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4th November 2011, 07:50 AM
Thirty-five million Americans harbor a hatred for Jews and number growing as economy continues to stall (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/thirty-five-million-americans-harbor-a-hatred-jews-number-growing-economy-continues-stall-article-1.971918)

Anti-Defamation League survey shows the most-educated were least prejudice

BY Corky Siemaszko (http://www.nydailynews.com/authors?author=Corky%20Siemaszko)
Thursday, November 3 2011, 4:15 PM
Comstock/Getty Images

A new Anti-Defamation League survey found 15% of Americans hold deeply anti-Semitic views.

Millions of Americans harbor an ugly secret — they’re suspicious of the Jews.

more spew:

midnight rambler
4th November 2011, 07:54 AM
Anti-Defamation League survey shows the most brainwashed were least prejudiceFixed it.

4th November 2011, 07:59 AM
Why? ? they are such a good dancers


4th November 2011, 08:07 AM
Thirty-five million Americans harbor a hatred for Jews and number growing as economy continues to stall (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/thirty-five-million-americans-harbor-a-hatred-jews-number-growing-economy-continues-stall-article-1.971918)

Anti-Defamation League survey shows the most-educated were least prejudice

BY Corky Siemaszko (http://www.nydailynews.com/authors?author=Corky%20Siemaszko)
Thursday, November 3 2011, 4:15 PM
Comstock/Getty Images

A new Anti-Defamation League survey found 15% of Americans hold deeply anti-Semitic views.

Millions of Americans harbor an ugly secret — they’re suspicious of the Jews.

more spew:

How exactly does the ADL know this? Did they survey every American who willingly told the ADL how they are suspicious of Jews? I am so tired of the propaganda and coersive bullshit that passes for news and reporting on the MSM.

This story is like some twisted mutant strawman from a kosher universe. In reality, the overwhelming majority denied the negative Jewish stereotypes, over 85%. But to the ADL, if just 1% agreed that "Jews have too much influence in finance"(which a statistical fact) then ADL would crow: "You see, we told you anti-semitism is rapant in America! Over 3 million Americans are anti-semites!!!"

I often contemplate: is it wrong to hate someone who is a constant irritation and who is constantly accusing you of secretly hating him? These people have a sick and twisted fetish for being victims, as if it makes them better than anyone else and immunizes them against any guilt for wrongdoing. I for one am sick of them and their accusations, insinuations and in-your-face arrogance. Feels like a good time for another 'expulsion.'

4th November 2011, 08:12 AM
Why is it Ugly, or a secret? They should come talk to us and would find out that no one likes parasites sucking off their lifeblood, and that is no secret.

4th November 2011, 08:29 AM
15% is 35 million? Quik!,somebody do the math.

4th November 2011, 09:13 AM
"liberalism with a circumcision"?

Anti-Defamation League survey shows the most-educated were least prejudice
The more educated Americans, I assume, realize most Jews are not Semites, and in fact Zionist controlled western media lies to create hatred of actual (Palistinian) Semites to clear Semite land for mostly white European Jews and resource profiteering.

midnight rambler
4th November 2011, 09:16 AM
Why is it Ugly, or a secret? They should come talk to us and would find out that no one likes parasites sucking off their lifeblood, and that is no secret.

Why in the world would the ego-centric parasites be the least bit concerned about the host?? It should be abundantly clear to anyone paying attention that by now the parasites fully intend to kill the host, and are just about done.

4th November 2011, 09:30 AM
Ugly secret? only 15%?...........with me is no secret and is more like70%.......the only thing is that they should change the word Jew for Zionist.....all that they are doing is to bring this subject into the "open" so that they can make more rules.

First post of the day.......good morning to one and all.

4th November 2011, 09:51 AM
from the spew piece (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/thirty-five-million-americans-harbor-a-hatred-jews-number-growing-economy-continues-stall-article-1.971918), corrections in blue,

On the plus side, even the anti-Semites gave Jews credit for their strong faith in God SATAN (79%), being big on destroying the goyims' family (84%), and for contributing to the destruction of American culture (64%).The Defamation Experts have got a lot of chutzpah to just blatantly lie about the very enlightened observations which make the "anti-Semites", well, "anti-Semites" !!! :o

They're like, defaming us, er sumthin! :-X

4th November 2011, 10:54 AM
I'd be very surprised if it's as high as 15%. I get the feeling that I'm in a tiny minority for even daring to question the official history of the "Jews." Heavan help me if I came out and disagreed with it.

4th November 2011, 11:38 AM
"Anti-Defamation League survey shows the most-educated were least prejudice"

Wrong. Part of being educated is the ability to recognize empirical truth. Perhaps they are suggesting that some ivory tower schools successfully indoctrinate students into seeing life through rose-colored glasses via the ADL feeding them with social engineering. But to state that the most-educated people are the least prejudice is ridiculous. Every person I know with a college education is biased and bases their perspectives on reality, not illusion. Prejudice BTW is awareness, not hate unto itself.

4th November 2011, 02:35 PM
I don't care about the money, it's the societal destruction they perform with their porn and hate crime legislation and crappy movies.

4th November 2011, 03:33 PM
it's vaguely comical, in a very dark way, that the world's biggest crime organization has a full-time PR agency to re-paint their image. seems like the ADL is their main PR agency, but of course there's the SPLC etc.

midnight rambler
4th November 2011, 04:06 PM
it's vaguely comical, in a very dark way, that the world's biggest crime organization has a full-time PR agency to re-paint their image. seems like the ADL is their main PR agency, but of course there's the SPLC etc.

When there's trillion$ at stake ya can't afford not to have a PR agency or three.

4th November 2011, 04:23 PM
I am calling BS on this too. Everyone knows it's not PC to say what they want to say, and particularly to the person/people/organization you want to say it to! I think it is completely made up, and you know, they can do that, because they own the media too.

I have otherwise intelligent friends who call me KKK because I have discussed fractional reserve banking with them, and named the group of people who brought it to us. See, I can't even say it outright here. (Also, I am afraid Ponce will quit again if I don't say "Zionist".)

4th November 2011, 04:31 PM

They never asked me.

4th November 2011, 04:46 PM

They never asked me.


4th November 2011, 05:47 PM

4th November 2011, 06:06 PM
You can do better than that. That was just a useless post for a notch in your post count.

po boy
4th November 2011, 07:44 PM
Some how I thought the title was referring to to those time when one passes gas and get an added bonus.

5th November 2011, 09:59 AM

35,000,003! No make that 35,000,002 again I just realized I am not American...

5th November 2011, 02:30 PM
it's vaguely comical, in a very dark way, that the world's biggest crime organization has a full-time PR agency to re-paint their image. seems like the ADL is their main PR agency, but of course there's the SPLC etc.

not to mention, most brutally racist & anti-Authentic-Semitic crime organization (think: Apartheid ziOccupied Palestine (http://ifamericansknew.org/))

it's like their PR only knows one trick: the Chutzpah Maneuver (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?48510-The-gullible-mind-explained-False-projection-of-honor-code&p=410540&viewfull=1#post410540).

recall the Defamation Experts' (agents of the real 911 perps (http://rediscover911.com/)) choice of title for their 9/11 10th anniversary smear piece,

Decade of Deceit: (http://www.adl.org/main_Extremism/911_conspiracy_theories_report.htm)
Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories (http://www.adl.org/main_Extremism/911_conspiracy_theories_report.htm)

6th November 2011, 11:18 AM
from FOX News: just kidding, it's from Haaretz:

Published 07:50 04.11.11
Latest update 07:50 04.11.11

Ultra-Orthodox spitting attacks on Old City clergymen becoming daily (http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/ultra-orthodox-spitting-attacks-on-old-city-clergymen-becoming-daily-1.393669)

Clergymen in the Armenian Church in Jerusalem say they are victims of harassment, from senior cardinals to priesthood students; when they do complain, the police don't usually find the perpetrators.

By Oz Rosenberg (http://www.haaretz.com/misc/writers/oz-rosenberg-1.381370)
Ultra-Orthodox young men curse and spit at Christian clergymen in the streets of Jerusalem's Old City as a matter of routine. In most cases the clergymen ignore the attacks, but sometimes they strike back. Last week the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court quashed the indictment against an Armenian priesthood student who had punched the man who spat at him.

Johannes Martarsian was walking in the Old City in May 2008 when an young ultra-Orthodox Jew spat at him. Maratersian punched the spitter in the face, making him bleed, and was charged for assault. But Judge Dov Pollock, who unexpectedly annulled the indictment, wrote in his verdict that "putting the defendant on trial for a single blow at a man who spat at his face, after suffering the degradation of being spat on for years while walking around in his church robes is a fundamental contravention of the principles of justice and decency."
"Needless to say, spitting toward the defendant when he was wearing the robe is a criminal offense," the judge said.

When Narek Garabedian came to Israel to study in the Armenian Seminary in Jerusalem half a year ago, he did not expect the insults, curses and spitting he would be subjected to daily by ultra-Orthodox Jews in the streets of the Old City.

"When I see an ultra-Orthodox man coming toward me in the street, I always ask myself if he will spit at me," says Narek, a Canadian Armenian, this week. About a month ago, on his way to buy groceries in the Old City, two ultra-Orthodox men spat at him. The spittle did not fall at his feet but on his person. Narek, a former football player, decided this time not to turn the other cheek.

"I was very angry. I pushed them both to the wall and asked, 'why are you doing this?' They were frightened and said 'we're sorry, we're sorry,' so I let them go. But it isn't always like that. Sometimes the spitter attacks you back," he says.

Other clergymen in the Armenian Church in Jerusalem say they are all victims of harassment, from the senior cardinals to the priesthood students. Mostly they ignore these incidents. When they do complain, the police don't usually find the perpetrators.

Martarsian left Israel about a year ago. He was sent back home by the church, as were two other Armenian priesthood students who were charged after attacking an ultra-Orthodox man who spat at them.

The Greek Patriarchy's clergymen have been cursed and spat on by ultra-Orthodox men in the street for many years. "They walk past me and spit," says Father Gabriel Bador, 78, a senior priest in the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate. "Mostly I ignore it, but it's difficult.

Sometimes I stop and ask the spitter 'why are you doing this? What have I done to you?' Once I even shouted at a few of them who spat at my feet together. They ran away," he says.

"It happens a lot," says Archbishop Aristarchos, the chief secretary of the patriarchate. "You walk down the street and suddenly they spit at you for no reason. I admit sometimes it makes me furious, but we have been taught to restrain ourselves, so I do so."

Father Goosan Aljanian, Chief Dragoman of the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem, says it is often difficult for temperamental young priesthood students to swallow the offense.

bout a month ago two students marching to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre beat up an ultra-Orthodox man who spat at them. They were sent away from the Old City for two weeks.

"I tell my students that if they are spat at, to go to the police rather than strike back" says Goosan. "But these are young kids who sometimes lose their cool."

A few weeks ago four ultra-Orthodox men spat at clergymen in the funeral procession of Father Alberto of the Armenian Church. "They came in a pack, out of nowhere," said Father Goosan. "I know there are fanatical Haredi groups that don't represent the general public but it's still enraging. It all begins with education. It's the responsibility of these men's yeshiva heads to teach them not to behave this way," he says.

Father Goosan and other Patriarchy members are trying to walk as little as possible in the Old City streets. "Once we walked from the [Armenian] church to the Jaffa Gate and on that short section four different people spat at us," he says.


Mark Glenn of Ugly Truth Blog comments: (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/11/05/ultra-orthodox-spitting-attacks-on-old-city-clergymen-becoming-daily/)

ed note–no commentary should be necessary, but we’ll do it all the same. Spitting on Christians in Israel is not jsut a once-in-a-blue-moon thing, but a regularity. Furthermore, (and the real issue that needs to be discussed, considering the Christian world’s s;avish devotion to Israel and to all things Jewish) is that there is nothing out of character about it–JEWS DESPISE CHRISTIANITY, as evidenced not only by the accounts in the New Testament, but as well the historical record of the last 2,000 years.

THE REAL ‘SCOOP’ here is the fact that nothing involving the (common) Jewish practice of spitting on Christians will be discussed on Fox News, at John Hagee’s church, on Joseph Farah’s WND or any other “pro-Christian” outlet doing the Jews’ dirty work of fomenting and perpetuating this ‘clash of civilizations; between the Christian and Islamic worlds, and in the process, idiot Christians will continue to support their eternal enemy with more of their tax dollars, freedoms and blood of their children servingin uniform.

6th November 2011, 11:43 AM
If a point of view is labeled an "ugly secret", it seems those that hold that secret would own all the media to keep it secret. Hmmm...kinda makes one rethink just who has ugly secrets.

6th November 2011, 08:45 PM
US lawmaker apologizes for “anti-Semitic” remark (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4144069,00.html)

Texas Republican rep. Larry Taylor uses phrase 'don't Jew them down' to describe insurance companies' bargaining with claimants; later issues apology stating: 'I regret my poor choice of words, sincerely apologize for any harm they may have caused'

Ynet Published: 11.05.11

A US lawmaker from Texas has apologized after making anti-Semitic comments at a hearing of the Joint Legislative Committee on Windstorm Insurance.

According to reports, Republican state representative Larry Taylor used the phrase “don’t try to Jew them down,” in reference to insurance payments for victims of the Katrina Hurricane. Immediately after making the comment, Taylor said “that’s probably a bad term.” He later apologized publicly.

In a letter written shortly after his remarks, Taylor wrote: “At a legislative oversight committee hearing today, I inadvertently used a phrase that many people find offensive. I corrected myself immediately when I realized what I had said. I regret my poor choice of words and sincerely apologize for any harm they may have caused.”

‘Age-old anti-Semitic stereotype’

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) slammed Taylor’s remarks, and sent him a stern letter in which it denounced the act.

Shortly after, Taylor issued another apology letter addressed to the pro-Israel organization, in which he stated: “Anti-Semitism and intolerance have no place in our society and in our government. I understand the impact of my comments and am deeply sorry for the message that was sent. I have a deep respect for the Jewish people and their history, and hope to work to strengthen that relationship in the future.”

ADL Southwest Region Associate Director Dena Marks responded to Taylor’s apology, noting that “Representative Taylor called us this morning and told us he made a mistake yesterday and did not mean to offend anyone. He also sent us a letter so that we would have his apology in writing.

“After our conversation with Representative Taylor, we believe he understands that the phrase ‘Jew them down’ comes from an age-old anti-Semitic stereotype, that he realizes it offends people, that he won’t use it again. We recognize and appreciate he took quick action to correct himself and apologize.”



also see:
Feinberg Says Half of $20 Billion BP Fund Should Cover Claims (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?38744-BP-doesn-t-pay-fisherman-clean-up-worker-claims-pays-stripper-80K&p=349003&viewfull=1#post349003)

BP oil spill fund sued for fraud and negligence (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?38744-BP-doesn-t-pay-fisherman-clean-up-worker-claims-pays-stripper-80K&p=380565&viewfull=1#post380565)

7th November 2011, 05:57 AM
Fixed it.

Before I read your post I was going to post the exact same modification as you. :)

7th November 2011, 10:39 AM
I am the 15%

11th November 2011, 07:35 AM
another thought-criminal, Latin American this time,
Anti-Semitism on Venezuelan TV decried - Israel Jewish Scene ... (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4144166,00.html)
"3 days ago ... Jewish Scene: B'nai B'rith slams Holocaust denial, repudiation of Zionism by guest on state television."

I'm less surprised that ADL is active in Latin America cracking their shame whip, as I am by this:
“This kind of raw anti-Semitic material can unfortunately be found regularly in the state-owned Venezuelan media and in direct violation of a promise Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez made last year to curtail such rhetoric,” said B’nai B’rith International President Allan J. Jacobs. So much for Chavez being a maverick, who was independent of the zio-ranch!

11th November 2011, 08:40 AM
I also harbor a horrible secret ......... and to all I say........I AM SOOOOOOOO SORRY........my secret is........I hate chocolate icecream, there..........I feel better now.

First stupid post of the day..........good morning to one and all.

4th December 2011, 08:52 PM
Statement by U.S. Ambassador that “Modern Anti-Semitism stems from Middle East conflict’ results in typical Jewish screeching (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/12/03/statement-by-u-s-ambassador-that-modern-anti-semitism-stems-from-middle-east-conflict-results-in-typical-jewish-screeching/)

US ambassador in Belgium provides controversial explanation for Muslim anti-Semitism

Menachem Gantz Published: 12.03.11ynet (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4156355,00.html)
Growing global anti-Semitism is linked to Israel’s policy towards the Palestinians, the American ambassador to Belgium told stunned Jewish conference attendants in Brussels earlier this week.

Speaking Wednesday at a Jewish conference on anti-Semitism organized by the European Jewish Union (EJU,) Howard Gutman told participants he was apologizing in advance if his words are not to their liking. He then proceeded to make controversial statements about his views on Muslim anti-Semitism, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday. A distinction should be made between traditional anti-Semitism, which should be condemned and Muslim hatred for Jews, which stems from the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, Gutman said. He also argued that an Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty will significantly diminish Muslim anti-Semitism.
The American envoy, a lawyer by training, is Jewish and played a major role in fundraising for the Democratic Party. He was appointed to the post by President Barack Obama.

‘The so-called Israel critic’

The conference was attended by Jewish lawyers from across Europe. The legal experts at the event were visibly stunned by Gutman’s words, and the next speaker offered a scathing rebuttal to the envoy’s remarks.

“The modern Anti-Semite formally condemns Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust and expresses upmost sympathy with the Jewish people. He simply has created a new species, the “Anti-Zionist” or – even more sophisticated – the so-called ‘Israel critic,’” Germany attorney Nathan Gelbart said.

“The ‘Israel critic’ will never state ‘Jews go home’ but is questioning the legality of the incorporation of the State of Israel and therefore the right for the Jewish people to settle in their homeland. He will not say the Jews are the evil of the world but claim that the State of Israel is a major cause for instability and war in the region,” he said. “There is no other country, no other people on this planet the ‘Israel critic’ would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of Israel.”

“For no other country he would criticize or ask to boycott its goods or academics. And this for one simple reason: Because Israel is the state of the Jewish people, not more and not less,” Gelbart said.

‘Muslims appreciate Obama’

Conference attendants received Gelbart’s remarks with loud applause, while the American envoy apologized for having to leave the site as result of prior obligations and departed.

Earlier, Gutman also presented participants with a short video clip showing him received with warm applause at a Muslim school in Brussels. While he did not mention what prompted the warm reception, his message was that this is the kind of welcome given to a Jew who supports President Obama’s policy of openness to Islam.

Approached by Yedioth Ahronoth, the US envoy was asked whether Obama’s policy did not cause America to lose its influence in the region. Gutman responded by saying that the Arab world appreciates Obama following his speech in Cairo, referring to an address delivered by the president in 2009.

5th December 2011, 12:26 AM
Root Cause Analysis. Used by businesses every day to identify the causation. It's very simple. Everybody shut the hell up quick :)

15th December 2011, 06:12 PM
some Ted Pike stuff: http://www.truthtellers.org

8 Dec 11 - ADL to Congress: Pressure Europe to Pass Hate Laws (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/adltocongresspressureeurope.html)

7 Dec 11 - Hate Law Flexes Power in Amish Arrests (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/hatelawflexespowerinamish.html)

5 Dec 11 - Amish Arrests Reveal Hate Law Bias Against Christians (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/amisharrestsrevealhatelawbias.html)

29 Nov 11 - Pedophilia: The Talmud's Dirty Secret (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/pedophiliasecret.html)

28 Nov 11 - ADL Losing Hate Law Support in Europe (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/ADLlosinghatelawsupporteurope.html)

21 Nov 11 - Are Jews "Brothers" of Christians? (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/AreJewsBrothersofChristians.html)

14 Nov 11 - The Real Reason ADL Attacked Pro-life Film "180" (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/ReasonADLAttackedProlife180.html)

9 Nov 11 - Does the Bible Predict Israel's "Nuclear Shield?" (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/DoesBiblePredictIsraelsNuclearShield.html)

7 Nov 11 - Helen Thomas Skewers Zionism - Again (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/HelenThomasSkewersZionismAgain.html)

5 Nov 11 - Emergency Alert! Senate Vote Could End Free Internet! (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/senatevotecouldendfreeinternet.html)

2 Nov 11 - Why "Christian" Zionism is a Cult (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/WhyChristianZionismisCult.html)

1 Nov 11 - Farah Unrepentant (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/FarahsUnrepentant.html)

26 Oct 11 - New Video: Farah Calls Ted Pike a Lying Anti-Semite (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/FarahsCallsTedPikeLyingAntiSemite.html)

24 Oct 11 - Who's 'Spewing Venom' - Helen Thomas or WorldNetDaily? (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/whosspewingvenom.html) (Reprint)

5 Oct 11 - Debunking Joe Farah's Jewish Fables (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/debunkingfarahsfables.htm) (Reprint)
4 Oct 11 - Farah's Callous "Final Solution" for Palestine (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/FarahsCallousFinalSolution4Palestine.html)

Talk-Show Host:


Streaming (.ram)*

Download (.mp3)**

Jeff Rense
9 Dec 11

Ted Pike Discusses Amish "Hate Crime" Arrests and Fallacies of Christian Zionism

Listen (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/Rense_Pike_AmishHateLaw_9Dec11.ram)

Download (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/Rense_Pike_AmishHateLaw_9Dec11.mp3)

James Edwards
26 Nov 11

Ted Pike Discusses His Latest Articles

Listen (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/Edwards_Pike_Articles_11Nov26.ram)

Download (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/Edwards_Pike_Articles_11Nov26.mp3)

15th December 2011, 06:22 PM
Thread: "The Wandering Who?" - author Gilad Atzmon on his new book (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54617-quot-The-Wandering-Who-quot-author-Gilad-Atzmon-on-his-new-book)

regarding Gilad Atzmon's new book,
A (http://www.amazon.com/Wandering-Who-Gilad-Atzmon/dp/1846948754/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8)mazon.com: The Wandering Who (9781846948756): Gilad Atzmon: Books (http://www.amazon.com/Wandering-Who-Gilad-Atzmon/dp/1846948754/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8)

Professor Alan Dershowitz trying discredit the Anti Israel End the Fed crowd as anti semetic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv3UAmn8Up0)


I did a scientific analysis of Dershy's screech-fest above, counting how many instances of him dropping adl critical-thought-stopper buzzwords occurred. Only Dershy's spew was counted, not Stossel's usages or those in quotes read.

In order of frequency:

total: 35, which in the total segment length of 7 mins 19 secs (439 secs), that's an adl thought-stopper buzzword from Dershy's lips every 12.5 secs.

Someone else can just isolate the cumulative total time Dershy was actually speaking if you wish- off hand let's say he had the floor for half the total segment- that would double his actual "while speaking" buzzword frequency to closer to one every 6 seconds. ::)

I later added:

I endured dershy's screech-fest again and noticed some critical-thought-stopper buzzwords I missed the first time-


^ all one or more instances, I don't have the stomach to go through again right now to take exact count. But that's 6 more, so I'll conservatively up the total buzzword count to 41...

separately, new podcast, see "download" to listen

Dec 15 2011 (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/12/15/tut-podcast-dec-15-2011-2/)
TUT Podcast Dec 15, 2011 (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/12/15/tut-podcast-dec-15-2011-2/)

http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/antisemite.jpg?w=363&h=520 (http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/antisemite.jpg)
Renowned investigative journalist Michael Collins Piper joins the program to discuss his latest book ‘Confessions of an Anti-Semite’, and not just the who, what, where, when and how of the important historical question concerning ‘anti-Semitism’, but more importantly–

Download Here (http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/tut15dec2011piperfin.mp3)

15th December 2011, 06:38 PM
Everyday more and more people are coming out of the closet and because of that many more are learning about the Zionis and as to whom they really are........one of this days we will be sweeping the US and getting rid of those people and but two members of congres the rest of them.

"When the truth comes into the light, the lies will hide in the dark"... Ponce

16th December 2011, 07:53 AM
How exactly does the ADL know this? Did they survey every American who willingly told the ADL how they are suspicious of Jews?

A federal hate crime in itself now.


19th January 2012, 03:41 AM
This event, & Bollyn article, is a couple months old now, but Bollyn does a nice summary with links, describing the Jewish rent-a-mob who answered the cattle-call to protest Gilad Atzmon at a UK Univ-- how individually, these "protesters" were ignorant of any of Atzmons writings, see video:

Gilad Atzmon vs The Elders of Zion (http://www.bollyn.com/home#article_13343)

November 24, 2011

People like Nick Griffin and Gilad Atzmon have no place on our campuses. They may pose as champions of free speech, but their presence only serves to whip up hatred and divide student communities.
- Dan Sheldon, Union of Jewish Students (UJS) Campaigns Director, U.K.

We feel that it is very irresponsible of the Friends of Palestine to invite this man to speak, and completely unacceptable that they did not respond to our objections. We have invited all members of the society to join us in our protest, as well as all rational students who oppose racism and hatred. We hope our protest will help prevent future events like this from being permitted at Exeter University.
- Ben Salamon, President of Exeter J-Soc
Gilad Atzmon (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/) is an Israeli-born writer ( author of The Wandering Who (http://www.gilad.co.uk/the-wandering-who/) ) and jazz musician who examines issues surrounding Jewish identity, the so-called "Jewish State of Israel", and Zionism. Recently, Atzmon was invited to speak at Exeter University in England where he was met by a group of Jewish students who protested against his speaking at the university. On his arrival, Atzmon asked to speak to the group of protesters. He began by asking if any of them had read his work (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/). Amazingly, as the video below shows, not one of the university students engaged in the protest could say that they had read his books or essays. Why would Jewish university students protest against an Israeli author whose work they had not even read?




The anti-Atzmon protesters at Exeter University are not protesting against Gilad Atzmon because they know anything about his writings. The Jewish students are not even thinking for themselves. They are simply protesting because they belong to a Jewish student organization and were told to protest and given signs to hold. These students belong to a Jewish student cell, known as a J-Soc (http://www.ujs.org.uk/jsocs/view/241/exeter/), which is part of the Union of Jewish Students (UJS)/Hillel (http://www.ujs.org.uk/news/648/free-from-hate-jewish-students-stand-up-against-finkelstein-atzmon-and-griffin-and-all-in-the-same-week/), a subsidiary organization of the B'nai B'rith, the international order of Zionist Jewish Freemasons.

The UJS/Hillel is the organization behind the anti-Atzmon protest at Exeter...

Hillel is part of the B'nai B'rith, an exclusive "brotherhood" of Jewish Freemasons.
Source: B'nai B'rith International (http://www.bnaibrith.org/unbrokencovenant/)

It is important to understand that the B'nai B'rith, the real-life Elders of Zion, is the secret organization of Jewish Freemasons behind the student protests against Gilad Atzmon and other voices critical of Zionism and Israeli policy. The B'nai B'rith is the Zionist parent organization of Hillel on college campuses around the world. But it should be noted that the B'nai B'rith is a secret organization of Jewish Freemasons and certainly can not claim to represent all Jews or even all Zionists.

As the Hillel webpage (http://www.hillel.org/about/global/default) says about its relationship with UJS:
UJS Hillel works closely with the UK’s Union of Jewish Students (UJS), providing UJS both financial and administrative support. Together, UJS Hillel and UJS ensure that every Jewish student has access to a warm and welcoming space to explore their Jewish identity and programs to inspire meanginful Jewish experiences.

Gilad Atzmon, an Israeli intellectual who was born in Jerusalem and raised in the Jewish state, is clearly a voice that is not welcome in that "warm and welcoming space" that UJS Hillel seeks to provide every Jewish student exploring their Jewish identity in Britain. This is because Atzmon examines the racist and chauvinistic attitudes that Zionism is based on.

The Anti-Defamation League (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Defamation_League)(ADL) is another important subsidiary of the B'nai B'rith. While Hillel focuses on promoting Israel and censoring anti-Zionist voices on college campuses, the ADL carries out the same agenda in the media and society. The ADL actually indoctrinates local police departments across America and uses defamation tactics to smear citizens who speak out against Israeli policies. I have been vilified and persecuted by such ADL tactics since 2001.

The parent organization behind Hillel and the ADL, the International Order of the B'nai B'rith (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%27nai_B%27rith), is a secret organization of Jewish Freemasons founded in New York City in 1843. This is the core group of powerful Zionists that operates behind the scenes for its own benefit. This is the hidden hand that ordered Jewish students to protest against Gilad Atzmon at Exeter. This is also the same powerful secret cabal that through its control of the media and politicians is demanding tougher sanctions and military action against Iran. In these heady times it is essential for Jews and non-Jews to perceive the hidden power that is beating the drums of war and which is behind the censoring of anti-Zionist voices at college campuses.


Bollyn, Christopher, "B'nai B'rith - The Secret Society of Jews", 22 November 2009
http://www.bollyn.com/bnai-brith-the-secret-society-of-jews (http://www.bollyn.com/bnai-brith-the-secret-society-of-jews)
"Free from hate: Jewish students stand up against Finkelstein, Atzmon and Griffin, and all in the same week!", UJS.org.uk, 9 November 2011
http://www.ujs.org.uk/news/648/free-from-hate-jewish-students-stand-up-against-finkelstein-atzmon-and-griffin-and-all-in-the-same-week/ (http://www.ujs.org.uk/news/648/free-from-hate-jewish-students-stand-up-against-finkelstein-atzmon-and-griffin-and-all-in-the-same-week/)

"Hillels Around the World", Hillel.org, 23 November 2011
http://www.hillel.org/about/global/default (http://www.hillel.org/about/global/default)

23rd January 2012, 03:20 AM
I've got a few basic/dumb questions about the whole "Khazars as Semites" thing.

It's my assumption that at some point after the 8th Century when the Khazars converted to Judaism, they realized the need to redefine their racial/ethnic/genetic ancestry as suddenly being "Semitic", as Arabs indigenous to the Mid-East are Semites. I figure this Khazar-converts' need was brought about by their wanting to make plausible, their impostor-hood as the Biblical "God's Chosen People ;), who were Divinely entitled to return ;) to their ancestral land ;), to collect on their Divine/Biblical Land Grant". ;)

^ This IS the underlying motive for the Khazar-converts' hijacking of the definition of "Semite" to include them, right? It's the only motive I can think of that makes sense!

The zio's view the stakes as high of course, coz the official/PR raison d'être behind "Zionism", cites the "Biblical/Divine Land Grant" narrative which they (fraudulently) proclaim entitlement to as "God's Chosen People", and which "justifies" the Rothschild-Zionists (http://www.rense.com/general86/zelephant.htm)' brutal occupation of Palestine beginning shortly after WW2.

And then there's their subsequent vernacular/memetic re-engineering (read: hijacking) of the word "Semite" to infer meaning Khazar-descended Jewry, and to exclude the authentic Semites: namely the Arabs- in a prime example of the zio's fondness for inverting reality 180 degrees in promoting their Big Lies (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?52269-quot-Among-The-Truthers-quot-Straus-the-Protocols-and-the-Chutzpah-Maneuver). I realize most formal written definitions still include Arabs as Semites, which is why I said the vernacular (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernacular) / memetic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meme) meaning of Semites means Jews- as the average J6P has never heard the formal definition, but they "know Semites means Jews", coz that's what has been systematically presented & repeated all their life (namely through the emotion-laden "anti-Semite/ic" usage of course).

So the 1st dumb question is, at what point in post-8th-Century (Khazar conversion) history, did the term "anti-Semite" start kicking around in reference to Khazar-"Jewry"? If you try to make the "Khazars aren't Semites" point to a Zionist/Hasbara-agent, they'll come back with what I assume to be the zionist-revisionist (re-)definition of "Semitic", to mean the peoples who spoke a certain group of LANGUAGES including HEBREW... rather than a race/ethnic/genetic definition. And they'll point to ZioPedia/etc (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/03/veterans-today-bans-wikipedia-references-from-site/) to "prove" their assertion, as surely as the zio's have thoroughly diluted the "scholarly historical narratives" on the question, with their self-serving revisionist bunk. So is there a reputable source which "proves" the word "Semite" to have been hijacked, esp through tracing the evolution of the usage/meaning of the word?

2nd dumb question: In 740 AD when Khazars converted to Judaism (~700 years after Bible was written), what was the spoken language in Khazaria? Hebrew? If not, what was the language, and when did they take up Hebrew (qualifying them as "Semites", at least by what I assume to be the zionist-revisionist definition of "Semite" as being language-based rather than race-based)?

3rd dumb question: When was the "you're Jewish if your mother was Jewish" rule rolled out? Pre, or post Khazar conversion? Coz if it was pre... well, right away you can see the problem with a whole population suddenly adopting Judaism in 740 AD, proclaiming themselves "Jews", when none of their mothers were "Jews"... :o

23rd January 2012, 05:49 AM
3rd dumb question: When was the "you're Jewish if your mother was Jewish" rule rolled out? Pre, or post Khazar conversion? Coz if it was pre... well, right away you can see the problem with a whole population suddenly adopting Judaism in 740 AD, proclaiming themselves "Jews", when none of their mothers were "Jews"... :o

i don't think they worried about all these details.

Judaism was appealing to some Khazarians because it was a crime gang masquerading as a religion.

a LifeLong Get Out of Jail Free Card.

just like with the Holohoax, they faked it.

23rd January 2012, 09:56 AM
I'm less surprised that ADL is active in Latin America cracking their shame whip, as I am by this:So much for Chavez being a maverick, who was independent of the zio-ranch!

Latin America is a hot bed for Christianity. It would make sense that they would extend their tentacles into Latin America.

Hatha Sunahara
23rd January 2012, 02:27 PM
i don't think they worried about all these details.

Judaism was appealing to some Khazarians because it was a crime gang masquerading as a religion.

a LifeLong Get Out of Jail Free Card.

just like with the Holohoax, they faked it.

That 'born to a jewish mother' thing was only a problem for one generation of Khazars--and it may not have been if all their mothers converted to Judaism. Beyond that generation, they are consistent with their claims.

Just remember, all the logic they use is 'Talmudic'--so it is exempt from having to make any sense to 'goyim'.

My big dumb question is 'How much more corruption did the Khazars add to the Talmud after they became 'Jewish'? The corruption was pretty thorough from the getgo in Babylonia, so the only added corruption they could have made was in interpreting what the Talmud says.


4th September 2012, 06:10 AM
California State Assembly passes resolution equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism (http://mondoweiss.net/2012/08/california-state-assembly-passes-resolution-equating-criticism-of-israel-with-hate-speech.html)

by Annie Robbins and Matthew Taylor on August 29, 2012

School's out, but that didn't stop California's state assembly from passing Resolution HR35 (http://leginfo.ca.gov/pub/11-12/bill/asm/ab_0001-0050/hr_35_bill_20120823_amended_asm_v98.html) buttressing a controversial report (http://mondoweiss.net/2012/08/timeline-how-the-uc-administration-censors-students-and-faculty-who-stand-up-for-human-rights.html)commissioned by the University of California that accuses students and faculty of contributing to an environment fostering anti-Semitism on campus.

The report's recommendations, which seek to limit criticism of Israeli state policies as a form of "hate speech", have been criticized as an assault on academic freedom and an attempt to limit student and faculty's first amendment rights to free speech.

There was no debate by lawmakers prior to approval, nor was Israel even mentioned during the introduction of the resolution.

AP (http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-faith/calif-resolution-denouncing-anti-semitism-on-college-campuses-targets-anti-israel-protests/2012/08/29/17a0188a-f1b2-11e1-b74c-84ed55e0300b_story.html):
An Assembly resolution urging California colleges and universities to squelch nascent anti-Semitism also encouraged educators to crack down on demonstrations against Israel, angering advocates for Muslim students.

With no debate, lawmakers on Tuesday approved a resolution that encourages university leaders to combat a wide array of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel actions.

The Assembly’s actions also drew criticism from free speech advocates. Carlos Villarreal, director of the San Francisco chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, called the resolution irresponsible and dangerous because it combines legitimate condemnations of acts of intimidation and hate with specific objections to tactics used to support the Palestinian people.

“In doing so, it can be seen as having no other purpose than to demonize all those who criticize the nation-state of Israel or support the rights of the Palestinian people,” he said.

Halderman did not mention Israel when she introduced HR35, which passed on a voice vote with 66 of the Assembly’s 80 members signing on as co-authors.

Some of the lawmakers who signed on as co-authors when the resolution was called on the floor seemed surprised to later learn of the references to Israel. Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, was one of the few who did not support it.

Linda Halderman, R-Fresno, who co-wrote wrote the resolution, would seem to believe (http://www.sfgate.com/education/article/UC-rejects-anti-Semitism-resolution-3822759.php#ixzz24xEl2RM3) that Israel's critics have fabricated facts regarding Israeli atrocities:

"California schools need to recognize that anti-Semitism is still a very real issue on college campuses," said Assemblywoman Linda Halderman, R-Fresno, who wrote the resolution with Bonnie Lowenthal, D-Long Beach.
Among the examples Halderman cited was the annual Israel Apartheid Week held on many campuses, in which "students pretending to be Palestinians collapse as if they had been murdered en masse by Israeli Jews."

A Palestinian woman sits on the rubble of a
building in Gaza City's al-Zeitoun neighborhood.
(Photo: AFP)

In fact, the Israeli military has murdered Palestinian civilians en masse. Just ask Zinad Samouni, who lost a reported 48 family members (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/palestinianauthority/4290553/Gaza-Palestinian-family-mourns-48-dead.html) in the Gaza slaughter of January 2009. But, according to Halderman, if you question Israel's murder of them you are an anti-Semite.

The resolution invoked United States Commission on Civil Rights’ (USCCR) 2006 and the European Union's working definition of anti-Semitism.

From the Al Jazeera article "The echo chamber of campus anti-Semitism (http://m.aljazeera.com/se/201282991348710688)":

Although few people are aware of the United States Commission on Civil Rights’ (USCCR) 2006 findings about "campus anti-Semitism", they have recently been invoked in a growing number of campaigns that threaten to curb students' First Amendment right to freedom of expression.

The USCCR findings on this issue form part of an echo chamber whereby a network of partisan, Israel-aligned organisations and activists repeat the same claims, often unchallenged, before official bodies that simply take their word as truth.

Like walls in a cave, these bodies publish findings and resolutions regurgitating the partisans' claims without exercising their own independent due diligence. Despite the apparent sound of many speakers, essentially one voice speaks. The rest, it turns out, are echoes.

The same process has just taken place in the California State Assembly, where House Resolution 35 was quietly rushed through the end of the legislative term and passed without sufficient discussion or debate. HR 35 characterises criticism of Israel as "cloaked" anti-Semitism and is meant to provide political cover to the University of California after widespread criticism of its campus climate reports. Although it creates no new law, HR 35 may embolden university administrators to curb students' freedom of expression.

Predictably, HR 35 invokes the USCCR findings as evidence of campus anti-Semitism. But its reliance on the USCCR findings is misplaced. A careful review of the USSCR’s transcripts on campus anti-Semitism reveals a lacklustre record of one-sided testimony by only three individuals that rarely went challenged by commissioners.

Nevertheless, Israel-aligned advocates continue to rely on the findings as an authoritative source, presumably hoping to capitalise on the USCCR's historic prestige and status as an official body. USCCR held its hearing on the matter on November 18, 2005; findings and recommendations were adopted on April 3, 2006; and a full briefing was published in May 2007.

Most shocking about the USCCR hearing is that it consisted exclusively of testimony from three speakers with political agendas. They were Susan Tuchman of the Zionist Organisation of America; Gary Tobin of the Institute for Jewish and Community Research; and Sarah Stern of the American Jewish Congress. All three of these organisations have a record of defending Israeli policies and attempting to silence or smear their critics.

Although Arab and Muslim students were implicitly blamed for the alleged rise of an anti-Semitic climate on campus, no speakers were invited from any Arab, Muslim or Palestinian community organisations. Nor were any student activists from the Muslim Student Association, Arab Student Association, or Students for Justice in Palestine invited to speak, despite the accusations implicitly levelled in their direction. Progressive Jewish organisations were also excluded from testifying, notwithstanding a blog posting by Jewish Voice for Peace reacting to the published report after the fact.

Fortunately, the UC is currently not supporting the proposed resolution because it violates the first amendment, and criticism of the report keeps mounting (http://www.jweekly.com/article/full/66225/u.c.-report-on-jewish-campus-climate-results-marginalize-misrepresent-stude/). After more than 2,200 students (http://www.sfgate.com/education/article/UC-report-on-anti-Semitism-draws-ire-3774302.php), faculty and alumni signed a petition opposing the UC report, President Mark Yudof appears to have distanced himself (http://www.sfgate.com/opinion/openforum/article/Human-rights-advocacy-is-not-hate-speech-3811365.php) from the report's recommendation (http://www.sfgate.com/education/article/UC-rejects-anti-Semitism-resolution-3822759.php), a welcome improvement from UC's recent shameful record of censorship (http://mondoweiss.net/2012/08/timeline-how-the-uc-administration-censors-students-and-faculty-who-stand-up-for-human-rights.html).

The text of the Resolution HR35 is available here (http://leginfo.ca.gov/pub/11-12/bill/asm/ab_0001-0050/hr_35_bill_20120823_amended_asm_v98.html).


4th September 2012, 06:32 AM
If the Jews running this country had any brains when checking average sentiment and thought about Jews online they would realize they better start to STFU with ze Anti-Semitism racket. People are wising up slowly but surely. The boiled frog analogy can work both ways ya know..

A couple weeks ago I heard a couple hipster/hippy types saying they hate Jews. That stuff is going to spread like a fire one of these days and the buffoons at the B'nai B'rith are helping with examples like CA res hr35.

4th September 2012, 12:43 PM
Question: How to bring a curse upon yourself or your country?
Answer: Treat the Jewish people badly

midnight rambler
4th September 2012, 12:56 PM
Question: How to bring a curse upon yourself or your country?
Answer: Treat the Jewish people badly

lol Surely you jest.

What gives the Z tribe*, the most murderous, thieving, lying, stealing bunch on the planet, a free fucking pass anyway??

I'd love to hear your description of how 'our good friends' the Israelis showered their love on the USS Liberty and her crew on June 8, 1967...

*CLEARLY the 'Synagogue of Satan'** exists today and is EASILY identified

**note that the King of Kings didn't call those Lucifer worshipers the 'CHURCH of Satan' nor the 'MOSQUE of Satan' nor even the 'TEMPLE of Satan'

Those Lucifer worshiping Babylonian Talmudists are going to get cast out, and those who support them are not going to get cut any slack.

4th September 2012, 01:38 PM
That 'born to a jewish mother' thing was only a problem for one generation of Khazars--and it may not have been if all their mothers converted to Judaism. Beyond that generation, they are consistent with their claims.

Just remember, all the logic they use is 'Talmudic'--so it is exempt from having to make any sense to 'goyim'.

My big dumb question is 'How much more corruption did the Khazars add to the Talmud after they became 'Jewish'? The corruption was pretty thorough from the getgo in Babylonia, so the only added corruption they could have made was in interpreting what the Talmud says.

The option I am leaning towards, is that the BLT's, simply took over Khazaria, and enslaved, killed or pushed out the original population, like they did with the Palestinians in the 20th century. I doubt very much that the Khazars had the wit to outmaneuver the Babylonian talmudists, who had written their cookbook for world domination just prior to taking over Khazaria...

midnight rambler
4th September 2012, 01:43 PM
Question: How to bring a curse upon yourself or your country?
Answer: Treat the Jewish people badly

BTW, *we* have been bending over backwards to help out 'our good friends' the Israelis for decades (as in LITERALLY 'giving blessings' to the state of Israel), and yet look at our present circumstances - not very good at all, in fact we're pretty fucked currently. Are you suggesting that if *we* actually did a 180 and 'cursed' Israel things would actually get far worse?? ??? Holy shit...

midnight rambler
4th September 2012, 05:30 PM
Question: How to bring a curse upon yourself or your country?
Answer: Treat the Jewish people badly

Hey SoG, here's only one example of what your vaunted Chosenites do to the followers of Jesus Christ (besides spit on them) -


4th September 2012, 05:45 PM
NOV 2011
You can do better than that. That was just a useless post for a notch in your post count. This is a useless thread. Everyone on here that outs the Jews is useless. You have many posts on here where you tell Book he is useless for his pics and one liners, and at the same time you contribute nothing to outing our masters but every once and a while you pretend to out them, I have numerous threads on here, sources, links, like others, you and your kind never contribute constructively, nothing but blabber. You were outed on here that you are the Jewish Thought Police when we were discussing the type of people in chat. It is no wonder you support the dirtiest trolls on here, Mayhem and Joe King, others with posts against this forum. ST KAOS, THE JEWISH THOUGHT POLICE, FROM GIM, IN PEOPLES HOMES http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?22772-MAGNES-REPORTING-FOR-DUTY-!&p=186810&viewfull=1#post186810 Book had your number on here long ago, nice Jab at Ponce too, your gang like Huggy hates him. This whole forum is full of gems that I have not had time to put together, read my signature people. More coming. http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?62025-Links-and-Scribbles-! You made an enemy out of me. When I look closer, no surprise, you and your gang.

4th September 2012, 06:20 PM
NOV 2011 This is a useless thread. ,,,

Why are you mudding up PatColo's thread with useless drivel on a 10 month old post you never commented on in the first place? Not to mention your lack of context for k-os's post.

Seriously, start a new thread for your delusional rants. No need to muddy up other posters threads.

midnight rambler
5th September 2012, 12:34 PM
Hey SoG, here's only one example of what your vaunted Chosenites do to the followers of Jesus Christ (besides spit on them) -


SoG I see you have nothing to say in defense of the **Chosenites**. That certainly doesn't surprise me as it's difficult to defend the indefensible.

6th September 2012, 07:58 AM
California State Assembly passes resolution equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism (http://mondoweiss.net/2012/08/california-state-assembly-passes-resolution-equating-criticism-of-israel-with-hate-speech.html)

same subject, different source/writer,

California passes resolution defining criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism (http://www.wsws.org/articles/2012/sep2012/cali-s04.shtml)

By Tom Carter
4 September 2012

Last month, the California State Assembly passed a resolution urging state educational institutions to more aggressively crack down on criticism of the State of Israel on campuses, which the resolution defines as “anti-Semitism.” The anti-democratic resolution is the latest step in the broader campaign to stifle and suppress dissent on California's increasingly volatile campuses.

The California State Assembly is the lower house of the state legislature, consisting of 80 members. The resolution—H.R. 35: “Relative to anti-Semitism”—was passed by a vote of 66 to 80, including a majority of both Republicans and Democrats in the Assembly.

The resolution was drafted by Republican Linda Halderman and passed without public discussion. The vote on the resolution came when most students were between semesters and away from their campuses.

The resolution (available here (http://leginfo.ca.gov/pub/11-12/bill/asm/ab_0001-0050/hr_35_bill_20120823_amended_asm_v98.html)) uses the classic trick employed by defenders of Israel’s Zionist regime: lumping together any criticism of the Israeli state’s policies or of the US government’s support for them with racist attacks on Jews.

On the one hand, the resolution denounces “swastikas and other anti-Semitic graffiti in residential halls, public areas on campus, and Hillel houses,” and denounces those who accuse “the Jewish people, or Israel, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.”

On the other hand, the bulk of the resolution is dedicated to defining criticism of the state of Israel as “anti-Semitism.” It lists the following as examples of “anti-Semitism”:

• “language or behavior [that] demonizes and delegitimizes Israel;”
• “speakers, films, and exhibits” that indicate that “Israel is guilty of heinous crimes against humanity such as ethnic cleansing and genocide;”
• describing Israel as a “racist” or “apartheid” state;
• “student-and faculty-sponsored boycott, divestment, and sanction campaigns against Israel;”
• “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination;”
• “applying double standards by requiring of Israel a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation;”
• “actions of student groups that encourage support for terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah.”

This list makes clear that the accusations of anti-Semitism are a red herring, employed to attack students’ democratic rights and stifle dissent. The resolution recalls the smear campaign against German author Günter Grass and his poem “What Must Be Said” earlier this year.


9th September 2012, 04:25 AM
this < 1 hour podcast is a few years old (they cite Bush2 as preznit), and it's sort of a comedy shtick as the "rabbi" plays along saying the most outrageous things, IE every bad trait people cite or suspect about djoosh mindset, he smugly confirms. So it's designed to be both funny and inflaming, coz like all the best comedy, it got that ring of truth throughout.

Pastor Wickstrom interview with rabbi Finkelstein 2006.12.20 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/09/pastor-wickstrom-interview-with-rabbi.html)

http://i43.tinypic.com/29cs6pz.jpg (http://i43.tinypic.com/29cs6pz.jpg)
"The Rabbi Exposes Their Wickedness And Their god Lucifer"

Pastor James Wickstrom, a notorious anti-semitic, Christian Pastor and holocaust-denier, and Zionist Rabbi Abe Finkelstein, an affiliate of the Chabad Lubavich and religious advisor to the Plymouth Rock Institute of Research, reached a disposition today in a case involving arbitration, says PRIR research associate, Howard Grobstein.

The case stems from a dispute about compensation for an interview between Wickstrom and Finkelstein. Pastor Wickstrom asserted that Finkelstein promised to pay for half of the expenses involved in arranging the bellicose interview, the rights to which were to be mutually shared by both parties. However, Rabbi Finkelstein averred that this promise was legally unenforceable for three reasons: (1) The promise was oral rather than written; (2) Alternately, the promise was written but had been orally revoked prior to Wickstrom's acceptance; or (3) That Finkelstein lacked the requisite intent to enter into a contract, either verbal or written, due to an antecedent repudiation of any intent to make a promise.

An impartial arbitrator in this case, Jacob Katz, ruled in Finkelstein's favor. "Prior to entering into the contract with Wickstrom," Katz told PRIR correspondents, "Abe had taken his Kol Nidre oath, which nullifies any subsequent written contract with Wickstrom."

When asked about the arbitrator's decision, an angry Wickstrom told reporters, "This is absolutely ridiculous! I have the contract right here in my hands, signed by him! Somehow this contract is no good just because that Jew crossed his fingers behind his back!"

But Rabbi Finkelstein was jubilant. "Oy Vey," said Finkelstein. "I feel so relieved now that justice has been done in this case. Katz is a very wise...very impartial arbitrator."

The Jewish Kol Nidre oath, which Finkelstein purports to have taken prior to entering into a contract with Wickstrom, holds in pertinent part:

All vows...oaths...or equivalent terms that we may vow, swear, consecrate, or prohibit upon ourselves...we regret them henceforth. They will be...abandoned, cancelled, null and void, without power and without standing. Our vows shall not be valid vows; our prohibitions shall not be valid prohibitions; and our oaths shall not be valid oaths.

James Wickstrom, a teacher of Yahweh, coming to you live on the Turner radio network for the next hour from nine to ten p.m. Eastern standard time, filling in for Pastor Bob, who covered for me last week.

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/0b00c9pdiq/rabbi_abe_finkelstein_interview.mp3)

Download (http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/0b00c9pdiq/rabbi_abe_finkelstein_interview.mp3)

Transcript (http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/5l5r6r6p7k/transcript.txt)

3rd October 2012, 07:13 PM
@ John Friend's blog:

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Latest Jewish chutzpah (http://www.johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com/2012/10/latest-jewish-chutzpah.html)

It’s absolutely incredible how organized Jewish interests are able to portray themselves as the “victims” to gain sympathy from the public and seize control of the historical narrative in virtually every situation. Masters at deception and public relations, the Jews constantly spin the facts and distort history to suit their agenda.

http://www.davidduke.com/images/Jewish_liar.jpg (http://www.davidduke.com/images/Jewish_liar.jpg)
The Jews and their puppets commit outrageous war crimes and other atrocities against the Germans, Japanese and Eastern European peoples, and blame the Germans for a “Holocaust” of Jews during WWII. Israel and Jewish criminals in the media, government, and private sector plan, execute, cover up, and benefit from 9/11, and blame “Muslim extremists” in order to launch their Jewish War of Terror against the people of the Middle East.

Projecting their own crimes and perfidies onto their enemies using their control of the mainstream media and Hollywood, in addition to the endless maneuvering and conniving of organized Jewish lobbying organizations and interests groups, the Jews have certainly lived up to Adolf Hitler’s timeless characterization (http://johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com/2012/06/more-thoughts-about-adolf-hitler-and.html) of them as having an “unqualified capacity for falsehood”.

So I guess it shouldn't surprise us to learn that the Jews have recently launched a campaign to portray themselves as the "victims" of the founding of Israel. The Christian Science Monitor (http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2012/1001/Israel-scrambles-Palestinian-right-of-return-with-Jewish-refugee-talk) reports:

More than 60 years after the founding of Israel precipitated two tides of refugees in the Middle East, the Israeli government has launched a campaign to persuade the world that it’s not just Palestinians who suffered in Israel's early days.

Facing powerful forces that were reshaping the Middle East – including rising anti-Semitism, nascent Arab nationalism, and a strengthening Zionist movement – some 856,000 Jews from Morocco to Iran were compelled to leave their home countries. Most of them settled in Israel.

Partly because of draconian Arab laws issued after Israel declared independence in 1948, these Arab Jews left behind assets estimated at $700 million (about $6 billion today). According to one accounting, that’s roughly double the value of Palestinian assets lost.

Now, Israel is demanding that those losses be acknowledged and recompensed in some way. In doing so, the campaign touches one of Palestinians' most sensitive wounds, harbored since Israel’s founding in 1948: their right to return to lands and homes left in 1948-49, when at least 750,000 either fled or were expelled by Israel.

Never mind the fact that Jewish terrorist groups bombed and terrorized British forces into leaving Palestine back in 1948, allowing criminal Jewish political factions operating in Palestine to declare an independent Jewish state on Palestinian territory.

Never mind the ethnic cleansing and brutal genocidal policies pursued by the Jewish state, all aimed at the destruction and elimination of the indigenous Palestinian Christian and Muslim population.

Never mind the hundreds of thousands of refugees and displaced Palestinians, the illegal expropriation of Palestinian property, farmland, and homes, and the general upheaval caused by the illegal usurping Jewish state.

Never mind the countless wars and barbaric military campaigns instigated and launched by the illegitimate Jewish regime occupying Palestine.

To the Jewish supremacists and their brain dead goyim supporters, the Jews were really the victims of the founding of the fraudulent state of Israel, and in fact deserve compensation.

Can you believe this shit?

Of course, the Jews are still fleecing (http://leftwing-christian.net/2012/08/29/swindlers-list-a-brief-look-at-the-holocaust-reparations-racket.aspx) the German and other Eastern European governments (http://www.jewishproblem.com/jews-demand-compensation-for-raping-and-murdering-100-million-europeans-during-communism/) for “Holocaust reparations” and other monetary payments for “lost assets, land, and possessions” of European Jews during WWII. One wonders when the Germans, Russians, Japanese, Ukrainians, Palestinians, and other victims of Jewish war crimes and theft will be recompensed?

25th October 2012, 03:48 AM
"Majority of Jooz Harbor an Ugly Secret, ADL is AWOL":cool:

Israeli Jews Support Apartheid Regime, Survey Reveals (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/397236/20121023/israeli-jews-support-apartheid-regime-survey-reveals.htm)

ibtimes.co.uk (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/397236/20121023/israeli-jews-support-apartheid-regime-survey-reveals.htm)

A survey commissioned by a US-based non-profit organisation has claimed that the majority of Jews in Israel supports an apartheid regime if Israel annexes the West Bank.

Based on a sample of 503 interviewees, the study conducted by Dialog for the New Israel Fund (NIF) reveals that most Jewish people in Israel hold anti-Arab and ultra-conservative views.

A significant 49 percent of Jews who responded to the survey want the state to treat Jewish citizens better than Arab ones; one out of three wants legislation preventing Israeli Arabs from voting for the parliament (Knesset); and a sweeping majority (69 percent) has reservations about Palestinians’ right to vote if the West Bank becomes part of the state of Israel.

Three-quarters (74 percent) want roads to divide Israelis from Palestinians in the West Bank while 59 percent opt for preferential treatment of Jews over Arabs in getting ministerial jobs; 42 percent said they do not want to live in the same building as Arabs. The same percentage does not want their children in the same classroom as Arab children.

Follow us

The survey discloses that 58 percent maintains that Israel practises apartheid against Arabs. The ultra-Orthodox such as the Haredim are the most anti-Arab group, with a substantial 70 percent of them support removing the right to vote for Israeli Arabs. Some 82 percent support preferential treatment by the state towards Jews and 95 percent are in favour of job discrimination.

“We’re racists, the Israelis are saying, we practise apartheid and we even want to live in an apartheid state. Yes, this is Israel,” Gideon Levy wrote on Haaretz.

“The Israelis admit this is what they are and they’re not ashamed of it. Such surveys have been held before but Israelis have never appeared so pleased with themselves, even when they admit their racism.”

“Most of them think Israel is a good place to live in and most of them think this is a racist state,” he said.

Israeli Jews Support Apartheid Regime, Survey Reveals - IBTimes UK (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/397236/20121023/israeli-jews-support-apartheid-regime-survey-reveals.htm)

Survey: Most Israeli Jews would support apartheid regime in Israel (http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/survey-most-israeli-jews-would-support-apartheid-regime-in-israel.premium-1.471644)

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_tz8Y9E_TsyI/TTd_L6fcStI/AAAAAAAAAaE/3mI_0ulvfC8/s1600/76731_137891189596863_106242349428414_233111_59222 9_n.jpg
Survey, conducted by Dialog on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, exposes anti-Arab, ultra-nationalist views espoused by a majority of Israeli Jews.

Haaretz (http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/survey-most-israeli-jews-would-support-apartheid-regime-in-israel.premium-1.471644)

Most of the Jewish public in Israel supports the establishment of an apartheid regime in Israel if it formally annexes the West Bank.

A majority also explicitly favors discrimination against the state’s Arab citizens, a survey shows.

The survey, conducted by Dialog on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, exposes anti-Arab, ultra-nationalist views espoused by a majority of Israeli Jews.The survey was commissioned by the Yisraela Goldblum Fund and is based on a sample of 503 interviewees.

The questions were written by a group of academia-based peace and civil rights activists. Dialog is headed by Tel Aviv University Prof. Camil Fuchs.

The majority of the Jewish public, 59 percent, wants preference for Jews over Arabs in admission to jobs in government ministries. Almost half the Jews, 49 percent, want the state to treat Jewish citizens better than Arab ones; 42 percent don’t want to live in the same building with Arabs and 42 percent don’t want their children in the same class with Arab children.

A third of the Jewish public wants a law barring Israeli Arabs from voting for the Knesset and a large majority of 69 percent objects to giving 2.5 million Palestinians the right to vote if Israel annexes the West Bank.

A sweeping 74 percent majority is in favor of separate roads for Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank. A quarter – 24 percent – believe separate roads are “a good situation” and 50 percent believe they are “a necessary situation.”

Almost half – 47 percent – want part of Israel’s Arab population to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority and 36 percent support transferring some of the Arab towns from Israel to the PA, in exchange for keeping some of the West Bank settlements.

Although the territories have not been annexed, most of the Jewish public (58 percent ) already believes Israel practices apartheid against Arabs. Only 31 percent think such a system is not in force here. Over a third (38 percent ) of the Jewish public wants Israel to annex the territories with settlements on them, while 48 percent object.

The survey distinguishes among the various communities in Israeli society – secular, observant, religious, ultra-Orthodox and former Soviet immigrants. The ultra-Orthodox, in contrast to those who described themselves as religious or observant, hold the most extreme positions against the Palestinians. An overwhelming majority (83 percent ) of Haredim are in favor of segregated roads and 71 percent are in favor of transfer.

The ultra-Orthodox are also the most anti-Arab group – 70 percent of them support legally barring Israeli Arabs from voting, 82 percent support preferential treatment from the state toward Jews, and 95 percent are in favor of discrimination against Arabs in admission to workplaces.

The group classifying itself as religious is the second most anti-Arab. New immigrants from former Soviet states are closer in their views of the Palestinians to secular Israelis, and are far less radical than the religious and Haredi groups. However, the number of people who answered “don’t know” in the “Russian” community was higher than in any other.

The Russians register the highest rate of satisfaction with life in Israel (77 percent ) and the secular Israelis the lowest – only 63 percent. On average, 69 percent of Israelis are satisfied with life in Israel.

Secular Israelis appear to be the least racist – 68 percent of them would not mind having Arab neighbors in their apartment building, 73 percent would not mind Arab students in their children’s class and 50 percent believe Arabs should not be discriminated against in admission to workplaces.

The survey indicates that a third to half of Jewish Israelis want to live in a state that practices formal, open discrimination against its Arab citizens. An even larger majority wants to live in an apartheid state if Israel annexes the territories.

The survey conductors say perhaps the term “apartheid” was not clear enough to some interviewees. However, the interviewees did not object strongly to describing Israel’s character as “apartheid” already today, without annexing the territories. Only 31 percent objected to calling Israel an “apartheid state” and said “there’s no apartheid at all.”

In contrast, 39 percent believe apartheid is practiced “in a few fields”; 19 percent believe “there’s apartheid in many fields” and 11 percent do not know.

The “Russians,” as the survey calls them, display the most objection to classifying their new country as an apartheid state. A third of them – 35 percent – believe Israel practices no apartheid at all, compared to 28 percent of the secular and ultra-Orthodox communities, 27 percent of the religious and 30 percent of the observant Jews who hold that view. Altogether, 58 percent of all the groups believe Israel practices apartheid “in a few fields” or “in many fields,” while 11 percent don’t know.

Finally, the interviewees were asked whether “a famous American author [who] is boycotting Israel, claiming it practices apartheid” should be boycotted or invited to Israel. About half (48 percent ) said she should be invited to Israel, 28 percent suggest no response and only 15 percent call to boycott her.

25th October 2012, 05:27 AM
nothing ugly about being anti-criminal, or anti-Psychopath, or anti-Pedophile, or anti-mass-murderer - or anti- a religion that promotes all 4 traits in its members ... then whines (very loudly) when someone tells the truth about them.

26th November 2012, 12:35 AM
Montreal Host Suspended for 'Annoying' Jews Remark (http://forward.com/articles/166667/montreal-host-suspended-for-annoying-jews-remark/) Jacques Fabi Encouraged Caller Who Backed the Holocaust By JTA (http://forward.com/authors/jta/) Published November 25, 2012.

A Montreal radio host was suspended for indulging a caller who made anti-Semitic statements on the air.

Jacques Fabi on his show last week on CHMP 98.5 FM did not criticize the woman during her four-minute call for comparing Israelis to dogs and saying that the Holocaust was “the most beautiful thing that happened in history,” the QMI news agency reported.

After the caller made the Holocaust comment, Fabi replied, “I wouldn’t dare say something like that.” Later he said, “You know that in this democratic country, you can’t ever say anything offensive toward Israelis because it could cost you dearly. You can’t ever have negative views of any nature toward the Jewish people, or there will be serious consequences. That’s how it is.”

A few minutes later, Fabi said that one must “wear white gloves when talking about this nice Jewish population of Montreal.” According to the Canadian Broadcasting Corp., he also said, “If you asked me if the Jewish population can sometimes be annoying, I would say yes.”

At no point did Fabi reproach the caller for making the anti-Semitic remarks or denounce the remarks themselves.

David Cote, a CHMP spokesman, told the QMI news agency that Fabi’s comments were “unacceptable” and that the station has issued “sanctions” against him.

QMI reported that Fabi has been suspended, but it was unclear for how long.

B’nai Brith Canada is demanding an apology from the station and has sent letters of complaint to broadcast regulators.


26th November 2012, 07:43 AM
Montreal Host Suspended for 'Annoying' Jews Remark (http://forward.com/articles/166667/montreal-host-suspended-for-annoying-jews-remark/)

Jacques Fabi Encouraged Caller Who Backed the Holocaust

By JTA (http://forward.com/authors/jta/)

Published November 25, 2012.

A Montreal radio host was suspended for indulging a caller who made anti-Semitic statements on the air.

Jacques Fabi on his show last week on CHMP 98.5 FM did not criticize the woman during her four-minute call for comparing Israelis to dogs and saying that the Holocaust was “the most beautiful thing that happened in history,” the QMI news agency reported.

After the caller made the Holocaust comment, Fabi replied, “I wouldn’t dare say something like that.” Later he said, “You know that in this democratic country, you can’t ever say anything offensive toward Israelis because it could cost you dearly. You can’t ever have negative views of any nature toward the Jewish people, or there will be serious consequences. That’s how it is.”

A few minutes later, Fabi said that one must “wear white gloves when talking about this nice Jewish population of Montreal.” According to the Canadian Broadcasting Corp., he also said, “If you asked me if the Jewish population can sometimes be annoying, I would say yes.”

At no point did Fabi reproach the caller for making the anti-Semitic remarks or denounce the remarks themselves.

David Cote, a CHMP spokesman, told the QMI news agency that Fabi’s comments were “unacceptable” and that the station has issued “sanctions” against him.

QMI reported that Fabi has been suspended, but it was unclear for how long.

B’nai Brith Canada is demanding an apology from the station and has sent letters of complaint to broadcast regulators.


I'll wager that this is a total set up and the woman is a Jew agitator. This is the radio show equivalent of Nazi graffiti on synagogues and cemetaries, all of which turned out to be promulgated by Jews, imagine that. While the desecration got big news and headlines, the followup perp story was reported quietly and without fanfare. Strange is it not?

26th November 2012, 07:49 AM
"Majority of Jooz Harbor an Ugly Secret, ADL is AWOL":cool:

Israeli Jews Support Apartheid Regime, Survey Reveals (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/397236/20121023/israeli-jews-support-apartheid-regime-survey-reveals.htm)

ibtimes.co.uk (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/397236/20121023/israeli-jews-support-apartheid-regime-survey-reveals.htm)

A survey commissioned by a US-based non-profit organisation has claimed that the majority of Jews in Israel supports an apartheid regime if Israel annexes the West Bank.

Based on a sample of 503 interviewees, the study conducted by Dialog for the New Israel Fund (NIF) reveals that most Jewish people in Israel hold anti-Arab and ultra-conservative views.

A significant 49 percent of Jews who responded to the survey want the state to treat Jewish citizens better than Arab ones; one out of three wants legislation preventing Israeli Arabs from voting for the parliament (Knesset); and a sweeping majority (69 percent) has reservations about Palestinians’ right to vote if the West Bank becomes part of the state of Israel.

Three-quarters (74 percent) want roads to divide Israelis from Palestinians in the West Bank while 59 percent opt for preferential treatment of Jews over Arabs in getting ministerial jobs; 42 percent said they do not want to live in the same building as Arabs. The same percentage does not want their children in the same classroom as Arab children.

Follow us

The survey discloses that 58 percent maintains that Israel practises apartheid against Arabs. The ultra-Orthodox such as the Haredim are the most anti-Arab group, with a substantial 70 percent of them support removing the right to vote for Israeli Arabs. Some 82 percent support preferential treatment by the state towards Jews and 95 percent are in favour of job discrimination.

“We’re racists, the Israelis are saying, we practise apartheid and we even want to live in an apartheid state. Yes, this is Israel,” Gideon Levy wrote on Haaretz.

“The Israelis admit this is what they are and they’re not ashamed of it. Such surveys have been held before but Israelis have never appeared so pleased with themselves, even when they admit their racism.”

“Most of them think Israel is a good place to live in and most of them think this is a racist state,” he said.

Israeli Jews Support Apartheid Regime, Survey Reveals - IBTimes UK (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/397236/20121023/israeli-jews-support-apartheid-regime-survey-reveals.htm)

Survey: Most Israeli Jews would support apartheid regime in Israel (http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/survey-most-israeli-jews-would-support-apartheid-regime-in-israel.premium-1.471644)

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_tz8Y9E_TsyI/TTd_L6fcStI/AAAAAAAAAaE/3mI_0ulvfC8/s1600/76731_137891189596863_106242349428414_233111_59222 9_n.jpg
Survey, conducted by Dialog on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, exposes anti-Arab, ultra-nationalist views espoused by a majority of Israeli Jews.

Haaretz (http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/survey-most-israeli-jews-would-support-apartheid-regime-in-israel.premium-1.471644)

Most of the Jewish public in Israel supports the establishment of an apartheid regime in Israel if it formally annexes the West Bank.

A majority also explicitly favors discrimination against the state’s Arab citizens, a survey shows.

The survey, conducted by Dialog on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, exposes anti-Arab, ultra-nationalist views espoused by a majority of Israeli Jews.The survey was commissioned by the Yisraela Goldblum Fund and is based on a sample of 503 interviewees.

The questions were written by a group of academia-based peace and civil rights activists. Dialog is headed by Tel Aviv University Prof. Camil Fuchs.

The majority of the Jewish public, 59 percent, wants preference for Jews over Arabs in admission to jobs in government ministries. Almost half the Jews, 49 percent, want the state to treat Jewish citizens better than Arab ones; 42 percent don’t want to live in the same building with Arabs and 42 percent don’t want their children in the same class with Arab children.

A third of the Jewish public wants a law barring Israeli Arabs from voting for the Knesset and a large majority of 69 percent objects to giving 2.5 million Palestinians the right to vote if Israel annexes the West Bank.

A sweeping 74 percent majority is in favor of separate roads for Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank. A quarter – 24 percent – believe separate roads are “a good situation” and 50 percent believe they are “a necessary situation.”

Almost half – 47 percent – want part of Israel’s Arab population to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority and 36 percent support transferring some of the Arab towns from Israel to the PA, in exchange for keeping some of the West Bank settlements.

Although the territories have not been annexed, most of the Jewish public (58 percent ) already believes Israel practices apartheid against Arabs. Only 31 percent think such a system is not in force here. Over a third (38 percent ) of the Jewish public wants Israel to annex the territories with settlements on them, while 48 percent object.

The survey distinguishes among the various communities in Israeli society – secular, observant, religious, ultra-Orthodox and former Soviet immigrants. The ultra-Orthodox, in contrast to those who described themselves as religious or observant, hold the most extreme positions against the Palestinians. An overwhelming majority (83 percent ) of Haredim are in favor of segregated roads and 71 percent are in favor of transfer.

The ultra-Orthodox are also the most anti-Arab group – 70 percent of them support legally barring Israeli Arabs from voting, 82 percent support preferential treatment from the state toward Jews, and 95 percent are in favor of discrimination against Arabs in admission to workplaces.

The group classifying itself as religious is the second most anti-Arab. New immigrants from former Soviet states are closer in their views of the Palestinians to secular Israelis, and are far less radical than the religious and Haredi groups. However, the number of people who answered “don’t know” in the “Russian” community was higher than in any other.

The Russians register the highest rate of satisfaction with life in Israel (77 percent ) and the secular Israelis the lowest – only 63 percent. On average, 69 percent of Israelis are satisfied with life in Israel.

Secular Israelis appear to be the least racist – 68 percent of them would not mind having Arab neighbors in their apartment building, 73 percent would not mind Arab students in their children’s class and 50 percent believe Arabs should not be discriminated against in admission to workplaces.

The survey indicates that a third to half of Jewish Israelis want to live in a state that practices formal, open discrimination against its Arab citizens. An even larger majority wants to live in an apartheid state if Israel annexes the territories.

The survey conductors say perhaps the term “apartheid” was not clear enough to some interviewees. However, the interviewees did not object strongly to describing Israel’s character as “apartheid” already today, without annexing the territories. Only 31 percent objected to calling Israel an “apartheid state” and said “there’s no apartheid at all.”

In contrast, 39 percent believe apartheid is practiced “in a few fields”; 19 percent believe “there’s apartheid in many fields” and 11 percent do not know.

The “Russians,” as the survey calls them, display the most objection to classifying their new country as an apartheid state. A third of them – 35 percent – believe Israel practices no apartheid at all, compared to 28 percent of the secular and ultra-Orthodox communities, 27 percent of the religious and 30 percent of the observant Jews who hold that view. Altogether, 58 percent of all the groups believe Israel practices apartheid “in a few fields” or “in many fields,” while 11 percent don’t know.

Finally, the interviewees were asked whether “a famous American author [who] is boycotting Israel, claiming it practices apartheid” should be boycotted or invited to Israel. About half (48 percent ) said she should be invited to Israel, 28 percent suggest no response and only 15 percent call to boycott her.

From the comments section:

Sarah writes:

Oy vey, these people sound just like Nazis. I barely survived the Holocaust by living under a rock on a single bread roll and rain water for 2 years. Now I'm 67 years old and frail. But this is so upsetting that I am verklempt.

26th November 2012, 11:28 AM
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_tz8Y9E_TsyI/TTd_L6fcStI/AAAAAAAAAaE/3mI_0ulvfC8/s1600/76731_137891189596863_106242349428414_233111_59222 9_n.jpg

Seriously is there a better way of describing these, than DEMONIC?

26th November 2012, 11:39 AM
Seriously is there a better way of describing these, than DEMONIC?

Can't you see that those poor defensive Jews are screaming in pain! You are an insensitive anti-semite! /sarc

26th November 2012, 11:55 AM
Can't you see that those poor defensive Jews are screaming in pain! You are an insensitive anti-semite! /sarc
Damn I thought they were bidding on the silver tray...

26th November 2012, 02:17 PM
Damn I thought they were bidding on the silver tray...

Is it? I thought it was a first and then changed my mind to a trash can lid. It makes more sense with her carrying a trash can lid that size.

26th November 2012, 06:11 PM
The parent organization behind Hillel and the ADL, the International Order of the B'nai B'rith (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%27nai_B%27rith), is a secret organization of Jewish Freemasons founded in New York City in 1843. This is the core group of powerful Zionists that operates behind the scenes for its own benefit. This is the hidden hand that ordered Jewish students to protest against Gilad Atzmon at Exeter. This is also the same powerful secret cabal that through its control of the media and politicians is demanding tougher sanctions and military action against Iran. In these heady times it is essential for Jews and non-Jews to perceive the hidden power that is beating the drums of war and which is behind the censoring of anti-Zionist voices at college campuses.

So, does anyone have an access to the list of these Jewish all-powerful freemasons?

Let's publish one, maybe will do some good.

26th November 2012, 06:26 PM
I've got a few basic/dumb questions about the whole "Khazars as Semites" thing.

It's my assumption that at some point after the 8th Century when the Khazars converted to Judaism, they realized the need to redefine their racial/ethnic/genetic ancestry as suddenly being "Semitic", as Arabs indigenous to the Mid-East are Semites. I figure this Khazar-converts' need was brought about by their wanting to make plausible, their impostor-hood as the Biblical "God's Chosen People ;), who were Divinely entitled to return ;) to their ancestral land ;), to collect on their Divine/Biblical Land Grant". ;)

^ This IS the underlying motive for the Khazar-converts' hijacking of the definition of "Semite" to include them, right? It's the only motive I can think of that makes sense!

As far as I know, khazars was the local tribes living in the area. Their leadership got taken over and "converted to judaism". I would guess that same thing happened, some jewish tribe just risen to the top.

So the 1st dumb question is, at what point in post-8th-Century (Khazar conversion) history, did the term "anti-Semite" start kicking around in reference to Khazar-"Jewry"? So is there a reputable source which "proves" the word "Semite" to have been hijacked, esp through tracing the evolution of the usage/meaning of the word?

how would you get a reliable source from that long ago, when there were no real books and everything was hand-written?

2nd dumb question: In 740 AD when Khazars converted to Judaism (~700 years after Bible was written), what was the spoken language in Khazaria? Hebrew? If not, what was the language, and when did they take up Hebrew (qualifying them as "Semites", at least by what I assume to be the zionist-revisionist definition of "Semite" as being language-based rather than race-based)?

as khazars were not really jewish, but a local tribe, they naturally didn't speak hebrew , or yiddish. There were a number of tribes, but specifically khazars spoke khazar(?ian) , which according to wiki is between turkic (not turkish) and bulgarian:

3rd dumb question: When was the "you're Jewish if your mother was Jewish" rule rolled out? Pre, or post Khazar conversion? Coz if it was pre... well, right away you can see the problem with a whole population suddenly adopting Judaism in 740 AD, proclaiming themselves "Jews", when none of their mothers were "Jews"...

That, I believe, comes from the inheritant drive of them (both men and women) to screw everything that moves. So, naturally, it would be difficult to establish a father in that environment, and only possible to know the mother. (from what I am reading the rabies call it "because of common rape").

26th November 2012, 08:38 PM
So, does anyone have an access to the list of these Jewish all-powerful freemasons?

Let's publish one, maybe will do some good.

taking further from the post you quoted (a Bollyn article), his first "further reading" source looks promising, but I don't have time to look deeper right now.

Bollyn, Christopher, "B'nai B'rith - The Secret Society of Jews", 22 November 2009
http://www.bollyn.com/bnai-brith-the-secret-society-of-jews (http://www.bollyn.com/bnai-brith-the-secret-society-of-jews)
"Free from hate: Jewish students stand up against Finkelstein, Atzmon and Griffin, and all in the same week!", UJS.org.uk, 9 November 2011
http://www.ujs.org.uk/news/648/free-from-hate-jewish-students-stand-up-against-finkelstein-atzmon-and-griffin-and-all-in-the-same-week/ (http://www.ujs.org.uk/news/648/free-from-hate-jewish-students-stand-up-against-finkelstein-atzmon-and-griffin-and-all-in-the-same-week/)
"Hillels Around the World", Hillel.org, 23 November 2011
http://www.hillel.org/about/global/default (http://www.hillel.org/about/global/default)

2nd January 2013, 01:20 AM
Jewish Supremacist-Controlled Media Covers up Anti-African Demonstrations in Israel (http://www.davidduke.com/?p=37786) Administrator (http://www.davidduke.com/?author=1) Jan 01, 2013 |
The Jewish Supremacist-controlled mass media in the West continues to cover up growing Israeli demonstrations against African immigrants in the Zionist state, with each omission becoming more obvious by the day.

The latest incident—about which we would know nothing except for the fact that news sources directed only at Jews mentioned it (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4326918,00.html)—took place on Old Year’s Eve in Tel Aviv and was attended by several members of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset.

The controlled media in the West has simply ignored the protest—reporting only on the rape of an 83-year old woman by an African which sparked off the demonstration.

Imagine for a second if Members of Congress attended an anti-immigrant rally in America’s capital: the Jewish Supremacist lobby, the Jewish extremists such as the SPLC and ADL, and all the Jewish organizations would be out there attacking, slandering and smearing the participants.

These smears would be gleefully carried and repeated ad infinitum by the Jewish-Supremacist controlled media, and Jewish Supremacist money would be poured into election campaigns to unseat the congressmen who dared to partake in such a demonstration.

Yet all these Jewish extremists are as quiet as church mice on the latest demonstration in Tel Aviv, and their mass media has simply blacked it out and pretends it does not happen.

The blatant hypocrisy is one side of the coin: the other is that the news blackout is proof once again of the tribalist mafia which controls the West’s media.

2nd January 2013, 04:46 AM
California Bill Equating Student Activism with anti-Semitism is Rubber-Stamped with No Debate (http://uruknet.info/?p=m93952&hd=&size=1&l=e)


Wednesday, 02 January 2013 09:17

'One of the many complaints about HR 35, a California bill that conflates activism in solidarity with Palestinians with anti-Semitism, is that it passed quickly with no debate. Now, video has emerged from the vote in late August that shows just how little discussion preceded the vote, which has been decried by students and Palestine solidarity and civil rights groups. It's the perfect example of how U.S. democracy works when it comes to the question of Israel.

2nd January 2013, 10:05 AM
Dear Friends, This article [below] has been written by a brilliant and noted author who blamed the Pope’s Mossad of Zionist Israel as the true power behind the Kennedy Assassination. He bases his premise upon the fact that the late Yitzak Rabin was in Dallas on November 22, 1963 according to his late wife, Leah. He knows of me and is aware of my book VATICAN ASSASSINS. Still he maintains the false position that the Jews control the American Media while refusing to admit to the primacy of the Jesuit Order within the Pope’s Holy Roman Fourteenth Amendment American Empire (1868- Present) ruled through the Archbishop of New York’s Council on Foreign Relations. The Jews manning the Order’s American Press are the Pope’s “Court Jews”—the Masonic Jewish Zionists— and nearly all are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. This brings us to the three primary purposes of the Pope’s Masonic Jewish Zionists. http://www..bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican33.htm

2nd January 2013, 12:11 PM
Dear Friends, This article [below] has been written by a brilliant and noted author who blamed the Pope’s Mossad of Zionist Israel as the true power behind the Kennedy Assassination. He bases his premise upon the fact that the late Yitzak Rabin was in Dallas on November 22, 1963 according to his late wife, Leah. He knows of me and is aware of my book VATICAN ASSASSINS. Still he maintains the false position that the Jews control the American Media while refusing to admit to the primacy of the Jesuit Order within the Pope’s Holy Roman Fourteenth Amendment American Empire (1868- Present) ruled through the Archbishop of New York’s Council on Foreign Relations. The Jews manning the Order’s American Press are the Pope’s “Court Jews”—the Masonic Jewish Zionists— and nearly all are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. This brings us to the three primary purposes of the Pope’s Masonic Jewish Zionists. http://www..bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican33.htm
I couldn't open the link, but do you have any significant evidence that the Vatican ultimately controls the zionists? I guess that the best evidence would be control of CFR. To me it makes more sense that the Jews and later zionists successfully infiltrated the catholic church, the catholic church tried to uproot this influence with the inquisition, but failed, due to a large proportion of Marranos within the Jesuit order... Popes that weren't going along with the zionists, were assassinated.

2nd January 2013, 12:55 PM
Google: Secret Vatican briefings on the Creation of Prophet Muhammed" http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican33.htm How the Vatican created Islam. The astonishing story from an exJesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican. All roads lead to Rome....!

2nd January 2013, 03:03 PM
Google: Secret Vatican briefings on the Creation of Prophet Muhammed" http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican33.htm How the Vatican created Islam. The astonishing story from an exJesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican. All roads lead to Rome....!
I managed to open that page, and while I find little actual evidence that the Vatican are in control of the zionists, I will keep my mind open to it. I researched Alberto Rivera, and found a wikipedia page that gave a serious blow to his character, most of which originated from a Gary Metz article in "the cornerstone" (sounded Masonic to me), so I decided to google him, and I found this which seems credible:

The cornerstone article seemed to me to be over the top, it smelled of character assassination, and I am convinced now that is exactly what it was, this Gary Metz creep is running a blog nowadays propagating for regime change in Iran...

The rabbit hole is indeed deep. But the digging that I did today, has strengthened the credibility of your Vatican links theories, Barnkle, but I am not convinced that you didn't put the cart in front of the horse on this one...

20th January 2013, 12:35 AM

By Harmony Daws
7 Jan 13

A Brazilian cartoonist and a German writer have won the questionable honor of being among the Simon Weisenthal Center’s Top Ten Anti-Semites of 2012 (http://www.wiesenthal.com/atf/cf/%7B54d385e6-f1b9-4e9f-8e94-890c3e6dd277%7D/TT_2012_3.PDF) - along with the Iran, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and Greece’s Golden Dawn party.

This list is really a quick and easy guide to what speech will get you locked up by the ruling elites of the future. The Center invites the public to snitch on any future offenders so “that the perpetrators can be held accountable in the court of public opinion.” The Center reassures us that its leadership has a “global reach”—icy agitprop fingers it wants to use to shred the reputations of anyone who strays outside accepted speech.

What exactly did cartoonist Carlos Latuff and German writer JakobAugstein say that is so evil, so defamatory? These are the quotes, in full, that the Center published as evidence of Augstein’s “bigotry:”

With backing from the US, where the president must secure the support of Jewish lobby groups, and in Germany, where coping with history, in the meantime, has a military component, the Netanyahu government keeps the world on a leash with an ever-swelling war chant.

Israel’s nuclear power is a danger to the already fragile peace of the world. This statement has triggered an outcry. Because it’s true. And because it was made by a German, Guenter Grass, author and Nobel Prize winner. That is the key point. One must, therefore, thank him for taking it upon himself to speak for us all.

Israel is threatened by Islamic fundamentalists in its neighborhood. But the Jews also have their fundamentalists, the ultra-orthodox Hareidim. They are not a small splinter group. They make up 10% of the Israeli population. They are cut from the same cloth as their Islamic fundamentalist opponents. They follow the law of revenge.

The fire burns in Libya, Sudan, Yemen, in countries which are among the poorest on earth. But those who set the fires live elsewhere. Furious young people burn the American, and recently, the German flag. They, too, are victims, just like the dead at Benghazi and Sanaa. Whom does this all this violence benefit? Always the insane and unscrupulous. And this time it’s the U.S. Republicans and Israeli government.

Gaza is a place out of the end of times….1.7 million people live there on 360 sq. kilometers. Israel incubates its own opponents there.

What is untrue? Where are the lies? Rather, these are truths that must not be spoken.
For his part, fearless cartoonist Carlos Latuff created many visual responses to the assault on Gaza. The Center published one it apparently deemed most offensive, in which Netanyahu squeezes votes from the body of a Palestinian baby. It is now anti-Semitic to allege that a world leader makes military decisions with his election in mind. Really? Now even the blandest observations about political realities are verboten - if they concern Israel.

Our Christian Zionist friends may disagree with all the statements listed above, and shudder at Latuff’s cartoon. That’s fine. But I beg you, just consider: are they really hateful? Do their speakers really deserve to be blacklisted? If these statements were made about any other group or leader on earth, they wouldn’t raise an eyebrow. Why is that the case? If Jewish media power is a “canard” that does not exist, why are the simplest observations of reality enough to get you listed as a top-ten hater? This list, more than anything else, proves the extent of Jewish power in the west.

White men of European descent are falling over themselves to deny any shred of racial pride, to make way for minority speech, to give over our sacred institutions and precious mono-culture in favor of “multi-culturalism.” We allow traditionalists to be viewed as extremists. We allow our ancestors’ views of sexuality, marriage and the family to be bulldozed. Yet when it comes to Israel, we are lions. We are fearless defenders. We accept that it is a sin even to acknowledge the existence of a Jewish lobby, or Israeli evils, or even self-serving misconduct by an Israeli leader.

While driving this week listening to the radio, I was stunned by another quick example of the power Jewish activists wield to control acceptable speech in the West, to write our hallowed narratives of history, and to guide the way we think about the past as well as the future.

On National Public Radio this week, Linda Wertheimer interviewed Jewish TV writer Joe Weisberg about his new show, The Americans. The show centers nostalgically around two Soviet spies, a husband and wife. They are sympathetic characters, with perfect American accents and rich personalities. Weisberg explains,

I think that enough time has passed that we can actually look back on it, odd as it might sound, a little bit fondly. And one of the things about our show is that the heroes of our show actually work for the other side. They're actually KGB officers. And I think that five or even 10 years after the Cold War, I don't really think you could have done a show where you ask people to identify with KGB officers. But I think enough time has gone by now that you can.

Imagine for a moment what would happen if a TV producer created a show centered on deeply sympathetic portrayals of a Nazi husband and wife. Imagine him going on NPR telling the welcoming host that we can now look back “fondly” on Nazism. Can’t imagine it? Neither can I.

The Jewish media milieu of Weisberg and his friends has forever immortalized the Nazis and innocent victimhood of the Jews, describing these as the embodiments of evil and good. If you compared the two hundred plus films devoted to Nazism to the screen time and ink spilt on the atrocities of the Soviet Union, it would be like comparing the porn industry to a leaflet on safe sex. We have been schooled well.

The most reliable estimate of deaths under the Soviet regime is 20 million. Yet we can now recall and portray that time “fondly.”

If these are the opinionmakers who decide what is anti-Semitism, I am certainly not afraid of the label. What does it take to get on that top ten list, anyway? I need to start writing again.

Harmony Daws is a writer for the National Prayer Network.

14th February 2013, 05:50 PM
Not sure when RT produced this, as it seems to discuss the OP article. But this clip was uploaded 2/7/13 by a diff YT user. Watching now, it's really just like 12 mins of signature 'flip the script & project (http://zioncrimefactory.com/2011/09/23/the-psychological-projections-of-organized-jewry/)' joospew from the ADL maestro himself; he could do it in his sleep.

as posted @ mami's blog, 9 comments ATM:
The ADL Brands 35 Million Americans As "Infected" With "Anti-Semitism!" (http://www.grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-adl-brands-35-million-americans-as.html) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LBfV3xLtMY


at 10:10 - "debate what? debate an anti-Shlomo-ite?!:o" ;D

14th February 2013, 06:36 PM
Of course no debate! Don't confuse him with facts!

22nd March 2013, 11:01 AM
French Jews take $50 million action against Twitter for its ‘anti-Semitism’ (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2013/03/22/french-jews-take-50-million-action-against-twitter-for-its-anti-semitism/#more-52772)

http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/cryingjews2.jpg?w=620 (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2013/03/22/french-jews-take-50-million-action-against-twitter-for-its-anti-semitism/#more-52772)

mick silver
22nd March 2013, 11:09 AM
thanks pat back upppp

7th April 2013, 09:10 PM
Anti-Semitic incidents surge in 2012
http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/cryingjews2.jpg?w=620 (http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/cryingjews2.jpg)

ed note–the question that must be asked in cases such as this, but which NEVER IS is simple–WHY?


Israeli researchers and Jewish leaders on Sunday reported a 30 percent jump in anti-Semitic violence and vandalism last year, topped by a deadly school shooting in France, and expressed alarm about the rise of far-right parties in Hungary, Greece and other countries.

more @ http://news.yahoo.com/report-anti-semitic-incidents-surge-2012-121250759.html

29th April 2013, 08:56 AM
Even after Boston, there is more anti-Jewish than anti-Muslim sentiment in U.S., says ADL’s Foxman (http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/jewish-world-features/even-after-boston-there-is-more-anti-jewish-than-anti-muslim-sentiment-in-u-s-says-adl-s-foxman.premium-1.517960)

April 29, 2013


The Anti-Defamation League is marking its 100th anniversary, but its relentless leader isn’t getting complacent: Anti-Semitism in the U.S. is widespread, especially among Hispanic immigrants and African-Americans. And he detests the ‘ugly’ criticism leveled at him by ‘super-Jews’ on the right.

Read the rest of this entry » (http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/jewish-world-features/even-after-boston-there-is-more-anti-jewish-than-anti-muslim-sentiment-in-u-s-says-adl-s-foxman.premium-1.517960)

29th April 2013, 09:08 AM
Anti-Semitic incidents surge in 2012

http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/cryingjews2.jpg?w=620 (http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/cryingjews2.jpg)

ed note–the question that must be asked in cases such as this, but which NEVER IS is simple–WHY?


Israeli researchers and Jewish leaders on Sunday reported a 30 percent jump in anti-Semitic violence and vandalism last year, topped by a deadly school shooting in France, and expressed alarm about the rise of far-right parties in Hungary, Greece and other countries.

more @ http://news.yahoo.com/report-anti-semitic-incidents-surge-2012-121250759.html

Why? Hm, maybe it's because virtually all of the central banksters, almost all of the large bank presidents and officers, and a disproportionate number of the leaders at the Troika are Jewish? And these same groups are coincidently systematically working together in cartel-like inside-information-sharing mode to bankrupt nations and slowly reduce the gentile populations, through usury, inflation and outright theft, to abject poverty and debt slavery?

Nah, this must be just a big coincidence...nevermind. /sarc

General of Darkness
29th April 2013, 09:14 AM
You know what's interesting, I don't HATE that much, it's more of an annoyed issued, at least for me. As an example, a Prius in the fast lane going 5 miles slower than the speed limit is annoying, but with jews these days, I'm getting close to pushing from annoyed with to hate. And it has NOTHING to do with their religion, it has to do with their actions, i.e. I don't hate black people, I hate niggers, which come in all colors.

29th April 2013, 09:45 AM
I notice these from Ted Pike on how to raise a properly anti-Shlomo-ic child,

15 Apr 13 - Can Anti-Zionist Education Save Us? (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/Can_AntiZionist_Education_Save_Us.html)
9 Apr 13 - How to Create Anti-Zionist Christian Youth (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/How_to_Create_AntiZionist_Christian_Youth.html)

31st May 2013, 11:40 AM
ADL gets $7.5 million to launch ‘global anti-Semitism index’ (http://www.jta.org/2013/05/30/news-opinion/world/adl-receives-7-5-million-grant-to-poll-anti-semitic-attitudes)

In its first year, the project will poll and measure anti-Semitic attitudes in 50 countries.

The Anti-Defamation League received a $7.5 million grant to launch a global anti-Semitism index.

In a statement Thursday announcing the grant, which will be paid over three years, the ADL said it would “significantly expand” the organization’s polling on global anti-Semitism.

The grant for the ADL Global Anti-Semitism Index was announced this week at the fourth International Conference of the Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism in Jerusalem.

First International Resources LLC, a New Jersey-based firm, will compile and release the survey by the end of the year.

In its first year, the project will poll and measure anti-Semitic attitudes in 50 countries. More countries will be added as time goes on, the ADL said in a statement. Pollsters will conduct face-to-face, telephone or online surveys in the native language of each country.

“The Global Anti-Semitism Index will give us the ability not only to better understand the magnitude of the problem around the world, but to assess where it is most problematic, how pervasive it is in certain regions, and exactly which anti-Jewish beliefs are the most seriously entrenched,” said Abraham Foxman, ADL’s national director. “We will be able to share that information with governments to use it as a lever to promote education and legislation against anti-Semitism. We will be able to present countries and international bodies with hard data on the actual level of attitudinal biases toward Jews around the world. And we will be able to pinpoint which countries are the most deeply infected with one of the world’s oldest hatreds.”

Last year, the ADL released “Attitudes Toward Jews in 10 European Countries,” an opinion poll of 5,000 Europeans conducted in January 2012 in Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom.


31st May 2013, 11:44 AM
nice little 30 min podcast, show notes follow, MP3 link at bottom:

The Jewish Problem (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/05/28/the-jewish-problem/)

Published on May 28, 2013 (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/05/28/the-jewish-problem/) by Tanstaafl (http://thewhitenetwork.com/author/tanstaafl/) in Age of Treason Radio (http://thewhitenetwork.com/category/age-of-treason-radio/)
http://thewhitenetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/jude-143x150.jpg (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/05/28/the-jewish-problem/jude/)
The jewish problem is a White problem, the key to many other White problems.

Who are the jews, what is the problem: poison. The central characteristic is dishonesty – the bad faith and dual nature with which they present themselves. They lie about who they are. They lie about what they want.

The jews problem has existed as long as the jews have and follows them wherever they go. Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Gothic Spain, and the Ottoman Empire for example. What do all these societies have in common? They all had a jewish problem, and they’re all gone now.

Excerpts from Carolyn Yeager’s Thoughts on the Jewish Problem and the HoloHoax (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/03/27/thoughts-on-the-jewish-problem-and-the-holohoax/):

Some people get upset when the word ” holohoax” is used instead of “holocaust,” thinking it is unnecessarily antagonizing to Jews — but I think it is proper, if just to keep from having to repeat their word, Holocaust, over and over and thus reinforcing a word that to those of us in the know, is offensive to us.

The idea I’m presenting is that the real problem we face is The Jewish Problem, also known as “the Jewish Question” – which Jewry turns around on us and calls antisemitism. Henry Ford’s early publication of his ambitious work was titled The International Jew – The World’s Foremost Problem.

The major effort of the Jews throughout history has been to prevent their expulsion from their host countries. Think about it – as parasites, which they truly are, it is critical to their survival to remain in host countries.

Everything in nature is built, or has evolved, with survival as the strongest, most primary instinct or value. Survival is our first concern as humans, before anything else can matter. For Jews, survival depends on the willingness of their hosts to allow the Jews to live as parasites among them. This requires a great amount of propaganda and thought-control by the Jews, which is why they went first of all for control of communication outlets, which we now call Media.

Through their foresight, planning and propaganda, they managed to disable the survival instinct of their White host population by convincing us that our survival was not at risk. The very idea seemed impossible to us and was not entertained … until very recent times when we see with our bare eyes (if we’re not blind) the terribly dangerous demographic and political situation we are facing.

Considering this, defining the rightness or wrongness of expelling Jews en masse from any of their host nations is the key to solving The Jewish Problem. The idea that it is wrong to do so, and cannot be justified under any circumstances, IS The Jewish Problem today.

This campaign to create a total intolerance of antisemitism is a huge project of International Jewry. The Alliance Israelite Universelle was founded in 1860 in France as an international organization to defend against any perceived slurs or “attacks” on Jews anywhere in the world.

Hoax (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoax), Wikipedia:

A hoax is a deliberately fabricated falsehood made to masquerade as truth.

Hoax (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/hoax), the Free Online Dictionary:

1. An act intended to deceive or trick.

2. Something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means.

Parasitism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasitism), Wikipedia:

Parasitism is a non-mutual relationship between organisms of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host.

parasites are generally much smaller than their host

Parasites show a high degree of specialization, and reproduce at a faster rate than their hosts.

Parasites reduce host biological fitness by general or specialized pathology, such as parasitic castration and impairment of secondary sex characteristics, to the modification of host behaviour. Parasites increase their fitness by exploiting hosts for resources necessary for their survival, e.g. food, water, heat, habitat, and transmission.

Parasites whose life cycle involves the death of the host, to exit the present host and sometimes to enter the next, evolve to be more virulent or even alter the behavior or other properties of the host to make it more vulnerable to predators.

Virulence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virulence), Wikipedia:

Virulence is by MeSH definition the degree of pathogenicity within a group or species of parasites as indicated by case fatality rates and/or the ability of the organism to invade the tissues of the host. The pathogenicity of an organism – its ability to cause disease – is determined by its virulence factors.[1] The noun virulence derives from the adjective virulent. Virulent can describe either disease severity or a pathogen’s infectivity.[2] The word virulent derives from the Latin word virulentus, meaning “a poisoned wound” or “full of poison.”[2][3]

In an ecological context, virulence can be defined as the host’s parasite-induced loss of fitness.

George Lincoln Rockwell’s The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens (http://www.heretical.com/pubs/fabledh.html) puts the jewish problem in parable form. See also this illustrated video version (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd6-dbXONa0), narrated by Edgar J. Steele.

Biden on Jewish Influence (http://age-of-treason.blogspot.com/2013/05/biden-on-jewish-influence.html).

The podcast will be broadcast and available for download on Tuesday at 9PM ET.

Podcast: Download (http://thewhitenetwork.com/data/audio/tWn_Age_of_Treason_Radio_20130528.mp3)

General of Darkness
31st May 2013, 12:15 PM
Thanks Pat listening now. I wonder if I should broadcasting again.

31st May 2013, 12:50 PM
being anti-Jewish = being anti-criminal - nothing ugly about that secret.

not much of a secret either.

14th June 2013, 09:31 PM
French court tosses Twitter appeal, orders it identify anti-Semites (http://www.jta.org/2013/06/13/news-opinion/world/french-court-tosses-twitter-appeal-orders-it-identify-anti-semites) June 13, 2013 9:43am

Appellate level tribunal upholds lower court’s ruling; social networking giant may pay $200,000 in penalties

Read the rest of this entry » (http://www.jta.org/2013/06/13/news-opinion/world/french-court-tosses-twitter-appeal-orders-it-identify-anti-semites)

14th June 2013, 10:31 PM
from John Friend's semi-regular blog post "News from the Jews (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/06/news-from-jews_14.html)"

Friday, June 14, 2013
News from the Jews (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/06/news-from-jews_14.html)

U.S. subservience to Israel, "Global War on Terror" as an Israeli racket, more "Holocaust" and "anti-Semitism" nonsense

What follows is a small sampling of recent news items from the Jewish-owned press. Let's see what we can learn or further confirm about the Jewish agenda, particularly in America.

To start with, two recent news items from the Jewish press demonstrate two crucial points I often try to make:

Every single aspect of the federal government of the United States - the White House, the Congress, and the Supreme Court, etc. - is completely dominated by the pro-Israel lobby, and;
The Homeland Security/police state industry in America is literally an Israeli racket.

Check out what the The Jerusalem Post (http://www.jpost.com/Defense/US-House-ctee-triples-missile-funding-to-Israel-316417) is reporting:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YMZBbjSfk6Y/UbrOYvZ65gI/AAAAAAAABb0/nTObZD5oQ28/s400/US+House+c%27tee+triples+missile+funding+to+Israel .jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YMZBbjSfk6Y/UbrOYvZ65gI/AAAAAAAABb0/nTObZD5oQ28/s1600/US+House+c%27tee+triples+missile+funding+to+Israel .jpg)

The US House of Representatives Armed Service Committee tripled President Barack Obama’s request for missile defense collaboration with Israel and sought to include the United States in Iron Dome development.

The increase in the National Defense Authorization Act from $96 million to $284 million referred from the committee in a 59-2 vote June 6 to the full House includes an additional $15 million in funding for Iron Dome, the short range anti-missile program.

The stipulation in that increase, in an amendment proposed by Rep. Joe Heck (R-Nev.), is that it “may be obligated or expended for enhancing the capability for producing the Iron Dome short-range rocket defense program in the United States, including for infrastructure, tooling, transferring data, special test equipment, and related components.”

Unlike other missile defense collaborative programs, such as the Arrow, Israel until now has maintained propriety over Iron Dome. [...]

Then read what The Jewish Chronicle (http://www.thejc.com/news/israel-news/108619/israeli-%EF%AC%81rms-supplied-us-surveillance-operations%E2%80%99) is revealing about the operations of the National Security Agency, which has been illegally collecting information and monitoring American citizens:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-z0zmdvi0CvE/UbrTNJwbeXI/AAAAAAAABcU/3OYYXaCG5NU/s400/Israeli+%EF%AC%81rms+%E2%80%98supplied+US+surveill ance+operations%E2%80%99+.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-z0zmdvi0CvE/UbrTNJwbeXI/AAAAAAAABcU/3OYYXaCG5NU/s1600/Israeli+%EF%AC%81rms+%E2%80%98supplied+US+surveill ance+operations%E2%80%99+.jpg)

Technology developed by two leading Israeli software companies is thought to have been used in the American National Security Agency’s (NSA) Prism surveillance programme and other data-collecting schemes that were exposed in the international press last weekend.

According to various American publications, the two main Israeli companies to have supplied software used by the NSA and other US electronic intelligence agencies are Narus and Verint.

Narus was founded in 1997 in Israel but was bought by the Boeing Corporation in 2010. It has been alleged that Narus was a main contractor in a surveillance operation carried out in collaboration with the AT&T telephone company.

Verint, the owners of Israeli software giant Comverse, was allegedly involved in the surveillance of Verizon mobile phone users.

Many of their founders and original engineers of both Israeli companies served in the IDF’s information technology units and its main electronic intelligence department, Unit 8200. Senior managers in both firms have said in the past that their technology has been used by Israeli intelligence. [...]

The companies and authorities involved refused to comment on Israeli connections to the American intelligence programmes.

However, Unit 8200, as well as other Israeli intelligence agencies, are known to have a close working relationship with their American counterparts. Unit 8200 also collaborates closely with Britain’s electronic intelligence-gathering organisation, GCHQ.

Senior Israeli intelligence officials said recently that “intelligence sharing between Israel and Britain on matters including Iran and Syria has never been better”.

It's quite obvious the United States is a complete slave to Israel and international Jewish interests, giving roughly $8.5 million in "military aid" on a daily basis (http://www.ifamericansknew.org/stats/usaid.html) to the Jewish state, providing unwavering diplomatic support in the international arena, and allowing dual-citizen Israeli-American citizens to control all of the key positions of power in the federal government, but not many understand the extent to which Israeli military and intelligence interests dominate the Orwellian police state industry in America (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/06/global-war-on-terror-jewish-racket.html). In the past, I've pointed out what the Jewish author Naomi Klein explained in her book The Shock Doctrine (http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine), but it's worth highlighting again. Israel specifically geared it's economy towards the Homeland Security/police state industry in the years leading up to 9/11. Klein writes:

The reasons for Israeli industry's comfort level with disaster are not mysterious. Years before U.S. and European companies grasped the potential of the global security boom, Israeli technology firms were busily pioneering the homeland security industry, and they continue to dominate the sector today. The Israeli Export Institute estimates that Israel has 350 corporations dedicated to selling homeland security products, and 30 new ones entered the market in 2007. [...]

With the most tech-dependent economy in the world, Israel was hit harder by the dot-com crash than anywhere else. The country went into immediate free fall, and by June 2001, analysts were predicting that roughly three hundred high-tech Israeli firms would go bankrupt, with tens of thousands of layoffs. The Tel Aviv business newspaper Globes declared in a headline that 2002 was the "Worst Year for Israeli Economy Since 1953."

The only reason the recession was not even worse, the newspaper observed, was that the Israeli government quickly intervened with a powerful 10.7 percent increase in military spending, partially financed through cutbacks in social services. The government also encouraged the tech industry to branch out from information and communication technologies and into security and surveillance. In this period, the Israeli Defense Forces played a role similar to a business incubator. Young Israeli soldiers experimented with network systems and surveillance devices while they fulfilled their mandatory military services, then turned their findings into business plans when they returned to civilian life. A slew of new start-ups were launched, specializing in everything from "search and nail" data mining, to surveillance cameras, to terrorist profiling. When the market for these services and devices exploded in the years after September 11, the Israeli state openly embraced a new national economic vision: the growth provided by the dot-com bubble would be replaced with a homeland security boom.

So, just prior to 9/11, Israel geared it's economy towards the Homeland Security/police state industry, then pulled off 9/11 and was in a perfect position to capture the newly emerging market for all the tyrannical and Orwellian "services and devices" necessary to prosecute the "Global War on Terror" both domestically and internationally. And this is OK with people?

Moving right along, as if we needed any more proof the entire homosexual movement (http://iamthewitness.com/doc/Zionists.spreading.sin.and.sickness.through.Americ a.like.a.wildfire.htm) - from the very beginning (http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/101628/gay-marriages-jewish-pioneer?all=1) to this very day - is Jewish to it's core, The Jewish Daily Forward (http://forward.com/articles/178414/sweden-hosts-first-jewish-gay-wedding/) is reporting:

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-bT1p8Iqq51Y/UbrQZ1xwGnI/AAAAAAAABcE/ojwhICtRKDk/s400/Sweden+Hosts+First+Jewish+Gay+Wedding+.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-bT1p8Iqq51Y/UbrQZ1xwGnI/AAAAAAAABcE/ojwhICtRKDk/s1600/Sweden+Hosts+First+Jewish+Gay+Wedding+.jpg)

The Great Synagogue of Stockholm hosted Sweden’s first Jewish gay wedding.

The couple, two men who had been living together for the past 28 years, was wed at the synagogue on Sunday at a ceremony conducted by Rabbi David Lazar and attended by some 50 people. [...]

The establishment serving Jewish-owned New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/13/us/census-benchmark-for-white-americans-more-deaths-than-births.html?_r=0) reports that White Americans "will become a minority nationwide within about three decades," a fact liberals and Commies will be rejoicing over no doubt. White men and women founded and built this once great nation, and now America has been completely destroyed as a result of the efforts of organized Jewish groups and a traitorous American elite.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yQ7UVCdUw1A/UbtBH8SU5eI/AAAAAAAABcs/CL2H7A8hDOk/s400/Census+Benchmark+for+White+Americans-+More+Deaths+Than+Births.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yQ7UVCdUw1A/UbtBH8SU5eI/AAAAAAAABcs/CL2H7A8hDOk/s1600/Census+Benchmark+for+White+Americans-+More+Deaths+Than+Births.jpg)

Deaths exceeded births among non-Hispanic white Americans for the first time in at least a century, according to new census data, a benchmark that heralds profound demographic change.

The disparity was tiny — only about 12,000 — and was more than made up by a gain of 188,000 as a result of immigration from abroad. But the decrease for the year ending July 1, 2012, coupled with the fact that a majority of births in the United States are now to Hispanic, black and Asian mothers, is further evidence that white Americans will become a minority nationwide within about three decades.

William H. Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution, is quoted in the article as saying, "today’s racial and ethnic minorities will no longer be dependent on older whites for their economic well-being," and that the decline of White America "makes more vivid than ever the fact that we will be reliant on younger minorities and immigrants for our future demographic and economic growth."

Did Mr. Frey just admit that "racial and ethnic minorities" have been "dependent on older whites for their economic well-being"? And does he - or anyone else for that matter - really believe that "younger minorities and immigrants" will be as productive and prosperous as White America once was? If so, they will be in for a rude awakening in the coming decades as White America and the people that founded and made this country great are displaced and marginalized.

The Jewish cultural magazine Tablet (http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/134503/hollywood-nazi-urwand?all=1) has a rather amusing piece claiming - get this - that Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany actually partnered with Hollywood movie producers in the 1930s. Can you believe this nonsense?

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_yxsQgFsFOE/UbtG7FctQrI/AAAAAAAABc8/aOlUz-adW8w/s400/Hollywood%E2%80%99s+Creepy+Love+Affair+With+Adolf+ Hitler.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_yxsQgFsFOE/UbtG7FctQrI/AAAAAAAABc8/aOlUz-adW8w/s1600/Hollywood%E2%80%99s+Creepy+Love+Affair+With+Adolf+ Hitler.jpg)

[...] As it turns out, Hitler’s love for American movies was reciprocated by Hollywood. A forthcoming book by the young historian Ben Urwand, to be published by Harvard University Press in October, presents explosive new evidence about the shocking extent of the partnership between the Nazis and major Hollywood producers. [...]

Urwand's book "alleges that some of the Hollywood studio heads, nearly all of whom were Jewish, cast their lot with Hitler almost from the moment he took power, and that they did so eagerly—not reluctantly." The entire article is rather ridiculous, and makes an absurd attempt to explain exactly how Hitler "controlled" or "influenced" Hollywood.

The article (http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/134503/hollywood-nazi-urwand?all=1) correctly points out the National Socialist approval of the film The House of Rothschild, a movie which "showed how a single Jewish family, headed by its greedy, mean-spirited patriarch Mayer Rothschild, managed to gain control over the finances of Europe and was even able to influence the decisions of governments about war and peace," but then reports:

The ADL was so disturbed by the film that it convinced the studios to avoid all mention of Jews in their future productions. And so Jewish characters, who had been featured in hundreds of movies in the 1920s, all but disappeared from the American screen after Hitler’s rise to power. Hitler’s government couldn’t have been happier: There would be no reference to the ever-more desperate plight of the Jews under the Nazi rule in any Hollywood film of the ’30s.

Somehow, the author equates the Anti Defamation League convincing Jewish Hollywood movie studios to "avoid all mention of Jews in their future productions" as a victory for Hitler. As most of you reading this know, the ADL and other organized Jewish groups vehemently disapprove of any media outlet or artistic expression honestly and candidly exposing or discussing Jewish power, treachery, and criminality - which is exactly why the ADL enticed Hollywood to "avoid all mention of Jews in their future productions." Perhaps if Americans, as a society, knew of the true nature and history of international Jewry prior to WWII, they would never have fought and annihilated their racial brethren in Europe?

Speaking of the ADL, they are doing what they do best: crying about "anti-Semitism" and "hatred" in an effort to further crack down on free speech, especially on the internet. The Jewish Daily Forward (http://forward.com/articles/178499/anti-defamation-league-takes-on-hatred-online-as-a/?p=all) is reporting:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-toXtFd0SSTs/UbtLGzT9FtI/AAAAAAAABdM/XPfoNNXKQ34/s400/ADL+Anti+Semitism.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-toXtFd0SSTs/UbtLGzT9FtI/AAAAAAAABdM/XPfoNNXKQ34/s1600/ADL+Anti+Semitism.jpg)

How do you confront hatred when it has no fixed address?
Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League national director, attempts to pin down an answer to the question in his latest book, “Viral Hate.”

Co-authored with privacy lawyer Christopher Wolf, the book chronicles the complications of countering hate on the Internet.

The takeaway? It’s up to us.

“Let’s take back responsibility for our culture — both online and off” is the book’s main conclusion. “Public involvement, concern, action, and, when necessary, outcry are key.” [...]

Yet while many of the book’s accounts of broad, spontaneous action against Internet hate speech end in triumph, Foxman’s reliance on more traditional ADL tactics in the digital age are less successful.

The organized Jewish community has really stepped up their efforts to silence their critics writing and posting on the internet. A few days ago, a press release entitled "ADL Platform Helps Consumers Take Action Against Internet Hate Speech" (http://www.adl.org/press-center/press-releases/discrimination-racism-bigotry/new-adl-platform-helps-consumers-take-action-against-internet-hate-speech.html#.UbtL4Bxv_fp) was posted on the ADL website. Recently, the German parliament almost unanimously "passed a resolution committing itself to renewed action against anti-Semitism," according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency (http://www.jta.org/2013/06/13/news-opinion/world/germany-adopts-anti-semitism-resolution). Is this ridiculous invocation of "anti-Semitism" and "hate" getting old or what?

It is not a stretch to say that every single tyrannical, un-American agenda currently being advocated or implemented either in the United States or in Europe is spearheaded by organized Jewry, and their manufactured "anti-Semitism" meme is their primary weapon.

15th June 2013, 02:24 AM
"French" now but just tweak the language & who it calls in "panic" and this thing's worldwide.

French NGO launches app for reporting anti-Semitic incidents (http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/jewish-world-news/french-ngo-launches-app-for-reporting-anti-semitic-racist-incidents-1.529499)

June 14, 2013


App allows users to send geo-localized photos of anti-Semitic incidents and features a ‘panic button’ that connects users with police.

A French nonprofit launched a smartphone application for reporting anti-Semitic and other racist incidents.

The application released this week by LICRA, the France-based International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism, allows users to photograph evidence such as offensive graffiti and send a geo-localized picture to LICRA for processing and removal by the authorities, the news site 20minutes.fr reported. The app also features a panic button that connects users with the police.

“You can’t fight racism and anti-Semitism in the 21st century as we did in the past,” LICRA President Alain Jakubowicz said.

Jonathan Hayoun, president of France’s main Jewish student union, told JTA that he thought the app was a good idea, “because it facilitates reporting, which in turn lends itself to treatment of the problem.”

On May 31 at Pantheon-Assas University in Paris, a swastika was carved into a door of the office of Hayoun’s Union of Jewish Students in France, or UEJF. A similar incident happened there in March.

Hayoun said the new app is not suited for reporting anti-Semitism online.


1st July 2013, 05:52 PM
made a thread on this one:
Thread: "Jews Panic Over Internet Response To Jews" - 41 min youtube docu (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?70698-quot-Jews-Panic-Over-Internet-Response-To-Jews-quot-41-min-youtube-docu)

Separately, this from Ted Pike,

US GOVERNMENT CONDEMNS "UNINTENTIONAL" ANTI-SEMITISM (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/US-Government-Condemns-Unintentional-AntiSemitism.html)

By Rev. Ted Pike
8 May 13

Editor's Note:

Because Jewish propaganda exerts much greater influence upon most evangelicals than does the Bible, it is no surprise that there seems to be no evangelical protest to Bill O’Reilly’s forthcoming book, Killing Jesus. Contrary to the massive biblical testimony that the Pharisees masterminded Christ’s crucifixion, O’Reilly claims it was the work of the Romans, freeing the Jews from blame.

Jewish supremacist groups, such as ADL, have exerted enormous efforts to convince Christians that to lay blame for Christ’s death upon the Pharisees and the Jewish multitude who followed them is “anti-Semitic.” Thus, millions of evangelicals are effectively made ashamed of the New Testament—Scripture inspired by the Word of God, Jesus. Jesus warned that if anyone is ashamed of His words He will be ashamed of that person in the Day of Judgment.

Thus, countless evangelicals, if not convinced that the New Testament is anti-Semitic, are perilously close to it. The next step is to abandon confidence in the Bible altogether. In this we see the powerful influence anti-Christ Jews play in hastening the prophesied “great falling away” of faith in the last days.

In this reprint of my 2008 article, I document how the ADL and its U.S. Dept. of Global Anti-Semitism in the U.S. State Dept. are fine-tuning their definitions of anti-Semitism to include even “unconscious” criticism of Jews or the state of Israel.

Are you an unintentional anti-Semite? The US State Department’s “Office of Global Anti-Semitism” warns not just of conscious, intentional anti-Semitism but of another lurking form of potential bigotry: unintentional anti-Semitism. (See, Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism: A Report Provided to the United States Congress (http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/102406.htm), page 4)

According to our government, this consists of criticisms of Israel which, though true, might be manipulated by others to Israel ’s detriment. To avoid assisting Israel ’s enemies, the state department recommends that every comment about Israel (including its leaders and military) first be scrutinized for whether it could put Israel in a bad light. If so, it shouldn’t be said. Only then can we consider ourselves both consciously and unconsciously free from anti-Semitism.

What if you defy the government and go ahead and speak truthful criticisms of Israel, knowing that Israel's detractors will probably use it against her? According the Office of Global Anti-Semitism, one who assists anti-semites is an anti-Semite.

The state department needn’t lecture evangelical Christians against possibly assisting Israel 's enemies. At least a century ago, evangelical leaders anticipated the state department’s warning. Today, evangelicals reflexively honor the code that, no matter how true an unflattering fact or opinion about Jews may be, it will not be repeated. As a result of a century of self-censorship, tens of millions of evangelicals live in a virtual iron curtain of exclusion of truth about Jews, Judaism and Israel . Taught to see, hear, and speak no evil of Israel , they subsist on a religious and political diet of Zionist-approved pablum. The magnitude of truth that has never been allowed to reach them is encyclopedic.

Are Evangelicals Anti-Semitic?

Evangelicals think that, by only speaking well of Jews, they are beyond the reproach of ever being labeled anti-Semitic. Wrong. The state department says that if Christians believe the New Testament account that Jewish leaders had Christ crucified they are the very worst kind of anti-Semites: “classical” anti-Semites. That’s what Hitler was (See, Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism: A Report Provided to the United States Congress (http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/102406.htm), page 5).

To please both Jews and the government, evangelicals must now fulfill two criteria: Never say true but unflattering things about Israel and abandon belief in the New Testament.

Will evangelicals accommodate the state department’s new requirement of philo-Semitic correctness? Countless followers of John Hagee already do. They agree with his book “In Defense of Israel” that the New Testament testimony that Jews killed Christ is an anti-Semitic lie that birthed the Holocaust.

Yet an increasing number of Americans are no longer content to be insulated from truth. Many visiting truthtellers.org are rediscovering an enormous reality: We don’t have to fear the whole truth concerning Jews or anything else. Truth can be trusted entirely. Truth doesn’t beget error and evil; rather, it bears the good fruit of knowledge, wisdom, moderation, and guidance in a darkened, confused world.

Because statements of truth affirm reality, they are akin to God Himself, the ultimate Reality. Jesus said, “Thy Word is truth.” (John 17:17)

People who don’t love reality hold back part of the truth. They consider too much truth to be potentially dangerous. Evangelical leaders believe they protect Jews from possible persecution by censoring truth about Jewish supremacism and creation of Christian-persecuting hate laws. In reality, protection of Jewish anti-Christian activists empowers them to flourish and expand their corruption of society. This in turn only increases criticism and resentment of all Jews—most of whom are innocent of such evil. Many bitterly resent the Anti-Defamation League, architect of hate laws, for the bad reputation it gives the Jewish people!

The “Israel-first” church should not fear truth about the Jews; rather, it should fear the mounting juggernaut of Jewish anti-Christianity. This is a force that Rabbi Daniel Lapin says is “now in relentless attack on evangelical Christians.” (See, Rabbi Lapin: Christians Under 'Relentless Attack' by 'Secular Judaism' (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/rabbilapin.html))

In order to hold back this threat, the truth must be allowed to flourish in the full light of day. For evangelical leaders and media to continue to parse the truth to the people only distorts reality. Evil flourishes amidst such distortion.

Half-truths are Actually Lies

But evangelical leaders may reply: “Surely telling half the truth about a sensitive subject is better than telling no truth.” Not so. When a respected leader tells half the truth, he inoculates his followers against the whole truth. They are satisfied they have found the truth and no longer search for it.

Also, they become misdirected in their opposition to evil. For example, evangelical leaders say, “The liberal media is behind the corruption of America .” This half-truth directs their followers to oppose liberalism, an ideology so pervasive and amorphous that it’s almost impossible to effectively combat. However, if a leader tells the whole truth, that big media corrupting America is primarily Jewish, then defenders of freedom are immediately directed against a racial-religious group of conspirators. These shadowy ogres don’t want us to reflect unfavorably on the fact that they, as Jews, are corrupting America . Such scrutiny puts Judaism in a bad light. It could prompt both Christians and Jews to pressure them to desist. That would mean an end to their efforts to corrupt Christian civilization in order that a Judaic one-world order, presided over by their false messiah, Anti-Christ, might be established.

Here we see the radically different consequences of telling a half-truth versus a whole truth. Half-truths lead to misdirection and dissipation of Christian activism. The whole truth leads to effective resistance and restoration of society. Consequences this different and profound could mean the difference between saving America and losing her. Not telling the whole truth is thus worse than a misrepresentation; it is a lie. Lies distort reality, creating false premises which lead to misguided actions and disastrous results—confusion.

Such confusion is where John Hagee and tens of millions of evangelicals are. It’s where our Zionist-directed Mideast foreign policy is. It’s where countless Americans, sitting before their TV sets, are: depending on Jewish media to orient and instruct them about the very greatest moral and national issues America has ever faced.

Any religion, civilization or government that depends on filtered information will lose its way. As long as America allows Jewish media to guide us, we will only find ourselves repeatedly foundering in national dilemmas and foreign entanglements. Despite our most fervent efforts to find relief and safety, we will remain perpetually, inextricably lost.

Hope in the Grassroots?

Will evangelical leaders continue to perpetuate lies about Judaism, even as Jewish activism undermines their ministries? Because of their enormous vested commitment to Zionism, the answer is almost certainly yes. After all, they have to please their pro-Zionist supporters to survive. Such leaders do not really lead the people; the power of the pursestring of their constituents leads them.

On the other hand, an encouraging trend is quietly developing: apart from ADL, www.truthtellers.org (http://www.truthtellers.org/) dominates "hate laws" at Google. With WorldNetDaily almost constantly exposing hate law abuses to its 7 million Christian/conservative readers, many thousands of evangelical Christians, googling hate laws, rebound to truthtellers.org each month. There, they find not only the world’s most complete information on hate laws but a Biblically balanced perspective on Israel that is evangelical-friendly. Truthtellers.org teaches that God still has a wonderful destiny for a remnant of repentant Jews at Christ’s return. We also teach that it is not anti-Semitic to rebuke evil Jewish leaders. Christ and the prophets did it all the time.

At Truthtellers, we receive frequent appreciation and encouragement from evangelicals with virtually no criticism. In fact, we have encountered no intelligent, systematic, and even-handed criticism since the founding of the National Prayer Network in 1981.

Many of these evangelicals, finding “Ted Pike” on Google, undoubtedly link to my video The Other Israel at video.google.com where it has now been viewed more than 110,000 times.

Perhaps, with such truth flooding into evangelicalism from the internet, it is not evangelical leaders who will save America from the top but independent-thinking Christians from the bottom. There is evidence of an ever-increasing number of evangelicals in the grassroots who want to do just that.

What can we do right now?

Pray for America and spread the whole truth! Where the people lead, the “leaders” will follow.


12th July 2013, 11:03 PM
latest nooz from djooz blog post by John Friend,

Friday, July 12, 2013

News from the Jews (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/news-from-jews_12.html)

ADL attacks Freedompalooza, more U.S. tax dollars to Israel, Jewish radicals force gay marriage on America

Alright folks, I've got a number of news items from the Jewish press to highlight today. Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry, but I think we can all gain a deeper insight into the nature and agenda of the organized international Jewish community simply by analyzing their own writings, press releases, and media outlets.

On June 25th, I interviewed (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/06/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_25.html) Paul Topete of the patriotic rock band Poker Face (http://pokerface.com/). Paul is the main organizer of Freedompalooza (http://freedompalooza.blogspot.com/), "an annual festival committed to the fight for freedom by exposing the truth by means of music, speakers and vendors dedicated to helping Americans be successful in restoring our Republic." The Jewish supremacist criminal organization known as the Anti-Defamation League, along with its partner in crime, the Southern Poverty Law Center, has been whining and crying about Freedompalooza and the "hateful, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories" which proliferate there for weeks now.

Due to pressure from both the Anti-Defamation League and the Souther Poverty Law Center, pseudo American patriots like Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers, and others cancelled their speaking engagements at Freedompalooza, largely as a result of discovering Paul Topete is capable of critically analyzing history (Paul rejects the absurd Jewish "Holocaust" propaganda and historical narrative of WWII, which the ADL (http://blog.adl.org/anti-semitism/freedompalooza-2013-july-4-weekend-extremism) and SPLC (http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2013/06/24/neo-nazi-views-of-freedompalooza-2013-host-roil-event/) brought to the attention of Pratt and Rhodes). American Free Press (http://americanfreepress.net/?p=11354) appropriately ran a headline in a recent edition of the paper entitled, "ADL, SPLC working to 'Holocaust' July 4 Festival" to describe the tactics of the organized Jewish community and their lackeys in their attempts to sabotage Freedompalooza.

On July 2nd, two days before Freedompalooza got started, the ADL released this ridiculous press release (http://www.adl.org/press-center/press-releases/extremism/adl-troubled-by-upcoming-gathering-of-white-supremacists-in-bucks-county.html#.Ud7hIUGKK5I):

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TvLULPH5OxY/UeAqnj3INCI/AAAAAAAABoU/R0PAaMRh0wE/s400/ADL+Freedompalooza.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TvLULPH5OxY/UeAqnj3INCI/AAAAAAAABoU/R0PAaMRh0wE/s1600/ADL+Freedompalooza.jpg)

The American Free Press, an anti-Semitic and conspiracy oriented newspaper pub*lished by longtime white suprema*cist Willis Carto, is the primary sponsor of an upcoming gathering of white supremacists, anti-Semites, anti-government extremists and conspiracy theorists during July 4th weekend, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

“Freedompalooza 2013,” organized by Paul Topete, an extremist lead singer of the band “Pokerface,” will take place from July 4 – 6 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The list of invited speakers features several well-known supporters of anti-Semites and racists, including two former members of Congress: Cynthia Mckinney, who has a history of promoting anti-Israel rhetoric, including accusing the pro-Israel lobby of sabotaging her political career, and James Traficant, who since his release from prison on federal racketeering and bribery convictions has joined the Amer*i*can Free Press, where he has expressed his own anti-Semitic and anti-Israel views. [...]

How many Orwellian buzzwords ("white supremacist" or "racist" or "anti-Semitic") did the ADL use in these two paragraphs alone? And people who consider themselves patriots are intimidated by this sort of childish, inane nonsense?

Shame on Oath Keepers and Gun Owners of America for cowering in the face of pathetic tactics like this from the organized Jewish community. Cowards and sell outs like Stewart Rhodes and Larry Pratt will never be an asset to the America-first patriot community. If you want to see how truly weak and pathetic Stewart Rhodes is, read the comment he left on the ADL blog post (http://blog.adl.org/anti-semitism/freedompalooza-2013-july-4-weekend-extremism) attacking Paul Topete and Freedompalooza. Anyone reading this who still supports Oath Keepers and Stewart Rhodes may want to reconsider.

Former Representative Jim Traficant addressed the pathetic and childish attacks coming from the ADL and SPLC during a speech he gave at Freedompalooza this year:



Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad certainly is not afraid of the organized Jewish community and their childish demonization tactics. He recently announced that one of the greatest achievements of his presidency was exposing the fake Jewish "Holocaust" story as a fraud on the world stage, as The Times of Israel (http://www.timesofisrael.com/ahmadinejad-says-holocaust-denial-was-his-major-achievement/) reported:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DnbuQ_VSk8w/UeBcZkLzsqI/AAAAAAAABok/NENH5MbG19U/s400/Ahmadinijad+Holocaust+denial.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DnbuQ_VSk8w/UeBcZkLzsqI/AAAAAAAABok/NENH5MbG19U/s1600/Ahmadinijad+Holocaust+denial.jpg)

Outgoing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said during a farewell ceremony Sunday that publicizing his Holocaust denial was a major achievement of his presidency.

“That was a taboo topic that no one in the West allowed to be heard,” Ahmadinejad said in a speech, according to the Iranian Fars news agency. “We put it forward at the global level. That broke the spine of the Western capitalist regime.”

Ahmadinejad has also openly questioned (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2040653/Mahmoud-Ahmadinejad-UN-speech-Iranian-president-calls-9-11-mystery.html) the official narrative explaining the events of 9/11, which he should be commended for. I've often said that the lies associated with WWII, Adolf Hitler, and the fake Jewish "Holocaust" form our collective historical paradigm, especially in the West, while the lies concerning the events of 9/11 form our collective modern political paradigm. These two Big Jewish Lies must be exposed and rejected, and Ahmadinejad has arguably done more than any other leader on the world stage in recent memory to raise awareness of these issues. It's no wonder the man is constantly demonized in the mainstream Jewish-owned mass media.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gFTGQ-n0hEY/UeB0YMTVqRI/AAAAAAAABo8/SCVVJYFaV_c/s320/Holohoax.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gFTGQ-n0hEY/UeB0YMTVqRI/AAAAAAAABo8/SCVVJYFaV_c/s1600/Holohoax.jpg)

Speaking of the fake Jewish "Holocaust" story, which has served as a political and psychological weapon employed by the organized Jewish community against the West, as well as a financial racket for "Holocaust survivors" and other Jewish charity and relief organizations, the Jewish Telegraph Agency (http://www.jta.org/2013/07/08/news-opinion/world/hungary-to-resume-reparations-payments-through-claims-conference) is reporting that Hungry will resume "reparations" payments to "Holocaust survivors" via the Claims Conference.

About a year ago, the Hungarian government stopped making payments to the Claims Conference because they could not (http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/137359/hungary-to-resume-reparations-payments) “identify the individuals eligible for compensation.” There are all sorts of scandals (http://leftwing-christian.net/2012/08/29/swindlers-list-a-brief-look-at-the-holocaust-reparations-racket.aspx) associated with the Claims Conference and other "Holocaust reparations" organizations, including a recent "blistering report" which slammed the Claims Conference and it's leadership (http://forward.com/articles/180024/blistering-report-slams-claims-conference-two-me/?p=all) after a $57 million fraud was exposed. It saddens me seeing Hungry and other European governments cave in to the extortion racket run by criminal organizations like the Claims Conference. When is this Holocaust-insanity going to end?

A friend of mine made the following photo, which I got a kick out of and I'm sure you will, too.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-BRXAj1E_gII/UeB0QLqzfeI/AAAAAAAABo0/hqoZ4J6SlaU/s400/Merkel+-+Holocaust.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-BRXAj1E_gII/UeB0QLqzfeI/AAAAAAAABo0/hqoZ4J6SlaU/s1600/Merkel+-+Holocaust.jpg)

Sex scandals involving the Catholic Church regularly make headline news, and yet stories like this (http://forward.com/articles/180235/yeshiva-rocked-as--more-people-accuse-school-of-s/) are kept out of the mainstream. Any guesses why?

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mnRB49pDOis/UeB1xzyoZVI/AAAAAAAABpM/SkSbt8mhRGw/s400/Yeshiva+sex+scandal.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mnRB49pDOis/UeB1xzyoZVI/AAAAAAAABpM/SkSbt8mhRGw/s1600/Yeshiva+sex+scandal.jpg)

Six more people have come forward with accusations against Yeshiva University, days after 19 former high school students filed a $380 million suit charging that Y.U. covered up decades of physical and sexual abuse.

Mike Reck, an attorney representing the six, said his clients are disappointed they have been unable to reach a settlement with Y.U. and are poised to file lawsuits.

If the impasse continues, “the survivors have no choice but to avail themselves of the court system,” said Reck, an attorney with the New York office of Jeff Anderson and Associates, a Minnesota firm that specializes in abuse cases.

As if the American taxpayer wasn't already giving the criminal terrorist state of Israel enough money, the Jewish Telegraph Agency (http://www.jta.org/2013/07/12/news-opinion/politics/house-appropriators-approve-2-million-of-u-s-israel-energy-cooperation) reports:

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oLO9uOID-hg/UeB26DyTbEI/AAAAAAAABpc/wBzUO2dbbcw/s400/JTA.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oLO9uOID-hg/UeB26DyTbEI/AAAAAAAABpc/wBzUO2dbbcw/s1600/JTA.jpg)

The U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee allotted $2 million for U.S.-Israel energy cooperation in the fiscal year 2014 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill.

The money in the bill the committee approved Wednesday is the latest such appropriation under the 2007 U.S.-Israel Cooperation Act, which created a grant program to support research and development of renewable energy sources.

To conclude, I've highlighted on numerous occasions that the promotion of gay marriage and the homosexual rights agenda is entirely driven by the organized Jewish community, and always has been. The Jewish Daily Forward (http://forward.com/articles/180078/jewish-teacher-strikes-new-blow-in-gay-marriage-fi/?p=all) further documented this fact in a recent report:

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ne79A47CySg/UeB49SyqyZI/AAAAAAAABps/AVV2iPOIAQM/s400/Jewish+gay+marriage.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ne79A47CySg/UeB49SyqyZI/AAAAAAAABps/AVV2iPOIAQM/s1600/Jewish+gay+marriage.jpg)

A Jewish school teacher from Philadelphia is a face of a new landmark lawsuit that could prompt a Supreme Court ruling guaranteeing same-sex marriage rights nationwide.

Helena Miller, a lesbian whose wife is not recognized as a parent of their baby daughter, is one of more than 20 plaintiffs in a landmark federal lawsuit filed July 9 challenging a law that bans same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania.

The law also bars the state from recognizing such unions performed elsewhere, a provision that directly affects Miller and her family.

“We would really like for our child, when she’s old enough to understand what these things all mean, we want her to understand and see that our family is equal to any other family,” Miller told the Forward.

The new lawsuit, filed jointly by the American Civil Liberties Union and a Philadelphia law firm, is on the cutting edge of an aggressive new legal strategy aimed at pushing the U.S. Supreme Court to guarantee marriage equality across the country.

The homosexual rights movement's ultimate goal is to destroy traditional Western conceptions of marriage, gender roles, and basic social and familial norms. And it appears to be working (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2350532/Men-wives-women-husbands-gay-marriage-laws-overrule-dictionaries.html). As Andrew Anglin recently wrote (http://www.dailystormer.com/rat-jew-andrew-garfield-says-spider-man-should-engage-in-interracial-bisexuality/) in a piece for the newly launched Daily Stormer (http://www.dailystormer.com/) website, "These Jews are not going to stop until you make them stop, folks."

Indeed, before you know it, the Jews will be saying pedophiles, rapists, and other sexual perverts and predators are "oppressed" and must have "equal rights." That is where this agenda is going - it's time to stand up and say no.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 3:05 PM 3 comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/news-from-jews_12.html#comment-form) http://img1.blogblog.com/img/icon18_email.gif (http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=513197641859850700) Email This (http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=513197641859850700&target=email)BlogThis! (http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=513197641859850700&target=blog)Share to Twitter (http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=513197641859850700&target=twitter)Share to Facebook (http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=513197641859850700&target=facebook)http://gold-silver.us/forum/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADIAAAAUCAIAAAB AqPnNAAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAAYRJREFUSEtjvHPnDntAPAMhYJi0gpASBiVzW4JqgApO srLjV3ZXaCvDYx1rYpBI32OCyOyoAjHo/yl1gmiwOmvz5s3XBxkAOokBiH8OMgB11vdBBqDO+koDUL78o2/PB/IMhjrrM1ng6avPey5+uv7oE5puoIhvz3uxrHf2ze/JMvgz1FkfyQK7zn8A2t289j1c9+OXHzPmgBwEQaVLEVIk2QB11 juywI6zILub1iA0z90DEvHufmfXBGIAueQBqLPekAiKF7/17npnC7bboOodkA1EQDO2nX5z5ArILKAgUArCJgNAnfWKRODV9 RYeU3AG3Iy7j15BBEk0FaEc6qznZIHNJ14C7a5b8RpNN0Tcq/MNWaaCNEGd9ZQssPHYc6D1tctfoekGigDFCxagixNvCdRZj8kC J688qVn2csPRZ2i6w/pfA521eC+6OPGWQJ31kKpAv+IN0FknLj0m21Sos+4PMgB11t1B BqDOOnz48O1BA4COATnr////QGpQgZMnTwIAc6M3U4ObOZEAAAAASUVORK5CYII=

Links to this post (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/news-from-jews_12.html#links)
Labels: News from the Jews (http://www.john-friend.net/search/label/News%20from%20the%20Jews)

12th July 2013, 11:13 PM
French court tosses Twitter appeal, orders it identify anti-Semites (http://www.jta.org/2013/06/13/news-opinion/world/french-court-tosses-twitter-appeal-orders-it-identify-anti-semites)

June 13, 2013 9:43am

Appellate level tribunal upholds lower court’s ruling; social networking giant may pay $200,000 in penalties

Read the rest of this entry » (http://www.jta.org/2013/06/13/news-opinion/world/french-court-tosses-twitter-appeal-orders-it-identify-anti-semites)

Twitter says it disclosed details of French anti-Semitic users | Jewish ... (http://www.jta.org/2013/07/12/news-opinion/world/report-twitter-agrees-to-disclose-details-of-french-anti-semitic-users) www.jta.org/ 2013/ 07/ 12/ news-opinion/ world/ report-twitter-agrees-to-disclose-details-of-french-anti-semitic-user s - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://s5-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=436a705a586c31484579746656517743474241556 431347055467458476c41514669423247304e314e307051555 4744c5767732b4b77677247567779486c4973426b4a5546784 94f486849554a424d5a5777424266683554665841424454773 24a453851636b5a395848523057323474534635424241784f4 5544d4d5542304542524542485735425145346142434d44507 a525152425a5866515a364c475178506c524f424264304c6d3 577626d3579506a4a2b487a30454f30346351426f614577595 245456b58474563335242676a52427339527a3846566964515 169394f433045785969495545794156573034724c6a3948465 3345541556c61574152624f4351614a53592f4d53513141524 a3250543064414367684832456a4541734e445264625642465 24e6c344d474267576246743356484170466e7755496b4d654 77741534c6e514e4b6c42435543734b61456c4c61557344665 53452556e6f5044523851494341474d443462467735494c6b7 04c53337453656b6c515345355552674d4641697043567a313 0667841505741344349456f554242594355784935477a735a4 6564948486751664c534d505530556c5630564d4d6b7063425 43930437a77504753555a56436b42525635574468675755415 16f424656484831636e41684d6a556849634d3267755851565 651573563633246615a586b524868386562526c50504568594 7454279464251554f6c524e51673d3d&epile=4q6n41784q7n41334q544q774r6p38314q6935725n58 6o3q&edata=87866c524059dc1080cf7aeac18a4afb) - Highlight

(https://s5-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=Twitter+agrees+to+disclose+details+of+French+%E2 %80%98anti-Semitic%E2%80%99+users&rl=NONE&rid=LELNRNQTPTPL&hlq=https://s5-us4.startpage.com/do/search&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.jta.org%2F2013%2F07%2F12%2Fnews-opinion%2Fworld%2Freport-twitter-agrees-to-disclose-details-of-french-anti-semitic-users)

19 hours ago ... Twitter has agreed to disclose details of users in France who posted anti-Semitic messages, French media reported.

12th July 2013, 11:21 PM
Really makes you wonder when the wholesale slaughter of free-speech sites will commence en masse? Time to add the spices to the frog soup, cause its almost done.......

12th July 2013, 11:30 PM
Really makes you wonder when the wholesale slaughter of free-speech sites will commence en masse? Time to add the spices to the frog soup, cause its almost done.......

yep, I figure we are at the event horizon of a major cataclysm on all fronts. It seems to me the cost of allowing the perception of free speech has become too much for elite interests, hence their asdmision of PRISM.

My thoughts on this are they arne't going to come directly out and say free speach is dead or has limits, they'll just start monitoring subversives and dissapear them all the while proclaiming the triumph of free speech.

It doesn't pay to scare the herd as they head along the gangway to the slaughterhouse.

17th August 2013, 10:35 AM
Henry Ford's T.I.J. on the ADL, as read & discussed in this 1hr podcast:

B’nai B’rith Leader Discusses the Jews – Episode 60 (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/08/15/bnai-brith-leader-discusses-the-jews-episode-60/) Published on August 15, 2013 (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/08/15/bnai-brith-leader-discusses-the-jews-episode-60/) by Carolyn (http://thewhitenetwork.com/author/carolyn/) in The International Jew Study Hour (http://thewhitenetwork.com/category/the-international-jew-study-hour/), Uncategorized (http://thewhitenetwork.com/category/uncategorized/)
August 15, 2013


“The International Jew” Study Hour presents: Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager read and comment on Chapter 55, “B’nai B’rith Leader Discusses the Jews.”

This chapter describes how the Jews’ leaders know exactly who and what they are; that they bring a problem for Gentiles which is “The Jewish Question.” They don’t want their people to read the articles in The Dearborn Independent (http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/dearborn.html), lest it open their eyes too much. Leo N. Levi (http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/fle75) (pictured on book page), a Texas-born Jew and president of B’nai B’rith from 1900 to 1904 is quoted extensively on:

The need for Jews to stick together and live separate from Gentiles in private, but to mix as necessary in public;
The Oriental character of the Jew, as evidenced in his imaginative products and “devotion to his parents”;
Physical courage is not an element of Jewish character;
Jews are a race rather than a religion – biological, not theological – they choose the ghetto for racial reasons;
Jewish children should be educated in Jewish schools;
Most Jews are too crude and rude for gentlemenly society, so are better kept to themselves.

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here (http://archive.org/details/TheInternationalJew_655) as a pdf file.

Podcast: Download (http://thewhitenetwork.com/data/audio/tWn_The_International_Jew_Study_Hour_20130815.mp3)

27th October 2013, 05:23 AM
ADL: 100 Years of Hate (http://theamericanmercury.org/2013/10/adl-100-years-of-hate/)


Looked as dangerous as a Women's Institute meeting? Don't be Fooled!


*The following article is an interesting essay on the founding & history of The ADL. US citizens should take particular notice of their close connections with Mossad & corruption of US Political figures.*

The 20th October marked the 100th anniversary of the largest and most-well funded hate and defamation group in the history of mankind: the Anti-Defamation League, or “ADL.” The organization was originally called the “Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith” after its parent group, the Jewish fraternal order B’nai B’rith (meaning “Sons of the Covenant,” or, literally, “Sons of the Cut” — referring to circumcision).

read rest: (theamericanmercury.org (http://theamericanmercury.org/2013/10/adl-100-years-of-hate/))

28th October 2013, 11:29 PM
it appears to me there were more 'actors' in this Nov '10 ABC piece than they purport to have been working with ABC for the segment... whatever, here 'tis,

Anti-Semitism on the Rise? ABC Primetime asks, "What Would You Joo Do?" (http://Anti-Semitism%20on%20the%20Rise?%20ABC%20Primetime%20as ks,%20%22What%20Would%20You%20Joo%20Do?%22)


1st January 2014, 08:03 PM
Top 10 Anti-Semitic Slurs of 2013, edited by Pandora Pushkin (http://www.darkmoon.me/2013/top-10-anti-semitic-slurs-of-2013-edited-by-pandora-pushkin/) Posted on December 31, 2013 (http://www.darkmoon.me/2013/top-10-anti-semitic-slurs-of-2013-edited-by-pandora-pushkin/) by Montecristo (http://www.darkmoon.me/author/admin/)
Sourced from The Jerusalem Post (http://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-Features/Wiesenthal-releases-Top-Ten-2013-anti-Semiticanti-Israel-slurs-list-336564)
and presented with pictures, captions and comments by Pandora Pushkin Why are people still saying such bad things about the Jews? Isn’t it time to grow up and be nice and friendly? Let’s hope 2014 will be an improvement on 2013!

rest: http://www.darkmoon.me/2013/top-10-anti-semitic-slurs-of-2013-edited-by-pandora-pushkin/

1st January 2014, 08:50 PM
List of Religions (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_religious_populations)

The Vatican is where the religion of the New world order is

City of London is where the financial system is based

The Government of the new world order is located in Washington D.C.

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."--George Washington

"The subjects of every state (Bottom/slaves) ought to contribute towards the support of the government (TOP/Master), as nearly as possible in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state."--Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations 1776

"Governments of the absolute capitalistic hierarchical food powered make work enterprise are administration systems of the enterprise constructed and sustained by the bottom or employees at the demand of the top or owners of the absolute capitalistic hierarchical food powered make work enterprise"--Hypertiger

The purpose of the Anti-Defamation League is to sustain the Jews world order brainwashing or programing...

In Canada on a conservative board...I posted a joke I heard from a Jewish guy years ago...How many Jews can you fit in a Volkswagen?

Two in the front seat...two in the backseat...and 6 million in the ashtray.

I was instantly banned since in Canada there are anti hate rules that do not tolerate any sort of babble about Jews or promotion of Hitler as ever doing anything positive or any sort of negative babble like goes on in the USA.

Most so called "whites"? are scared shitless of looking like they could be labeled as "racist"? intolerant haters.

1st January 2014, 08:56 PM
Why are people still saying such bad things about the Jews?

Alan Greenspan...Ben Bernanke...and next up Janet Yellen?

1st January 2014, 09:03 PM
Why are people still saying such bad things about the Jews?

Alan Greenspan...Ben Bernanke...and next up Janet Yellen? Not say they do not deserve it ,but it is a basic human fact! That we love to blame our own mistakes on others...


1st January 2014, 10:02 PM
Not say they do not deserve it ,but it is a basic human fact! That we love to blame our own mistakes on others...


They are not human as the goi know it or are taught.

1st January 2014, 11:01 PM
Not say they do not deserve it ,but it is a basic human fact! That we love to blame our own mistakes on others...

By "our own mistakes", are you referring to goyim-ry's penchant for trusting others; projecting our own basic honesty & integrity onto our expectations of others, such that we can't fathom others acting with the pattern of secrecy & deception which joowry has engaged in for millenia, swindling & victimizing goyim-ry in the process?

That kind of "our own mistakes" ? ???

Or do you mean goyim-ry's feeling inhibited from openly discussing the joosh problem? :|~

"Jewish power is the unique capacity to stop us from discussing or even contemplating Jewish power. It is the capacity to determine the boundaries of the political discourse and criticism in particular. "
-- Gilad Atzmon o)(~ (http://www.presstv.com/detail/2013/04/13/298069/how-zionists-mange-to-get-away-with-lies/)

26th January 2014, 01:23 AM
John Friend:

Saturday, January 25, 2014 Jew-loving mayor of NYC: my job is to defend Israel (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/01/jew-loving-mayor-of-nyc-my-job-is-to.html)

The headline from the Israeli daily Haaretz (http://www.haaretz.com/news/world/1.570442) says it all:



New York Mayor Bill de Blasio gave a heartfelt speech praising Israel at a private gala event hosted by AIPAC at the Hilton hotel in midtown Manhattan Thursday night, the local website Capital New York reported.

According to an edited audio recording obtained by the site (below), de Blasio said that "part of his job description is to defend Israel" and that it is "elemental to being an American, because there is no greater ally on earth, and that's something we can say proudly."

The Israel lobby's event was closed to journalists and the speech did not appear on the mayor's public schedule, arousing suspicion and making the event all the more intriguing. A reporter with Capital who tried to get into the event was escorted out by security.

De Blasio said in his speech that he had visited Israel three times, most recently with his wife and son, and that he was especially moved by visiting Sderot, on the border with the Gaza Strip and often the target of rocket attacks.

“You can’t have an experience like that and not feel solidarity with the people of Israel and know that they’re on the front line of fighting against so many challenges.”

He closed the speech by announcing that "City Hall will always be open to AIPAC," adding that it is his job to stand by the lobby in Washington.



I really do not even know what to say anymore folks. The United States, for all intents and purposes, is a complete slave to organized Jewish interests and the Jewish state of Israel. How much more obvious does it have to get?

Could you imagine if Mayor de Blasio declared: "City Hall will always be open to the Muslims." Or if he stated that part of his job description is to defend China? Could you imagine the outrage?

The entire political establishment in America, particularly at the federal level, is totally subservient to international Jewry, and major elected leaders, such as New York mayor Bill de Blasio, regularly profess loyalty and allegiance to a foreign entity. Virtually all of our elected officials and representatives, especially those at the highest of levels, are traitors to the United States of America - and openly so.

These people deserve to be hanged from the nearest lamp post.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 3:10 PM 1 comment: (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/01/jew-loving-mayor-of-nyc-my-job-is-to.html#comment-form)

26th January 2014, 02:55 AM
Oh lord, please let bad-ass meteor land in Manhattan!

27th January 2014, 07:11 PM
let's get that pathetic "35 Million" number UP IN 2014!

Anti-Semitic Websites to Monitor in the Year 2014 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/01/anti-semitic-websites-to-monitor-in.html)

http://www.radicalpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/ADL100-copy.png (http://www.radicalpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/ADL100-copy.png)
#1. David Duke http://www.davidduke.com (http://www.davidduke.com/)
#2. Kevin MacDonald http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net (http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/)
#3. John de Nugent http://www.democratic-republicans.us (http://www.democratic-republicans.us/)
#4. Rebel of Oz http://www.therebel.org (http://www.therebel.org/)
#5. True Tube Video Sharing http://www.trutube.tv (http://www.trutube.tv/)
#6. Destroy Zionism http://www.destroyzionism.com (http://www.destroyzionism.com/)
#7. Storm Front http://www.stormfront.org (http://www.stormfront.org/)
#8. Metapedia http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
#9. White Network http://thewhitenetwork.com (http://thewhitenetwork.com/)
#10. Vanguard News Network http://vnnforum.com (http://vnnforum.com/)
#11. Council of Conservative Citizens http://topconservativenews.com (http://topconservativenews.com/)
#12. Unity of Nobility: http://unityofnobility.com (http://unityofnobility.com/)
#13. Zundel Site http://www.zundelsite.org (http://www.zundelsite.org/)

Read more here (http://www.anti-semitism.net/uncategorized/anti-semitic-crusades-of-the-year-2014.php)

I noticed Mike Sledge and Renegade Broadcasting get two honorable mentions in this sites "Viewer Recommended Sites" (http://www.anti-semitism.net/) section

Posted by Mami (http://www.blogger.com/profile/13298385482303078866) at 1:00 PM No comments: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=5231872568463385476)

29th January 2014, 02:14 PM
Abraham Foxman: you can’t call a Jew a traitor, unless you’re an anti-Semite (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/01/abraham-foxman-you-cant-call-jew.html)

http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Foxman.jpg (http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Foxman.jpg)

It’s official. If you’re an American traitor and you’re arrested, tried and convicted for treason, but you also happen to be a Jew, then it’s not treason, it’s anti-Semitism.

That’s according to Abraham Foxman, the infamous national director of the so-called “Anti-Defamation League”, a New York-based group that seeks to engender Jewish paranoia and thereby encourage Jewish emigration to Israel.

The New York Times today cites (http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2014/01/28/world/middleeast/ap-ml-israel-convicted-spy.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0) Foxman as saying that the reason why the American traitor Jonathan Pollard is serving a life sentence is because he is a Jew.

***Read article at Redress*** (http://www.redressonline.com/2014/01/abraham-foxman-you-cant-call-a-jew-a-traitor-unless-youre-an-anti-semite/)

*More information here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0kWAqZxJVE)

Posted by WHOOLI (http://www.blogger.com/profile/12745432266860223770) at 10:11 AM 4 comments: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=2696983789266412376)

7th February 2014, 09:42 AM
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Don’t Laugh! It’s “Anti-Semitic”! - International Zionism’s Crusade Against Dieudonné and The Global Jewish Assault On Freedom of Speech (http://www.maskofzion.com/2014/02/dont-laugh-its-anti-semitic.html)

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OzuZA25nm-A/UvCL9d2ETII/AAAAAAAABTQ/Ga6LVPWrDx0/s1600/dieudoQuenelles.png (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OzuZA25nm-A/UvCL9d2ETII/AAAAAAAABTQ/Ga6LVPWrDx0/s1600/dieudoQuenelles.png)

Dieudonné M’bala M’bala:
The anti-Zionist comedic
genius that Organized Jewish
Interests love to hate.

by Jonathan Azaziah

Is it not astounding, nay, the very apogee of mind-boggling, that “democracy”, the globe’s dominant political model, in which “freedom of speech” is a central if not foundational tenet, is vehemently and vitriolically doing all that it can, wherever its outposts are throughout the world, to silence, nay, eradicate, one particular criticism and ipso facto anyone who has the nobleness to promulgate the aforesaid criticism?

“Imperialism”? Fire away! “White supremacy”? Have at it! “Capitalism”? Sky is the limit! “Dictatorship”? Here’s an appearance on “Democracy Now”! Malevolent social injustices like police brutality, political corruption, patriarchy, gentrification, environmental abuses, etcetera? By all means, preach and don’t stop preaching! But the moment an individual takes a deep breath, performs a swift trip around the earth in his or her mind, and sees with his or her mind’s eye that there is a common insidiousness, a parent evil if you will, that permeates every ill and injustice from north to south and east to west, and he or she then calls it out by name and slams it with a thunderous condemnation, that is when the rubicon is crossed.

Mention Zionism, “Israel”, Judaism and the supremacy inherent to the religion-culture under the doctrine of “chosen-ness”, Jewish power or Jewishness in any “activist” circle, let alone any mainstream avenue, and you will be hexed and cast out quicker than you can even blink. The “Z”, “I” and “J” words are tantamount to career suicide at best and a terribly real threat to one’s life at worst.

rest... long but good, many interesting links embedded, http://www.maskofzion.com/2014/02/dont-laugh-its-anti-semitic.html

9th February 2014, 08:49 AM
Yet another Jew caught red-handed manufacturing "anti-Semitism" (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/02/yet-another-jew-caught-red-handed.html)

Most of you reading here are probably familiar with the many examples in which Jews themselves are caught red-handed spray painting "anti-Semitic" and anti-Israel graffiti, slogans, and symbols in public places in order to manufacture "anti-Semitism", perpetuating the Jews' "victimhood" and "persecuted people" status - a central aspect of Jewish identity.

Once again, a Jewish student in New York was found guilty of spray painting "anti-Semitic" graffiti in public, as the Jewish Telegraph Agency (http://www.jta.org/2014/02/07/default/yeshiva-student-admits-to-writing-anti-semitic-graffiti) recently reported:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BhCGuuFupx4/UvXcXTCBEpI/AAAAAAAAC38/tu09eddW3is/s1600/Picture+3.png (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BhCGuuFupx4/UvXcXTCBEpI/AAAAAAAAC38/tu09eddW3is/s1600/Picture+3.png)

A Long Island yeshiva student was charged with repeatedly scrawling anti-Semitic graffiti inside a commuter train station.

Jonathan Schuster, 18, a senior at Priority-1: Torah Academy of Lawrence-Cedarhurst, in Cedarhurst, N.Y.,was charged with the crimes on Thursday

He admitted to using black marker to write anti-Semitic statements, often including expletives, on eight occasions since December 2012, police told Newsday.

The boy, who lives in Far Rockaway, Queens, has no previous criminal record. The vandalism, at the Cedarhurst Long Island Railroad Station, mostly occurred at night, with the graffiti consisting of obscenities directed at Orthodox Jews scrawled on train platform billboards or station signs. On one occasion, a swastika was etched into the wall of a platform shelter. [...]

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-s0snY2NQEk0/UvXav5wEx_I/AAAAAAAAC30/aDTNecun2ac/s1600/Hey+Rabbi%252C+watcha+doin%253F.jpeg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-s0snY2NQEk0/UvXav5wEx_I/AAAAAAAAC30/aDTNecun2ac/s1600/Hey+Rabbi%252C+watcha+doin%253F.jpeg)
Typical Jewish behavior: constantly reinforcing and perpetuating their own "persecuted people" and "victimhood" status, usually by entirely fabricating or deceitfully exaggerating anti-Jewish sentiment, in order to keep their own people in line with the international messianic Talmudic agenda of world domination and subjugation.

These sorts of propaganda stunts also serve to reinforce and perpetuate this false narrative of Jewish history - one of unjustified "persecution" and "hatred", when in reality genuine anti-Jewish sentiment has always erupted due to Jewish behavior, criminality, subversion, and agitation - to the non-Jewish community as well.

In the Gospel of John, 8:44 (http://biblehub.com/parallel/john/8-44.htm), Jesus Christ addressed the people we know as Jews today, stating: "Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." We would be wise to remember those powerful words, and the truth contained therein.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 10:29 AM 2 comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/02/yet-another-jew-caught-red-handed.html#comment-form)

mick silver
9th February 2014, 11:37 AM
back up pat .................... "Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

24th February 2014, 04:51 AM
John Friend,

Thursday, February 20, 2014
Hypocritical Jews fret 'demographic catastrophe' while promoting White genocide (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/02/hypocritical-jews-fret-demographic.html)

"Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known." Luke 12


Avigdor Liberman, the Foreign Minister of the illegitimate, usurping Jewish regime occupying Palestine, recently addressed the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which was visiting Jerusalem, to inform them of the pressing issues and top concerns of the Israeli government. It's not the Palestinians, the "Iranian threat", "al-Qaeda" or rising "anti-Semitism" (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/02/organized-jewry-concerned-about.html), but rather "Jewish continuity," as The Times of Israel (http://www.timesofisrael.com/liberman-jewish-continuity-not-iran-our-greatest-concern/) reports:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-pnmT-2ZXToA/UwW5z3ijnOI/AAAAAAAAC90/2t80-TMSWSg/s1600/Picture+1.png (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-pnmT-2ZXToA/UwW5z3ijnOI/AAAAAAAAC90/2t80-TMSWSg/s1600/Picture+1.png)



Jewish continuity, not the Palestinian issue or Iran’s nuclear program, needs to top Israel’s agenda, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said Tuesday.

Addressing American Jewish leaders at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, Liberman said that he plans to devote hundreds of millions of dollars to establish a global network of Jewish schools and bring 3.5 million Jews to Israel within a decade.

“I would like to state my firm belief that the biggest threat to us as Jews, both in Israel and the Diaspora, regardless of background, is the demographic problem currently facing world Jewry,” Liberman said. “It must become the most pressing issue on the global Jewish agenda. More pressing than the Palestinian negotiations or the Iranian nuclear threat.”

Speaking to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which is currently holding its annual Israel Leadership Mission to Israel, the foreign minister quoted a long list of statistics to support his thesis that “the Jews of America are facing nothing less than a demographic catastrophe.”

The recently released Pew survey on American Jewry makes “for pretty depressing reading,” he said. The survey’s findings show a significant rise in those who have little or no Jewish content in their lives, marry outside the faith and are not raising their children Jewish, he added.

“It is my strongest belief that the antidote to this rising assimilation, intermarriage and disengagement is education,” Liberman told the American Jewish leaders. “Today, unfortunately, Jewish children are being kept from Jewish classrooms because of the exorbitant and prohibitive costs of Jewish education in the US. It cannot be, it should not be, that a Jewish child will not be able to receive a good Jewish education because of financial reasons. This should be unacceptable to all of us who care for the Jewish future.”

The situation is similar in various Jewish communities across the globe, he said. “If this situation persists, we will lose another six million Jews in a generation or two,” he warned. [...]

Jews are openly concerned about and organize to advance their own unique racial, religious, cultural, historical, and political interests, while hysterically demonizing any other racial, ethnic or religious group who does the same - particularly White Christian peoples.

Compare the headline above with this one, penned by Menachem Z. Rosensaft, a leading figure in organized Jewry and a top propagandist and spokesman for the artificially manufactured Jewish "Holocaust" industry (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/01/what-is-holocaust-story-really-all-about.html), which was published by the Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/menachem-rosensaft/peter-brimelow_b_1338565.html) roughly two years ago:

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-skiHgzaYyoo/UwW6_MTS3iI/AAAAAAAAC-I/7iPzgmkEG-I/s1600/Picture+3.png (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-skiHgzaYyoo/UwW6_MTS3iI/AAAAAAAAC-I/7iPzgmkEG-I/s1600/Picture+3.png)

That's right: Jews can openly discuss, organize, strategize, and conspire to advance their own interests, but White Christian peoples can't. That would make them "Evil Nazis Who Want To Murder Six Million Jews" (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/01/what-is-holocaust-story-really-all-about.html), right? Right...

The organized international Jewish community not only actively works to advance their own unique interests at the expense of all others, they also are the leading force behind the virulently anti-White political, historical, and cultural agenda and establishment dominating the entire Western world.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-EOiAKw8Pbbs/UwYh-DTdzrI/AAAAAAAAC-Y/B1RZi22GdKM/s1600/Jews+pollute+Western+culture.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-EOiAKw8Pbbs/UwYh-DTdzrI/AAAAAAAAC-Y/B1RZi22GdKM/s1600/Jews+pollute+Western+culture.jpg)

Click to enlarge

Traditionally White Western European and European-derived countries, such as the United States, Canada, and Australia, for example, are essentially ruled by an elite that is hostile to White interests, traditions, culture, and way of life. White people have been made to feel ashamed and guilty about their history, their ancestors, and their traditions. Whites are not allowed to think in racial terms, or to concern themselves with the unique interests of their own racial group - that's "racist" after all.

The political, media, and educational establishments in traditionally White countries have been taken over by an anti-White elite which is seeking their total displacement and destruction. Western economies have been systematically destroyed through "free trade" agreements, financial corruption and criminality, massive non-White immigration, and disastrous, fraudulent wars, military spending, and "foreign aid" to corrupt Third World non-White countries and especially the usurping Zionist regime occupying Palestine (http://ifamericansknew.org/stats/cost.html).

While the hypocritical Jews fret about "demographic catastrophe" and organize to ensure it is halted and remedied, they continue to promote and advance an extremely vicious and insidious anti-White political, cultural, and economic agenda in the Western world.

The brazen, shameless hypocrisy of the Jew knows no bounds.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 7:42 AM 9 comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/02/hypocritical-jews-fret-demographic.html#comment-form)

3rd March 2014, 01:13 PM
JFriend, good round-up of the reasons for informed anti-ShlomoIsm:

Monday, March 3, 2014
Why I don't care for the Jews (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/03/why-i-dont-care-for-jews.html)

Despite the fact that I maintain this website, host a radio program (http://blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report) and write for a national newspaper (http://americanfreepress.net/), I really am a regular guy. I like to spend time with my family and friends, go hiking, hang out at the beach, lift weights, go jogging and biking, watch football, have a beer and everything else regular Americans like to do (for the most part).

I suppose I've always been somewhat of a free-thinker, and critical of the government and media to a certain extent. Things changed drastically once I began investigating the events of 9/11 - I quickly discovered that everything the government and media have told us about that monumental, world-changing event was and remains a total lie.

After a few months of investigating, I realized that the state of Israel and a wider international network of Jewish criminals controlling the mass media and United States government were responsible for planning, organizing, orchestrating and benefiting from 9/11. That's when I truly discovered the reality of the age-old phenomenon often called the Jewish problem.

It's not easy talking about the Jews, especially if you have negative and critical things to say about them and their agenda. I've decided to write this article in case I have to explain my views about the Jews to an average person I meet in public, which has actually happened quite often recently.

To be perfectly frank, I don't particularly care for the Jews, and here's why.

(I should note here that when I say "the Jews," I am specifically referring to the organized Jewish community, not necessarily every single Jewish individual. Some of the biggest critics of Israel, Zionism, Jewish identity politics and even the Jewish religion are Jews themselves, such as Benjamin Freedman (http://www.iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith_Freedman.html), Myron Fagan (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Myron_Fagan), Israel Shahak (http://www.iamthewitness.com/books/Israel.Shahak/Jewish.History.Jewish%20Religion-The.Weight.of.Three.Thousand.Years.pdf), Brother Nathanael Kapner (http://realjewnews.com/) and Gilad Atzmon (http://www.gilad.co.uk/).)

I don't particularly care for the Jews because they are liars.

Through their control of the mass media and influence in academia and our educational establishment, the Jews have managed to deceive the entire world with their false, often entirely fabricated version of history and current events. Writing in Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler described the Jews as having an "unqualified capacity for falsehood," and he was exactly right.

Just to underscore this crucial point, in the Gospel of John, 8:44 (http://biblehub.com/parallel/john/8-44.htm), Jesus Christ addressed the people we know as Jews today, stating: "Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

The Jews would have you believe that they are benevolent bearers of "enlightenment," "progress" and "tolerance," while being innocent, blameless "victims" of irrational "anti-Semites" all throughout history, when in reality every time genuine anti-Jewish sentiment has reared its head in a public manner it has always been because of subversive, criminal Jewish behavior.

The Jews have been thrown out of over 100 countries (http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/expelled.htm) over the course of history, not because people everywhere are mindless "anti-Semites" who irrationally persecute Jews, but because of Jewish behavior and actions.

The Jews basically lie about everything. They lie about Adolf Hitler and WWII, portraying him and National Socialist Germany as the epitome of evil, a "racist anti-Semitic" movement who wanted to "conquer the world for the Aryan race" and systematically murder the entire Jewish population in Europe. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany were the greatest threat to international Jewry's global agenda of world domination, subjugation and exploitation - and the Jews know it.

Hitler simply wanted the Jews out of Europe, recognizing their corrupt, degenerate, parasitic existence in the heart of Western civilization. Once Hitler legally and democratically came to power, he attempted to rectify - through diplomatic means - the unjust provisions of the various "peace treaties" which officially ended WWI, particularly the Treaty of Versailles pertaining specifically to Germany. Hitler and the German people were subjected to ridicule, disrespect and contempt by the international community, especially the French, British and American political and media establishment. Hitler was focused primarily on ending unemployment in Germany, uplifting and revitalizing the Germany people and strengthening the German nation. The last thing he wanted was to fight another World War.

The entire official Jewish narrative of WWII is the exact opposite of what really happened during this critical period of time in our history. Hitler did not initiate WWII, the Jewish controlled Western democracies did (http://mk.christogenea.org/content/origins-world-war-2); Hitler's Germany and her allies did not "Holocaust" the Jews of Europe (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/01/what-is-holocaust-story-really-all-about.html), the Allied nations committed genocide against the German people and their allies (http://chechar.wordpress.com/2011/12/10/hellstorm-book-review/). Virtually all of the crimes the Jews and their puppets - the US, British and Soviets primarily - committed were projected onto the Germans through the Jewish control of the mass media, Hollywood and political establishment. The story of "6 million Jews" being "exterminated by the evil Nazis" is a totally fraudulent narrative that has been manufactured and perpetuated over the years by Jewish propagandists and their lackeys.

The Jews lie about 9/11 being organized and carried out by Osama bin Laden and "al-Qaeda", when in reality the Jews planned, executed and have benefited from 9/11, and merely blamed it on bin Laden and "radical Muslim terrorists" in order to kick start the fraudulent, pre-planned "Global War on Terror" (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/06/global-war-on-terror-jewish-racket.html) and to justify the tyrannical "Homeland Security" (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/01/homeland-security-jewish-racket.html) paradigm in America and the West.

The Jews lied about Iraq having "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and are lying about Iran attempting to acquire them. The entire "Global War on Terror" and threat of "international terrorism" is one big lie.

The Jews lie about vaccines being good and necessary for children, and a wide variety of other medical and health issues. I could go on and on here folks. Suffice it to say: the Jews lie about almost everything.

I don't particularly care for the Jews because they are hypocrites.
The Jews are easily the biggest hypocrites in the entire world. They openly organize, raise money and advocate for their own unique political, cultural and economic interests, often at the expense of everyone else. And yet they condemn anyone and everyone - especially White Christian peoples - for attempting to do the same exact thing.

The Jewish state of "Israel" - an illegitimate, fraudulent terrorist state occupying Palestine - is the home of the Jewish people. Non-Jews in Israel are discriminated against, persecuted and even deported on a regular basis. And yet the Jews are the biggest proponents of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and massive non-White immigration into traditionally White Western European countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia and, of course, Europe. According to the Jews, there can be no White nations - that's "racist" after all. White people that seek to protect their homelands, culture, racial identity and traditions are considered "backwards" and "racist" while the Jews openly organize and champion their own unique Jewish interests and have their own Jewish state. This is unacceptable.

Anyone even slightly criticizing the globalist, anti-White "multicultural" agenda which is seeking to displace and eliminate White people, White countries, White identity and White culture is somehow an "evil Nazi bigot" who "hates other people" and "wants to kill Six Million Jews." We are forced to be "tolerant" and "respectful" of everything and everyone - homosexuals, transgendered individuals, sexual deviants and perverts, criminal illegal aliens, subversives and everything in between - except for White people who care about and want to preserve their homelands, heritage, culture and race.

The hypocrisy from the Jews is simply astounding and intolerable.

I don't particularly care for the Jews because they are usurers, thieves and con artists.
All throughout history, the Jews have been known as usurers and shady, corrupt businessmen. Usury is simply the loaning of money at interest to other individuals, businesses and governments, enslaving them through debt. The Jews have managed to essentially monopolize the practice of usury, and have institutionalized this practice on both a national and international scale.

The Federal Reserve System, which is nothing more than a consortium of private (largely Jewish owned and controlled) banks who have a monopoly on printing and loaning money to the United States government, was a creation of international bankers connected to the Rothschild banking dynasty in Britain and Europe. The central banks of Europe, Britain and elsewhere are all connected to this international system of usury, centered around not only the Federal Reserve, Bank of England and European Central Bank, but also the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and Bank for International Settlements.

The practice of usury is nothing more than the institutionalized defrauding of entire nations. The international financial system dominating the global economy at this point is based on usury, exploitation, speculation and fraud. Everyone reading here no doubt experienced the 2008 financial collapse and aftermath. Wall Street banks and other international financial institutions essentially defrauded and robbed the entire world, and were rewarded, rather than arrested, with a massive bailout by the United States federal government for their criminal behavior.

Wall Street and other major international banking and financial institutions are dominated by Jews. Rather than actually working, producing a legitimate product that advances society, they exploit, cheat, defraud and steal from others. I have a problem with this.

I don't particularly care for the Jews because they are treacherous and exploitative.

The Jewish holy book known as the Talmud specifically sanctions and encourages deceiving, lying to, exploiting, defrauding and even killing non-Jews. "Even the best of the Goyim (non-Jews) should be killed," the filthy Talmud (http://rense.com/general86/talmd.htm) teaches Jews. That's how bad it is folks. Go read about it. (http://www.revisionisthistory.org/talmudtruth.html)

Most people erroneously believe the Jews' holy book is the Torah, or the Old Testament, when in reality the real holy book of the Jewish rabbis and the Jewish people is the Talmud, which is a commentary on and, truth be hold, systematic critique and subversion of the Old Testament and Mosaic law. The Jews are not the Israelites of the Bible, despite the modern day Jewish state occupying Palestine being called Israel.

The Jewish religion and culture encourages defrauding and stealing from non-Jews. The Jews are notorious for their ponzi schemes, espionage operations and commercial and industrial theft. Jewish spies have regularly been detected and arrested throughout history, even in the United States. Jonathan Pollard (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/fr/576453/posts) is a prime example.

Jewish spies and agents have repeatedly stolen American military and industrial technology, blackmailed major politicians and other leading figures in society (Remember the Monica Lewinsky affair? Yeah, she was Jewish and that entire operation was run by Jews), systematically advanced false and misleading information in the mass media in order to achieve certain geopolitical goals (Remember "Saddam Hussein's Weapons of Mass Destruction"? All Jewish lies) and have otherwise engaged in treacherous, exploitative behavior. The Jews will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, no matter how ruthless they have to be.

The Jews are and have always been extremely treacherous and exploitative. Those of you who have had dealings with Jews know this fact perfectly well.

I don't particularly care for the Jews because they are subverters, radicals and perverts.

"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever," wrote Jewish author Maurice Samuels in his book You Gentiles (http://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/yougentiles.pdf). "Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy..."

Marcus Eli Ravage, yet another Jewish author, wrote in the January 1928 issue of Century Magazine (https://archive.org/details/ARealCaseAgainstTheJews): "You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them."
The Jews have always been the leading radicals, subversives and revolutionaries throughout history. Communism, feminism, "gender equality", homosexual rights, transgender rights, sexual deviancy, pornography (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/perverted-jewish-pornographer-al.html) and sexual promiscuity - Jews have lead and championed all of these movements and efforts all throughout history, even to this very day.

The Jews absolutely hate traditional Western civilization, and have worked overtime to critique, subvert, debase and ultimately destroy our civilization and traditions (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/12/organized-jewry-destroyers-of-western.html). The Jews have poisoned our minds with subversive, degenerate ideas, and have normalized debauched, grotesque behaviors and lifestyles, including homosexuality, sexual licentiousness, miscegenation and other perverted, destructive practices.

Turn on the television today and you will see how far we have fallen.

I don't particularly like the Jews because they dominate and control the American government, media, banking system, and other major aspects of our society.

The organized Jewish community, through its various lobbies, non-profit organizations, museums, charities and other institutions, essentially controls the Western political establishment. The United States Congress, White House and Supreme Court are dominated by Jews (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/10/jews-in-obama-administration.html) and non-Jewish puppets of the Jews. It's truly shameful how subservient the American government, political establishment and "elite society" is to Israel and the Jewish community. On a daily basis, American politicians literally commit treason against their own country - right in the face of the American public.

Jews themselves openly admit and boast about their ownership and control of the mass media and Hollywood. Joel Stein, a Jewish journalist, wrote an article in the Los Angeles Times (http://articles.latimes.com/2008/dec/19/opinion/oe-stein19) back in December of 2008 entitled, "Who runs Hollwood? C'mon," where he jokes about the alleged "anti-Semitic" canard that "Jews control Hollywood" and openly states: "Jews totally run Hollywood." To conclude his essay, he writes that he doesn't "care if Americans think we're [Jews] running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government," he only cares "that we [Jews] get to keep running them."

The Times of Israel (http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jews-do-control-the-media/), a popular online Israeli news outlet, published a blog post back in 2012 provocatively entitled, "Jews DO control the media".

So much for the "anti-Semitic" canard or "conspiracy theory" about Jews owning and controlling the mass media and Hollywood - they openly admit and boast about it in their own newspapers!

As previously mentioned, the Jewish control of Wall Street, the Federal Reserve and other major international financial and banking institutions is a well known fact at this point.

There are two really good websites pointing these facts out that I would highly recommend checking out. A website called JewishFaces.com (http://www.jewishfaces.com/) thoroughly documents the Jewish dominance of the American government, politics, banking, media and other aspects of society. Also, be sure to visit Who Controls America? at thezog.wordpress.com (http://thezog.wordpress.com/) for more documentation of the Jewish dominance of America.

The total Jewish control of America is truly mind boggling.

The Jews have subverted America, and are well on their way to entirely wrecking the place. And most people sit around in total ignorance as to what is really going on. Or, even worse, they're too afraid to say or do anything about it.

That's why I don't particularly care for the Jews.



Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 10:34 AM 2 comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/03/why-i-dont-care-for-jews.html#comment-form)

4th March 2014, 06:24 AM
ADL's list is pretty puffball... I'd guess it's a misdirection piece itself!

Friday, February 28th, 2014 | Posted by Kevin Barrett (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/barrett/)
The humiliation! I didn’t make “top 10 anti-semites” list (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/02/28/top10list/) http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/foxman-320x278.gif
(http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/foxman.gif) Congratulations to VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff, who made the Zio-cons’ enemies list of “America’s top ten anti-Semites (http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/12/08/the-ten-worst-u-s-purveyors-of-antisemitism-10-gordon-duff/).” Though I’m happy for Gordon, I’m also a little jealous. So I wrote the following letter:

Dear David Hornik,

I am writing to protest my exclusion from your Top Ten Anti-Semites list (http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2014/02/09/the-ten-worst-u-s-purveyors-of-antisemitism-1-louis-farrakhan/). These days, if you aren’t being called an anti-Semite, you aren’t working hard enough for truth and justice. Since I like to think of myself as working hard for truth and justice, being left off your list is a real slap-down.

It is especially honorable to be called an anti-Semite by the worst sort of ultra-Likudnik neocon scum. I assume that means you, since your zio-astroturf propaganda website hosts people like Michael Ledeen, the Operation Gladio mass murder and 9/11 suspect whose political philosophy is “enter into evil.”

(http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=complete_timeline_of_the_2003_inv asion_of_iraq_3165)

What did I do – or didn’t I do – to be left off your list of courageous truth-tellers? (OK, calling Thomas Friedman a “courageous truth-teller” may be a bit of a stretch.)

Here is your top ten list, in order:

#1. Louis Farrakhan (http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2014/02/09/the-ten-worst-u-s-purveyors-of-antisemitism-1-louis-farrakhan/)

#2. Students for Justice in Palestine (http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2014/02/02/the-ten-worst-u-s-purveyors-of-antisemitism-2-students-for-justice-in-palestine/)

#3. Thomas Friedman (http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2014/01/26/the-ten-worst-u-s-purveyors-of-antisemitism-3-thomas-friedman/)
#4. Ali Abunimah (http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2014/01/19/the-ten-worst-u-s-purveyors-of-antisemitism-4-ali-abunimah/)
#5. Ron Paul (http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2014/01/12/the-ten-worst-u-s-purveyors-of-antisemitism-5-ron-paul/)
#6. Pat Buchanan (http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2014/01/05/the-ten-worst-u-s-purveyors-of-antisemitism-6-patrick-buchanan/)
#7. David Duke (http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/12/29/the-ten-worst-u-s-purveyors-of-antisemitism-7-david-duke/)
#8. John Mearsheimer (http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/12/22/the-ten-worst-u-s-purveyors-of-antisemitism-8-john-mearsheimer/)
#9. Willis Carto (http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/12/15/the-ten-worst-u-s-purveyors-of-antisemitism-9-willis-carto/)
#10. Gordon Duff


I admit that these are all big-name people with major accomplishments under their belts. I guess I have some serious work to do before I can join their august company.

So what would I have to do to make the list? If I were to, say, read five more books on the Nazi holocaust, and continue to discover more information casting doubt on the official narrative, would you put me on your top ten list? Reading only five books,* along with several papers, has already shaken my faith in the existence of mass human gas chambers, an official extermination order and program, and the figure of six million Jewish deaths. My willingness to think critically about historiography, and investigate before I jump to conclusions, ought to qualify me as an anti-Semite, right?

I am also perfectly willing to express even more disgust for Israel than I already have. If there are any uncomplimentary adjectives I have not yet hurled in the general direction of the Zionist entity, just let me know and I will hurl them forthwith.

Honestly, I will do almost ANYTHING to get on your list. I’ll get a swastika tattooed on my big toe. Wipe with the Israeli flag and post it on youtube. Mud-wrestle Abe Foxman. You name it, I’ll do it.

Finally, if you are still in doubt as to my anti-Semitic credentials, I can tell you one last thing: I am pretty sure that I do not like gifelte fish. Though I have never eaten a gifelte fish, I know that I do not like the Norwegian version, which is called lutefisk, and which I have never eaten either, and have no intention of ever eating. (Feel free to add me to your list of the top ten anti-Norwegian bigots, if you ever get around to making one.)

Dr. Kevin Barrett (http://truthjihad.com), Editor, Veterans Today


*The five books: Denying History by Shermer and Grobman; Debating the Holocaust (http://www.amazon.com/Debating-Holocaust-Look-Both-Sides/dp/1591480051) by Thomas Dalton; Denying the Holocaust by Deborah Lipstadt; Hitler’s War by David Irving; and Zionism in the Age of Dictators by Lenni Brenner. Of the five, Dalton’s book is the only one that gives revisionist arguments a hearing; it seems to be the best available book on the revisionist-vs.-antirevisionist arguments. But the other four, in various ways, also undermine the careful reader’s faith in the official narrative.

The above books (read over the past few years) are in addition to the mainstream WWII stuff I’d already read: Shirer, Toland, Waite, Bullock, etc.

4th March 2014, 07:42 PM
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio gave a heartfelt speech praising Israel at a private gala event hosted by AIPAC at the Hilton hotel in midtown Manhattan Thursday night, the local website Capital New York reported.

According to an edited audio recording obtained by the site (below), de Blasio said that "part of his job description is to defend Israel" and that it is "elemental to being an American, because there is no greater ally on earth, and that's something we can say proudly."

[/INDENT]I really do not even know what to say anymore folks. The United States, for all intents and purposes, is a complete slave to organized Jewish interests and the Jewish state of Israel. How much more obvious does it have to get?

Could you imagine if Mayor de Blasio declared: "City Hall will always be open to the Muslims."

Of course, what do yo expect? The most jewish city in USA, also called Jew-York, and a Major would NOT be jewish?

Like Bloomberg?

Bill de Blasio, German-Italian? COme on. Watch his photos, not the ones that are fixed but the real ones. This is a jew with extremely curvy nose:



Here's a good picture, two jews in one shot, are called "de Blasio appints deputy mayor" (and looks like de Basio's jewish nose is a bit photoshopped"


20th March 2014, 07:52 PM
RT's "The Truth Seeker" has many good muckraking episodes. This one's on the Kuala Lampur indictment of izrahell. Check http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rt%20truthseeker&sm=3 for more.



5th June 2014, 01:23 AM
sad, the global conspiracy to hurt djooz' feelings extends to central america, with this latest pogrom:

http://www.dailyslave.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/orthodoxjew-628x356.jpg (http://www.dailyslave.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/orthodoxjew.jpg)

Residents of small Guatemalan town want Jews to leave (http://www.dailyslave.com/residents-of-small-guatemalan-town-want-jews-to-leave/) Published On June 1, 2014 | Jews/Zionism (http://www.dailyslave.com/category/news/zionism/), News (http://www.dailyslave.com/category/news/)

This story is hilarious. A group of ultra-Orthodox Jews show up in a small Guatemalan town and after living there for only a few months worth of time, the town is demanding them to leave. The best part about the article is the quote from the town’s mayor who says there was never been any ill will with people from other religious backgrounds. The only problems they’ve had is when these Jews decided to show up.

From Times of Israel (http://www.timesofisrael.com/is-a-small-guatemalan-town-expelling-its-jews/):

Indigenous residents of San Juan La Laguna, a small town of under 10,000 in the Guatemalan state of Sololá, have asked members of the Jewish community — comprising 10 ultra-Orthodox families, most of whom arrived only recently — to identify themselves in a municipal registry and leave within the next few months.

The registry was established to verify whether immigrants from the Jewish community are legally in the country and where they are from, information which has not been asked of other foreigners granted temporary visas.

“We, as a local authority, have nothing against the Jewish community,” city mayor Rodolfo López told The Times of Israel on Tuesday. “But every community, and especially ours, as indigenous Mayans, has very special customs and traditions and we have to defend our rights.”

Residents have filed complaints with the municipality that the community of ultra-religious Jews have used a public body of water as a mikveh (ritual bath), practiced unhygienic rituals like kaparot (where a chicken is swung around a rabbi’s head before being slaughtered), and made disparaging comments about immodesty to tourists.

According to the mayor, the indigenous population has also been suspicious since a Canadian couple accused of child abuse reportedly moved to San Juan La Laguna with their six children.

“There is almost every other religion here, and there have never been any problems. When they came, there started to be ill will,” the mayor said of the Jewish families.


5th June 2014, 02:00 AM

“Anti-Semitism” and “Holocaust Denial” in the Minds of Non-Jews: A Short Response to the ADL’s “Survey on Anti-Semitism” (http://codohfounder.com/anti-semitism-and-holocaust-denial-in-the-minds-of-non-jews-a-short-response-to-the-adls-survey-on-anti-semitism/)
Published on Friday, May 30 of 2014 by Sonico


By Paul Grubach
Copyright 2014
Very recently, the highly influential Jewish-Zionist organization, the Anti-Defamation League, published their widely publicized and acclaimed, world-wide “Survey on Anti-Semitism.” In the Interests of fairness, we will let the ADL describe the survey and its results in their own words. An official ADL press release stated the following: “The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today [May 13, 2014] released the results of an unprecedented worldwide survey on anti-Semitic attitudes. The ADL Global 100: An Index of Anti-Semitism surveyed 53, 100 adults in 102 countries and territories in an effort to establish, for the first time, a …
Read More (http://codohfounder.com/anti-semitism-and-holocaust-denial-in-the-minds-of-non-jews-a-short-response-to-the-adls-survey-on-anti-semitism/)

dook everl
5th June 2014, 12:43 PM
At least 9/10 of so-called Jews are not really Jews, but Khazars. They have been dispersed thruout the world for many centuries and they are still a cohesive tribe. The Rothschilds are not "from" Germany, they merely resided there.

5th June 2014, 05:41 PM

Thursday, June 5, 2014
Jews demand more state funding, "Shoah" indoctrination & "hate speech" legislation (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/06/jews-demand-more-state-funding-shoah.html)

It should be perfectly clear to anyone paying attention to current affairs and politics that the organized Jewish community is the most cohesive and effective organized political lobbying force in Western politics today. In the United States, for example, the organized Jewish community and its various political lobbies - AIPAC, the American Jewish Congress, the Anti-Defamation League, etc. - essentially control the United States government, the electoral process, and both major political parties, dictating or heavily influencing and shaping both domestic and foreign policy. A similar situation prevails in Europe and the United Kingdom, perhaps only to a less blatant extent.

Following major, extremely tragic events, whether real or manufactured in the media (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/03/how-holocaust-was-faked.html) (see here (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/01/07/top-ten-reasons-sandy-hook-was-an-elaborate-hoax/) and here (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/boston-bombing/)), the organized Jewish community is often ready to immediately begin lobbying the government to enact legislation and policies that advance their own unique ethnic interests. In many cases, criminal elements and factions controlling or influencing the government, intelligence services, and mass media provoke or outright stage events in order to justify their own insidious agenda. 9/11, for instance, was a major false flag-style operation involving extensive media deception, which was used to initiate, justify, and advance a number of pre-planned, tyrannical, and frankly un-American agendas formulated by the organized Jewish community, namely the fraudulent "Global War on Terror" (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/06/global-war-on-terror-jewish-racket.html) and the "Homeland Security" paradigm (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/01/homeland-security-jewish-racket.html) of American national security policy and domestic law enforcement.

In the aftermath of an alleged shooting at the Jewish Museum of Belgium in Brussels recently, which reportedly claimed the lives of four Jews, the organized Jewish community residing in Europe is demanding state funding for security for Jewish institutions and organizations, more "Holocaust" indoctrination, and enactment of more Orwellian "hate speech" legislation designed to specifically curtail and criminalize criticism and open discussion of Jewish criminality, subversiveness, and false narratives of history and current events.

The Times of Israel (http://www.timesofisrael.com/belgian-jewish-leaders-call-on-government-to-fund-security/) reports:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BLl7_SGDf28/U5AERoHrdVI/AAAAAAAADhk/-itPAK6xATQ/s1600/Picture+1.png (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BLl7_SGDf28/U5AERoHrdVI/AAAAAAAADhk/-itPAK6xATQ/s1600/Picture+1.png)

A delegation of 25 Jewish community leaders met with Belgian Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo and other top Belgian politicians in Brussels Monday to demand funds for increased security after a shooting attack at the Jewish Museum of Belgium that claimed four on May 24

World Jewish Congress Ronald S. Lauder and Maurice Sosnowski, president of the Belgian Jewish umbrella organization CCOJB, along with a delegation of 23 other international Jewish leaders, addressed security and other Jewish community issues with the Belgian politicians.

“I will ask for three things: financial participation of the government toward protection of Jewish sites, measures against cyber-hate on a European level, and a reinforcement of education, notably about the Shoah,” said Sosnowski at a press conference ahead of the meeting. [...]

Despite the fact that I do not particularly care for the Jews (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/03/why-i-dont-care-for-jews.html), I have to admit: they are good at making known and eventually getting what they want.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 7:50 AM 4 comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/06/jews-demand-more-state-funding-shoah.html#comment-form)

5th June 2014, 05:46 PM
JFriend's last link above is probably deserving of a reprint in this thread,

Monday, March 3, 2014
Why I don't care for the Jews (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/03/why-i-dont-care-for-jews.html)

Despite the fact that I maintain this website, host a radio program (http://blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report) and write for a national newspaper (http://americanfreepress.net/), I really am a regular guy. I like to spend time with my family and friends, go hiking, hang out at the beach, lift weights, go jogging and biking, watch football, have a beer and everything else regular Americans like to do (for the most part).

I suppose I've always been somewhat of a free-thinker, and critical of the government and media to a certain extent. Things changed drastically once I began investigating the events of 9/11 - I quickly discovered that everything the government and media have told us about that monumental, world-changing event was and remains a total lie.

After a few months of investigating, I realized that the state of Israel and a wider international network of Jewish criminals controlling the mass media and United States government were responsible for planning, organizing, orchestrating and benefiting from 9/11. That's when I truly discovered the reality of the age-old phenomenon often called the Jewish problem.

It's not easy talking about the Jews, especially if you have negative and critical things to say about them and their agenda. I've decided to write this article in case I have to explain my views about the Jews to an average person I meet in public, which has actually happened quite often recently.

To be perfectly frank, I don't particularly care for the Jews, and here's why.

(I should note here that when I say "the Jews," I am specifically referring to the organized Jewish community, not necessarily every single Jewish individual. Some of the biggest critics of Israel, Zionism, Jewish identity politics and even the Jewish religion are Jews themselves, such as Benjamin Freedman (http://www.iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith_Freedman.html), Myron Fagan (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Myron_Fagan), Israel Shahak (http://www.iamthewitness.com/books/Israel.Shahak/Jewish.History.Jewish%20Religion-The.Weight.of.Three.Thousand.Years.pdf), Brother Nathanael Kapner (http://realjewnews.com/) and Gilad Atzmon (http://www.gilad.co.uk/).)

I don't particularly care for the Jews because they are liars.

Through their control of the mass media and influence in academia and our educational establishment, the Jews have managed to deceive the entire world with their false, often entirely fabricated version of history and current events. Writing in Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler described the Jews as having an "unqualified capacity for falsehood," and he was exactly right.

Just to underscore this crucial point, in the Gospel of John, 8:44 (http://biblehub.com/parallel/john/8-44.htm), Jesus Christ addressed the people we know as Jews today, stating: "Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

The Jews would have you believe that they are benevolent bearers of "enlightenment," "progress" and "tolerance," while being innocent, blameless "victims" of irrational "anti-Semites" all throughout history, when in reality every time genuine anti-Jewish sentiment has reared its head in a public manner it has always been because of subversive, criminal Jewish behavior.

The Jews have been thrown out of over 100 countries (http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/expelled.htm) over the course of history, not because people everywhere are mindless "anti-Semites" who irrationally persecute Jews, but because of Jewish behavior and actions.

The Jews basically lie about everything. They lie about Adolf Hitler and WWII, portraying him and National Socialist Germany as the epitome of evil, a "racist anti-Semitic" movement who wanted to "conquer the world for the Aryan race" and systematically murder the entire Jewish population in Europe. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany were the greatest threat to international Jewry's global agenda of world domination, subjugation and exploitation - and the Jews know it.

Hitler simply wanted the Jews out of Europe, recognizing their corrupt, degenerate, parasitic existence in the heart of Western civilization. Once Hitler legally and democratically came to power, he attempted to rectify - through diplomatic means - the unjust provisions of the various "peace treaties" which officially ended WWI, particularly the Treaty of Versailles pertaining specifically to Germany. Hitler and the German people were subjected to ridicule, disrespect and contempt by the international community, especially the French, British and American political and media establishment. Hitler was focused primarily on ending unemployment in Germany, uplifting and revitalizing the Germany people and strengthening the German nation. The last thing he wanted was to fight another World War.

The entire official Jewish narrative of WWII is the exact opposite of what really happened during this critical period of time in our history. Hitler did not initiate WWII, the Jewish controlled Western democracies did (http://mk.christogenea.org/content/origins-world-war-2); Hitler's Germany and her allies did not "Holocaust" the Jews of Europe (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/01/what-is-holocaust-story-really-all-about.html), the Allied nations committed genocide against the German people and their allies (http://chechar.wordpress.com/2011/12/10/hellstorm-book-review/). Virtually all of the crimes the Jews and their puppets - the Americans, British and Soviets primarily - committed were projected onto the Germans through the Jewish control of the mass media, Hollywood and political establishment. The story of "6 million Jews" being "exterminated by the evil Nazis" is a totally fraudulent narrative that has been manufactured and perpetuated over the years by Jewish propagandists and their lackeys. Psychologically and emotionally exploitative propaganda has been effectively used to reinforce and reinstill the fake Jewish "Holocaust" narrative over the years, particularly in the West.

The Jews lie about 9/11 being organized and carried out by Osama bin Laden and "al-Qaeda", when in reality the Jews planned, executed and have benefited from 9/11, and merely blamed it on bin Laden and "radical Muslim terrorists" in order to kick start the fraudulent, pre-planned "Global War on Terror" (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/06/global-war-on-terror-jewish-racket.html) and to justify the tyrannical "Homeland Security" (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/01/homeland-security-jewish-racket.html) paradigm in America and the West.

The Jews lied about Iraq having "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and are lying about Iran attempting to acquire them. The entire "Global War on Terror" and threat of "international terrorism" is one big lie.

The Jews lie about vaccines being good and necessary for children, and a wide variety of other medical and health issues. I could go on and on here folks. Suffice it to say: the Jews lie about almost everything.

I don't particularly care for the Jews because they are hypocrites.
The Jews are easily the biggest hypocrites in the entire world. They openly organize, raise money and advocate for their own unique political, cultural and economic interests, often at the expense of everyone else. And yet they condemn anyone and everyone - especially White Christian peoples - for attempting to do the same exact thing.

The Jewish state of "Israel" - an illegitimate, fraudulent terrorist state occupying Palestine - is the home of the Jewish people. Non-Jews in Israel are discriminated against, persecuted and even deported on a regular basis. And yet the Jews are the biggest proponents of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and massive non-White immigration into traditionally White Western European countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia and, of course, Europe. According to the Jews, there can be no White nations - that's "racist" after all. White people that seek to protect their homelands, culture, racial identity and traditions are considered "backwards" and "racist" while the Jews openly organize and champion their own unique Jewish interests and have their own Jewish state. This is unacceptable.

Anyone even slightly criticizing the globalist, anti-White "multicultural" agenda which is seeking to displace and eliminate White people, White countries, White identity and White culture is somehow an "evil Nazi bigot" who "hates other people" and "wants to kill Six Million Jews." We are forced to be "tolerant" and "respectful" of everything and everyone - homosexuals, transgendered individuals, sexual deviants and perverts, criminal illegal aliens, subversives and everything in between - except for White people who care about and want to preserve their homelands, heritage, culture and race.

The hypocrisy from the Jews is simply astounding and intolerable.

I don't particularly care for the Jews because they are usurers, thieves and con artists.
All throughout history, the Jews have been known as usurers and shady, corrupt businessmen. Usury is simply the loaning of money at interest to other individuals, businesses and governments, enslaving them through debt. The Jews have managed to essentially monopolize the practice of usury, and have institutionalized this practice on both a national and international scale.

The Federal Reserve System, which is nothing more than a consortium of private (largely Jewish owned and controlled) banks who have a monopoly on printing and loaning money to the United States government, was a creation of international bankers connected to the Rothschild banking dynasty in Britain and Europe. The central banks of Europe, Britain and elsewhere are all connected to this international system of usury, centered around not only the Federal Reserve, Bank of England and European Central Bank, but also the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and Bank for International Settlements.

The practice of usury is nothing more than the institutionalized defrauding and enslavement of entire nations. The international financial system dominating the global economy at this point is based on usury, exploitation, speculation and fraud. Everyone reading here no doubt experienced the 2008 financial collapse and aftermath. Wall Street banks and other international financial institutions essentially defrauded and robbed the entire world, and were rewarded, rather than arrested, with a massive bailout by the United States federal government for their criminal behavior.

Wall Street and other major international banking and financial institutions are dominated by Jews. Rather than actually working, producing a legitimate product that advances society, they exploit, cheat, defraud and steal from others. I have a problem with this.

I don't particularly care for the Jews because they are treacherous and exploitative.

The Jewish holy book known as the Talmud specifically sanctions and encourages deceiving, lying to, exploiting, defrauding and even killing non-Jews. "Even the best of the Goyim (non-Jews) should be killed," the filthy Talmud (http://rense.com/general86/talmd.htm) teaches Jews. That's how bad it is folks. Go read about it. (http://www.revisionisthistory.org/talmudtruth.html)

Most people erroneously believe the Jews' holy book is the Torah, or the Old Testament, when in reality the real holy book of the Jewish rabbis and the Jewish people is the Talmud, which is a commentary on and, truth be hold, systematic critique and subversion of the Old Testament and Mosaic law. The Jews are not the Israelites of the Bible, despite the modern day Jewish state occupying Palestine being called Israel.

The Jewish religion and culture encourages defrauding and stealing from non-Jews. The Jews are notorious for their ponzi schemes, espionage operations and commercial and industrial theft. Jewish spies have regularly been detected and arrested throughout history, even in the United States. Jonathan Pollard (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/fr/576453/posts) is a prime example.

Jewish spies and agents have repeatedly stolen American military and industrial technology, blackmailed major politicians and other leading figures in society (Remember the Monica Lewinsky affair? Yeah, she was Jewish and that entire operation was run by Jews), systematically advanced false and misleading information in the mass media in order to achieve certain geopolitical goals (Remember "Saddam Hussein's Weapons of Mass Destruction"? All Jewish lies) and have otherwise engaged in treacherous, exploitative behavior. The Jews will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, no matter how ruthless they have to be.

The Jews are and have always been extremely treacherous and exploitative. Those of you who have had dealings with Jews know this fact perfectly well.

I don't particularly care for the Jews because they are subverters, radicals and perverts.

"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever," wrote Jewish author Maurice Samuels in his book You Gentiles (http://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/yougentiles.pdf). "Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy..."

Marcus Eli Ravage, yet another Jewish author, wrote in the January 1928 issue of Century Magazine (https://archive.org/details/ARealCaseAgainstTheJews): "You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them."
The Jews have always been the leading radicals, subversives and revolutionaries throughout history. Communism, feminism, "gender equality", homosexual rights, transgender rights, sexual deviancy, pornography (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/perverted-jewish-pornographer-al.html) and sexual promiscuity - Jews have led and championed all of these movements and efforts all throughout history, even to this very day.

The Jews absolutely hate traditional Western civilization, and have worked overtime to critique, subvert, debase and ultimately destroy our civilization and traditions (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/12/organized-jewry-destroyers-of-western.html). The Jews have poisoned our minds with subversive, degenerate ideas, and have normalized debauched, grotesque behaviors and lifestyles, including homosexuality, sexual licentiousness, miscegenation and other perverted, destructive practices.

Turn on the television today and you will see how far we have fallen.

I don't particularly like the Jews because they dominate and control the American government, media, banking system, and other major aspects of our society.

The organized Jewish community, through its various lobbies, non-profit organizations, museums, charities and other institutions, essentially controls the Western political establishment. The United States Congress, White House and Supreme Court are dominated by Jews (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/10/jews-in-obama-administration.html) and non-Jewish puppets of the Jews. It's truly shameful how subservient the American government, political establishment and "elite society" is to Israel and the Jewish community. On a daily basis, American politicians literally commit treason against their own country - right in the face of the American public.

Jews themselves openly admit and boast about their ownership and control of the mass media and Hollywood. Joel Stein, a Jewish journalist, wrote an article in the Los Angeles Times (http://articles.latimes.com/2008/dec/19/opinion/oe-stein19) back in December of 2008 entitled, "Who runs Hollwood? C'mon," where he jokes about the alleged "anti-Semitic" canard that "Jews control Hollywood" and openly states: "Jews totally run Hollywood." To conclude his essay, he writes that he doesn't "care if Americans think we're [Jews] running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government," he only cares "that we [Jews] get to keep running them."

The Times of Israel (http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jews-do-control-the-media/), a popular online Israeli news outlet, published a blog post back in 2012 provocatively entitled, "Jews DO control the media".

So much for the "anti-Semitic" canard or "conspiracy theory" about Jews owning and controlling the mass media and Hollywood - they openly admit and boast about it in their own newspapers!

As previously mentioned, the Jewish control of Wall Street, the Federal Reserve and other major international financial and banking institutions is a well known fact at this point.

There are two really good websites pointing these facts out that I would highly recommend checking out. A website called JewishFaces.com (http://www.jewishfaces.com/) thoroughly documents the Jewish dominance of the American government, politics, banking, media and other aspects of society. Also, be sure to visit Who Controls America? at thezog.wordpress.com (http://thezog.wordpress.com/) for more documentation of the Jewish dominance of America.

The total Jewish control of America is truly mind boggling.

The Jews have subverted America, and are well on their way to entirely wrecking the place. And most people sit around in total ignorance as to what is really going on. Or, even worse, they're too afraid to say or do anything about it.

That's why I don't particularly care for the Jews.


Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 10:34 AM http://img1.blogblog.com/img/icon18_email.gif (http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=1164914711134556647)

40 comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/03/why-i-dont-care-for-jews.html)

10th August 2014, 04:23 AM
from Chris Bollyn, anti-Shlomo-ite:

The Hallmarks of Zionist Atrocities: 9/11, Gaza, and Other Crimes (http://bollyn.com/the-hallmarks-of-zionist-atrocities-911-gaza-and-other-crimes/)
August 6, 2014

The devastation of Gaza looks very much like what we saw in New York City on 9-11. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that the same people are behind both atrocities. One of the hallmarks of a Zionist atrocity is the utter disregard for human life.

What we need to stand up and say is that not only did they attack the USS Liberty –they did 9/11. They did it. I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at the Headquarters Marine Corps, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period … And the Zionists are playing this as truly an all-or-nothing exercise, because if they lose this one, if the American people ever realize what happened, they're done.
– Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D., former Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, March 2010

I'm aware that there's still some who would question or even justify the events of 9/11. But let us be clear: Al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 people on that day. The victims were innocent men, women and children from America and many other nations who had done nothing to harm anybody. And yet al Qaeda chose to ruthlessly murder these people, claimed credit for the attack, and even now states their determination to kill on a massive scale. They have affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach. These are not opinions to be debated; these are facts to be dealt with.
– President Barack Obama, Cairo University, Egypt, June 4, 2009

Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
– Matthew 7:15-20, New International Version (NIV)


THE BITTER FRUIT OF ZION - Gaza under Israeli bombardment - using U.S. made weapons, paid for by the U.S. taxpayer.


Whole families were wiped out when Israeli bombs targeted homes. Many of these families are the rightful owners of homes and land in what is today Israel.


OLD TESTAMENT DESTRUCTION - The Israeli assault on Gaza was genocidal and merciless. Nearly two thousand people were killed, including hundreds of small children. No one was spared, not even the humble donkeys.

We are living in a time of frightful, and increasingly frequent, Zionist atrocities. In some cases, such as the latest Israeli military aggression against the people of Gaza, the perpetrator of the atrocity is obvious. In other cases, however, such as 9-11, the crisis in the Ukraine, and the mysterious downing of Malaysian airliners, the identity of the real culprits is not so clear. To identify who is behind any given atrocity there is a logical method anyone can use by asking a few simple questions.

The teaching of Jesus Christ about “A Tree and Its Fruit” is very helpful in understanding the true origin of the terror attacks of 9-11 and other Zionist atrocities. Using this teaching of the tree and fruit to analyze Zionist (i.e. Israeli) terrorism there are two parts of the teaching that we need to keep in mind: firstly, that a bad tree cannot bear good fruit; and secondly, that “by their fruit you will recognize them.”

The idea is that once one comprehends the diabolical nature of Zionism, one will more easily recognize its bitter fruits, i.e. terrorist actions that Zionists are responsible for. Perhaps the most difficult thing for many Americans, raised on a steady diet of television and Hollywood films, is to understand the true nature of Zionism.

The term Zion refers to the so-called “Jewish state” of Israel and its powerful support network of Zionists in London, New York, Miami, Hollywood, etc. The Rothschild family, for example, is a central pillar in the international Zionist network. It is the Zionist financial network based in London and New York, not the tiny nation of Israel per se, that has the greatest influence over our governments and media.

The reports, videos, and images from the recent Israeli aggression in Gaza have surely opened the eyes of millions of people about the criminal and cruel nature of Zionism and its “Jewish state”. The fact that the Israeli aggression occurred so close to the 13th commemoration of the terror attacks of 9-11 may help more people understand that the same Zionists/Israelis are behind the massacres in Gaza and the holocaust of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Shanksville. These are two bitter fruits from the same tree – the tree of Zionism.


THE AMERICAN HOLOCAUST - More than 2,600 people were killed by the explosive demolitions of the Twin Towers on 9-11. A sophisticated and very powerful form of super-thermite was found in the dust of the destroyed towers. The flame temperature of such super-thermite composites is about 4,000 degrees C. (7,232 degrees F.)


There are a few observations that need to be made about any given atrocity in order to determine who is behind it. By asking a few questions we can quickly identify if the crime is of Zionist origin.

Does it make sense in the real world?

The first clue that we may be dealing with a Zionist false-flag atrocity is that such crimes usually do not make sense. The official version of 9-11, for example, that blames Osama Bin Laden and Arab Muslims, makes no sense because it resulted in the disastrous U.S. invasions and occupations of Afghanistan, Iraq, and other Arab and Islamic nations. Such a response was entirely predictable, so why would Arab Muslims do something that would bring such harm to their own people?

Likewise, the hasty U.S. government and media explanation that pro-Russian rebels shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine makes no sense. Why would the rebels, who are fighting against the junta in Kiev, shoot down a Malaysian passenger plane? It simply makes no sense.

In false-flag operations the blame is usually quickly assigned to “the villain” before there is any investigation of the evidence. This is because the real purpose of a false-flag operation is to fix the blame on a targeted foe for a crime they did not commit. The people assigning the blame are most likely associated with the crime.

Does it advance the Zionist agenda?

The next question about such a crime is: Who benefits? Cui bono? Whose agenda is advanced by the atrocity? Does it serve the interests of the state of Israel or the financial empire of the House of Rothschild?

The false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 started a fraudulent “War on Terror”, which greatly increased the indebtedness of the United States. This massive debt benefits the ‘banksters’ and the House of Rothschild. The U.S. defense budget doubled in the wake of 9-11, military spending which has greatly enriched defense contractors at the expense of the American people and the republic.

The crisis in Ukraine and the downing of MH17 have both been used to foment hostility against Russia. Who benefits from a new Cold War with Russia? Defense spending has also increased in NATO member states, by U.S. diktat, to 2 percent of every member nation’s GDP. Who benefits from increased tension with Russia? Who benefits from ousting the elected government of Ukraine and replacing it with a gang of Zionist thugs and oligarchs?

Is the atrocity being reported fairly, completely, and accurately by the media?

No? A negative answer to this question is one of the clearest indications that we are dealing with a false-flag operation. In the case of 9-11 it was clear from the very beginning that the media was not reporting the whole truth. Eyewitness accounts of explosions, for example, were quickly omitted from the media discussion of the events of 9-11. Journalists, such as Stephen Evans of the BBC, who initially reported witnessing “a series of explosions” at the South Tower on 9-11, soon stopped talking about the things they had seen and heard before the towers fell.

In an obvious effort to protect the false narrative, the controlled media in the United States has avoided any discussion of the scientific evidence that disproves the official myth of 9-11. The evidence of a highly explosive form of super-thermite found in the dust of the demolished towers, for example, a crucial discovery that was presented in a peer-reviewed paper published in a scientific journal in 2009, has not been investigated or discussed by any mainstream media outlet in the five years since it was published. There can be no explanation other than outright censorship by the owners of the media for such one-sided and incomplete coverage of 9-11.


The discovery of chips of a nano-composite of super-thermite found in the dust of the demolished towers by Steven E. Jones and a team of scientists in 2009 has been avoided by the controlled media for five years.

In the case of the Israeli aggression against Gaza the media fails to explain the intense suffering and deprivation faced by the people of Gaza who have lived for 7 years under an extremely harsh Israeli blockade. The siege of Gaza is actually the longest siege in modern history, more than twice as long as the siege of Leningrad, but the fact that Gaza is blockaded is seldom even mentioned by the mainstream media. Lifting the siege and blockade of Gaza, however, is the main demand being made by the Palestinian side. The tunnels that the Gazans have built are not for terrorism, but for survival. These tunnels are the only way the imprisoned population can reach the outside world and obtain the necessities of life.

If essential facts about a major historical event like 9-11 or the invasion of Gaza are being avoided by the media it is very likely that there is a Zionist criminal element that needs to be concealed and protected. Why else would the Zionist-controlled media omit such information?

Has the atrocity been properly investigated and prosecuted?

What many people don’t understand about 9-11 is that there was no proper criminal investigation. Although the World Trade Center was the scene of the greatest mass murder in U.S. history, the evidence from the crime scene, such as the structural steel, was treated like scrap; cut up into small pieces, mixed with other scrap metal, and shipped to China to be melted down. The public was given an utterly false story and incited to wage war in Afghanistan while the crucial evidence was being destroyed in two junkyards in New Jersey. The same is true for the FBI ‘non-investigations’ at the Pentagon and Shanksville.

The FBI investigation of the events of 9-11 was being managed by Michael Chertoff, the Assistant Attorney General (Criminal Division), who was the U.S. official who was supposed to collect the evidence, find the guilty parties, and prosecute them. Under Chertoff, however, an Israeli-American dual national, there was no 9-11 investigation and no prosecution.

In the end there was not a single trial for any of the families who lost loved ones on 9-11. The U.S. District Judge who oversaw the 9-11 litigation was Alvin K. Hellerstein, a dedicated Zionist in New York whose son lives in an illegal Israeli settlement on the occupied West Bank. His son happens to be an Israeli lawyer who works with a law firm that represents ICTS, the key Israeli defendant in the 9-11 tort litigation being managed by his father. This is a glaring conflict of interest on the part of the judge that was never discussed in the U.S. media.


Alvin K. Hellerstein

If a crime like 9-11 is not properly investigated and prosecuted you can be sure there is something to hide. The people who are responsible for the failure to investigate and prosecute are probably associated with the people who carried out the crime.

In the case of Israeli aggression in Gaza, there is very seldom any independent investigation of the many war crimes that are reported in the news. The Israelis have a long history of committing war crimes in every conflict they have been engaged, but there has never been a single Israeli taken to The Hague and prosecuted.

Are the same people involved in similar crimes?

When we look at the Israeli invasion of Gaza and 9-11 we see that the same people are involved at the highest level. Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York, flew to Tel Aviv when the FAA advised U.S. airlines not to fly to Israel during the invasion of Gaza. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, met Bloomberg at the airport. The FAA ban on flights to Tel Aviv was a painful shock to Israelis and Netanyahu called upon his ally and partner in crime in New York to try and get the ban lifted as quickly as possible. Bloomberg also supported Netanyahu’s criminal aggression in Gaza by saying that the murderous Israeli assault on Gaza was the correct and proper thing to do.


ZIONIST PARTNERS IN CRIME - Michael Bloomberg and Bibi Netanyahu during Israel's aggression against Gaza

Bloomberg and Netanyahu also happen to be two of the highest people involved in the 9-11 crime and cover-up. Bloomberg served as the mayor of New York City for 12 years after 9-11, during which time he oversaw the management of the cover-up. He is also the chairman of the 9-11 museum and memorial in which the official version, the false narrative, is pushed on the public like a product.


PROTECTING THE 9-11 MYTH - Mayor Bloomberg, the Netanyahus, and the Israeli designer of the 9-11 memorial, Michael Arad (far left), view the memorial under construction.

Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the chief architects of the fraudulent “War on Terror” and has promoted the idea in books and speeches since the 1970s through his Netanyahu Institute on Terrorism, which he founded with his father. On September 11, 2001, when Netanyahu was asked by the New York Times what the day’s events meant for him, Netanyahu said the terror attacks were “very good” for U.S.-Israeli relations.

A couple years later, Netanyahu told an Israeli audience: “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq."

So, when you see the very same people, like Michael Bloomberg and Benjamin Netanyahu, involved in the same things at the highest level, it’s a pretty good indication that these things are connected.

Finally, does the political leadership in the United States, Canada, Britain, and Australia, all doggedly support the false narrative while ignoring the evidence that exposes the reality of the crime?

If the political leadership continues to promote a false narrative, as President Barack Obama has about the events of 9-11, and ignores the scientific evidence that disproves their version, then it is very clear that the crime is most likely a Zionist false-flag operation. Why else would our leaders try to defend bald-faced lies?

Likewise, although Israel has clearly committed scores of war crimes in Gaza and the U.S. government has criticized Israel for bombing homes, mosques, and schools, Obama provided Israel with more bombs and hundreds of millions of dollars, as if rewarding the “Jewish state” for its crimes. In doing so Obama repeated the obligatory mantra that every controlled Western leader has been forced to say about the Israeli aggression – that Israel has the right to defend itself, as if that were the real reason for the Zionist state's attack against Gaza.

By asking these questions about 9-11 and other terror atrocities we can use logic to determine who is really behind these crimes that have changed our lives and nations. This method and these questions can be used to solve the unsolved atrocities from the past, such as TWA 800, Egypt Air 990, Pan Am 103, and the mysterious plane crashes of John F. Kennedy, Jr. and Sen. Paul Wellstone. The evidence suggests that the bombings in Bali, Madrid, and London, and even the Munich Olympics massacre of 1972 were probably Zionist false-flag operations.

For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.
Luke 12:2-3, King James Version

Sources and Recommended Reading:

"Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" by Niels Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven Jones, et al., Open Chemical Physics Journal, April 2009
“America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism” by Christopher Bollyn, Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, January 14, 2008
http://www.bollyn.com/america-the-target-9-11-and-the-history-of-false-flag-terrorism (http://bollyn.com/america-the-target-9-11-and-the-history-of-false-flag-terrorism)
"Ignition Studies of Al2Fe2O3 Energetic Nanocomposites" by L. Menon, S. Patibandla, K. Bhargava Ram, S. I. Shkuratov, D. Aurongzeb, and M. Holtz, Department of Physics and Nanotech Center, Texas Tech University, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 84, No. 23, June 7, 2004
"Israel Did 9-11 - U.S. Military Expert Supports Bollyn Thesis" by Christopher Bollyn, April 3, 2010
www.bollyn.com/israel-did-9-11-us-military-expert-supports-bollyn-thesis (http://bollyn.com/israel-did-9-11-us-military-expert-supports-bollyn-thesis)
“The Culprits' War Against 9-11 Truth” by Christopher Bollyn, June 12, 2014
http://www.bollyn.com/why-does-the-media-ignore-9-11-truth/ (http://bollyn.com/why-does-the-media-ignore-9-11-truth/)
"The Destruction of the Evidence" by Christopher Bollyn, Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, May 19, 2011
www.bollyn.com/the-cover-up (http://bollyn.com/the-cover-up)


18th August 2014, 11:58 PM
anti-Shlomo-ite bookmark list:

Anti-Semitic and Racist Websites to Monitor for the Year 2014 (http://www.anti-semitism.net/anti-semitism/anti-semitic-crusades-of-the-year-2014.php) Sai Baba (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/s/sai_baba.html) – “All action results from thought, so it is thoughts that matter.”

Do you think this is a game? Hate is NOT growing exponentially on the Internet, but its web traffic visitation is.

Why should 21st century hate be characterized as illegal thought crimes? Because thoughts become actions. The hate begins in the mind with thoughts, then comes to life with the action of the hate crimes, not vice versa. The book 1984 instilled this irrational fear of outlawing modern free speech when it comes to insensitive words at one end of the spectrum and thought crimes on the other end of the spectrum. Have you noticed that when someone thinks and then plans carefully about killing, rather than murdering at the spur of the moment, or even by accident, its called premeditated and has enhanced penalties? Have you noticed when someone commits a crime of violence with racism in mind, its called a hate crime? Thoughts proceed actions, not the reverse. Thoughts do matter, and certain thoughts should be made illegal, because they lead to hate crimes. If someone killed you because they didn’t like the ethnic variety of your hair, the shape of your nose or tint of your skin, wouldn’t you want people’s thoughts like that to have far greater fear of penalties associated and setup against them by our society? Think about it, murder because of aesthetics or ones beliefs is hate at its worst. If we could criminalize thoughts, it would go a long way to stop hate. The sites listed below are blocked in most countries world wide, and via some ISPs in the United States, but not others, making the fight to censor hate speech a long term battle. Social media like twitter and facebook have given the fringe a new outlet to reach the masses and they are having incredible success. Send us a donation!

Hate goes mainstream

Gutter Racism and low grade web design is a lot harder to find these days on hate sites, which is why they are even more insidiously polished than they were in the last 20 years. Some hate sites are verging on looking like independent mainstream media sites that easily fool people. Haters are starting to appeal to the masses by false reason, through videos and imagery, rather than instinct. Gentile extremism and patriotic ethnocentric ideologies are centrally based on thoughts involving prejudice, bigotry and followed by open hate speech, falsely criticizing cultures, or alleged behaviors of other races (usually Jews). Yet at one time, not long ago, white separatist groups used to be at the fringe of society and have butt ugly web sites. Today far right organizations of every type have blossomed in number according to the superb research of SPLC Southern Poverty Law Center, Morris Dees and Mark Potok.

Many hate groups which were formed long ago and were relatively unknown to the masses less than a decade ago, are now mystifyingly moving toward the mainstream as of 2014. Yet despite the fact that 99% of Pro-White websites that ever existed in the last 20 years, have been forced off the Internet, new generations of savvy web-hate blogs have been launched with alarming slickness. Though some argue domestic extremists are only the tip of the iceberg, compared to Islamic extremism, which is definitely an even bigger threat to the Jewish people underneath the surface of the digital ocean.

These web sites listed below at one time got relatively little web traffic and very few people were interested in their social-political movements, but now they are in the top 1% of Internet world traffic, in terms of new people landing upon them for the first time, and returning on a regular basis in hopes of updates! This is a shocking development, so don’t sit on your hands people! Please report Internet hate when you see it to us, on our contact page. Help STOP the HATE! The danger is that these sites are striving hard to look more professional, with every passing year. What do we do if they start looking like independent mainstream media sites, and capture millions of readers? They have the potential to radicalize the entire planet Earth and tip the balance against the Jewish people.

Tor Browser (surfing), Jitsi (chat) and cryptocash (bitcoin)

The biggest danger of these anti-semite-sites is that many of them are able to solicit donations through untraceable cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin for instance (there are literally hundreds of cryptocurrencies out there now), or use the mainstream digital cash systems, like paypal to receive money. Though paypal has been cooperative when we ask them to delete people’s accounts we don’t like, so that isn’t so much of a problem, as other methods. In the past, credit card companies were easy to call and convince them to shut down these groups capacity to receive donations, but today, more of these sites are embracing the growing number of digital cryptocurrencies that simply can not be easily controlled. The number of cryptocurrencies are growing exponentially, helping to turn some of these extremist freaks into overnight millionaires due to their speculation. We must boycott bitcoin for bit-hate sake and every other cryptocurrency monetary systems that enables these kinds of groups to flourish cryptofascistly. We should be very alarmed by the fact extremist groups are embracing digital coins of every sort, because if the trend continues, they could use them to debase fiat money like US Dollar, Euro and Shekel, which are currently the world’s reserve currencies.

The other major problem is the NSA spy scandals (thank the asshole snowden and assange) have inspired extremists to learn how to use proxy servers, Tor Browser, Jitsi, Linux, PGP and encryption technology, making it nearly impossible to track them and read their emails. You might think this is an invasion of privacy, until 9-11 part 2 and realize that mass surveillance actually helps keep us safe from domestic terrorism. Have you noticed, there hasn’t been another 9-11? You can thank the NSA for that fact that mass spying actually works.

Submit sites for reporting

Please email us if you know of any hate web sites we missed or forgot to add to these list. We intend to report this growing list to the ADL or SPLC, and ask them to pressure the ISPs hosting these sites, to block them, shut them down, and delete them for good. We also intend to report this growing list to European countries to request that they block these odious view points. We have been amazingly successful in having hundreds of web sites blocked in countries all over the world. We are fighting Internet hate one site at a time. Us the contact form to recommend sites for monitoring.

#0. Metapedia http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
#1. David Duke http://www.davidduke.com
#2. Kevin MacDonald http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net
#3. John de Nugent http://www.democratic-republicans.us
#4. Rebel of Oz http://www.therebel.org
#5. True Tube Video Sharing http://www.TruTube.tv
#6. Destroy Zionism http://www.destroyzionism.com
#7. Storm Front http://www.stormfront.org
#8. Solar General http://www.SolarGeneral.com and http://www.SolarGeneral.org
#9. White Network http://thewhitenetwork.com (http://thewhitenetwork.com/)
#10. Vanguard News Network http://vnnforum.com (http://vnnforum.com/)
#11. Council of Conservative Citizens http://topconservativenews.com (http://topconservativenews.com/)
#12. Unity of Nobility: http://unityofnobility.com
#13. Zundel Site http://www.zundelsite.org
#14. Grizzom http://grizzom.blogspot.com
#15. Leo Frank Library http://www.LeoFrank.org
#16. Kevin Alfred Strom http://www.kevinalfredstrom.com
#17. National Vanguard http://www.NationalVanguard.org
#18. Christian Truth Tellers http://www.truthtellers.org/
#19. Ugly Truth http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/
#20. White Rabbit Radio http://www.whiterabbitradio.net
#21 Free America Rally http://www.freeamericarally.org/
#22 Exposing the Holocaust Hoax Archive http://exposing-the-holocaust-hoax-archive.blogspot.com/
#24 Violence Against Whites http://violenceagainstwhites.wordpress.com/
(http://violenceagainstwhites.wordpress.com/) – A web site that ignores the centuries of violence against non-Whites and Jews.
#25 End Zog https://endzog.wordpress.com/
#26 Aletho News http://alethonews.wordpress.com/
#27 Total Fascism http://www.totalfascism.com/
#28 Holy War http://www.holywar.org
#29 Hot K Blog http://hotk.wordpress.com/
#30 Aryan Legacy White Transhumanism http://www.aryanlegacy.net
#31 Culture Wars http://www.culturewars.com
#32 Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax by Eric Hunt http://gaschamberhoax.com/
#33 European Knights Project http://www.europeanknightsproject.org/
#34 What Really Happened? http://whatreallyhappened.com/


not all the sites listed above or below are anti-Semitic, some of them are deeply cryptic about it or not at all.
More to come.

Thirty Five Web sites in the top 1% of web traffic in the world according to www.Alexa.com


This is a frightening development that so-called “White Liberationists”, “White Civil Rights” and “White Human Rights Activists” who are really nothing more than odious separatists, have moved from the bleeding edge fringe of social obscurity toward reaching the mainstream. Even worse is the fact that many anti-Semitic written works are being translated into every major European and Middle Eastern language. David Duke who wrote three major anti-Semitic books, has seen them translated by independent extremist activists into more than a dozen languages without the authors permission. Please monitor these hate sites, and report any other hate sites on the Internet that are popular, so we can contact their Internet Service Providers requesting to have them removed from the web.

35. White Genocide Project (http://www.whitegenocideproject.com/) (729,537)
34. Racist Jokes (http://www.racist-jokes.info/) (726,488)
33. Traditionalist Youth Network (http://www.tradyouth.org/) (723,960)
32. ANU News (http://www.anunews.net/) (715,306)
31. White News Now (http://www.whitenewsnow.com/content/) (560,034)
30. Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (http://www.codoh.com/) (486,368)
29. Darkmoon (http://www.darkmoon.me/) (484,342)
28. The Political Cesspool (http://www.thepoliticalcesspool.org/) (461,837)
27. Incog Man (http://incogman.net/) (458,251)
26. Institute for Historical Review (http://ihr.org/) (422,141)
25. Gun Owners of America (http://gunowners.org/) (398,158)
24. Vanguard News Network (http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/) (378,082)
23. The White Network (http://thewhitenetwork.com/) (339,528)
22. MajorityRights.com (http://majorityrights.com/) (338,896)
21. Southern Nationalist Network (http://southernnationalist.com/) (337,160)
20. Western Voices World News (http://www.wvwnews.net/content/) (242,358)
19. Occidental Dissent (http://www.occidentaldissent.com/) (218,785)
18. Alternative Right (http://www.alternative-right.blogspot.co.uk/)* (215,085)
17. DavidDuke.com (http://davidduke.com/) (210,308)
16. The White Voice (http://thewhitevoice.com/) (199,774)
15. The Occidental Observer (http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/) (179,043)
14. The White Resister (http://whiteresister.com/) (171,731)
13. Counter-Currents Publishing (http://www.counter-currents.com/) (163,062)
12. Total Fascism (http://www.totalfascism.com/) (155,609)
11. NumbersUSA (https://www.numbersusa.com/content/) (118,819)
10. The British Resistance (http://thebritishresistance.co.uk/) (114,141)
9. VDARE (https://vdare.com/) (106,297)
8. British National Party (http://www.bnp.org.uk/) (104,852)
7. Vanguard News Network Forum (http://vnnforum.com/) (83,704)
6. TruTube.Tv (http://prothink.org/) (71,377)
5. The Daily Stormer (http://www.dailystormer.com/) (58,629)
4. American Renaissance (http://www.amren.com/) (53,290)
3. Metapedia (http://www.metapedia.org/) (47,966)
2. Top Conservative News (http://topconservativenews.com/) (46,982)
1. Stormfront (http://www.stormfront.org/forum/) (15,237)

Hate Chat:
Professional Mainstream Anti-Semitic Groups


22nd August 2014, 08:43 AM
got into it a bit re GGalloway in the holohoax thread. For all his truthiness, GG adhere to the official stories of the 2 most massive zio-hoaxes: the holohoax & 911/warrenterra-hoax. Starts here #154 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54461-Introduction-to-the-Holocaust%E2%84%A2-Hoax&p=550833&viewfull=1#post550833) through post 160.

I just throw in the above as a "grain of salt" re galloway....

UK police probes MP Galloway for anti-Israel remarks (http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/08/20/375937/uk-probes-mp-on-antiisrael-remarks/)

http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/multimedia/archive/00279/14774768_Galloway_279308b.jpg (http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/08/20/375937/uk-probes-mp-on-antiisrael-remarks/)

More famous for his stint in Celebrity Big Brother. George is in the red leotard.


British police have questioned prominent UK lawmaker George Galloway over his critical statements of the Israeli regime.
The development on Tuesday came after Galloway said in August 2 remarks that Israeli tourists, goods, academics, and services are not welcome in his northern city of Bradford constituency, saying that the city is an Israel-free zone.

“We have declared Bradford an Israel-free zone… we don’t want any Israeli goods,” said the Respect MP, speaking to activists at a meeting in Leeds.

Blasting the Israeli regime for the recent massacre of Palestinians during its massive onslaught on the besieged Gaza Strip, Galloway also called on his party members to boycott goods from Israel, its services and academics.
(presstv (http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/08/20/375937/uk-probes-mp-on-antiisrael-remarks/))

Additional: Thanks to phyllis66, i have sourced a copy of the original speech online for you to watch below.The pertinent part of the speech that the Police are investigating is @ 30 minute mark.



Posted by foon1e (http://www.blogger.com/profile/11620170404653771913) at 2:10 PM 3 comments: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=6242915288138989674) (http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=6242915288138989674)

22nd August 2014, 08:49 AM

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Quebec journalist: Jews can make any government submit to their will (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/quebec-journalist-jews-can-make-any.html)

The organized Jewish community in Canada is in an uproar over some frank and truthful commentary put forth by a veteran journalist in Quebec. The Times of Israel (http://www.timesofisrael.com/quebec-radio-host-slammed-for-comments-on-jews/) reports:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tmt2DFyAugk/U_TTe9eT3TI/AAAAAAAADyo/qdjVnHy2_7g/s1600/Picture%2B2.png (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tmt2DFyAugk/U_TTe9eT3TI/AAAAAAAADyo/qdjVnHy2_7g/s1600/Picture%2B2.png)

A veteran prominent Quebec radio host has come under fire for making derisive comments about the Jewish community.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs condemned Gilles Proulx for comments he made in a recent newspaper column but said it was “disappointed and troubled” by the lack of public outrage.

Proulx, 74, wrote that the Jewish community can make any government “submit” to its will.

In a later television interview, he said Jews have historically fueled hate and persecution against them, including in Spain and during the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler. Proulx has previously made other allegedly hateful on-air comments about Jews, immigrants and other minority groups. [...]

We see, once again, that the organized Jewish community represents the most tyrannical and anti-free speech demographic of Western society. Any criticism, however mild, or even open, frank discussion of Israel, Jewish power and influence, Jewish criminality, and the organized Jewish community generally is hysterically demonized and equated with "anti-Semitism", "bigotry", and "hate".

All this man did was state obvious facts about the nature of the organized Jewish community, namely that it can in fact make any Western government "submit" to its will, and he is being attacked by the Jews in Canada.

The Jews have essentially made any and all criticism and open discussion of their tribe, its actions and behaviors, and the nature of organized Jewry socially and culturally unacceptable in the West, and are constantly championing and demanding legislation designed to effectively end the First Amendment by banning "hate speech".



If the Jews ultimately get their way, the only group of people one will be allowed to openly and unashamedly criticize will be White Western peoples and our traditions, heroes, religion, and values. Due to political correctness, this is basically how mainstream society currently operates.

You can rail against the "White supremacist system" and the "White man" all day long in America. But don't you dare say anything mean about the "poor, powerless, persecuted" Jews, illegal alien invaders, radical, perverted homosexuals and sexual deviants, or violent, rampaging Blacks (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/those-evil-racist-white-cops-in-mo.html). After all, criticizing those groups is "hateful", "intolerant", and "bigoted" - major thought crimes in the upside-down, politically correct Marxist paradise formerly known as Western civilization.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 10:23 AM 16 comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/quebec-journalist-jews-can-make-any.html#comment-form)

22nd August 2014, 02:08 PM
You can rail against the "White supremacist system" and the "White man" all day long in America. But don't you dare say anything mean about the "poor, powerless, persecuted" Jews, illegal alien invaders, radical, perverted homosexuals and sexual deviants, or violent, rampaging Blacks (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/those-evil-racist-white-cops-in-mo.html). After all, criticizing those groups is "hateful", "intolerant", and "bigoted" - major thought crimes in the upside-down, politically correct Marxist paradise formerly known as Western civilization.

Quoted for truth.

4th September 2014, 06:01 AM
Jewish Harvard Grad Busted for Trolling Blogs with "Anti-Semitic" postings. False flag "Anti-Semitism"! (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=bf1_1408747775)


A Jewish student posting virulently anti-Semitic comments at various internet forums, allegedly “to gauge how pervasive anti-Semitism” is online, has been busted by the progressive website Common Dreams (CD).

Investigative journalist Lance Tapley leaves few stones unturned in his report “The Double Identity of an ‘Anti-Semitic’ Commenter (http://www.commondreams.org/hambaconeggs)” exceptthe identity of the culprit. “Let’s call the student Jason Beck”, Tapley says, protecting the perpetrator.

Beck, a Harvard graduate now a grad student at a midwestern university, created literally dozens of online personas to support his true objective: poisoning online discourse critical of Israel. So if evidence of anti-Semitism wasn’t there, he’d create it himself.

His posting on Common Dreams illustrates the susceptibility of website comment threads to massive manipulation.

And what was the goal of this pollution? Common Dreams says the hate speech undermined fundraising efforts, and was intended to do so.

The website’s executive director, Craig Brown, was personally appalled at the anti-Semitic comments–and had a financial motivation to block these commenters. One generous funder had told him, he said, referring to the stream of anti-Semitism, “I gave you five thousand dollars last year, but I’m not doing it again.”

“We’ve had hundreds of donors say similar things,” Brown added. “People are right to be offended by the anti-Semitism, and it has a serious impact on our reputation and our fundraising.” But when Common Dreams tried to block [Beck handles] DeShawn, HamBaconEggs, et al, they kept coming back

Here’s how Beck jumpstarted the comment thread at the base of Max Blumenthal’s The Desert of Israeli Democracy (http://www.commondreams.org/views/2013/10/14/desert-israeli-democracy#comment-1081873396) on CD:

Just imagine how many millions of people would have been saved from the scourge of Judeo-imperialist wars and Jewish financial predations had Hitler actually finished the job.

After years and years of spewing classic vile Jew-hatred all over the internet fate caught up with him because he was using the university’s computers.

Interviewed by Common Dreams, the man, in his thirties, conceded he has a “psychological obsession” with trolling. A “tic”. So he came up with multiple personas, including a “JewishProgressive” who trails his other personas expressing his disgust at the viciousness he’s just penned, and then launches into a diatribe on the pervasiveness of anti-Semitism online. These lectures dominated, poisoned and diverted online discussions.

So why grant him another anonymous handle? Common Dreams says it feared that disclosing his identity could put his life in danger; contributors to hate sites he frequented might seek revenge, having discovered he was himself Jewish.

Described by the professor in charge of his academic unit as “the sweetest guy you can imagine,” the man claims he became “frustrated” by what he perceived as “the blurring of criticism [of] Israel and anti-Semitism”.

Beck adamantly claims he was a “lone-wolf” acting alone all these years but curiously, when Common Dreams confronted Beck after tracking him down at the university, Beck stated he had been “ill-advised”. Yes but ill-advised by whom?

Should any of this surprise us? Heck no! Millions have been invested in shutting down discussion of Israel online, and what better way to do it than close down progressive websites that host discussion of Israel.

When Common Dreams examined hundreds of posts in this ugly charade, the aim appeared clear-cut: to cast a deep shadow on, and drive support from, one of the largest and oldest progressive-news websites.

The next time you see radical profiles online, think who benefits. Because it’s sure not progressives. Ask yourself, is “Jason Beck” unique in his duplicity? It’s unlikely.

By Annie Robbins

http://edge.liveleak.com/80281E/ll_a_s/2014/Aug/22/LiveLeak-dot-com-bf1_1408747775-download_1408752558.jpg.resized.jpg?d5e8cc8eccfb60 39332f41f6249e92b06c91b4db65f5e99818bdd79f4547ddde dc87&ec_rate=230 (http://edge.liveleak.com/80281E/ll_a_s/2014/Aug/22/LiveLeak-dot-com-bf1_1408747775-download_1408752558.jpg?d5e8cc8eccfb6039332f41f624 9e92b06c91b4db65f5e99818bdd79f4547dddedc87&ec_rate=230)

Added: Aug-22-2014 Occurred On: Aug-22-2014

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=bf1_1408747775

8th October 2014, 11:26 AM

Sunday, October 5, 2014
ADL, top Internet companies work together to combat "cyberhate" (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/10/adl-top-internet-companies-work.html)

In yet another brazen display of the stranglehold organized Jewry has over American society, the Anti-Defamation League recently announced "the release of “Best Practices for Responding to Cyberhate,” a new initiative that establishes guideposts for the industry and the Internet community to help prevent the spread of online hate speech," according to a press release (http://www.adl.org/press-center/press-releases/discrimination-racism-bigotry/adl-releases-best-practices-challenging-cyberhate.html). The press release continues:

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YdstaDcomMY/VDF75NTEhLI/AAAAAAAAD9U/R3euc3-HFDo/s1600/Picture%2B1.png (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YdstaDcomMY/VDF75NTEhLI/AAAAAAAAD9U/R3euc3-HFDo/s1600/Picture%2B1.png)

The Best Practices (http://www.adl.org/combating-hate/cyber-safety/best-practices/) initiative is the outcome of months of discussions and deliberations by an industry Working Group on Cyberhate convened by ADL in an effort to develop a coordinated approach to the growing problem of online hate speech, including anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim bigotry, racism, homophobia, misogyny, xenophobia and other forms of online hate.

Members of the Working Group included leading Internet providers, civil society leaders, representatives of the legal community, and academia.

As participants in the Working Group, representatives of Facebook, Google/YouTube, Microsoft, Twitter, and Yahoo have expressed support for ADL’s efforts. They were among those who offered advice to ADL in the formulation of the Best Practices, and the final document embodies some of their own current practices.

In conjunction with today’s announcement, these companies are taking new steps to remind their own communities of their policies regarding online hate and how users can respond when they encounter it. [...]

The organized Jewish community, led by groups like the ADL, has been dictating and controlling what is politically and socially acceptable discourse in this country for decades now. The Jews essentially decide what we are allowed to talk about, and what we are not. They decide who and what we are allowed to criticize, and who and what we are not. They have distorted and manufactured our collective history and perception of reality using their control of information, the media, and influence in politics and academia. Our understanding of the world is fundamentally shaped by organized Jewry. Virtually every piece of information the vast majority of people in America have ever consumed has passed through a Jewish censor.

The latest "Best Practices" initiative is yet another example of a Jewish imposed psychological and intellectual tyranny that has consumed not only America, but the entire Western world. The Internet has allowed individuals to freely express themselves and present information that challenges the prevailing politically correct discourse suffocating and destroying the West. Of course, anyone publicly challenging the Jews' narrative of our collective history and perception of reality, exposing their subversive, destructive nature and overall agenda, or criticizing and highlighting Jewish treachery and criminality is considered an "anti-Semitic hateful bigot who wants to genocide 6 million Jews." Candidly discussing or exposing the reality of Jewish power and influence and telling the truth about the Jews is fundamentally "anti-Semitic" (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/05/adl-truth-is-anti-semitic.html) and "hateful" according to the ADL and organized Jewish community.

These desperate, pathetic attempts by the organized Jewish community to curtail and suppress our God-given right of freedom of expression, and the broader endeavor to control our collective political, social, and economic discourse, will ultimately backfire in my view. The cat is out of the bag, so to speak, on many of the most important issues facing our world thanks largely to the Internet and high speed communications. The Jewish control of our minds and perceptions is rapidly eroding.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 12:31 PM 13 comments: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/10/adl-top-internet-companies-work.html#comment-form)

8th October 2014, 11:22 PM

Robert Faurisson writes (http://robertfaurisson.blogspot.com/2014/08/the-case-of-gregory-chelli-alias-ulcan.html) of the vile telephone harrassment directed at his wife and himself by an Israeli Jew, and the lack of any police response

19th October 2014, 09:06 AM
Sunday, October 5th, 2014 | Posted by Kevin Barrett (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/barrett/)

Tehran truthfest panics Zionist thought police (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2014/10/07/tehran-truthfest-panics-zionist-thought-police/)


by Kevin Barrett (http://truthjihad.com), Veterans Today Editor (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/barrett/)

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called it a “hatefest.”

They were referring to the second annual New Horizon Conference in Tehran, which brought together dozens of the world’s most notable activists, scholars, pundits, filmmakers and writers – all of whom have contributed to dismantling or questioning hegemonic narratives peddled in mainstream Western institutions.

Two American stars of this year’s conference were Gareth Porter, a widely-respected investigative journalist who has exposed the Israeli-Mossad-manufactured “Iran nuclear crisis”; and Medea Benjamin, a high-profile peace activist who has boldly and colorfully challenged American and Israeli war-mongers.

http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/manufactured-crisis.jpg (http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/manufactured-crisis.jpg)

The ADL – an unregistered propaganda bureau of the Israeli government – is tasked with punishing Americans whose views deviate from the received wisdom manufactured in Tel Aviv. In the ADL’s press release attacking the New Horizon Conference, Medea Benjamin and Gareth Porter were singled out for special treatment. It seems that Zionism’s Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” is especially terrified that people like Gareth Porter and Medea Benjamin, two accomplished and credible voices of the mainstream American left, will join forces with the broader global movement against the New World Order.

Extracts from the ADL’s press release attacking the New Horizon Conference (http://blog.adl.org/international/iran-new-horizon-conference-draws-u-s-anti-semites-holocaust-deniers) were reprinted almost verbatim by suspected Israeli agent Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/wp/2014/10/03/obama-clueless-on-iran-once-again/). The same press release also appeared, with minimal re-writing, in several Israeli dailies.

The ADL press release, like its various newspaper re-prints, gives no information whatsoever about any of the ideas discussed at the Conference. Instead, it simply lists the participants and attacks them with empty ad hominem insults. The ADL’s extremely brief press release names 15 Conference participants and hurls 22 insults, including “conspiracy theorist” (seven occurrences), “anti-Semite” (five occurrences), “holocaust denier” (five occurrences) and “anti-Israel” (seven occurrences).

http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/380593_Iran-New-Horizon-conference-2014-640x360.jpg (http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/380593_Iran-New-Horizon-conference-2014.jpg)
The conference the ADL loves to hate

By hurling these empty insults, the ADL is following the program outlined in Edward Luttwak’s book Coup d’Etat: A Practical Handbook (http://theinfounderground.com/smf/index.php?topic=3202.0). Luttwak’s immensely influential book is a step-by-step guide telling Zionists how to stage a coup d’état in the USA. Published in 1968, it became the bible of the decades-long neoconservative-Zionist plot that came to fruition on September 11th, 2001.

In Coup d’Etat: A Practical Handbook, Luttwak advises Zionists to mount a stealth coup, not an overt one. Recognizing that some people will oppose the coup, or the new policies it enshrines, Luttwak urges the Zionist coup faction to refrain from killing or arresting its opponents insofar as possible, since killings or arrests would only expose the coup and invite more opposition. Instead, he argues that opponents of the coup can be silenced or marginalized by attacking them in the media with “unlovely terms” – Luttwak’s euphemism for insults like “conspiracy theorist,” “anti-Semite,” “holocaust denier” and “anti-Israel.”

Unfortunately for the coup leaders, such insults wear thin with over-use. The ADL’s 22 insults in one very brief press release create an unintentionally comic effect, making the text read like obsessional nonsense: “Blah blah blah blah HOLOCAUST DENIER blah blah blah blah ANTI-SEMITE blah blah blah blah CONSPIRACY THEORIST…”

When my friends and fellow conference participants including Ken O’Keefe and Wayne Madsen heard that the ADL had attacked the Conference, everyone’s first reaction was laughter: “I hope they didn’t leave ME off the list!” Being on the receiving end of an ADL attack is now widely viewed as a high honor almost comparable to a Pulitzer or Nobel Prize.


(http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/medeabenjamin.jpg)But for people like Gareth Porter and Medea Benjamin, whose social world is the mainstream antiwar left, the ADL’s insults carry a price. Much of the American peace movement is still living in the media-constructed matrix in which the counterfeit verbal currency of terms like “holocaust denier,” “anti-Semite” and “conspiracy theorist” can still steer herds of people – rather in the same way that carefully timed gunshots can cause a moving herd of sheep or cattle to rapidly change direction and follow the path to the slaughterhouse.

But the power of Luttwak’s negative-emotion-evoking “unlovely terms” has declined to the point that such mainstream-compatible figures as Gareth Porter and Medea Benjamin are no longer afraid to come to Tehran to exchange ideas with people who routinely violate all of the West’s most significant intellectual taboos. That is why the panicked Zionists unleashed their ADL attack dogs against Porter and Benjamin. The Zionists are afraid that the wall they have built around the mainstream peace movement – to prevent it from being contaminated by the explosive “red pill” truths of the anti-New World Order movement – are crumbing. So they are attacking Porter and Benjamin in hopes of terrorizing other high-profile mainstream-compatible figures from following the same path to Tehran…and encountering the world’s leading thinkers who have freed themselves from the New World Order mind control matrix.

Like Gareth Porter and Medea Benjamin, I was once attacked by Zionists wishing to maintain the wall between explosive truths and mainstream institutions. All of Luttwak’s “unlovely terms” were hurled against me by Zionist witch-hunters when I was teaching at the University of Wisconsin, and researching and writing about 9/11, in 2006. (Oddly, I had never uttered a word about Jews or the holocaust; yet simply for questioning 9/11 I was called an “anti-Semite” and a “holocaust denier.”) The Zionists were trying to make an example of me in order to terrorize other professors into shying away from 9/11 truth – just as the ADL is trying to make an example of Medea Benjamin and Gareth Porter in order to prevent other mainstream-compatible leftists from encountering the matrix-shattering truths present at the New Horizon Conference.

http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/wld2.jpg (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/10/05/truthfest/wld2/)
If they were trying to frame Native Americans it would
have read “White man in heap big trouble.”
– Graeme MacQueen

While the Zionist mind-control mavens try to keep a “separation wall” between truth and mainstream institutions, they are simultaneously trying to prevent the construction of a new “separation wall”: the one dividing American interests from Israeli interests. The 9/11-anthrax operation was designed to seal in blood the special relationship between Israel and the USA, and to put Israel permanently in the driver’s seat. That is why the anthrax letters, mailed by Zionist agents in the US germ warfare program, read: “DEATH TO AMERICA. DEATH TO ISRAEL. ALLAH IS GREAT.” (Today, even the US government admits that the anthrax letters were a poorly-veiled false-flag attack by enemies of Muslims, designed to spread islamophobia.)

Thursday’s ADL press release (http://blog.adl.org/international/iran-new-horizon-conference-draws-u-s-anti-semites-holocaust-deniers)begins: “Iran kicked off its anti-America and anti-Israel New Horizon Conference…” Like the anthrax letters (also written by Zionist propagandists) the ADL hit piece attempts to link America and Israel. The Zionists are trying to brainwash Americans into believing that America and Israel have the same interests and the same enemies…which, as Walt and Mearsheimer among others have shown, is manifestly not the case.

Will the Western world free its mind from the Zionist shackles that imprison it? More specifically, will Americans wake up before they are utterly destroyed by the Straussian neoconservatives who seized power on September 11th, 2001? If the answer to both questions turns out to be “yes,” the organizers and attendees of Iran’s annual New Horizon Conference will deserve a share of the credit.

21st October 2014, 08:15 AM
Anti-semitism charge is increasingly being leveled against Israel’s mainstream critics (http://mondoweiss.net/2014/10/semitism-increasingly-mainstream)

Israel/Palestine (http://mondoweiss.net/israel-palestine) Philip Weiss (http://mondoweiss.net/author/philweiss) on October 19, 2014 83 Comments (http://mondoweiss.net/2014/10/semitism-increasingly-mainstream#comments)


Naftali Bennett at an Israel Project event in Jerusalem. (The Israel Project/Flickr)

Maybe you saw that a top minister in Israel’s government accused John Kerry, the US secretary of state, of anti-Semitism? John Kerry made the mistake of saying that if only Israel made peace with the Palestinians, that would cut down on extremism in the region. From Haaretz (http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/.premium-1.621272):

Economy Minister Naftali Bennett (http://www.haaretz.com/misc/tags/Naftali%20Bennett-1.494120) attacked U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (http://www.haaretz.com/misc/tags/John%20Kerry%20-1.507474) over his comments Friday connecting the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and extremism in the Middle East.

“It turns out that even when a British Muslim decapitates a British Christian, there will always be someone to blame the Jew,” he said.

Here are Kerry’s original remarks (http://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2014/10/233058.htm), on Thursday:

As I went around and met with people in the course of our discussions about the ISIL coalition, the truth is we – there wasn’t a leader I met with in the region who didn’t raise with me spontaneously the need to try to get peace between Israel and the Palestinians, because it was a cause of recruitment and of street anger and agitation that they felt – and I see a lot of heads nodding – they had to respond to. And people need to understand the connection of that. And it has something to do with humiliation and denial and absence of dignity

Bennett’s accusation is not singular. As Israel grows more isolated in world opinion in the wake of the Gaza slaughter, the anti-Semitism charge is being thrown around in a new way, at a new crowd. It’s now slung whenever westerners are too critical of Israel.

Ari Shavit, the writer who’s a darling of liberal Zionists, accused westerners of anti-Semitism at the end of the Gaza onslaught:

“In the final week of the war in Gaza this summer that took the lives of 72 Israelis and more than 2100 Palestinians, Shavit wrote that strong objection to Israeli conduct was illegitimate and amounted to anti-Semitic bigotry: ‘We’re a tiny minority nation under attack, and sweeping criticism of this nation is like sweeping criticism of the black, gay or Yazidi minority.’” –Nathan Thrall in the London Review of Books (http://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n19/nathan-thrall/feeling-good-about-feeling-bad).

A very similar charge was made by Matti Friedman, a former AP reporter in Jerusalem, who accused international media, including American outlets, of anti-Semitism for the way they told the story of the Gaza onslaught, as being Israel’s fault, when the real story was that Israel was taking on Hamas just as the US is taking on ISIS. At On the Media (http://www.onthemedia.org/story/ethan-bronner-and-matti-friedman-coverage-israel-palestine/) (minute 5):

What we’re seeing is extremely critical coverage of the actions of the Israeli government, and I would argue that this [alleged media] interest in the holy land– I think that there’s a very thin line between that and development of a hostile obsession with the moral failings of Jews, which as we know is a very deep thought pattern in the west.

Also in the context of Gaza, Human Rights Watch director (http://www.ngo-monitor.org/article/ken_roth_s_immoral_anti_israel_obsession_and_the_g aza_war_) Ken Roth was accused of a “deepseated hostility to the Jewish state” and an “immoral anti-Israel obsession.” Roth (whose father escaped Nazi Germany) has said that the charge is a (http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/09/17/ken-roth-uses-anti-semite-straw-man-to-avoid-answering-critics-time-to-grow-up-ken-video/)charge of anti-Semitism.

Also in the context of Gaza, religion writer Mark Oppenheimer wrote at Tablet that liberal Protestants who support Palestinian rights seem to him to be anti-Semitic (http://tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/186119/bruce-shipman-yale/4) because they have a caricature of Jews as the Israel lobby and

“feel that there are no good Jews left. Except the ones that are entirely secular and anti-Zionist.”

I do wonder if the anti-Semitism charge is being exhausted by this extensive service, that it’s losing its sting. More wild accusations of anti-Semitism:

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach has accused Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem of being anti-Semites (http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Penelope-Cruz-and-Javier-Bardem-are-anti-Semites-369525), in the Jerusalem Post, for saying that the Gaza slaughter amounted to a “genocide.”

David Horowitz has said that Barack Obama is anti-Semitic (http://www.truthrevolt.org/israel-revolt/horowitz-obama-anti-semitic-anti-american-president) because he supports the Palestinian Authority, which includes Hamas.

Mike Huckabee said that Obama is anti-Semitic (http://aattp.org/huckabee-calls-obama-anti-semitic-hates-israel-video/)in his response to violence in the West Bank last summer.

Einat Wilf, a former member of the Israeli Knesset, accused former British foreign secretary Jack Straw (http://www.richardsilverstein.com/2013/10/29/former-mk-einat-wilf-falsely-charges-mk-jack-straw-with-anti-semitism/) of anti-semitism for stating that the Israel lobby has too much control over US policymaking. Chuck Hagel and John Mearsheimer and Steve Walt were all meretriciously accused of anti-Semitism for that allegation.

Had enough?

Philip Weiss is Founder and Co-Editor of Mondoweiss.net.
Other posts by Philip Weiss (http://mondoweiss.net/author/philweiss).

"It's a Trick, We Always Use It." (calling people "anti-Semitic") (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUGVPBO9_cA)


27th October 2014, 12:53 PM
a couple from John Friend.. That France/Twitter story is pasted elsewhere in this thread somewhere.

Sunday, October 26, 2014
French "hate speech" lawsuit leading to worldwide online censorship (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/10/french-hate-speech-lawsuit-leading-to.html)

The Jewish Daily Forward (http://forward.com/articles/207877/big-tech-wakes-up-to-hate-speech-threat-after-goo) recently published an article describing how large Internet-based social media companies, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, are dealing with online "hate speech," particularly in the aftermath of a judicial ruling roughly one year ago in France that required Twitter to remove "anti-Semitic" content. The article notes:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nTCtAe03fiU/VE0jB_lJaXI/AAAAAAAAEBA/BsxX4q37lXA/s1600/Picture%2B2.png (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nTCtAe03fiU/VE0jB_lJaXI/AAAAAAAAEBA/BsxX4q37lXA/s1600/Picture%2B2.png)

A little over a year after a French court forced Twitter to remove some anti-Semitic content, experts say the ruling has had a ripple effect, leading other Internet companies to act more aggressively against hate speech in an effort to avoid lawsuits.

The 2013 ruling by the Paris Court of Appeals settled a lawsuit brought the year before by the Union of Jewish Students of France over the hashtag #UnBonJuif, which means “a good Jew” and which was used to index thousands of anti-Semitic comments that violated France’s law against hate speech.

Since then, YouTube has permanently banned videos posted by Dieudonne, a French comedian with 10 convictions for inciting racial hatred against Jews. And in February, Facebook removed the page of French Holocaust denier Alain Soral for “repeatedly posting things that don’t comply with the Facebook terms,” according to the company. Soral’s page had drawn many complaints in previous years but was only taken down this year.

“Big companies don’t want to be sued,” said Konstantinos Komaitis, a former academic and current policy adviser at the Internet Society, an international organization that encourages governments to ensure access and sustainable use of the Internet. “So after the ruling in France, we are seeing an inclination by Internet service providers like Google, YouTube, Facebook to try and adjust their terms of service — their own internal jurisprudence — to make sure they comply with national laws.”

The change comes amid a string of heavy sentences handed down by European courts against individuals who used online platforms to incite to racism or violence.

On Monday, a British court sentenced one such offender to four weeks in jail for tweeting “Hitler was right” to a Jewish lawmaker. Last week, a court in Geneva sentenced a man to five months in jail for posting texts that deny the Holocaust. And in April, a French court sentenced two men to five months in jail for posting an anti-Semitic video.

“The stiffer sentences owe partly to a realization by judges of the dangers posed by online hatred, also in light of cyber-jihadism and how it affected people like Mohammed Merah,” said Christophe Goossens, the legal adviser of the Belgian League against Anti-Semitism, referring to the killer of four Jews at a Jewish school in Toulouse in 2012.

In the Twitter case, the company argued that as an American firm it was protected by the First Amendment. But the court rejected the argument and forced Twitter to remove some of the comments and identify some of the authors. It also required the company to set up a system for flagging and ultimately removing comments that violate hate speech laws. [...]

Ultimately, the organized international Jewish community and their puppets controlling the political, financial, and media establishment of the Western world want to outlaw any criticism or exposure of their agenda, activities, and criminality under the auspices of "hate speech." The greatest tool for mass communication and free, independent thought - the Internet - is under a well-organized and financed attack led primarily by international Jewry.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 10:15 AM 6 comments: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/10/french-hate-speech-lawsuit-leading-to.html#comment-form)

Labels: News from the Jews (http://www.therealistreport.com/search/label/News%20from%20the%20Jews)

Friday, October 24, 2014
European rabbis demand laws banning "anti-Semitic hate speech" (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/10/european-rabbis-demand-laws-banning.html)

A group of rabbis is demanding that national governments across the European continent enact laws outlawing "anti-Semitic hate speech," which essentially amounts to any criticism, however mild, of Jews, the acknowledgement of Jewish power and influence in Western society, and/or challenging the officially sanctioned narrative of some of the most monumental events in history, including WWII and the events of 9/11. "Holocaust denial" is already illegal in numerous European countries, and a young man in the United Kingdom was recently sentenced to one month (http://www.dailystormer.com/the-martyrdom-of-garron-helm/) in prison for openly identifying a Jewish politician as a Jew and a Communist on Twitter.

The Jewish Telegraph Agency (http://www.jta.org/2014/10/24/news-opinion/world/european-rabbis-seek-laws-against-anti-semitic-hate-speech) reports:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_zzSUK7EYRc/VEp9xfSA7SI/AAAAAAAAEAo/SeX9JsVsWgo/s1600/Picture%2B1.png (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_zzSUK7EYRc/VEp9xfSA7SI/AAAAAAAAEAo/SeX9JsVsWgo/s1600/Picture%2B1.png)

European rabbis called on governments throughout the continent to pass laws targeting hate speech against Jews.

The call was made in a resolution passed Thursday by the standing committee of the Conference of European Rabbis, or CER, which convened this week in Tbilisi, Georgia.

“We call on additional countries to follow the example set by France and Germany, and devise legislation that targets hate speech against Jews specifically,” CER President Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt told JTA Friday.

“It is something that few countries have but is necessary in light of the rise in anti-Semitic violence and hate speech, as we have witnessed this summer,” Goldschmidt said in reference to a surge in anti-Semitic expressions throughout Western Europe that coincided with Israel’s war in Gaza. [...]

Readers of The Realist Report understand that the organized Jewish community is the leading force advocating for tyrannical "hate speech" laws around the world, and for promoting and enforcing political correctness generally. The Jewish community is openly waging a war on all individuals' God-given right to freedom of expression and thought. The question is, will governments continue to give in to the tyrannical demands of the Jewish community, and adopt even more Orwellian "hate speech" and thought crimes laws?

According to the Anti-Defamation League (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/05/adl-truth-is-anti-semitic.html), one of the most powerful Jewish organizations in the world, telling the truth about the nature of the Jewish people and the role they play in our world is fundamentally "anti-Semitic." The Jews are basically trying to criminalize telling the truth, particularly about them, their international agenda for world domination, and their fraudulent narrative of history and more current events.

There is nothing "hateful" with being honest about the nature of Jewish power and criminality. We have been so thoroughly conditioned to believe that any criticism or frank discussion of any issue relating to the organized international Jewish community or the state of Israel is somehow "hateful" or "bigoted" or "anti-Semitic." It's time we call a spade a spade, and recognize the true nature of Jewish power and the destructive and subversive role the organized international Jewish community plays in our world today.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 9:41 AM 15 comments: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/10/european-rabbis-demand-laws-banning.html#comment-form)

Labels: News from the Jews (http://www.therealistreport.com/search/label/News%20from%20the%20Jews)

15th November 2014, 09:18 AM
What is an Anti-Semite? (Video, 18 mins) (http://www.darkmoon.me/2014/anti-semite-video-18-mins/)

Admin (http://www.darkmoon.me/author/admin/) October 30, 2014 (http://www.darkmoon.me/2014/anti-semite-video-18-mins/) 165 Comments (http://www.darkmoon.me/2014/anti-semite-video-18-mins/#comments)

This powerful dissertation is read by the incomparable “Snordster”.

“The ‘final solution’ to the Jewish problem, is simple and has been sitting there as an open secret for thousands of years — destroy the source of their criminal behavior, which is their Judaism. Every aberrant behavior they have exhibited throughout history has been codified in the Old Testament, a book written in every language for the entirety of the Gentile world to read for themselves and understand and yet rather than apply this very simple solution to the problem instead they have included Judaism within the ranks of other religions that are of benefit to the individual and to society when in fact it should be declared as a form of mental illness that destroys everything it touches.”



Text of above:

Anti-Semite? Moi?

What was that thing you said, Abe Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League? You know, that really dramatic thing you said in the speech you recently made in Palm Beach, where you blamed the internet for the recent rise in ‘anti-Semitism’ around the world, and how you couldn’t remember ever being so ‘seriously concerned about the safety and security’ of your grandson because of it?

Well, what do you know, Abe…miracles do exist. There is actually something upon which you and I can agree. You see, I too have never been so afraid for the future of my progeny, and the source of my worry also stems from the recent rise in anti-Semitism.

No, Abe, I am not Jewish, thank God, for if I were then chances are better than not that I would find myself in the clutches of evil, conspiring men (such as you) who are always drumming up new ways of enriching and empowering themselves by getting their own people into trouble.

You see, the reason that I am alarmed at the recent rise in ‘anti-Semitism’ is because I am a real, living, flesh-and-blood-Semite Abe, unlike you and those for whom you presume to speak. As such, my children are also Semitic and–if I am so blessed–my grandchildren will be as well.

Do not let my non-Semitic-sounding name fool you. There is more ‘Semitism’ in one of my eyelashes than what you and your people could possibly dream of possessing in your wildest, most uninhibited fantasies. My relatives came from the Middle East, unlike yours which came from the ghettos of either Europe or Russia. My relatives are the ancient Filasteens and Phoenicians whereas yours (and those of 95% of the world’s Jewish people) came from the ancient kingdom of Khazaria in southern Russia. My skin is dark and my eyes are dark and almond-shaped, unlike your features which are fair and white in appearance. I grew up hearing dialects of the Aramaic language that was spoken by Jesus and his apostles and I ate the food that has been part of that region for thousands of years.

Your people on the other hand grew up with absolutely nothing that can connect you with the language, food or–more importantly–the customs of the region, which traditionally have been those of accommodation, hospitality, cooperation and concern for fellow man.

So you see, Abe, you and your fellow travelers are not Semites in even the most remote sense, which is just one of the many reasons your presence has been rejected in the same Middle East that you invaded a century ago. You are foreigners–and even more important–collectively you are like a hostile virus that the real Semitic body–in order to protect itself–is trying to vomit out. You ‘fit in’ with the Semitic environment as well as a fish does in a bird’s nest. This business of your people being ‘Semites’ is a lie that you have foisted upon the world in order to buy (steal) political advantages that you cannot get through normal channels that are legal, fair or righteous, and you know this all too well. Attributing the hostility of the real Semitic peoples in the Middle East to the presence of haughty, obnoxious, violent, rapacious, thieving people such as you in their land is like the Europeans accusing the indigenous peoples of America who warred against them of being ‘Anti-American’.

The ugly truth is that ‘Anti-Semitism’ is a term that you have absconded for yourselves, but in reality–when applied to you–it is a fraud, and on several levels. The proper term that should be used in describing what seems to be the never-ceasing state of ‘woes me’ for the Jewish people–whether those woes are to be found in the Middle East or wherever,–is ‘anti-Jewish’ or ‘anti-Judaistic’.

But you can’t allow that to be said, now can you Abe? No, you can’t. It’s like calling the hellish process of chopping up an unborn baby ‘murder’ or ‘infanticide’–it’s too precise, too honest, and it conjures up too many mental images that cause the human soul to revolt against it, and so it has to be renamed something sterile and misleading such as ‘termination of pregnancy’.

Likewise, you cannot say ‘anti-Jewish’ when describing the organic hostility that exists on the part of a growing number of people around the world against you and your agenda because it is too precise and not confusing enough. Deception is the main weapon in your arsenal, something which you and your people proudly state in the motto of your intelligence agency Mossad and its various counterparts, including your own ADL. You may have fooled a good number of people around the world with this shell game you are operating that uses confusing, technical language, but I–as well as a growing number of others around the world–have your number.

No, the real reason that you have to blame all of this ‘poisecution’ on anti-Semitism is because you need to distract people from what the real causes of the troubles are. You see, you can’t say ‘anti-Jewish’ because then people might begin to realize that ‘being Jewish’ is not a racial thing any more than is being Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever. Being ‘Jewish’ is a mindset and the behavior that accompanies it, and what this means is that it is fair game for scrutiny and criticism, just as it should be. Obviously you and your ‘peeps’ feel this way, given your demonstrated willingness to do it on about a hundred million billion occasions in viciously attacking the religious precepts of Christians and Muslims. By comparison, consider this–What Christian is permitted to claim some kind of racial qualification for himself in order to justify his behavior? Likewise with any Muslim, any Hindu, Buddhist or whoever.

No, only you Jews are allowed to do this, which is just another characteristic of what ‘being Jewish’ is all about, which can be summed up simply with the following statement–

‘Screw you, we can do whatever we want, and don’t you inferior Gentiles utter a word of complaint about it, or else.’

More than that though, what you and your cohorts seem to fear by using the more-appropriate term of ‘anti-Jewish’ in describing the fever that is being raised in the body of mankind is that the amnesia that has gripped a good portion of the people of the Western world will wear off when they hear ‘anti-Jewish’ and then they will begin doing that thing that you and your agenda cannot afford to have take place, which is this–they will begin to remember.

Yes, when they begin the business of tracing their steps backwards, they will see that in instance after instance throughout the history of ‘poisecution’ for the Jewish people that there were perfectly explainable reasons and that they were and are inextricably tied to aberrant Jewish behavior.

More importantly though, they will remember what took place over 2,000 years ago in a tiny town known as Jerusalem, where your forefathers plotted and schemed and used all the magic they had in their black bag of dirty tricks to have an innocent man put to death who dared to speak out against the same kind of obnoxious, callous, haughty Jewish behavior that you yourselves exhibit today.

But as I said before, you can’t allow that, now can you Abe? No, the Jewish people and their historically-documented ugly behavior must remain blameless. The reason for the friction between them and non-Jewish people has to be blamed on ‘something else’, just another ‘false-flag’ operation for which the Jewish mindset is famous for creating.

And this is the reason why the spike in ‘anti-Semitism’ has to be blamed on the internet, doesn’t it Abe? No, the fact that the Jewish people of Israel and their agents spread throughout the Western world have murdered 250,000 innocent Palestinians, 2,000,000 Iraqis, tens of thousands of Lebanese, 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and that these ‘nice Jewish folks’ are now maneuvering the next phase of this Judaic war to take place against Iran has NOTHING to do with the ‘unfriendly’ feelings that are growing on the part of non-Jews towards Jews. The fact that the vitality of the Western world has been sapped dry through the vampiric Jewish stranglehold over its economic, political, cultural, religious, and academic sectors and the fact that you and your people BRAZENLY LIE about it has ABSOLTELY NO BEARING on this rise in anti-Jewish feelings.

I guess that innocent man your forefathers put to death was right after all…you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, or, as He put it, a leopard does not change its spots…You really don’t learn from history, do you? Even after 2,000 years of trying to implement that which is impossible and then dealing with the disaster that inevitably follows in its wake, you will still try…Using leaches to cure sickness and having a pile of dead bodies as proof that it is quackery is not enough to convince you that it is not a viable system…‘One more, time, just one more time, we KNOW it will work…it HAS to…’

No Abe, the internet is not to blame, and you know this. The reason why the Jewish people are (and have been) despised is because they have acted despicably. The reason non-Jews have possessed (and are now more and more possessing) an organic mistrust or dislike of Jews is similar to the reason sheep have an organic mistrust of wolves. You and the various other tentacles of this Zionist octopus have plunged the world into chaos and the rest of the world knows it all too well, even if certain sectors of the world–namely the Christian West–are slow to catch on. The fingerprints of you an the rest of the ‘boyz in da hood’ can be found all over the scene of the crime, and rather than admit your guilt, you have to make the ridiculous claim that someone else with identical fingerprints came and did this thing and did it all to frame you and the reason for doing it was this thing known as ‘anti-Semitism’ and that the internet is being used to facilitate it.

So I guess what you are really saying between the lines is that the internet has to be shut down, is that right? In the same way as free speech is illegal in certain parts of the world whenever Jews and their agenda are discussed in an intelligent, honest way, the internet also has to be regulated, and this is the reason why you and your vile, traitorous organization–ADL–is working feverishly with spineless lawmakers in the US to deny the American people their rights under the 1st Amendment?

But that has always been your way, hasn’t it Abe? Your forefathers tried to shut up John the Baptist when he warned the people about you, and when he refused to cooperate, you had him arrested and beheaded. Then it was Jesus, and we all know what happened to him, followed by Stephen, Paul, Peter and the others. And then of course, we cannot forget about what happened in those countries that fell victim to your Jewish cousins in Communist Russia and Eastern Europe, where the first law enacted was the one forbidding ‘anti-Semitic’ activity. In the meantime, thousands of priests were arrested and murdered, Christian churches were burned down or used for livestock stables and when it was all finished, the lives of 66 million people were erased. You just have to make felons out of all your enemies, and particularly those who tell the truth about you, as it is the only way you can win. Rather than change your behavior and learn to get along with others instead you have to nurse that criminal mindset and the accompanying criminal behavior that comes as a package deal with ‘being Jewish’.

You fear for the ‘safety and security’ of your grandson…what a sick joke Abe. Your grandson is already ‘protected’. When he comes of age, he will walk into a world of privilege and power, and if he gets himself into trouble and the other kids on the playground come after him because he cheated them out of something, he can flee to that nuclear-armed hideout custom-made for all the other Jewish crime lords, Israel.

In the meantime, I and my children live in a country where the daily debate is how imperative it is that the sand niggers and hajjis be wiped-out. The ‘chosen people’ of Israel have developed a form of biological warfare that is racially-discriminating against people of Arabic (Semitic) ethnicity, just more proof that the Jews are not Semitic. Everyday in America a real flesh-and-blood Semite is beat up or harassed and no one knows or does anything about it. On the contrary, those who are the principle cause of all this genuine anti-Semitism–meaning the non-semitic/anti-Semitic Jews who are blowing things up and blaming it on the real Semites–do so with impunity.

People are wrong about you, Abe, you and your cohorts. You are not a dual-loyalists. Your loyalty lies with your Jewish gang and with your Jewish ghetto, meaning Israel. As such, you have no loyalty to the people of America (or anywhere else for that matter) and therefore cannot be considered a traitor.

You are worse though, Abe, you and all the others with whom you work in tandem. You are a spy, working in the service of a hostile, foreign government responsible for perpetrating acts of war against the people of the United States and elsewhere, and as such you and all the others in your gang–AIPAC, JDL, WJC, JINSA et al–deserve to be treated as spies, which is to be executed–Publicly. And with as much pain as possible.

In the meantime, until that wonderful day arrives, you might as well get used to the rise in ‘Anti-Semitism’ as you disingenuously put it. As long as you and your people insist upon living in a state of war with everyone around you, you will be disliked, shunned, exiled, mistrusted, and despised, just as your forefathers have been in every locale they have gone.

15th November 2014, 11:01 AM
Here's another video with more for Abe to worry about. David Duke talks about the Jewish mass murderers and the Holomodor.


18th November 2014, 08:58 PM
France (and most of the western world) are "more advanced" than USA in the matter of this thread. If we imagined for a moment that ADL's made-up "35 Million Americans..." number is correct, that would mean a little under 10% of 'murkans are anti-Shlomoic. I'd heard that France has the highest... either % or raw number of jooz, of Western Europe. Joopedia says FR's population is 66.6http://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018 MM peeps (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_France). Joopedia cites CIAhttp://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018 World Fact Book in asserting that jooz are 1% of FR's population (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_France#Religion) (vs ~2% of USA). So we can't attribute their greater joo-wisdom to greater per-capita exposure.

1990-ish IIRC, I heard a story that FR was "jealous" of "Americanhttp://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018 movies" (the rendition I heard omitted djoo-factor), and they'd enacted law limiting the % of movie screens which could show "Americanhttp://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018" vs FR (or presumably elsewhere?) movies. US joozmedia spun this as paranoid, protectionism, poked fun at the frogs, yada yada. Now I see the wisdom behind what FR was trying to do... or, avoid/protect! :(

@ JFriend's:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

16% of French believe in global Zionist conspiracy (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/11/16-of-french-believe-in-global-zionist.html)

An article appearing in The Algemeiner (http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/11/16/16-of-french-believe-in-zionist-conspiracy-on-global-scale-poll/), an online Jewish daily newspaper, highlighted and summarized two public opinion polls recently conducted in France. Apparently, 16% of those polled believed in a global Zionist conspiracy, and 25% believed that international Zionism is a major force operating in the Western world.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2CoiMejoTYs/VGtfMpDoqHI/AAAAAAAAEEk/2bcXKgCAV2s/s1600/Picture%2B1.png (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2CoiMejoTYs/VGtfMpDoqHI/AAAAAAAAEEk/2bcXKgCAV2s/s1600/Picture%2B1.png)

No less than 16 percent of France’s residents think that there is a “Zionist conspiracy on a global scale,” according to results of a survey released Sunday.

Additionally, one in four – 25 percent – also believe that “Zionism is an international organization that seeks to influence the world and society in favor of the Jews,” according to the study conducted on behalf of the Foundation for Political Innovation (Fondapol) (http://www.fondapol.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/CONF2press-Antisemitisme-DOC-6-web11h51.pdf) on the persistence of anti-Semitic prejudice in French public opinion. [...]

Thirty-five percent of those surveyed believe ”Jews today, in their own interest, exploit their status as victims of Nazi genocide during World War II,” and 25 percent claim that “Jews have too much power in the field of economy and finance.”

Twenty-two percent said “Jews have too much power in the media,” and 19 percent believe “Jews have too much power in the field of politics.”

Of course, all of these positions are demonstrably accurate and easily verifiable. Zionism is absolutely a "conspiracy on a global scale" which "seeks to influence the world and society in favor of the Jews." Jews are constantly exploiting their status as alleged victims of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII, primarily by promoting and perpetuating their fake "Holocaust" story (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/03/how-holocaust-was-faked.html), which has served as a financial and sympathy racket for the organized Jewish community. Jews essentially own and control the mass media, a fact they themselves often admit (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article31835.htm) and boast about (http://articles.latimes.com/2008/dec/19/opinion/oe-stein19), and they do indeed have tremendous power and influence in politics, both in France and the wider Western world. What the organized Jewish community wants, it gets, even (or perhaps especially) if it is against the national interests of the nation submitting to the will of the Jews.

While the results of these polls were quite interesting and encouraging, the reaction from the organized Jewish community was typical. The article reports:

In light of such results, the European Commission has decided, as of the beginning of 2015, to take legal steps against countries that do not enforce statutes against anti-Semitism, racism and Holocaust denial, Israel’s NRG News reported.

Frans Timmermans, the first Vice-President of the European Commission, told the Conference of European Rabbis, at a meeting between the two in Brussels last weekend, that the Commission “will initiate legal proceedings against EU member states that do not meet the resolution against anti-Semitism and racism,” according to the report.

“I ask you to provide us with all the information in your communities about systematic verbal incitement by EU member states,” Timmermans requested of the group. President of the Conference of European Rabbis, Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, and Chief Rabbi of Belgium, Rabbi Abraham Gigi attended the session, among other Jewish community and legislative officials.

Timmermans added that he was unaware of any legislative initiatives against religious laws, including ritual slaughter and circumcision. “We will not tolerate such legislation that will limit the religious rights of citizens of Europe,” he clarified.

Public incitement to violence and hatred based on race, color, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin is prohibited, as well as crimes motivated by racial or anti-Semitic basis – including Holocaust denial. [...]

Legally speaking, Jews are a protected people in Europe. One cannot criticize the organized Jewish community or the policies it champions without fear of imprisonment. Questioning the official Jewish-promoted narrative of WWII and other aspects of both ancient and modern history also results in state repression and arrest. Jews have the right to engage in barbaric, backwards "religious practices," but no one can dare criticize them, however mildly, point out their crimes, or expose their agenda.

In America, legislation is not even required to maintain the protected status of the Jewish people. Political correctness, cultural Marxism, and a weaponized historical narrative are all that is needed to maintain and perpetuate the protected status enjoyed by Jews in the United States.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 7:24 AM 4 comments: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/11/16-of-french-believe-in-global-zionist.html#comment-form)


Nick Dean nails it with this comment @ JFriends,

Nick Dean (http://www.blogger.com/profile/03462880055597587042)November 18, 2014 at 2:02 PM (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/11/16-of-french-believe-in-global-zionist.html?showComment=1416348165510#c4023952458 455207259)

Love it ... Jews organize internationally to bully other nations into serving their interests in response to the idea they say is false that Jews organize internationally to bully other nations into serving their interests.

Just like they demonstrated the falsehood of Rick Sanchez's claim about their power in the media by forcing CNN to fire him. [...]

5th December 2014, 02:17 AM
Being Critical of Jews Is the Ultimate Taboo (http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2014/12/being-critical-of-jews-is-the-ultimate-taboo/)

Enza Ferreri (http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/author/enza-ferreri/) on December 3, 2014 — 15 Comments



Nobody — or hardly anybody — ever talks about how Palestinian Christians are treated in Israel (http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2009/12/she-died-for-palestine/). The reason is very probably what I found out for myself when I published an article on my blog about how Israel is not such a haven for Christians (http://www.enzaferreri.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/israel-not-such-haven-for-christians.html) and received abusive comments from a couple of (anonymous) usual suspects.

As these positions deserve to be exposed, I decided to reply to them here.

The first comment is in answer to the point I made that what happens to Christians in Israel is usually favourably compared with what happens to them in Islamic countries. But is that the right comparison? Isn’t Israel supposed to be democratic and Western?

Therefore, Israel should be judged by that standard and the way Christians and Christianity are treated in Israel compared with the way minorities and their religions (including Jews and Judaism) are treated in Western countries.

The first anonymous commenter says:

It’s the opposite the aggression in Israel is done by arrogant antisemites, the cameras only roll when a Jew gets angry enough to respond, Christians set Jews up in Israel just like they do everywhere else. Where do you think Muslims learned these tricks?

The second anonymous (and even more illiterate) commenter maintains:

No western standards , you are soi wrong about this it’s scary. 300,000 antisemites marched through France last year, what about the treatment of Jews in your beloved Italy, proof Jews have been there for 2300 years such as caves, where are the Jews of Italy, how many vilent antisemitic incidents in Italy/ I think it is nearly 2 billion at this point in histopry. They have accused orthodox Jews of spitting everyone and they never actually do it. If you are so evil and blind that you can’t see the media and many individuals lie about Israel, you shouldn’t be alive. Then you falsely claim that Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post are standard papers, something you would not do for any other subject except to selectively prove your antisemitic thievery and lying point. haaratz has a daily article about how evil any religious Jews are and the the Jerusalem Post does too. You are wrong on this, the Western countries has and does treat Jews especially in Europe, worse than all other peoples combined. You are just bullying thye Jews with oibvious antisemitic bias and the same types of tricks Muslims use, in the media. Christians are treated better in Israel by infinity than Jews were in any Western country. Definitely Italy.

My dear anonymous friends (both of you), I wanted to answer you but I realise that you’ve done it very well by yourself.

By skipping arguments and launching into vituperative attacks without substantiating the wildest claims (“almost 2 billion anti-Semitic incidents” in Italy alone!) I suppose it could be right if you consider anti-Semitic anyone who disagrees with you), you have demonstrated that my point was correct.

There is indeed a real question that dares not speak its name.

And it doesn’t dare because you try to silence all criticisms of Israel or Jewish culture or behaviour with tired, old accusations of anti-Semitism (when not out-and-out neo-Nazism).

This reminds me of something. Oh, yes, your favourite people. Muslims try to silence all criticisms of Islam in the same way. Just replace “anti-Semitic” with “Islamophobic” and “neo-Nazi” with “racist”.

I’ve read a very apt epigrammatic definition of anti-Semitism: “Once anti-Semitism was hate of the Jews; now it has become saying anything that Jews hate.”

This is the ultimate taboo, an extremely fierce one. Anyone can be criticised except Jews. I know that I can write unfavourably about Muslims (that is actually easy these days), Black people, homosexuals, Third World immigrants, non-Whites in general. But on the rare – albeit very recently increasing – occasions I have criticised anything to do with Jewry, I have been insulted (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/3216937/posts).

It’s highly disingenuous of you to talk about anti-Semitism on the rise in Europe when you know very well that this is not due to the native Western people but to the immigrant Muslims. And immigrant Jews in the West have always been at the forefront (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pvd0aMEHsac&feature=youtube_gdata_player) of support for unlimited immigration and multiculturalism (http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/09/kevin-macdonald-jews-play-a-leading-role-in-promoting-multiculturalism-in-europe/). Now they don’t want to lie in the bed they’ve made for themselves. They move to Israel. Too bad indigenous Europeans haven’t stolen Arab lands to go to and establish an ultra-nationalist state where the “other” is treated as a second-class citizen.

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve lived in a country (even 2,300 years as you say), if all this time you’ve cultivated your separateness and considered yourself part of a group of superior humanity, the chosen people.

I’ve heard before all these stories of all sorts of people who set up the Jews, and I must say that sometimes I’ve fallen for them. But you can’t fool all people all the time.

Interesting how neither of you could answer the documented fact that Israeli legislators have ripped up the New Testament and called for its burning, or the attacks on churches and writings of “Death to Christians”. Are they all set-ups?

For letting people know about these truths you think I deserve to die: “You shouldn’t be alive”, as you nicely put it. So much for considering yourself victims. Now I know even better what must be like to be a Christian in Israel.

Enza Ferreri (http://www.enzaferreri.blogspot.co.uk/) is an Italian-born, London-based Philosophy graduate, writer and journalist. She has been a London correspondent for several Italian magazines and newspapers, including Panorama, L’Espresso, La Repubblica.
She blogs at www.enzaferreri.blogspot.co.uk (http://www.enzaferreri.blogspot.co.uk).


27th December 2014, 08:41 PM
I was just reminded of ole Rev. Ted Pike, and thought to visit http://www.truthtellers.org (http://www.truthtellers.org/index.html) where I haven't been in ages (all year?). And it appears he hasn't updated the page in ages... like 7/29/14.

Message from Rev. Ted Pike:
You may have noticed a decline in my usual number of writings. The Lord is leading me to take a break and devote my full time to development of a very creative book and video project I have anticipated ever since my early 20s.
This does not mean, of course, that I am not still on alert in defense of freedom. I will sound whatever alarms are necessary as God and circumstances require.

So here's some of his last stuff; podcast interviews,

Hear Rev. Ted Pike!

Talk-Show Host:


Streaming (.ram)*

Download (.mp3)**

James Edwards
18 May 14

Breaking Down “Hate Crime” Double Standards

Listen (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/14_May18_Edwards_Pike_HateCrime.ram)

Download (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/14_May18_Edwards_Pike_HateCrime.mp3)

Rick Adams
14 Feb 14

"Illegal to Boycott Israel" Bill Enters Congress

Listen (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/Adams_Pike_NoBoycottIsraelBill_15Feb14.ram)

Download (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/Adams_Pike_NoBoycottIsraelBill_15Feb14.mp3)

Jeff Rense
28 Jan 14

Crime, Fraud Soar among Hasidic Jews

Listen (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/14_Jan27_Rense_Pike_HasidicJewishHateOfGentiles.ra m)

Download (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/14_Jan27_Rense_Pike_HasidicJewishHateOfGentiles.mp 3)

James Edwards
11 Jan 14

A&E's "Bias Crime" Against Duck Dynasty Clan

Listen (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/Edwards_Pike_AEDuckDynasty_11Jan14.ram)

Download (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/Edwards_Pike_AEDuckDynasty_11Jan14.mp3)

Jeff Rense
7 Nov 13

Listen to Pike/Rense Skewer ENDA

Listen (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/13_Nov5_ENDA_Pike_Rense.ram)

Download (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/13_Nov5_ENDA_Pike_Rense.mp3)

Jeff Rense
6 May 13

Possible Slowdown of CISPA, Imprisonment of 16 Amish "Hate Criminals," & SPLC's Hate Crime Behind FRC Shooting

Listen (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/Rense_Pike_SPLCHateCrimeAgainstFRC_13May30.ram)

Download (http://www.truthtellers.org/radiobroadcasts/Rense_Pike_SPLCHateCrimeAgainstFRC_13May30.mp3)

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Protest "Illegal to Boycott Israel" Bill (http://www.truthtellers.org/actionplan.html)

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I recall his wife died tragically; open brain surgery a few years prior; erratic & "possessed" behavior afterwards, ending with her suicide in 2011. Sounded to me like the surgeons slipped her a chip during that brain surgery! I imagine Ted's endured his ups & downs since... hope he's okay!

Alynn Pike's Legacy of Truth and Beauty

[22 min]

Watch the Video celebrating Alynn Pike's life (1955-2011) and role alongside Rev. Ted Pike in fighting Hate Laws and Zionist injustices.

Read the article: Ted Pike: My Wife Died a Martyr for God and Freedom (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/tedpikewifediedmartyr.html)

mick silver
28th December 2014, 10:21 AM
http://blog.adl.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Alison-Weir-book-blog-219x350.jpg (http://blog.adl.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Alison-Weir-book-blog.jpg)

mick silver
28th December 2014, 10:22 AM
the direc­tor of If Amer­i­cans Knew (http://blog.adl.org/tags/if-americans-knew) and the Coun­cil for the National Inter­est, two grass­roots anti-Israel orga­ni­za­tions, recently authored a book titled Against our Bet­ter Judg­ment: The hid­den his­tory of how the U.S. was used to cre­ate Israel. The bookcon­spir­a­to­ri­ally argues that sup­port­ers of Israel have exer­cised undue con­trol over Amer­i­can soci­ety “for over a hun­dred years” and have dom­i­nated the Amer­i­can media and polit­i­cal sys­tem in order to advance the goal of cre­at­ing a Jew­ish state in Pales­tine and caus­ing the “com­plete dis­pos­ses­sion of the present non-Jewish inhab­i­tants of Palestine.”
Weir argues that the goals and objec­tives of Amer­i­can sup­port­ers of Israel are “pro­foundly dam­ag­ing to the United States itself” and claims that: “It [Zion­ism] has tar­geted vir­tu­ally every sig­nif­i­cant sec­tor of Amer­i­can soci­ety; worked to involve Amer­i­cans in tragic, unnec­es­sary, and pro­foundly costly wars; dom­i­nated Con­gress for decades; increas­ingly deter­mined which can­di­dates could become seri­ous con­tenders for the U.S. pres­i­dency; and pro­moted big­otry toward an entire pop­u­la­tion, reli­gion, and culture.”
In addi­tion to her anti-Semitic accu­sa­tions that sup­port­ers of Israel wield undue influ­ence (http://blog.adl.org/tags/israel-lobby)– which they achieved, accord­ing to Weir, through both “paid and unpaid” means” – Weir fur­ther por­trays Zion­ists as will­ing to do almost any­thing through­out his­tory to achieve their goals. She even makes the claim that there was col­lu­sion between Nazi and Zion­ist lead­ers and that “Zion­ists pushed for the U.S. to enter the war [World War I] on Britain’s side as part of a deal to gain British sup­port for their col­o­niza­tion of Pales­tine.” Weir also claims that after the Holo­caust, Zion­ist groups gained access to dis­placed per­sons camps in order to “tar­get the weak­est pop­u­la­tion” for emi­gra­tion to Palestine.
Weir, a for­mer jour­nal­ist, has made it her life’s mis­sion to demo­nize Israel and its sup­port­ers in the U.S. She has shown no bounds when it comes to rail­ing against Israel, even appear­ing on Press TV (http://blog.adl.org/tags/press-tv), the English-language satel­lite news net­work con­trolled by Iran, and the radio broad­cast of Amer­i­can Free Press (AFP), a vir­u­lently anti-Semitic news­pa­per. She reg­u­larly speaks on col­lege cam­puses across the United States and the mis­lead­ing and hate­ful fly­ers pro­duced by IAK are almost ubiq­ui­tous at anti-Israel con­fer­ences and other events.http://blog.adl.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/uscampaigndemandarefund-350x162.png (http://blog.adl.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/uscampaigndemandarefund.png)

mick silver
28th December 2014, 10:31 AM
If Amer­i­cans Know....

6th January 2015, 05:55 AM
March 17, 2014, 4:35pm
Is 'Family Guy' Anti-Semitic? (http://blogs.forward.com/the-arty-semite/194719/is-family-guy-anti-semitic) By Mark I. Pinsky (http://blogs.forward.com/authors/mark-i-pinsky/)


Sunday night’s episode of “Family Guy,” the long-running animated comedy, included a 25-second segment that illustrated once again creator Seth MacFarlane’s unapologetic anti-Semitism.

In the episode, main character Peter Griffin and his friends are off on a typically absurdist search to find God and to get Him to stop thwarting their favorite football team, the New England Patriots. In a Jerusalem square they spot Mort Goldman, the obviously Jewish pharmacist from their hometown of Quahog, Rhode Island.
Actually, they spot a “flock” of bobbing Morts, whom they attract by tossing pennies, as you might use popcorn to draw pigeons. The message being, Jews love money. MacFarlane used similar imagery in a much earlier episode, in which Peter’s anti-Semitic father-in-law tries to use a dollar bill tied to a string to distract his wife, who has just told Peter’s wife Lois that she was raised Jewish.

Anti-Semitism is a serious charge, made too quickly and too often. But as someone who has followed MacFarlane’s career, I think it is well past time to call him out. His star is clearly on the rise in Hollywood — he has hosted a major awards show, been writing and directing movies and, most recently, produced the Fox series “Cosmos.” And thus far he has been unimpeded by his consistent record of anti-Semitism.

At the 2013 Oscars, MacFarlane drew criticism for a bit in which Ted, the stuffed bear namesake of his hit movie, tells the movie’s co-star Mark Wahlberg that if he “wants to work in Hollywood” he has to be Jewish. In an infamous 2012 tweet to Emmy voters, MacFarlane posted a copy of a “For Your Consideration” he claimed the Hollywood trade press had rejected. It pictured Peter Griffin, whose “Family Guy” was in danger of being shut out of awards nomination, with the caption: “Come on you bloated, over privileged Brentwood Jews. Let us into your little club.” Typically, the words and the voice are MacFarlane’s, but they are spoken by his creations, which enables him to escape responsibility.

It is in MacFarlane’s cartoon series that anti-Semitism is most consistent and pronounced.

Although Mort and his family are regular characters, Peter claims never to have met a Jew, much less found one to be his accountant, in the 2002 episode “When You Wish Upon a Weinstein.” In the episode, Peter sings “When You Wish Upon a Jew,” crooning that he needs a Jew “to teach me how to whine and do my taxes.” His prayer is answered when chance brings him together with the amiable Max Weinstein, who helps Peter with his finances and even helps his equally doltish son Chris with his homework. This good deed prompts Peter to exclaim: “My God! Is there anything you people can’t do? I mean, other than manual labor?”

Fox executives blocked the episode from first-run broadcast, although it later appeared in syndication and on a DVD compilation. In the DVD commentary, Fox’s decision still rankled MacFarlane, who said the episode was based on his personal experience as a gentile in Hollywood. “This thing made me so angry. It was disgusting.”

In a 2009 episode, “Family Goy,” Peter dresses up as a Hasidic Jew and, standing outside of a synagogue, tells worshippers that he “went shopping and they wanted $800 for a TV, but I us’d them down to $500,” prompting a beating.

True, other faiths take their knocks in “Family Guy,” and some of the representations of Jews and Judaism in the series are favorable. Other animated comedies poke fun at Jewish foibles, as well. The Simpsons’ Krusty the Clown is a lapsed Jew and a committed reprobate. South Park’s Kyle Broflovski is a conflicted Jewish kid with a yente mother and a lawyer father who wears a kipa. Another character in “South Park,” whose co-creator Matt Stone is a secular Jew, is a despised anti-Semite and occasional neo-Nazi. But the satire in these shows, often written by Jews, is knowing and good natured.

In “Family Guy,” in contrast, there is consistent meanness that reinforces classic, anti-Semitic stereotypes: greedy, cheap, cowardly, whiny, averse to physical labor, and in control of Hollywood.

Seth MacFarlane, it seems, is simply a wittier version of Mel Gibson.


18th January 2015, 08:29 AM
Are You an “Anti-Semite” if You Repeat What Jewish Elite Say about Jews! (http://davidduke.com/just-might-anti-semite/)

January 16, 2015 at 2:59 am

This commentary sounds almost like it could have been by comedian Jeff Foxworthy – he’s made a career out of answering the question, “You’re a redneck if... Below you will find a Jewish-sponsored Gentile guilt project designed to make you feel guilty and turning you into an “anti-Semite” for having opinions that have strong basis in truth — Dr. David Duke

– French comedian Dieudonné has been convicted in court eight times on antisemitism charges for daring to make fun of Jews. While he makes fun of all peoples, interestingly, he has only faced charges for his jokes regarding Jews. It’s okay to make jokes and ridicule everyone else.

And that’s the catch folks. You can criticize just about anyone for anything. You can put out pornographic drawings of the most revered man in Islam, the Prophet Mohammed, with exaggerated Arabic features, having sex with his genitals hanging out, and that’s no problem.

But don’t make a cartoon of the butcher of Zion, Netanyahu, with the same Jewish symbols they put on their bombs and the physical features of Jews as they do to Arabs, and you might go to jail in Europe.

Lucky for me, my shtick — being a redneck — is still legal in the United States, thanks to those rednecks who wrote the Bill of Rights.

But with headlines in Britain and around the world screaming that 45% of English people hold anti-Semitic views, I called my big stereotypical Jewish broker and got me some shares in British FEMA camp construction companies! (Don’t believe that folks!)

The 45% figure was according to a poll conducted by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism that I read about in The Daily Mail Newspaper (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/article-2909090/Many-hold-anti-Semitic-views.html). For those of you who live on a dirt road off of a dirt road, or your hounds chased away the paper boy, and you weren’t able to get a copy of the Daily Mail, but you are wondering whether you are an anti-Semite, I’ll explain to you what constitutes anti-Semitic views. Ready?

If you think that Jews have too much power in the media, then you are an anti-Semite.

Doesn’t matter that Jews in leading Jewish publications such as the Los Angeles Times and The Jewish Chronicle and many others boast of that their tribe (2 percent of the U.S. population) has overwhelming power in the media. If you believe them you are definitely… an anti-Semite.


If you think that Jews believe they are better than other people, you might be an anti-Semite.

Below is a picture of and quote from one of the most revered religious figures in Israel over the last 4 decades — Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. Not only was he the chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, the Shaas Party he was the spiritual leader of was in coalition with Netanyahu’s ruling Likud party in the government of Israel. He has made repeated statement that not only are Jews better than every one else, that the entirety of the rest of humanity, 99.9 percent of the world’s population, was created to be servants to Jews, that being their sole purpose on earth. He called for “wiping out the seed” of the Palestinians from the world, and he said that Gentiles were made to work, and bind, and sow and reap, and Jews were meant to sit like an effendi, a master, and eat.

Of course anyone who said such hateful words in context towards blacks in America would be universally condemned by both blacks and whites. Was Rabbi Yosef condemned?

Nope. When he died last year he was given the largest funeral in the History of Israel with universal Jewish adulation. But if you know about Yosef, you are definitely an anti-Semite.


If you think that Jews talk about the Holocaust to get sympathy, chances are you are an anti-Semite.

Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli cabinet minister, admits that the Holocaust and the “anti-Semite” accusation are used to manipulate those who criticize Zionists. So this former member of the Israeli government must be an anti-Semite as well. Watch the YouTube video featuring her below and you can see her statements taped from a live news program in the United States. If you believe the former Israeli cabinet minister is telling the truth… you are an anti-Semite.



If you believe that Jewish people chase money more than others, odds are you are an anti-Semite.

Does one have to say anything more than mention the largest predator bank on Earth: Goldman Sachs. Must we show this universal character by pointing out the rise of the almost entirely Jewish Oligarch’s in Russia who stole 45 percent of Russia vast natural wealth in only 3 or 4 years. That doesn’t mean all Jews chase money like this, but com’ on, pound for pound, really who chases money more than Jews?


If you think Jews are not as honest in business as other people, it just may be that you are an anti-Semite.

This one is also self-apparent. The greatest financial thefts in world history have been at the hands of this small enigmatic people. The most powerful banker in world history, Mayer Rothschild, built much of his great fortune in financial frauds that are carefully recorded and cherished in Jewish written biographies of him. Do we have to mention the Jewish Oligarchs of Russia again, or Goldman Sachs, or the biggest single-handed thieves in the history of Wall Street, such as Bernie Madoff, and Jewish Rogue’s gallery before him.

But if you know that Jews have made up a larger share of business crooks on a per capita basis… just knowing that fact…. that makes you an “anti-semite.”


If you think Jews loyalty to Israel makes them less loyal to the country they live in, well, I have news for you, you are an anti-semite.

Steven Steinlight once head of National Affairs for the largest Jewish organization
in America makes clear the loyalty that Jewish communist expects!

Here are the words of Steven Steinlight, a leading Jewish intellectual in America and former head of the largest, most powerful Jewish Organization in America, The American Jewish Committee. Here are his own carefully written words from a magazine article he wrote:

“I’ll confess it, at least: like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigration to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and, like many other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two summers working in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated that possibility. More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught the superiority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders, people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves. We were also taught that the lesson of our dark history is that we could rely on no one.”

So now we know that the former head of National Affairs of one of the largest Jewish organizations believes that “typical Jews” are raised with loyalty to Israel and the Jewish people above the nation in which they live and above all other peoples around them.

He must be a an “anti-Semite” right?

Oh no, Jews can’t be anti-Semites, only Gentiles who believe this leading Jew can be anti-Semites. Boy, those goys are really stupid unmensch…


And now for something completely different. A video by Dr. David Duke:




18th January 2015, 08:49 AM

Saturday, January 17, 2015
A glimpse into a powerful hasbara organization (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/01/a-glimpse-into-powerful-hasbara.html)

The Times of Israel (http://www.timesofisrael.com/dc-based-command-center-fights-israels-war-of-ideas/) recently ran a story offering readers a glimpse into a powerful, and quite effective, hasbara (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_diplomacy_%28Israel%29) organization operating in the heart of Washington, DC. The Israel Project (http://www.theisraelproject.org/), which has a $7.5 million annual budget, "is passionately committed to Israel and the Jewish people," according to associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, who was quoted in the article.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Ww-jYpF2MxI/VLsaYxFtX-I/AAAAAAAAENQ/_hlvm9uQVZQ/s1600/Picture%2B4.png (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Ww-jYpF2MxI/VLsaYxFtX-I/AAAAAAAAENQ/_hlvm9uQVZQ/s1600/Picture%2B4.png)

Josh Block is a frenetic, sharp-tongued, non-stop PR machine with a preternatural ability to spit out facts and figures that bolster the case of the Jewish State. Since 2012 he has been the president and CEO of The Israel Project, a Washington, DC-based pro-Israel organization that has grown to mirror his personality: it is a fast-paced, single-minded war room pumping out pro-Israel memes, fighting Israel’s detractors in cyberspace, conducting polling and research, and helping to arm what Block calls “a pro-Israel social media army."

To equip this virtual militia, The Israel Project has a rapid response team dedicated to producing infographics, videos, and other shareable products that are suited to modern channels of communications. During Israel’s summer 2014 war in Gaza, its infographics, like the Timeline of Hamas Terror, were ubiquitous across social media platforms.

Block says the rise of social media and online journalism in the past decade has transformed the way influence in Washington is wielded and the pro-Israel community has been too slow to respond.

“A decade ago, the megaphone to the people was the press,” he says. “But nowadays, the people are the press. Users of social media are not just consumers of information – they’re producers.”

Block says the anti-Israel community is taking advantage of this “transparency revolution” more quickly, and in a more sophisticated way, than Israel’s defenders.

“Israel’s detractors have built a very sophisticated ecosystem that produces an echo chamber effect,” he says. “They’ve built a system that can build and sustain a meme – a group of ideas that become a cultural fact. For example, how does something so false and ridiculous like the idea that Israel is an apartheid state become something that the US Secretary of State uses as a lazy aphorism?”

The way it works, he says, is that the interconnected “self-referential network” of anti-Israel bloggers introduces a piece of information online, and then moves it across the system closer to the mainstream, where it will get “laundered” by the UN, an NGO, or think tank. Eventually, Block says, even the most vile and absurd accusations against Israel will be considered legitimate discourse.

In Washington parlance, it’s called “framing the narrative.”

Public relations guru Steve Rabinowitz knows how to frame a narrative. A former communications staffer in the Bill Clinton White House, Rabinowitz is a veteran PR consultant with past ties to liberal groups like J-Street and the Reform movement. His current clients include many of America’s leading Jewish organizations.

“The pro-Israel community has been very successful at lobbying and politics,” Rabinowitz says. “We’ve made great investments in think tanks and organizations that promote Jewish identity and continuity, but we’ve dramatically underappreciated and underinvested in the tools and infrastructure necessary to win the war of ideas in the digital age. The ground is shifting under our feet and if we’re too slow adapting to the new ways of fighting the war of ideas, we cannot win.”

This focus on winning the war of ideas in the digital space is why TIME Magazine (http://world.time.com/2013/11/11/israel-remains-suspicious-as-iran-nuclear-talks-stall/) called The Israel Project “Israel’s most effective media advocacy organization.” [...]

Later in the article, Block brags that his organization has "affected over 100 stories in The New York Times this year, 99 in the Washington Post, and 75 in the Associated Press."

I know I'm basically repeating myself at this point, but I'd like to make a couple points about this revealing article.

First off, can anyone deny the immense power and influence the organized Jewish community has in America today? The Jews essentially have a lock on American politics and mass media. Even the mildest criticism of the Jewish state of Israel is hysterically denounced as "anti-Semitism," with armies of hasbara trolls and agents spewing the pro-Israel line. Jewish and other pro-Israel propagandists are regularly featured on television and radio news programs, published in online and print news reports, and dominate the Op-Ed columns appearing in the most influential news outlets in both the traditional print media as well as the more modern, online-based news media. No one dares to even discuss, let alone mention, the power and influence of the organized Jewish community, as opposed to the Jewish state of Israel, in mainstream, polite (i.e., politically correct) society. Criticism of the Jewish state of Israel has appeared, in very limited, watered down manifestations, in the mainstream mass media, simply due to the blatant and egregious war crimes and barbaric military campaigns the Israelis have committed and carried out in recent years.

Secondly, notice that, once again, we have a high profile Jew openly admitting that the "pro-Israel community has been very successful at lobbying and politics," as Steve Rabinowitz states in the article. He goes on to explain that the organized Jewish community has "made great investments in think tanks and organizations that promote Jewish identity and continuity," and emphasizes the need for the Jews to adapt to the digital age to maintain their monopoly on the political and historical discourse in America (and the wider Western world for that matter). If I, or anyone else, were to state the obvious - that Jews have "been very successful at lobbying and politics" in America - we would be denounced as "hateful anti-Semitic bigots."

Finally, the hypocrisy and double standards of the organized Jewish community is simply astounding. They openly organize, quite successfully, to promote their racial interests, which includes the interests of a foreign state. They work with, encourage, and finance other "minorities" - who are fast becoming a majority in America and the Western world - to organize to advance their particular racial interests. However, Whites are not allowed to organize along racial lines, let alone identify with their racial heritage (at least politically), as that would be "racist" and "hateful."

How these basic facts can go unnoticed by the masses still amazes me.

Posted by The Realist Report (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 7:23 PM 2 comments: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/01/a-glimpse-into-powerful-hasbara.html#comment-form)

28th January 2015, 03:04 AM
Rense last night, 45 mins:

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/6yjhx7d7wb/Rense.20150127.2of3.mp3) Download (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/6yjhx7d7wb/Rense.20150127.2of3.mp3) Hour 2 - John Friend (http://www.therealistreport.com/) - Zionism In America (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/01/are-jews-part-of-west.html)

9th February 2015, 05:57 PM

In These Very Moments, The Protocols Are Being Rewritten (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/02/08/in-these-very-moments-the-protocols-are-being-rewritten/)

Posted by Gilad Atzmon (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/atzmon/) on February 8, 2015

Is telling the truth about Jewish power Antisemitism?

Yossi Sarid

By Gilad Atzmon (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/atzmon/)

For many years my detractors have pointed at the following quote as evidence of my anti Jewish sentiments:

“American Jewry makes any debate on whether the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ are an authentic document or a forgery irrelevant. American Jews do control the world.”

Both Zionists (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc371iqJ5Jk) as well as anti Zionist Zionists (http://blog.sjjp.org.uk/index.php/2006-11-24/gilad-atzmon-in-edinburgh/) cling to this quote as evidence that my ideas are ‘anti Semitic’. As if Jewish power and dominance is a product of my sick imagination.

In the article on antisemitism that was published back in December 2003 (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/on-anti-semitism-by-gilad-atzmon.html?rq=On%20anti%20semitism) I presented an extensive list of Zionist Jews in Bush Administration. I also pointed out that “in Clinton’s administration the situation was even worse. Even though the Jews only make up 1.9 per cent of the country’s population, an astounding 56 per cent of Clinton’s appointees were Jews.” I tried to warn Jews that their excessive power is dangerous for our universe as well as Jewry.

I have never retracted or apologised for statements of what I believed and still believe to be the truth. It is not a secret that with time, many scholars have supported my position. In 2006 Mearsheimer and Walt published their book on The Israeli Lobby.

45% of the Brits are regarded by the Jewish leaders as ‘antisemites’ because the Brits acknowledged in response to survey questions that Jews enjoy extensive power in media, politics and finance.

For 12 years I’ve been accused of being an ‘antisemite’ for stating the obvious – the question of whether the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ is an authentic document or a forgery is irrelevant. Jewish power in media, finance and politics is immense and devastatingly dangerous.

Today, Yossi Sarid, the Israeli light Zionist veteran politician agreed with my position. This is what he wrote in Haaretz (http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/.premium-1.641334?utm_source=Facebook&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_medium=Social):

“In these very moments, the protocols are being rewritten. Rich Jews are writing them in their own handwriting. They, in their wealth, are confirming with their own signatures what anti-Semites used to slander them with in days gone by: We, the elders of Zion, pull the strings of Congress, and the congressmen are nothing but marionettes who do our will. If they don’t understand our words, they’ll understand our threats. And if in the past, we ran the show from behind the scenes, now we’re doing it openly, from center stage. And if you forget our donations, the wellspring will run dry.”

One question remains, is telling the truth about Jewish power Antisemitism?

My answer is unequivocal. No it isn’t, truth is liberation.


11th March 2015, 04:19 AM

Sunday, March 8, 2015
Israelis agree: Americans are mindless dupes (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/03/israelis-agree-americans-are-mindless.html)

A recent article appearing in The Jewish Daily Forward (http://forward.com/articles/216074/what-do-israelis-think-about-americans-start-with/?p=all) offered some revealing insights into what "America's greatest ally" in the Middle East, the Jewish state of Israel, and her people think about the nature of America and the American people.

The majority of Israelis, despite being a "famously fractious" people, tend to agree on one thing: Americans are gullible dupes. According to the article, Israelis disdain Americans, view us with contempt, and think we are idiotic, mindless dupes who will blindly accept and believe anything the Jews say (a view that is largely correct, unfortunately). The article begins:

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9Blz0WbAx6Q/VPx_nAYZg8I/AAAAAAAAEW4/eS5ehli7sJs/s1600/Picture%2B1.png (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9Blz0WbAx6Q/VPx_nAYZg8I/AAAAAAAAEW4/eS5ehli7sJs/s1600/Picture%2B1.png)

Though Israel is a famously fractious society, Israelis tend to agree on one thing: Their strongest supporters are an inherently dupable people.

“Most Israelis think Americans are pro-Israel and we can sell them anything, especially mud from the Dead Sea,” said David Lifshitz, the lead writer for the Israeli comedy show “Eretz Nehederet,” or “Wonderful Land.”
“Or — just regular mud with a ‘Dead Sea’ sticker on it.”

But it’s not just American tourists whom many Israelis see as guileless. American foreign policy is held up to similar scrutiny here, even as Israel receives billions of dollars in foreign aid from the United States each year.

“Americans are perceived to be naive, especially when it comes to the Middle East,” said Uri Dromi, who served as a spokesman for the Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres governments. “It is a bad neighborhood and it seems like they just don’t realize it.”

The naivete Israelis perceive in Americans is not just something they believe only Israel’s adversaries exploit; Israelis believe they can do so, too — and do. In a secretly recorded video of a 2001 discussion with a group of terror victims in the Ofra settlement in the Israeli occupied West Bank, now-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out this widely held perception.

“I know what America is,” Netanyahu, then on political hiatus after an election defeat, told the settlers (http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2010/jul/26/binyamin-netanyahu-tape-israeli-palestinian-politics) when one asked whether his proposal for a “large scale” attack on the Palestinians would be met with global condemnation. “America is a thing that can be easily moved, moved in the right direction. They will not bother us… Let’s suppose they [the Bush administration] will say something. So they say it — so what? Eighty per cent of the Americans support us. It’s absurd! We have such [great] support there! And we say… what shall we do with this [support]?” [...]

So there you have it folks. The American political establishment and a huge percentage of the American populace literally worship Israel and the Jews. For decades now, America has provided Israel with essentially unwavering political, diplomatic, economic, and military support, to the tune of billions of dollars per year and at a cost to America's reputation and standing in the world, despite the fact that the Jewish state has militarily attacked America on multiple occasions (9/11 (https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it) and the attack on the USS Liberty (http://www.wrmea.org/1993-june/the-assault-on-the-uss-liberty-still-covered-up-after-26-years.html) come to mind) and has engaged in widespread espionage, subversion, and treachery against the United States.

And how do the Israelis view Americans for their blind support of the Jewish state? With utter contempt and disdain, which they have no problem proudly and openly stating and publishing in their own newspapers.

I'm reminded of the now deceased former Israeli Prime Minister and international war criminal Ariel Sharon's statement to Shimon Peres in October 2001, shortly after the Israeli/neocon organized and executed false flag attack on 9/11, in which he boldly proclaimed (http://www.presstv.com/detail/2014/01/15/345700/zionists-covered-up-sharons-words-acts/), "I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
The Jewish death grip on America is so secure, they can openly admit and boast about it, and then state right to our faces that we are gullible idiots who will accept or buy anything the Jews wish to sell us, "especially mud from the Dead Sea," as the Jew David Lifshitz stated in the article above. "Or — just regular mud with a ‘Dead Sea’ sticker on it."

America, it is time to wake up. We are being degraded and insulted, used and abused on a daily basis, and most of us simply refuse to recognize it. It is simply unacceptable.


If you enjoyed this article and appreciate the work I'm doing here on this website, please consider supporting my Indiegogo Fundraiser entitled Support John Friend's Free Speech! (https://life.indiegogo.com/fundraisers/support-john-friend-s-free-speech/x/4691174), which I announced (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/03/support-john-friends-free-speech.html) last week. Many thanks to everyone who has and continues to support my efforts here. It is very much appreciated!

Posted by The Realist Report (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 7:44 PM 16 comments: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/03/israelis-agree-americans-are-mindless.html#comment-form)
Labels: News from the Jews (http://www.therealistreport.com/search/label/News%20from%20the%20Jews)

17th April 2015, 12:08 AM

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Israel pushes to have "anti-Semitism" recognized as international crime (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/04/israel-pushes-to-have-anti-semitism.html)

Earlier this year (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/01/jews-move-to-criminalize-anti-semitism.html), at the behest of the Jewish state of Israel, the organized international Jewish community, and traitorous politicians working for the Jews in the West, the United Nations held an informal plenary session on the alleged "rising tide of anti-Semitism" around the world.

Of course, all respectable mainstream politicians, journalists, and public policy makers agreed that "anti-Semitism" must not be tolerated anywhere in the world, that it should be immediately condemned, and that "anti-Semites" should be ostracized, shunned, and even criminally prosecuted for "hate crimes" and "anti-Semitic speech."

However, some political commentators and international bureaucrats went a step further. They argued that "anti-Semitism" must be confronted and legislated against at the international level, with the German and French representatives openly calling for "a new legal framework at the European Union and internationally to address the diffusion of racist and anti-Semitic speeches and material," The Times of Israel (http://www.timesofisrael.com/un-conference-on-anti-semitism-strikes-hopeful-but-cautious-note/) reported.

The tireless efforts of organized international Jewry and the Jewish state of Israel to have "anti-Semitism" acknowledged globally as a "thought crime" are once again making headlines. The Algemeiner (http://www.algemeiner.com/2015/04/15/israel-launches-initiative-to-have-antisemitism-recognized-as-an-international-crime/), an online Jewish news outlet, recently reported:

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iyYwv841Ho0/VS81d-z4kaI/AAAAAAAAEfU/8WslsUipZAc/s1600/Picture%2B1.png (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iyYwv841Ho0/VS81d-z4kaI/AAAAAAAAEfU/8WslsUipZAc/s1600/Picture%2B1.png)

Attorney Alan Baker, Israel’s former ambassador to Canada and a legal adviser to the Foreign Ministry wants antisemitism to be treated as an international crime. In a new Israeli initiative, Baker is proposing that international courts be used to combat global hate crimes against Jews.

Baker has drafted an international convention calling on the “Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Antisemitism.” The Convention, which is drafted in the manner of classical international anti-terrorism treaties and those for other crimes, will allow countries to cooperate and exchange information with others, in order to extradite those suspected of acts that meet the definition of antisemitism, Israel’s NRG reported in Wednesday.

“We need to set down clear rules on what constitutes antisemitism and to set up international codes to prevent it. We expect that the initiative will be thoroughly discussed among all entities and countries that are engaging antisemitism on a global scale,” said Baker.

Explaining the need for the Convention, Baker noted that, “everyone knows to condemn antisemitism, but they are not doing what is necessary in order to fight against it on an international legal level.” He added that, “on the other hand, international courts invite people from around the world to account for various crimes. We think that this is precisely the place to also work decisively and unambiguously against antisemitism.”

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, where Mr. Baker is now a fellow, intends to release a draft of the Convention, during a series of conferences at the United Nations, to other international organizations, international capitals, and among Jewish communities and organizations around the world.

This will be done in order to encourage countries to support the initiative and to submit a draft of the Convention to the appropriate UN organizations, in order to obtain international approval of the Convention.

Baker said that, “if the world really wants to work against this terrible phenomenon, the time has come to line up behind the measures that are necessary to be employed against it.”

Think about the severity of these recent developments folks: the Jews are pushing to have "anti-Semitism" (i.e., stating basic facts about the subversive, criminal nature of organized Jewry and the Jewish state of Israel (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/05/adl-truth-is-anti-semitic.html)) internationally recognized as a crime. If the Jews get their way, "anti-Semites" will literally be arrested and extradited to stand trial at an "international court of justice." If this isn't the epitome of total Jewish tyranny implemented on an international scale, I don't know what is.

And consider what the Jews did during the Bolshevik revolution almost as soon as they took over. They criminalized "anti-Semitism" and made it an offense punishable by death.

"As an expression of its radically anti-nationalist character, the fledgling Soviet government issued a decree a few months after taking power that made anti-Semitism a crime in Russia," Mark Weber explains in his excellent treatise (http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_Weber.html) detailing the Jewish role in the Bolshevik revolution and subsequent Communist regime. "The new Communist regime thus became the first in the world to severely punish all expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment."

If you dared to criticize or expose Jewish criminality and treachery in the Soviet Union, particularly during and immediately after the Jewish engineered Bolshevik revolution, you'd be imprisoned, tortured, and/or murdered, oftentimes in the most depraved fashion. That's exactly what the Jews are aiming to implement in the 21st century, only on a global scale.


Posted by The Realist Report (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 9:53 PM 22 comments: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/04/israel-pushes-to-have-anti-semitism.html#comment-form)

17th April 2015, 08:04 AM
If you dared to criticize or expose Jewish criminality and treachery in the Soviet Union, particularly during and immediately after the Jewish engineered Bolshevik revolution, you'd be imprisoned, tortured, and/or murdered, oftentimes in the most depraved fashion. That's exactly what the Jews are aiming to implement in the 21st century, only on a global scale.

This recent "White Privilege" slur that niggers are now being taught by the jews is as Bolshevik as it gets. They are now exterminating Whitey in the USA like they exterminated the Russian Christian majority.

17th April 2015, 10:19 AM
35 Million Americans Harbor an Ugly Secret: (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55563-35-Million-Americans-Harbor-an-Ugly-Secret/page4)
Umm... shouldn't this number be about 45 million now?

13th May 2015, 06:42 PM

Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Rising "anti-Semitism" allegedly driving Jews away from Jewish life, according to top rabbi (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/05/rising-anti-semitism-allegedly-driving.html)

According to Pinchas Goldschmidt, president of the Conference of European Rabbis, European "anti-Semitism" coupled with increasing numbers of "terrorist attacks" purportedly targeting Jews are driving more and more Jews away from leading an active Jewish life, The Algemeiner (http://www.algemeiner.com/2015/05/12/european-antisemitism-driving-jews-away-from-jewish-life-says-leading-rabbi-interview/) recently reported.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-L2HA8gjN9uU/VVLoeDEz1qI/AAAAAAAAEkI/77zBkqeORJA/s400/Picture%2B2.png (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-L2HA8gjN9uU/VVLoeDEz1qI/AAAAAAAAEkI/77zBkqeORJA/s1600/Picture%2B2.png)

The recent string of attacks against Jews in Europe has driven many Jews away from an active Jewish life, said the president of one of Europe’s leading Orthodox Jewish networks on Tuesday.

“We’re dealing with a large number of Jews who because of the risk involved, and terrorist attacks, have stopped coming to Jewish events,” Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt told the Algemeiner. “It’s more important [for these Jews] to stay alive than to stay Jewish.”

The 51-year-old Swiss-born Conference of European Rabbis (CER) president, who is also Chief Rabbi of Moscow, said apathy was a greater risk to the Jews in Europe because as an issue it is more elusive than both antisemitism and assimilation.

“While assimilation and antisemitism can be addressed directly, apathy is a much harder issue to address … There is a certain percentage of Jews saying I’d be better hiding,” he said. “Our message to our community is that this is not the answer.”

On Monday, the CER awarded French Prime Minister Manuel Valls with its Lord Jakobovits Prize for European Jewry, for his “exemplary determination in the fight against antisemitism.”

Valls said he “can’t imagine a France without Jews,” Goldschmidt related.

“He’s going to make sure that Jews and community centers and synagogues or (sic) going to be protected” as long as the need exists, said the chief rabbi, adding that Valls pledged just a few days ago a “new program of 100 million euros ($112 million) to combat antisemitism on the Internet and on the streets.”

This was the third year the CER awarded the Jakobovits prize. Last year it went to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the year before that to Polish Prime Minister and European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek.

Meanwhile, the recent Islamist attacks against French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in which 12 people were killed, and subsequent attacks in France including at a Kosher supermarket, showed Europeans that the problem was not uniquely Jewish, said Goldschmidt.

“It is not a problem with the Jews, it is a European problem,” he said. [...]

There are two points worth making regarding the rabbi's statements.

First of all, the alleged "terrorist attacks" targeting Jews in Europe, including the purported Charlie Hebdo attack and the alleged attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris as well as the alleged shooting at a synagogue in Copenhagen, all appear to be entirely media-created events. Indeed, most of the alleged "terrorist attacks" and "terrorist plots" presented on the television, hyped by the government, and endlessly discussed by "terrorism experts" and government officials on the major news networks and in the major newspapers are simply media creations. The masses are expected to blindly and uncritically accept what is presented on the television and what is stated by the government without any genuine and verifiable proof or evidence.

Of course, various Western and Israeli intelligence and law enforcement agencies are often involved in setting up Islamic patsies, who are essentially used as props in these staged, media-manufactured "terrorist attacks" in the West designed to perpetuated the Jewish concocted "Global War on Terrorism," demonize Muslims, and hype the alleged threat of "anti-Semitism" and "persecution" of Jews around the world. The television is literally a weapon of mass deception, especially the "news" that is broadcast to global audiences.

Secondly, once again we have a prime example of just how important Jewish ethnocentrism and identity are to the organized Jewish community. Leading rabbis and other figures within the organized international Jewish community are constantly stressing the need for maintaining and even strengthening Jewish ethnocentrism, unity, and values.

In many cases, the alleged threat of "anti-Semitism" is hysterically hyped as a means of increasing Jewish ethnocentrism and fostering a stronger Jewish identity within the global Jewish population. As Rabbi Goldschmidt bewailed in the article above, alleged "anti-Semitism" and "terrorist attacks" purportedly targeting Jews are allegedly leading increasing numbers of Jews in Europe to stop leading active Jewish lives. “Our message to our community is that this is not the answer,” Rabbi Goldschmidt emphasized.

We have no way of verifying Rabbi Goldschmidt's contention that Jews in Europe are afraid of leading open and active Jewish lives. However, the purported threat of "anti-Semitism" and "Jewish persecution" will no doubt be used to increase Jewish ethnocentrism while perpetuating the false "victimhood" status of Jews around the world, which has generated enormous, yet entirely unfounded, sympathy from the non-Jewish world.

Posted by The Realist Report (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 11:39 PM 8 comments (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/05/rising-anti-semitism-allegedly-driving.html#comment-form)

14th May 2015, 01:57 AM
Swedens deputy prime minister creates media outcry, by comparing the Mediterranean refugee crisis with Auschwitz holohoax narrative. Had to apologize to Jews everywhere for diminishing their suffering...


Funny thing though is that she doesn't even question the official narrative re the Auschwitz work camp. To find out who rules, see who you are not allowed to criticize. I see now that Auschwitz has been downgraded to up to 1.1 million people, mostly Jews perished, but still it is 6 millions..... :)

14th May 2015, 02:27 AM
I think they will say that it was 1.1 at Auschwitz plus all the other death camps = 6

14th May 2015, 07:29 AM
I think they will say that it was 1.1 at Auschwitz plus all the other death camps = 6
Sure, or nazi aliens abducted and anal probed them.

16th May 2015, 08:30 PM

Friday, May 15, 2015 Foxman: Jews demand, deserve policies designed to combat "anti-Semitism" (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/05/foxman-jews-demand-deserve-policies.html)

Between May 12-14, the 5th Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism (http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/AboutTheMinistry/Conferences-Seminars/Pages/5th-Global-Forum-for-Combating-Antisemitism.aspx) took place in Jerusalem. The conference, sponsored by the Israel Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs, had two major themes: "The Oldest Hatred in the Newest Vessels: Confronting Antisemitism and Hate Speech on the Internet and in Social Media" and "The Rise in Antisemitism in Europe's Cities Today: Means of Response," according to the webpage (http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/AboutTheMinistry/Conferences-Seminars/GFCA2013/Pages/The-5th-Global-Forum-for-Combating-Antisemitism.aspx) about the event.

Of course, the event was well-attended by the Anti-Defamation League, led by its National Director Abe Foxman. “Anti-Semitism is on the rise globally and particularly in Europe, where Jewish communities feel insecure after the latest series of attacks by extremists motivated by fundamentalist Islam,” Mr. Foxman said in an ADL press release (http://www.adl.org/press-center/press-releases/anti-semitism-international/adl-experts-to-present-jerusalem-global-forum-combating-anti-semitism.html#.VVXlsbshQVp) highlighting the event. “This conference presents an opportunity to gather data and to hear from some of the world’s foremost experts on anti-Semitism and to discuss what governments, civil society and Jewish communities can do to confront the problem. Awareness of the problem goes a long way to help countries respond more effectively to anti-Semitism and bigotry."

Foxman published a rather revealing OpEd in The Times of Israel (http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/in-jerusalem-finding-solutions-to-anti-semitism/) as well, where he openly demanded that international Jewry be protected from "anti-Semitism," which in reality (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/05/adl-truth-is-anti-semitic.html) translates to ensuring Jews are never criticized or challenged on their false interpretation of reality in addition to preventing any open, honest discussion of Jewish power, influence, criminality, and subversiveness. Foxman writes:



This week, leaders, experts and practitioners are gathering in Jerusalem to figure out a solution to a problem that has challenged the Jewish people for millennia: how to protect ourselves from the never ending threat of anti-Semitism.

In many ways, my life has been defined by this question. My early years were spent as a hidden child, not knowing if my parents – or I – would survive the Nazis. My entire adult professional life has been focused on the fight against anti-Semitism as the national director of the Anti-Defamation League – the world’s leading organization dedicated to combating this oldest of hatreds.

I am proud to be leading an ADL delegation of Jewish leaders and professional experts in the fields of anti-Semitism, Islamic extremism, and cyberhate.

Today, despite my history as a survivor of the Holocaust, I am surprised at the deterioration of the safety, security and well-being for Jews around globe. [...]

But as the hatred of Jews persists and even intensifies, we must acknowledge that the picture is not all negative.

Unlike the 1930s and 40s, there is no government committed to the destruction of the Jews. Instead, given all the challenges, there are world leaders who are steadfast in their vocal opposition to anti-Semitism. We see this with Prime Minister Manuel Valls of France, Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, and many others.

And we have the United States, which has provided an unparalleled home for the largest population of Jews in the Diaspora, and, as a matter of government policy supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans, has been an advocate and champion for the Jewish people.

And most significantly today, unlike the eras where Jews facing persecution had no place to go and no state to champion them, we have the State of Israel which has transformed Jewish life both in and outside of the state.

Even in the results of ADL’s global poll we found reason to be optimistic – nearly three quarters of those polled are not seriously infected with anti-Semitic beliefs and there are many countries and communities where animus toward Jews is low and Holocaust awareness is strong.

The age-old question of how to stop them from hating us has not gone away. Evil is afoot again in the form of Islamic extremism, classic anti-Semitism, the increasing ease with which criticism of Israel can morph into hatred of Jews and, the greatest challenge of all, the passivity of too many in the face of evil.

Even if I were to head ADL for another 50 years, I worry that without constant attention, careful planning and skillful implementation of measures across broad elements of society, these and other trends can metastasize.

As we come together in Jerusalem — to assess the bad and the good and devise solutions — we must harness what we can do in making clear to the world that the Jewish people demands and deserves commitments, policies and partnerships to contain and offset this enduring hatred.

The world will be better off for it.

According to Foxman, "anti-Semitism" is a threat to the Jewish people that is "never ending," meaning it has always and will always exist. However, Foxman claims "anti-Semitism" has nothing at all to do with Jews, their power and influence in the non-Jewish world, or their behavior and subversive, criminal nature. Foxman and other Jewish leaders (http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2015/02/advance-ethnic-warfare-chill-criticism-the-moral-and-political-fraud-of-anti-semitic-theory/) and intellectuals (http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2015/01/the-bizarre-world-of-dr-theodore-isaac-rubin/) always portray "anti-Semitism" as some irrational, unfounded, pathological manifestation of psychosis that is entirely disconnected from the actions, behavior, and policies promoted by Jews.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Jews have been universally despised throughout history, resulting in their expulsion from various European countries and territories over 100 times (http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/expelled.htm), specifically because of their subversive, criminal nature and actions.

Despite the fact that international Jewry controls virtually every aspect of Western political, economic, and cultural life (https://thezog.wordpress.com/), which includes their outright ownership of the Federal Reserve System, large segments of Wall Street and other international financial institutions, the mainstream mass media and Hollywood as well as their dominating influence in both the Democratic and Republican parties and their occupation of important positions of power and influence throughout all levels of the federal government (and many state and local governments as well), Foxman is still openly declaring that "the Jewish people demand and deserve commitments, policies and partnerships to contain and offset this enduring hatred," i.e., "anti-Semitism".

We've already seen organized Jewry and the Jewish state of Israel lobby to have "anti-Semitism" recognized as an international crime (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/04/israel-pushes-to-have-anti-semitism.html). Foxman does not explicitly call for that in this OpEd, but that is clearly where his line of thinking is heading.

The Jews simply cannot tolerate any sort of criticism or honest, frank discussion of their power and influence anywhere in the world. They are the ultimate tyrants, and are expecting us to meekly acquiesce to their demands. I for one know their bullying tactics will not work on me and the readers of this website.

Posted by The Realist Report (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 6:19 AM 15 comments: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/05/foxman-jews-demand-deserve-policies.html#comment-form)

17th May 2015, 03:48 AM
[INDENT][SIZE=3] This week, leaders, experts and practitioners are gathering in Jerusalem to figure out a solution to a problem that has challenged the Jewish people for millennia: how to protect ourselves from the never ending threat of anti-Semitism.

Jewish Suicide ... woudn't that be a valid technique ?

or, how about ... Israel being NICE to their neighbors ... AKA not killing them & stealing their homes ...

12th July 2015, 09:41 AM

Sunday, July 12, 2015
Foxman: "anti-Semites" jealous of astounding Jewish success & control (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/07/foxman-anti-semites-jealous-of.html)

The Jewish Daily Forward (http://forward.com/culture/311604/abe-foxmans-exit-interview/) has published a rather revealing Q&A with Abe Foxman, the outgoing national director of the Anti-Defamation League, conducted by Jewish journalist and author Tuvia Tenenbom. The Q&A begins:

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rvkxb9SScwY/VaKKVkwouFI/AAAAAAAAExs/5unHcgkIICY/s400/Picture%2B2.png (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rvkxb9SScwY/VaKKVkwouFI/AAAAAAAAExs/5unHcgkIICY/s1600/Picture%2B2.png)

Tuvia Tenenbom: Let me ask you, is the state of anti-Semitism better or worse after the last 28 years since you became national director of the ADL? Or the last 50 years?
Abraham Foxman: The answer is “yes” to both. On one hand it’s better and on one hand it’s worse.


I’d say that in the United States it’s significantly better; it’s gotten better in the last 50 years. In this country, when I started, for example, the level of anti-Semitism as measured by attitudes was about one-third; one third of the American public in the ’50s was infected by anti-Semitism. Today, America is not immune, but the level of anti-Semitism is about 10 to 12%. It’s still pretty serious, because it means that 35, 40 million Americans are seriously infected with the disease of anti-Semitism, but legislation, litigation, education, all of these things, cumulatively, have had an impact. But I think probably the most important thing is that in this country, our laws permit you to be a bigot, an anti-Semite. In Europe you have laws against anti-Semitism, not here. Why? Because in this country, even though the law says you can be a bigot, the pressure of society is such that there are consequences, public consequences, to being an anti-Semite. Here, if you are in business and you engage in anti-Semitism, you’re not going to succeed very much. You remember Mel Gibson? He was a great hero of Hollywood: the best producer, the best director and the best actor. And he revealed himself as an anti-Semite. He went all the way down. Not because of legislation, not because of litigation, but because the American people reject this.

But this rejection started with legislation, correct?


If the ADL did not exist, do you think the level of anti-Semitism in this country would be the same as it is now?

This is for somebody else to say.

But what do you think?

There’s no question in my mind that it would’ve been worse. If I did not believe that I could change people’s minds and hearts I wouldn’t go to work. I wouldn’t raise my voice. So, it’s a question of faith. I believe that if we in the ADL, the American Jewish Committee and other institutions didn’t act, it would be worse. How much worse? I don’t know. I see in Europe how much worse it can be, even with legislation. In Europe it’s worse today than it’s been since World War II. It’s not like in World War II, because the governments of France, Germany, Holland, Great Britain speak out publicly, but in terms of measurements, of attitudes, it’s the worst it’s been since World War II.

In Europe we’re talking about the rise of anti-Semitism in the last 20 years. Is there a rise of anti-Semitism in America as well in the last 10, 20 years?

No. If anything, it has declined. While in Europe, anti-Semitism has gone up, here it has come down.

What’s the origin of anti-Semitism?


Jealousy? When I look at Jews, I see a nation that has been persecuted for all its history —

Tuvia, bigots see what they want to see!

And what do they see?

They see Jewish success.



Show me.

If you look at the issue of anti-Semitism, they believe that the Jews control: They control banks, they control finance, they control government.

I know what they say. But explain to me the “jealousy” part.

They see that Jews are rich, that Jews are smart…

Are Jews really smarter than other sects or groups?

I don’t know. Some people say, look at all the Nobel Prizes. I think that Jews are more driven; education is part of our culture, and it’s also part of our baggage. If you are a people who cannot work the soil and cannot be in carpentry, you study. You develop skills which are a lot different. [...]

There are several points worth making about Foxman's responses to Tenenbom's questions.

First off, we see that Jews view "anti-Semitism" as a "disease" that can "infect" a society. Of course, Jews would have you believe that they themselves have nothing to do with "anti-Semitism".

"Anti-Semitism" and genuine anti-Jewish sentiment, according to Jews like Foxman (whose views reflect the wider organized Jewish community), is fundamentally irrational and unfounded. "Anti-Semites" are misguided, deranged, and pathological bigots who blindly "hate the Jews" merely because they are Jews. Jews are, and have always been, a "persecuted people" who are scapegoated and discriminated against for no good reason.

Nothing could be further from the truth: "anti-Semitism" and genuine anti-Jewish sentiment is always a direct result of Jewish chicanery, treachery, subversion, and criminality.

Secondly, in their on-going efforts to "treat" and combat the "disease of anti-Semitism" which has historically "infected" and plagued Western society, organized Jewish institutions such as the Anti-Defamation League have lobbied for legislation designed to criminalize and neutralize manifestations of "anti-Semitism". "Tolerance" and "multiculturalism" - two key pillars of post-WWII America (and the wider Western world) - are promoted by Jews in an effort to combat and neutralize "anti-Semitism" and "racism," thus facilitating Jewish exploitation and dominance of their host nations.

Aside from legislation, Jews have also used litigation, educational programs, public relations campaigns, and marketing to combat "anti-Semitism". For example, the "Holocaust" industry is a very effective public relations and marketing campaign designed to advance Jewish financial, political, and cultural interests while "combating anti-Semitism" in the process. As Dr. Kevin MacDonald has persuasively argued (http://www.kevinmacdonald.net/books-Preface.html), the "Holocaust" has become "the central moral icon" of Western civilization due to Jewish lobbying and ethnocentrism.

In the West, especially America, Jews have been quite successful in combatting "anti-Semitism" via non-legal means. As Foxman notes, there are very real consequences for publicly taking an "anti-Semitic" stance in America. "Anti-Semites" regularly find themselves ostracized from society, boycotted and shunned, and even publicly persecuted and assailed by the mass media and political establishment. "Anti-Semites" are often financially ruined, blackballed, and fired from their jobs, simply for expressing a point of view found offensive by the organized Jewish community. None of these reactions to "anti-Semitism" are enforced by the state; rather, they are organic social manifestations directly related to effective Jewish activism, public relations, and propaganda.

Finally, while Foxman and other Jews always claim "anti-Semitism" is fundamentally irrational and pathological, in this interview he essentially admits "anti-Semitic" sentiment is a direct result of "jealousness" of Jews as well as their "success" and control of banking, finance, and government.

From my own personal perspective, I am not "jealous" of Jewish success, intelligence, or their various accomplishments. "Jealousy" of the Jews does not drive my "anti-Semitism". Rather, I am "anti-Semitic" because of the subversive and destructive nature of Jewish power and influence in the West, coupled with their outrageous hypocrisy and criminality. I am an "anti-Semite" because I understand and recognize the true nature of the Jews (http://www.therealistreport.com/2012/12/organized-jewry-destroyers-of-western.html), as well as the reality of Jewish power and influence over virtually every aspect of political, economic, and social life of the West.

And I believe most "anti-Semites" would agree with me.

Posted by The Realist Report (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 9:30 AM No comments: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/07/foxman-anti-semites-jealous-of.html#comment-form)

13th July 2015, 12:06 PM


24th December 2015, 07:35 AM

EU Places The Interests of Jews Ahead of Europeans (http://therealistreport.com/eu-places-the-interests-of-jews-ahead-of-europeans/) December 23, 2015 (http://therealistreport.com/eu-places-the-interests-of-jews-ahead-of-europeans/)[/URL] Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/eu-places-the-interests-of-jews-ahead-of-europeans/) Leave a comment


A common theme of both my podcast program (http://therealistreport.com/category/radio/) and my writings is the truly disgraceful manner in which White “leaders” and institutions, such as the United States federal government and the European Union, for example, place the interests of Jews (and other non-Whites) ahead of the interests of their own traditional ethnic demographic (read: White people).

This ugly reality is literally on display on a daily basis.

In an astoundingly revealing article published by The Times of Israel (http://www.timesofisrael.com/eu-mulls-adopting-definition-of-jew-hatred-says-new-anti-semitism-czar/), it was recently reported that the European Union is acceding to Israel’s demands that it redefine and clarify the specific meaning of “anti-Semitism,” i.e., making basic, factual observations about Jews, the Jewish state of Israel, Jewish criminality and treachery, the Jewish agenda to undermine, pervert, and destroy traditional Western civilization, Jewish supremacy and control over critical aspects of (formerly) White nations, etc., “in a bid to better fight the phenomenon,” according to the article.



[…] “The definition of anti-Semitism is very disputed, even among Jews themselves. The main dissent revolves around the question of manifestations against the State of Israel. We’re currently looking into this issue,” Katharina von Schnurbein told The Times of Israel in a telephone interview last week from Brussels. “One thing is clear: Anti-Semitism can sometimes hide behind anti-Zionism. That is certainly our understanding here.”

A German national, Schnurbein was named the European Commission’s coordinator on combating anti-Semitism earlier this month. Last week, she participated in the ninth EU-Israel Seminar on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism in Brussels, together with some 30 representatives from Israel’s Foreign Ministry, the European Commission, the EU’s External Action Service, Fundamental Rights Agency, technology experts and NGOs.

During the meet, Israel asked the EU to adopt a formal definition of anti-Semitism, said Akiva Tor, who heads the Foreign Ministry’s bureau for world Jewish affairs and world religions. “This would enable better monitoring and better law enforcement,” he told The Times of Israel on Monday.

“We also expressed our view that any formal definition of anti-Semitism must include the issue of delegitimization of Israel and the denial of Israel’s right to exist as forms of anti-Semitism,” he said. “We found the EU quite attentive and we look forward to working with them further on it.” […]

It still astonishes me to fully come to grips with the reality that White “leaders” literally place the interests of hostile, alien, non-White ethnic groups – Jews, Muslims, Blacks, illegal immigrants, etc. – ahead of the interests of their own people.

The European Union is more concerned about combating “anti-Semitism” than protecting the interests and well-being of their own White European population. In fact, they are doing everything in their power to undermine the interests and well-being of their own White European population. The same is true in the United States, Canada, Australia, and all across the Western world.

The West is controlled and dominated by a hostile elite that is actively and consciously working against the interests of White people, period. That should be crystal clear to all objective observers of international politics and current affairs.

Have you ever seen a European Union meeting or conference centered around the reality of White genocide (http://whitegenocideproject.com/about-white-genocide/) and the future prospects of the White race (http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2015/07/paul-krugman-on-the-glorious-coming-demise-of-white-political-power/)? Are there any official conferences or committees dealing with anti-White hate speech (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpAPYfdHJUA), anti-White biases and false historical perspectives (http://renegadetribune.com/destroying-the-anti-white-arguments/), or non-White on White violent crime and intimidation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xc1XEuVckAg)?

The article (http://www.timesofisrael.com/eu-mulls-adopting-definition-of-jew-hatred-says-new-anti-semitism-czar/)continues:

During the EU-Israel seminar, experts mostly discussed ways to use legislation to tackle anti-Semitic hate crimes and online hate speech inciting violence, said Schnurbein, who has visited Israel on several occasions and is currently learning Hebrew.

“In recent years we have seen a worrying spike in anti-Semitic incidents, especially after the fatal terror attacks in Toulouse, Brussels, Paris and Copenhagen. And we see there’s an increased fear among European Jews, for example in the UK.”

Local agencies monitoring anti-Semitic incidents have registered a dramatic increase in recent months, Schnurbein said. In France, for instance, there has been an 84 percent increase in verbal and physical attacks against Jews during the first six months of 2015, compared to the same period in the previous year, she said, citing new figures collected by the Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive.

“That is worrying. The Commission fully understands the concern of the Jewish community and we take them seriously,” she said. “Anti-Semitism, no matter how marginal, is never acceptable. There’s no tolerance for any form of racism and anti-Semitism in our European values.”

At the same time, Schnurbein rejected concerns that the current wave of immigration to Europe from Syria and other Arab countries would lead to an increase in anti-Semitism. Germany, which accepted the largest contingents of refugees this year, has actually seen a drop in the number of anti-Semitic incidents in the first half of 2015, she said.

“It is very clear that the values we have in EU include no tolerance for anti-Semitism, and it’s clear that this will become part of the value system for all those who want to stay in Europe,” she said. “Our aim is to build an inclusive society where everybody can feel at home, and that’s what we’re working toward — with education, for example. In schools, but also in terms of civic values, ‘no tolerance toward anti-Semitism’ will be part of that civic education.”

Could it be any more obvious how entirely traitorous Western “leaders” are today?

They are openly admitting and demonstrating just how subservient to international Jewry they truly are. They are not in the slightest bit concerned with their own nations; they are clearly and actively working for the international Jew and his agenda to subvert, pervert, and ultimately destroy Western civilization and everything it stands for.


30th December 2015, 01:42 AM
Jews Demand Caller Exposing Jewish Supremacy Be Identified, Arrested (http://therealistreport.com/jews-demand-caller-exposing-jewish-supremacy-be-identified-arrested/) December 29, 2015 (http://therealistreport.com/jews-demand-caller-exposing-jewish-supremacy-be-identified-arrested/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) One comment (http://therealistreport.com/jews-demand-caller-exposing-jewish-supremacy-be-identified-arrested/#comments)

Following a 13-minute call-in commentary to a BBC radio program in which a British man made a number of factual and easily verifiable observations about Jewish supremacy and power in the Western world, including Jewish control over international finance (http://www.jrbooksonline.com/intl_jew_full_version/ij60.htm) and banking systems (http://www.rense.com/general85/feddrec.htm), the organized Jewish community in the United Kingdom is demanding the BBC provide police with the caller’s information. The Times of Israel (http://www.timesofisrael.com/bbc-radio-hosts-13-minute-jewish-conspiracy-rant/) reports:

http://therealistreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Screenshot-80.png (http://therealistreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Screenshot-80.png)

A BBC radio phone-in program in the early hours of December 22 allowed a caller to stay on air for almost 13 minutes in a rant that castigated Jews and their “rule” over British society, a watchdog group said.

The Campaign Against Antisemitism called the incident shocking “even for the BBC.”

As first reported by the UK Jewish News, “Andy from St. Margaret’s” started his attack on Radio London’s Simon Lederman radio program by stating that the world is “not free” and “they are trying to control us more and more and more. They want to put a chip up our backsides…the elites… A ring through our noses, and a vizor for our horizons… the Rothschilds… It’s about the Zionists.”

Andy referenced well-known anti-Semitic tropes, claiming that the Jews didn’t originate from Palestine but that most came from “an empire called Khazaria” in eastern Europe and that “the Rothschilds, the people who own the Bank of England, the people who own the Federal Reserve, they’re all Zionist Jews. The people who own the corporate America, the media, you’ll find if you just do a little bit of research, they’re all Zionist Jews. We are ruled by Zionist Jews.”

“They control money, money,” he repeated. […]

Andy continued by complaining about an obsession with the Holocaust in mainstream media, and repeating the mantra that “we are dominated by the Jews’ system, the financial Jewish system. The Rothschilds control us.”

The full interview can be heard on the show’s BBC iPlayer site, starting at 03:07:28 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p039zc4z).

A BBC spokesperson defended the decision to allow the caller to go on speaking, saying that “the aim of the program is to discuss and debate issues raised by our listeners. This was a live phone in and the caller was challenged on his views throughout the conversation.” After the interview, the spokesperson added, “reaction from other listeners was also broadcast.”

Jonathan Sacerdoti, director of communication at the Campaign Against Antisemitism, said the incident was shocking “even for the BBC…. The radio presenter simply allowed an ignorant racist to speak for nearly [a] quarter of an hour while offering no counter-argument, correction or condemnation of his views that Jews control money, banks, commerce and the media. We expect the BBC to now hand the caller’s telephone number to the police.”

The reaction from the organized Jewish community, led by the Campaign Against Antisemitism (https://antisemitism.uk/) (White people need an organization devoted to combating anti-White slanders and stereotypes!), is so typical, no commentary is even required.

As regular readers and followers of The Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/membership-account/membership-levels/) are well aware, the Jews have a long history of suppressing and persecuting individuals and nations that refuse to go along with the Jewish agenda of world domination and subjugation, commonly referred to as the New World Order.

Think about it: the Jews in the UK are openly demanding the BBC hand over this caller’s personal information to police so an investigation can be opened and the man can be prosecuted for “hate crimes,” simply by making a few basic observations publicly. This is totally unacceptable, and I hope the good people of the UK rally behind this courageous caller.

Telling the truth about Jewish supremacy and power in the West, among other important subjects, is a crime, according to Jews. Making basic, factual observations and criticisms of Jews, Jewish supremacy, and various Jewish-promoted and instigated agendas, such as cultural Marxism, wars in the Middle East, massive non-White immigration to the West, etc., is “evil” and “racist” and “anti-Semitic,” we’re led to believe. What utter nonsense!

If there is one thing the Jews hate the most, it is people standing up and refusing to accept their lies, their programming, and their tyrannical, anti-human agenda. And frankly, we do not have time to cower before the Jews anymore. These people have to be exposed and isolated – the future of our planet depends upon it.


31st December 2015, 07:58 AM
DAVID BROOKS: ANTI-SEMITISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER (http://www.tomatobubble.com/id802.html)

By Mike King

Opinion / Editorial

NY Times:How to Fight Anti-Semitism


Anti-Semitism is rising around the world. So the question becomes: What can we do to fight it? We have to understand the many ugly faces of anti-Semitism if we are to effectively stand against it.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________


https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs192/1113704267637/img/184.png?ver=1394859591000 (http://www.tomatobubble.com/SiteBuilderServlet?Command=RenderPage&PageNum=15&Mode=1&Site=5082325796149758522&User=user1662833&fUrl=error_redirect.html)
Break out the violins and pass the tissues. Little David Brooks of the New York Slimes & PBS fame is about to school us dumb goyim about the dangers and root causes of "anti-Semitism" TM; and, more importantly, how to "effectively stand against it."

On "anti-Semitism"TM in the Muslim world:

"This is a form of derangement, a flight from reality even in otherwise sophisticated people.This form of anti-Semitism cannot be reasoned away because it doesn’t exist on the level of reason."

So, Muslims suffer from "derangement", eh David? Of course, their sentiments have nothing to do with the brutal treatment which the Israeli military (which Brooks' son volunteered to serve in!) metes out to the poor and dispossessed Palestinians; and its historical unprovoked attacks upon nearby Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and even, clandestinely, Iran. No. It's all about the "derangement".

more: http://www.tomatobubble.com/id802.html

18th February 2016, 10:02 AM

Israel Demands Governments Regulate Social Media & Ban “Anti-Semitism” (http://therealistreport.com/israel-demands-governments-regulate-social-media-ban-anti-semitism/)

February 17, 2016 (http://therealistreport.com/israel-demands-governments-regulate-social-media-ban-anti-semitism/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) Leave a comment (http://therealistreport.com/israel-demands-governments-regulate-social-media-ban-anti-semitism/#respond)


Following up on a recent blog post (http://therealistreport.com/twitter-partners-with-adl-to-fight-online-hate/) highlighting the ADL’s collaboration with the social media giant Twitter, we have yet another example of the organized Jewish community’s concerted efforts to censor the Internet and crack down on “anti-Semitism,” i.e., criticizing and/or exposing Jews, their lies, and their subversive, anti-White agenda.

According to a report coming from The Jerusalem Post (http://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Israel-calls-for-international-regulation-of-social-media-to-quell-anti-Semitism-444966#article=6017QThEODBBODE4QkYzMzMxOEFFQ0JEOTU 0NEE0NzQ1Mjc=), the Israeli Foreign Ministry is openly demanding governments around the world regulate social media platforms in an effort to combat and ultimately ban “anti-Semitism” and “incitement of violence.”

Most readers are no doubt aware of the fact that the organized Jewish community regularly hypes, exaggerates, and even outright fabricates “incitement to violence” against Jews and other minorities in order to advance their tyrannical, anti-free speech agenda. (See here (http://therealistreport.com/jewish-man-caught-spray-painting-swastikas-making-anti-semitic-threatening-phone-calls/) and here (http://johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com/2014/02/yet-another-jew-caught-red-handed.html), for example.)


The Foreign Ministry on Monday called on governments around the world to regulate social media in order to combat anti-Semitism and violent incitement, reiterating the government’s support last year for Internet censorship during an anti-racism conference.

Speaking at the annual gathering of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in Jerusalem, Akiva Tor, the director of the Foreign Ministry’s Department for Jewish Communities, stated that while the issue is certainly controversial for Americans, it is important to discern the nature of the Internet and to act accordingly.

“What is YouTube? What is Facebook? What is Twitter? And what is Google?” he asked. “Are they a free speech corner like [London’s] Hyde Park or are they more similar to a radio station in the public domain?” Referring to cartoons of Palestinians killing Jews and other such material circulating online, Tor asked why platforms such as Google search, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are “tolerating” violent incitement and “saying they are protected in a holy way by free speech.”

“How is it possible that the government of France and the European Union all feel that incitement in Arabic on social media in Europe calling for physical attacks on Jews is permitted and that there is no requirement from industry to do something about it,” he continued, adding that Israel is working with European partners to push the technology sector to adopt a definition of anti-Semitism so its constituent companies can “take responsibility for what they host.” […]

Following the Foreign Ministry’s biennial Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism last year, a similar statement was issued calling for the scrubbing of Holocaust denial websites from the Internet and the omission of “hate websites and content” from web searches.

Citing the “pervasive, expansive and transnational” nature of the Internet and the viral nature of hate materials, that conference’s final document called upon Internet service providers, web hosting companies and social media platforms to adopt a “clear industry standard for defining hate speech and anti-Semitism” as well as terms of service that prohibit their posting.

Such moves, the document asserted, must be implemented while preserving the Internet’s “essential freedom.” […]

Quite a revealing article to read in its entirety, as most articles that I highlight and excerpt here are (see the News from the Jews (http://therealistreport.com/category/news-from-the-jews/) category for many more examples).

Incredibly, the Jews openly admit and reveal their tyrannical agenda on a daily basis in their own newspapers and media outlets, and then have the nerve to call you an “anti-Semite” for simply pointing it out. These people are unbelievable!

The organized Jewish community is literally demanding national governments around the world and private social media and web hosting companies cater to their feelings and tyrannical, anti-free speech agenda. Anyone criticizing or exposing Jews must be shut down.


In a nutshell, the Jews are openly and brazenly attempting to destroy the revolutionary nature of the Internet, which allows people like me (and many, many others) to compete with, expose, debunk, and offer alternatives to the Jewish monopoly on information, mass media, and historical perspective. Think about that.

In response, I hereby demand that all governments around the world, in particular the United States federal government, reject appeals to censor the Internet by the organized Jewish community. Furthermore, I appeal to all social media companies, Internet service providers, web hosting companies, and other private-sector businesses and organizations involved in maintaining and regulating the free flow of information found on the Internet to end any partnership and/or other collaborative endeavor with any Jewish organization, recognizing such partnerships as an insidious and subversive attempt by international Jewry to shut down free speech, free historical and intellectual inquiry, and criticism of their actions, agenda, and true nature.


28th March 2016, 11:19 PM
Hypocrite Zionists slam Netanyahu’s racism when they think it’s Trump’s (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2016/03/hypocrite-zionists-slam-netanyahus-racism-when-they-think-its-trumps/)
Brandon Martinez (http://nonalignedmedia.com/author/bmar999/) March 26, 2016 News (http://nonalignedmedia.com/category/news/), Video

(http://nonalignedmedia.com/category/video/) Jews interviewed outside of the recent AIPAC conference condemn Donald Trump when asked about comments that migrants are “wild beasts” and “cancer,” but when confronted with the fact that the statements in question were not uttered by Trump but by top officials in the Israeli government, the hypocrite Zionists quickly change their tune.

< 5 mins:


The journalist who shot the video wrote:

Most people I spoke with energetically condemned racist statements attributed to Trump. However, when I revealed the statements had actually been made by Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/benjamin-netanyahu), respondents immediately excused, justified or supported the rhetoric they had just condemned.

29th May 2016, 02:55 PM
many embedded links in article so read it at link:

Unlocking Your Inner Anti-Semite By Brother Nathanael Kapner
May 24, 2016 by admin 3 Comments


29th May 2016, 03:32 PM
15% is 35 million? Quik!,somebody do the math.

that's less than 10% actually

25th February 2017, 04:30 PM
wow no new replies here since 29 May '16 -- we can just hope & anticipate that that 35M number has "improved" in the past ~9 months!! :D Really, the 35M number which ADL feigns "outrage" over, is and was surely low... once you account for the "closet anti-shlomo-ic" population who's "too polite," or who's just wise/cautious enough to know to lie about their feelings for any "random phone survey" which wants to go there..:rolleyes:

This guest Lady Michele Renouf is da bomb! Great communicator... I'm gonna listen again; I'm on the first listen now, but with "one ear" as usual, as I do other tasks. She comes on after some technical trouble connecting, at 58:25,

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2017.02.25 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2017/02/dennis-fetcho-inside-eye-live-20170225.html)

https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-4RlPLfF9LsQ/WKAnLVdKVfI/AAAAAAAAAkU/EW40v537Vy4Yti8waWXg1BjeEnHzIspaACLcB/s1600/Fetcho2.jpg (https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-4RlPLfF9LsQ/WKAnLVdKVfI/AAAAAAAAAkU/EW40v537Vy4Yti8waWXg1BjeEnHzIspaACLcB/s1600/Fetcho2.jpg)
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor (http://illuminatusobservor.blogspot.com/), a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live! (http://insidetheeyelive.com/)"

Hour 1 - News and Current Events
Hour 2 - Guest: Lady Michèle Renouf (http://www.birobidjan.co.uk/)
Hour 3 - Lady Michèle Renouf

64k Download (https://archive.org/download/ITELRadioFullShow2.25.17/ITEL%20Radio%20Full%20Show%20-%202.25.17.mp3)

10th May 2017, 05:18 AM
couple good A.C.Hitchcock guests; shows are 1hr each:

http://eurofolkradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Dennis-Fetcho.jpg (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/09/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-337-dennis-fetcho-illuminatus-observor-inside-eye-live/)
The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (337) Dennis Fetcho – The Illuminatus Observor & Inside The Eye Live (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/09/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-337-dennis-fetcho-illuminatus-observor-inside-eye-live/)

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (http://eurofolkradio.com/author/andrew/) May 9, 2017 The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (337) Dennis Fetcho – The Illuminatus Observor & Inside The Eye Live (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/09/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-337-dennis-fetcho-illuminatus-observor-inside-eye-live/)2017-05-09T15:58:45+00:00 ANDREW CARRINGTON HITCHCOCK SHOW (http://eurofolkradio.com/category/radio/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show/) 0 Comments (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/09/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-337-dennis-fetcho-illuminatus-observor-inside-eye-live/#disqus_thread)
On today's show I was joined by Dennis Fetcho of the website, "The Illuminatus Observor,"…
. . . more (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/09/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-337-dennis-fetcho-illuminatus-observor-inside-eye-live/)

http://eurofolkradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Alison-Chabloz-200x150.jpg (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/08/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-336-alison-chabloz-free-speech/)
The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (336) Alison Chabloz – Free Speech (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/08/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-336-alison-chabloz-free-speech/)

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (http://eurofolkradio.com/author/andrew/) May 8, 2017 The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (336) Alison Chabloz – Free Speech (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/08/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-336-alison-chabloz-free-speech/)2017-05-08T16:16:24+00:00 ANDREW CARRINGTON HITCHCOCK SHOW (http://eurofolkradio.com/category/radio/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show/) 0 Comments (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/08/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-336-alison-chabloz-free-speech/#disqus_thread)
On today's show I was joined by Alison Chabloz, to discuss the continuing attack on…

3rd September 2017, 06:08 PM

Tillerson Caves, Will Retain “Anti-Semitism” Envoy (http://therealistreport.com/tillerson-caves-will-retain-anti-semitism-envoy/) September 2, 2017 (http://therealistreport.com/tillerson-caves-will-retain-anti-semitism-envoy/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/)
8 comments (http://therealistreport.com/tillerson-caves-will-retain-anti-semitism-envoy/#comments)

The Jews and their brainwashed puppets go on and on about so-called “White privilege,” (https://libertarianrealist.blogspot.ro/2014/01/dear-abby.html) a ridiculous notion (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-brad-trun/) that White people born and raised in America have some sort of “special advantage” that non-Whites and other minorities – gays, immigrants, Jews, etc. – don’t. They’ve institutionalized this idea of “White privilege” on college campuses across the country, organize conferences and seminars about it, and constantly invoke it in the media.

Meanwhile, it is Jews (and other non-Whites) who have special privilege, as was just demonstrated once again when Rex Tillerson, President Trump’s Secretary of State (why Trump, why? (https://altright.com/2017/08/31/an-administration-of-counter-signalers/)), caved into Jewish pressure and announced he would retain the position of Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism. The Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism is an official position in the U.S. State Department (https://www.state.gov/s/rga/seas/index.htm) established by Jews and funded by the U.S. taxpayer to advance Jewish interests. Talk about privilege!


The ADL and other Jewish groups have been harassing the Trump administration to appoint the Envoy for months now, and it appears they finally gave in to the pressure (https://israelpalestinenews.org/tillerson-caves-will-appoint-special-anti-semitism-envoy-monitors-criticism-israel/). Here (https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-welcomes-state-departments-retaining-of-anti-semitism-envoy-position)is the ADL rejoicing at Tillerson’s decision, further demonstrating their power, influence, and privilege in American society (do Whites have an official envoy monitoring and exposing anti-White ideas and narratives? Some privilege we have, eh?).


The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today welcomed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s affirmation that he is retaining the position of Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, calling the decision “essential” in the continued fight against the rise of global anti-Semitism.

ADL led a campaign to ensure the continuation of the special envoy position and thanked the thousands of Americans who signed a petition which was delivered to Secretary Tillerson (https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-delivers-signatures-calling-on-rex-tillerson-to-appoint-anti-semitism-envoy), and further credited the full-court press by bipartisan Congressional leaders, the former special envoys, and other concerned citizens. Secretary Tillerson told Congress he will allocate funding for the position, which was mandated by a 2004 act of Congress and signed by President George W. Bush, in a letter sent on Monday. The position has been vacant since the beginning of the Trump Administration.

“We commend Secretary Tillerson for listening to the voices calling for the appointment of the special envoy to counter anti-Semitism,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO. “This position has been an essential diplomatic and political tool in fighting anti-Semitism around the globe.”

Mr. Greenblatt added, “At a time when there is a growing prominence to anti-Jewish movements and actions, the special envoy to combat anti-Semitism continues to be essential and it is important that the State Department has recognized this vital work. We urge the State Department to refrain from eliminating other special envoy roles which are vital to promoting American values of democracy, tolerance and religious freedom across the globe.” […]

Jews openly organize and lobby our government for special treatment and privileges, then go on and on about so-called “White privilege.” They’ve institutionalized false, weaponized narratives of history, race, and other current events in order to advance their own unique ethnic interests, while calling us “racists” and “conspiracy theorists” for even identifying as White and questioning their fake narratives.

How much longer are we going to let the lying, filthy Jews boss us around and tell us what to think?


3rd September 2017, 06:57 PM
OK, consistent with the OP which puts a number on "anti-Semitism", what do members here think the percentage is?

Of course there are different levels of anti-Khazarism, for example maybe as much as 10% of the population think "Jews are manipulative assholes" of something along those lines of awareness. But what percentage of the population has a general idea what Jews are up to, as many on this forum do? I think it's no more than one percent.

3rd September 2017, 07:20 PM
OK, consistent with the OP which puts a number on "anti-Semitism", what do members here think the percentage is?

Of course there are different levels of anti-Khazarism, for example maybe as much as 10% of the population think "Jews are manipulative assholes" of something along those lines of awareness. But what percentage of the population has a general idea what Jews are up to, as many on this forum do? I think it's no more than one percent.

I agree.

When I dare talk to people in real life, I do so only with those who seem to have some clue about the reality of this world. The vast majority of these, however, still fall into two camps about the Jews: 1) they defend them, as either "God's Chosen People" (sic), and/or "they are so beneficial to every society they are part of" or 2) people are mystified why people "hate the Jews," sincerely not understanding the Jewish problem and what Judaism is all about. Rare it is for someone to understand Jews, and not just "Zionists," are hostile to the foundations of Christian civilization and normal morality.

One percent is probably generous.

4th September 2017, 06:44 PM
couple good A.C.Hitchcock guests; shows are 1hr each:

http://eurofolkradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Alison-Chabloz-200x150.jpg (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/08/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-336-alison-chabloz-free-speech/)
The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (336) Alison Chabloz – Free Speech (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/08/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-336-alison-chabloz-free-speech/)

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (http://eurofolkradio.com/author/andrew/) May 8, 2017 The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (336) Alison Chabloz – Free Speech (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/08/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-336-alison-chabloz-free-speech/)2017-05-08T16:16:24+00:00 ANDREW CARRINGTON HITCHCOCK SHOW (http://eurofolkradio.com/category/radio/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show/) 0 Comments (http://eurofolkradio.com/2017/05/08/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-336-alison-chabloz-free-speech/#disqus_thread)
On today's show I was joined by Alison Chabloz, to discuss the continuing attack on…

Chabloz with Richie Allen, who's aligned with D.Icke... her story is yet another example of (((overreach))), UK edition.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TvT9622QIoA/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDE9yYAqd9mGGwc1zASPRnUpRW7qw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvT9622QIoA) 38:49
Alison Chabloz "The Campaign Against Antisemitism Is Anti Civil Rights & Terrified Of Debate!" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvT9622QIoA)

1 week ago

2nd October 2017, 01:11 AM

http://therealistreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/One-in-Nine-Congress-420x240.jpg (http://therealistreport.com/one-in-nine-congressmen-is-re-educated-in-israel/)

One in Nine Congressmen Is ‘Re-Educated’ In Israel (http://therealistreport.com/one-in-nine-congressmen-is-re-educated-in-israel/)

September 30, 2017 (http://therealistreport.com/one-in-nine-congressmen-is-re-educated-in-israel/) 6 comments (http://therealistreport.com/one-in-nine-congressmen-is-re-educated-in-israel/#comments)
Israel’s “powerful stranglehold on the American government” hasn’t lessened since Jim Traficant spoke those words in 2009. In the last month alone, AIPAC’s “charitable” sister organization, the American Israel Education Foundation, has funded more than 50 U.S. congress members’ trips to Israel for “educational seminars” where they’re wined, dined… and indoctrinated.
more: http://therealistreport.com/one-in-nine-congressmen-is-re-educated-in-israel/

Spun Gold
2nd October 2017, 08:24 PM

Riders on the Storm
Brother Nathanael at his best!

9th October 2017, 11:38 PM

Riders on the Storm
Brother Nathanael at his best!
Almost prophetic, considering Trumps comment "calm before the storm", this he made in August...

19th May 2018, 10:29 PM

ADL Denounces “Anti-Semitic” Robocalls Exposing Dianne Feinstein, Jewish Domination of America (http://therealistreport.com/adl-denounces-anti-semitic-robocalls-exposing-dianne-feinstein-jewish-domination-of-america/)

May 19, 2018 (http://therealistreport.com/adl-denounces-anti-semitic-robocalls-exposing-dianne-feinstein-jewish-domination-of-america/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) Leave a comment (http://therealistreport.com/adl-denounces-anti-semitic-robocalls-exposing-dianne-feinstein-jewish-domination-of-america/#respond)

In a recent press release (https://www.adl.org/blog/anti-semitic-robocalls-supporting-patrick-little-proliferate-in-california), the Anti-Defamation League denounced robocalls recently made to California residents exposing current U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, who is alleged to hold dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship (https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/4zm640/why_do_so_many_us_politicians_have_dual_usisraeli/), and the total domination the organized Jewish community and pro-Israel lobby have over this country. The robocalls were apparently produced by a group called The Road to Power, and are part of a broader effort to support the Senate candidacy of former U.S. Marine Patrick Little, who is currently running against Feinstein in the upcoming election.


Supporters of Patrick Little’s campaign for Dianne Feinstein’s U.S. Senate seat have taken up a disturbing new tactic: virulently anti-Semitic robocalls.

Little, an unabashed anti-Semite and racist who attended the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, is polling at around 18%, well behind Feinstein in California’s party-blind June 5th primary. He is running as a Republican, despite having been publicly denounced by the state GOP.
The calls accuse Feinstein of being an Israeli citizen (a nod to a common anti-Semitic trope about Jewish “dual loyalty” to the U.S. and Israel) and promise listeners that Little will “rid America of the traitorous Jews.”

They are produced by a white supremacist entity called The Road to Power, whose online videos consist of racist, anti-Semitic screeds against “kikes” and “jungle animals…Negroes.”

The first calls were reported in the media May 14, and the call volume spiked in the succeeding days. On May 15, The Road to Power took to Gab, a social media platform popular among white supremacists, to boast about the calls, which they claimed were delivered to more than 350,000 Californians. It’s not clear how many people in total have received the calls, or whether they are being sent to targeted recipients.

ADL has learned that staff at a range of California’s Jewish institutions have gotten the calls, including synagogues, ADL offices, Jewish Federations and Jewish schools.

Racist, anti-Semitic robocalls are not new; in 2016, white supremacist and American Freedom Party (AFP) (https://www.adl.org/blog/white-supremacist-backing-trump-has-ties-to-hardcore-racists) head William Johnson issued a call in which he urged primary voters to cast their ballots for Donald Trump, citing the impending “death” of the white race. In 2015, AFP issued similar calls, referencing “white genocide,” for the party’s presidential candidate, Bob Whitaker.

Little is far from the only anti-Semite running for national office this year. Major party candidates in Pennsylvania, Illinois and Wisconsin (https://www.adl.org/blog/holocaust-deniers-and-other-anti-semites-making-inroads-into-mainstream-us-politics) are spewing their racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic bile in the most public forum imaginable.

Little maintains he has nothing to do with the calls, but refuses to disavow them.“Show me the lie, and I will consider renouncing it,” he told the San Francisco Chronicle. As the call frequency – and surrounding publicity – escalated, he reposted a supporter’s image on Gab. […]

Here is a video of the robocall:

1M 34S: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-W_WwSknIc


I’m not entirely certain Dianne Feinstein is a dual citizen, but there is no doubt she is a virulently anti-White, anti-American tyrant that supports endless wars in the Middle East (all of which benefit Israel and international Zionist interests), disarming the American public, ending free speech, and every other degenerate, nation wrecking agenda promoted and advanced by the organized Jewish community in America.

It’s refreshing seeing political candidates such as Patrick Little and Art Jones, who I recently interviewed on The Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-arthur-jones/), openly expose Jewish supremacy and tyranny in America and all the disastrous wars they have gotten our nation into. In interviews and debates, Little has even exposed the fact that Israel and Jewish criminals were behind 9/11, which was the key event that was used to launch and institutionalize the Jewish concocted concept of a “Global War on Terror,” an Orwellian, never-ending war of aggression designed to advance Israel’s geopolitical interests in the Middle East using American financial and military might. Dr. Alan Sabrosky and I discussed all this in an interview last weekend – check it out if you missed it (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-dr-alan-sabrosky/).

One thing is for sure: the Jews do not want political candidates such as Patrick Little and Art Jones having any sort of free speech or ability to run for office. Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the ADL, has been running around insisting everyone denounce and shun Little and Jones for weeks now, saying individuals openly discussing and exposing Jewish power and criminality have “no place in mainstream politics.”

Let me be clear: anti-Semites have absolutely no place in mainstream politics. Local party leaders must come out in full force and denounce the hate Patrick Little spews. https://t.co/Qf477YwSxQ
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) May 4, 2018


That time is over now, Mr. Greenblatt. The points being raised by both Patrick Little and Art Jones are entirely legitimate, important, and relevant to the current political environment in America. Their ideas and perspectives should be openly discussed and considered, and increasingly more and more Americans are doing just that.

I hope to have Patrick Little on The Realist Report very soon, and I certainly plan on voting for him in the upcoming June 5th California primary election.

W COMMENTS: http://therealistreport.com/adl-denounces-anti-semitic-robocalls-exposing-dianne-feinstein-jewish-domination-of-america/

19th May 2018, 10:37 PM
If not for the invention of the televitz these scum would have been out 50 years ago. Just another country banned from. Steep step to boot them now!

21st May 2018, 03:03 AM
I listened to quite a few Patrick Little interviews on youtube yesterday and I like the guy. He's smart, straight forward and unapologetic. When he talks about the Jews he really lays the truth out there in in a simple and easy way for people to understand. He's wrong about Trump though.

22nd May 2018, 03:19 PM
new Patrick Little interview with host Adam Green,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/P9CIIJc4pk4/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLBmxnUYthnG5_G5sFKbr-sSuC2EwQ 44:24
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9CIIJc4pk4) Patrick Little for Senate Endorsed by Know More News (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9CIIJc4pk4)896 views
5 hours ago

22nd May 2018, 04:06 PM
^^Now this guy could be the biblical Little Horn ...

He's got the look.


22nd May 2018, 06:40 PM
I listened to quite a few Patrick Little interviews on youtube yesterday and I like the guy. He's smart, straight forward and unapologetic. When he talks about the Jews he really lays the truth out there in in a simple and easy way for people to understand. He's wrong about Trump though.

that's great. let's see how they deal with it

using the law and the internet bannings/censorship is failing strategy. truth needs no such shenanigans. they are flagging the lies for the dumb/blind to investigate

27th May 2018, 09:20 AM
ADL Praises Congress for Anti-Semitism Awareness Act (http://therealistreport.com/adl-praises-congress-for-anti-semitism-awareness-act/)

May 26, 2018 (http://therealistreport.com/adl-praises-congress-for-anti-semitism-awareness-act/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) 6 comments (http://therealistreport.com/adl-praises-congress-for-anti-semitism-awareness-act/#comments)

Earlier this week, the Anti-Defamation League – one of the most subversive, anti-American organizations operating with impunity on American soil – released an official memo praising both the House and Senate for introducing the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, a piece of legislation “which provides important guidance for the Department of Education and the Department of Justice for federal anti-discrimination investigations involving anti-Semitism, including on college campuses,” according to the press release (https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-welcomes-introduction-of-anti-semitism-awareness-act).

At a time when anti-Semitic incidents are on the rise, we’re glad to see the Anti-Semitism Awareness act introduced to both the House and Senate. This is an important piece of legislation in our efforts to fight #hate (https://twitter.com/hashtag/hate?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw). https://t.co/tzzw8IgTR9
— ADL (@ADL_National) May 23, 2018


Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the ADL, unsurprisingly invoked the threat of “rising levels of ‘anti-Semitism'” and “hate” as a primary factor justifying the creation of this particular legislation, which does nothing but serve Jewish interests by shutting down open, honest, and frank discussion about Jewish power and influence, the virulent anti-White hatred and narratives promoted and advanced by Jewish activists, thinkers, and intellectuals, and the crimes and outrageous behavior of the Israeli government occupying Palestine. The very concept of “anti-Semitism” is a weaponized tool used by the organized Jewish community to demonize anyone who recognizes and espouses basic, simple truths about the subversive nature of Jews operating in our society and their parasitic, terrorist political entity, Zionist Israel.

The legislation, which is supported by virtually all members of both chambers of Congress – Republicans and Democrats alike – is yet another blatant example of the total stranglehold the organized Jewish community has over the federal government of the United States.

In related news, President Trump’s recently appointed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who appears to be yet another Zionist stooge occupying one of the most important positions of power in the U.S. federal government, has promised the Jews he will name an “anti-Semitism” monitor soon, a position in the U.S. State Department that has been unfilled for months. The organized Jewish community, lead by the ADL, has been demanding the Trump administration appoint an “anti-Semitism” monitor for months, and it’s looking like they will get their demand met.

We’ve written to @POTUS (https://twitter.com/POTUS?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw). We’ve petitioned. Now, along with @humanrights1st (https://twitter.com/humanrights1st?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw), we’re leading a bipartisan call from over 50 different orgs & individuals calling on @SecPompeo (https://twitter.com/SecPompeo?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) to appoint a Special Envoy to Monitor & Combat Anti-Semitism: https://t.co/og21H5QtKV
— ADL (@ADL_National) May 24, 2018


The Jewish Telegraph Agency (https://www.jta.org/2018/05/25/news-opinion/mike-pompeo-you-have-my-word-on-filling-anti-semitism-monitor-post) reports:


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pledged to take action on naming an anti-Semitism monitor.

“You have my word, we’ll move on that,” Pompeo said Thursday during his appearance testifying before the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee.

Pompeo had been pressed on the issue by Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., who helped author the 2004 law creating the position. The monitor tracks and reports on anti-Semitism worldwide, and makes representations to foreign governments about U.S. concerns regarding anti-Semitism in their lands.

The position has not been filled since January 2017, when Donald Trump became president, and the office shut down in July of that year. Since then, Jewish groups and lawmakers have been pressuring the Trump administration to fill the post.

Pompeo’s ascension last month to the secretary of state position has spurred hopes that he will act where his predecessor, Rex Tillerson, did not.

On Thursday, 120 members of the House Bipartisan Taskforce for Combating Anti-Semitism wrote to Pompeo urging him to fill the job.

“This appointment would demonstrate the commitment of the United States to Jewish communities around the world and to the fight against the persistent evil of anti-Semitism,” said the letter, which included Republican and Democratic signatories and virtually every Jewish member of the House.

The Anti-Defamation League and Human Rights First, a watchdog, separately this week urged Pompeo to name an anti-Semitism monitor.

The Foreign Affairs Committee last week approved a bill that would enhance the role of the anti-Semitism monitor and require the president to name someone to the role within 90 days of its passage.

It could not be more obvious that the United States federal government exists to serve the Jews and Israel, yet openly recognizing and stating this obvious fact is verboten in modern society.


29th May 2018, 07:10 PM
Majority Say Zionism is a Jewish Conspiracy in French Poll (http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2018/05/27/majority-say-zionism-is-a-jewish-conspiracy-in-french-poll/)

Lior Mizrahi/Getty

27 May 2018
1038 (http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2018/05/27/majority-say-zionism-is-a-jewish-conspiracy-in-french-poll/#disqus_thread)

Zionism is a Jewish conspiracy meant to manipulate Western societies to benefit Jews, according to a majority of 1,007 respondents to a French poll about Jewish nationalism.

Some 53 percent of the respondents to the survey (http://uejf.org/blog/2018/05/le-sionisme-est-une-ideologie-raciste-selon-52-des-18-24-ans/) conducted by the Ifop polling company agreed with the conspiratorial statement that “Zionism is an international organization that seeks to influence the world and societies to the Jews’ benefit,” the Union of Jewish Students in France, or UEJF, said in response to the report it commissioned.

Of those polled, 11 percent said they “strongly agree.” Half of the respondents said Zionism was a “racist ideology.”

Zionism refers to the movement to re-establish the Jewish state in the historic Land of Israel.

Almost 26 per cent of respondents called the anti-Semitic boycott of Israel justified, while 38 percent said that the very existence of the Jewish state “fuels anti-Semitism.”

Sacha Ghozlan, president of the UEJF, said the results showed ignorance about the Jewish state is widespread in modern France.

This UEJF / IFOP poll shows a low level of knowledge about what Zionism is. It also testifies to a worrying level of adherence to conspiracy theses for the youngest.

While news in the Middle East is cause for concern, the French are attached to the fact that the links between France and Israel are strengthened and do not adhere to the boycott movement of Israel.

The pedagogy on Zionism and on what Israel should be strengthened, especially among the youngest as both anti-Zionism and the instrumentalization of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict feed anti-Semitism in France.

The ignorance of modern Israel Mr. Ghozlan touched on was borne out by the statistical analysis. It also defied the basic facts that some of Judaism’s holiest sites are located in the so-called West Bank and eastern Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount and Western Wall in Jerusalem; the Tomb of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron; and Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus.

Almost a quarter of the respondents said that Israel declared its independence after 1980. A third indicated correctly that the nation was established in 1948.

Israel was described as a “threat to regional stability” by 57 percent of respondents and as a “theocracy” by 51 percent. The assertions that Israel is a democracy and is a “normal country like all other” received approval ratings of 46 and 48 percent, respectively.

Follow Simon Kent on Twitter: Follow @SunSimonKent (https://twitter.com/SunSimonKent) or e-mail to: skent@breitbart.com


Breitbart Jerusalem (http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/)Breitbart London (http://www.breitbart.com/london/)National Security (http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/)anti-semitism (http://www.breitbart.com/tag/anti-semitism/)Israeli-Palestinian conflict (http://www.breitbart.com/tag/israeli-palestinian-conflict/)Jewish State of Israel (http://www.breitbart.com/tag/jewish-state-of-israel/)Jewsh conspiracy (http://www.breitbart.com/tag/jewsh-conspiracy/)Union of Jewish Students in France (http://www.breitbart.com/tag/union-of-jewish-students-in-france/)Zionism (http://www.breitbart.com/tag/zionism/)

29th May 2018, 10:58 PM
zhedge posters have become very wise since i started reading the thing several years ago. the bannings, the censorship, the ridiculous laws are only making things worse for them. they are fcked -- no way out. and they are too arrogant/ignorant to change their ways ()\

30th May 2018, 09:32 AM

ADL Denounces “Anti-Semitic” Robocalls Exposing Dianne Feinstein, Jewish Domination of America (http://therealistreport.com/adl-denounces-anti-semitic-robocalls-exposing-dianne-feinstein-jewish-domination-of-america/)

oooh, with Richie Allen-- 35m:


Republican Pat Little: "I'm Running For US Senate In California On Anti-Zionist Platform." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U2d8qWj6ZU)

6 hours ago

6th June 2018, 11:50 AM
I hear Patrick got 1.5%, or around 50K votes? Sounds implausible to me-- recall he had like 20% in a poll just a couple weeks ago-- fake outcome!

Primary election's over now, but Patrick did this interview (1st hour) with K.Barrett, quite good. They didn't disagree on much, in spite of my expectation re Barrett, who once kicked J.Kaminski off his show sometime around 2010.

Patrick Little running for Senate to represent USA not Israel; Barbara Honegger on 9/11 lawyers and more

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, holds advanced degrees in English Literature, French Literature, and African Literature, and is the author of multiple books which deconstructs the "war on terror". Dr. Barrett has been a Muslim since 1993. Blacklisted from teaching in the University of Wisconsin system since 2006 for questioning the events of 9/11, Dr. Barrett now hosts radio shows and is a public speaker.

Synopsis (https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.com/2018/06/pat-barb/)

KevinBarrett.HeresyCentral.com (https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.com/)
TruthJihad.com (http://truthjihad.com/)
Revolution.Radio (https://www.revolution.radio/)

80k CF Download (https://archive.org/download/TruthJihadRadioWithKevinBarrett2018.06.01/Truth%20Jihad%20radio%20with%20Kevin%20Barrett%202 018.06.01.mp3)

30th June 2018, 09:42 PM
John Friend,

The End Is Near for SPLC Hate Racket (http://therealistreport.com/the-end-is-near-for-splc-hate-racket/)

June 30, 2018 (http://therealistreport.com/the-end-is-near-for-splc-hate-racket/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) Leave a comment


The front-page story in American Free Press Issue 27 & 28, which just went to press (and is available online now (https://americanfreepress.net/amember/) for digital subscribers) offers some hopeful news for those looking forward to the demise of the longtime leading national hate group—the SPLC—which has destroyed countless individuals and organizations and holds undue sway over law enforcement agencies across the country as well as much of the media. Nearly four-dozen leaders of conservative and right-leaning nonprofit organizations issued a “Joint Statement by Organizations Defamed by the Southern Poverty Law Center.” Now, at least 60 are considering taking legal action against the super-rich smear center for defamation.

In the wake of a high-profile settlement the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) recently reached with an anti-extremism group, nearly four dozen nonprofit leaders representing conservative-leaning organizations issued a joint statement condemning the SPLC and intimating that a massive lawsuit will likely be launched against the radical activist group.

According to a recent press release, 47 leaders of various conservative and right-leaning nonprofit organizations issued what they described as a “Joint Statement by Organizations Defamed by the Southern Poverty Law Center,” describing how their respective organizations have been smeared and defamed by the SPLC in the past. Expressing gratitude that “the SPLC has formally acknowledged that it has engaged in such misrepresentations” by settling with Maajid Nawaz and his anti-extremism organization the Quilliam Foundation for $3.375 million, the leaders argued that the organization is simply “a leftist instrument of political warfare against those with whom it disagrees,” and that the organization “deserves the infamy it has lately earned.”

The statement continued, “Editors, CEOs, shareholders, and consumers alike are on notice: Anyone relying upon and repeating its misrepresentations is complicit in the SPLC’s harmful defamation of large numbers of American citizens who, like the undersigned, have been vilified simply for working to protect our country and freedoms. . . . With this significant piece of evidence in mind, we call on government agencies, journalists, corporations, social media providers, and web platforms (i.e., Google, Twitter, YouTube, and Amazon) that have relied upon this discredited organization to dissociate themselves from the Southern Poverty Law Center and its ongoing effort to defame and vilify mainstream conservative organizations.”

In addition to the joint public statement, many organizations are considering also taking legal action against the SPLC, according to online news organization PJ Media, which first broke the story.

“We haven’t filed anything against the SPLC, but I think a number of organizations have been considering filing lawsuits against the SPLC, because they have been doing to a lot of organizations exactly what they did to Maajid Nawaz,” Mat Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel and one of the signatories of the joint public statement, explained to PJ Media. “The SPLC promotes false propaganda, [and] demonizes and labels groups they disagree with, and that labeling has economic as well as physical consequences.”

Staver told PJ Media that he knew of “at least 60” organizations that are considering taking legal action against the SPLC for defamation in the wake of the settlement with Nawaz.

Importantly, the June 20 joint statement demands that government agencies, politicians, corporations, media outlets, and social media companies sever ties from the discredited organization, which has for years masqueraded as one of the nation’s leading civil rights organizations.

Many top Internet giants and social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, have partnered with the SPLC to monitor, patrol, and combat “hate speech,” erroneously viewing the organization as an objective purveyor of information and advice. Mainstream media outlets have likewise relied on the SPLC for analysis and advice on issues pertaining to “hate” and “inclusiveness.”

In reality, the SPLC is little more than a radical, leftwing activist organization that has systematically targeted its political opponents for years. The end result has been rampant censorship of any views the liberal group disagrees with, which has damaged many organizations financially and interfered with their ability to conduct business.

Finally, this leading hate group’s credibility is starting to crumble.


16th July 2018, 09:27 PM
Adam Green's "Know More News (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaRjFptz7970mppuiGuZtpQ/videos)" channel is VG; but his interviews are lonnnng.

Listening to this'n now; Adam 'debates' a young zio-dinjoo living in izzy, who's running for their kineset (like US cong). VG; u can always just skip through & see if it interests U:

2h 41m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W9P5ormAd4


16th July 2018, 09:51 PM
2:48! I love and look forward to these but wow man. 4900 views and the comments are scattered, apparently it hasn't hit big time for the mega trolls yet. I get most my info from the comments as I don't have 2.5 hours to spend, this one is raw now. I will check comments tomorrow.

11th October 2018, 08:01 PM
https://twitter.com/VanityLaviie/status/1049128290361987073 < 2m 20s vid inside, Oy Vey!! :D

jooz thought they were above NYPD, not this day

4th December 2018, 08:29 PM
Oy Vey! Organized Jewry Reacts to CNN Survey (http://therealistreport.com/oy-vey-organized-jewry-reacts-to-cnn-survey/)

December 2, 2018 (http://therealistreport.com/oy-vey-organized-jewry-reacts-to-cnn-survey/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) 13 comments (http://therealistreport.com/oy-vey-organized-jewry-reacts-to-cnn-survey/#comments)
By now, I’m guessing most readers have no doubt heard about the recent CNN survey (https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2018/11/europe/antisemitism-poll-2018-intl/) conducted in Europe regarding “anti-Semitism” and “Holocaust awareness,” which has the organized Jewish community frantically kvetching.

Apparently, a troubling number of Europeans recognize the reality of Jewish power and influence in society, mass media, finance, and government, i.e., they hold “anti-Semitic” views. Because understanding basic facts about Jews is fundamentally “anti-Semitic,” according to the organized Jewish community and the Jewish dominated mass media.

CNN reports (https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2018/11/europe/antisemitism-poll-2018-intl/):

Anti-Semitic stereotypes are alive and well in Europe, while the memory of the Holocaust is starting to fade, a sweeping new survey by CNN reveals. More than a quarter of Europeans polled believe Jews have too much influence in business and finance. Nearly one in four said Jews have too much influence in conflict and wars across the world.

One in five said they have too much influence in the media and the same number believe they have too much influence in politics.

Meanwhile, a third of Europeans in the poll said they knew just a little or nothing at all about the Holocaust, the mass murder of some six million Jews in lands controlled by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime in the 1930s and 1940s.

Those are among the key findings of a survey carried out by pollster ComRes for CNN. The CNN/ComRes poll interviewed more than 7,000 people across Europe, with more than 1,000 respondents each in Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland and Sweden. […]

It’s worth noting that believing Jews have “too much influence” in any given field or industry – the mass media, politics, government, finance, banking etc. – is an entirely legitimate, valid point of view to hold, given the demonstrable, easily verifiable reality that Jews do indeed have significant influence and power in virtually all aspects of American society.

Jews do basically dominate and run the mass media, Hollywood, and “entertainment” industry, and some of them even openly admit it and boast about it. Jewish individuals and enterprises dominate Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, and international banking and hedge funds, and it’s pretty easy to prove that fact. Countless Jewish individuals occupy key positions of power and influence throughout the federal government, including Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Trump administration. Suffice it to say, Jews do in fact have significant influence throughout our society, and there is nothing wrong with observing (and even criticizing) this basic fact, despite what the organized Jewish community and radical left-wing activists have to say.

Unsurprisingly, the organized Jewish community has reacted with hysteria as their control of the historical and contemporary narrative continues to erode. Yad Vashem (https://twitter.com/yadvashem), the Jerusalem-based self-proclaimed World Holocaust Remembrance Center, issued a revealing statement (https://www.yadvashem.org/press-release/27-november-2018-07-04.html) following the release of the CNN survey results. Yad Vashem is “deeply concerned” about the results of the CNN survey, and laments “the troubling fact that many entrenched hateful antisemitic tropes persist in European civilization, seventy-five years after the end of the Holocaust.”

That’s right, goyim: recognizing the obvious reality of Jewish power and influence constitutes “hateful anti-Semitic tropes” that must be shut down and excluded from “enlightened” civilized society, at least according to the Jews.

Yad Vashem would go on to argue that the results of the survey “prove the necessity to intensify broad-based efforts in the area of Holocaust education and awareness, which is essential to any effort to contend with antisemitism.”


The official WWII narrative, which depicts Adolf Hitler’s “Nazi Germany” as the epitome of evil hellbent on the destruction of Jews and other minorities, and the post-WWII consensus on key issues relating to economics (“free trade” and globalism), race (anti-White, Marxist racial concepts and ideas institutionalized across the Western world), and immigration (unrestricted Third World migration to America and Europe) underpin the entire New World Order agenda, which essentially boils down to a destruction of sovereign Western nation states, a total perversion and destruction of traditional Western civilization, and the implementation of a Jewish-run tyranny across the world.

The organized Jewish community clearly recognizes these facts, and devotes significant resources, energy, and manpower to ensuring their control of the narrative remains intact. Central to that is the official “Holocaust” narrative, which is entirely false and a total inversion of what truly took place during WWII.

Isaac Herzog, the Chairman of the Jewish Agency, demonstrated his awareness of the power of the official “Holocaust” narrative in promoting the overall anti-White Jewish agenda. In response to the results of the CNN survey (https://www.timesofisrael.com/cnn-poll-over-20-of-europeans-say-jews-have-too-much-influence-worldwide/), Herzog described “anti-Semitism” as “one of the oldest diseases – racism being another such disease – for which there is no vaccine.”

“The teaching of the most horrific mass murder in history — the Holocaust of the Jews in Europe during the Second World War — must be taught as part of any curriculum in schools throughout Europe,” Herzog argued. “Especially its lessons and conclusions.”

And just what are those “lessons and conclusions” we can draw from the official “Holocaust” narrative endlessly promoted by the organized Jewish community, Hollywood, academia, and our own government institutions and politicians?

“Nazis” i.e., racially conscious White people, are evil;
“racism” and “anti-Semitism” are unacceptable and those espousing those ideas must be ostracized and punished;
formerly White Western Christian nations must be flooded with an unending stream of non-White Third World migrants with the ultimate goal of displacing and disenfranchising the traditional ethnic stock that founded, built and developed Western civilization;
Jews must never be criticized, and their power and influence in society must never be honestly investigated or discussed

I could go on, but I think most readers get the point.

The Jewish reaction to the recent CNN survey is quite revealing in that it once again underscores the central role the fake “Holocaust” narrative plays in not only their overall ability to dictate and control our political discourse, but also perpetuate and even expand their power and influence in Western society. The only solution to ending the Jewish tyranny we find ourselves being oppressed by is by openly confronting and exposing their power and influence as well as rejecting their fake, weaponized narrative explaining WWII, especially as it relates to the so-called “Jewish Holocaust.”


End Times
4th December 2018, 08:41 PM
"One in twenty Europeans has never heard of the Holocaust™" is a fucking lie.

EVERYONE has heard of the Holocaust™ and the Six Million™ and the Showers™ and the Soap™ and the Lampshades™. (((They))) have made sure of it 24/7/365/73!

FNN is just trying to whip up more hysteria for even more Holocaust™ "education" propaganda.

4th December 2018, 08:58 PM
"One in twenty Europeans has never heard of the Holocaust™" is a fucking lie.

EVERYONE has heard of the Holocaust™ and the Six Million™ and the Showers™ and the Soap™ and the Lampshades™. (((They))) have made sure of it 24/7/365/73!

FNN is just trying to whip up more hysteria for even more Holocaust™ "education" propaganda.

I agree that the stats regarding "Holocaust Awareness" are not likely accurate. Especially in Europe, where even questioning the officially story is a punishable offense.

"Rape? Never heard of it!"

Yeah right.

10th December 2018, 11:55 PM
While it lasts on YT (already 'quarantined'); @KnowMoreNews (https://twitter.com/knowmorenews) Adam Green's epic new docu' on... the J/Izzy/Zio Question! :o

"God's Chosen People"

U need to watch at YT, after okaying their "offensive yada yada" kvetching.

2.5 hr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjaRBq1Rs_8


22nd December 2018, 12:29 PM
FINALLY, an outlet for us to make a meaningful pushback (donation$$$!) against the plague of anti-Shlomo-ism! :D

< 1m:
Simon Wiesenthal Center - Fight Anti-Semitism, Give Us Your Money (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNOaHHNt0CU)


22nd December 2018, 12:34 PM
FINALLY, an outlet for us to make a meaningful pushback (donation$$$!) against the plague of anti-Shlomo-ism!


Don't forget these poor souls so close to Christmas!


22nd December 2018, 12:58 PM
Don't forget these poor souls so close to Christmas!


also from Zionist Report 3 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNLlONH1jFuA_N6VzuxVOUA/videos) channel, < 2m

Can Jews Wish Goys Merry Christmas? NO (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzvC_bIhkOI)


End Times
22nd December 2018, 10:43 PM

Don't forget these poor souls so close to Christmas!

Beyond chutzpah!

Every one of these con men (and con women) have been handed piles of cash for decades by the German "government," funded by Germans, most of whom weren't yet born when the alleged acts occurred.

B'nai B'rith can give them gelt, if these Survivors™ spent it all unwisely.

End Times
22nd December 2018, 10:48 PM
also from Zionist Report 3 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNLlONH1jFuA_N6VzuxVOUA/videos) channel, < 2m

Can Jews Wish Goys Merry Christmas? NO (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzvC_bIhkOI)


"Oy vey, vee verr poysecuted on Chrissmuss for no reezun at all!"

"Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children."

I once triggered a Kikess by reciting John 3:16. Totally unintentional. She went on a rant about you know what and how Jews were "persecuted" for "two thousand years" because of "words like yours."

Anything Christ is garlic to these vampires. It's not a reminder of real or mostly fake "persecution." It's because they have such difficulty holding in their rage...at the...Truth.

23rd December 2018, 02:42 AM
FINALLY, an outlet for us to make a meaningful pushback (donation$$$!) against the plague of anti-Shlomo-ism! :D

< 1m:
Simon Wiesenthal Center - Fight Anti-Semitism, Give Us Your Money (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNOaHHNt0CU)


I would think 9 out of 10 Jews would have said that every year since 1945 if asked...

24th December 2018, 07:20 PM

Don't forget these poor souls so close to Christmas!


The information at this link should be helpful in identyfying those who are most in need of our help. :rolleyes:


6th January 2019, 04:51 AM
Glenn Greenwald‏Verified account @ggreenwald (https://twitter.com/ggreenwald)

U.S. Senate's first bill, in midst of shutdown, is a bipartisan defense of the Israeli government from boycotts

Adam Green, 19m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmUJznEgrgE


6th January 2019, 06:18 AM
Glenn Greenwald‏Verified account @ggreenwald (https://twitter.com/ggreenwald)

U.S. Senate's first bill, in midst of shutdown, is a bipartisan defense of the Israeli government from boycotts

Adam Green, 19m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmUJznEgrgE


Absolutely sickening. Truth is, if we were to boycott Israel, we would need to shut our government down because it is entirely 'made in Israel'. How ironic.

6th January 2019, 02:09 PM
Scary world when the ACLU starts aligning with you.


20th January 2019, 06:51 PM
I barely follow the new muzzie congressbroad @IlhanMN (https://twitter.com/IlhanMN) but get these sorts of tweets in my stream. What's yawl's take on her? I instantly think, controlled/loyal-opposition, to get a seat in Cong. She does properly sing the lefty/demrat/NPC Never-Trump song; but what to make of her tweeting anti-izzy/jooz truths?!


Mike Allen‏ @AMike4761 (https://twitter.com/AMike4761) 4h4 hours ago (https://twitter.com/AMike4761/status/1087115320735748102)
US Muslim Congresswoman prays to Allah to cure humanity from harmful influence of Jews in Israel who "hypnotized" the entire world with their sorcery powers - Comment?

^ >800 comments atm. FOX clip pub'd 1/18, 5m:



US Muslim Congresswoman prays to Allah to cure humanity from harmful influence of Jews in Israel who "hypnotized" the entire world with their sorcery powers (https://www.political-discussion.com/2019/01/us-muslim-congresswoman-prays-to-allah.html)

End Times
20th January 2019, 07:19 PM
harmful influence of Jews in Israel

"Anti-Zionism" is controlled "opposition."

It aims to make "Israel" the problem rather than Talmud "Jews," anywhere.

"Israel" could be erased from the Earth tomorrow, and we'd still have a Satanic world based upon and ran according to the Talmud.

20th January 2019, 07:33 PM
^ so your vote is @IlhanMN (https://twitter.com/IlhanMN) = loyal opposition? agitprop tool?

End Times
20th January 2019, 07:44 PM
^ so your vote is @IlhanMN (https://twitter.com/IlhanMN) = loyal opposition? agitprop tool?


Will she push back on Judaism inside America? NO!

Sure, we'll get treated to some "anti-Zionist" measures, lots of talk about "genocide by 'Israel'," but nothing against Judaism elsewhere.

midnight rambler
20th January 2019, 09:11 PM
but nothing against Judaism elsewhere.

You mean Talmudism or Phariseeism, right?

End Times
20th January 2019, 09:20 PM
You mean Talmudism or Phariseeism, right?

Judaism is Pharisaism/Talmudism. Judaism is the final incarnation of what Jesus condemned as the "traditions of the elders." The religion of His day was Pharisaism.

The religion of Moses is now called Christianity.

End Times
22nd January 2019, 11:29 AM

31st January 2019, 04:18 PM
AC Hitchcock today, always 1 hr, haven't listened yet:

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 919 - 2019.01.31 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/01/the-andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show_31.html)

Monika Schaefer And Patrick Little – Patrick’s NSDAP Republican Campaign For The US Presidency In 2020

Info Page (https://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/2019/01/31/the-andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-919-monika-schaefer-and-patrick-little-patricks-nsdap-republican-campaign-for-the-us-presidency-in-2020/)

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.com (http://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/)
The Synagogue Of Satan.com (https://thesynagogueofsatan.com/)
EuroFolkRadio.com (http://eurofolkradio.com/)

Posted by zapoper (https://www.blogger.com/profile/15726967138606494466) at 10:44 AM 1 comment: (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=6064702877800274388)

10th February 2019, 11:25 PM
Anyone else have issue with trying to watch vids @ BitChute, where page half-loads, video's sound plays, but no vid console appears? I'm on windoze-10 & latest Firefox, but this prob has persisted thru FF updates. Makes me wonder if bittorent-based BitChute, being theoretically un-censorable, isn't instead being censored via blacklisting through the (((big browsers)))??

test link below; if U have same problem, the vid console does show in the grizzom.blogspot embed.


Russian Insider - Why It Is Polite To Mention When A Public Figure Is Jewish (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/02/russian-insider-why-it-is-polite-to.html)

BitChute Link (https://www.bitchute.com/video/skgIDr2EE5Jg/)

11th February 2019, 12:28 AM
Adam Green, Know More News, 24 mins:

The SPLC's Anti-White Agenda (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TK2cxeSQ_w)


Shout It From The Roof Tops (http://whoolisblog.blogspot.com/2019/02/shout-it-from-roof-tops.html)

https://i.imgtc.com/bllKlcl.png (https://i.imgtc.com/bllKlcl.png)

11th February 2019, 07:26 AM
Anyone else have issue with trying to watch vids @ BitChute, where page half-loads, video's sound plays, but no vid console appears? I'm on windoze-10 & latest Firefox, but this prob has persisted thru FF updates. Makes me wonder if bittorent-based BitChute, being theoretically un-censorable, isn't instead being censored via blacklisting through the (((big browsers)))??

test link below; if U have same problem, the vid console does show in the grizzom.blogspot embed.


Russian Insider - Why It Is Polite To Mention When A Public Figure Is Jewish (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/02/russian-insider-why-it-is-polite-to.html)

BitChute Link (https://www.bitchute.com/video/skgIDr2EE5Jg/)

Played at the first link by authorizing "musesradioplayer" in NoScript/Firefox.

Played directly at BitChute by authorizing "cloudflair" and "polyfill" in NoScript/Firefox.


11th February 2019, 08:05 AM
^ I've got NoScript installed but it's been disabled for a long time. I disabled it as a troubleshooting step way back when for some problem page I was sorting out, & I never enabled it again. So it's not been a factor.

The first link
Russian Insider - Why It Is Polite To Mention When A Public Figure Is Jewish (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/02/russian-insider-why-it-is-polite-to.html)
properly shows the console & plays when I click it.

11th February 2019, 01:37 PM
Anyone else have issue with trying to watch vids @ BitChute, where page half-loads, video's sound plays, but no vid console appears? I'm on windoze-10 & latest Firefox, but this prob has persisted thru FF updates. Makes me wonder if bittorent-based BitChute, being theoretically un-censorable, isn't instead being censored via blacklisting through the (((big browsers)))??

test link below; if U have same problem, the vid console does show in the grizzom.blogspot embed.


Russian Insider - Why It Is Polite To Mention When A Public Figure Is Jewish (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/02/russian-insider-why-it-is-polite-to.html)

BitChute Link (https://www.bitchute.com/video/skgIDr2EE5Jg/)

No problem on iPad with Safari browser. Plays on my communist android cellular phone Opera browser too

22nd February 2019, 10:27 AM
Trump’s New “Anti-Semitism” Envoy: America Is Focused on “Protecting the Jews” (http://therealistreport.com/trumps-new-anti-semitism-envoy-america-is-focused-on-protecting-the-jews/#.XHAEdQ1zkKA.twitter) February 22, 2019 (http://therealistreport.com/trumps-new-anti-semitism-envoy-america-is-focused-on-protecting-the-jews/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) Leave a comment (http://therealistreport.com/trumps-new-anti-semitism-envoy-america-is-focused-on-protecting-the-jews/#respond)

It’s becoming increasingly more and more difficult to find anything redeemable about President Trump.
Read this entire article recently published by the Jewish Telegraph Agency (https://www.jta.org/2019/02/21/united-states/trumps-anti-semitism-envoy-assures-american-jewish-leaders-that-president-is-committed-to-protecting-jews) to really understand just how totally subservient the Trump administration and our entire federal government is to Jews:


The State Department’s new envoy on anti-Semitism addressed American Jewish leaders gathered for a conference here, and praised President Donald Trump for his commitment to fighting that bias.

Elan Carr appeared to charm delegates of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, who hosted the envoy Thursday toward the end of their annual four-day trip here. […]

Carr, 50, a Hebrew-speaking former Los Angeles prosecutor who served with the U.S. Army in Iraq, was named as the special envoy for monitoring and combating anti-Semitism earlier this month. The post, which was held by Ira Forman under President Barack Obama, had sat empty for the first two years of the Trump presidency despite protests from lawmakers and Jewish groups.

“My office was created by law and designed to protect the Jewish people throughout the world. Think about that,” Carr said Thursday. “The world’s greatest power is focused, by law and design, on protecting the Jews. It’s something not to be taken for granted.”

Carr declared that the president “could not be more passionate about the issue” of fighting anti-Semitism and had “spent considerable time speaking about anti-Semitism in his State of the Union address.”

In the Feb. 5 address, Trump referred to anti-Semitism as a “vile poison” and a “venomous creed,” and introduced survivors of the October shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue.

Carr, who was in Israel to meet with government officials and members of civil society, also praised Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, saying that Pompeo “couldn’t be more determined” to wipe out the “disease” of Jew hatred.

“Pompeo speaks about this at every opportunity and is passionate about it,” Carr said. “It’s the business of this administration and of the United States to fight anti-Semitism.”

Carr was adamant that the White House would “not ignore any part of the ideological spectrum” and would go after anti-Semitism “regardless of the ideological clothing in which it dresses itself,” from ultranationalism on the right to left-wing anti-Zionism. Some Jewish groups belonging to the Presidents Conference, an umbrella representing a range of political ideologies, have been concerned that a Department of Homeland Security program on countering violent extremism was shifted during the Trump administration to focus solely on Muslim extremism and not white nationalism.

Among the threats Carr cited were traditional forms of anti-Semitism such as “statements of government officials who call us internationalist outsiders who subvert society” and attacks by those who say that Jewish advocacy for immigrants is a threat to America. The gunman charged in the Pittsburgh shooting was reported to have railed against Jewish support for immigrants’ rights.

“Anti-Semitism is a human sickness and rots to the core every society that embraces it,” Carr said.

Several high-profile American Jewish leaders who attended Carr’s speech lauded the new envoy even as they expressed reservations regarding the president who appointed him. Given the sensitivity of the matter, none of them agreed to speak on the record.

“You have to give credit where credit is due,” one prominent figure told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “We can be critical and we should be, and we need to be critical, but when we can give credit to an administration and its appointed official we should be able to do so. This is a good appointment and the Jewish community has and will support it. It’s unfortunate it took two years to do it.” […]

Quite a revealing article, one you could only find coming from the pages of an explicitly Jewish news outlet (http://therealistreport.com/category/news-from-the-jews/) like the Jewish Telegraph Agency (https://www.jta.org/2019/02/21/united-states/trumps-anti-semitism-envoy-assures-american-jewish-leaders-that-president-is-committed-to-protecting-jews).

From the moment he stepped foot on the political stage, I was skeptical and discontent with Trump’s close connection to and familial relations with a number of suspicious Jews, including Jared Kushner and Roy Cohn (https://www.henrymakow.com/cgi-bin/mt-5/mt-search.cgi?search=roy+cohn&IncludeBlogs=1&limit=20), among many, many others (https://www.timesofisrael.com/meet-the-jews-in-donald-trumps-inner-circle/).

Generally speaking, the Jews surrounding Trump have been entirely hostile to his proclaimed America First agenda, save for perhaps Stephen Miller. Indeed, it has been a hallmark of President Trump’s first term for him to appoint individuals that are openly opposed to his agenda, a point Ann Coulter has been making for the past two years. Why would the president appoint individuals hostile to his proclaimed agenda? Really makes one wonder.

Although Trump was hesitant to appoint an “anti-Semitism” envoy, he of course caved – as always – and fulfilled the position. President Trump has been caving on virtually everything lately, failing to get anything of significance actually accomplished.

The fact that the U.S. federal government has an “anti-Semitism” envoy in the first place speaks volumes about the power and influence of the Jewish community in this country. As Carr, the new envoy, noted, the U.S. “is focused, by law and design, on protecting the Jews,” and that is certainly something Carr, his fellow Jews, and the Trump administration will work tirelessly on doing.


25th February 2019, 04:13 PM
Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2019.02.25 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/02/our-interesting-times-with-timothy_25.html)

https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/34/cd/05/tkelly6785757/460%3E_13314421.jpg (https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/34/cd/05/tkelly6785757/460%3E_13314421.jpg)

Nick Mason on the Leo Frank and the Murder of Mary Phagan

Nick Mason returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his research on the murder of the Mary Phagan and the subsequent trial and conviction of Leo Frank for that crime.

Nick is a co-host of Myth of the 20th Century (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaDp06m5wCPTk6a-67_R-gA) podcast and a frequent contributor to the American Sun.

Timothy's Podcasts
Download (https://tkelly6785757.podomatic.com/enclosure/2019-02-25T06_46_26-08_00.mp3)

28th February 2019, 09:32 AM

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 939 - 2019.02.28 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/02/the-andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show_28.html)

Monika Schaefer And Patrick Little – When You Must Not Criticize Real Wrongdoing…

Download (https://cldup.com/xhEXowTq1w.mp3)

28th February 2019, 10:48 AM

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 939 - 2019.02.28 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/02/the-andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show_28.html)

Monika Schaefer And Patrick Little – When You Must Not Criticize Real Wrongdoing…

Download (https://cldup.com/xhEXowTq1w.mp3)

This is the first I've run across this Author. It looks quite interesting. Has there been discussion on this forum regarding his work?

28th February 2019, 11:50 AM
^ who, Patrick Little? or Hitchcock? answer is yes on both, & Schaefer too. search names ;)

3rd March 2019, 04:31 AM

An Open Challenge to Jewish Columnist: Let’s Have a Debate! (http://therealistreport.com/an-open-challenge-to-jewish-columnist-lets-have-a-debate/)

March 3, 2019 (http://therealistreport.com/an-open-challenge-to-jewish-columnist-lets-have-a-debate/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) Leave a comment (http://therealistreport.com/an-open-challenge-to-jewish-columnist-lets-have-a-debate/#respond)

Regular readers of this website are well aware of “the growing anti-Semitism scam,” as Philip Giraldi, a former counter-terrorism analyst and military intelligence officer for the CIA, recently described it in an excellent article published at The Unz Review (https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-growing-anti-semitism-scam/).

The “anti-Semitism” slur is “something like a tactical discussion stopper, employed to end all dispute while also condemning those accused of the crime as somehow outside the pale, monsters who are consigned forever to derision and obscurity,” Giraldi powerfully argued in his recent piece (https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-growing-anti-semitism-scam/).

Indeed, Jews and their lackeys target anyone and everyone who questions or disputes their narrative on any number of historical and contemporary topics as “anti-Semitic.” (http://therealistreport.com/oy-vey-organized-jewry-reacts-to-cnn-survey/) Factually observing basic facts about Jews and their power and influence in society is fundamentally “anti-Semitic,” according to the organized Jewish community and Jewish ethnic activists. Due to the tremendous influence of the Jewish community in the West, these attitudes are entirely mainstream and have become institutionalized throughout America and Western Europe. Generally speaking, it is social and professional suicide in the West to criticize Jews or publicly state demonstrable facts about their anti-White, globalist agenda.

I’ve written and spoken extensively about “anti-Semitism,” (http://therealistreport.com/tag/anti-semitism/) a truly weaponized concept utilized by the Jews and Jewish controlled institutions such as the mass media and entertainment complex, mainstream politics, and academia. “Anti-Semitism” and other weaponized buzzwords, including “hate” and “racism,” for example, are Orwellian concepts utilized to shut down any sort of honest discussion that deviates even slightly from the prevailing Jewish promoted narrative on any number of important topics: racial issues, politics, foreign policy, immigration, history, etc.

A common and increasingly tyrannical tactic employed by the organized Jewish community and left wing activists whose minds have been poisoned by Jewish propaganda is to shut down (http://age-of-treason.com/2019/02/26/pardon-the-interruption/) and censor (http://carolynyeager.net/creep-censorship-hits-home) “anti-Semitic” publishers and presenters on the internet. “Anti-Semitic” websites and publishers have been deplatformed, censored, kicked off Twitter and other social media platforms, and otherwise excluded from mainstream society due to lobbying and pressure organized by Jewish ethnic activists, radical left wing groups such as antifa, and dishonest left wing “journalists”. David Icke and other righteous political activists have even been prevented from traveling to (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/lauren-southern-far-right-canada-racist-calais-detain-uk-ban-enter-visa-a8254116.html) and speaking in other countries (https://www.thenational.ae/world/tommy-robinson-banned-from-entering-australia-1.820041) due to their politically incorrect opinions.

Rarely do these individuals and groups attempt to confront “anti-Semites” intellectually or engage in an honest, frank, straightforward debate. They have relied on censorship (http://therealistreport.com/big-tech-companies-continue-to-target-political-dissidents/) and doxxing – the publishing of private, personal information publicly on the internet in an attempt to maliciously target someone – to shut down their political opponents. Radical left wing activists even engage in outright political violence against their perceived political enemies, often without legal repercussions (https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2019/03/01/antifa-terrorists-immune-from-prosecution/) (see here (http://therealistreport.com/are-violent-leftists-above-the-law/) and here (http://therealistreport.com/antifa-calls-for-violence-while-media-stays-silent/) also).

Which is why I read a recent article (https://www.cjnews.com/perspectives/opinions/lieblein-taking-the-fight-to-the-haters) written by Josh Lieblein (https://twitter.com/JustJoshinYa), a Jewish political activist and writer living in Canada who “does not self-identify as a journalist” according to this Columnist page on Loonie Politics (http://looniepolitics.com/lieblein/), with great interest. In his piece, Lieblein argues that he and his comrades must take “the fight to the haters,” and openly confront and debate them publicly on the issues. A very welcome development, I must say.

“We are a people who put a premium on learning, who are guided by the written and spoken word,” Lieblein’s Op-Ed published by The Canadian Jewish News (https://www.cjnews.com/perspectives/opinions/lieblein-taking-the-fight-to-the-haters) begins, referring to himself and his fellow Jewish tribesmen. “That can make it hard to comprehend why today’s discourse, especially online, is filled with ignorance, both willful and unintentional. Wannabe demagogues trigger outrage on social media, and it’s become a popular pastime to sneer at them and the triggered alike.”

Lieblein continues:

The common denominator is ignorance. People don’t seem to understand that unchecked falsehoods about Israel or beliefs that George Soros is singlehandedly bankrolling mass illegal immigration creates the conditions for violence against Jews. […]

But ignorance is not always the same as stupidity. Brushing off those who espouse anti-Semitism online as stupid or deluded isn’t getting the job done. Neither is calling them racist, sexist or homophobic – even though that’s what they are. Attempts to deplatform haters – to take away their ability to use certain social media sites – and to shut down their media outlets, not to mention threats to commit violence against them, isn’t getting the job done, either.

We have learned that the purveyors of hate are canny operators. The trouble is that few, if any, are willing to step onto their turf and call out their falsehoods to their faces.

It makes sense that many are justifiably afraid of being mobbed or physically attacked if they speak out. We’ve seen exactly that type of thing happen time and again. But if the targets of hate are too frightened to strike back, then those who benefit from the spread of ignorance have already won. Reporters can fact-check all they like, but unless their subjects are directly confronted with their own falsehoods, it becomes a perfunctory exercise. Thanks to the distance provided by social media, it’s easy to ignore one’s critics.

What we need – and what the Jewish community must seek to develop – is a group of trained, skilled debaters and social media influencers who are wise to the haters’ verbal tricks and traps, in addition to the Nazi-punchers, the deplatformers and the behind-the-scenes operators. […]

Lieblein is arguing for a very bold and new tactic to counter the “spread of anti-Semitism”: in addition to outright political violence as well as deplatforming and censoring “anti-Semites,” Jewish activists and their sympathizers must develop “a group of trained, skilled debaters and social media influencers” to directly confront “anti-Semites”.

“Online anti-Semites cannot be defeated with memes, fact-checking tweets, national anti-hate strategies or virtue-signalling protests,” Lieblein passionately argues. “Right or left, populist or establishment, they and their falsehoods must be faced directly and destroyed with relentless truth. Doing this would put the haters on notice: The Jewish people know who you are and where you are. And we will not allow you to spread your lies without having to meet, confront and justify yourself before the people who you are lying about.”

As a self-professed “anti-Semite”, i.e., someone who recognizes basic, easily provable facts about Jews and their power and influence in America, I welcome Lieblein’s approach. Let’s openly discuss and debate our worldviews Josh – I think it’s a great idea.

I’ve been hoping for an opportunity to engage in an open dialogue with my political and ethnic opponents for years. So I openly challenge Josh Lieblein (http://looniepolitics.com/lieblein/) (@JustJoshinYa on Twitter (https://twitter.com/JustJoshinYa)) to a public debate. I would be more than happy to have him appear as a guest on my radio program, and I believe I am professional and objective enough to host an honest, frank discussion between the two of us. If Josh prefers an alternative venue for an honest debate, I am totally open and willing.

What do you say Josh?

Let’s debate these issues: let’s discuss serious, scholarly revisionist arguments (https://barnesreview.org/product-category/books/holocaust-handbooks/) relating to the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” (http://therealistreport.com/how-the-holocaust-was-faked/); let’s talk about the overwhelming evidence Israel and Jewish criminals in America planned and orchestrated 9/11 (http://www.unz.com/article/911-was-an-israeli-job/) in order to initiate and institutionalize the Jewish-concocted “Global War on Terror” (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-christopher-bollyn/); let’s discuss the Jewish role in promoting Communism, both politically and culturally; let’s address Jewish power and influence in America, including their complete control over the entire U.S. federal government, their control over the mainstream mass media and entertainment establishment, and their influence in academia, banking, finance, and other leading sectors of the U.S. economy; let’s talk about dual-loyalty and the history of Jews. I’m more than willing, and it sounds like you are, too.

Let’s do it Josh. I’m sure we’d have a great discussion. What do you say?


5th March 2019, 04:41 AM
^ John Friend's article above was good and the comments that followed it were even better.


5th March 2019, 06:05 AM
Yep Josh lieblein will run for the hills before he takes up this challenge.

Lying Jews. Is all that needs to be said.

9th March 2019, 07:04 PM
JFriend & Josh da dinjoo nuffin got er done, 81m:


10th March 2019, 12:57 PM
JFriend & Josh da dinjoo nuffin got er done, 81m:


Kind of slow to start with but John Friend pointed out too the jew/devil all the crap they do to destroy the white race. It's a waste of time talking to them because they're intent on killing off the white race and that's not going to change. The jew/devil said that they are very good at surviving and what ever obstacle is put in front of them they'll find a way to work around it. The only way to deal with them is to drive them and their pets out of white christian nations.

10th March 2019, 02:14 PM
I thought JF erred on the side of too nicey nice, with all the hat tips & strokes etc, & left all da dinjooz' hoaxed joo attack citings & fraud victimhood posturing go unchallenged. 81m was much too short to properly deconstruct all the lies, & JF seemed to be all about keeping the gefilte fish on the line for future shows together.

11 comments at the RR link now; some good ones but comments there are transparent for Josh/world so need to bear that in mind when critiquing.

10th March 2019, 05:21 PM
I thought JF erred on the side of too nicey nice, with all the hat tips & strokes etc, & left all da dinjooz' hoaxed joo attack citings & fraud victimhood posturing go unchallenged. 81m was much too short to properly deconstruct all the lies, & JF seemed to be all about keeping the gefilte fish on the line for future shows together.

I agree with you about letting him off too easy and keeping him on the line but it's still a waste of time talking to a jew/devil.

10th March 2019, 06:38 PM
The Realist Report – Dr. Kevin MacDonald

March 10, 2019*Realist Report Leave a comment

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined once again by Dr. Kevin MacDonald (@TOOEdit) of*The Occidental Observer. Dr. MacDonald and I discuss a number of recent political developments, including*the CPAC conference that recently took place, the state of mainstream conservatism, and the status of President Donald Trump, who continues to disappoint and is now*openly attacking some of his biggest supporters. We move on to discuss the “growing anti-Semitism scam,”*as writer Philip Giraldi recently described it, the recent House resolution condemning “anti-Semitism” and “hate,” the power and influence of the organized Jewish community and much more

Audio inside http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-dr-kevin-macdonald-anti-semitism-scam/

10th March 2019, 07:54 PM

31st March 2019, 08:39 PM
Nancy Pelosi At AIPAC: Being “Anti-Semitic” Is Anti-American

March 30, 2019*Realist Report 10 comments


1st April 2019, 03:52 AM
Nancy Pelosi At AIPAC: Being “Anti-Semitic” Is Anti-American

March 30, 2019*Realist Report 10 comments


What amazes me is that israel is the main being in all US politics.

9th May 2019, 09:01 AM
Audio inside, 1h 22m

The Realist Report – Adam Green

May 8, 2019*Realist Report 5 comments

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined by Adam Green (@Know_More_News) of*Know More News, one of the best YouTube channels on the net. Adam and I discuss his background and experience in the alternative media, his views on Alex Jones and “conspiracy theories”, 9/11, global Zionism,*the New World Order, and related topics

9th May 2019, 09:17 AM
Adam also did a good vid 2 days ago, on the legislative anti-anti-Shlomoism hysteria esp after the Poway FF/psyop. 1h 25m

The Prohibition of "Anti-Semitism"

7th June 2019, 10:00 PM
Rapper Talib Kweli rejects German demand to denounce Israel boycott (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/tamara-nassar/rapper-talib-kweli-rejects-german-demand-denounce-israel-boycott)

Tamara Nassar (https://electronicintifada.net/people/tamara-nassar) Activism and BDS Beat (https://electronicintifada.net/blog/activism-and-bds-beat) 7 June 2019


Talib Kweli says he will “stand up for what’s right” rather than “lie about BDS for a check.” (Peter Matthews / Flickr (https://www.flickr.com/photos/pete_m/19290387970/in/photolist-voChh3-vFcrTv-vECXkQ-uJmEht-voKvvc-vECWKG-vi676J-vi3r2A-qe2dTt-pNsZVN-q5WpfL-q5NiAt-q5CCtV-pzRd7r-piCoz1-pfuPXR-vEYrps-uJwwDd-voXFiL-voXAid-uJwvfS-vFwRk2-voXws7-voXzSL-vFwDut-vEY3y7-vFwd48-uJvM61-vFw8zZ-vFUo3D-voWC1d-vFvLKT-vDdkTq-uJF4sR-vFvKNn-vp4Sv2-vFvFCP-vFzBSk-uJc2hf-uJc1E3-vFzAc6-vECU3s-uJmAhK-vFzyqk-uJmzT8-vECQC1-uJbVyS-uJmxyP-p7yJzX-onwaWo))

American rapper Talib Kweli (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/talib-kweli) has refused to cave in to demands from a German festival that he denounce the BDS – boycott, divestment and sanctions – movement for Palestinian rights.

As a result, he was disinvited (https://www.facebook.com/opensourcefestival/posts/10157556163352259) from the July festival’s lineup.

Kweli is saying that he refuses to “censor myself and lie about BDS for a check.”

Germany’s lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, recently passed a resolution (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/riri-hylton/german-parliament-smears-quest-palestinian-rights-anti-semitic) equating BDS with anti-Semitism.

The smear against a nonviolent movement that rejects all forms of racism prompted protests (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/palestinians-protest-german-attack-right-boycott-israeli-apartheid) by Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip and denunciation from across Palestinian society.

Modeled on the global solidarity campaign that helped end apartheid in South Africa, the BDS movement explicitly opposes (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israel-boycott-part-global-anti-racist-struggle) all forms of bigotry, including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.


This week Kweli revealed that he received an email (https://www.facebook.com/talibkweli/photos/a.346060340605/10157846810515606/) from Philipp Maiburg, artistic director of the Open Source Festival (https://www.open-source-festival.de/en/) in the western city of Düsseldorf, highlighting the Bundestag motion and demanding the artist’s position on BDS.

“As you know, there are many discussions around the BDS in Germany and artists which have signed to it. There has also been a lot of confusion even with much bigger festivals than ours,” Maiburg wrote.

“The new situation now is that since 17 May 2019, there is now an official statement from the German government signed by all parties which basically officially declares the statements and methods of the BDS as anti-Semitic.”

Although the Bundestag resolution is nonbinding, Maiburg asserted that “All administrations of regions or cities, as well as representatives of public institutions, are asked not to give BDS any room or platform.”

“As we are also working with public funding we have no other choice than to ask you for an official statement concerning your position towards the BDS,” he added.

McCarthyite atmosphere

Even though they could not be held in violation of any law, festival organizers may fear the pressure and vilification they would face for hosting Kweli amid the McCarthyite (https://electronicintifada.net/content/germany-denies-free-speech-israels-crimes/26001) anti-Palestinian (https://electronicintifada.net/content/classical-music-censored-israel/25286) atmosphere (https://electronicintifada.net/content/will-boycotting-israel-become-crime-germany/23986) fostered by Germany’s media and elites and further fueled by the Bundestag vote.

The Bundestag resolution calls for withholding public funding from organizations that support the boycott movement or call into question Israel’s claimed “right to exist.”

Several German government departments are sponsoring (https://www.open-source-festival.de/en/partner/) the festival.

“This is fascism”

Kweli said he was being asked to “denounce BDS or else not perform” and posted a public response (https://www.facebook.com/talibkweli/photos/a.346060340605/10157846810515606/) to Maiburg’s letter on his Facebook page.

“By lying and saying that BDS is an anti-Semitic movement, the German government is engaging in fascism and doing a disservice to the German people,” Kweli wrote.

“Boycotting, divesting and sanctioning are peaceful solutions to the crisis that destroys Palestinian homes and lives. It is the opposite of terrorism.”

“It worked to make South Africa a fairer and more equal nation and it could work in Israel if its opponents were not so anti-black and anti-Muslim.”

Kweli is unapologetically refusing to abide by the festival’s demands.

“I would like to perform in Germany but I don’t need to. I’d rather be a decent human being and stand up for what’s right than censor myself and lie about BDS for a check.”

He also took to Twitter (https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=israel%20OR%20palestine%20OR%20palestinian%20OR% 20palestinians%20OR%20israeli%20OR%20BDS%20from%3A talibkweli&src=typd&lang=en) to affirm his stance after Israel supporters started attacking him.

“The German government is demanding that artists who perform at Open Source Festival, a publicly funded event, denounce BDS as anti-Semitic. BDS is not anti-Semitic. This is fascism. I will not be censored,” Kweli tweeted (https://twitter.com/TalibKweli/status/1136307570229092352).

You are wrong. Maybe you should read it again. The German government is demanding that artists who perform at Open Festival, a publicly funded event, denounce BDS as anti Semitic. BDS is not anti Semitic. This is fascism. I will not be censored. https://t.co/0xuiofNUrv
— Talib Kweli Greene (@TalibKweli) June 5, 2019


Standing up for Palestine

This is not the rapper’s first principled stance for Palestinian rights.

In 2014, Kweli canceled (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/rapper-talib-kweli-takes-stand-palestine-cancels-israel-gig) plans to perform in Israel after appeals by Palestinian rights campaigners.

He has also voiced his support for Palestinian rights through his music (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/rappers-talib-kweli-and-yasiin-bey-mos-def-give-lyrical-shout-out-palestine).

Last year, Scotland-based band Young Fathers (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/young-fathers) had their show canceled (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/german-festival-cancels-young-fathers-supporting-palestinian-rights) by another German festival for refusing to renounce their support for Palestinian rights.

The band called it a “wrong and deeply unfair decision” to require artists to “distance ourselves from our human rights principles in order for the appearance to go ahead.”

Palestinians subsequently called (https://bdsmovement.net/news/palestinians-call-boycotting-german-ruhrtriennale-festival-accuse-it-mccarthyism) for a boycott of the Ruhrtriennale festival.

Several artists heeded (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/artists-boycott-germanys-ruhrtriennale-banning-palestinian-rights) the call and canceled their appearances.

Faced with the strong show of solidarity for Young Fathers, the festival reversed course (https://hyperallergic.com/448753/young-fathers-band-banned-ruhrtriennale-festival-bds-israel-palestine/) and re-invited the band.

Talib Kweli (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/talib-kweli)
BDS (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/bds)
Germany (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/germany)
Bundestag (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/bundestag)
Open Source Festival (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/open-source-festival)
Philipp Maiburg (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/philipp-maiburg)
anti-semitism (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/anti-semitism)
Young Fathers (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/young-fathers)
Ruhrtriennale (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ruhrtriennale)

Tamara Nassar's blog (https://electronicintifada.net/blog/104821)


8th June 2019, 02:22 PM
Thirty-five million Americans harbor a hatred for Jews and number growing as economy continues to stall (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/thirty-five-million-americans-harbor-a-hatred-jews-number-growing-economy-continues-stall-article-1.971918)

Anti-Defamation League survey shows the most-educated were least prejudice

BY Corky Siemaszko (http://www.nydailynews.com/authors?author=Corky%20Siemaszko)
Thursday, November 3 2011, 4:15 PM
Comstock/Getty Images

A new Anti-Defamation League survey found 15% of Americans hold deeply anti-Semitic views.

Millions of Americans harbor an ugly secret — they’re suspicious of the Jews.

more spew:

And then relatives of Steve Jobs enter Europe and that number goes to 1.5% of Americans hate din joos. While the number of those that hate white Syrian Steve Jobs (an Arab Muslim genius born : Steve Jandali) went up to 15% and din joos were happy.


These dumb goyim now don't hate jews and niggers anymore, look at the rallies, they all hate Steve Jandali Jobs for being a white Arab. He was one of the smartest, highest IQ, most kind people ever, and the dumb goyim stopped hating jews and nigger blacks and started these pro-zionist, pro-jewish political parties to hate the Syrians migrants. They like Putin, friend of jews, they like Orban - friend of jews, they like Le Pen - who sleeps with a jew. The neo-nazis pepe are the individuals who Netanyahu likes the most. A decade ago, the growing number of those who hated niggers and jews was at 15%, and growing rapidly, too rapidly for the likes of jews. So the jews dialed up a migrant crisis created by jews, and the new recruits of hating jews and niggers, stopped hating jews and niggers and hated whites instead. Whites like Steve Jobs, who started Apple.

9/11 was a distraction to hate Whites in the middle east, and start wars in the cradle of civilization. We are still nearly a decade into this hate whites, not niggers and jews. And there seems to be no end in this stupidity in the West.

Any rallies against Wall Street jews anymore, the jews got the goyim in a divide and conquer.

And I get questioned if I am white for pointing this out.

The rapefugees are not white.

9th June 2019, 02:25 AM
^ so your vote is @IlhanMN (https://twitter.com/IlhanMN) = loyal opposition? agitprop tool?

Having a muslim woman in headscarf spewing a small amount of anti-Zionist facts is probably enough to turn most whites into more pro-Zionist. Of course for people like us, who let the facts speak for themselves it makes no difference, but we are the minority. On balance I would say she is really good for the Zionist overlords.

16th June 2019, 07:36 PM
KosherMAGA spews:

Ryan Saavedra‏Verified account @RealSaavedra (https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra) Jun 15 (https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1140061370744037377)
Notorious anti-Semite Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) falsely claims that pro-Israel supporters were “weaponizing” her “anti-Semitism” in order “to shut down debate”

Sounds reasonable. --H H-- 1m Ilhan clip inside, from CNN

17th June 2019, 02:23 PM
Shocking moment notoriously anti-Semitic Prime Minister of Malaysia tells a laughing audience at the Cambridge Union that he liked his Jewish friends because ‘they're not like other Jews’ (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7150369/Anti-Semitic-PM-Malaysia-says-likes-Jewish-friends-theyre-not-like-Jews.html)

Mahathir Mohamad, 93, has said previously he's 'glad to be labelled anti-Semitic'
Cambridge Union wouldn't call off Sunday's event to protect freedom of speech
Dr Mohamad was asked about offensive comments made about Jews and money
He said: 'I have some Jewish friends, very good friends. They are not like the other Jews, that’s why they are my friends'
Former presidents of the Cambridge Union say his appearance has brought 'shame' on the world's oldest debating society

By Martin Robinson, Chief Reporter For Mailonline (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Martin+Robinson,+Chief+Reporter+For+Ma ilonline)
Published: 11:09 EDT, 17 June 2019 | Updated: 15:44 EDT, 17 June 2019

more https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7150369/Anti-Semitic-PM-Malaysia-says-likes-Jewish-friends-theyre-not-like-Jews.html

19th July 2019, 09:27 AM
84 min docu pub'd last year, featuring Roger Waters narration. It's "limited state" @ YT of course, so must sign in to "verify age" lol; otherwise @ bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/iPgIY9cxrNtm/



The Occupation of the American Mind (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMs2wytSRigaUTcpf_UcOlQ)
Published on May 30, 2018 The Occupation of the American Mind documentary Over the past few years, Israel's ongoing military occupation of Palestinian territory and repeated invasions of the Gaza strip have triggered a fierce backlash against Israeli policies virtually everywhere in the world -- except the United States. The Occupation of the American Mind takes an eye-opening look at this critical exception, zeroing in on pro-Israel public relations efforts within the U.S.

Narrated by Roger Waters and featuring leading observers of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and U.S. media culture, the film explores how the Israeli government, the U.S. government, and the pro-Israel lobby have joined forces, often with very different motives, to shape American media coverage of the conflict in Israel's favor. From the U.S.-based public relations campaigns that emerged in the 1980s to today, the film provides a sweeping analysis of Israel's decades-long battle for the hearts, minds, and tax dollars of the American people in the face of widening international condemnation of its increasingly right-wing policies.

Narrated by Roger Waters / Featuring Amira Hass, M.J. Rosenberg, Stephen M. Walt, Noam Chomsky, Rula Jebreal, Henry Siegman, Rashid Khalidi, Rami Khouri, Yousef Munayyer, Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal, Phyllis Bennis, Norman Solomon, Mark Crispin Miller, Peter Hart, and Sut Jhally.

19th July 2019, 12:18 PM
still bugs me re EMJ that he treats Charlottesville, Christchurch, & Poway as legit events per their official stories; not (((manipulated/hoaxes/psyops))).

Jewish Privilege - Excerpt (https://culturewars.com/news/jewish-privilege-excerpt)

July 19, 2019 (https://culturewars.com/news/jewish-privilege-excerpt)/ E. Michael Jones (https://culturewars.com/news?author=5d150663e280490001314e54) What is Hate?

22nd August 2019, 05:34 PM
German funfair shuts down new ride after realising it looks like a Nazi Swastika (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7374353/German-funfair-shuts-new-ride-realising-looks-like-Swastika.html)

The 'Eagle Fly' ride was hailed as a thrilling addition to the funfair in Löffingen
Park bosses failed to realise the ride's four arms formed the shape of a swastika
The park manager has since apologised and said the ride will be redesigned

https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/08/20/08/17472676-7374353-Unfortunate_resemblance_This_Eagle_Fly_ride_at_a_G erman_amusemen-a-11_1566286712874.jpg

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7374353/German-funfair-shuts-new-ride-realising-looks-like-Swastika.html :D

8th November 2019, 11:54 AM
haven't listened,

The David Duke Show 2019.11.08 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/11/the-david-duke-show-20191108.html)
Today: Dr Duke and Patrick Little

64k CF Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/e90d19270/zwa477s8-2xezmde5-s3zvcfa2-bv6a4q83)

edit: Patrick comes on @ 18:30

21st November 2019, 02:13 AM
Gilad A tweets: https://twitter.com/GiladAtzmon/status/1197408551918096384

ADL survey: 25% of Europeans anti-Semitic, East European bigotry rises sharply ... It really suggests that in Europe, the further you move to the west, the more intellectually castrated you are, the more you are willing to lie about obvious matters...

ADL survey: 25% of Europeans anti-Semitic, East European bigotry rises sharply (https://www.timesofisrael.com/adl-survey-25-of-europeans-anti-semitic-east-european-bigotry-rises-sharply/)

A global poll of 9,000 adults in 18 countries shows significant numbers believe age-old tropes about Jews, including that they seek world domination

By YAAKOV SCHWARTZ (https://www.timesofisrael.com/writers/yaakov-schwartz/)


9th January 2020, 08:21 AM
NY Street interviews with some based blacks
Note @2:43 "these observations reflected the views of the majority of people I spoke with"

Ami Horowitz: Anti-Semitism Grows in Brooklyn

New Ami on the Loose video! What's motivating the recent anti-Semitic attacks in New York? We found out. Watch and share.

11th January 2020, 03:04 AM
^ based analysis of that brooklyn dindus on da dinjooz clip, by Revenge of the Cis

19m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYG52YAlspw


1st February 2020, 05:28 PM
wokeness https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1223279942047277062

apparently from March 2018

9th February 2020, 02:36 PM
Adam Green pub'd Feb 4; a patchwork of dajooz in their own words, 29 mins:



28th February 2020, 09:54 AM
Jewish Telegraphic Agency: 1 in 5 Europeans thinks a secret Jewish cabal runs the world, survey finds (https://www.jta.org/2020/02/25/global/20-of-european-survey-participants-say-secret-jewish-cabal-runs-the-world)
FEBRUARY 25, 2020

PARIS (JTA) – A secret network of Jews influences global political and economic affairs.

That’s the feeling among a fifth of the 16,000 respondents to a survey among Europeans from 16 countries. The same number also agreed with the statement that “Jews exploit Holocaust victimhood for their own needs.”

The survey was presented by the Hungary-based Action and Protection League Monday at a conference about anti-Semitism organized in Paris by the European Jewish Association. It was conducted in December and January in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Poland, among other countries.

Other findings:

* A quarter of respondents agreed with the statement that Israel’s policies make them understand why some people hate Jews.

* More than a quarter concurred with the statement that “Israel is engaged in legitimate self defense against its enemies.” A quarter of respondents disagreed and 46% did not express a position.

* More than a third agreed with the assertion that “During World War II, people from our nation suffered as much as Jews.”

Holocaust revisionism and classic anti-Semitic stereotypes were more common in Eastern Europe, whereas anti-Israel sentiments, including anti-Semitic ones, were more common in the west, according to Rabbi Slomo Koves, chairman of the Action and Protection League. The Budapest-based group is affiliated with the Hungarian Jewish community’s main watchdog on anti-Semitism.

In each of the countries polled, a representative sample of 1,000 adults was presented with 45 questions or statements in face-to-face interviews about Jews and Israel, according to the Action and Protection League. The survey has a margin of error of 0.8%...

28th February 2020, 12:37 PM
Jewish Telegraphic Agency: 1 in 5 Europeans thinks a secret Jewish cabal runs the world, survey finds (https://www.jta.org/2020/02/25/global/20-of-european-survey-participants-say-secret-jewish-cabal-runs-the-world)
FEBRUARY 25, 2020

PARIS (JTA) – A secret network of Jews influences global political and economic affairs.

That’s the feeling among a fifth of the 16,000 respondents to a survey among Europeans from 16 countries. The same number also agreed with the statement that “Jews exploit Holocaust victimhood for their own needs.”

The survey was presented by the Hungary-based Action and Protection League Monday at a conference about anti-Semitism organized in Paris by the European Jewish Association. It was conducted in December and January in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Poland, among other countries.

Other findings:

* A quarter of respondents agreed with the statement that Israel’s policies make them understand why some people hate Jews.

* More than a quarter concurred with the statement that “Israel is engaged in legitimate self defense against its enemies.” A quarter of respondents disagreed and 46% did not express a position.

* More than a third agreed with the assertion that “During World War II, people from our nation suffered as much as Jews.”

Holocaust revisionism and classic anti-Semitic stereotypes were more common in Eastern Europe, whereas anti-Israel sentiments, including anti-Semitic ones, were more common in the west, according to Rabbi Slomo Koves, chairman of the Action and Protection League. The Budapest-based group is affiliated with the Hungarian Jewish community’s main watchdog on anti-Semitism.

In each of the countries polled, a representative sample of 1,000 adults was presented with 45 questions or statements in face-to-face interviews about Jews and Israel, according to the Action and Protection League. The survey has a margin of error of 0.8%...
Interesting. I wonder if there is a large percentage of respondents who are afraid of being persecuted for thought crime and did not reveal their true feelings.

29th February 2020, 10:48 AM
Interesting. I wonder if there is a large percentage of respondents who are afraid of being persecuted for thought crime and did not reveal their true feelings.
Yeah I had the same thought myself. Imagine someone calling you up in Europe to ask what you think about about Jewish world domination plans when many people in the US these days having to be careful about admitting supporting for the elected president. Cannot find any direct links to the survey, nor just mostly reports like this in Jewish or Isreali news sites.

EJPress.org: Survey in 16 European countries : a fifth of the respondents feel a ‘secret Jewish network’ influences and controls everything (https://ejpress.org/survey-in-16-european-countries-a-fifth-of-the-respondents-feel-a-secret-jewish-network-influences-and-controls-everything/)

February 26, 2020
Rabbi Shlomo Koves, chairman of the Action and Protection League said his group is still working on a breakdown of the results in each country but it is complicated “by challenges in the collection process,” noting the difficulty of finding pollsters willing to go into the poor neighborhoods of Paris and Brussels.

9th March 2020, 09:00 AM
ADL criticizes Fox News host for using ‘anti-Semitic trope’ to describe Michael Bloomberg
MARCH 8, 2020 7:53 PM

Mike Bloomberg speaks at a campaign rally in Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 12, 2020. (Brett Carlsen/Getty Images)

(JTA (http://jta.org/)) — The Anti-Defamation League criticized a Fox News host for calling Michael Bloomberg a “puppet master,” saying the comments play into stereotypes about Jewish power.

In a Thursday night broadcast, Fox News anchor Raymond Arroyo asserted that Bloomberg will be a “Biden puppet master.”

“What that means is that Mike Bloomberg is going to have more power than any ordinary American will in a Biden campaign,” Arroyo said.

In a letter (https://www.adl.org/news/media-watch/letter-to-fox-news-channel-on-use-of-antisemitic-tropes) to Fox News Media CEO Suzanne Scott, Jonathan Greenblatt, the ADL’s CEO, said the term puppet master echoes longstanding anti-Semitic tropes.

“This charge, and the comments that followed about Bloomberg’s wealth and power, play into deep-seated anti-Semitic canards about Jewish power and money,” Greenblatt wrote. “The use of the term ‘puppet master’ specifically conjures up longstanding anti-Semitic tropes about Jewish power and the notion of the Jewish puppeteer has figured in anti-Semitic imagery throughout modern history.”

Disturbing that @RaymondArroyo (https://twitter.com/RaymondArroyo?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) on “The Ingraham Angle” called @MikeBloomberg (https://twitter.com/MikeBloomberg?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) a “Biden Puppet Master.” This antisemitic trope on Jewish power/money, echoing rhetoric from white supremacists & other antisemites, should never get airtime. I wrote to @FoxNews (https://twitter.com/FoxNews?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw): https://t.co/Har4Uc9BQo
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) March 6, 2020 (https://twitter.com/JGreenblattADL/status/1236039123284131841?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

BY MARCY OSTER (https://www.jta.org/author/marcy-oster)