View Full Version : Manipulation Of Your Mind by Government Agenda [Brian Gerrish]

23rd November 2011, 11:00 PM
This UK patriot Brian Gerrish's stuff is good! He's mainly a critic of a UK org: "Common Purpose" - which is obviously an NWO front, and I saw in one video he mentioned in passing that there was some evidence of overlap with the masons.

He's an eloquent & effective speaker, and pragmatic in how to expose and neutralize their (NWO) agenda. I've watched several of his talks on youtube now, and they're always unique from one another, yet informative re different aspects of what's going on, the mind-games in play, etc.

One NWO social-engineering movement he always speaks about some, is the "normalization of pedophilia" - because he asserts that of all the mind-games the NWO are rolling out, pedophilia has a strong chance of waking people up- coz it's so anathema to most people's nature & values.

A couple of his sites are:

Common Purpose Exposed - cpexposed.com (http://cpexposed.com/)

Common Purpose - Stop Common Purpose - Communitarian - NWO Agenda 21 (http://www.stopcp.com/)

some worthwhile talks he's given:

Brian Gerrish on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:The Truth About The Common Purpose Group in The UK


Brian Gerrish - Common Purpose Exposed [Full Interview]


Manipulation Of Your Mind by Government Agenda [Brian Gerrish]


Brian Gerrish - Some Things He Knows !


24th November 2011, 08:18 AM
Thanks Pat....Watching now.

24th November 2011, 08:43 AM
If you are not capable of shaping your own reality others will gladly step in and do it for you. You may choose to call this "government" but really there is no such entity in existence, just wannabe power brokers who take advantage of the willingness of people to just get along.

24th November 2011, 12:44 PM
Tagging Patcolo. I value your contributions to the forum. Thanks man.

Hatha Sunahara
24th November 2011, 03:52 PM
Does anybody know offhand what the communitarian movement calls itself in the USA?

What I know about communitarians, I know from what I have read by Niki Raapana--something like this:


I'm just not sure how well organized they are in the USA--probably better than in Britain.


24th November 2011, 04:01 PM
Does anybody know offhand what the communitarian movement calls itself in the USA?Masons

24th November 2011, 04:44 PM
some URL's i found while i was trying to figure out who Brian Gerrish is.

his website had one interesting article, asking if English parliamentarian Cameron is committing treason by supporting Israel -


i guess CPExposed might also be his website ?


"Don't just learn about leadership, learn how to lead!
Take part in a Common Purpose leadership development course...
Who are our courses for?

From young people to senior managers, from students to those nearing the end of their career, Common Purpose offers courses to suit a range of leadership development needs."

Hatha Sunahara
24th November 2011, 06:39 PM
Since Common Purpose is a secret organization, I would assume they are pursuing a secret agenda--something like Agenda 21.

There are so many NWO initiatives that are secret, they have to do stealth social engineering on us. Most people wouldn't believe any of this is going on, and think you're nuts if you tell them. Agenda 21 is the foundation of the communitarian movement. Here's a little information on Agenda 21:


I'm impressed that Gerrish probed into the existence of an organized force pushing their secret agenda. I haven't seen all the videos, but I wonder if he knows who's at the top of this Common Purpose organization.


25th November 2011, 02:45 AM

that would be my knee-jerk answer as well WRT anything "Common Purpose" like in the US, and of course the masons have been entrenched in Europe/UK for centuries-- Gerrish noted they had seen seen evidence of some common persons between the two org's.

I'm not aware of any comparable org in the US, outside the masons- but I could imagine the way CP packages themselves appeals to many who would not otherwise become masons (spooky ancient secret society, male-centric, etc)- where CP has these "leadership" training/workshops which Gerrish asserts use "applied psychology" and NLP to change the views of the attendees such that they seem to become loyal minions of the dark side. This is a process I'd like to see discussed much more deeply!

Anyways here's another good one, Gerrish is interviewed by some American guy, crude language at times,



also, I overviewed some of Gerrish's talks heavy into the elite pedophile rings in the ped-thread, see post #69 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?40780-Paedophilia&p=486164&viewfull=1#post486164) and the next post.

25th November 2011, 08:54 AM
Hmm... sounds interesting. Tag for later.

5th February 2012, 07:41 AM
that would be my knee-jerk answer as well WRT anything "Common Purpose" like in the US, and of course the masons have been entrenched in Europe/UK for centuries-- Gerrish noted they had seen seen evidence of some common persons between the two org's.

I'm not aware of any comparable org in the US, outside the masons- but I could imagine the way CP packages themselves appeals to many who would not otherwise become masons (spooky ancient secret society, male-centric, etc)- where CP has these "leadership" training/workshops which Gerrish asserts use "applied psychology" and NLP to change the views of the attendees such that they seem to become loyal minions of the dark side. This is a process I'd like to see discussed much more deeply!

I was watching this Rosa Koire speech on UN Agenda 21 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?35061-Agenda-21-For-Dummies-%28incl-abolition-of-private-property%29) and it occurred to me that ICLEI may be like an American version of CP.



The way she describes ICLEI- public officials who get ICLEI training, don't share this with their constituents, conduct "Delphi meetings" to give the public the illusion of participation in the Agenda 21 based policies, the shadowy/subversive way they go about their agenda. Also same back-end as CP, namely the UN which represents the NWO.

Koire's site is well worth a visit,

Twisted Titan
5th February 2012, 06:55 PM

1st March 2012, 07:09 PM
another "brilliant" one here, I hadn't noticed it before (posted to YT 8/11) but I ended up watching the whole 2.5 hour thing.



Uploaded by GoodFightUploads (http://www.youtube.com/user/GoodFightUploads) on Aug 13, 2011

Great Q&A begins around the middle. The last ~15 mins are maybe most interesting (you can advance the play-bar there), as he addresses q's about banking and eventually zionism. He refs a paper which UK Column (http://www.ukcolumn.org/) published a couple years before, and gave the title as "From Israelites to Zionism" - and said he received an interesting visit from 2 police officers to pass on a warning about this article. I searched for that title, and came up blank.

One thread at UK Column's forum comes up, but I haven't read the whole thing yet, Alternative History. (http://forums.ukcolumn.org/showthread.php?tid=689)

6th March 2012, 09:22 PM
1 hr 53 mins- I've only started watching, but BG's speeches all get the benefit of the doubt for me at this point. This one's about young people in UK suiciding, he asks is something sinister going on?

Are Our Children Safe? An Investigation Of Politics & Suicide Risks - Brian Gerrish



Uploaded by GoodFightUploads (http://www.youtube.com/user/GoodFightUploads) on Jan 28, 2012
Brian Gerrish speaking at Samlet Social Club in Swansea about the attack on our children, while a Socialist rent-a-mob demonstrates outside.
-Original upload by http://www.youtube.com/user/ukcolumn

8th March 2012, 09:39 PM
another good one, I'm about an hour into it now, 2h 20m total. His speeches are always quite original from one another, different stories, examples, insights, etc.

State Of The Nation 2012 - In Cornwall & Concerned - Brian Gerrish



Uploaded by GoodFightUploads (http://www.youtube.com/user/GoodFightUploads) on Feb 5, 2012
Brian Gerrish speaks in Penzance, Cornwall on the state of the nation.
Original video courtesy of: http://www.youtube.com/user/ukcolumn
Brian's Website: http://www.ukcolumn.org/

at 59:00 he talks about Saul Alinsky, author of "Rules for Radicals" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_for_Radicals) - dedicated to Lucifer...

19th April 2012, 08:49 PM
this 4-part speech took place Mar 31 '12. After making the case that TPTB are seeking to break up the family, Gerrish makes an interesting observation, namely that the thing which is concerning UK PTB now, is that the Muslim families are proving tough nuts to crack, coz their families are remaining tight. Remember, families are the nucleus of societies, and TPTB want to shift that nucleus to the state. I think he mentions the Muslim thing in part 3.

Part 4 is dominated by Gerrish crediting G. Ed Griffin before re-telling Ed's "ship has been commandeered by pirates, what do we do?" analogy.

Brian Gerrish speaking in London 31st March 2012

Pt. 1


Pt. 2


Pt. 3


Pt. 4


pt. 4 ended just before they were going to do 10 mins of Q&A, which sucks coz Q&A can be the best part!

19th April 2012, 11:55 PM
He contiually makes links to NLP. I know people who are master practitioners in these techniques. It truly is like watching Obi Wan Kenobi. These droids are not the ones you are looking for. Quite remarkable.

anyone have any resources for learning about NLP?

20th April 2012, 09:09 AM
^ I've thought that too, and did you youtube search on it awhile back, but the vids it found struck me as a little "lightweight" & simplistic. From them it was hard to imagine crediting NLP with the great Black Magic Powers which some (like Gerrish) seem to credit it with.

I'd have to invest a bunch of time doing a new search and evaluating the latest results, so if anyone finds something really good, IE really breaks down why NLP is so "dangerous", whether vid, article, etc- do post!

I gather it amounts to, the skilled NLP speaker is able to "hypnotize" the audience to some extent, then insert verbal manipulations into the spiel-- stuff like, instead of, "what is your opinion of X?"; they'd say instead "X is so wonderful, everyone loves X, don't you agree?"

Dumb sounding, I know; there must be something more to it.

26th June 2012, 02:21 AM
Brian talks about how the common purpose programs include activites in schools and other groups for Children that involve suicide. I think specifically he talks about class activities and homework asignments. It is feared that children could take their own lives because of this.

I've noticed in Australia that childrens ads on tv have elements of suicide. Specifically a chocolate egg confection where the advert shows the chocolate eggs committing suicide in various means, like catapaulting or blending themselves.

So back to the UK. Caught this on the web today.

Mother left distraught by 'sick' homework

A mother has slammed her son's school for a 'sick' and 'insensitive' creative writing assignment that left her fearing he had taken his own life.

Wesley Walker, of Stoke-On-Trent, England, gave his mother Vicki a letter telling her he loved her, asking for bright colours at his funeral and asking her not to be sad, before going up to his bedroom, according to reports from British media.

"I don't want you to be sad I want you to remember the fun times and the happy times. At my funeral make everyone wear bright colours to remember my personality," it said.

"I know I have been a pain at the best of times but I'm with Nan and Grandad now so I love you and goodbye."

He also leaves his prized possessions to family members and asks his mother to be strong.

After reading the note a distraught Mrs Walker ran to his room, terrified Wesley, 14, had taken his own life.

Wesley was in fact asleep and the letter was a creative writing assignment set by a teacher in his expressive arts class in which students had to imagine they had a terminal illness and only a few days to live - although his mother at first feared it may have been suicide note.

Wesley said: "I just thought it was like any other piece of work. I just got on with it."


Mr and Mrs Walker say they had been left deeply shaken by the experience and complained to the school for not warning the parents about the reason for the letter.
"He handed it to me one evening and then just went upstairs to bed," Mrs Walker told the BBC.
"I really felt like I was going to find him hanging from his bed and maybe he felt he couldn't take any more.
"I spoke to him and he said it was something they were asked to do at school, I felt it to be really sick.
"I just don't think schools should be asking children to write things like this especially when it can be seen as a suicide note, I don't agree with it."
Wesley's school, the Discovery Academy in Stoke-on-Trent apologised for any distress caused by the exercise but maintained many parents had seen it as 'valuable', it allowed young people to express their feelings and it was in line with the curriculum.

Headteacher Rob Ridout told the BBC: "It was never the intention of the exercise to cause distress, in fact it was the total opposite of that. We apologise for what happened."

Mr Ridout also confirmed Wesley had shown the letter to a teacher and that pupils were told to take them home.

"The exercise was to enable young people to express emotions and share things with loved ones that they never normally say," he added.

"They were asked to imagine what they would say if they had a short time left and many pupils and their families found it an encouraging and positive experience.

"It's unfortunate that the context of this exercise wasn't explained to Wesley's parents, and we'll look at the way exercises like this are communicated to our students in the future."

Link to story @ WA News (http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/offbeat/14012242/mother-left-distraught-by-sick-homework/)

26th June 2012, 04:33 AM
tag, didn't see this the first time around.

26th June 2012, 09:51 AM

20th December 2012, 06:07 AM
Town Hall Cash Wasted on 'Leadership Training': Minister Attacks Taxpayer Spending on Common Purpose Courses (http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/77145-town-hall-cash-wasted-on-leadership-training-minister-attacks-taxpayer-spending-on-common-purpose-courses)
Thursday, 20 December 2012 08:31

http://www.davidicke.com/images/stories/December201292/common-purpose-octopus.jpg 'Town halls should stop spending a fortune on expensive leadership training courses run by groups such as Common Purpose, Eric Pickles has said.
The Local Government Secretary called on councils to spend less on the organisation, described as the Left’s answer to the old boys’ network, which provides leadership advice.
He said it was wrong that town halls spent thousands of pounds sending staff and councillors on such courses at a time when front-line services were under threat.'
Read more: Town Hall Cash Wasted on 'Leadership Training': Minister Attacks Taxpayer Spending on Common Purpose Courses (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2250616/Town-hall-cash-wasted-leadership-training-Minister-attacks-taxpayer-spending-Common-Purpose-courses.html)

20th December 2012, 08:20 AM

mick silver
20th December 2012, 12:35 PM

mick silver
20th December 2012, 12:40 PM
Big Pharma: When Will Critical Mass Be Reached? Wednesday, December 19, 2012 – by Staff Report

Vaccine Bombshell: Leaked Confidential Document Exposes 36 Infants Dead After This Vaccine ... A report to the government noted babies died after receiving a vaccine. A confidential GlaxoSmithKline document recently leaked to the press exposed that within a two-year period, a total of 36 infants died after receiving the 6-in-1 vaccine, Infanrix Hexa. [1] According to the website Initiative Citoyenne [2] who reported the news, the 1271 page document revealed that GlaxoSmithKline received a total of 1,742 reports of adverse reactions between October 23, 2009, and October 22, 2011, including 503 serious adverse reactions and 36 deaths. – VacTruth
Dominant Social Theme: Another mistake but not malicious. So sue us! Good luck ...
Free-Market Analysis: We keep covering the unraveling of the pharmaceutical industry because this is where what we call the Internet Reformation has been increasingly effective.
Even ten years ago, the Western model of healthcare was regnant but now it is reeling. And the Internet is almost wholly responsible for this.
Millions are aware of deadly food additives, the endless, negative effects of drugs and, of course, the ongoing efforts that the pharmaceutical industry is making to shut down the competition.
The "competition" includes homeopathy, acupuncture, naturopathy, etc.
The American Indians had over 100 specific herbs and plants that were used to treat disease. This may sound primitive but it's not. When a pharmaceutical company wants to create a drug, the first step is to find a natural substance that heals.
The next thing the pharmaceutical company does is construct a chemical replica of the real thing. Thus, in a sense, the entire medical industry is engaged in giving ersatz substances to patients.
The reason is because natural elements cannot be patented while man-made ones can be. The reliance on chemical constructions of natural healthcare is probably what makes Western drugs so deadly.
The vaunted side effects of such drugs are not, of course, side effects at all but are simply part of the drug's overall action on the body. And it is for this reason that the pharmaceutical industry remains under attack by patients, lawyers and even regulators.
One of the most controversial kinds of medicine dispensed by Big Pharma is the vaccine. This controversy has been brewing for at least decades, and certainly with more vehemence ever since the Internet began to expose pharmaceutical practices.
The power elite that wants to run the world likes the vaccine meme because it gives them a tool to maintain control over billions of people.
Many in the alternative media have written about the negative effects of vaccines. As it turns out, at least some vaccines are not double blind tested and may be ineffective or deadly. If vaccines are not what they are said to be then the entire edifice of public health totters and begins to fall. And controlling healthcare is of the utmost importance to the elite.
The powers-that-be seek control over all vital parts of human existence: air, energy, food and water. Health is a critical linkage. Here's some more of the article:
Initiative Citoyenne stated:
"It's not that 14 deaths were recorded by GSK between October 2009 and end in October 2011 as we had originally calculated but 36 (14 from 2010 to 2011 and 22 from 2009 to 2010). In addition to these 36 deaths at least 37 other deaths (sudden death mainly), bringing the total to at least 73 deaths since the launch of the vaccine in 2000, and again, this concerns only the death by sudden death, no further recovery of under-reporting."
Using the figure of 36 deaths over a two-year period, this averages 1.5 deaths per month, which by anyone's standard is extremely high. Note that only 1 to 10% of adverse reactions to vaccines are actually reported. Therefore, in reality, the problem could potentially be far more serious and the actual number of fatalities much higher.
The charts show that many of the babies who died passed away within the first few days of receiving the vaccine. A total of three infants were reported to have died within hours of receiving the vaccine. This tragedy is hardly surprising given the vaccine's ingredients listed on the GSK Infanrix Hexa product information leaflet, which parents are rarely given the chance to read prior to vaccination, including non-infectious substances from tetanus, diphtheria bacteria, purified proteins of pertussis bacteria, the surface protein of the hepatitis B virus (HBsAg, derived from genetically engineered yeast cells) and inactivated poliovirus. Each 0.5mL dose contains:
Considering this information, is it any wonder that babies are dying after receiving vaccinations containing these ingredients? GlaxoSmithKline may try and hide the facts from us but they cannot hide them forever. Infanrix Hexa should be removed from the market immediately.
How much more exposure can Big Pharma stand when it comes to vaccines and drugs generally? At some point a critical mass will be reached. The Internet Reformation will make significant inroads just as it has with global warming.
Conclusion: And then Big Pharma and its backers will have some 'splainin' to do ...

20th December 2012, 05:09 PM
I've just been at the UK Column web site. They interviewed a WWII veteran who had been blocked from seeing his wife for 3 years. His wife is in a care home and the care home didn't like him.

26 minute interview


20th December 2012, 07:09 PM

Hypertiger thanks for posting a link to this video. I'm about half way through it and I know from experience that there is much truth spoken here. Close to twenty years ago I came in contact with a young guy who had been diagnosed with ADD. His parents had thrown him out of the house. I gave him a job helping me tend to my cattle out in the middle of nowhere. He had been on Ritlin but when he came to work for me I think he quit taking it. He didn't sleep to much and was always up to something but I just turned him loose and ignored his constant talking.

He had been with me for a couple of months when he went to visit his parents. His dad called me and questioned me about his behavior. When he was on Ritlin I guess he was pretty calm but he wasn't when he went to visit his parents. His dad made him take ritlin and when he came back he seemed kind of sleepy and dull. He did need to avoid sugar and alcohol but other than that I just gave him space and let him run. That was the best thing for him. I also gave him advice about what was right and wrong. He listened.

I taught him to make rawhide and what I knew about braiding it. He had learned how to tie flies for fishing from someone else. I taught him about working metal and what I knew. Let him use my tools. He would sleep about two hours at a time then get up and do something. He had his hobbies to keep him occupied. I came upon him many times in the middle of the night talking to himself but occupied with one of his hobbies.

He was extremely talented at tying dry flys and tied thousands of them. He became one of the most talented experts in the nation making and braiding rawhide horse tack and saddles. He is an extremely talented blacksmith and machinist and has won many awards for his work.

He has told others that I saved his life giving him a job and getting him out of the city. I think if he had stayed there and on drugs it would have ruined his life. He is one of my best friends and continues to amaze me in the things he can do.

4th April 2013, 05:38 PM
Gerrish is guest on this ~2hr Irish alt-radio show- he comes on after 10-15 mins. Overview of everything going on nowdaze.

Open Your Mind Internet Radio (OYM) Brian Gerrish - Feb 10th - 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpB23O1wLS0)

Published on Feb 11, 2013
Guest - Brian Gerrish - Uk Column, Being Labelled A Shill And a Troll, Spreading Lies On The Internet About Brian, Mel V, Donations And Funding, Loads Of Calls Coming In For Help To UK Column, Holly Greig, Secret Courts, Retired Naval Officer, Jimmy Savile Exposure, Ireland, Trying To Legalise Pedophile.

more, his weekly web-tv show, etc: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=brian+gerrish+2013

5th April 2013, 01:46 AM
good interview but typically depressing subject.

I was staggered at this: 30,000 children go missing in the UK each year. That is the 30,000 out of the 100,000 who disappear each year and do not ever go home.

I find that number staggering. I did read a report a few years ago, about a youth hostel near the London City airport where something like 3000 children disappear each year. You have to wonder how big a facility this place must be if it can lose 3000 chidlren each year and no one bats an eyelid.

5th April 2013, 02:12 AM
Re ^, top of ukcolumn.org presently:

http://www.ukcolumn.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/front-page-secondary-headline-image/nigel-cooper.jpg (http://www.ukcolumn.org/article/thousands-children-stolen-uk-government-every-year-ex-nato-security-chief)
Thousands Of Children Stolen By UK Government Every Year - ex-NATO Security Chief

Article | March 28, 2013 - 8:54pm

Published on Mar 28, 2013
Brian Gerrish interviews Nigel Cooper - until recently the senior security consultant for NATO, who has had his daughter stolen by the UK, despite an order from the Hague that she should be returned to him. Nigel is now banned from entering the UK for ten years and has had to leave his home in Belgium following death threats.



8th April 2013, 09:31 PM
A video of UK social services stealing a child from it's parents to prevent future "emotional harm". Mother has mild learning diasbility.



Followup UK Column program on the above topic of child stealing.


27th May 2014, 07:21 PM
47 mins comm free:

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.05.26


Hour 1 - Encore

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/hx5wbw0ove/Rense.20140526.1of2.mp3) Download (http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/hx5wbw0ove/Rense.20140526.1of2.mp3) Hour 2 - Brian Gerrish (http://www.ukcolumn.org/) - The Disintegration Of Britain