View Full Version : the 100th monkey and the great awakening

Large Sarge
16th November 2011, 04:21 PM
I, along with everyone with an IQ above room temperature is very concerned about events (police state, radiation, World war 3, nuclear false flag attack, etc).

So what I am proposing is that perhaps what will save all of us who have an inkling of reality, is the “100th monkey effect”.

The story is true, and well documented. and what ladies and gentlemen it does show is a form of telepathy is possible, on some level.

I will not speculate further, but I believe it is real, and I think we just need to reach the “100th monkey” in regards to the great awakening of humanity, and then everyone will start to see reality.

enjoy the story, and someone reading this , might be the “100th monkey” for all of us....

food for thought



~ A Key To The World Situation ~

The 100th Monkey Effect began in 1952:

Something started in 1952, which was accomplished by 1958, which had never been noticed before.... the 100th Monkey Effect.

Huge global Spacecraft sightings in 1952:

In recorded history, 1952 was the busiest year for the sightings of Spacecraft and UFOs in the atmosphere of Earth. Was friendly ET giving humanity - via an obliging species of life on Earth - a helpful hand in understanding how consciousness and change function?

1952... A SPECIAL YEAR...


The following is from 'Lifetide', by Lyall Watson.
Book Club Associates, London, 1979. Pages 155-158.

"..... This might imply that the essential conflict is between the newer parts of the forebrain and the more primitive parts in the mid and hind brains. Between the mammalian and reptilian memories. And in a sense this is probably correct, but I doubt that it is possible or even necessary to isolate the command centres of the opposing forces in any spatial location. The war is between the old selfish instructions and the new self-awareness. Between genotype and aspects of the phenotype. Between the needs of the replicators to keep on doing their thing, which is replicating, and the desire of the organism for identity. The battle lines are drawn between orders and ideas.

Where the two coincide, a truce is declared and progress takes place by leaps and bounds. But where they disagree, skirmishes are fought in the no man's land of the mind and ambivalent we, with all our special strengths and peculiar frailties, are the result. I believe the seeds of this conflict are sewn in every cell by the presence there of nuclear DNA and factors connected with the contingent system. And that just as the presence and pattern of a number of cells behaving in a certain way can produce sensations such as sight or sound, so the mere existence of contingent factors in sufficient numbers in certain critical configurations could account for their recent intrusion in evolutionary affairs.

There is a biological analogy which makes this process clear.


The behaviour of the Japanese monkey Macaco fuscata has been studied intensely for more than thirty years in a number of wild colonies. One of these is isolated on the island of Koshima just off the east coast of Kyushu, and it was here in 1952 that man provided the monkeys with the right sort of evolutionary nudge. Provision stations were established at selected sites in the range of the troop. Normally young monkeys learn feeding habits from their mothers who teach them by example what to eat and how to deal with it, and in these macaques the behaviour had grown to a complex tradition involving the buds, fruits, leaves, shoots and bark of well over a hundred species of plants. So they approached the new artificial food supplies equipped with a formidable array of behavioural predispositions, but nothing in their established repertoire enabled them to deal effectively with raw sweet potatoes covered with sand and grit.

Then an eighteen month old female, a sort of monkey genius called Imo, solved the problem by carrying the potatoes down to a stream and washing them before feeding. In monkey terms this is a cultural revolution comparable almost to the invention of the wheel. It involves abstraction, the identification of concept, and deliberate manipulation of several parameters in the environment. And, reversing the normal trend, it was the juvenile Imo who taught the trick to her mother. She also taught it to her playmates and they in their turn spread the news to their mothers. Slowly, step by step, the new culture spread through the colony, with each new conversion taking place in full view of the observers who kept a constant watch right through all the daylight hours.

By 1958, all the juveniles were washing dirty food, but the only adults over five years old to do so were the ones who learned by direct imitation from their children.

Then something extraordinary took place.

The details up to this point in the study are clear, but one has to gather the rest of the story from personal anecdotes and bits of folklore amongst primate researchers, because most of them are still not quite sure what happened. And those who do suspect the truth are reluctant to publish it for fear of ridicule.

So I am forced to improvise the details, but as near as I can tell, this is what seems to have happened....


In the autumn of that year an unspecified number of monkeys on Koshima were washing sweet potatoes in the sea, because Imo had made the further discovery that salt water not only cleaned the food but gave it an interesting new flavour.

Let us say, for argument's sake, that the number was ninety-nine and that at eleven o'clock on a Tuesday morning, one further convert was added to the fold in the usual way. But the addition of the hundredth monkey apparently carried the number across some sort of threshold, pushing it through a kind of critical mass, because by that evening almost everyone in the colony was doing it.

Not only that, but the habit seems to have jumped natural barriers and to have appeared spontaneously, like glycerine crystals in sealed laboratory jars, in colonies on other islands and on the mainland in a troop at Takasakiyama.

The latest news from Japan is that Imo has by no means exhausted her powers, but has unleashed several additional cultural bombshells. Another of the foods provided at the stations is wheat, which the monkeys enjoy but find difficult to deal with once it has blown out of containers onto the sand.

Imo was only three when she solved this dilemma by picking up mixed handfuls of sand and wheat and winnowing the grain by casting both into the sea. There the sand soon sank, leaving the wheat floating free on the surface where it could easily be scooped up and eaten. At the moment this sub-culture has spread only to Imo's immediate associates, but it will be fascinating to see what happens next. I personally wouldn't be surprised if, in her later years, Imo re-invented agriculture.

The relevance of this anecdote is that it suggests there may be mechanisms in evolution other than those governed by ordinary natural selection.

I feel that there is such a thing as the Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon and that it might account for the way in which many memes, ideas and fashions spread through our culture.

It may be that when enough of us hold something

to be true, it becomes true for everyone.

Lawrence Blair says:

'When a myth is shared by large numbers

of people, it becomes a reality.'

I'll happily add my one to the number sharing that notion, because it may be the only way we can ever hope to reach some sort of meaningful human consensus about the future, in the short time that now seems to be at our disposal.

Lyall Watson, 'LIFETIDE'

2009 ~ The 100th Monkey Paradigm Shift In Progress ~ 2009

'Whatever You Can Do, or Dream You Can Do, Begin It.
Boldness Has Power And Magic In It' - Goethe

16th November 2011, 04:29 PM
I'm familiar with this concept, and hope like hell it comes into play, otherwise, we are screwed.

16th November 2011, 04:40 PM
I've had similar thoughts. We live at the level of our language. I post very little words because I'd rather plant seeds than argue hearsay. Well, that and my grammar sucks. I can't type. And my patience for composition is nil.

I've always known I was more than just human. Children know too. It's intuitive.

16th November 2011, 04:50 PM
yes spreading like wildfire. It happens. I think another description is the one about moving from denial to acceptance to something else or whatever the stages are. At some point it becomes undeniable to everyone except the most disconnected from reality. When everyone around you is doing it, what do you do?

I wonder how many monkeys actually liked doing it and how many were only doing it because they thought they had to, to fit in?

16th November 2011, 04:51 PM
Well, I am the 1,000 monkey because I don't think about a problem but rather let it flow by itself to where it properly belongs, the human reace try to solve problems by thinking about how to solved it , the human way, but the only rules that they have to do this are the ones learned from other humans... my mind doesn't work that way......I am very dunm when it comes to names of things and always forget them but the relation of the name to what it did is what I pay attention to......when I go to bed at night I stay awake for about one hour and relax and think about what I read that day and then I let everything fly, on their own they find their proper round peg for the round hole and square peg for the square hole.

Heyyyyyyy I know that I am nuts......what else is new?

16th November 2011, 07:14 PM

The hundredth monkey started watching Dancing With The Stars.

:( there will be no great awakening

16th November 2011, 08:15 PM
Well, I am the 1,000 monkey because I don't think about a problem but rather let it flow by itself to where it properly belongs, the human reace try to solve problems by thinking about how to solved it , the human way, but the only rules that they have to do this are the ones learned from other humans... my mind doesn't work that way......I am very dunm when it comes to names of things and always forget them but the relation of the name to what it did is what I pay attention to......when I go to bed at night I stay awake for about one hour and relax and think about what I read that day and then I let everything fly, on their own they find their proper round peg for the round hole and square peg for the square hole.

Heyyyyyyy I know that I am nuts......what else is new?

I do something similar. I call it percolating. I let things percolate for a bit and if it's a problem generally the solution will present itself when the time is right.

16th November 2011, 08:17 PM
There is way more than a 100 monkeys. Just look at congress alone. Not to mention the one in the white house.