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20th November 2011, 09:22 PM
Do other people notice teens walking around like this?


I was at a mall this weekend and saw at least three boys around 16 yrs. old like this. When I was a kid I would see this type of thing in Africa in Nat Geo, and thought how primitive. Now it is becoming a fashion trend. They are stretching their ears, and will probably have to live with it in later life, or surgically trim it.

20th November 2011, 09:55 PM
Same crap with women gettin tatoos......danm good looking girls whith their arms covered with tatoos.....also boob jobs, they are so big and with no movement at all that can tell right away that they are not real.......I think that I'll walk around with a roll up sock between my legs.....nawwwwwww better make it two, I wana be MACHO man.

21st November 2011, 05:41 AM
Yeah- I've seen guys with 1-inch loops in their ear lobes. When I see that, I think "jackass". Yet, they must think it makes them look good. Another one that strikes me as stupid is the minnie-rooster, astro boy haircut...


21st November 2011, 05:49 AM
These ear plugs have been popular in the Tattoo studio circles for years now.


21st November 2011, 05:52 AM
For a lot of them, what is cool now. They will come to regret what they did too themselves later in their life's. And probably will find a home on a lower rung on society's ladder. What people not realize is what is cool today, later as fads and trends change what they do today may make them outcasts later in life.

21st November 2011, 05:53 AM
Yeah- I've seen guys with 1-inch loops in their ear lobes. When I see that, I think "jackass". Yet, they must think it makes them look good. Another one that strikes me as stupid is the minnie-rooster, astro boy haircut...


I was seeing 2-3" solid black disks. How long until they start stretching their lower lips? I do see alot of those haircuts. That at least is reversible.


21st November 2011, 06:13 AM
Our people have been brainwashed into all types of self-mutilation, all in the name of being "Cool" or "original".




I would be so ashamed if my children fell into this shit.

21st November 2011, 06:16 AM
Woww...Awoke... them's some nasty samples of art. Maybe they can do the same thing with their skulls- insert a window there so people can see the empty cavern.

21st November 2011, 06:20 AM
The extreme stuff is definitely an expression of self-hate, almost as if the person intends to cast themselves out. They expect to be rejected, so they adapt a look that ensures their expectations are met.

21st November 2011, 06:23 AM
The extreme stuff is definitely an expression of self-hate, almost as if the person intends to cast themselves out. They expect to be rejected, so they adapt a look that ensures their expectations are met.

I wonder, I've always thought is was more for attention seeking, in an extreme way. Perhaps they were ignored as children and this is their way of gaining attention. "look at me". I'm the exact opposite, when I'm out in public I want to fly under the radar and avoid attention.

21st November 2011, 06:23 AM
..its GREAT to know these @ssholes wil be in charge when we are old and feeble...

Old Herb Lady
21st November 2011, 06:28 AM
The worst thing that I cannot stand is to to see a MOTHER with children who does NOT know how to wear pants.

I swear to God, I get physically sick when I see a mother bend over with one of those big ugly tattoos on her lower back with her butt crack
hanging out on top of her pants that are obviously way to low cut for her body form.

So disgusting . It ruined my day out on Saturday with my daughter .

Puh-lease for the love of God cover that sheyit up. So grosssss.

21st November 2011, 06:33 AM
The worst thing that I cannot stand is to to see a MOTHER with children who does NOT know how to wear pants.

I swear to God, I get physically sick when I see a mother bend over with one of those big ugly tattoos on her lower back with her butt crack
hanging out on top of her pants that are obviously way to low cut for her body form.

So disgusting . It ruined my day out on Saturday with my daughter .

Puh-lease for the love of God cover that sheyit up. So grosssss.

you mean muffin tops? hahahaa

21st November 2011, 06:36 AM


21st November 2011, 06:37 AM
It's sad. Senseless.

In my opinion, it's a reflection of a death culture. There is no beauty in it. Just a rebellious hatred for the way hatred for the way God created things.

If death is what they emulate, death is what they shall have.

Proverbs 23:7
For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he

21st November 2011, 06:38 AM
When we were kids it was long hair and ripped jeans and whatnot, but at least that stuff can be reversed. The shit nowadays will require surgery to fix. Will Obamacare cover that?

LOL probably, as part of some "jobs" bill.

21st November 2011, 06:39 AM
..its GREAT to know these @ssholes wil be in charge when we are old and feeble...

Not a chance. These people are a great example of the "useless eaters" that the PTB would like to eradicate through covert bio-warfare techniques.

Lets just say that I doubt the BLT FMC had these people in mind as "survivors" when they laid out the population decree in rule number #1 on the Georgia guidestones.

21st November 2011, 06:42 AM
Not a chance. These people are a great example of the "useless eaters" that the PTB would like to eradicate through covert bio-warfare techniques.

Lets just say that I doubt the BLT FMC had these people in mind as "survivors" when they laid out the population decree in rule number #1 on the Georgia guidestones.
i HOPE your right.... i just say; BRING IT ON ALREADY, before were useing walkers and breathing machines hahahaa

midnight rambler
21st November 2011, 07:09 AM
I consider 'men' who put 'handles' on their ears in some form or fashion to be either pussies and/or fucking morons. If one is compelled to defend one's self in any sort of physical altercation the first thing that's going is either or both of these 'handles' on the sides of their heads. Ears can be ripped off one's head relatively easy (for anyone who knows how, it's a piece of cake) and it's a sure way to send someone into shock - why provide a handle to do so?? ???

21st November 2011, 07:12 AM
Guys like that are not usually fist fighters. They are usually butt-bangers/poop-pushers.

midnight rambler
21st November 2011, 07:16 AM
Guys like that are not usually fist fighters. They are usually butt-bangers/poop-pushers.

Doesn't matter *what* they are, any MAN should* be able to defend himself.

*however as you noted these are really not 'men', they are metrosexuals and faggots

21st November 2011, 08:00 AM
Cosmopolitan queers. One of the prime examples of why the white race is down to 9% of the global population.

Old Herb Lady
21st November 2011, 08:09 AM
you mean muffin tops? hahahaa

Somebody called it backfat the other day. BARF ! I've never heard of it called that before. Backfat . It doesn't even sound right.
I would eat celery every day if I get that. And I already eat anything & everything I want & don't have 'backfat'.

I'll probably get it now cuz I said something bad about backfatters.

21st November 2011, 08:29 AM

Cancel my VA Hospital gig and schedule the freak for Tuesday.

::) ...and order another case of silicon tits and botox for next week

21st November 2011, 09:02 AM
I wonder how much time that dude with the extra nostril holes spends choking down flies and gnats? Lol...

21st November 2011, 09:12 AM
Here's a trend I see all the time. WTF?

21st November 2011, 09:28 AM
This could be next:http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_T0gYy2QpElk/SSs0sy-W_oI/AAAAAAAAADY/3DCmOpjoBOk/s400/neck+rings1.jpg

21st November 2011, 09:36 AM

21st November 2011, 11:05 AM
I think we need a new definition for "womanizing".

21st November 2011, 11:12 AM
All of this stuff was pushed by the Pentagon decades ago...Started out with Tattoo's for male and female. Then it went to male earings, then female sex tattoo's. Then on to extreme body piercing, etc.

These people will be 100% more willing to accept the Mark of the Beast. THATS WHAT THIS IS ABOUT, and always has been.

21st November 2011, 11:19 AM
All of this stuff was pushed by the Pentagon decades ago...Started out with Tattoo's for male and female. Then it went to male earings, then female sex tattoo's. Then on to extreme body piercing, etc.

These people will be 100% more willing to accept the Mark of the Beast. THATS WHAT THIS IS ABOUT, and always has been.

hmm. never thought about that angle before, but ti makes perfect sense now that you mention it.

21st November 2011, 11:28 AM

US man fired for refusing to wear mark of the beast ’666′

November 19, 2011 |

Atlanta – A Georgia factory worker claims in a federal lawsuit that he was fired after he refused to wear a ’666′ sticker he feared would doom him to eternal damnation.
Billy E Hyatt claims he was fired from Pliant Corp, a plastics factory in northern Georgia, after he refused to wear a sticker proclaiming that his factory had been accident-free for 666 days.
That number is considered the “mark of the beast” in the Bible’s Book of Revelation describing the apocalypse.
Hyatt, who said he’s a devout Christian, had worked for the north Georgia plastics company since June 2007 and like other employees wore stickers each day that proclaimed how long the factory had gone without an accident.
But he grew nervous in early 2009 as the number of accident-free days crept into the 600s. As the company’s safety calendar approached day 666, Hyatt said he approached a manager and explained that wearing it would force him “to accept the mark of the beast and to be condemned to hell”.
He said the manager assured him he wouldn’t have to wear the number.
When the day came on March 12, 2009, Hyatt sought a manager to discuss his request. He said he was told that his beliefs were “ridiculous” and that he should wear the sticker or serve a three-day suspension.
Hyatt took the three-day suspension, and was fired at a human resources meeting several days later.
He then filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and his attorney Stephen Mixon said the agency granted him the right to sue the company in August.
The lawsuit, which seeks punitive damages and back pay, said the company forced him into a terrible situation: Keep his job or “abandon his religious beliefs.”
The company, now known as Berry Plastics Corp, did not return several calls and e-mails seeking comment. It has yet to respond to the complaint in court.

midnight rambler
21st November 2011, 11:31 AM
All of this stuff was pushed by the Pentagon decades ago...Started out with Tattoo's for male and female. Then it went to male earings, then female sex tattoo's. Then on to extreme body piercing, etc.

These people will be 100% more willing to accept the Mark of the Beast. THATS WHAT THIS IS ABOUT, and always has been.

There are some of us who are of the opinion that 'the mark of the beast' is the SS# and when the Word says "take the mark on the hand or in their forehead" it is strictly figurative and not literal being that "hand" represents action (deed) and "forehead" represents thought, i.e. to say one demonstrates one has taken 'the mark of the beast' by one's thoughts and deeds (using the SS#).

I'm also of the opinion that 'the mark' will NOT come in 'one fell swoop' where everyone must make their own personal choices in the same time frame (as in over the course of days, weeks, months, or even years), but it's something that takes place over the course of many years with souls making their own individual personal choice over the range of decades. That is to say that some have already taken 'the mark' and others haven't made that choice yet.

21st November 2011, 12:12 PM
Santa, that guy is going to rape that company for cash. They're screwed. He'll win.

21st November 2011, 12:21 PM
The desire to pierce and tattoo the body comes from the idea that you do not like the body God has given you and are reflecting that with the changing of it in such a dramatic way. This practice comes from the heathen and africa (the center of heathenism) has been doing it for sometime

Leviticus 19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.

21st November 2011, 12:24 PM
This guy's not impressed with the piercings.....


21st November 2011, 12:28 PM
[QUOTE=mamboni;484934]This guy's not impressed with the piercings.....

Bet he is interesting too look at, when he is not clipped. People will try anything and everything----Period!

21st November 2011, 12:31 PM
I had an ex gf that was pressuring me to get a tattoo. I didn't do it but if I did, I would have gotten something like this:


21st November 2011, 12:36 PM
I had an ex gf that was pressuring me to get a tattoo. I didn't do it but if I did, I would have gotten something like this:

http://saints.sqpn.com/wp-content/gallery/saint-george/saint-george-00.jpg One thing younger people do not realize is all the colors will fade with time. Some colors fade quicker than others, red/yellow/and blue are the worse.

I know!


21st November 2011, 12:48 PM
Okay, here's a weird one. We took our kids to the zoo a couple weeks ago. There was a school field trip there, all girls probably around age 12-14 or so. They were walking around with baby pacifiers in their mouths! I kid you not. Weird, weird, weird!

I agree, the pierced stretched earlobes are disgusting. Someone was on the cooking show "Chopped" with them and it was disgusting to look at.

21st November 2011, 12:51 PM
Pfft Mamboni.

Google image search "Hook Suspension" and look at the freaks.

They do live shows at pubs and shit. It's pathetic. They usually pair these show up with "Burlesque" shows. Totally deviancy made manifest through perversion and self mutilation.

21st November 2011, 12:55 PM
All of this stuff was pushed by the Pentagon decades ago...Started out with Tattoo's for male and female. Then it went to male earings, then female sex tattoo's. Then on to extreme body piercing, etc.

These people will be 100% more willing to accept the Mark of the Beast. THATS WHAT THIS IS ABOUT, and always has been.

That is a scary thought.

21st November 2011, 12:58 PM
Okay, here's a weird one. We took our kids to the zoo a couple weeks ago. There was a school field trip there, all girls probably around age 12-14 or so. They were walking around with baby pacifiers in their mouths! I kid you not. Weird, weird, weird!

I agree, the pierced stretched earlobes are disgusting. Someone was on the cooking show "Chopped" with them and it was disgusting to look at.

There are candies that kind of look like that. Still weird though.

21st November 2011, 04:04 PM
Pfft Mamboni.

Google image search "Hook Suspension" and look at the freaks.

They do live shows at pubs and shit. It's pathetic. They usually pair these show up with "Burlesque" shows. Totally deviancy made manifest through perversion and self mutilation.

Throw in a comedy act about abortion and we'll have it all.

22nd November 2011, 04:41 AM
Haha, very quick, Buddha.

22nd November 2011, 10:27 AM
The worst thing that I cannot stand is to to see a MOTHER with children who does NOT know how to wear pants.

I swear to God, I get physically sick when I see a mother bend over with one of those big ugly tattoos on her lower back with her butt crack
hanging out on top of her pants that are obviously way to low cut for her body form.

So disgusting . It ruined my day out on Saturday with my daughter .

Puh-lease for the love of God cover that sheyit up. So grosssss.

she's going for the double-cleavage effect.

i saw it on a Barista (coffee person) the other day. didn't look so bad - but in her case it was fairly subtle.