View Full Version : Heads up on the magicjack(ass)

midnight rambler
8th November 2011, 01:50 PM
I had been using Skype for my LD up until they quit taking PP (PP and Skype were both owned by the same company at the time) and went to only accepting credit/debit cards with the names of legal fictions attached to the card so I took my business to the magicjackass using a(n anonymous) prepaid Visa card. I just went to renew and the magicjackass won't accept payment from anyone using a pre-paid/anonymous cc/debit card - so they can go fuck themselves. The call quality of the magicjackass is inferior to Skype anyway, so I'm going to figure out how to deal with that, most likely getting a Greendot card from Wallyworld for $100 and attaching a legal fiction to it.

8th November 2011, 02:11 PM
I really don't know what the heck you are talking about.......so it must be OK by me.

8th November 2011, 03:06 PM
so I'm going to figure out how to deal with that, most likely getting a Greendot card from Wallyworld for $100 and attaching a legal fiction to it.

There is nothing illegal about purchasing services from a front man. Commerce makes the world spin on its' axis.

midnight rambler
8th November 2011, 03:10 PM
There is nothing illegal about purchasing services from a front man. Commerce makes the world spin on its' axis.

Someone asserted to me that doing so would be 'identity theft' or some such. I laughed.

8th November 2011, 03:30 PM
Someone asserted to me that doing so would be 'identity theft' or some such. I laughed.

Make it a contract. States are still prohibited from interfering with the obligations of contract. Feds less so.

I believe George Gordon discusses the use of "front men". The example he uses is someone who has been convicted of a felony and is prohibited thereby from obtaining a license to buy and sell cars (dealers license). So the ex-con enters into an agreement with the local A/C shop owner (who knows nothing about buying and selling cars). The A/C man gets the license and lets the other guy run the business as his "employee".

8th November 2011, 03:45 PM
Make it a contract. States are still prohibited from interfering with the obligations of contract. Feds less so.

I believe George Gordon discusses the use of "front men". The example he uses is someone who has been convicted of a felony and is prohibited thereby from obtaining a license to buy and sell cars (dealers license). So the ex-con enters into an agreement with the local A/C shop owner (who knows nothing about buying and selling cars). The A/C man gets the license and lets the other guy run the business as his "employee".

You really need to be foreclosed on illegally and then your shit sold in a sheriff sale.... Reality my friend. Your stuff makes sense and all but in the real world don't work.

Please dont bicker with me, been there and doing that. Just relax, real world is much different.

8th November 2011, 03:59 PM
FYI: Yes you can make an "agreement" between individuals to have "anything" installed, turned on or accounts opened up. Have the other person do it initially, and permission given to you to "act" on the original person's behalf for any future business.

There is nothing illegal about this as long as you both agree.

Also works for signing someone else's name. As long as they agree that they signed it in the future; you're good to go.

Don't do deals with anyone you wouldn't trust with your life.

8th November 2011, 04:06 PM
You really need to be foreclosed on illegally and then your shit sold in a sheriff sale.... Reality my friend. Your stuff makes sense and all but in the real world don't work.

Please dont bicker with me, been there and doing that. Just relax, real world is much different.

Sorta off topic don't you think Cebu?

If I owned anything in the federal plane I don't doubt it could be taken. Yours could too. That's the way it works in a communist society. If it bothers you then pack up and move to another plane. Or not. No skin off my nose.