View Full Version : Canadian Canary in the Cold (?) Mine - Unemployment Increase in Canada

6th November 2011, 06:14 AM
Although Canada is joined-at-the-hip with the American economy, their economy is generally much healthier than the US (much lower annual deficit, much much lower accumulated national debt, lots of mineral resources - oil, gold, silver, palladium, plenty of trees ... plus all that BC bud ?!)

Anyway, if Canada is hurting, what does it say about the US ? Since we can't get any honest economic stat's out of our own government, I wonder what this article about Canada tells us about our own country.

"Canada Loses Most Jobs Since 2009 as Jobless Rate Rises to 7.3%; Meaningful Miss Sends Loonie Lower"

"Canada’s economy lost the most jobs since the 2009 recession during October, led by declines in the manufacturing and construction industries, cementing projections that the recovery is slowing.

Employment fell by 54,000 after an increase of 60,900 jobs in September, Statistics Canada said today in Ottawa, in the biggest monthly decline since February 2009."

"The world’s 10th-largest economy shrank in the second quarter, two years after its last recession."

My guess is, the US will keep on with their bullsh.t economic statistics games. Maybe they will commoditize the MF Global bankruptcy so they can count it as an increase in GNP.

Back here in the US, I drove all over a small town near Sacramento looking for a motel where I could park my truck so that nobody would steal the gas from the gas tank. Found one, a Super 8, right across from the police station, my truck is parked directly outside the office of the Day's Inn, hopefully deterring any fuel thieves. There's about 6 bigger trucks parked in the back, that's at least $2000 in diesel fuel. That's got to be a tempting target.

It's a rented truck, doesn't have locking gas caps.

6th November 2011, 02:21 PM
Don McLean could have had it right


Well down in Mexico, the laundry's on the line
There's where you can go if you land on the nine
Canada is nice if you're fond of ice
If you land on the two then we'll send you there twice
We interrupt this game for a news release:
A man has gone insane and been killed by police!
Now back to the game, that's a dangerous play
'Cause if they see you in C-U-B-A you must pass away

6th November 2011, 05:50 PM
I dunno TO, K-W, Oshawa, Windsor are probably the cities being hit the hardest and it's nothing like the US. Manitoba [where I live] you wouldn't even know there was a recession. There's construction projects everywhere, I don't know anyone who is unemployed if they don't want to. We will be taking a hit, but it won't be as bad as the US will be