View Full Version : Here You Go: It's Over

21st November 2011, 01:49 PM
We're done folks.

CNBC is reporting that there are now clients running out of the markets entirely because they do not believe their customer funds are safe.

That's the end of it. The belief that there are more MF Globals has now taken hold. The thieves have pushed it too far and now we've got the start of a global liquidity run, and with good reason.

The authorities both in the regulatory side and on the prosecutorial side have refused to put a stop to the thievery and now the risk factors have turned into realized risk.

The market is done folks. You can be right but if you make your bet in the markets, are right, and then get screwed anyway when someone steals the money and nobody goes to jail there comes a time when people begin to understand that it can happen to them and will unless they depart the market.

We're there folks.

Oh sure, there will be rallies and there will be selloffs. But there is no longer a market, there is no longer a thing to trade, and there is no longer a reason to believe that superior analysis will lead to profit or even safety.

This isn't just about speculators - it is also about farmers, shippers, airlines, manufacturing concerns, everyone in business who has a need to hedge.

More than four years ago I said that the government had to step in and demand that both off-balance sheet games be ended permanently and in all forms and that all derivatives had to be put on an exchange, without exception, and that every dollar of underwater position had to be backed by an actual dollar of capital in real money, held and known to be safe.

The regulators refused and now it appears that what was put up on a regulated exchange was effectively stolen.

Well folks, then none of your investment accounts -- not your IRA, 401k, not even your bank account -- is safe.

Diversification is a strategy but the risk remains. It is up to you to decide how much you're willing to risk losing to a crook. If the answer is "none" or you cannot reduce the at-risk portion of your assets to what you're willing to lose to fraud then you can no longer participate in the market at all, in any form, nor even do business with a bank.

That sucks, but it is what it is and if this meme spreads -- and it will until it's stopped -- we run the risk of a "sudden stop" economic event.

I hope you're ready for it -- I am to the best of my ability, and you ought to be.


21st November 2011, 02:17 PM
I hope you're ready for it -- I am to the best of my ability, and you ought to be.

Did you buy some PMs, Karl? :p

21st November 2011, 02:22 PM
Did you buy some PMs, Karl? :p

Karl's got all his money in the almighty dollar. Only a fool would put his faith in gold. :P

21st November 2011, 02:34 PM
It's all going nicely to plan. I recall my big eye opener was the Bilderberg meeting January 2007 in Basel. They outlined their plan to crash the global economy. I read what they said then watched politics and the market for the next 4 months. By April 2007 it was clear to me that they actually were doing what they said they were going to do. That's when I started planning. That was enough for me. People still don't get it 3 years after the crunch...... what does that mean? Stupidity?

21st November 2011, 02:37 PM
Good article at zerohedge... about the company FMNC


FMCN Halted Over 60% Down

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)

Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden) on 11/21/2011 13:32

Update 2: FMCN has now been halted 3 times. Dick Bove does NOT have a buy recommendation on the name
Update: Trading has resumed: modest dead cat bounce on short covering
It took the market only an hour or so to realize what is going on with FMCN (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/muddy-waters-releases-80-page-report-disclosing-latest-strong-sell-target-focus-media-nasdaq-fm). To those who shorted the stock outright - congratulations. To those who are long puts - you may be out of luck. The stock may reopen some time in 2012, long after puts have expired.

If they can shut down a stock trade because it is crashing, you may have had a winning put option- and you still lose. The bastards mess with the market.

21st November 2011, 02:40 PM
The US will run out of the dollar and out of tp.......be ready for both :) , you think that I am jocking?

21st November 2011, 02:45 PM
Precious Metals in your posession are good. The rejection of the paper assets has begun in earnest. I have no idea how long the devolution will take, it depends on when the next MotherFucking Global Corp. goes down, it could be weeks it could be years, but exiting now is most likely better than any time later... Forget about shorting Japanese Government debt...

21st November 2011, 02:50 PM
The US will run out of the dollar and out of tp.......be ready for both :) , you think that I am jocking?

Well, are you in this picture?


21st November 2011, 02:54 PM
I don't go jocking without my shorts... usually.


21st November 2011, 02:59 PM
I can hear Hypertiger...

21st November 2011, 03:20 PM
Spectro, you are so far off topic there isn't a thread on board for you.

21st November 2011, 03:41 PM
I think Ron Paul said there will be another credit rating drop by the end of November. There's no telling what may push things over the edge, past the point of no return.

mick silver
21st November 2011, 05:24 PM
there still time to get your house in order . untill they stop taking paper i just keep buying and storing stuff that i think may become a good trade are may be able to used like food