View Full Version : After The Collapse –Who Will Your Neighbors Be?

Twisted Titan
4th November 2011, 11:52 AM

Excellent article.......

Dr. William Stockton celebrates yet another birthday surrounded by family and friends in the midst of a grand suburban paradise. The party is warm, and the evening is filled with joy and merriment. These people singing his praises, laughing and imbibing generous amounts of spirits, are neighbors he’s known for over 20 years. He understands them well, or at least, he thinks he does…

The good doctor, as his neighbors often point out with a jabbing chuckle, is a prepper; a brand of survivalist who participates in the day to day routine of mundane American life while using his spare time to safeguard against unforeseen disaster. His friends view this behavior as an amusing curiosity, an eccentric hobby, but none take it nearly as seriously as William does. It’s not that he is paranoid; far from it. In fact, William Stockton is a professional, a man of sense, and a man of family. He merely lives in an era of great potential danger, where nuclear war and societal collapse are anything but fantasy. Stockton takes these issues into account as an individual, and acts according to the severity of his enviroment..........

4th November 2011, 12:32 PM
...The good doctor, as his neighbors often point out with a jabbing chuckle, is a prepper; a brand of survivalist who participates in the day to day routine of mundane American life...

Finally... an article about Mamboni! ;D

Actually (unlike the idiot in the article), I suspect that Mamboni is too smart to "let on" to his neighbors about his "hobby". ;)

4th November 2011, 12:46 PM
ANY neighbors that know ANYTHING is a potential/probable snitch or even worse. Remember geography is THE #1 first concern in any shtf stiuation.
get the hell out of urban/ suburban and eastern states.

4th November 2011, 12:56 PM
After The Collapse –Who Will Your Neighbors Be?

A bunch of assholes. Hmmmm. not much different than before the collapse.

4th November 2011, 01:28 PM
I do not know my neighbors by design. Around here it's like picking through already eaten food looking for an uncontaminated morsel. People in the Bay Area have blue pills by the jar full and eat them as a regular diet. I know of (vs. knowing) five of you that live around here based on what you've posted, so it proves even in the midst of artificial utopia some people get it. In a collapse situation I would watch for actions from neighbors and strategically stay low. It would hardly be time for tea.

4th November 2011, 01:45 PM
These will be your neighbors...


4th November 2011, 02:46 PM
Around here? the bears, deers, racoons, birds, bees, wasps........my cat and dog and Ponce with a shoot gun.......more about this later.

4th November 2011, 03:06 PM
Around here? the bears, deers, racoons, birds, bees, wasps........my cat and dog and Ponce with a shoot gun.......more about this later.

Ponce with the birds, bees and a shoot gun. What an image. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Twisted Titan
4th November 2011, 03:41 PM
Thank for posting that youtube vid I love that episode

4th November 2011, 03:53 PM
Call me optimistic, but I think my actual neighbors will be pretty decent. We have a small town atmosphere in my neighborhood. My plan is to feed the people close to me initially, and then put them to work. There is plenty of workable land around here, and plenty of healthy bodies. We do have an aging community here, mostly, but still rather healthy and viable.

Now, if you are talking outside of a 1 mile radius . . . I'll be picking the zombies off from my rooftop. (Ah, that feels better, that optimism kinda scared me.)

4th November 2011, 11:00 PM
Call me optimistic, but I think my actual neighbors will be pretty decent. We have a small town atmosphere in my neighborhood. My plan is to feed the people close to me initially, and then put them to work. There is plenty of workable land around here, and plenty of healthy bodies. We do have an aging community here, mostly, but still rather healthy and viable.

Now, if you are talking outside of a 1 mile radius . . . I'll be picking the zombies off from my rooftop. (Ah, that feels better, that optimism kinda scared me.)

It's especially nice if you can dial them up to a mile away and get their ear. Ma Bell. You must be training with big glass now :)

4th November 2011, 11:05 PM
Apostle Paul, Moses, Abraham, David, Jeremiah, Daniel, Job.... just to name a few

4th November 2011, 11:08 PM
It's especially nice if you can dial them up to a mile away and get their ear. Ma Bell. You must be training with big glass now :)

See, that's the beauty of a small town . . . we know who live here.

po boy
4th November 2011, 11:12 PM
See, that's the beauty of a small town . . . we know who live here.

I think he was referring to a big scope on a high powered rifle while you were on the roof firing from a mile away.LOL

4th November 2011, 11:14 PM
I think he was referring to a big scope on a high powered rifle while you were on the roof firing from a mile away.LOL

I got it. I don't have that good of a scope, but I can see them coming, and even better, I'll know if I recognize them.

po boy
4th November 2011, 11:17 PM
I got it. I don't have that good of a scope, but I can see them coming, and even better, I'll know if I recognize them.

Hopefully you won't need them.

Joe King
5th November 2011, 06:32 AM
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


Do I need to use my super de-coder ring to understand that?

5th November 2011, 06:38 AM
a few weeks ago, i turned off the lights on my old car and turned the switch too far, so some small lights were on.

so the battery went dead.

i got in the other night & decided to finally deal with it the lazy way ... i called AAA.

the guy came out. it was midnight. i could hear his truck & walked down the driveway.

he said, "i couldn't find your place. couldn't see it."

that was music to my ears !!! hiding in plain sight !!!! ;) the guy knows the town like the back of his hand, like a taxi driver with 20 years' experience - and he can't find my place !!!!!! YEEEHAH !

i'm was wondering if i should put up a bigger street address number ... for about 5 seconds.

i think i'll make a special trip to the fire department to make sure they can find my place.

but, other than that, i like hiding in plain sight. nothing up here ! nothing to see ! guarded by 3 spoiled chickens and maybe a few guardian angels !

5th November 2011, 10:57 AM
¼ mile radius: 80% low-income, inner-city whites, mostly of Appalachian origin, 20% low income blacks.

1 mile radius: 40% hillbilly, 40% ghetto black, 10% middle-income SWPL, 10% high income SWPL, with an estimated density of > 5,000 people per square mile.

Should be interesting.

5th November 2011, 11:03 AM
¼ mile radius: 80% low-income, inner-city whites, mostly of Appalachian origin, 20% low income blacks.

1 mile radius: 40% hillbilly, 40% ghetto black, 10% middle-income SWPL, 10% high income SWPL, with an estimated density of > 5,000 people per square mile.

Should be interesting.

Yeah, indeed.

Inside gated community here. Most neighbors good folks, though elderly...but doubtfully aware. Neighbors either fall into one of two categories, folks that I'll need to help, or folks that will mentally snap and become liabilities.

Outside the gate should be very interesting. May need to bug out "under the cover of darkness" if it gets bad enough.

5th November 2011, 12:34 PM
Yeah, indeed.

Inside gated community here.

Locks (and gates) are only there to keep honest people honest.

Best of luck.

5th November 2011, 12:51 PM
K, Im not so optimistic. We still live in 200 square miles of sub-urban sprawl, theres over 1.2 million people in our COUNTY alone, not to mention the neighboring ones.

My neighbors dont know a thing about me other than I've got a crappy garden and I'm not like them. A few know about the guns, none know about the food. The ones that know about the guns have their own, however with the exception of one of them, they are FUDD's who might have a box of ammo between them. The guy across the street is a survivalist with his own guns and preps. I dont know how much, I dont ask and neither does he.

The rest of 'em...theres only one option...they gotta go..... >.>

5th November 2011, 01:13 PM
Locks (and gates) are only there to keep honest people honest.

Best of luck.

Fortunately, I am mobile. In regards to luck, I think of the weather actually.

I try to fly under the radar best I can here, and if it's a temporary emergency, I'd like to help my neighbors. If it's a full blown collapse, I'm going to have to make some tough choices (as we all may have to).

This really is a good thread, to give thought to. Not something people really want to take an honest look at, but we all should. That twilight episode from Ximmy is very eye-opening.

5th November 2011, 04:02 PM
No I won't worry about nieghbors, when I have somebody come up I have to go meet them down at the freeway so they can follow me up , no address numbers around here.

5th November 2011, 07:12 PM

5th November 2011, 07:16 PM


5th November 2011, 07:44 PM
Yeah, indeed.

Inside gated community here. Most neighbors good folks, though elderly...but doubtfully aware. Neighbors either fall into one of two categories, folks that I'll need to help, or folks that will mentally snap and become liabilities.

Outside the gate should be very interesting. May need to bug out "under the cover of darkness" if it gets bad enough.

gated communities are good security wise ... not many meth heads in a gated community ... meth has an entire security category unto itself. i think a lot of the metal theft, copper wires etc., have been meth-inspired. nothing like a meth-addled zombie trying to unhook $500 worth of copper (carrying electricity).

i'd like to see a fictitious enactment of that in the the Breaking Bad TV show. they've already shown the main characters dissolving one of the bad (meth) guys in hydrofluoric acid ... i want to see a good electrocution ;)

God that sounds bloodthirsty ?!

but - gated communities usually have HOA's. i think i'd reather deal with the meth-heads. can't stand HOA's.

5th November 2011, 07:49 PM
gated communities are good security wise ... not many meth heads in a gated community ... meth has an entire security category unto itself. i think a lot of the metal theft, copper wires etc., have been meth-inspired. nothing like a meth-addled zombie trying to unhook $500 worth of copper (carrying electricity).

i'd like to see a fictitious enactment of that in the the Breaking Bad TV show. they've already shown the main characters dissolving one of the bad (meth) guys in hydrofluoric acid ... i want to see a good electrocution ;)

God that sounds bloodthirsty ?!

but - gated communities usually have HOA's. i think i'd reather deal with the meth-heads. can't stand HOA's.

I had a dude from AT&T come to my house today to tell me that they are going to be taking out the old copper wires by the road and replacing them with fiber optics. The first thing I thought of was . . . "What are you going to do with all of that copper?" I held my tongue, though.

Note: I am not a meth head. K-)

5th November 2011, 07:56 PM
Note: I am not a meth head. K-)

Heck everybody knows that South florida is home to cokeheads not meth heads.

https://encrypted-tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSX2zwllkqVqm8pEQMxumAbpOVZOLnhJ gJFm28mYaTCgH0w0sRxRQ


5th November 2011, 07:58 PM
Heck everybody knows that South florida is home to cokeheads not meth heads.

https://encrypted-tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSX2zwllkqVqm8pEQMxumAbpOVZOLnhJ gJFm28mYaTCgH0w0sRxRQ


I think everywhere is methville these days. But yeah, we certainly have plenty of coke here, fresh off of the boats.

6th November 2011, 07:14 AM
not to harp here , but my neighbors ? hell the cattle outnumber people here as do the elk....1 mile away from a huge wilderness area....i wish i could be as trusting as kos, but i see even the best of men, doing unimaginable things when they are hungry or given sufficient reward.

6th November 2011, 12:13 PM
The neighbor across the street is a US marine living the good life, and his next door neighbor is a lady I went to HS with. Their friends are fantasy football people. I hide my stuff in plain sight. Some think I'm kind of weird, I suppose, but we hang out some.

I'm not terribly worried about the neighbors. I think they can take care of themselves. If they can't, well, we'll have to see when we see. I think being too secretive is a dead giveaway if you have neighbors. The attitude that it's all no big deal is a good one to project.

6th November 2011, 06:04 PM
Finally... an article about Mamboni! ;D

Actually (unlike the idiot in the article), I suspect that Mamboni is too smart to "let on" to his neighbors about his "hobby". ;)

Actually, I live in a rural working class and farming community and I keep a very low profile. I don't throw big bashes to impress the neighbors. Rather, my wife and I prefer informal gatherings with no more than one or two families. I am discrete about feeling neighbors out before broaching the subject of prepping for TSHSTF. Many of my neighbors are hunters, woodsmen type and like minded. One is in a local militia and he is very tight lipped about it. He is a good friend and I haven't pushed the subject. He admitted that his group drills in the hills and mountian around my land. He is a good shot and good fisherman. I told him he is welcome to stay with us when the time comes to defend the homestead and my wife (the nurse) and I can path him up and share supplies.

On a totally unrelated matter, I have picked up the horn again - started playing again after a 20 year haitus. I miss performing and the pressure of orchestral spot playing. I'm going to audtion for a local orchestra when I'm ready - likely in a month or two. Practice helps keep my mind off the gloom and doom.

6th November 2011, 06:45 PM
I have good neighbors; we lend a hand to whomever needs it, and watch each others' backs. One of them grows enough food to feed the whole neighborhood.

6th November 2011, 07:10 PM
¼ mile radius: 80% low-income, inner-city whites, mostly of Appalachian origin, 20% low income blacks.

1 mile radius: 40% hillbilly, 40% ghetto black, 10% middle-income SWPL, 10% high income SWPL, with an estimated density of > 5,000 people per square mile.

Should be interesting.

Here's a street-level view.

At 3:04 I am three blocks due east.



7th November 2011, 05:16 AM
With regard to all these Meth heads out there. They're addicted to meth. They'll probably burn out before any other sheep...withdrawl will probably take 75% of them out.

Joe King
7th November 2011, 07:02 AM
Here's a street-level view.Nice vid!

At 3:04 I am three blocks due east.

You say you're on the corner of ******* st and *** st? If I lived there, I'd probably think of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K18hEkpMl-Y&feature=related everyday. lol

7th November 2011, 07:13 AM
With regard to all these Meth heads out there. They're addicted to meth. They'll probably burn out before any other sheep...withdrawl will probably take 75% of them out.

Probably true... they will be sleeping for days on end, but when they wake up they will be pretty damn hungry.

7th November 2011, 07:45 AM
It's interesting, there's parts of our country where folks actually already do live in near collapse conditions. Areas, where people have no access to fresh food actually. Urban food deserts. Here's a good video I found on the subject. Also, from a good news perspective, at least the problem is being recognized and some folks are taking active steps to better these areas.


7th November 2011, 08:04 AM
On a totally unrelated matter, I have picked up the horn again - started playing again after a 20 year haitus. I miss performing and the pressure of orchestral spot playing. I'm going to audtion for a local orchestra when I'm ready - likely in a month or two. Practice helps keep my mind off the gloom and doom.
what kind of brass ? sax, trumpet??

7th November 2011, 08:09 AM
I was guessing french horn... not usual to have band brass in the orchestra

7th November 2011, 08:13 AM
what kind of brass ? sax, trumpet??

French horn. I play an Alexander 103, silver nickel (German Silver which actually contains no silver metal) of early 1970s vintage from Mainz Germany. It is a fantastic horn and I will never sell it. It's quite rare as few Alexanders in silver nickel are made. But, I'm hankering for a new horn - one of larger throat and bore and a little easier blowing for a bigger sound to do orchestral work. Good horns have gotten very expensive - no doubt because of the weak dollar. A top shelf double horn now runs $6-9,000 and triple runs $14-18,000. The problem is finding the horns to try them out - there's no way I'd spend that kind of money without giving the horn a run through. Anyway. I'm toying with ordering a old rebuilt pro Paxman triple to try for a week. It was used by the principal horn for the NY Met for over a decade so I am sure it is a damn good horn with a big open sound.

7th November 2011, 08:50 AM
I was guessing french horn... not usual to have band brass in the orchestra

Good guess!

7th November 2011, 09:55 AM
@ mamboni great....i was of course selfishly looking for a sax player to back me up on some springsteen tunes (insert cool smiley here)
music DOES help the mind through these tough times...
btw how do u get smileys on this new software??