View Full Version : Work for free or you will loose your unemployment benefits.

16th November 2011, 12:14 PM
Young jobseekers told to work without pay or lose unemployment benefitsPeople taking up work experience places – providing up to 30 hours a week of unpaid labour – face losing benefits if they quit.

Shiv Malik guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 16 November 2011 08.00 EST Article history About this articleClose Young jobseekers told to work without pay or lose unemployment benefitsThis article was published on guardian.co.uk at 08.00 EST on Wednesday 16 November 2011. A version appeared in the Guardian on Wednesday 16 November 2011. It was last modified at 10.40 EST on Wednesday 16 November 2011.

Cait Reilly, who is currently completing three weeks at Poundland, working five hours a day. Photograph: David Sillitoe for the Guardian
Britain's young unemployed are being sent to work for supermarkets and budget stores for up to two months for no pay and no guarantee of a job, the Guardian can reveal.

Under the government's work experience programme young jobseekers are exempted from national minimum wage laws for up to eight weeks and are being offered placements in Tesco, Poundland, Argos, Sainsbury's and a multitude of other big name businesses.

The Department for Work and Pensions says that if jobseekers "express an interest" in an offer of work experience they must continue to work without pay, after a one-week cooling-off period, or face having their benefits docked.

Young people have told the Guardian that they are doing up to 30 hours a week of unpaid labour and have to be available from 9am to 10pm.

In three such cases jobseekers also claim they were not told about the week's cooling-off period, and that once they showed a willingness to take part in the scheme they were told by their case manager they would be stripped of their £53 a week jobseekers allowance (JSA) if they backed out.

Twenty-two-year-old Cait Reilly is currently completing three weeks at Poundland, working five hours a day.

Last week, Reilly, who graduated last year with a BSc in geology from Birmingham University, found herself with five other JSA claimants stacking and cleaning shelves at Poundland in south Birmingham.

Reilly says there are around 15 other staff at the store but unlike them she will receive no remuneration for her work.

"It seems we're being used as some free labour especially in the runup to Christmas," she said.

Reilly says she told her local jobcentre in King's Heath, Birmingham, that she did not need the experience in the store as she had done plenty of prior retail work.

Despite DWP rules, Reilly says she was told by the jobcentre she would lose her benefits if she didn't take the Poundland placement. The DWP says jobseekers should be told about the cooling-off period but was unable to comment on individual cases without being given personal details.

"I was told [the work experience placement] was mandatory after I'd attended the [retail] open day," said Reilly.

She said she felt she had to do it because, "without my JSA, I would literally have nothing".

The work experience programme, which is separate from a multitude of other programmes designed to get people back into work, was advertised in January as voluntary after the time spent volunteering was increased from two to eight weeks.

However, the DWP has clarified that there is a clause which allows jobcentre case workers around the country to force the unemployed into placements.

The DWP say that once people "express an interest" including verbal consent, in doing work experience they will lose their JSA if they pull out after the first week.

One big superstore told the Guardian it thought the entire scheme was voluntary and that people could pull out whenever they wanted without fear of penalty.

Under the scheme, there is no guarantee of a job, only an interview. Multiple jobseekers can work in one store at the same time, cleaning or stacking shelves and competing against each other for a potential paid work on offer.

The DWP has no overall figure for the numbers involved in the scheme so it is not known how many hundreds or thousands of young people are working without pay for months.

But including similar schemes such as "mandatory work activity", sector-based work academies and the work programme, which is mainly run by private companies, the government expect hundreds of thousands of young people to do weeks of unpaid, and forced work experience for big companies.

Figures released on Wednesday reveal that youth unemployment stands at 1.016 million.

As part of her placement Reilly has been given training at another company, which will gives her a City and Guilds qualification in retail.

The DWP says Reilly is likely not to be on the work experience scheme but on another placement called a sector-based work academy, which was announced this October.

The scheme is different from straight work experience in that it has a defined training element, but Reilly says that it was only ever told that she was doing work experience and that her work at King's Heath branch of Poundland has been very unstructured.

"No one really knew what we were supposed to be doing. We were just put on the shop floor and told to tidy shelves," she said.James Rayburn has just spent seven weeks working for Tesco doing, he says, the same work as other paid employees.

He said he had gone to the jobcentre to help him find employment, and the manager there told him that Tesco was looking for staff. "I thought, that's quite handy because I knew a friend who used to work there and it sounds like quiet good fun."

Like Reilly, 21-year-old Rayburn said that he had little instruction from the store in Warfield, Berkshire.

"I didn't actually have much support …They were getting on with their own jobs … they left me to it," he said. "They said, 'Good work today, Joe'. That was it, everyday."

Rayburn, who was also told by his jobcentre he would lose his benefits if he did not work without pay, said he spent almost two months stacking and cleaning shelves and doing night shifts on occasion.

"They said [my JSA] would be cut off if I didn't do it."

Asked if he thought he should have been paid he said: "I reckon they should have paid me … I was basically doing what a normal member of staff does for Tesco. I had the uniform and I was in the staff canteen. I obviously got access to the food and drinks in the staff canteen … that's what they let you do … but I got nothing else apart from that.

"I was there doing it as if I walked into the store and said, 'Look I'll help.'"

In April, Tesco filed pre-tax profits of £3.5bn.

Like Reilly, Rayburn was not told that he had a week to refuse the placement, and was working in Tesco with two other young unemployed people who did get a job at the end of their placement.

Other large stores including Sainsbury's, Argos and Asda have been confirmed as taking on work experience placements.

Tesco said that in the last two months 150 people had carried out placements at their store. However, Tesco told the Guardian it was under the impression that work experience placements were totally voluntary.

It said they would not be taking on placements during Christmas adding: "These placements are not a substitute for full-time employees."

Poundland also confirmed the practice but said it didn't have exact numbers.

Sainsbury's said: "Following an approach from their local Jobcentre Plus and in the belief that they were doing the right thing, a small number of stores have recruited colleagues under this new initiative.

"We have since reminded our stores that they must continue our normal work placement policy, which means they will take on candidates only when there is a chance of a permanent role at the end of the placement."

Employment minister Chris Grayling has defended the scheme, saying: "Our work experience scheme is proving to be a big success with over half of young people leaving benefits after they have completed their placement. It is not mandatory but once someone agrees to take part we expect them to turn up or they will have their benefits stopped.

"Work experience will give young people a real taste of the work environment and act as a stepping stone into a career. And it's working.

"Jobcentre Plus is working with major multinationals and smaller businesses to offer thousands of opportunities for young people so that they can start to get on the job experience whilst enabling them to keep their benefits."


16th November 2011, 12:27 PM
Assuming a 5 day work week of 5 hours a day, these folks are being paid about 2 pounds an hour for their labor. They'd be better off telling them to shove the 52 pounds a week and look for a real job.

16th November 2011, 01:00 PM
free labor is always better than cheap labor..lol

16th November 2011, 01:23 PM
I don't see the problem. The idea is to train you for the job. When you are hired you aren't going to be given anything of substance to pay your debts anyway. Working for no pay is just part of the training.

16th November 2011, 01:42 PM
To tell you the truth I believe that is only fair to do this......here in the states they should be cleanning the parks or roads, after all the unemployment does not mean that they can just lay back and type on their lap top all day.......like a retired person would do :)

16th November 2011, 02:57 PM
I don't know if they pay into unemployment insurance in the UK like they do here but I don't have a problem with it if they don't

Now welfare they should be working for the government but as we all know that would be a bucket of bureaucratic shit costing trillions to administrate, if it ever happened.

16th November 2011, 03:02 PM
You can make more money shoveling snow.

I hate stories where people are "forced" into working in unfair conditions. Usually the "force" is more like a conscious choice.