View Full Version : Secret Jewish Tax on MOST of the World's Food!!! MUST READ

Silver Rocket Bitches!
7th November 2011, 09:24 AM
The Kosher Tax is an outrageous example of Jewish control on our everyday lives. Go to your cupboard and examine your food’s packaging; it’s very likely you will find a circled U or K on each package. These symbols are not to be confused with the circled C or R, which are copyright and registered trademark notices; they are symbols that indicate that the product has been “blessed” and that you have paid a tax for this service. The “fee” for the blessing, is paid by the corporation that manufactures the product, and must be paid for each product made, so a company like General Foods can pay hundreds of these “fees” each year. These “fees” are passed on to you, the consumer, regardless of whether you are Jewish or not.

La Voz de Aztlan receives quite a few “news tips” per week from our many subscribers and readers. Some we dismiss immediately but a very few catch our attention. Last week we receive an e-mail asking us if we knew the significance of the small encircled letter “U” or letter “K” that can be found printed on many food cans, food packages and on other kitchen products. The message gave us some clues and suggested that we do some research into the subject. What we found certainly was “news” to us and it both shocked and angered us.

For many Gentile consumers, it comes as a shock to realize that they pay a Jewish tax on each and every pre-packaged food item with a “U” or “K” stamp on the package, with some of these fees possibly going to support Zionists in Israel. The Union of Orthodox Jews (symbolized by the “U” within a circle) and the Circle-K (for Kashruth or, Kosher) are the two main organizations within the United States that issue Kosher-certification and its accompanying tax, though there are 273 other Kosher-certification organizations that have other symbols within the U.S. alone.

We needed a little more verification so we called two major companies to ask some questions. We chose Proctor & Gamble that markets the Folgers Coffee and the Clorox Company that manufactures the Glads plastic zip lock sandwich bags. Each of the two companies, as well as most others, have 1-800 telephone numbers printed on their packages for consumers to call in case they have any questions about their products. When we asked the Proctor & Gamble representative what the (U) meant on their Folgers Coffee container, she asked us to wait until she consulted with her supervisor. She came back and informed us that the mark meant that the coffee was “certified kosher”. We than asked her how and who certified the coffee to be “kosher” and whether it cost any money to do so. She refused to answer these and other questions. She suggested that we write to their Corporate Public Affairs Department. We than called the Clorox Corporation to ask what the (U) meant on the package of their Glads plastic sandwich bags and she also said that the (U) meant that the plastic bags were “kosher” but refused to answer questions concerning payments the Clorox Corporation has to make in order to be able to print the (U) on their products.

Source: http://www.wethehumanrobots.com/2011/09/my-final-post-secret-jewsih-tax-on-most.html

Who Receives The Kosher Food Tax Money?
In 1960 there were only 225 companies paying the kosher food tax. This jumped to 475 in 1966 and 800 by 1975. Jewish promoters of kosher labeling say there now has been a “kosher food explosion” today with over 16,000 products now paying rabbinical organizations for their “stamp of kosher approval.” Kosher products retail sales today amount to $30 billion a year according to “The Chicago Jewish Sentinel” of July 7, 1988. **Note: In the year 2000, this is now a trillion dollar racketeering scheme, in which every nation on Earth pays the KOSHER TAX.

Canadian Kosher products are stamped with the letters “COR” that stands for “Council of Orthodox Rabbis”. This is a front group for the powerful Canadian Jewish Congress, which actually receives all the money from this tax. The Jews in Canada are so united they do not allow any competition which is not the case in the U.S. Here a number of Orthodox rabbis have split away from the major groups to go into the kosher racket for them.

If you are a typical non-Jewish reader, it is easy to see that both these statements are true, not false as the ADL claims. Have you personally desired such markings? And, if it is not a “secret” of sorts, why do they not display a symbol that makes it clear that a fee is indeed paid to a Jewish organization for kosher certification?

This is strictly a religious tax, which millions of non-Jews unknowingly pay each time they buy a basket load of groceries! What would happen if a group of Christian ministers or priests got together and demanded that all companies pay them a similar tax? They could use a “C,” symbol (for Christian), or a cross, (for Christ), threatening that those who refuse to print such a label on their products would be boycotted by Christians. If that happened you would hear an enraged outcry from the ACLU, American Jewish Committee, Jewish Anti-Defamation League, etc. They would be filing suits to stop this “violation of the Constitutional provisions providing for the separation of Church and State.” But, because of the Jews’ centuries old claim of being “a poor persecuted people” along with the Christian fear of being accused of “anti-Semitism,” there is a deafening silence.


7th November 2011, 11:45 AM
take a walk down the aisles and see how much non-food items have the kosher tax symbol

Silver Rocket Bitches!
7th November 2011, 12:20 PM
Why do garbage bags and such need to kosher anyway ???

What a scam.

Twisted Titan
7th November 2011, 12:29 PM
And they wonder why they are despised.............

7th November 2011, 12:29 PM
The price of the Kosher tax is less than the price of eating food produced by Khazars specifically for consumption by goyim.

7th November 2011, 12:54 PM
take a walk down the aisles and see how much non-food items have the kosher tax symbol

kosher zip lock bags are my personal favorite

7th November 2011, 12:58 PM
By all rights Muslims should have some sort of similar thing, since they also have religious restrictions on food (and Hindus too). So there is no justification or excuse for this tax. The other thing is, the fee should simply cover the costs of inspecting the food. It should be very low.

7th November 2011, 03:50 PM
It's the first thing I look for on whatever I buy, and it's fucking everywhere, and on everything imaginable.

I base my all purchase decisions on it, and I opt out 99.9% unless I have no choice due to lack of selection which is not very often.

I fully support the producers that haven't been strong armed by rabbi thugs (aka hat wearing religious kooks), and their ratbag pressure tactics.

7th November 2011, 03:51 PM
The jew is very important...

Twisted Titan
7th November 2011, 03:59 PM
By all rights Muslims should have some sort of similar thing, since they also have religious restrictions on food (and Hindus too). So there is no justification or excuse for this tax. The other thing is, the fee should simply cover the costs of inspecting the food. It should be very low.

Muslims have the same scam........... they call it HALAL.

7th November 2011, 04:00 PM
Untill something is done against "those" people to me all this is only talk and bull crap........and that's why I don't worry about those who keep on saying KILL PONCE, KILL PONCE, KILL PONCE.........ufffffffffffff why kill a holy man heheheheheheheheh.

7th November 2011, 04:04 PM
Muslims have the same scam........... they call it HALAL.

A co worker came back from Australia, buddy is from there, and he brought back some candy junkfood something or other made by a major brand, can't remember the name. It had the Halal voodoo markings.

7th November 2011, 04:09 PM
kosher "ritually fit or pure" (especially of food), 1851, from Yiddish kosher, from Heb. kasher "fit, proper, lawful," from base of kasher "was suitable, proper." General sense of "correct, legitimate" is from 1896.

The concept seems not to have been around terribly long.

7th November 2011, 04:29 PM
I fully support the producers that haven't been strong armed by rabbi thugs (aka hat wearing religious kooks), and their ratbag pressure tactics.You would be shocked to find out that most processed foods not marked kosher are manufactured by Jewish companies and that most grocery stores are controlled by them, too. If you make a point of eating their food which they have deemed "goy food", you're doing just as they wish.

Kosher ain't about money, it's about controlling the food supply.

7th November 2011, 08:44 PM
The price of the Kosher tax is less than the price of eating food produced by Khazars specifically for consumption by goyim.

...you mean like this?


...there is definitely something funny about this stuff...from they way they promote it, the first thing that came to mind was...


google it...

8th November 2011, 12:04 AM
You would be shocked to find out that most processed foods not marked kosher are manufactured by Jewish companies and that most grocery stores are controlled by them, too. If you make a point of eating their food which they have deemed "goy food", you're doing just as they wish.

Kosher ain't about money, it's about controlling the food supply.

I only buy organic, so that helps circumvent.

8th November 2011, 03:57 AM
I just did a quick check on some things, and the circle U seems to be on a lot of products. From coffee, to olive oil, to tinfoil. Couldn't find a circle U or K on my bacon though. :)

8th November 2011, 04:59 AM
Talk about hidden taxes.... check all your appliances. I bet they all have a "UL" or "CE" on them. These taxes- inspections & registration fees- are paid by the companies and passed on to you.

8th November 2011, 07:04 AM
might be time to get a rooster, so i can grow my own non-Kosher chicken.

i like the Salmon Favourelle, it's a French breed. i would be crossing it with a Rhode Island Red. wonder what the babies would look like.

8th November 2011, 07:47 AM
Talk about hidden taxes.... check all your appliances. I bet they all have a "UL" or "CE" on them. These taxes- inspections & registration fees- are paid by the companies and passed on to you.

Your choice ... if it has a U.L. label on it ... to purchase or not. My preference would be to place additional value on a product that has undergone independent testing. Comes under the heading of being "penny wise and pound foolish" if you were to save a buck to purchase a stove from India that ends up burning down your house and killing your family.

8th November 2011, 01:07 PM
Your choice ... if it has a U.L. label on it ... to purchase or not. My preference would be to place additional value on a product that has undergone independent testing. Comes under the heading of being "penny wise and pound foolish" if you were to save a buck to purchase a stove from India that ends up burning down your house and killing your family.

LOL... UL does not make it better if the product is quality. Junk from China or India is garbage regardless of what the package says. I recall last winter when christmas lights were coming in from China- some with false UL labels. These things had hair-thickness copper wire strands for the power. They would over heat and burn. Trust me- I don't want any crap from China. Give me a good alternative.

8th November 2011, 01:15 PM
Talk about hidden taxes.... check all your appliances. I bet they all have a "UL" or "CE" on them. These taxes- inspections & registration fees- are paid by the companies and passed on to you.The circled "U" is so common on the cheapest quality food, I think it just means "Kosher tax paid" without being fit for the Master Race.
They have so many different kosher symbols, we don't know if they all mean the same thing or not.

8th November 2011, 03:56 PM
The circled "U" is so common on the cheapest quality food, I think it just means "Kosher tax paid" without being fit for the Master Race.
They have so many different kosher symbols, we don't know if they all mean the same thing or not.

Yeah I think just the U means poor, dumb, disabled jews, and goy. Probably goes by the amount of ink. I see a lot of COR, MK, and U's so that's probably the code label for western goy ripoff products.

8th November 2011, 04:24 PM
UL does not make it better if the product is quality.

Have you ever read the U.L. specs? If the mark is genuine then it is worth the price.

As to copying, I recall 30 years ago Caterpillar got hold of one of their products built completely in China. They dismantled it and found that the Chinese machinists had copied everything even down to the toolmakers marks placed upon the component parts of the original dozer by the U.S. machinists.

I doubt if the quality was the same.

8th November 2011, 06:30 PM
Have you ever read the U.L. specs? If the mark is genuine then it is worth the price.

As to copying, I recall 30 years ago Caterpillar got hold of one of their products built completely in China. They dismantled it and found that the Chinese machinists had copied everything even down to the toolmakers marks placed upon the component parts of the original dozer by the U.S. machinists.

I doubt if the quality was the same.

You are not listening.

We have installed equipment that is custom made. When the engineer demands UL listing to cover his ass, the customer gets charged a significant fee for a dert agency to come in and bless it.... saying it is Kosher. Errr... we already know it is Kosher.

9th November 2011, 05:16 AM
You are not listening.

We have installed equipment that is custom made. When the engineer demands UL listing to cover his ass, the customer gets charged a significant fee for a dert agency to come in and bless it.... saying it is Kosher. Errr... we already know it is Kosher.

So if it fails you are willing to hang alongside the engineer?

In a circumstance remembered long ago ... a civil engineer from Kentucky decided he wanted to build a classical riverboat. The riverboat was for commercially hauling passengers. As such its' construction was prescribed by Congress. On the electrical end that meant that UL rated marine electrical fittings were required. It was a steel ship and so any expose electrical fittings were more than likely to be lethal.

You should have heard this civil engineer squawk when I noticed him that his tulip shape "period style" deck light fittings had to meet this particular U.L. spec which involved directing the water at the fitting from a 2" firehose and leaving no moisture inside the fitting.

I have no idea of the exact circumstances you have dealt with but in this case there could be no deviation from the rule. I had no authority to authorize a deviation unless I wanted to share the responsiblity when someone was electrocuted.

9th November 2011, 05:36 AM
There is a big difference between electrical codes (proper practices) and UL certification. UL certification is the stamp of an item or system that it has been inspected. There is no requirement for the almighty UL if someone wants to follow safe electrical code and inspect properly. As I said, if quality is already there, UL adds nothing but cost.

9th November 2011, 05:50 AM
if quality is already there, UL adds nothing but cost.

And the "if" is the rub, isn't it?

9th November 2011, 06:10 AM
A) Thread title is misleading, kosher tax is not secret, it is in plain sight.

B) UL isn't just inspections on electrical devices. UL encompasses many trades and designs. There is a compendium of UL assemblies by which trades may construct secure in the knowledge that it is a proven design that has been previously tested and sealed with a professional liability. There are options such as ANSI and ASTM so it's not some foisted monopoly. It works because it settles concerns over design reviews and provides a clear path for liability in the event of failure, which, remarkably is practically nonresistant (that is, it is a reliable path to quality). It is worth whatever costs are incurred to the designers and the trades who build by it and ultimately to the end user/owner whether they realize it or not (the designers and trades certainly do). Performing competent testing with competent persons willing to assume liability for their design deserves to be compensated.

9th November 2011, 06:38 AM
what is the relation between UL & Kosher ?

... besides the UL probably having Jews at the top of the org chart.

27th January 2015, 06:55 AM
Red Ice, hour 1 only for now; will post 2nd hour if Mami's posts it.

Dennis Fetcho - Hour 1 - Secrets of the Hidden Kosher Mark & The Rabbinical Tax (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/01/RIR-150123.php)
January 23, 2015

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch," is the author of the Illuminatus Observer, a blog focusing on the Hermetic Qabalah. He is also the host of Inside the Eye - Live!, a news and current events streaming media radio talk show. Dennis is an American expat living in Amman, Jordan, working by day as a business strategist, specializing in telecommunications, aerospace, and defense.

Dennis is here to speak about the secrets of the Kosher tax along with some of the other big anti-trust issues that are corroding Western values. Dennis begins with an explanation of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, a deregulation law that allows the sale of supplements as food with no need for proof of effectiveness or safety, resulting in an explosion of sales. Then, he describes how Kosher food certifying organizations crept in and took advantage of the boom, creating a multi-billion dollar annual market.

Dennis tells about how the entire supply chain of any product that carries the prestigious Kosher mark must be certified, right down to the utensils used in processing facilities. He clarifies the differences in non-Kosher vs. Kosher standards in food processing, and explains how these Laws of Kashrus are simply superstitious traditions passed down from the Bible. Further, Dennis illustrates the countless items of food that are already inherently Kosher, along with items that are impossible to substantiate and place into this category. We also take a look at where the profits are going, the preferential treatment given to Kosher certified products in stores, and the extortion-type fees that are paid to Rabbinic Field Representatives.

In the second hour, we look at the reasons why consumers buy into the Kosher racket and consider the tricks of the trade in this Jewish monopoly. We chew over many other significant issues related to this elite game and how the hypocrisy involved has held Western values under siege for years. In conclusion, we deliberate tolerance and the need to decentralize the media.

http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2015/RIR-150123-dennisfetcho-hr1.mp3)