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17th November 2011, 09:41 AM
So let me get this straight the School is 5% black a Colored only sign is posted that means 95% of the people are suposed follow the sign and this is Anti-black racism?

"Colored Only" Sign Posted Over NY College Drinking Fountain
State University of New York at New Paltz investigating posting of racist signs.

Thursday, Nov 17, 2011 | Updated 9:38 AM EST

View Comments (25) (http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Colored-Only-Sign-Posted-Over-NY-College-Drinking-Fountain-134028098.html?dr#comments) |

SUNY New Paltz President Donald Christian has sent memos to students and faculty decrying the incidents and proposing a campus-wide forum on Nov. 30 to discuss the issue.

Campus police at an upstate New York college say they're investigating the posting of racist signs in two buildings at the school.
A sign reading "Colored only'' was found posted over a drinking fountain in the Humanities Building at the State University of New York at New Paltz, 65 miles south of Albany, reports The Times Herald-Record of Middletown. (http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20111117/NEWS/111170334)
The sign was found Nov. 8. The newspaper reports that three other similar signs were found in a dormitory later that week.
SUNY New Paltz President Donald Christian has sent memos to students and faculty decrying the incidents. He is also proposing a Nov. 30 forum to discuss the racist incidents.

While there have been no arrests, campus police Chief David Dugatkin said Wednesday the investigation has turned up several potentially strong leads.

Associate Professor Major Coleman, of the Black Studies Department, sent a letter to the college president noting that SUNY New Paltz's undergraduate student body is just 5 percent black.
"It is our hope that over the coming weeks and months your administration will use this tragic event to begin the process of what Martin Luther King Jr. called 'substantive equality,' which is so desperately needed on this campus," the professor wrote.

17th November 2011, 12:00 PM
Interesting twist that the fountain was off limits to white folks. I wonder what would happen if someone posted a sign that said "no whites allowed", would that also be considered racist against blacks?

Celtic Rogue
17th November 2011, 02:42 PM
Most whites have been so conditioned that whites are the racist ones that even when(in a case like this) The cannot get their fluorided brains around the idea that more blacks are concerned with color than whites. I dont think of myself as white... I am a human. If color doesnt matter then why is it up front all the time?

17th November 2011, 02:45 PM
Hell, I never went above high school but apparently we are leaps and bounds ahead of these clowns in critical thinking and comprehension.

17th November 2011, 03:46 PM
The whole thing is so ridiculous too....holding a forum to discuss this? Referring to this as a tragedy??? Stating no arrests have been made?!