View Full Version : Why Did Israel Trade 1,000 Prisoners for Gilad Shalit? I Learned the Powerful Lesson.

17th November 2011, 12:42 PM
Yara, yara, yara, cua, cua, cua.........nothing but talk........what this gus does not tell you is that 1,500 MORE palestinians have been arrested sinse the exchange.....also, those "new" Jews will take the place of those living now in the state of Israel so that the ones there now (that look more like white people) can be sent to foreign countries in order take over them.

JERUSALEM: My people -- the Jewish people -- have the reputation of being both opinionated and cantankerous. Israel's founding father, David Ben-Gurion, once remarked that "for every two Jews, there are three opinions." When his successor as Prime Minister, Golda Meir, was confronted by President Lyndon Johnson -- who complained that he had to satisfy 150 million voters -- Meir responded that she had to placate two million prime ministers.

So it's been especially remarkable that my conversations this week with Israelis reveal a broad consensus of popular support for the government's decision last month to trade more than 1,000 prisoners for the safe return of just one Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit. Indeed, Israel's controversial prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is surging in the nation's public opinion polls since the prisoner swap.

How is this consensus possible? Upon first glance, the trade seemed highly imbalanced and unfair. And many analysts have complained that such a deal only encourages further hostage taking. Remember the maxim, "Never negotiate with terrorists"?

A lot more at link...........................


17th November 2011, 01:12 PM
what a surprise - the Huff Post provides a soap box to a Jew who supports Israel and pays homage to the Holohoax.

17th November 2011, 02:12 PM
So it's been especially remarkable that my conversations this week with Israelis reveal a broad consensus of popular support for the government's decision last month to trade more than 1,000 prisoners for the safe return of just one Israeli soldier,
So the (one?) thing they all agree on is that one of them is worth a very large number of others.

17th November 2011, 02:28 PM
They just transfered the prisoners, from a prison where they provide food to the prisoners, to concentration camps where they don't (West bank and Gaza)...