View Full Version : Iowa Baker Denies Wedding Cake To Lesbian Couple

15th November 2011, 02:51 PM

First Posted: 11/14/11 12:48 PM ET Updated: 11/15/11 08:40 AM ET


Gay Marriage (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/gay-marriage), Same-Sex Marriage (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/same-sex-marriage), Iowa Lesbian Couple (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/iowa-lesbian-couple), Iowa Same-Sex Marriage (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/iowa-same-sex-marriage), Janelle Sievers (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/janelle-sievers), Trina Vodraska (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/trina-vodraska), Victoria Childress (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/victoria-childress), Gay Weddings (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/gay-weddings), Iowa (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/iowa), Wedding Cakes (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/wedding-cakes), Gay Voices News (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/gay-voices)

An Iowa lesbian couple might have hoped to find a wedding cake that was both delicate and sweet, but they say their experience with a Des Moines-based baker (http://washingtonexaminer.com/news/2011/11/baker-denies-wedding-cake-same-sex-couple) left behind a sour taste.
As KCCI-TV is reporting (http://www.kcci.com/news/29753206/detail.html), the owner of Victoria's Cake Cottage refused to bake a cake for Trina Vodraska and Janelle Sievers, who are planning a June wedding, because she is Christian.
Victoria Childress, who runs her bakery from home, says it's her right as a business owner to turn away customers."I said, 'I'll tell you I'm a Christian, and I do have convictions.' And I said, 'I'm sorry to tell you, but I'm not going to be able to do your cake," Childress, who met the couple during a taste-testing appointment, said. "I didn't do the cake because of my convictions for their lifestyle. It is my right, and it's not to discriminate against them. It's not so much to do with them, it's to do with me and my walk with God and what I will answer [to] Him for."
Though Childress said no condescending remarks were made, the couple says they were nonetheless left feeling humiliated by the experience. "It was degrading," Vodraska said. It was like she chastised us for wanting to do business with her."
Other area bakers, several of them who identified themselves as Christian, have since come to the couple's defense (http://www.kcci.com/r/29763691/detail.html). "It is a business. It's about the people. It's about making the people happy too," Amanda Laurich, owner of Three Chicks Bakery (http://threechicksbakery.com/), told KCCI.com.
Watch the news report, including an interview with Childress, here. (http://www.kcci.com/r/29763691/detail.html)
View other recent cases of LGBT customers being denied services below:

Personal note: I'm glad to see people standing up to this. It's a shame tho, that it's made it to the MSM. That bakery is in for a world of hurt....

15th November 2011, 03:07 PM
Wasn't it in Iowa Adolf Hitler was denied a birthday cake, and subsequently was taken away from his parents?

15th November 2011, 04:26 PM
I don't see what the problem is for that couple. If that baker didn't want to do the cake then find a baker who will... it''s not rocket surgery.

15th November 2011, 04:28 PM
I don't see what the problem is for that couple. If that baker didn't want to do the cake then find a baker who will... it''s not rocket surgery.

No! Christian Bakers must be forced to make allowances for non-reproductive entities... or face extinction... ::)

15th November 2011, 04:30 PM
I don't see what the problem is for that couple. If that baker didn't want to do the cake then find a baker who will... it''s not rocket surgery.

True, it is politics!

15th November 2011, 07:37 PM
As a business owner you have a right to tell potential as well as current customers to fvck off. The best part is when they have someone else call back and ask for the owner.... "is this the way you treat all your customers?" "No mam/sir, just the likes of you" click.

15th November 2011, 11:39 PM
Does the Bible have anything to say about lesbians? I guess its the marriage thing more than about lesbians.

The thing about gay people is that the world is against them. That's basically their attitude to everything. I'm not explaining it very well but it's a mind set they have. Like carrying a big chip on their shoulder all the time.

My advice. Build a bridge and get over it.

16th November 2011, 05:31 AM
Two women... and they can't bake their own cake. :)

16th November 2011, 05:45 AM
Haha, Santa!

16th November 2011, 05:53 AM
As a business owner you have a right to tell potential as well as current customers to fvck off. The best part is when they have someone else call back and ask for the owner.... "is this the way you treat all your customers?" "No mam/sir, just the likes of you" click.

If you own a movie theater, grocery store, hotel, house rental etc., they'll come back with an armed gang and likely end up taking your business. In the US (as well as everywhere else in the West) you haven't had freedom of association/contract for some time now.

Two women... and they can't bake their own cake. :)

They just want to have it and eat it, too.

16th November 2011, 06:59 AM
"...because it's not about you respecting my privacy [in leading an alternative lifestyle]; it's about me imposing my values on you to legitimize them. I have civil rights; but you do not because do not affirm me and my values. Also, I am offended by the archaic and bigoted term 'lesbian;' In the future, you will refer to me by the more respectful name 'rugbitatrix.'"

Joe King
16th November 2011, 07:05 AM
She should probably put information on her website/in her advertising advising about her companies limitations on service. That way everyone knows ahead of time what work can and cannot be done and no one gets their time wasted.

Another, more diplomatic way of dealing with it, would have been for her to simply say that she couldn't accommodate their time schedule and then referred them to another bakery.
ie no fuss no muss, and no national headlines.

16th November 2011, 07:08 AM
She should probably put information on her website/in her advertising advising about her companies limitations on service. That way everyone knows ahead of time what work can and cannot be done and no one gets their time wasted.

Another, more diplomatic way of dealing with it, would have been for her to simply say that she couldn't accommodate their time schedule and then referred them to another bakery.
ie no fuss no muss

Great advice. ::) The Web posting you suggest is an open invitation to a civil rights lawsuit. The second suggestion advocates deception over straight forward honesty. God forbid someone should be allowed to express his or her opinion. Better he conjures up some tortured excuse.::)


po boy
16th November 2011, 07:10 AM
If they didn't want to serve them just triple the going price, if they take them up have another business make it and pocket the difference.

16th November 2011, 07:13 AM
If they didn't want to serve them just triple the going price, if they take them up have another business make it and pocket the difference.

Now that's a creative solution!

Joe King
16th November 2011, 07:14 AM
Great advice. The Web posting you suggest is an open invitation to a civil right lawsuit. The second suggestion advocates deception over straight forward honesty. God forbid someone should be allowed to express his or her opinion. Better he conjures up some tortured excuse.

FAILYea, you're probably right about the website part. If she's running a licensed business, the local governing body issuing the license probably has the authority to determine who can be refused service or not, and for what reasons.

My second option allows for both parties to be able to part amicably. It light of the situation, it would have been the best option for all involved.

Joe King
16th November 2011, 07:15 AM
If they didn't want to serve them just triple the going price, if they take them up have another business make it and pocket the difference.
I thought of that too, but that wouldn't work for the situation at hand because it would still require her to conduct business with them.
...and the whole point is that she is philosophically opposed to doing business with them at all.

16th November 2011, 07:27 AM
Another, more diplomatic way of dealing with it...


Display this in their front window to avoid the bagel-buying customers.

::) subtle huh

Joe King
16th November 2011, 07:51 AM
Display this in their front window to avoid the bagel-buying customers.

::) subtle huh
Is that your birthday cake, Book? lol

You're confusing the two parts of my post. The "more diplomatic" way would have been for her to tell them she couldn't accommodate their schedule. "Oh, you need it Tuesday? I'm already Booked up next week. I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to help you, but there's another Bakery just down the street that might be able to."
....and it's not being dishonest because she is in fact Booked up.....with anything other than making them a cake. lol

Do you have a pic for that example?

Silver Rocket Bitches!
16th November 2011, 08:32 AM
She coulda made a big statement by making the cake and then decorating it with God smiting Gomorrah or something along those lines.

16th November 2011, 08:34 AM
She coulda made a big statement by making the cake and then decorating it with God smiting Gomorrah or something along those lines.

Jeez SAB! Do you know how hard it is to draw a mushroom cloud with icing?!?!?::);D::)

16th November 2011, 08:41 AM
She coulda made a big statement by making the cake and then decorating it with God smiting Gomorrah or something along those lines.


16th November 2011, 08:44 AM
Do you have a pic for that example?


::) was common before the jew aclu lawyers and jew justice department infested America

16th November 2011, 11:20 AM
Jeez SAB! Do you know how hard it is to draw a mushroom cloud with icing?!?!?::);D::)

It has been done!

16th November 2011, 03:53 PM
I met two women who would not bake a cake.
They said they lived in a failed Lesbian State.
Yet years later were surprised that with all that 'lovin',
Not the one nor the other ever had a pie in the oven.

29th September 2017, 09:09 PM
Satanists Tell Supporters To Force Christian Bakers To ‘Make A Cake For Satan’

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DK2x3LCXoAAuP2M.jpg (http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/28/satanists-tell-supporters-to-force-christian-bakers-to-make-same-sex-wedding-cakes)

6:51 PM - 28 Sep 2017

30th September 2017, 06:26 AM
Yeah, I got your fuckin' cake right here bitches...come right in!
Satanists Tell Supporters To Force Christian Bakers To ‘Make A Cake For Satan’

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DK2x3LCXoAAuP2M.jpg (http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/28/satanists-tell-supporters-to-force-christian-bakers-to-make-same-sex-wedding-cakes)

6:51 PM - 28 Sep 2017

30th September 2017, 01:03 PM
Really what the fuck is wrong with people? Let's say a construction company decided to pass on a construction project, for whatever reason, maybe they didn't like the person behind the offer or they didn't feel they could build this properly. Who in their right mind would sue this construction company? But when it comes to wedding cakes, you can't refuse an offer if it comes from a protected minority? And the courts will decide whether this is a valid protected minority. This is so fubar... Why on earth would someone who is going to celebrate a sodomite union, insist on someone who doesn't approve of it to make their cake?

30th September 2017, 02:57 PM
Really what the fuck is wrong with people? Let's say a construction company decided to pass on a construction project, for whatever reason, maybe they didn't like the person behind the offer or they didn't feel they could build this properly. Who in their right mind would sue this construction company? But when it comes to wedding cakes, you can't refuse an offer if it comes from a protected minority? And the courts will decide whether this is a valid protected minority. This is so fubar... Why on earth would someone who is going to celebrate a sodomite union, insist on someone who doesn't approve of it to make their cake?

at first I was appalled by (((their))) hubris re the proposed devil cake by Christian baker stunt; but then I thought, DO IT! & go to a baker who can be expected to balk... get the lawsuit going, the whole script. (Christians will ante up donations for sure on this assault, and bakers will be set up for the retirement they only dreamed of before).

How does (((their JSM))) handle it? They can't ignore it coz it'll go viral with or without them. And the (((arrogant, over-reaching satanists))) will be the national water cooler topic of the week. On its coattails, we could wake up many to the child abducting, trafficking, SRA/rape/murder/cannibalism ways of the (((satanists))).

It's exactly this kind of hubris filled over-reach which has gotten (((them))) in trouble again & again in the past. Pogroms n shit.

30th September 2017, 05:20 PM
at first I was appalled by (((their))) hubris re the proposed devil cake by Christian baker stunt; but then I thought, DO IT! & go to a baker who can be expected to balk... get the lawsuit going, the whole script. (Christians will ante up donations for sure on this assault, and bakers will be set up for the retirement they only dreamed of before).

How does (((their JSM))) handle it? They can't ignore it coz it'll go viral with or without them. And the (((arrogant, over-reaching satanists))) will be the national water cooler topic of the week. On its coattails, we could wake up many to the child abducting, trafficking, SRA/rape/murder/cannibalism ways of the (((satanists))).

It's exactly this kind of hubris filled over-reach which has gotten (((them))) in trouble again & again in the past. Pogroms n shit.

30th September 2017, 05:49 PM
Really what the fuck is wrong with people? Let's say a construction company decided to pass on a construction project, for whatever reason, maybe they didn't like the person behind the offer or they didn't feel they could build this properly. Who in their right mind would sue this construction company? But when it comes to wedding cakes, you can't refuse an offer if it comes from a protected minority? And the courts will decide whether this is a valid protected minority. This is so fubar... Why on earth would someone who is going to celebrate a sodomite union, insist on someone who doesn't approve of it to make their cake?

indeed. what kind of special sauce would their enemy add to the recipe?

30th September 2017, 09:15 PM
indeed. what kind of special sauce would their enemy add to the recipe?

Reminds me of the story I heard about this Arab houmos shop in Tel Aviv, when I was there 25 years ago. Most likely an urban legend springing from the twisted minds of that wonderful state....

1st October 2017, 07:30 AM
So? We're waiting.....
Reminds me of the story I heard about this Arab houmos shop in Tel Aviv, when I was there 25 years ago. Most likely an urban legend springing from the twisted minds of that wonderful state....

1st October 2017, 09:41 PM
So? We're waiting.....

They said the arabs were caught putting some special sauce in the homous... to stick it to the Jews...


1st October 2017, 11:18 PM
They said the arabs were caught putting some special sauce in the homous... to stick it to the Jews...

heh funny, another of their signature 180-degree inversion of reality, projection gambits. Recall USSR's "Doctors Plot",

History of the Jews in Russia - Metapedia (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Russia)
History of the Jews in Russia. From ... A number of historians claim that the Doctors' plot was intended as the opening of a campaign that ... Instead of Jew, ...
en.metapedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Russia (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Russia)

Soviet Anti-Zionism - Metapedia (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Anti-Zionism)
Soviet Anti-Zionism was a doctrine promulgated in the Soviet Union during the course of the Cold ... Doctors' plot; ... the Jew as warmonger and greedy manipulator, ...
en.metapedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Anti-Zionism (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Anti-Zionism)

2nd October 2017, 05:08 AM
heh funny, another of their signature 180-degree inversion of reality, projection gambits. Recall USSR's "Doctors Plot",

History of the Jews in Russia - Metapedia (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Russia)
History of the Jews in Russia. From ... A number of historians claim that the Doctors' plot was intended as the opening of a campaign that ... Instead of Jew, ...
en.metapedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Russia (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Russia)

Soviet Anti-Zionism - Metapedia (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Anti-Zionism)
Soviet Anti-Zionism was a doctrine promulgated in the Soviet Union during the course of the Cold ... Doctors' plot; ... the Jew as warmonger and greedy manipulator, ...
en.metapedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Anti-Zionism (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Anti-Zionism)

First I hear about the Drs plot...


Seems like old Soviet Union got a few things right in its later years...


12th December 2017, 05:34 PM

Twisted Titan
13th December 2017, 12:35 PM
I was about to say the same thing.

Why didn't the butch dyke couple go to Arab bakery and ask for a gay cake.

I think Steve crowder did a video on this.

It was funny as hell

13th December 2017, 01:55 PM
I think Steve crowder did a video on this.

It was funny as hell


Where are Kike faggots suing these Mooslim joints into oblivion? Ah, it's only the Christian bakers...

13th December 2017, 03:08 PM
It's simple, really. There is more political and social impact to be gained going after Christian bakers than there is in going after Muslim bakers.

13th December 2017, 11:19 PM
It's simple, really. There is more political and social impact to be gained going after Christian bakers than there is in going after Muslim bakers.

There was no black Christian bakers that where attacked as well was there?

Cultural marxists only aim at "white privilege". There is no other group that can be racist, homophobe, anti-Semite, misogynist (even though whites are the least of this).

14th December 2017, 12:15 AM

14th December 2017, 06:53 AM
More Jewery at work!


14th December 2017, 07:26 AM
Here's 10 countries where homosexuality can be punished by death (yes Islamic nations). Yet, gay people have to whine and cry over a Christian baker and a cake.

Really, how stupid these people are makes my stomach sick.


14th December 2017, 08:52 AM

Twisted Titan
14th December 2017, 09:30 AM
I really wouldn't want to be these ass humpers on judgment day.

They went out their way to target this business.

That won't be forgotten in the High Court of Enternity