View Full Version : Thrive - What On Earth Will it Take?

Hatha Sunahara
21st November 2011, 02:03 PM
I found a link to the online youtube video on Rense.com, but the YT video had been taken down. It's got a lot of good reviews so I am keen on watching it. Here's the trailer--which is still up:



21st November 2011, 02:22 PM
More discussion here: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54020-(Trailer)-THRIVE-What-On-Earth-Will-It-Take&highlight=thrive

21st November 2011, 04:35 PM
Grabbed a torrent and will review it later.

1st March 2012, 12:54 AM



4th March 2012, 04:25 AM
I recorded a recent interview on Coast 2 Coast if you're interested:


4th March 2012, 07:44 AM
Grabbed a torrent and will review it later.

is grabbing a torrent like downloading an *.mp3 ?

4th March 2012, 09:44 AM

The government has been in the field of energy suppression for quite a while now........... In another article it states they have over 5200 confiscated patents on devices that produce excess free energy. Mostly from the last 10 years. They don't want peace or to help anyone (except themselves).

Twisted Titan
4th March 2012, 10:36 AM
Holy Smokes this entire project is pure claptrap.

It was funded by Foster Gamble..

A direct heir from the Procter and Gamble empire.....now ask yourself a question. Do you really think a 65 billion dollar company is interested in you finding the nature of your true self?


4th March 2012, 11:01 AM
Holy Smokes this entire project is pure claptrap.

It was funded by Foster Gamble..

A direct heir from the Procter and Gamble empire.....now ask yourself a question. Do you really think a 65 billion dollar company is interested in you finding the nature of your true self?


Listen from 7:02 to 12:22. Foster addresses your points there. Dunno if you will believe it or not, but they are addressing it.

4th March 2012, 11:29 AM
More discussion here: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54020-(Trailer)-THRIVE-What-On-Earth-Will-It-Take&highlight=thrive

bump. everyone should read this thread too.

4th March 2012, 12:23 PM
bump. everyone should read this thread too.

I read the thread without watching the videos. I have no frickin idea what this is about. I really don't like when people post blind vids without a little explanation.

Hatha Sunahara
5th March 2012, 10:10 AM
I watched the video, and I agree with Shami-Amourae--it's pure claptrap. New Age BS. Another brave new world not worth going to because the same old people who are running this mess will be running it too.


3rd November 2012, 08:55 AM
Anyone calling this claptrap must not have watched the whole thing. No offense. It's a long one to watch.

I agree that the into is all new-agey and dream-weavey, and aliens this and technology that, but make no mistake that this is an amazingly well done video that included a culmination of a ton of research. This video covers Banking, debt slavery, eugenics, technology suppression, secret societies, Suicide Gene creation GMO, RFID chips, Rods from God technology, etc. In fact, I would have to say that this is the best video I have seen presenting the global domination conspiracy.

Once you get past the first bit about the energy portion, it's all good. Even the suppression of wireless transmission of electricity is something that most of us have heard of (Around 34 minutes into the vid) Basically from the point of 43 minutes, is all amazing NWO info.

My only warning is the typical brainwashed apology that he makes at around 1:13 into the film, in which he says "It's not the jews, oy vey, the poor, poor jews", plus the obligatory mention of the terrible things Hitler "did to them". (He made no mention of murdered holocaust Christians, or the fact that Israel wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the inside job of the Hitler reich. ) I was tempted to comment and list all the khazar jew names that he keeps talking about in the banking industry, but since I'm being monitored, I decided not to.

I haven't gotten all the way through this, but I am 3/4's of the way through and so far this video is an amazing eclectic collection of a lot of extremely accurate information. Of course it has it's agenda and I will maybe get into it later after I complete watching it, but I would say that other than the jew disclaimer, this video is bang on accurate so far.

That being said, I feel that this is serving the same purpose that Alex Jones is serving: Talk about stuff that the hardcore researchers already know about, and cover for the Khazars.

Of all the info in the video so far, NONE of it is new to me, but I have never seen it all presented so nicely and succinctly all in one place before, so that is nice. Great video for beginners if you disarm the israel disclaimer with hard, provable facts. I think you should all watch this one.

old steel
3rd November 2012, 01:04 PM
Holy Smokes this entire project is pure claptrap.

It was funded by Foster Gamble..

A direct heir from the Procter and Gamble empire.....now ask yourself a question. Do you really think a 65 billion dollar company is interested in you finding the nature of your true self?



3rd November 2012, 02:00 PM
I posted it a while back in the philosophy forum, before you Serpo, I think. Excuse me if I am wrong... :)

This is a must forward video to people who are mainstream, IMHO.

I dont care about "no jewish disclaimer" because IF people address all what is said, it will play against the zionists in due time. Again how about all the non-zionist elites playing the game for the sake of power? I dont see the difference between the two kinds, jewish and non jewish. And this what Foster means above all. The racist card means little in the BIG picture - all it does is to allow this massive illusion to continue. The Universe is much bigger than us.

And using our understanding of the Universe Vortex, part 1 in the documentary, it is NOT new age, it is PHYSICS applied, no more less. The fact is that ancient societies had understood this well before the rise of the West. But what the so called anti-new age folks would hate to admit is that grasping the Energy Vortex demand to understand "positive" and "negative" energies, all of which means "dualities in all things" and come from Same Source... and would also thus prompts us to re-examine our understanding of God. But organized religions are just too bend of their black vs white (polarization of thoughts and spirit) dichotomy... this is the real reason as why there is this antagonism against new age (aka real ancient knowledge). Think about it. Thats where "divide and rule" originates.

Foster Gamble Empire... how about the Founding Fathers then? They too were freemasons and exposing the system. And I could come up with other names... an elite member exposing the elites is nothing new. Paranoia works both ways, it also can effectively deter people from paying attention.

midnight rambler
3rd November 2012, 02:24 PM
new age (aka real ancient knowledge)

I suggest you be very careful what you refer to as 'new age' - Alice Bailey regarded her continuation of Blavatsky's work (i.e. Theosophy aka bald-faced, out in the open Lucifer worship) as 'new age'.

Worth noting: Blavatsky called her magazine publication 'Lucifer' and the Freemasons called their magazine publication 'The New Age Magazine' (at least until they felt the heat and changed the name to the more benign 'The Scottish Rite Journal of the Southern Jurisdiction'.

3rd November 2012, 02:35 PM
on page 1 of this thread someone said that it has been taken down, nope it is still there
