View Full Version : Celente learns, ya don't hold it, ya don't own it

15th November 2011, 03:08 AM
He seems fairly calm on the issue right now...


15th November 2011, 05:52 AM
I don't think a truer South Park ever was made:


Hey Gerald, "Please stand aside for customers who actually have money with us....Next please."

Silver Rocket Bitches!
15th November 2011, 05:55 AM
They done f*cked with the wrong Italian on this one.

15th November 2011, 08:03 AM
When I heard Gerald Celente talk about this the other day, I was shocked but not surprised at the criminal audacty of Corzine and his cronies. These bastards literally stole the monies in private segregated cash accounts of traders like Celente and used the money to gamble with big leverage. If they bet right, they would have pocketed huge profits and quietly returned the monies and the victims would never know of it. It is so outrageous that words cannot express my feelings. Corzine et al. are unconscionable greedy fucking lowlifes and now to add insult to injury they have stolen the monies and effectively told their pricate customers to pound sand. If Corzine doesn't do major prison time for this then no one can deny that the banking and financial system is utterly corrupt and immoral. If they steal your trading account today, they WILL steal your pension, savings and annuities tommorrrow, believe it folks. The only safety for wealth is outside the paper money scam, in physical tangible assets. And of these, the very best are physical gold and silver.

15th November 2011, 08:12 AM
So Your Safely Invested or Money Only Parked?

Uploaded by GuildF40 on Nov 11, 2011

Follow his Twitter @moneywood1


mick silver
15th November 2011, 08:15 AM
If you don't hold it, you don't own it"... Ponce

15th November 2011, 08:18 AM
I stopped playing futures 21/2 years ago now realizing that even IF I made some profit in these corrupt markets, and I ignored the moral failure of continuing to participate in Wall Street's criminal and earth and civilization destroying games, the now even ignore the game rules crap like happened to Celente was going to get worse as the criminals running the Wall Street and its ports would stop at nothing to keep taking others wealth.

15th November 2011, 08:19 AM
You'd think after all this time he would know not to trust the very villains he is constantly harping about.


maybe next up for Gerald is realizing Israel did 911.

Twisted Titan
15th November 2011, 09:50 AM
I will never know what a margin call is because I only deal in physical

15th November 2011, 10:11 AM
Thanks Mick........it now makes two "famous" person with I have been in contact with tha my quote rules over any othe money rule.

Hatha Sunahara
15th November 2011, 10:32 AM
I feel for Celente. This reminded me of what I read in Bob Chapman's latest International Forecaster:

We have been in or associated with gold and silver related assets and commodities for well over 50 years and we find we are not convinced that the failure of MF Global was just that, a failure.
John Corzine’s background makes us wonder if something else may have been afoot. He had been a former CO-chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs, a high-level, political operator and a Senator and governor from New Jersey. From our viewpoint this is cause for questioning.
In 2005 Man acquired Refco, which had failed. That became MF Global. The forced takeover worked out well.
This time it worked out differently. There was liquidation only and all MF Global employees were dismissed and prohibited from functioning. This meant clients were frozen in their accounts, something that heretofore had never happened previously.
Within this tragic event Mr. Corzine was to receive $12.1 million in severance, which we are told he is going to forego. We find that unusual. That is a lot of money. Could it be that Jon Corzine is a slippery sociopath? Corzine was a professional and a former top person at Goldman Sachs. Was he capable of making such a monstrous error? We do not know for sure, but we don’t think so. He was wired into all the right people in government and within brokerage businesses, particularly at Goldman. Could Corzine have deliberately taken MP down, so Goldman could move in and pick up the pieces for a pittance? Could the buyer be a connection to Goldman? Could it be that Corzine’s mission was to destroy MF Global? This is a connected professional; why would be load up on the junk bonds of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy and Spain? He had a lot more intelligence than we had and we would not have done that. We believe the possibility exists that MF’s failure could have been a giant fraud. We will get a better idea when we see who the buyer is.
Then we ask, where was the CFTC? As we have written Mr. Gensler was brought to power at Goldman Sachs by none other than Mr. Corzine. Mr. Gensler is the head of the CFTC. Does that ring any bells? This is the same CFTC that took three years to find out if big banks, such as JPM, HSBB, GS and Citi were rigging the silver market. They come up with nothing and all the evidence was given to them 2 to 3 years ago. We call that criminal and the SEC has done similar things, such as the Madoff affair. We can promise you the CFTC knew exactly what was being done at MF Global and probably covered up for them. We never had much contact with the CFTC but we can speak with authority on the SEC. They almost never go after large firms. They attack small brokers, newsletter writers and firms. Some call these agencies useful idiots – we call them crooks who prey on those who cannot fight back. The agencies are trying to cull small and medium sized firms for years. They want their friends at the biggest firms to have all the business.
It could be Corzine was set up at MF Global to destroy it. After this really gets underway we wonder which will be the next firm to go bust. Our corporatist fascist government loves monopolies and that is where the stock and commodities brokerage business is headed.
It will be of great interest to see how this turns out. Crime usually pays at the top level of the financial sector. MF Global is last, but unbeknownst to others the euro and the EU are in a similar position. They are in the middle of a totally corrupt system. Banks were overexposed 70 to 1. At the beginning of the credit crisis and they are still leveraged by 30 to 1. Worse yet, they lie about their quality of assets. We are looking at a Ponzi scheme of gigantic proportions, which is aided and abetted by the CFTC and the SEC. We started writing about these conditions in 1967 and in the intervening years we have brought on the wrath of government, the SEC and Wall Street for calling them the crooks that they are. We have done this to alert the people to the truth. In years past we worked with Gary Allen, Alan Stang, G. Edward Griffith, Stan Monteith and Anthony Hilder to this end. One sure sign we are being effective is that getting delivery of silver and gold is at times as difficult as it has been in past years. The message is reaching the public worldwide. It could be that the elitists’ plans are being upset and we are very happy about that. What we see is a stage show that even includes bogus statistics. This is the greatest monetary debasement in history.

As usual Chapman sniffs in the direction of corruption.


15th November 2011, 11:07 AM
maybe next up for Gerald is realizing Israel did 911.

Hahahaha! Not likely....

15th November 2011, 04:48 PM
Say, could anyone break down in simple terms what exactly happened to Celente and his money? Is it really *poof* and it's gone? A lot of this has gone over my head, to be honest. I guess that's why I only deal with physical gold and silver.

15th November 2011, 05:04 PM
solid? you are a very solid man, I like that :)

15th November 2011, 05:26 PM
Ha ha... here's to being too ignorant to mess with paper accounts. I never did because I know nothing about them.

Ignorance saved my ass!

15th November 2011, 06:06 PM
Seems SIPC pays out insurance to cover clients losses and Corzine and company move onto another victim. I would follow the money trail, chances are it leads right to the typical players and adds to their balance sheets. Insurance companies will get back-stopped by the gov't/taxpayer...greatest theft in history !!

15th November 2011, 06:15 PM
When I heard Gerald Celente talk about this the other day, I was shocked but not surprised at the criminal audacty of Corzine and his cronies. These bastards literally stole the monies in private segregated cash accounts of traders like Celente and used the money to gamble with big leverage. If they bet right, they would have pocketed huge profits and quietly returned the monies and the victims would never know of it. It is so outrageous that words cannot express my feelings. Corzine et al. are unconscionable greedy fucking lowlifes and now to add insult to injury they have stolen the monies and effectively told their pricate customers to pound sand. If Corzine doesn't do major prison time for this then no one can deny that the banking and financial system is utterly corrupt and immoral. If they steal your trading account today, they WILL steal your pension, savings and annuities tommorrrow, believe it folks. The only safety for wealth is outside the paper money scam, in physical tangible assets. And of these, the very best are physical gold and silver.

I am sure you know Corzine and I am sure you know where this will go.

Corzine may have been a criminal his whole life, or maybe he threw in the towel and decided to join them after seeing all the corruption, which is possible, who would notice after all, he is so smart and this can't fail, lol .

Corzine was pushed out of Goldman Sachs in a coupe by Paulson.

Then he became governor.

Then he went back to making big bucks or stealing them.

The guy knows where some bodies are buried going way back.

Fed Partner, he knows it all, all the scams, gold , FRN, debt, etc .

15th November 2011, 06:29 PM
I don't understand how they cleaned out his account when he himself
states a different firm and most of it was cash ?


Just going by his own account, CME and Trustee decide that a Lind Waldock account
needs to be confiscated .

Edit add,

So I a looking into this. This is still wrong, funds are supposed to be segregated, no ?

Your funds are not allowed to be used for proprietary trading, what happened to basic
agency rules, etc . From my understanding LW is a full service broker with lots of rules
governing them.

Someone may indeed go to jail over this, they may have burned some big dog insiders.
True justice still won't be meted out no matter what happens. A minor slap. Some insiders
may even get their money back.

lind waldock
http://www.google.com/search?q=lind+waldock&hl=en&oq=lind+waldock&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1984l6172l0l6422l16l15l2l4l4l0l234l1390l1.6 .2l9l0

" Lind-Waldock operated as a division of this spin-off, MF Global Inc. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MF_Global) until August 2011. On August 1, 2011 (http://www.mfglobalinvestorrelations.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=194911&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=1591085&highlight=), MF Global retired the name Lind-Waldock[4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lind-Waldock#cite_note-3), integrating the division more fully within the MF Global brand. The former Lind-Waldock now operates as part of the individual futures trading division (http://www.mfglobal.com/individual-trading) at MF Global. Products and services in MF Global's individual futures trading division include self-directed trading, broker-assisted trading, and managed futures. "

15th November 2011, 07:04 PM
When Gerald Celente loses everything and has nothing left to lose he loses it.

15th November 2011, 10:08 PM
I will never know what a margin call is because I only deal in physical

You go to your local dealer. He's talking to someone, grabs his 10 ozt silver bar and hands him $340, then the guy walks out. You like the bar. It's all shiny. You say, "I want to buy that. How much?". He is not the owner. He calls the owner and tells him the situation. The owner says to give it to you for $360. That's a margin call.

15th November 2011, 11:51 PM
I like more my price.......$50.80 for a 10oz silver bar haahahahahahahahah.

16th November 2011, 11:16 AM
My heart goes out to Gerald and those who caught up with this latest financial fraud. Since the advent of '08 Lehman Brother debacle, wise investors should have already liquidated most of their paper wealth. It is not wise to wait for the other shoe to drop. Government can raise funds thru
1) stealth "tax" increases
2) confiscation of wealth from its private citizens.
3) printing more money

Hatha Sunahara
16th November 2011, 02:19 PM
I think Celente will soon be pointing a finger at Goldman Sachs. I think fairly soon we will all be pointing a finger at Goldman Sachs. That's who really runs the world.


16th November 2011, 04:38 PM



16th November 2011, 08:56 PM
Say, could anyone break down in simple terms what exactly happened to Celente and his money? Is it really *poof* and it's gone? A lot of this has gone over my head, to be honest. I guess that's why I only deal with physical gold and silver.

Poof! It's gone.

"Examiners from CME Group Inc., the world's largest futures exchange, found unexplained wire transfers at MF Global Inc. and a $900 million shortfall in client funds during the weekend the failing broker was talking with possible buyers, a person briefed on the matter said.

CME, which was the overseer of MF Global, noticed the shortfall by Oct. 30 -- about a day before U.S. regulators said they were told of the missing funds and the broker filed for bankruptcy protection, according to the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the review isn't public."


16th November 2011, 09:15 PM
Man Celente got fucked harsh. They steal his working capitol from his account and then he can't meet the margin call so he losses his futures positions as well.


16th November 2011, 09:21 PM
This is reuters, I may have spoke too soon, haven't been following this.

How the funds went missing is highly illegal, sweeping funds for a safe
cash short term T bill is not illegal, if this stands nobody is safe and I would
not put it past them to burn people and positions in the future, even disrupting
trading accounts in the short term.

Why the fuck would MF be buying european debt when everyone knows
where it is going ?

CFTC commissioner views MF Global darkly


U.S. regulators are closer to finding out what happened to roughly $600 million in missing customer money.

"The money is not where it should be. I think something nefarious has happened, potentially something illegal," he said.

MF Global , which lost on big bets on European debt, filed for bankruptcy on Oct. 31 after a deal to sell itself to Interactive Brokers Group fell apart.

Giddens on Tuesday took a step toward getting customers some of their money back, asking MF Global's bankruptcy judge, Martin Glenn, to approve an expedited process whereby commodities customers would submit all claims by Jan. 27.

In a court filing, Giddens described a proposed process for mailing claims forms, reviewing claims and making payouts "as promptly as possible," likely in increments.

The process is set to be discussed at a hearing before the judge in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan on Wednesday.

If Giddens and federal regulators are unable to find the missing customer cash, customers with commodities trading accounts could be forced to take significant losses.

While it charts its course through bankruptcy, MF Global is surviving on $8 million in cash that had been collateral for JPMorgan Chase & Co , the agent for a $1.2 billion syndicated credit line.

Typhon Capital Management CEO James Koutoulas, who has separately asked Glenn to invalidate a lien putting JPMorgan ahead of customers for payback, told Reuters on Tuesday he may seek formal permission to join the committee.

16th November 2011, 09:49 PM
Well, what's happening with the Fed is a littleeeeeeeeee bit worse than this......and yet........nothing, nada, upso.

16th November 2011, 10:26 PM
Well, what's happening with the Fed is a littleeeeeeeeee bit worse than this......and yet........nothing, nada, upso.

Like the media focusing on bonuses vs. multi trillion plus fraud popularly referred to as "bailouts"?

16th November 2011, 11:42 PM



Must listen to and watch for everyone here, this is big.

WHOLLY SMOLLY, I am listening to this in the background, it is late here,
then I go back just to see his face talking like that, Celente is popping gaskets, he is in control, but pissed, he goes into detail, what happened, Celente himself is confused about Lind Waldock as his own firm that is owned by MF now. It does not occur to him something like this can happen.

Celente is going to need a body guard after this, he names the criminals, he names the Jew, he says Corzine should of died two times in the videos, video 2 he goes after Hollywood Jews, he is tired of them smearing Italians, he goes after Bloomberg,
he attacks Sumner Redstone, calls him " Rothstein " and accuses the Jews of double
standards .

Celente was standing for delivery, they still gave him a margin ultimatum.
Openly talks about holding physical and threatens anyone that wants it.
He is going to shoot them dead.

" they don't want me on " , " look who they hired " , " Chelsey Clinton "

Connecticut law firms are reportedly involved now, connected old money.

17th November 2011, 12:30 AM
And when the people put it under their mattress, they'll make those worth 0.

17th November 2011, 02:04 AM
Celente is either stupid or he is lying. The switch over from Lind-Waldock happened 3 or 4 years ago, first to Mann financial and then to MF Global about a year ago. All my statements clearly said MF Global.

Yes they got 5 figures from me.

Fing assholes.

I don't trust either of these clowns AJ or GC. This over the top fear mongering and trying to create a stampede says a lot to me. I'm heading in the other direction.

17th November 2011, 02:26 AM
This is nothing new with Gerald. He's openly stated he knows how the Rothschilds control half of the worlds wealth. He knows more than you think, and is in alignment with most on this forum if you listen to enough of his interviews with lesser known hosts.

17th November 2011, 02:58 AM
This is nothing new with Gerald. He's openly stated he knows how the Rothschilds control half of the worlds wealth. He knows more than you think, and is in alignment with most on this forum if you listen to enough of his interviews with lesser known hosts.

DBSmith interviewed him and he wouldn't go there. He ran from name that Jew.

Show me!

17th November 2011, 03:35 AM
I honestly forget the date and can't find it on YouTube, but it was from the past half year on Jeff Rense's show.

17th November 2011, 03:55 AM
I honestly forget the date and can't find it on YouTube, but it was from the past half year on Jeff Rense's show.

I believe you, it is just that even my cousin Sven says the Rothschild word. It is not a real big revelation.

There are things you can say and things you can't say and like Hoarder says the truth is in the things you can't say.

17th November 2011, 05:55 AM
Must listen to and watch for everyone here, this is big.

WHOLLY SMOLLY, I am listening to this in the background, it is late here,
then I go back just to see his face talking like that, Celente is popping gaskets, he is in control, but pissed, he goes into detail, what happened, Celente himself is confused about Lind Waldock as his own firm that is owned by MF now. It does not occur to him something like this can happen.

Celente is going to need a body guard after this, he names the criminals, he names the Jew, he says Corzine should of died two times in the videos, video 2 he goes after Hollywood Jews, he is tired of them smearing Italians, he goes after Bloomberg,
he attacks Sumner Redstone, calls him " Rothstein " and accuses the Jews of double
standards .

Celente was standing for delivery, they still gave him a margin ultimatum.
Openly talks about holding physical and threatens anyone that wants it.
He is going to shoot them dead.

" they don't want me on " , " look who they hired " , " Chelsey Clinton "

Connecticut law firms are reportedly involved now, connected old money.

Redstone was born Rothstein, fyi if you didn't know.

17th November 2011, 07:41 AM
Must listen to and watch for everyone here, this is big.

WHOLLY SMOLLY, I am listening to this in the background, it is late here,
then I go back just to see his face talking like that, Celente is popping gaskets, he is in control, but pissed, he goes into detail, what happened, Celente himself is confused about Lind Waldock as his own firm that is owned by MF now. It does not occur to him something like this can happen.

Celente is going to need a body guard after this, he names the criminals, he names the Jew, he says Corzine should of died two times in the videos, video 2 he goes after Hollywood Jews, he is tired of them smearing Italians, he goes after Bloomberg,
he attacks Sumner Redstone, calls him " Rothstein " and accuses the Jews of double
standards .

Celente was standing for delivery, they still gave him a margin ultimatum.
Openly talks about holding physical and threatens anyone that wants it.
He is going to shoot them dead.

" they don't want me on " , " look who they hired " , " Chelsey Clinton "

Connecticut law firms are reportedly involved now, connected old money.

He is in a combination of shock at being robbed in broad daylight; and embaressment at being burned by paper when he has extolled the virtues of "physical' to his readers. He is angry at being at the bleeding edge of the coming mass looting of America's private savings. I can't say I blame the guy. When you open your eyes and take in the full measure of hypocracy, greed and criminality of the federal government and the Wall Street banksters, it's pretty hard not to get enraged and really really pissed off.

Uncle Salty
17th November 2011, 08:26 AM
Celente is either stupid or he is lying. The switch over from Lind-Waldock happened 3 or 4 years ago, first to Mann financial and then to MF Global about a year ago. All my statements clearly said MF Global.

Yes they got 5 figures from me.

Fing assholes.

I don't trust either of these clowns AJ or GC. This over the top fear mongering and trying to create a stampede says a lot to me. I'm heading in the other direction.

Talking about how the banksters are robbing America with impunity is fear mongering? Huh?

17th November 2011, 09:18 AM
Celente is either stupid or he is lying. The switch over from Lind-Waldock happened 3 or 4 years ago, first to Mann financial and then to MF Global about a year ago. All my statements clearly said MF Global.

Yes they got 5 figures from me.

Fing assholes.

Sorry to hear about that.

The reports on this really bother me.

17th November 2011, 10:28 AM
Thanks Doc........I was really,really, REALLYYYYYYYYYYYY, surprised that Celente had invested in paper, specially after all his talks about holding physical.....as far as I WAS CONCERN he was Ponce in U2.........shame on him for discrediting my name.

17th November 2011, 11:09 AM
Thanks Doc........I was really,really, REALLYYYYYYYYYYYY, surprised that Celente had invested in paper, specially after all his talks about holding physical.....as far as I WAS CONCERN he was Ponce in U2.........shame on him for discrediting my name.

At least he was gambling with his own stash, not everyone else's...

Some people grow chips on their shoulder, that after a certain age become part of the thinking process, never to be shed.

Uncle Salty
17th November 2011, 11:17 AM
Thanks Doc........I was really,really, REALLYYYYYYYYYYYY, surprised that Celente had invested in paper, specially after all his talks about holding physical.....as far as I WAS CONCERN he was Ponce in U2.........shame on him for discrediting my name.

He wasn't really investing in paper. He wanted to buy a bunch of physical and futures is one way to do it. He said he was going to take delivery in December. He has been taking delivery of physical from futures contracts for decades and had never had a problem. It's not like he was holding ETF gold. He just got burned in a game of musical chairs. The music stopped and they took his seat away from him.

17th November 2011, 11:19 AM
He wasn't really investing in paper. He wanted to buy a bunch of physical and futures is one way to do it. He said he was going to take delivery in December. He has been taking delivery of physical from futures contracts for decades and had never had a problem. It's not like he was holding ETF gold. He just got burned in a game of musical chairs. The music stopped and they took his seat away from him.

Exactly. What he was doing is one of the tools being used against the banks to squeeze the metals out of their hands. An effective financial weapon.

17th November 2011, 11:23 AM
It's not like he was holding ETF gold.

I pretty sure he mentioned in one of the Alex videos below, that he has some of that action also.

17th November 2011, 11:28 AM
Right after Celente's declaration of war, SI and GC got dropped.

Is this MF ? There are articles out there talking about the whole
futures market being effected by this.

Here is another corrupt connection, on top of the JP Morgan involvement.

Daniel Dicker: The Koch Brothers and MF Global - Friends to the End (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/daniel-dicker/the-koch-brothers-and-mf-_b_1089906.html)

A good overview, accompanying the above 3 Celente videos.
Prison Planet.com » MF Global Looted Customers’ Accounts Via Internal Bank Run (http://www.prisonplanet.com/mf-global-looted-customers-accounts-via-internal-bank-run.html)

Uncle Salty
17th November 2011, 11:34 AM
I pretty sure he mentioned in one of the Alex videos below, that he has some of that action also.

If he does, he should know it is only playing with fire. Financial assets are playing with fire, but if you have a 401K, it might be your only option to get exposure to certain markets.

17th November 2011, 11:38 AM
How to you say his last name, Celente, anyways?



17th November 2011, 11:39 AM
The best part is Alex's put on anger/concern face about 6:50.


17th November 2011, 11:46 AM
He wasn't really investing in paper. He wanted to buy a bunch of physical and futures is one way to do it. He said he was going to take delivery in December. He has been taking delivery of physical from futures contracts for decades and had never had a problem. It's not like he was holding ETF gold. He just got burned in a game of musical chairs. The music stopped and they took his seat away from him.

The game is NOT supposed to include client money!!!

There was no announcement that they had changed the rules!!!

My Introducing Broker was caught just as flat footed as I was.

This is bullshit from the highest places.

17th November 2011, 11:49 AM
I'm not kidding. I don't know how to pronouce his name. I've only ever read it, never actually heard it.

17th November 2011, 11:53 AM
Exactly. What he was doing is one of the tools being used against the banks to squeeze the metals out of their hands. An effective financial weapon.

House wins, sorry casino's closed.

See ya after Christmas...

17th November 2011, 11:55 AM
I'm not kidding. I don't know how to pronouce his name. I've only ever read it, never actually heard it.


Uncle Salty
17th November 2011, 11:59 AM
The best part is Alex's put on anger/concern face about 6:50.

Yeah, that was funny. He was totally doing the big pose for that, and it seemed to go on forever. Alex playing to the crowd!! The Showman for the Apocalypse.

17th November 2011, 12:13 PM
You can call it "another way to invest in silver" but to me that's paper.......but unless he doesn't hold the physical........he doesn't own it...........I'll never believe another word coming out of his mouth.

23rd November 2011, 05:48 PM
Wall Street Boyz
Occupy MF Global…Celente, Too! (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=675)

