View Full Version : LMFAO Rick Perry Implodes On Stage

9th November 2011, 07:08 PM


9th November 2011, 07:17 PM
This would make a great trailer for a sequel to Idiocracy

9th November 2011, 07:27 PM
Ron Paul is older and he doesn't have that problem.

9th November 2011, 07:27 PM
LOL what a buffoon. Good thing he's next to Ron Paul, but even then he does a terrible job of riding his coat tails.

9th November 2011, 07:34 PM
Notice Perry is trying to sell Ron Paul on his ideas, looking to him.

Ron Paul tried to help him, Ron Paul blew it, he could of said,

" destroy the Federal Reserve " .

Perry the Parrot.

9th November 2011, 07:40 PM
ron paul tried to help him, ron paul blew it, he could of said,

" destroy the federal reserve " .

Or better.

" israel did 9/11 " .


po boy
9th November 2011, 07:40 PM
I though Ron did well as he let Perry fail instead of giving him the answer.

9th November 2011, 07:52 PM

I watched it a second time, edited my comments,
just tried to have some fun with this, he repeats
what others are saying. I think this goes beyond
a momentary memory lapse. His ADL ear piece might
have been interfering.

I am watching it again starting at 1:30, it's pretty
incredible self destruction, he is the lecturer and
leader on deregulation, " somebody must die " ,
the way he is appealing to Ron Paul, gestures,
I think he respects Ron Paul more than anyone.

9th November 2011, 07:56 PM
In a parallel universe I'm asking myself how much they paid him to self-destruct. That has to be the end of his candidacy right there.

General of Darkness
9th November 2011, 08:01 PM
What a dickhead. I guess the herd is thinning.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
9th November 2011, 08:08 PM
That was so awkward.


9th November 2011, 08:13 PM
Rick "the Cowlick" Perry , actually trying to think and his hair overheated!

9th November 2011, 08:19 PM
Looks like karma just up and bit that man on the ass, not like a gentle love nibble, but hard, with sharpened dentures.

9th November 2011, 08:25 PM
This is big for RP too, " make it 5 " , Perry repeats it.

It's started.


53 SECONDS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6an4zSj8LhU)


PerryFedAgencies (http://www.youtube.com/user/PerryFedAgencies)


9th November 2011, 09:10 PM
I missed the debate but just watched the Perry tube and I want to know if yawll want to start a lil contest on who gets the closest to when he officially packs it up.

I'll say Nov 18

Another thing I saw said by a poster on another forum.....they called him Texas Toast. lmao

9th November 2011, 09:17 PM
That was so embarrassing and crippling, I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

Stumbling like that in front of an audience is everyone's nightmare. Doing it in a presidential campaign on live prime time television is beyond nightmare.

He's come this far, he will probably stick through Iowa and NH. Then this blunder will officially be confirmed by the voters. The press is already all over him like sharks smelling blood.

9th November 2011, 09:29 PM
Ron Paul is the only hope. The rest of the candidates are so far beyond bad, it's like the GOP is purposefully trying to lose in 2012.

9th November 2011, 09:34 PM
it's like the GOP is purposefully trying to lose in 2012.


Not sure if you have read that, but it certainly fits with your assessment.

That was my opinion in 08 as well. As I explain to people "you have 75% of the population who wants to get out of Iraq, 1 candidate says he will, the other says we will be there for 100 years, who do you think will win?" Obama at least spoke of change (we all saw through it of course), but McCain was proud to be Bushs third term. That was just one issue of course, but McAmnesty was the weakest republican candidate IMO.

9th November 2011, 09:34 PM
RP will be picking up a lot as these other fools thin the herd. What we really need is an upset in the 4th with Romney falling down. I am pretty sure he is covered on all angles since he is the chosen one but you can never tell. When is the primary? keep reminding people that they HAVE to vote. If RP gets the nominee it will be a good day.

9th November 2011, 10:03 PM
If he came up with a plan to close 3 agencies he spent a lot of time studying the agencies, there functions, etc. He didn't come up with a plan. Someone else did and he gave a soundbite. What an idiot. Another stuffed shirt. No loss.

9th November 2011, 11:24 PM
More importantly than perrys screw up is the salient and very well delivered message from Ron.


10th November 2011, 01:24 AM
like how RP trolls him. He's talking about the three, names two, then looks to RP. RP is like, "five". LOL

Twisted Titan
10th November 2011, 02:41 AM
A shinning example of why voting is a absolute waste

10th November 2011, 03:01 AM
If he came up with a plan to close 3 agencies he spent a lot of time studying the agencies, there functions, etc. He didn't come up with a plan. Someone else did and he gave a soundbite. What an idiot. Another stuffed shirt. No loss.

Yes- if it is something you really believe in and you really have a plan about it, it will be in your core. It will be natural to talk about it like breathing. Ever forget how to breathe? Perry just showed he is talking false words in order to get elected and he has no passion for what he is saying.

10th November 2011, 03:28 AM
i forget things too.

there's a word for the mudslide/ flash flood that happens when a volcano with glaciers on it heats up and melts all the water during an eruption.

i can't remember it. they said it when i visited Mt. Rainier.

i don't want to look it up because i'm wondering if that brain cell will come back to life somehow.

could happen to anybody. it just happened to Perry when he was on stage.

my guess is, it's not important to him. that's why he couldn't remember. but it probably disqualifies him from the race.

it would be like me running for Governor of Washington and arguing that i can protect them from volcano-related flash-floods. then not being able to remember what i'm going to protect them from.

how's this - if i run for Governor of Washington State, i will require all houses in the volcano flood zone to be built like boats, so they can float away in the flood waters.

even though i can't remember what it's called ;)

i wonder if Perry came near crapping in his pants.

10th November 2011, 04:28 AM
rp was classic. "make it 5!"

10th November 2011, 05:07 AM
Yeah these temporary lapses happens, at least to ordinary people without teleprompters...

Don't get me wrong I still think Rick Perry is a corporatist swine, and probably he didn't know much about what he was talking about. Probably he is out, which is good, but for the wrong reason...

10th November 2011, 05:12 AM
Ron Paul is the only hope. The rest of the candidates are so far beyond bad, it's like the GOP is purposefully trying to lose in 2012.

Just like in 2008!

All the world's a stage...

10th November 2011, 05:37 AM
rp was classic. "make it 5!"

actually, i think RP was making a point. i didn't watch the whole video, just the Perry meltdown (they have the same initials !)

the thing about Ron Paul is he does want to close down at least 5 government agencies. and he can actually NAME them.

i wonder if this is related to the big push for war with Iran. one of the Zionists' primary candidates just blew up in spectacular fashion. Ron Paul is continuing to go strong.

just like they knew they had to get certain things done during BUllSHit43's administration, same for the Obama admin. Obama has to toe the line on Palestine & cooperate on Iran or he will have more Israel-breathing-down-his-neck.

i wonder if Israel has already gone too far. just because they have Limbaugh & Hannity & the Rabid Marc Levin to promote war on Iran, Obama is giving indications that he is growing weary of being pushed around by Netanyahu. i think Obama's comments to Sarkozy were genuine, Obama may well be tired of Netanyahu's meddling.

just because Obama hired the son of an Israeli war criminal for his chief of staff, and credits the Chicago Jewish-American community for getting him elected to the US Senate, doesn't mean he will go along forever.

i wonder if Obama starts pushing hard for sanctions on Iran, i wonder if that is to mollify IsraHell. Sanctions possibly being preferable to war with Iran from Obama's point of view. even though he is in the Zionists' pocket doesn't mean he has Avigdor Lieberman's strain of rabid mad dog KILL-KILL-KILL (the Gentiles) Zionism.

10th November 2011, 07:29 AM
I missed the debate but just watched the Perry tube and I want to know if yawll want to start a lil contest on who gets the closest to when he officially packs it up.

I'll say Nov 18

Another thing I saw said by a poster on another forum.....they called him Texas Toast. lmao

In these times of short attention span theater, it's quite possible his over the top self-destruction will be glossed over and he carries on for awhile. I can't see how he can recover from that, but that's because I'm not a true believer or corporate suit backing him. I'm convinced that killed his Presidential run, but as he's proven he's a useful idiot and who knows what his handlers will use him for. His shelf life is definitely past the "use by" date but he was never serious anyway. Just watched him on CNN and he calls his "brain freeze" a symptom of poor debating skills, not being light on issues. There are still people out there that will take that and move on with the fantasy he's some kind of statesman instead of a B-movie actor who just got his ass handed to him.

Old Herb Lady
10th November 2011, 07:43 AM
I wish it could have been Rick Santorum stumbling like that. He makes me ill when I see him or hear him talk.
I thought I heard him say how great Marcellus Shale is . Barf.

10th November 2011, 08:42 AM
I could see memory lapses happening (It happens to me sometimes). But he would have been able to say "it is the agency involved in energy, oh yeah the Energy dept. Because I spent 20-50 houirs reviewing the different agencies with my advisors, and the reason I picked energy is...". You do not get total memory lapse unless you are only delivering a prepackaged sound bite, which I believe Perry was. It is clear that he came up with no plan. Someone else did, and he spent little or no time studying it. We do not need another dim man surrounded by "smart" people.

Ron Paul smirked because he sees the schweinhund scumbags stealing his ideas because they know that what he is saying appeals to Americans, while the moronic pile of scheiss stuffed shirts are bought and paid for useless human scum floating on the septic tank of humanity, and just saying whatever their bank and criminal controlled pollsters think will work. Good riddance to Rick perry.

10th November 2011, 09:01 AM
I wish it could have been Rick Santorum stumbling like that. He makes me ill when I see him or hear him talk.
I thought I heard him say how great Marcellus Shale is . Barf.

ol' rick only had a few questions directed at him. I thought he was more ignored than RP. He also was cut out of quite a few of the camera angles too.

10th November 2011, 09:16 AM
Here's more Perry!


Old Herb Lady
10th November 2011, 09:41 AM
Since nothing is what it really is anymore, aren't the debates just for entertainment purposes only ?

10th November 2011, 09:43 AM
You expect the ones that give canned sound bite answers to deliver the message perfectly but when someone is speaking conversationally you give them slack because of the non pat answers, Rick had a major brain fart and forgot the lines of his script. Ron has the advantage here over the others because he doesn't give rehearsed answers yet sometimes fumbles a bit but never has he forgotten the facts.

10th November 2011, 10:45 AM
Here's more Perry!

My kid said he looks like he is on happy pills. First time I actually watched this, I like the short version.

10th November 2011, 11:18 AM
Ron Paul smirked because he sees the schweinhund scumbags stealing his ideas because they know that what he is saying appeals to Americans, while the moronic pile of scheiss stuffed shirts are bought and paid for useless human scum floating on the septic tank of humanity, and just saying whatever their bank and criminal controlled pollsters think will work. Good riddance to Rick perry.
Hey don't hold back. Tell us what you really feel! ;D

10th November 2011, 12:23 PM