View Full Version : ZioStream Media (ZSM) Reacts To Conan's Same-Sex Wedding News

3rd November 2011, 07:33 PM
ZioStream Media (ZSM) Reacts To Conan's Same-Sex Wedding News


3rd November 2011, 07:54 PM
Straight from the source tele-prompting.


3rd November 2011, 10:18 PM
Wow. Just wow.

3rd November 2011, 11:46 PM
good line from Andy at the end,

"We've gotta get an envelope!"

It is ironic or sumthin though- the tribe who contrived the stunt for Conan's show seeking to promote "same sex marriage = kewl!", are then the same ones who contrived the "pushing the envelope" talking point parroted all over their ZSM - then Conan/Andy can do quite funny shtick about the whole social-engineering charade.

4th November 2011, 03:39 AM
good line from Andy at the end,

"We've gotta get an envelope!"

It is ironic or sumthin though- the tribe who contrived the stunt for Conan's show seeking to promote "same sex marriage = kewl!", are then the same ones who contrived the "pushing the envelope" talking point parroted all over their ZSM - then Conan/Andy can do quite funny shtick about the whole social-engineering charade.

Subliminal as it is, "pushing the envelope" is obviously gay and still plays in the direction of promotion. In fact, it adds a mischievous element that further draws in people conditioned to accept same sex marriage as normal. That would probably be why it was spoon-fed to news outlets for talking heads.

7th November 2011, 04:36 AM
I guess the part of the evelope they are pushing is the Q-corner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffin_corner_(aviation)).

2nd September 2013, 11:25 PM


Media Brainwashing "Operation Paul Revere Infowars.com Contest"
https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Db6AjizR9e8/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/rLXPQpxMU7E/s48-c-k/photo.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/user/2xtream?feature=watch)2xtream (http://www.youtube.com/user/2xtream?feature=watch)·95 videos (http://www.youtube.com/user/2xtream/videos)
http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 740 http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 18

Published on Apr 26, 2013
Media Brainwashing
Some of these clips were offered up as a comedy bit on Conan O"brien "Coco" show. But what I seen was the Brainwashing doled out by the main stream media... These were all real news items. I also found some Old commercial that followed the same platform... I put them all together one after the other, see if you agree...

3rd September 2013, 12:23 PM
So this is how Conan is going to make his big comeback by appeasing the Gay-Mafia