View Full Version : Dr. Watson: How IBM’s supercomputer could improve health care

16th November 2011, 10:22 AM
Dr. Watson: How IBM’s supercomputer could improve health care

"Watson could also dramatically change the way medical services are delivered. Once a machine with diagnostic expertise, no need for sleep and a proven track record can provide quality care, will it really be necessary for a physician to see every patient? We might want to create a new category of medical professional: people trained to examine patients and convey their symptoms to a system such as Watson. These lower-paid practitioners could help manage the growing number of patients with chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes, practicing medicine without going to medical school."

Future doctors beware !!

midnight rambler
16th November 2011, 10:47 AM
An automated 'script writer for Big Pharma! That's wonderful news!

16th November 2011, 10:50 AM
Everything in the US is about cutting labor cost (austerity in disguise) ..That coupled with cutting back in insurance reimbursement (medicaid and private insurance companies alike) are the driving force that motivated me to liquidate my dental practice at the end of '09.

16th November 2011, 11:01 AM
I don't think a machine physical examinator combo could ever replace a good intuitive doctor. But it could certainly do a better job than most drs, who are nothing more than scriptwriters for pharma anyway...