that has some bearing on Lez Zaitz's attacking him




27th August 2016, 03:33 PM
(((Les Zaitz)))


He has a variation of the pedo smile. Creep!

27th August 2016, 04:20 PM
Missing the pedo glasses tho.