View Full Version : Hillary Clinton Convoy Hit With Red Paint.

16th November 2011, 11:03 AM
Money was the fuel that was keeping the friendship of the US and the world alive but now that no longer works because no one wants it.........but for the state of Israel, 3-7 billions dollars of your tax at work.
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Philippines: Hillary Clinton Convoy Hit With Red Paint.

First Posted: 11/16/11 11:06 AM ET Updated: 11/16/11 11:16 AM ET

stumble Angry anti-U.S. protesters in the Philippines targeted Hillary Clinton's convoy today, splattering it with red paint, the BBC reports.

About 50-60 people managed to "paint ambush" Clinton's vehicle as it drove past. Politico reports that the activists were able to bypass traffic police and catch the convoy off guard, forcing it to turn back.

According to the BBC, the activists were protesting the Visiting Forces Agreement between the Philippines and the United States, which allows U.S. troops to remain under U.S. jurisdiction while in the Philippines.

The attack comes a day after the U.S. Secretary of State was photo-bombed in Hawaii by a man carrying a torch and donning only a loin cloth.

Indeed, it's been an interesting week for Hillary. Today, she was also bombarded with personal questions from students in Manila, including what she keeps in her purse and what music she enjoys. From the Associated Press:

"In addition to makeup and all that go with that, usually my Blackberry and papers of all kinds," Clinton replied gamely, adding that her job entails flying around the world with much more than a tote bag.
Asked about her iPad and what music she keeps in it, Clinton told the crowd of about 100 mostly college students that she uses the popular gadget mainly to view news sites to keep abreast of what's happening in the world.

Hillary Clinton is on a two-day trip to the Philippines, as discord mounts over China's claims to the South China Sea, Reuters reports. Her visit also marks the 60th anniversary of the Philippines-U.S. Mutual


16th November 2011, 11:07 AM
Seriously, who cares what she keeps in her purse?

However I would first suspect either a dead baby or a dead kitten.

16th November 2011, 01:51 PM
Someone's life may have just been saved.


16th November 2011, 02:03 PM
sickening. No regard for life, she doesn't even pretend to have rspect for life.

Celtic Rogue
16th November 2011, 02:11 PM

16th November 2011, 02:48 PM
I would be pissed too if a foreign country had military troops patrolling our streets immune from our laws, free to do as they please. That bitch should be glad all she got was some red paint.

18th November 2011, 06:28 PM
This reminded me of the Clinton clip. This kid could be president one day?!


18th November 2011, 06:55 PM
She keeps a wide selection of pills, airline booze bottles, and assorted tubes of vagasil in her purse...some of them rolled up, and squeezed so hard the aluminum tube has fused.

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
18th November 2011, 10:11 PM
What I don't see stated in this article or by any GSus members at all, is about the symbolism of the red paint. I mean this was a protest regarding bloodshed caused by our wars overseas right? Was that too obvious and not need be stated at all? Or am I going about this completely wrong?

19th November 2011, 05:28 AM
What I don't see stated in this article or by any GSus members at all, is about the symbolism of the red paint. I mean this was a protest regarding bloodshed caused by our wars overseas right? Was that too obvious and not need be stated at all? Or am I going about this completely wrong?

Or painting her in her Commie Red for accuracy.....

19th November 2011, 07:29 AM
I saw her on StarTrek in the early 70's.....


19th November 2011, 01:37 PM
sickening. No regard for life, she doesn't even pretend to have rspect for life.

that's what being married to Bill Clinton will do for you.

i wonder if she really did have an affair with Vince Foster. also if his suicide/ murder was related to Israel.