View Full Version : Video of two toddlers wrecking a house with a 5-pound bag of flour

22nd November 2011, 07:04 AM
The mother had nerves of titanium.

What would you do?




Mommy was not feeling well and had to stay in the bathroom longer than usual during which my two boys, ages 1 and 3 took my new bag of flour out of the cupboard and destroyed my house.

Posted: 8:16 AM

By: Sean O'Reilly

MICHIGAN - Young children and a 5-pound bag of flour do not mix -- especially outside of the kitchen.

According to ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/lifestyle/2011/11/kids-wreak-havoc-on-home-with-bag-of-flour/) , Mary Napoli was grocery shopping and when she returned home she didn’t feel well and needed to use the bathroom.

That allowed the Michigan mother's 3-year-old and 1-year-old sons to get their hands on a 5-pound bag of flour. Simply put, the flour did not remain in the bag.

Mary can be heard in the video cringing “I think I’m going to throw up” after seeing the mess her children made. The flour ended up on the floor, couch, lampshades, rug, chairs, pictures and her kids.

The boys did not seem to know what they did wrong. One asked, “What’s the matter mommy?”

“You emptied the whole thing,” Mary replied. Many people are questioning if the video is real or if the bag was “left out” for the children to “encounter.”

Yes, two kids could definitely make certain a bag of flour ended up everywhere, but could they make such a mess before their mother returned from the restroom?

The description of the video offers a clue it might be true: “Don't believe me? Hand a full bag to a 3 year old and see what happens.”

Most people wouldn’t take that risk.

Read more: http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/local_news/water_cooler/video-of-two-toddlers-wrecking-a-house-with-a-5-pound-bag-of-flour-goes-viral-on-youtube#ixzz1eRW8U5pN

22nd November 2011, 07:46 AM
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. It's like a snowman puked all over my living room." LOL....

22nd November 2011, 08:06 AM
Oh my gosh indeed!


22nd November 2011, 10:23 AM
I've noticed that a 5 lb bag of organic flour is running about 10 bucks where I live.

22nd November 2011, 10:39 AM
"Oh my Gosh..." HAHAHAHA

Well, at least she will have 2 little boys that will be very good at cleaning. Hopefully.

22nd November 2011, 11:04 AM
That was awesome. Thanks.


22nd November 2011, 12:21 PM
And you wonder why I never had kids?......I have a hand full with a dog who ate my sanwich.

22nd November 2011, 03:31 PM
my daughter has done that very same thing (albeit NOT in the living room) with a bottle gold bond powder......mroe times than I should admit.......

If she did it on that scale with the flour though, Im not sure I could just huddle into a quiet panic like this lady did... yikes!

po boy
22nd November 2011, 04:07 PM
And you wonder why I never had kids?......I have a hand full with a dog who ate my sanwich.

All this time I thought you didn't want to share the TP lol.

22nd November 2011, 06:11 PM
...and the father thought it would be ok to let the kids watch Scarface.

willie pete
22nd November 2011, 07:23 PM
....I'm thinking it won't be long before the state deems this an unfit mother and removes the children from the home....::)

22nd November 2011, 07:25 PM
I've seen my share of messes, but never have I retreated to get a video recorder... Usually your first clue is when it's "too quiet"...

22nd November 2011, 07:35 PM
LOL, I really don't think it is that bad, I mean yes it is a big mess, but if you got a good vaccum you can get 90% of it cleaned up pretty quick, then you just gotta wipe everything down and mop.

At least it wasn't permanent markers on the leather furniture then I would be really pissed.

22nd November 2011, 09:36 PM
I question this one. The tipoff to me was the thick layer across the entire length of the windows on top of the front door (at 1:41). How could you accomplish that without dumping the bag directly on it? You couldn't "throw" it up to that height and make such a long thick layer.

I also agree with zap. This is totally reversible with a vacuum, a mop, and a wet rag.

22nd November 2011, 10:04 PM
I question this one. The tipoff to me was the thick layer across the entire length of the windows on top of the front door (at 1:41). How could you accomplish that without dumping the bag directly on it? You couldn't "throw" it up to that height and make such a long thick layer.

I call False Flag on this one.

Old Herb Lady
23rd November 2011, 08:11 AM
Where was the mother when the kids went into the kitchen, got the flour, flung it everywhere & then she finds out later about the mess ?

What if it wasn't flour ? what if it was something not easily to clean.

Sorryyyy, She should have known where her kids were & what they were doing at every second of the day.

She's on meds , probably antidepressants or antianxieties to keep her calm & just repeat OMG constantly & so calmly.

If it was a smaller room like a bathroom it would be easier to clean up, but who has time to clean up all that.

Probably Daddy came home & had to clean up the house after the mother allowed the kids to do whatever they wanted.

Dangerous mentality !

23rd November 2011, 08:45 AM
This was staged. The mother is an attention whore and unfit to be a mother.

If those two toddlers did the entire flour deed, it did not happen in five minutes - more like 20-30 minutes would be required. So mama left two toddlers unattended for 20-30 minutes - that's negligence. Also, flour dust is both toxic to the lungs (look up bagassosis) and potentially explosive. That video documents two infants being inflicted with lung damage. And a spark could have potentially caused a fire or explosion.

A normal mother doesn't react to that vandalism they way the videographer did. Whether ot not she was medicated she was completely inappropriate.

The mother should be arrested for child abuse and endangerment.

23rd November 2011, 08:56 AM
totally staged, probably for a high hit count on you tube leading to ad revenue for the person who made it. this is the new trend on youtube. make outrageous videos and hope they go viral so you can earn ad revenue. the "charlie bit my finger" people have made over $155,000 so far.