View Full Version : Croatia kicked the crap out of the filthy Turks today 3 - 0 in Istanbul

General of Darkness
11th November 2011, 04:52 PM
GoD is happy. ;D


11th November 2011, 04:57 PM
why are the filthy? Do they play dirty?

11th November 2011, 04:59 PM
Turks probably have nukes.

General of Darkness
11th November 2011, 05:09 PM
why are the filthy? Do they play dirty?

Go to Turkey and you'll find out, or heck just go to any Western country and see how they act, them, just like the majority of the Muslim world are just one notch lower than the jew.

11th November 2011, 07:59 PM
Go to Turkey and you'll find out, or heck just go to any Western country and see how they act, them, just like the majority of the Muslim world are just one notch lower than the jew.

I would be interested in knowing what "one notch lower than the jew" means to you, Mr. Mark...

General of Darkness
11th November 2011, 08:04 PM
I would be interested in knowing what "one notch lower than the jew" means to you, Mr. Mark...

Well, the muslim, is very much a racist, as is the jew. There are so many examples, but let me just use one. The muslim will lop your head off in the name of jihad, where the jew will cry their way into having the whites fight their wars against muslims having many more whites have their head lopped off. Maybe I misrepresented it, the jew is the number one dog, the muslim is behind him, in it's status.

11th November 2011, 09:30 PM
Well, the muslim, is very much a racist, as is the jew. There are so many examples, but let me just use one. The muslim will lop your head off in the name of jihad, where the jew will cry their way into having the whites fight their wars against muslims having many more whites have their head lopped off. Maybe I misrepresented it, the jew is the number one dog, the muslim is behind him, in it's status.

I can live with that assessment.

11th November 2011, 09:33 PM
We'll have to see what Neuro says.

12th November 2011, 12:14 AM
I am not very interested in soccer, and I don't care much for religious muslims

12th November 2011, 10:13 AM
...I don't care much for religious muslims

Is there any other kind? ???

12th November 2011, 10:26 AM
Well there are atheist jews !?żĄ

12th November 2011, 10:32 AM
Well there are atheist jews !?żĄ

Not to mention these guys: ;D


12th November 2011, 01:57 PM
Is there any other kind? ???

Well yes I guess in a legalese sense people in Turkey are born to be muslim, like my wife, but some, most of the people I associate with, don't follow the Koran, but may be atheist, or theist in a non Koran way, or doubtful. I think I have more in common with agnostics and atheists of any cultural/religious background compared to religious/fundamentalists protestants which is my ethnical heritage. I like freethinkers! And you have these in Turkey too!

12th November 2011, 02:56 PM
Is there any other kind? ???

There are all kinds, even in Europe where most are converts.

All the moderates and more European oriented people that
live in Muslim countries are either being marginalized or removed
and even killed both from forces within their own countries and
Muslim world, or if the inside agitators don't do it NATO and Israel
will, we have seen this play out.

Palestinians were never Muslim fundies, their moderate leaders have
been murdered and they have become more radicalized, Lebanon
is very European oriented peoples, Israel is always doing something,
look at Iraq, USA ZOG unleashed the fundies to kill the moderates,
Saddam Hussein was the best thing they had holding them together,
same thing with Libya, real terrorists that have US soldiers blood on
their hands are allied with Nato and put in power, Syria, the muslim
fundies are being released on the population. The entire Muslim world
is being radicalized and I strongly believe by design. I think ZOG's plan
was to have retaliation on the USA with real attacks and terrorism, but
the Muslims know this will play into their hands so for the most part
this does not happen on a mass scale.

12th November 2011, 03:26 PM
We'll have to see what Neuro says.

Neuro isn't Turkish, we have spoken many times, he has good
info on Turkey, he recently stated that Turks don't know their
history and talked about his wife who comes from Thessaly.

I remember giving some first hand accounts of my visit to Turkey,
Neuro confirmed the country is being flooded by immigrants from
Arab and other countries, there is no control, the people do not
look for the most part in the cities like others in Turkic countries,
and the Europeans have either been genocided, pushed out or
assimilated, you may be able to find pockets of them, they are ignored.

I've been on a board with real Turks, some of them are very reasonable,
you can talk to them, I learned a lot of very revealing information about
Turkey from them, about the hidden Jewish media in Turkey, one guy was
a lawyer in Turkey posting info, some of the Turks are very nationalistic,
even learning basic history that is undisputed they attack you. They all
defend Attaturk, their country, their flag. Non of them were fanatical
muslims, even though attacking the Koran, their knee jerk reaction would
be to counter attack. This board was before gim, it's long gone, personal
attacks and insults were not dealt with harshly, mostly warnings and edits,
but trolling was dealt with permanently. Heated conversation didn't get you
a ban but knowingly causing trouble did. It was a very interesting board.
I have visited Turkey, it was an experience, I was young, Greece and Turkey
were at war over oil in the Aegean, I stepped in St. Sophia, an incredible event,
you have to be there, no Western Man will be unaffected, I was ignorant of
history, as an engineering student, one course, The History of Engineering,
St. Sophia is in the book, one of the engineering marvels of the world,
then I just happened to be making a visit. And I was put on a path.