View Full Version : Rottenchild owned central banks in all but three countries now

midnight rambler
7th November 2011, 06:35 PM
Of course you already know which three those are. Who are we supposed to hate the most??


7th November 2011, 06:39 PM
Gotta show that little factoid to the masses. I wonder if they would even get it?

7th November 2011, 06:41 PM
Gotta show that little factoid to the masses. I wonder if they would even get it?

I highly doubt it, but without a few tid bits of knowledge such as this you cannot understand how the world works.

7th November 2011, 07:35 PM
I din't read the link but I know that two of them are Cuba and N. Korea.

7th November 2011, 08:33 PM
It's so freakin' obvious! Ugh!

8th November 2011, 07:10 AM
Gotta show that little factoid to the masses. I wonder if they would even get it?

if approached right, they would.

i had the occasion to spend about 45 minutes in the car with my Mother. i had already told her about Brookesley born going to regulate credit derivatives during the Clinton admin, only to have the door slammed in her face by 3 Jewish bankers (Greenspan, Summers, Rubin).

then my mom raised the question, "What can i do ?"

we talked about "refusing to buy their products", and voting.

i pointed out that her boycotting BofA, for example, would have minimal impact. we talked about voting.

then i told her about the Ashkenazi Jews, the Criminal Sect of Judaism, the devolution of that sect to Zionism - and what she can really do - educate her 5 grandchildren.

i reminded her that my best male friend in college was a Jewish cello player, also that anti-Semitic is a linguistic trick, since most Jews are not Semitic.

thinking back, i wish i had recorded the conversation.

anyway, my Mom took it all in. my father was anti-Israel but, unfortunately, they never talked much about the politics at the dinner table.

9th November 2011, 12:17 PM
..so, NOW we know what "arab spring" was all about...amazing really.