View Full Version : Jerry Sandusky talking about children (24 years ago)

Old Herb Lady
14th November 2011, 10:28 AM
The video is at this link......... FREAKY WEIRD ....BEYOND SPOOKY !!!!!!

He looks, sounds & acts so sincere ! He seems so believable !

Insane ! Trust NO ONE, EVER with your kids.
I would never had thought that a pedophile could seem so trusting.

The devil can disguise so well, it's hard to tell who the hell is who anymore !


14th November 2011, 11:32 AM
One look at that Khazar face and all my trust would disappear.

Old Herb Lady
14th November 2011, 12:02 PM
I'd better start paying better attention during Khazar lessons around here ! I thought I was getting pretty good at it, wrong !

14th November 2011, 12:17 PM
Video won't play for me cause I am not in the US but from the pictures I have seen he looks pretty spooky to me. Look at someone like Michael Chertoff. Looks like skeletor and look at the shit he has been up too.

14th November 2011, 12:23 PM
I'd better start paying better attention during Khazar lessons around here ! I thought I was getting pretty good at it, wrong !

Narrow eyes and forehead. Long (not necessarily hooked) nose. Crease between mouth and cheeks gives the appearance of a hooked nose. Wide mouth and upper jaw. Not much chin. When yelling, the jaw looks extremely wide and the chin melts into the adams apple.


Old Herb Lady
14th November 2011, 12:23 PM
Video won't play for me cause I am not in the US but from the pictures I have seen he looks pretty spooky to me. Look at someone like Michael Chertoff. Looks like skeletor and look at the shit he has been up too.

Yeah, the way he looks NOW he has that spooky, evil, perverted look, but not in that video 24 years ago , IMO.
Who knows when he started his evilness...... looking & acting so innocently around adults AND children to gain their trust.

14th November 2011, 12:24 PM
theres MORE to this pedophile ring than meets the eye....now, the judge lets him walk WITHOUT posting bail,and YES she has connections to his organization! What are the odds of this being sheer coincidence?? Hell, this is prolly the same ring that supplies the us congress and the rabbis......

14th November 2011, 12:25 PM

14th November 2011, 03:07 PM
WHY was the other thread locked?? This keeps getting bigger and bigger.....the da winds up dead, coverup and complicity proven at the highest levels of state gov.....sandusky WALKS with no baol, cause the judge was "connected" with sanduskys 'charity"!!
see makow's article on rense, this leads all the way to penns ave folks....im looking for a "suicided" sandusky soon.

14th November 2011, 03:21 PM
holy shhheeot! now look at drocktons report (also on rense) linking gricar STRAIGHT UP to bush sr.!

14th November 2011, 03:23 PM
Did you hear the friend of his and Penn State Historian at the end of the clip say "I dont know what i would do to him.....He ruined Penn State!"

No sir, actually Penn State doesnt exist. It is a fiction written on paper. But what does exist is individual young human beings that have been violated physically and emotionally. They have had their lives stolen from them at a premature defenseless age, and they will never be the same again. For that he deserves to pay with his life.

14th November 2011, 03:33 PM
i wish i could paste the links here to those and the franklin cover up.....the psychopaths sicken me....and they are huge in # s and in power...
fact; prosecutor ray gricar dissapeared along with his hard drive...he was following the scandal all the way to a long tim bush croney, his body has NEVER been found.
FACT; judge appointed at sanduskys hearing gave him a free ride with NO bail! this, in SPITE of the outrage! why?, is so much easier to suicide elswhere than county jail.
oh, and as i said the judge was involved!

14th November 2011, 05:05 PM
Jerry Sandusky to Bob Costas in exclusive 'Rock Center' interview: "I shouldn't have showered with those kids."

Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:18 PM EST

By Jessica Hopper
Rock Center
DEVELOPING: Former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky admitted to showering and horsing around with young boys but said he is not a pedophile in an exclusive interview with Bob Costas for NBC News' Rock Center airing tonight at 10 pm/9 CT.
"I say that I am innocent of those charges," said Sandusky in a phone interview with Costas.
When asked by Costas, "Are you a pedophile," Sandusky responded "No."
Joe Paterno’s one time defensive coordinator was charged earlier this month with 40 counts of sexually abusing eight boys. He is currently free on a $100,000 bond and has denied any wrongdoing. The allegations date back to 1994, according to a grand jury report. A grand jury report detailed claims of alleged sexual encounters with young boys in Sandusky's home, hotels and Penn State locker rooms.
"I could say that I have done some of those things. I have horsed around with kids I have showered after workouts. I have hugged them and I have touched their legs without intent of sexual contact," said Sandusky.
When pressed by Costas about what Sandusky was willing to concede that he'd done was wrong, Sandusky said, "I shouldn't have showered with those kids."
The scandal has tarnished the reputation of the once heralded football program, leading to the departure of coaching legend Paterno and three other university officials. It’s also left students and residents of State College, Penn., shocked.
The sight of the 67-year-old Sandusky in handcuffs is hard to reconcile with his public image of a devoted father of six adopted kids who founded a charity to help at risk youth. That charity, The Second Mile, has also come under fire.
All of the alleged sex abuse victims met Sandusky through their participation in The Second Mile. Sandusky founded the charity in 1977 as a group foster home for troubled boys. It spawned into a non-profit organization that has raised millions of dollars to help young boys and girls. Today, Chief Executive Officer Jack Raykovitz’s resignation was announced by the non-profit organization’s board of directors. Grand jury testimony alleges that Raykovitz was aware of at least one of the allegations against Sandusky.
In an NBC News interview from 1987, Sandusky joked that he started The Second Mile because he was a “frustrated playground director.”
“I enjoy being around children. I enjoy their enthusiasm. I just have a good time with them,” Sandusky said.
Sandusky gave up his day to day duties at the organization in 2010. By that time, at least two people had allegedly witnessed Sandusky sexually abusing two different boys in showers on Penn State’s campus, according to a grand jury report.
While Sandusky retired as a coach at Pennsylvania State University in 1999, he continued to have access to Penn State’s facilities. In 2002, he was banned from bringing minors to campus athletic facilities after then graduate student Mike McQueary allegedly witnessed Sandusky molesting a boy, according to the grand jury report. The incident was never reported to police or investigated by university police. Sandusky allegedly violated the order not to bring minors to campus by bringing at least one victim to the campus after 2002, according to the grand jury report.
The alleged victims testified that they were abused in hotel rooms, Sandusky’s own home and on Penn State’s campus. Some victims testified that Sandusky would visit them frequently at their schools when they didn’t return his phone calls, according to the grand jury report.
Editor's note: Bob Costas' exclusive interview airs on Rock Center tonight at 10pm/9 CT on NBC.

Old Herb Lady
14th November 2011, 05:25 PM
theres MORE to this pedophile ring than meets the eye....now, the judge lets him walk WITHOUT posting bail,and YES she has connections to his organization! What are the odds of this being sheer coincidence?? Hell, this is prolly the same ring that supplies the us congress and the rabbis......

With every passing day the cover-up of this is getting more deeper & more complex.

Old Herb Lady
14th November 2011, 05:31 PM
Did you hear the friend of his and Penn State Historian at the end of the clip say "I dont know what i would do to him.....He ruined Penn State!"


Sui Juris, that's how the Penn State people see his crimes. They see it as the "scandal that brought Joe down" or the scandal that ruined Penn State.
PSU, PSU, PSU blah blah blah. Sickos.

14th November 2011, 05:50 PM
A good friend of mine is related to a couple of professors at Penn State. Most of the victims are kids that he went to grade school and high school with in State College. When he told me about this story, I asked him "Did you ever meet that guy (Sandusky) and was he creepy?" He had met him, several times, and he said that he was the nicest guy, and very well respected.

That is what has freaked me out the most over this. I feel like we should be able to spot this kind of depravity. Otherwise, do we just fear everyone?

Let me correct myself, I don't know what freaks me out the most about this story. The fact that Sandusky created a foundation to lure troubled children, or the fact that so many people overlooked (or perhaps even condoned) these abuses, or the fact that sick people like Sandusky can be so convincing.

It's so depressing.

14th November 2011, 06:12 PM
His book is getting some poor reviews on Amazon:


This review is from: Touched: The Jerry Sandusky Story (Paperback)

Look, confession here: I own a copy of this book. It's an okay read if you're into learning about the 3-4 defense and how to beat the Miami Hurricanes and stuff like that, but it lacks the most important detail of all: the child rapes. Why isn't there anything in here about the child rapes? I mean, he has a chapter on how great his dad was; surely the child rapes are just as important as Pappa Art Sandusky's tutelage, perhaps more so if one considers that Sandusky opened a foundation for the express purpose of child raping. So until Jerry revises this book to include more about the child rapes (perhaps he can write an epilogue on toilet paper when he's in the pokey), I'm going to have to withhold that second star.

Old Herb Lady
15th November 2011, 06:49 AM
His attorney likes young girls. He got a 16 year old pregnant when he was in his 40's , married her when she became 18, had more kids & divorced her.
Not illegal, but just sayin'.

he said that Sandusky's victims are going to now come out & say that these things "never happened" even tho there were eyewitnesses to Sandusky's crimes.

Crazy !

What are they doing to get the victims to change their storie$ ?

mick silver
15th November 2011, 07:22 AM
people dont let your kids out of your sight . hell it getting harder to trust anyone any more . i to see a cover up on the way , this man should be in jail with no bond there two courts one for you and me an one for them am i the only one seeing this

15th November 2011, 10:12 AM
His attorney likes young girls. He got a 16 year old pregnant when he was in his 40's , married her when she became 18, had more kids & divorced her.
Not illegal, but just sayin'.

he said that Sandusky's victims are going to now come out & say that these things "never happened" even tho there were eyewitnesses to Sandusky's crimes.

Crazy !

What are they doing to get the victims to change their storie$ ?
so the judge is involved, the atty is one of them, and OH, we can trust the pedophile rabbi's who control the media to tell us whats going on here.....

Twisted Titan
15th November 2011, 10:21 AM
Anybody that attempts to gloss this over in any shape or form.

You can safely assume they were in the rape room waiting for their shot at the young ones after that demon creep got his jollys off first.

Old Herb Lady
15th November 2011, 10:45 AM
so the judge is involved, the atty is one of them, and OH, we can trust the pedophile rabbi's who control the media to tell us whats going on here.....

So, u think he's gonna end up walkin' ?

yeah while Satan's dancing .

15th November 2011, 10:50 AM
I've tried to avoid looking into this story for 2 reasons:
1- Same old shit - different day; depraved elitists vamping on the weak and innocent.
2- I knew it would enrage me.

Right on both counts... ruined my lunch and.... Lets just say I really really hope these guys pay dearly.

15th November 2011, 11:33 AM
It's so depressing.

I find it motivational.

This culture is extremely sick and debauched - but it won't die for quite some time and it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. One doesn't need Gerald Celente to know that it's time to make one's way out of the thick of it and into the areas of America that still have some semblance of traditional mores and values. The down trend has been in place for at least 30 years.

Even tho I've been paying attention for almost 15 years now, I kinda regret that I'm just now making my move... time is getting short for playing musical deck chairs. It's easy to say 'I'm preparing', and acquiring and storing things that will be needed - and then procrastinate on the only real preparation that matters ... finding a community and environment where the preps won't be so critical.

Like others here, I think this scandal is gonna blow right on up the power hierarchy and there's gonna be a few more dead bodies before this is all over or recovered up. This goes way beyond Penn State. And, while it's certainly serving as a distraction to those still sleeping - it should be yet another klaxon horn to motivate those paying attention and looking to get out from under the wheels of this crumpling and lurching machine.

15th November 2011, 01:31 PM
Does this guy remind anyone else of Michael Jackson? He admits to some pretty creepy stuff and then claims that there is nothing sexual about it. And then there's the stuff he doesn't admit to...

Old Herb Lady
15th November 2011, 05:16 PM
Does this guy remind anyone else of Michael Jackson? He admits to some pretty creepy stuff and then claims that there is nothing sexual about it. And then there's the stuff he doesn't admit to...

Yes, they talk exactly the same way about children. They "LOVE" children beyond any realm of our understanding.

willie pete
15th November 2011, 07:28 PM
he's a freakin' chicken hawk .....who the hell thinks it's OK for a grown man to shower with 10-11 year old boys? ...THAT'S REALLY Messed up...

15th November 2011, 08:02 PM
Does this guy remind anyone else of Michael Jackson? He admits to some pretty creepy stuff and then claims that there is nothing sexual about it. And then there's the stuff he doesn't admit to...

There is a lot to this. Do i think MJ was a pedophile? NO, why? Because that's what the MSM wants me to think along with many sheep I know. They believe anything introduced via TeeVee as gospel. Sure MJ was creepy but I know absolutly nothing of the facts surrounding any so called MSM incidents. The killed MJs career, he holed up in solitary which I believe and then they took IE: lost in investments millions upon millions to the point he foreclosed... Lots to this, too much for me, besides it is further down another rabbit hole that I do not need to pursue.

15th November 2011, 08:20 PM
Now that I thought about it, there was a whole lot of shit going down during this MSM MJ event, right now my friend Ale Cohaul is not letting me the time to think about it but when I do I will post it.

Ps he leaked his FB page https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100002831073028
Don't spam it too much, he is underage still.

25th November 2011, 06:06 PM
Sick Fuck

Latest Alleged Sandusky Victim Is Grandson: Reports (http://www.newser.com/story/134106/latest-alleged-jerry-sandusky-sex-abuse-victim-is-his-grandson-5-reports.html)

(Newser) – We already knew that one of the latest alleged victims claiming sex abuse by Jerry Sandusky was a relative (http://www.newser.com/story/133986/one-of-two-new-allegations-against-jerry-sandusky-was-made-by-a-family-member.html); now, Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/11/25/sanduskys-grandson-comes-forward-with-allegations-sexual-abuse/) reports the alleged victim is Sandusky's grandson. The boy’s mother, the wife of one of Sandusky’s adopted sons, filed the complaint. According to The Stir (http://thestir.cafemom.com/in_the_news/129275/sanduskys_own_grandson_could_be), the boy is five years old; the other most recent alleged victim is also under 18. Says Sandusky’s attorney, “The allegations are ridiculous and unfounded. Jerry has absolutely denied any inappropriate contact with his grandkids.”

Old Herb Lady
26th November 2011, 08:26 AM
1.) There's a new judge appointed to his case from a different county who's not one of his friends and

2.) Fry the bastard !

midnight rambler
26th November 2011, 08:32 AM
1.) There's a new judge appointed to his case from a different county who's not one of his friends and

2.) Fry the bastard !

Unlikely imo - Louie Freeh is there now to do damage control and contain the problem.

Old Herb Lady
26th November 2011, 08:34 AM
Unlikely imo - Louie Freeh is there now to do damage control and contain the problem.

agreed !

midnight rambler
26th November 2011, 08:36 AM
agreed !

Reminds me of Dr. Kissinger initially being appointed to head the 9/11 investigation.

Old Herb Lady
7th December 2011, 11:45 AM
He just got arrested !!


Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was arrested at home today by Pennsylvania state police in the wake of new sexual assault charges filed by a grand jury against him.

Sandusky was handcuffed and taken out of his home by state police and brought to an arraignment before a judge in Centre County, Pa., for the new charges, which include assaulting two boys involved in his Second Mile charity.

The men came forward in the wake of the earlier allegations against Sandusky, including 40 counts of child molestation, for which he was charged on Nov. 5.

According to the state attorney general, both men met Sandusky through the Second Mile charity, were plied with trips to football games, and were abused by him in Sandusky's home. The man now identified as Victim 10 also claimed that Sandusky molested him in a Penn State campus swimming pool and exposed himself and asked for oral sex during a car ride.

The new charges include involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, unlawful contact with a minor, indecent assault, endangering the welfare of children, and corruption of minors.

The new charges will be included in an already-scheduled preliminary hearing on Tuesday

7th December 2011, 12:48 PM
what the hell was he doing out on the street anyway??

7th December 2011, 12:57 PM
Fast forward to minute ~1:11

1998: Sandusky says he will not shower with children.......AGAIN?!?!?!?! (WTF?!)


7th December 2011, 01:23 PM
what the hell was he doing out on the street anyway??

He was given a suspended bail on the first charges. I think it was around 200,00 FRN.

Old Herb Lady
8th December 2011, 01:42 PM
UPDATE !!!!!

The azzzhole is OUT OF JAIL AGAIN !!!!!!!

8th December 2011, 01:48 PM
Money talks and people walk!