View Full Version : Anyone else feel like it's you against, the entitled, the unions and the marxists?

General of Darkness
3rd November 2011, 07:00 PM
As each day passes, I'm really getting down. Over the past 20 years it's been beat up on the white Christian male, and now it's just getting over the top.

Let me first give you some history. My family left communist Yugoslavia back in the 60's to come to America to live the dream. When I was born in the late 60's my mom paid for my birth while even then the illegal alien next to her didn't. Due to her working 12 hours a day I was raised on my uncles farm in the Croatian part of Yugoslavia. When I was 4 years old I came back to L.A. and from about 7 years old and on, I would spend every other summer there working on my uncles farm, spending time with friends and relatives, and seeing with my own eyes why I was damn happy my parents left there and came to my country of America.

Other than getting into the my experiences of communism, let me get to the point.

I made all the right choices. I studied in school, went to college, never got into any serious trouble, and I WORKED. I bought property, I stayed out of debt, paid all my taxes, and I'm working on my nest egg, and NOW everyone wants a piece of that?

Is it my fault that people made bad life choices? Is it my fault the government won't control our borders and illegal aliens are bleeding the system blind? Etc etc.

I guess the question is, if the current environment of our country is not my fault, then why is everyone pointing the finger at the establishment and pointing their fingers at the successful white guy like me as the establishment?

Ethics and working hard use to be praised and applauded in this country, now it's seems like it's a piggy bank to scoffed at, raped and pillaged.

OK Rant off.

3rd November 2011, 07:16 PM
You need to move away from that soul-sucking place while you can.

3rd November 2011, 07:17 PM
GoD, can I have some FRN's? I know you have some to spare. ;D

3rd November 2011, 07:21 PM
I agree with you 100% GoD.

3rd November 2011, 07:27 PM
My husband feels a lot like you do. He was in the marines (desert storm combat vet), returned home and worked his way through college, graduated and got a stable job and has worked his way up by working very hard and keeping up with certifications, etc. Now he feels like "Why work harder?" "Why make more money? They're just going to take it". What we are becoming, a socialist country is very demotivating. So yes, I understand and I think a lot of people feel the same.

3rd November 2011, 07:34 PM
There's no escaping the Red tide, all you can do is find higher ground & wait for it to recede.

I have some property for sale in Costa Rica in case your interested.

3rd November 2011, 07:56 PM
It's not just you, General of Darkness.

I am no where near you tax bracket, but when discussing my taxes with my accountant, I asked "So, should I just not make that much?" He laughed and said "Well it's always better to make more money." But in my opinion, sometimes it's just not better, when you realize where your money is going. I'd rather make much less and give charitably of my own volition.

I assume this is why so many of us want to be "off grid", and why we all love the bartering and horse trading thread. It's like we just want to try to avoid being forcefully reamed by the .gov as much as possible.

What made you think of this? Just llegal immigrants? Or was it something else, too?

po boy
3rd November 2011, 07:57 PM
Most all the wealth stripping regulations and taxes/fees that go along with them come from participating in commerce and and the authority for that comes from article 1 section 8 of the US constitution.

Wasn't so bad participating in commerce till as Horn put it the Red tide came in.

I worked my ass of only to see the good old boy network shut the little guys out then the vultures swoop in to pick ya clean.

I've gone through plans a-d and am getting tired of making more plans. It seems the ones happy with the way things are are the .gov parasites.

Korbin Dallas
3rd November 2011, 08:12 PM
In this fucked up state of Commiefornia, we are the 88%, and I too am tired of it. We know about the blood sucking 1%, but what is just as bad is the 11%, that is the percentage of the workforce in organized crime, or labor unions. California is a totalitarian union occupied state, and everything that comes out of Suckramento is dictated by them. They run the show, along with the 1%ers, and they prefer unarmed peasants, and frown on the work ethic we were raised with, so they are doing their best to suck the life right out of us. If I could, I'd leave.

General of Darkness
3rd November 2011, 08:14 PM
It's not just you, General of Darkness.

I am no where near you tax bracket, but when discussing my taxes with my accountant, I asked "So, should I just not make that much?" He laughed and said "Well it's always better to make more money." But in my opinion, sometimes it's just not better, when you realize where your money is going. I'd rather make much less and give charitably of my own volition.

I assume this is why so many of us want to be "off grid", and why we all love the bartering and horse trading thread. It's like we just want to try to avoid being forcefully reamed by the .gov as much as possible.

What made you think of this? Just llegal immigrants? Or was it something else, too?

Naw K, it's not just the illegals, it's everything. It's the INTENTIONAL destruction of Western Civilization. From setting up this bullshit monetary system, to 9/11, the global warming hoax etc. It's everything going on around us. I've always been a pretty lucky person and been able to sense things, and it should be obvious to people here that dark clouds are starting to form. My gut tells me, the future is going to be very hard and violent. Dunno what else to say.

po boy
3rd November 2011, 08:16 PM
Where to go the extra big ass DOOM has taken over the planet?

Sorry I love that!

3rd November 2011, 08:24 PM
Naw K, it's not just the illegals, it's everything. It's the INTENTIONAL destruction of Western Civilization. From setting up this bullshit monetary system, to 9/11, the global warming hoax etc. It's everything going on around us. I've always been a pretty lucky person and been able to sense things, and it should be obvious to people here that dark clouds are starting to form. My gut tells me, the future is going to be very hard and violent. Dunno what else to say.

I have always been upset about the illegal situation, because I have friends that migrated legally and it bothers me that others have not gone that extra mile like your family did.

Then again, I have no idea whether the guys that do my lawn are legal. I am betting that if they were legal, I probably couldn't afford to have my lawn maintained by someone other than me. So, I could be hypocrite . . . I just don't know.

I am positive that the black cloud is looming over us. I am just not so sure about whether we will be smothered by it, or whether it will just be raining more heavily forever and ever until we drown slowly.

3rd November 2011, 08:38 PM
....I am positive that the black cloud is looming over us. I am just not so sure about whether we will be smothered by it, or whether it will just be raining more heavily forever and ever until we drown slowly.

My God that's beautifully depressing.

Uncle Salty
3rd November 2011, 08:45 PM
Corporations and the government were merged under the auspices of the Fed. They are the real enemies of the people. Unions and liberalism were a response to that unholy alliance. Between those two forces, we are fucked. But no worries. The whole system is going to collapse and hard work and ingenuity will once again be rewarded.

3rd November 2011, 08:46 PM
or whether it will just be raining more heavily forever and ever until we drown slowly.

At which point there will be no other style options at the clothing store other than brown shirts, or two piece Chinese jump suits.

When this moment arrives the tide will then start to recede again, stripping those fashions away, leaving nothing but fig leaves.


3rd November 2011, 08:51 PM
As each day passes, I'm really getting down. Over the past 20 years it's been beat up on the white Christian male, and now it's just getting over the top.


I guess the question is, if the current environment of our country is not my fault, then why is everyone pointing the finger at the establishment and pointing their fingers at the successful white guy like me as the establishment?

Ethics and working hard use to be praised and applauded in this country, now it's seems like it's a piggy bank to scoffed at, raped and pillaged.

OK Rant off.

like a bird that builds a nest and feeds its children, that is what we focus on. the 'Signal'.

the Edifice that is California - the Noise - let it crumble. then the Signal to Noise ratio will increase. in electronics that is generally considered to be a good thing.

the Edifice that is the United States of Israel - let it crumble.

same for Los Angeles (angels ?!).

let it crumble like a cookie that got stale and you resurrected it by putting it in a microwave with a moist towel. it de-stales them, but it makes them more crumbly.

but they taste better than Sovietized America.

i especially like the de-staled crumbly white chocolate chip and chocolate chip. Mmm-mmm Good ;)

can't say the same for the Sovietized nation that tries to suck its productive citizens to feed a malignant cancer - this government that thinks we have the responsibility to feed it.

of course i may not be entirely neutral. California Highway Patrol detained me for a number of violations at the truck scale last night. I busted my ass to be maximally safe as a driver - and I had a safe drive, even went in the 35 mph lane for trucks even though i had a single axle and could have gone downhill at 70 mph.

but they still found violations and seemed to enjoy the power they thought they wielded over me. they let me off with a warning but it gave me a bad taste of 'The Man'.

the Cancer/ Government is orders of magnitude more complex than in the old days when America actually made stuff. how did we ever survive the 50's without this huge bureacracy ? How did we survive the early 1900's when America actually made stuff and had a huge manufacturing industry ?

OK, i'm biased, i admit it, i like manufacturing, but i don't care for Uncle 'Cancer' Shylock.

we need to call an Oncologist to deal with the cancer. (Mamboni ? ;) )

although i think we are each individual Cancer fighters, like Scrubbing bubbles that work through the system and disintegrate the cancer clumps when we find them.

3rd November 2011, 09:10 PM
You need to move away from that soul-sucking place while you can.

General's Neighbors

Elsewhere in the USA

Joe King
3rd November 2011, 09:16 PM
Is that first pic taken in Ideeho?

4th November 2011, 02:17 AM
I am positive that the black cloud is looming over us. I am just not so sure about whether we will be smothered by it, or whether it will just be raining more heavily forever and ever until we drown slowly.

My God that's beautifully depressing.

At which point there will be no other style options at the clothing store other than brown shirts, or two piece Chinese jump suits.

When this moment arrives the tide will then start to recede again, stripping those fashions away, leaving nothing but fig leaves.


^^^^^ This gave me a powerfull visual of the near future like a daja'vu hit.

I will now share it with you foks Sorry General it does take place in LA. But he does not share your accent.



Thanks you wankers. It was so creepy a vision I am now going to try and rock my self to sleep.

4th November 2011, 04:12 AM

All of this is the result of your endorsement of Private Credit. If people demanded lawful money this entire system would implode in minutes. Think about it, if no one was paying medicare, social slavery, or the income tax (you don't with lawful money) then they couldn't do 95% of their ridiculous bullshit. The key is to make your demand known each time you have a transaction that it's being done in lawful money.

That is the key to this entire system. Private Credit, when you no longer use it, you no longer endorse it's abuse.

4th November 2011, 05:19 AM
I'm to the point where pretty much everywhere I look I see shit. I have little hope left. If we can't even keep children safe from the pedophile elites that rule us how can we expect to change anything else.:'( I try to spend as much time as I can doing activities that fill me with peace and take away my worries.

4th November 2011, 05:53 AM
I try to spend as much time as I can doing activities that fill me with peace and take away my worries.

That sounds so smart.

For me, that would mean walking away from GSUS. :P

But joking aside, I do feel better as a whole when I do something physical - dancing, or general yard work, gardening.

General of Darkness, are you getting some physical activity in your day? Be honest. I know it isn't easy.

4th November 2011, 06:16 AM
this common side effect was in the small print on the bottle of red pills we all took. Its just that out understanding of the big picture is so clear, i think...other folks see a temporary rescession, we see the beginning of the end...others see an immigration problem, we see an invasion...some see an election coming, we all see a rigged cakewalk with a bunch of pre-chosed zio stooges...i totally know where your at.

4th November 2011, 07:07 AM
General of Darkness, are you getting some physical activity in your day? Be honest. I know it isn't easy.

Environment has alot to do with it too, for me.

If I live somewhere were the life support system is supported mostly by those same "civilized" machinations, the anxiety grows to become hopelessness.

I don't know that you can be more "out on the moon" then those Western cities.

I'm telling you, there is a constant "edge" in those cities that goes practically unnoticed due to Neon, but works on you the entire time.


4th November 2011, 10:26 AM
Environment has alot to do with it too, for me.

If I live somewhere were the life support system is supported mostly by those same "civilized" machinations, the anxiety grows to become hopelessness.

I don't know that you can be more "out on the moon" then those Western cities.

I'm telling you, there is a constant "edge" in those cities that goes practically unnoticed due to Neon, but works on you the entire time.


Haven't seen the vid but I believe we're in the same neon boat and I know what you're talking about.

I try to make time to get out in the desert or mountains regularly to ease the anxiety. That's one of the cool things about living in the neon jungle- that in very short order you can easily be a world away from civilized stupidity. I guess it also helps that I have an ability to appreciate the utter absurdity of "normal life" in this city.

4th November 2011, 10:43 AM
In this fucked up state of Commiefornia, we are the 88%, and I too am tired of it. We know about the blood sucking 1%, but what is just as bad is the 11%, that is the percentage of the workforce in organized crime, or labor unions. California is a totalitarian union occupied state, and everything that comes out of Suckramento is dictated by them. They run the show, along with the 1%ers, and they prefer unarmed peasants, and frown on the work ethic we were raised with, so they are doing their best to suck the life right out of us. If I could, I'd leave.

You got me thinking.... how many pay no taxes and let the government steal from others for welfare, food stamps & other "credits"?
And how many are government employees?

4th November 2011, 02:57 PM
General's Neighbors

Elsewhere in the USA

Book loves kids!

mick silver
4th November 2011, 04:23 PM
this is why i moved to were i am now , there no place i feel as safe as i do here . i dont care were you live there alway people with there hands out for more . they will never be able to make it on there own without sucking the life out of every thing around them . i think i have all my cards in order for whats about to come all of are ways . i have worked my ass off for what i have and i never have asked for a dam thing from anyone are the gov but i would really like to see were people would have to work for the free ride there getting and i would be a betting man most would get off there asses if they had too and find a way to make a living then living off of me an others like me

4th November 2011, 04:31 PM
this is why i moved to were i am now , there no place i feel as safe as i do here . i dont care were you live there alway people with there hands out for more . they will never be able to make it on there own without sucking the life out of every thing around them . i think i have all my cards in order for whats about to come all of are ways . i have worked my ass off for what i have and i never have asked for a dam thing for anyone are the gov but i would really like to see were people would have to work for the free ride there getting and i would be a betting man most would get off there asses if they had too and find a way to make a living then living off of me an others like me

I never understood why the gov't doesn't require welfare or section 8, or whatever recipients to work for their benefits. Street sweeping, community gardening . . . I can't think of anything else, but there are plenty of government paid jobs that could be handled by someone who is able-bodied and only collecting benefits. (I am not talking about the ones who are really working, but can't make ends meet. Those people still have pride and usually want a hand up temporarily, and not a hand out indefinitely.)

Well, then I guess that government employee would be out of a street sweeping job . . . but we'd save some money!

4th November 2011, 04:37 PM
I never understood why the gov't doesn't require welfare or section 8, or whatever recipients to work for their benefits. Street sweeping, community gardening . . . I can't think of anything else, but there are plenty of government paid jobs that could be handled by someone who is able-bodied and only collecting benefits. (I am not talking about the ones who are really working, but can't make ends meet. Those people still have pride and usually want a hand up temporarily, and not a hand out indefinitely.)

Well, then I guess that government employee would be out of a street sweeping job . . . but we'd save some money!

That would be Communism if they had to work for it.

By giving it away, politicians look like saviors. The system appears as charity.

Don't pay any attention to the gun that is used to take from the guy down the road.

4th November 2011, 04:59 PM
That would be Communism if they had to work for it.

By giving it away, politicians look like saviors. The system appears as charity.

Don't pay any attention to the gun that is used to take from the guy down the road.

Right, but there is charity already! Where I live, no one will go hungry, get cold, or go without decent clothing . . . all from the churches, Goodwill, food donations, etc.

I give, but I would give more if less was stolen from me.

4th November 2011, 07:27 PM
That would be Communism if they had to work for it.

It would also end a pyramid scheme that's been going on for quite some time.