View Full Version : Ron Paul gets "mic checked" by OWS in NH

22nd November 2011, 08:35 AM

Vid at link.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul (R) received a “mic check” from protesters affiliated with the “Occupy Wall Street” movement at town hall event in Keene, New Hampshire on Monday.

“We are the 99 percent,” they shouted. “We will be heard. There are criminals on Wall Street who walk free. There are protesters in jail. There is something wrong with this system. We are the 99 percent. We will be heard.”
“Do you feel better?” Paul responded, chuckling.

“If you listen very carefully, I’m very much involved with the 99 [percent],” the presidential candidate continued. “I’ve been condemning that 1 percent because they’ve been ripping us off. So, we need to sort that out. But the people on Wall Street got the bailouts and you guys got stuck with the bills and I think that’s where the problem is.”

The “mic check” is a reference to the system of communication used by the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters in New York City’s Zuccotti Park.
Unable to use microphones because they lack the proper sound permits, the protesters repeat in unison what a speaker says. The speaker begins by saying “mic check.”

The “mic check” later evolved into a form of protest. Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker have each been “mic checked” by demonstrators.
Watch video from CNN, broadcast Nov. 21, 2011, below:

22nd November 2011, 08:41 AM
mic check? for the love of *******, this is what protesting has come down to? afraid of using a bullhorn and making the police angry so you "mic check" stuff?

go buy a bullhorn and risk getting arrested if the protest is that important to you. make noise. bang on pots like in argentina. if not, stay home. completely retarded.


22nd November 2011, 11:35 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/305796_10150372681845914_51560645913_8409160_14348 53604_n.jpg

midnight rambler
22nd November 2011, 11:42 AM
Democracy at work - the tyranny of the majority. And we all know that the majority are easily fooled.

22nd November 2011, 11:49 AM
Democracy at work - the tyranny of the majority. And we all know that the majority are easily fooled.

That's why Democracy is a failure. It's also why we have a Republic, but we didn't heed Ben Franklin's warning and we didn't keep it.

po boy
22nd November 2011, 12:50 PM
That's why Democracy is a failure. It's also why we have a Republic, but we didn't heed Ben Franklin's warning and we didn't keep it.

I would say it has been ignorance of the people consenting to be governed, wanting security and benefits.Selling their souls and children to the state.

Korbin Dallas
22nd November 2011, 05:01 PM
Since OWS has been infiltrated by organized crime, the labor unions, specifically SEIU, the probably won't use megaphones or mics because they can't afford to hire union goons to run the wiring or operate the equipment. OWS needs to run like hell from them, or risk becoming lemings.

22nd November 2011, 05:10 PM
Since OWS has been infiltrated by organized crime, the labor unions, specifically SEIU, the probably won't use megaphones or mics because they can't afford to hire union goons to run the wiring or operate the equipment. OWS needs to run like hell from them, or risk becoming lemings.

OWS was a divide and conquer strategy from the beginning. They just took many of the things that tea partiers were PO'd about and then added a heaping tablespoon of leftism so that no common ground could be 'occupied' between OWSers and TPers.