View Full Version : Ireland begins international takedown of Vatican geocriminal city state

14th November 2011, 08:00 AM
If this is possible then do bears actually empty their bowels in the woods?


Ireland begins international takedown of Vatican geocriminal city state
On the evening of Thursday 3rd November 2011, the Irish government announced that Ireland (culturally and historically a strong Roman Catholic country) was closing its embassy in Vatican City (Rome). The chosen cover story was austerity. The Vatican embassy was being closed because it yielded no economic return to the Irish state; scrapping the mission would save Irish taxpayers €1.25 million a year.

Other countries are poised to follow Ireland in closing their embassies. A coordinated drip-by-drip erosion of public credibility for the Vatican as being anything other than a money-driven and self-interested religious cult, is in process. This deliberate and visible takedown started in June 2010 with Interpol-supported paedophile sex investigation raids by Belgian police on major Roman Catholic premises in the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels.

The move is part of a covert international chess game designed to fragment and destroy the G5 Western banking cabal following the adoption of the Monaco Accords of August 2011, to which in excess of one hundred nations worldwide are now subscribed.

The Vatican, like the Mafia, is a controlled front-organisation for the Italian P2 masonic lodge. Vatican City is also one of the three privileged and autonomous city states which coordinate élite pan-global organised crime for the Western banking cabal. The other two are Washington DC and the City of London.