View Full Version : Youfs find great amusment in smacking down those who won't, or can't, fight back

midnight rambler
11th November 2011, 02:49 PM
Double down on ammo so you can share the small hot portions with these swine.


11th November 2011, 03:03 PM
In the interest of being racist, I would like to point out that after the black youth assaulted him, the rest of the black Youths whooped it up with him and got on the train whilst a white person called the police.

11th November 2011, 03:25 PM
OK... such savages cannot be civilized. But- I can think of how to cure their condition.

11th November 2011, 03:31 PM
WTF. Growing up nobody would even think to do that let alone turn it into a form of entertainment. Even if the old guy was rambling, or bitching.

Then again there were no precedents being set by the societal disgrace which they call "reality" TV where all people do is, complain, fight, and back stab each other into oblivion.


11th November 2011, 04:03 PM
Can someone find me the video of the group of **white kids knocking out the old white man on the subway?

I'll hold my breath.

**Substitute white for latin. I'll bet we don't find one of those either. WTF has happened to black america? These kids should be lynched by their own people for shit like this.

11th November 2011, 04:48 PM
Whats that old saying "There are only two outcomes when you fight an old man. 1) you fight him and win, in which case, you beat up an old man. 2) you fight him and he wins, in which case you just got your ass kicked by an old man".

My dad would come back from the grave and beat me into a comma if I ever sucker punched an elderly and frail man, even if he was giving me the worst lip I've ever heard, and my dad would be right for doing so and I've had some encounters where I was seriously tempted an would have if only the person hadnt been an old man.

The thing is, this is not just about elderly folks, I have seen countless, COUNTLESS videos just like this of ....them...doing this kind of crap to all kinds of people, mostly young white women and couples. Always in large herds for protection and always with a quick retreat and savage beat down.

Its a BIG reason I changed carry guns to a high cap with a few extra spare mags, the sheer amount of "mob" assaults happening is alarming and theres only ONE way to stop it, self defense.

11th November 2011, 05:33 PM
What a bunch of scumbags, I wish nothing but the worst onto losers like that. We were always raised to respect our elders whether we liked/agreed with them or not.

11th November 2011, 05:51 PM
Honestly, I think this should be a hanging offense.

When you get knocked unconscous like that, it cause irreversible permanent damage. That old guy might have actually died. We don't know what happened after this was filmed. This was attempted murder, imo. Old folks can't take shots like that and expect to live, or live normally.

This is very tragic. The young bastards who took part in this are animals, problem animals are 'taken care of', so they don't harm again.

11th November 2011, 06:33 PM
WTF. Growing up nobody would even think to do that let alone turn it into a form of entertainment. Even if the old guy was rambling, or bitching.

Then again there were no precedents being set by the societal disgrace which they call "reality" TV where all people do is, complain, fight, and back stab each other into oblivion.


If by "growing up" you are inferring back to your youth and the good old days, allow me to offer this nugget. When I was a kid in Berkeley in the 60's, I went to a Gothic redwood school building designed by Julia Morgan in the hills. Almost all the kids were white, with the rest being Asian with parents at the Lawrence Lab. It had a panoramic view of the bay looking west, and I loved my teachers. I could walk the five blocks to it through some of north Berkeley's finest architecture and the world was safe and manicured with quality workmanship.

Then Berkeley started busing - I believe we were one of the early adopters. I was re-assigned to west Berkeley in the flats - and the blacks. To be fair, there were some really good blacks and they were just as pissed about the lowlifes. On my first day, miles from home and suddenly racially outnumbered, I was walking up a flight of stairs as a group of young blacks came down the other side. The one closest to me punched me in the head and his friends just cracked up with laughter and kept going.

This was almost fifty years ago - their behavior is not dependent on social status but more animal instinct. They see opportunity as the kill, and their only reservation from going all-out feral is whether or not they have an even bigger predator nearby that can bust them. Picking on old people should be a harsh and absolute removal from society that's for sure. Bucks like this dude are why God gave us firing squads.

11th November 2011, 07:29 PM

11th November 2011, 07:36 PM

11th November 2011, 09:42 PM
Rule #2 the double tap.


11th November 2011, 10:13 PM
From the comments at the Link.

Jess Alantar

True but also Drudge and Breitbart try to incite a race war so whites get mad at blacks, and a religious war so Christians fight Iran....thats what Zionists do. They control the sheep, aka Goyim to them, with control of "news" to control sentiment