View Full Version : Good Strong Coffee - That Won't Rot your Stomach - What is the Secret ?
13th November 2011, 09:11 AM
I asked this question at Starbuck's.
They said, 6 ounces water @ 200 degrees F, 2 tablespoons of coffee - but not Folger's, ground coffee from higher quality beans.
When I try to make stronger coffee at home, it sometimes rots my stomach, even if I eat a decent size breakfast before hand. Even if I use 'premium' coffee ... normally I use Folger's or a similar store brand.
It always amazes me, I can drink the stronger coffee at Peet's or Starbuck's, but when I try to make it at home, it hurts my stomach.
I find if I start the day off with good strong coffee - I get more done !
I use a #4 drip filter. At coffee places (Peet's Starbuck's Dutch Brothers) they use a Humongo filter & make big batches.
Although I haven't mastered the secret of making coffee that's both good AND strong, I have found how to make good coffee when you're on the road & all you have is the house (Motel 6) coffee. I mix it 50-50 with left-over coffee from Starbuck's, that gets me going.
Also, much to my surprise, I found that Carl's Junior actually has some decent coffee.
13th November 2011, 09:42 AM
Britt & remove the paper filter with a chorreador, pour thru until the stream begins to lighten..
13th November 2011, 11:13 AM
It all starts with water. The better tasting water...
All Star-muggers are equipped with filtration systems.
The quality of the bean and roast are also very important factors.
Some coffees are "regional" (Sumatra, Kenyan) and some are "blends" (Breakfast, Christmas, Maxwell).
I suggest you try a local small batch roaster. (think micro breweries) The coffee is generally a week or so from roasting so it is prime.
Espresso roast makes for a fine brewed cup of joe.
It also makes a great base from which to create your own blend.
Because everyone is different and caffeine is a drug...
Your stomach may turn from a particular bean, blend, roast, and/or water/brewing method.
This right here is some good brew!
P.S. Generally I use one heaping Tblspn. per 6 oz. cup. Adjust accordingly to blend/strength. ;)
13th November 2011, 11:16 AM
I use 8 o'clock bean "Dark Italian Roast" whole bean. Grind my own to a fine powder.
No rot gut for me and this shit is dark. I can't force my self to pay the high prices or crappy coffee I get anywhere else.
Mmmmmm, Cooooooofffffeeeee.
13th November 2011, 11:34 AM
thanks a lot everyone for the suggestions.
that Britt thing looks like a sock or something. whatever works !
yes, i'm addicted too - it's one of the best drugs around.
but i usually only drink 2 cups in the morning.
i think i will surrender in the short term, and just buy a week's worth of coffee to go and keep it in the fridge.
14th November 2011, 12:28 AM
"Strong" tasting coffee comes from the darker roasts higher volume of the same roast More of the same increases the acid content which is why your stomach hurts.
Starbucks actually uses the same bean as Folgers "Robusta" which it shit as far as coffee beans go it gets the Starbucks flavor from being roasted/burnt at about 495 degrees so this is why in some circles it is called Char-bucks.
But but what about super cool "Kenyan" "kona" "Guatemalan" "weasel poop" etc. bean coffee (yes the most valuable coffee comes from an animal that eats coffee berries and poops beans)
{Yes I have tried it and yes it's good.}
To qualify for any one of these specialty designations it only has to contain 10% of that bean for the whole shebang to be called that name. So buyer beware.
Now for the curve ball the less a coffee bean is roasted the more caffeine it retains.
How in the hell do I know all this useless coffee crap?
The Ex and I used to own a specialty coffee shop and Coffee fest in Seattle has tons of classes. If you are a coffee nut it would be worth the trip.
14th November 2011, 12:33 AM
i think i will surrender in the short term, and just buy a week's worth of coffee to go and keep it in the fridge.
The freezer totally fucks up coffee please don't if you want quality.
The best way to store roasted coffee is in whole bean in a air tight jar grind what you need using a machine that has burs that shave the bean (like a snocone maker does) not a beater that whacks the hell out of it till it's dust.
Grind the amount you need and enjoy.
French presses are perfect for this. method but you need a larger grind than "drip" if grinding from one of those store machines into the bag pick "percolate grind" when French pressing your coffee.
14th November 2011, 01:33 AM
Taking it rectally via
14th November 2011, 04:13 AM
Your going to have to start fresh grinding your beans coffee boy!
Playing with pre-ground coffee -ha! Thats somewhat like trying to be a better cook using a microwave. ;D
14th November 2011, 06:38 AM
Drinking coffee here in Costa Rica for so long, I have to drink twice as much to equal the same back in the states.
I think they keep the best beans down here with the beaners.
14th November 2011, 07:38 AM
I learned this from a Pizza restaurant I used to frequent in Sweden, that had coffee way above the norm (so was their Pizzas). Lets say you want to make 5 cups of coffee, meassure out for 6-7 cups, put water in for 6-7 cups, and take the coffee pot off after about 2.5-3 cups has run through the filter, mix with 2-2.5 cups of hot water, and you'll have a beautiful flavoured coffee with very little acid. Try it! I was gobsmacked the first time I did it!
14th November 2011, 07:58 AM
I learned this from a Pizza restaurant I used to frequent in Sweden, that had coffee way above the norm (so was their Pizzas). Lets say you want to make 5 cups of coffee, meassure out for 6-7 cups, put water in for 6-7 cups, and take the coffee pot off after about 2.5-3 cups has run through the filter, mix with 2-2.5 cups of hot water, and you'll have a beautiful flavoured coffee with very little acid. Try it! I was gobsmacked the first time I did it!
i do that accidentally sometimes.
i let the water boil too much, so there's not as much hot water. working with smaller quantities though - enough ground coffee for 2 to 3 cups, but only enough water for 1+ cups.
then top it off with water.
still not as good as Starbuck's & Peet's - when i do it.
Taking it rectally via
so, what color is it when it comes out ?
(hopefully not blood red.)
14th November 2011, 10:36 AM
still not as good as Starbuck's & Peet's - when i do it.
I had a similar experience, only Peet's seemed like a Starbucks as I found out in near Starbucks free Boston 10 years ago.
I guess other coffee is missing that 'something special' that Starbucks and the like add? >:D
(no need to watch more than the first bit, after it it is more of the same)
14th November 2011, 02:04 PM
Buy GREEN beans and roast your own
Use good clean water (I use distilled myself)
Once you go green (bean) you'll never go b(l)ack (bean)
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