View Full Version : " the american enterprise institute " AEI Jewish/Israel Criminal Central

22nd November 2011, 09:15 PM
How Can Bush Free Iraq When He Brings Tyranny to America?

by Paul Craig Roberts

The Washington, DC, think-tank, The American Enterprise Institute, camouflages its purpose with its name. There is nothing American about AEI, and the organization’s enterprise is fomenting war in the Middle East against Israel’s enemies. Its real name should be The Likud Center for Middle East War.

AEI has the largest collection of warmongers in America. AEI "scholars" have agitated for war in the Middle East for years. A moronic president and 9/11 gave them their opportunity. Now that the US invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan have failed, the AEI warmongers are conspiring with Vice President Cheney to foment war with Iran.

Writing in the Washington Note, Steven C. Clemons reports that Cheney is working with the AEI warmongers to short-circuit the efforts of Bush’s secretaries of defense and state to find a diplomatic solution. Clemons reports that one former high level national security official describes the Cheney-AEI conspiracy as possibly an act of "criminal insubordination" against President Bush.

22nd November 2011, 09:26 PM
These people are the biggest criminals and they got caught and nothing happened,
Conrad Black went to jail, NeoCon media boss, Scooter Libby
got a pardon, the only pardon Bush gave, to a freak who writes kids books
where bears rape children in cages, look it up, Franklin AEI AIPAC scandal,
they are all connected, FBI has it all and one of their translators who was
silenced managed to testify under oath to their criminality, brutal testimony
and nobody went to jail. Fitzgerald had hundreds of FBI agents working for him,
nothing happened.

" it is all the same people " Sibel Edmonds, all crimes.

franklin aipac
http://www.google.com/search?q=franklin+aipac&hl=en&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1484l4078l0l4297l12l12l0l1l0l1l485l2689l0.1 .9.0.1l11l0&oq=franklin+aipac&aq=f&aqi=g-v2&aql=

aei aipac franklin
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=aei+aipac+franklin&gbv=2&oq=aei+aipac+franklin&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=2703l6875l0l7125l18l17l0l10l10l0l250l1297l0 .5.2l7l0

Neocon Douglas Feith to Resign From Pentagon, as AIPAC Investigations Continue


This guy worked for Wolfiwitz, OSP totally circumvented all US Intelligence
agencies with this office Israel ran. These are facts, look them up.

Feith is a Bolshevik, Jew Zionist and Turk. Look it up, Jabotinsky posts.


AEI and Wolfiwitz are at the " debates " , WTF ?

We need to get back to basics on the NeoCons,
they deny their existence, but there are a million
news stories to what they did out there, but key
archives and connect the dots are being disappeared.

These stories woke everyone up to Jews and their wars for Israel.

They also built the Police State for you.

Time to get back to basics and repopulate the net with key stories.

22nd November 2011, 10:08 PM

Bush, Blair Found Guilty Of War Crimes in Malaysia Ttribunal

23rd November 2011, 11:23 AM

23rd November 2011, 02:33 PM
i don't watch TV enough to hear AEI on Fox.

there basic mission is to create filler content for TV to edumacate the Gentile masses.


23rd November 2011, 03:56 PM
i don't watch TV enough to hear AEI on Fox.

there basic mission is to create filler content for TV to edumacate the Gentile masses.


and most sheeple fall for anything with AMERICAN in the name or something else that sounds " patriotic "