View Full Version : RP is finally getting it. Ron Paul: "Israel should take care of themselves"

General of Darkness
22nd November 2011, 09:59 PM
I love it, I love it, I love it.


22nd November 2011, 10:04 PM
*Finally* getting it?! That motherfucker has BEEN getting it.

22nd November 2011, 10:06 PM
Brilliant could have not agreed more.

Unfortunately he is now a marked man.

The only thing sheep will be allowed to hear in the morning is "Ron Paul makes Anti-Semitic remarks".

Joe King
22nd November 2011, 10:09 PM
I love it, I love it, I love it.
They sacrifice their sovereignity to us? {:51}

General of Darkness
22nd November 2011, 10:11 PM
*Finally* getting it?! That motherfucker has BEEN getting it.

But he said it with passion in an important debate with that AIPAC kike Blitzer moderating. So shut your cock pocket.

22nd November 2011, 10:17 PM
But he said it with passion in an important debate with that AIPAC kike Blitzer moderating. So shut your cock pocket.

The only way it coulda been better would be if he'd suggested we kick out the mexicans, blacks, kikes, and croatians.

po boy
22nd November 2011, 10:18 PM
They sacrifice their sovereignity to us? {:51}

All that aid comes with strings, so all the posters who are for the Palestinians should be prepared to see izzy go balls out when the aid is cut off and their hands are no longer tied. That is my guess and if correct then those who feel for the Palestinians ought to be prepared to open up their pocket and vote for anyone but Paul.

I don't condone izzy's actions that's just how I see it.

General of Darkness
22nd November 2011, 10:22 PM
The only way it coulda been better would be if he'd suggested we kick out the mexicans, blacks, kikes, and croatians.

Agreed, especially the Croatians, those bastards are blight on society.

Joe King
22nd November 2011, 10:25 PM
All that aid comes with strings, so all the posters who are for the Palestinians should be prepared to see izzy go balls out when the aid is cut off and their hands are no longer tied. That is my guess and if correct then those who feel for the Palestinians ought to be prepared to open up their pocket and vote for anyone but Paul.

I don't condone izzy's actions that's just how I see it.I think you may be right. I just thought it strange that General agreed with his position. It seemed to me that general supported the opposite of that.
...but peoples minds do change for the better sometimes, I suppose.

22nd November 2011, 10:25 PM
"... and they sacrifice their sovereignty to us... " it seems RP got this backwards -- but he's stroking the majority (?) of Americans' egos who still don't realize we're a colony of Rothschild-Zionist Occupied Palestine.

What's most positive about this RP response is, he surely has a polling apparatus which would give him a sense in advance of whether that response would be seen as good or bad by his base, and evidently the word is "good answer" among his base. This surely wasn't always so, & means that the wake-up wave is happening!

we've still got the fake election problem though, see siggy.

po boy
22nd November 2011, 10:31 PM
So Pat he's stroking us by not spending taxpayer monies on izzy, or do you want him to yell it's all da joos.

22nd November 2011, 10:46 PM
So Pat he's stroking us by not spending taxpayer monies on izzy, or do you want him to yell it's all da joos.

his spiel leaves the impression that US:Izzy = Boss:Slave, which is bass ackwards, most certainly on the federal gummit/foreign policy level, although through many "domestic/local levels" too, as we all know.

Rothschild-Zionism = the NWO (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23047-The-Zionist-Elephant-In-The-Room)...





22nd November 2011, 11:14 PM
Anyone knows what the black man's answer was?......McCain?......or what ever.

po boy
22nd November 2011, 11:40 PM
his spiel leaves the impression that US:Izzy = Boss:Slave, which is bass ackwards, most certainly on the federal gummit/foreign policy level, although through many "domestic/local levels" too, as we all know.

Well indeed most so called representatives are whores for Aipiac however I think that with holding aid would be a good start. We all found out about Aipac in our own time and it might be folly to try and beat the unaware with that club while trying to make headway however small. Just the fact he's adressing it from an economic stand point and getting a discussion going while holding the anti semite comments at bay as it would look cheesy is a hell of a start.

22nd November 2011, 11:49 PM
Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights


23rd November 2011, 06:40 AM
I didn't see it, How did Herman Cain respond? "Iran a Pizza joint, and have a kosher line comin out"

Paul is charged from the Iowa Poll, is great his suit is filling up again.

And Yes, Pat it would have to be an overwhelming landslide decision to get buy the voting booths.
CBS says he tied in Iowa, CNN tells us he may have a chance at a third party...

midnight rambler
23rd November 2011, 07:15 AM
IMO he must approach the misinformed/ignorant masses with the lowest common denominator.

23rd November 2011, 07:20 AM
IMO he must approach the misinformed/ignorant masses with the lowest common denominator.

The approach he takes is annoying to hear sometimes, but I agree that the unvarnished truth would not be well-received. Accepting the idea that Israel controls the US, and not the other way around, would require the masses to turn their belief systems upside-down.

Half Sense
23rd November 2011, 11:03 AM
RP pulls a double-phony and uses their own propaganda to make a salient point about changing our whole philosophy.

Israel is used as a perfect example to make the case of non-intervention. And he does it while RAISING the status and power of Israel. He's not anti-Semite at all when he says Israel is a sovereign nation who should control their own destiny. They have sophisticated weapons and can take care of themselves. How does saying this this diminish Israel? It doesn't. Ron Paul nailed it.

midnight rambler
23rd November 2011, 11:15 AM
RP pulls a double-phony and uses their own propaganda to make a salient point about changing our whole philosophy.

Israel is used as a perfect example to make the case of non-intervention. And he does it while RAISING the status and power of Israel. He's not anti-Semite at all when he says Israel is a sovereign nation who should control their own destiny. They have sophisticated weapons and can take care of themselves. How does saying this this diminish Israel? It doesn't. Ron Paul nailed it.

Talking sense to a nation of people who've lost their way may or may not work. We'll see.

23rd November 2011, 01:24 PM
RP pulls a double-phony and uses their own propaganda to make a salient point about changing our whole philosophy.

Israel is used as a perfect example to make the case of non-intervention. And he does it while RAISING the status and power of Israel. He's not anti-Semite at all when he says Israel is a sovereign nation who should control their own destiny. They have sophisticated weapons and can take care of themselves. How does saying this this diminish Israel? It doesn't. Ron Paul nailed it.

Exactly! And the thing is, RP is consistent the whole way through. This doesn't apply to just Israel, but every other nation as well! Stay out of their business, and keep them out of ours!

23rd November 2011, 03:00 PM
All that aid comes with strings, so all the posters who are for the Palestinians should be prepared to see izzy go balls out when the aid is cut off and their hands are no longer tied. That is my guess and if correct then those who feel for the Palestinians ought to be prepared to open up their pocket and vote for anyone but Paul.

I don't condone izzy's actions that's just how I see it.
Bullshit the aid to Israel doesn't come with any strings attached. Israel holds the strings to the puppet politicians, that is why the US pays Billions in aid annually. Apart from the wars fought for Israel.

Exactly how much aid did Israel lose when they phosphor bombed Palestinian civilians? They do anything they please and the US gets the bill!

po boy
23rd November 2011, 03:28 PM
Bullshit the aid to Israel doesn't come with any strings attached. Israel holds the strings to the puppet politicians, that is why the US pays Billions in aid annually. Apart from the wars fought for Israel.

Exactly how much aid did Israel lose when they phosphor bombed Palestinian civilians? They do anything they please and the US gets the bill!

However, one critical aspect of the debate that has been neglected from public discourse on the topic — and that Sen. Paul may be unaware of — is the opposition of numerous Jewish and Israeli economists and religious Zionist groups to Israeli foreign aid. Like Sen. Paul, these figures believe that foreign aid is an affront against Israeli liberty and sovereignty, as well as a drain on the development of numerous sectors of the Israeli economy, such as the weapons and biotechnology industries.

US Power Elite use AIPAC to UNDERMINE ISRAEL'S SOVEREIGNTY & INDEPENDENCE (some interesting comments as well)



23rd November 2011, 03:44 PM
However, one critical aspect of the debate that has been neglected from public discourse on the topic — and that Sen. Paul may be unaware of — is the opposition of numerous Jewish and Israeli economists and religious Zionist groups to Israeli foreign aid. Like Sen. Paul, these figures believe that foreign aid is an affront against Israeli liberty and sovereignty, as well as a drain on the development of numerous sectors of the Israeli economy, such as the weapons and biotechnology industries.


Bullshit again! Certainly you can find marginal Jewish groups that don't want foreign aid to Israel, but that is why they are marginal... Israel would collapse economically without US aid and contracts.

po boy
23rd November 2011, 03:54 PM
Bullshit again! Certainly you can find marginal Jewish groups that don't want foreign aid to Israel, but that is why they are marginal... Israel would collapse economically without US aid and contracts.

So let them collaspe BFD some Israelis don't want it, I think that's good for them, there is no incentive to work when getting a free lunch.

To call total bullshit when shown other wise is ridiculous, some Americans are marginalized as well you know however that doesn't make their points less valid.

Here's another example, not too hard to see the hoops if you look.
WASHINGTON — Forcefully stepping into an explosive Middle East debate, President Barack Obama on Thursday endorsed a key Palestinian demand for the borders of its future state and prodded Israel to accept that it can never have a truly peaceful nation based on "permanent occupation.

24th November 2011, 01:50 PM
So let them collaspe BFD some Israelis don't want it, I think that's good for them, there is no incentive to work when getting a free lunch.

To call total bullshit when shown other wise is ridiculous, some Americans are marginalized as well you know however that doesn't make their points less valid.
Here's another example, not too hard to see the hoops if you look.
WASHINGTON — Forcefully stepping into an explosive Middle East debate, President Barack Obama on Thursday endorsed a key Palestinian demand for the borders of its future state and prodded Israel to accept that it can never have a truly peaceful nation based on "permanent occupation.
Well, you really didn't answer anything of the points I brought up, but I think you are right in that Israel, should collapse...

24th November 2011, 02:44 PM
Stop all aid to the state of Israel and we will see who is right and who is wrong ........ and while you are at it don't forget to kick out all those Israelis waving flager in congress.

po boy
24th November 2011, 07:32 PM
Well, you really didn't answer anything of the points I brought up, but I think you are right in that Israel, should collapse...

It would be hard to answer since the aid never stopped, it could be they would have started all out war on the Palestinians, again it may be the governments will but, the populace may not all be on board just as the US.

24th November 2011, 10:33 PM
Bullshit again! Certainly you can find marginal Jewish groups that don't want foreign aid to Israel, but that is why they are marginal...

Yes, there's also marginal groups in the U.S. who might expect for Paul's word on Israeli support to go further than the debates.

I think they're in the margin of the marginals...

30th November 2011, 04:46 AM
Press TV On Ron Paul Opposing US Support For Israel (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9aVTs9eEYY)


also see: http://america-hijacked.com

1st December 2011, 07:34 AM
Seems the last time a discussion was on the table about an actual Alliance Treaty with Israel was back in 2006.

Debating a U.S.-Israel alliance

August 13, 2006|Edward A. Olsen


Can't seem to find anything since...

1st December 2011, 11:58 AM
BroNat, comments @ link,

Will The Jews Let Ron Paul Win? (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=677)


24th January 2012, 06:17 AM
don't quite know where to post this one- Bill Maher is staunchly pro-israel* (I think a pre-req to have a show), anti-911-truth, but here:

Bill Maher Stands Up For Ron Paul & Calls His Audience "Brainwashed Liberals"



chalk it up to Maher's either politically schizophrenic or he's some flavor of whore or.... ???

* on Maher's zio-fellation-fixation:

Bill Maher on Israel



^ Maher @ :30 "I always hear that the media is pro-israel in this country. I don't see that (http://mondoweiss.net/2008/02/do-jews-dominat.html)."

He then goes on to recite the Hasbara (http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Hasbara) song sheet about thousands of "Palestinian" (I say Mossad) bottle rockets showering down on poor innocent Izzy... Oliver Stone brings some welcome alt perspective...

and Maher on 9/11 Truth:


24th January 2012, 06:22 AM
Anyone knows what the black man's answer was?......McCain?......or what ever.

Cain's answer was: "Israel is the shizzle! Man!";D

24th January 2012, 06:40 AM
Bill Maher is confused? He's the one helping make his audience brainwashed liberals. He should watch his own show once in a while.

24th January 2012, 08:39 AM
don't quite know where to post this one- Bill Maher is staunchly pro-israel* (I think a pre-req to have a show), anti-911-truth, but here:

Bill Maher Stands Up For Ron Paul & Calls His Audience "Brainwashed Liberals"



chalk it up to Maher's either politically schizophrenic or he's some flavor of whore or.... ???

* on Maher's zio-fellation-fixation:

Bill Maher on Israel



^ Maher @ :30 "I always hear that the media is pro-israel in this country. I don't see that (http://mondoweiss.net/2008/02/do-jews-dominat.html)."

He then goes on to recite the Hasbara (http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Hasbara) song sheet about thousands of "Palestinian" (I say Mossad) bottle rockets showering down on poor innocent Izzy... Oliver Stone brings some welcome alt perspective...

and Maher on 9/11 Truth:


Many years back before I woke up I used to enjoy and laugh at Maher. After waking up I realized fast he was an establishment shill - super-pro israel, anti 911 truth etc.

What angle he is trying to play here, I have no idea.

His audience is made up of brainwashed liberals? They're your flock Bill! Take a look in the mirror lying whore!

mick silver
24th January 2012, 08:42 AM
the more you lie the more money you make . i wouldnt piss on him if he was on fire

24th January 2012, 09:43 AM
Maher's bosses (http://articles.latimes.com/2008/dec/19/opinion/oe-stein19) have nothing to fear re RP's being "elected" -
FAKE "ELECTIONS" - Why Ron Paul Can't "Win" (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53978-FAKE-quot-ELECTIONS-quot-Why-Ron-Paul-Can-t-quot-Win-quot&highlight=fake+paul+can%27t[/url)

... so chameleon/whores like Maher can "safely" seize the opportunity to appear "independent thinking", by posturing as if he "supports RP".

^ this is unlike the case of 911 Truth - where Maher's bosses are in real jeopardy of people waking up to who really did 911 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread), so Maher doesn't have the same luxury of safely masquerading as though he's not a zio-whore WRT 911 Truth.