View Full Version : Israeli Warships Move Against Surprise Gaza Aid Flotilla

3rd November 2011, 11:58 AM
nothing izzy hates worse than dishonest propaganda!! >:D

Israeli Warships Move Against Surprise Gaza Aid Flotilla (http://news.antiwar.com/2011/11/02/israeli-warships-move-against-surprise-gaza-aid-flotilla/)


Israeli Officials Condemn Attempt to Deliver Aid as ‘Deplorable Propaganda’

Israeli warships are on the move tonight, preparing to attack a pair of aid vessels from Ireland and Canada which are attempting to deliver medical supplies to the Gaza Strip, insisting they will “take whatever measures will be necessary” (http://af.reuters.com/article/egyptNews/idAFL5E7M249J20111102) to prevent the ships from reaching Gaza.

Israeli officials were quick to condemn the move as a “provocation” and claimed that an attempt to deliver aid amounted to a “deplorable propaganda exercise (http://www.newswire.ca/en/story/870543/canadian-and-irish-ships-wrong-to-challenge-israel-s-legal-naval-blockade-of-gaza).” The ships are currently in international waters.

The ships left from the Turkish port of Fethiye today, and were supposed to sail to Rhodes, according to Turkish officials (http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/11/201111213194344964.html). Instead the ships are heading to Gaza, with 19 activists and five journalists between them.

The sail was something of a surprise and activists from the two ships said they deliberately kept a low profile (http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/gaza-flotilla-organizers-to-haaretz-plan-kept-secret-until-last-minute-1.393370) until reaching international waters, fearing that they would be detained in port or sabotaged like previous ships.

3rd November 2011, 04:01 PM
What happened?

I though they took care of these boats in port by slicing their props off.

3rd November 2011, 07:49 PM
nothing izzy hates worse than dishonest propaganda!! >:D

"Internet Killed Israeli PR"


5th November 2011, 12:48 PM
Israeli forces board flotilla as protesters ask Irish government to intervene (http://www.thejournal.ie/israeli-forces-board-flotilla-as-protesters-ask-irish-government-to-intervene-271573-Nov2011/)

22 hours ago 847 Views 104 Comments (http://www.thejournal.ie/israeli-forces-board-flotilla-as-protesters-ask-irish-government-to-intervene-271573-Nov2011/#comments)
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http://s1.jrnl.ie/media/2011/11/Gaza-protest-boat-390x285.jpgActivists show their support for the two boats which are attempting to break the blockade on Gaza

Image: AP Photo/Adel Hana

ISRAELI FORCES HAVE boarded two protests boats – one of them Irish – which were attempting to break Israel’s naval blockade of the Gaza strip.

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) had warned the flotilla to either turn around or else dock in Egypt or Israel to avoid confrontation. When the ships continued on the mission to reach Gaza, the head of the IDF ordered naval forces to board both ships, reports Haaretz (http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/israel-navy-intercepts-gaza-bound-aid-vessels-no-injuries-reported-1.393717).

Israel will not allow ships to reach Gaza, saying it is in order to prevent weapons from entering the occupied territory.

Nobody was injured during the boarding of the ships, which were then taken to dock in an Israeli port. The boats were in international waters when the Israeli military intercepted.

The Irish Ship to Gaza campaign has asked the Irish government to intervene (http://irishshiptogaza.org/?p=813) and issued an urgent statement to the Israeli government warning against any harm to the passengers aboard the MV Saoirse.

The two boats are carrying 27 passengers along with medical aid. Among those on board the MV Saoirse were Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy, former Fianna Fáil TD Chris Andrew and former Ireland rugby player Trevor Hogan.

Israel has vigorously defended its right to maintain a blockade on Gaza despite fierce international criticism.

The Israeli embassy in Dublin called the flotilla “a provocative publicity stunt that serves no practical purpose”.

5th November 2011, 01:16 PM
Longshanks (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001526/): Arrows cost money. Use up the Irish. The dead cost nothing.