View Full Version : department of interior wants to ban shooting on public land because "it's scary"

16th November 2011, 06:35 AM
we need to ban shooting on blm land because it scares people from the city.


Gun owners who have historically been able to use public lands for target practice would be barred from potentially millions of acres under new rules drafted by the Interior Department, the first major move by the Obama administration to impose limits on firearms.

Officials say the administration is concerned about the potential clash between gun owners and encroaching urban populations who like to use same land for hiking and dog walking.

"It's not so much a safety issue. It's a social conflict issue," said Frank Jenks, a natural resource specialist with Interior's Bureau of Land Management, which oversees 245 million acres. He adds that urbanites "freak out" when they hear shooting on public lands. [Read about the subpoena issued as a result of Operation Fast and Furious.]

If the draft policy is finally approved, some public access to Bureau lands to hunters would also be limited, potentially reducing areas deer, elk, and bear hunters can use in the West.

Conservationists and hunting groups, however, are mounting a fight. One elite group of conservationists that advises Interior and Agriculture is already pushing BLM to junk the regulations, claiming that shooters are being held to a much higher safety standard than other users of public lands, such as ATV riders.

"They are just trying to make it so difficult for recreational shooters," said Gary Kania, vice president of the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation. His group is one of several, including the National Wildlife Foundation, Cabela's and Ducks Unlimited, on the Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council fighting the new rules. During a two-day meeting ending this afternoon, they are drafting their own changes to the BLM rules.

"What we probably are going to be looking forward to is a reversal," said Kania. Asked about how to handle people who freak out when they hear shots on public lands, Kania said, "I don't know how to quanitify 'freaking out,'" and noted that he's seen people panicing when fly fishing in float tubes but nobody wants to ban then from rivers.

BLM actually invited the fight, seeking the council's comments. But officials suggested to Whispers that no changes are being planned to the draft regulations.

Over five pages, the draft BLM regulations raise concerns about how shooting can cause a "public disturbance." They also raise worries about how shooting and shooters can hurt plants and litter public lands.

This is the key paragraph foes say could lead to shooters being kicked off public lands:

"When the authorized officer determines that a site or area on BLM-managed lands used on a regular basis for recreational shooting is creating public disturbance, or is creating risk to other persons on public lands; is contributing to the defacement, removal or destruction of natural features, native plants, cultural resources, historic structures or government and/or private property; is facilitating or creating a condition of littering, refuse accumulation and abandoned personal property is violating existing use restrictions, closure and restriction orders, or supplementary rules notices, and reasonable attempts to reduce or eliminate the violations by the BLM have been unsuccessful, the authorized officer will close the affected area to recreational shooting." [Check out new Debate Club about whether Congress needs to overhaul gun trafficking laws.]

Squeezing out shooters, says the draft policy, is needed because, "As the West has become more populated, recreational shooters now often find themselves in conflict with other public lands users, and the BLM is frequently called on to mediate these conflicts."

At yesterday's meeting at Interior, the council balked at the BLM draft regulations, adding that the Obama administration was not being fair to shooters on the issue of safety.

In a draft retort to BLM, the council said other users of public land aren't required to be as safe as shooters. They note that shooters have a much lower injury rate than others, like ATV users. "The policy fails to recognize that recreational shooting has one of the lowest incidences of death and injury compared to virtually any other outdoor recreational activity. The policy is prejudicial and discriminatory to target shooters as compared to other recreationists," said the council's draft response, expected to be finalized today.

What's more, the group charged that the BLM is acting in a contradictory fashion, encouraging the shooting sports while limiting shooting areas.

16th November 2011, 06:38 AM
Tyranny is scarier; we should ban that.

16th November 2011, 06:38 AM
yeah, it's scary for them. can't be lettin the slaves get all uppity and making the master get scared...of course, they can scare us all they want cuz it's for our safety.

16th November 2011, 06:40 AM
i've actually seen this happen in wisconsin. there's a whole part of a county down by madison (of course) where they banned deer hunting on all public land because people "were scared."

16th November 2011, 06:49 AM
Yet in park reserves around here, they hire sharp-shooters to cull the deer.

16th November 2011, 06:52 AM
i hate this sneaky ban hunting shit they try and pull all of the time. it's like in california how they were trying to ban shooting because a condor could eat a bullet out of a dead animal and maybe get lead poisoning, even though in the entire history of the world this has never been known to happen.

what's even more outrageous is that most of that blm land was purchased with monies collected from hunting licenses, waterfowl stamp, and guide fees, not from dog walkers or hikers.

16th November 2011, 06:52 AM
IMO you guys better take this shit seriously.

The last thing you need is a shooting ban. Fuck that. 2A.

"The right to bear arms, but not shoot them anywhere besides a registered gun club" is going to lead to "The right to bear arms that have been de-activated to ensure they will not be shot anywhere besides authorized areas".

16th November 2011, 07:05 AM
IMO you guys better take this shit seriously.

The last thing you need is a shooting ban. Fuck that. 2A.

"The right to bear arms, but not shoot them anywhere besides a registered gun club" is going to lead to "The right to bear arms that have been de-activated to ensure they will not be shot anywhere besides authorized areas".

i've always thought that's how they'll get gun control in the states. huge taxes on anything firearm related and severe restrictions on where you can use them. you can own them all you want, just not use them.

16th November 2011, 07:05 AM
this was started by a jewish couple.....big surprize.

Old Herb Lady
16th November 2011, 07:17 AM
Have u ever gone to the shooting range and get fined by the game commission for not having a permit or hunting license ?

Now that is NUTS ! Just happened to us last week ! No fine cuz we had license.

16th November 2011, 07:28 AM
IMO you guys better take this shit seriously.

The last thing you need is a shooting ban. Fuck that. 2A.

"The right to bear arms, but not shoot them anywhere besides a registered gun club" is going to lead to "The right to bear arms that have been de-activated to ensure they will not be shot anywhere besides authorized areas".

Countless signs across American open space full of bullet holes attest to how serious anyone will take a ban on public land. I realize the legislative efforts are nefarious, but in practical application it won't amount to much. Pussy city folk who can't stand the crack of a high power rifle in the distance are the same fools supporting illegal wars killing thousands as long as the administration tells them it's Ok.

16th November 2011, 07:29 AM
Have u ever gone to the shooting range and get fined by the game commission for not having a permit or hunting license ?

Now that is NUTS ! Just happened to us last week ! No fine cuz we had license.

you have to have a hunting license to shoot cans and paper targets?

Old Herb Lady
16th November 2011, 07:31 AM
you have to have a hunting license to shoot cans and paper targets?

Yes, Chad, the dude was going around checking everybody to see if they had a hunting license or gun permit to shoot at paper targets. For real.
First time I've heard of this in my entire life.

midnight rambler
16th November 2011, 08:10 AM
Yes, Chad, the dude was going around checking everybody to see if they had a hunting license or gun permit to shoot at paper targets. For real.
First time I've heard of this in my entire life.

Those assholes get away with such nonsense 'cause no one stands up to them and challenges them. There's no such fucking law, nor even 'statute'.

You should have told him something along the lines of "I don't recognize your authority, now get thee behind me." And because you failed to do so, you have absolutely NOTHING to whine about.

First time I've heard of this in my entire life.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." --Hosea 4:6

Old Herb Lady
16th November 2011, 08:54 AM
Those assholes get away with such nonsense 'cause no one stands up to them and challenges them. There's no such fucking law, nor even 'statute'.

You should have told him something along the lines of "I don't recognize your authority, now get thee behind me." And because you failed to do so, you have absolutely NOTHING to whine about.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." --Hosea 4:6

Dude ? Who's whining ? I was just talking about the new rules at the range. Relax please.
Hope I don't perish now ? Yikes.



16th November 2011, 09:16 AM
Fart in public and pay a fine.......where will it end?............only when WE SAY "NO MORE".

First post of the day...........good morning to one and all.

16th November 2011, 10:14 AM
Please note: 'Its scary" = AGENDA 21

16th November 2011, 10:35 AM
Easy on OHL Ramber. She's good stuff.

Anyways Rambler is 100% correct. Even being a Canadian, and not knowing the American rules/Laws, I wouldhave questioned that asshole's authority.

Who the heck is he to even ask you for ID? Piss off!