View Full Version : U.N. inadvertently confirms “Freeman” concept

7th November 2011, 09:29 PM
Here's something I'd like to hear about from those who study and practice living as a Freeman.

I very quickly scanned some of this and I intend to give this a good read- but I've got to hit the rack right now.

looks interesting



The U.N. states:
“Registration means proof of legal identity. It is vital for securing recognition before the law, protecting rights such as inheritance and making children less vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.”
“Under international law then, every child is entitled to registration of their birth, including children born to irregular migrants.”
20-22.pdf (http://www.fmreview.org/FMRpdfs/FMR32/20-22.pdf)
Now, please consider carefully, the word “entitled” above. It would sound like an offer, a choice wouldn’t it? “You are entitled to such and such if you so choose to accept”. But the reality is that, in each state/country, you HAVE no choice. The State will punish ANY parent who, on your behalf as a baby, does not wish to CONTRACT with the state. The State’s propaganda machine, however, is great and the ignorant populace will be led to believe you are, somehow, abusing your child. They will say “we cannot confer benefits on this child because LEGALLY, it does not exist” Therefore, you as a parent will be demonized.

7th November 2011, 10:04 PM
Statehood is a concept or a thought. It is nothing tangible yet people come to believe it is a tangible thing. States do not exist anywhere but on pieces of paper and in the thoughts that those pieces of paper convey into peoples minds.

And yes, you are bullied into signing up to the delusions and you are also bullied when you try and leave.

If you have every listened to a baby or young child babbling away in their own world you would be convinced that the baby understood what it was saying. It sits there and makes noises about things and objects around it. It's voice will go up and down with excitement or confusion or annoyance. All the while when looking at the child you could be mistaken for thinking it was talking sense but only it can understand it.

To you it sounds like babble but to the baby it probably makes perfect sense. It doesn't cause us any concern because we know the child will learn word noises to replace the babble noises it is currently makihg.

Now if there were an adult sitting there babbling away you might look at them differently. You would expect them to be able to make sense to you because they are older and should have learnt how to make word sounds instead of babbling sounds. Now imagine that you cannot understand what they are saying but they think it is important you understand what they are saying. Do you try to understand? You do. If it still doesn't work out the other person might get agitated. They might babble louder. They might wave their arms about in agitation. You might smile and listen intently trying to understand what they are saying.

Unfortunately you don't get it. They are babbling or they are mad and nothing they say makes sense.

Now imagine if that older person was a lawyer and infact there were lots of them together. They get together and they all babble incomprehensibly. They all appear to be able to understand the babble but you sit there and try as you might it's all babble to you.

Question. Is it your fault if someone is mad and makes mad sounds and babbling or even writes mad things onto pieces of paper and waves them about like they are important?

My Answer: Most of the people out there are mad. Lawyers are particularly mad because the write completely incomprehensible gibberish on to paper and expect that it means something to everyone. It does not. It is also not your fault that you are not mad like them. The problem is with disabled people sometimes, and yes mad lawyers included is that they won't leave you alone. They want you to be involved in the mad ness as well. Even if it makes no sense to you they want you to share in it.

Better to be all included in madness than a few sane people wandering around.

Didn't go directly to the OT but I think these things are just ideas, nothing more. The State does not exist in the real world and it is just an idea. To pretend otherwise is pure delusion. Madness.

8th November 2011, 07:19 AM
Nice analogy glass

midnight rambler
8th November 2011, 07:28 AM
Incredibly, the UN Charter does in fact embrace the right to self-determination at Article 55 - at least in theory. lol

Joe King
8th November 2011, 07:36 AM
Unfortunately you don't get it. They are babbling or they are mad and nothing they say makes sense.

Yet people still willingly sign the babblers papers without any understanding of them, because it's easier to just sign than it is to put forth the effort necessary to understand what it is they are actually signing.

8th November 2011, 07:40 AM
The U.N. is PRIVATE international law. As I am not a party to its' PRIVATE deliberations I choose not to commit joinder by discussing its' PRIVATE affairs.

A birth certificate is a piece of paper with no authority until you attach yourself to it and start waving it around as if it is more than a piece of paper.

Pay attention to the things that are important to YOU and that will develop YOU. Dwelling on the imagined power of others is less than productive.

From "As A Man Thinketh"

Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to
be the creature of outside conditions, but when he realizes that he
is a creative power, and that he may command the hidden soil and
seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow, he then becomes
the rightful master of himself.

8th November 2011, 08:39 AM
palani's participatory response to an unamended U.S. Constitution.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lVDZ6EE_TIs/TmKFLtJepqI/AAAAAAAAC0o/RD2I8tgf3SQ/s1600/skulls_hear_no_evil_see_no_evil_speak_no_evil_post er-p228326750274806088t5ta_400.jpg

8th November 2011, 10:36 AM
Incredibly, the UN Charter does in fact embrace the right to self-determination at Article 55 - at least in theory. lol

I remember reading a quote from the UN more-or-less saying that the right to self-determination is only for states, not the people living under states.

8th November 2011, 10:49 AM
I remember reading a quote from the UN more-or-less saying that the right to self-determination is only for states, not the people living under states.

I guess that means I'm my own damn state.

8th November 2011, 12:05 PM
I guess that means I'm my own damn state.

state of inebriation? ;D

8th November 2011, 12:09 PM
state of inebriation? ;D

Beats "Denial".

8th November 2011, 12:13 PM
Beats "Denial".

I'm going with "altered"

midnight rambler
8th November 2011, 12:16 PM
I remember reading a quote from the UN more-or-less saying that the right to self-determination is only for states, not the people living under states.

The actual document states "peoples" -

Article 55

With a view to the creation of conditions of stability and well-being which are necessary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, the United Nations shall promote:

And since it's "peoples" in the plural, the only extension that could possibly be is a nation, NOT a 'state'.

8th November 2011, 02:21 PM
palani's participatory response to an unamended U.S. Constitution.

Haven't you heard? This document was amended and completely discarded in 1868 with the 14th. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

8th November 2011, 02:25 PM
Beats "Denial".
