View Full Version : Electronic Cigarettes

24th November 2011, 05:05 AM
Don't post often , but felt compelled to speak of E Cigs.

Ill be gosh freaking damned if these things have not completely cured me of my addiction to cigarettes.

I bought a kit two weeks ago, and have not touched a cancer stick since.

I am using the Vapor For Life kit, and using E Juice from Backwoods Brew.

I still get my Nicotene at levals of my choosing without the tar ,smoke and other nasties associated with tobacco.
They cost less then half the real thing too.

Unfreakin real to me. I drive for a living, so i was really worried about my ability to give up the smokes due to all of those stressful hours on the road surrounded by idiots.

As a side note, I am an old Gimmer and no longer post anywhere but here. I no longer visit any of the other sites,with the exception of ZH ,PP and the Patriot News Hour.

Happy thanksgiving to all.


24th November 2011, 09:41 AM
Thanks for posting this. A friend suggested I try them, but I was sceptical since she is not a smoker.
It is good to hear from someone who has actually used them. I think I should look into them, definately.

24th November 2011, 09:44 AM
Good for you !

I quit at 37 with the nicotine lozenges, the gum hurt my teeth.

Cigarettes will kill you !!!

And Happy Thanksgiving to you !

24th November 2011, 09:58 AM
Congrats Millwright! I've smoked on and off, mostly off, with a binge here and there.

I tried one of those E-cigarettes about a month ago, from a friend, and was really surprised! It's like a real cigarette, but without the tar, and other crap from regular cigarettes. Apparently, nicotine, like cafeine, ect, isn't too bad for you, it's all the other crap from cigs that do ya in...so, this seems like a good solution.

Enjoy your smoke, but accept it's not a real smoke. :)

Just thought I'd mention that my one time experience with an e-cigarette was quite surprising! Any folks, wishing to quit should think about it.

24th November 2011, 10:27 AM
Yeah i was sceptical to say the least.

The thing is, they really do hit just like a cigarette. You get a good throat burn and you blow a lot of vapor,which looks and feels just like smoke.

The only hard part is finding a flavor you can live with. I have done that in short order,and as for the Nicotine i would say this. Studies are now showing that Nicotine helps to stave off things such as Alzheimers disease and other such forms of dimentia . For whatever reasons, these types of conditions are becoming an epidemic in this country at an ever younger age. Maybe its the poison they are puting in the water ?Maybe it's because so many people have quit smoking? I heard last week that Glenn Campbell has it and he is in his early 70s. My uncle was also diagnosed with it, and he just hit 70. Way to young to be losing your mind.


24th November 2011, 11:50 AM
Ill be gosh freaking damned if these things have not completely cured me of my addiction to cigarettes.

I bought a kit two weeks ago, and have not touched a cancer stick since.

Same here, but 8 weeks.

24th November 2011, 01:42 PM
Vaporization is infinitely healthier than smoking. Vapor is a gas, smoke is technically a solid.

24th November 2011, 01:54 PM
I just bought one last night, we'll see how it goes. It hits alright, not as good as the real thing.

24th November 2011, 01:57 PM
The FDA is already working towards banning these in the states, because they haven't been proven to be "safe".


The bastards know that cigarettes have THOUSANDS of chemicals in them, including cyanide, yet they allow cigarettes to be sold.

They fear two things

1) Loss of revenue in the tobacco industries, which I am sure the FDA reaps profits from covertly
2) The fact that vaporizers are neither a food nor a drug, so therefore it's out of their jurisdiction and they can't reap profits from vaporizers.

Like Monsanto and Big Government; the Cigarette companies, Pharmeceutical companies, anti-biotic producers, and the FDA etc are all in bed with each other.

24th November 2011, 02:16 PM
Same here, but 8 weeks.

Man, nobody likes a quitter ;)

willie pete
24th November 2011, 02:45 PM
cigarette smoking, or any other form of tobacco smoking or chewing, has got to be one of the nastiest habits there is.....it's akin to taking a small amount of poison everyday ::)

25th November 2011, 12:18 AM
I just bought one last night, we'll see how it goes. It hits alright, not as good as the real thing.

ITA! I just started smoking analogs a couple of months ago, then caught a cold a few weeks ago which made smoking next to impossible because of the cough.

I bought a nice e-cig set-up with a bunch of different-flavored juices and was extremely disappointed with the whole experience. I realized I like the tar and the smoke and the flavor of the real deal. I now keep the e-cigs in my purse for when I'm really jonesing for nicotine (which is rare, maybe once a week or twice a month) but otherwise I stick to cigarettes that I make myself.

I use the Premium brand cigarette tubes and stuff them with organic American Spirit tobacco and only smoke between three and six a day. It is the most pleasurable part of my day.

However, if for some reason I'm out and about and can't do it for hours at night (I don't carry any with me), I don't think about it and just wait till the following day. They are NOT addictive at all, but I can't speak for conventional additive-filled cigarettes with papers that now contain toxic fire-"safe" chemicals.

25th November 2011, 08:16 AM
I usually smoke American Spirits too. My problem is I've been smoking since I was 14 and quitting can be a bitch. I see the use of these e cigs however. Usually when I quit after a day or two I'm feinding for one pretty bad, and just can't go pick up a single cigarette from anywhere. It's all or nothing. With this e cig though I can smoke when I really need it, it's not as good, but alot better than nothing, and it stops me from going to pick up a pack.

25th November 2011, 09:20 AM
If you really want to quit, start taking vitamin C every hour. Start with small 250 or 500 mg. doses, not enough to upset your stomach or bowels (OTOH, judging from the enthusiastic response to your flatulence thread you may want to take a higher dose and report the minutia of its effects ;) ).

I like to take the powder dissolved in some water, and then add a bit of baking soda to create sodium ascorbate.

Also take a good multi and extra magnesium, as large amounts of supplemental C seem to deplete the body of magnesium.

Depending on how long it takes to saturate your body, you will notice that you no longer crave cigarettes or coffee for that matter. I was doing this last week to help an ongoing dental problem, and one day I realized I hadn't thought of smoking once in seven hours, and still didn't want to even after the realization.

28th November 2011, 08:31 AM
Man, nobody likes a quitter ;)

Especially the FDA and the tobacco industries!

28th November 2011, 12:09 PM
I've smoked for 40 some years, Camel staights. 3 years ago I quit with Chantix. I thought I had it licked, so when
I'd stop at the bar where my daughter tends bar I'd bum a few from her, next thing you know I'm back buying them again, stupid, stupid, I know, was off them for about a year. Any more now I just buy whats cheap, but could sure
go for a Camel.

Now that Wisconsin won't let private property owners let people smoke in their establishments, I tried my daughters
E-cig and did notice some kick to it. Don't stop at the tavern to visit anymore so should be easier to quit. Gonna try
these E-cigs. Whats a good brand?

28th November 2011, 11:10 PM
Whats a good brand?

It depends on how much "throat hit" you want (and keep your dirty comments to yourselves, people! LOL). I got an E-Go T, but it's a total wimp. Practically no hit at all, although you still get a decent nicotine buzz. The saleswoman at the store recommended another one, but now it slips my mind. I hardly ever use it at all, even though the liquids I got were really tasty (especially the chocolate one).

You may want to check out this forum, although be warned the amount of threads is a bit overwhelming for a newbie. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/

28th November 2011, 11:37 PM
Especially the FDA and the tobacco industries!

I think they want people to use the patches, gum, and meds instead. Also, "they" know how much tobacco sharpens the mind and improve feelings of well-being, and I think that's one of the reasons "they" highly discourage us useless eaters from using it.

"5 Health Benefits of Smoking (http://www.livescience.com/15115-5-health-benefits-smoking-disease.html)"

"Health Benefits of Smoking Tobacco (http://www.wariscrime.com/2011/01/05/news/health-benefits-of-smoking-tobacco/)"

The most fascinating and widely recognized health benefit of smoking is its ability to seemingly alleviate symptoms of mental illnesses, including anxiety and schizophrenia. According to an article published in 1995 in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, schizophrenics have much higher smoking rates than people with other mental illnesses, and appear to use it as a method of self-medicating. The article postulates that nicotine found in cigarettes reduces psychiatric, cognitive, sensory, and physical effects of schizophrenia, and also provides relief of common side effects from antipsychotic drugs.

The treatment of schizophrenia isn’t the only positive effect that nicotine has on the brain. A series of very interesting studies from multiple academic sources confirms that the risk of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease is surprisingly higher in non-smokers than in smokers. Doctor Laura Fratiglioni of Huddinge University Hospital in Sweden states, “Cigarette smokers are 50% less likely to have PD or AD than are age- and gender-matched nonsmokers [...] cigarette smoking exerts an undefined, biologic, neuroprotective influence against the development of PD and AD.”

"The Scientific Scandal of Antismoking (http://www.sott.net/articles/show/234216-The-Scientific-Scandal-of-Antismoking)"

These strong opinions for and against smoking were not supported by much evidence either way until 1950 when Richard Doll and Bradford Hill showed that smokers seemed more likely to develop lung cancer. A campaign was begun to limit smoking. But Sir Ronald Fisher, arguably the greatest statistician of the 20th century, had noticed a bizarre anomaly in their results. Doll and Hill had asked their subjects if they inhaled. Fisher showed that men who inhaled were significantly less likely to develop lung cancer than non-inhalers. As Fisher said, "even equality would be a fair knock-out for the theory that smoke in the lung causes cancer."

Doll and Hill decided to follow their preliminary work with a much larger and protracted study. British doctors were asked to take part as subjects. 40.000 volunteered and 20,000 refused. The relative health of smokers, nonsmokers and particularly ex-smokers would be compared over the course of future years. In this trial smokers would no longer be asked whether they inhaled, in spite of the earlier result. Fisher commented: "I suppose the subject of inhaling had become distasteful to the research workers, and they just wanted to hear as little about inhaling as possible". And: "Should not these workers have let the world know not only that they had discovered the cause of lung cancer (cigarettes) but also that they had discovered the means of its prevention (inhaling cigarette smoke)? How had the MRC [Medical Research Council] the heart to withhold this information from the thousands who would otherwise die of lung cancer?"

Five year's later, in 1964, Doll and Hill responded to this damning criticism. They did not explain why they had withdrawn the question about inhaling. Instead they complained that Fisher had not examined their more recent results but they agreed their results were mystifying. Fisher had died 2 years earlier and could not reply.

This refusal to consider conflicting evidence is the negation of the scientific method. It has been the hallmark of fifty years of antismoking propaganda and what with good reason may well be described as one of the greatest scandals in 500 years of modern science.

A little tidbit from history (http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/cures_plague_1665.htm):

"Those who stayed in London did all they could to protect themselves from the plague. As no one knew what caused the plague, most of these were based around superstition. In 1665 the College of Physicians issued a directive that brimstone ‘burnt plentiful’ was recommended for a cure for the bad air that caused the plague. Those employed in the collection of bodies frequently smoked tobacco to avoid catching the plague.

“For personal disinfections nothing enjoyed such favour as tobacco; the belief in it was widespread, and even children were made to light up a reaf in pipes. Thomas Hearnes remembers one Tom Rogers telling him that when he was a scholar at Eton in the year that the great plague raged, all the boys smoked in school by order, and that he was never whipped so much in his life as he was one morning for not smoking. It was long afterwards a tradition that none who kept a tobacconist shop in London had the plague.” A J Bell writing in about 1700."

29th November 2011, 05:33 AM
Sorry Lapis, I call bullshit on that article.

Smoking is bad for you, no question. There are 1000's of chemicals in each and every drag off a smoke, including cyanide. I'm not getting all preachy about smoking because I quit, I am just stating the truth. The shit is bad, and we're idiots for letting them fool us into thinking it's OK.

Anyways, they stand to lose a lot of money with these E-cigs, and you're right about them wanting us to use the other products (Gum, patch etc), because they are either food or drug products, and can be controlled (And thus profited from by government regulated "agencies").

Goldleaf, for a visual of a few different brands, just do a Youtube search. There are companies that have released promo videos.

29th November 2011, 07:51 AM
Isn't nicotine also known as niacin? Why not just take a niacin tablet to counteract the nicotine withdrawal symptoms?

I quit cold turkey a few years ago from a very very hard addiction, going from cigs to cigars to pipes. I was a smoking fool.
It borders on a spiritual experience for me. Must be the schizophrenia. Haha... Also, I've noticed a huge increase in anxiety since I quit.

I'm kind of tempted by the e-cig thing, but I'm leery about any techno dependency. If niacin is nicotine acid, then why not just take that?

1st December 2011, 01:44 AM
Sorry Lapis, I call bullshit on that article.

Smoking is bad for you, no question. There are 1000's of chemicals in each and every drag off a smoke

Well there's chemicals in vegetables (http://failsafediet.wordpress.com/about-food-chemical-intolerance/the-natural-toxins-in-food/) and other whole foods that can be bad for certain vulnerable people to eat (http://failsafediet.wordpress.com/about-food-chemical-intolerance/food-chemical-intolerance-symptoms/), but for most normal healthy people they're fine.

I just seriously doubt that smoking hand-made cigarettes using chemical-free paper and organic tobacco a few times a day is all that bad, and these kind certainly aren't as zOMG!!! MORE addictive than HEROIN!!! like "they" claim.

we're idiots for letting them fool us into thinking it's OK.

"They" are doing whatever they can to get people to STOP smoking, yet CONgress is free to ignore the D.C. ban on indoor smoking in public (http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2006-02-12-congress-smoking_x.htm). And that's some of the reasons I don't trust their arguments. I've also notice that practically every study coming out against smoking starts with a line like this: "Smokers who smoke a pack or more a day..."

I doubt any normal person (who isn't schizophrenic or suffering from serious mental and emotional issues) who smoked the kind of cigs I do could smoke more than maybe ten a day. But it's all just a matter of exercising common sense, like not using it to replace meals or to cover up the effects of not getting enough sleep.

Of course there are a lot of people who definitely shouldn't smoke. I just don't believe that EVERY SINGLE PERSON will die a horrible death if they indulge in a little tobacco every day or every other day. But that's how "they" make it sound.

1st December 2011, 01:59 AM
I'm kind of tempted by the e-cig thing, but I'm leery about any techno dependency. If niacin is nicotine acid, then why not just take that?

Because! What would be the fun in THAT?! ;)

But to be serious, it probably would work. I thought I read that's what you're supposed to do, like on one of those Orthomolecular Medicine sites. The protocol given was similar to what's in this blog post:

"Pharmaceuticals Anonymous: Niacin for Smoking Cessation (http://pharmaceuticalsanonymous.blogspot.com/2010/04/niacin-for-smoking-cessation.html)"

Note the person used the flushing B3 variety of niacin, and vitamin C.

6th December 2011, 05:33 PM
I bought one of these e cigarettes today, and this thing honestly just blows my mind away. I stopped by a local shop to just check it out, and met some folks all sitting around "vaping" as they say it. Nice folks. The owner was there, and I got to try out several different flavors, and just got a wealth of info.

My nasty habit isn't cigarettes, but my pipe. I always justified it by "you don't inhale pipe tobacco", but it's a nasty habit. But so enjoyable...the mellow buzz you get is very relaxing. I could pull on my pipe for hours in an evening, relaxing with a good book. But the smell stinks up the place, the tar stains your teeth, and even hours later you can still taste it. Even though you don't inhale, there still has to be a lot of carcinogens in the smoke...

This e cigarette pulls just like my pipe, in fact, even better. I can take long slow pulls and even the sound of the vaporization, sounds a bit like a pipe. I can hold it very much in the same way, and the vapors taste and feel like the smoothest pipe tobacco. Same mellow relaxing buzz too.

I can enjoy a pipe without all the bad aspects of real tobacco. There's also a bunch of different flavors as well. I am amazed.

6th December 2011, 08:30 PM
I bought one last year some time, and had hope for it in the first month or so. However, I ended up giving up on it, because some of the cartridges delivered liquid nicotine to my mouth directly. It sort of bubbled, and it just wasn't good. I keep thinking I will try it again, but I was so disappointed. I think mine was called Green something. I'll have to dig it out and give it another shot.

6th December 2011, 09:51 PM
To all , Please do your best and try your hardest to stop smoking !
I used to smoke its not easy to quit, I had told myself in my younger days I would quit by the time I was 30, nope still smoking, then after seeing my grandma die and then my Aunt a few years later I finally made up my mind, and quit at 37, But I still take those damn nicotine lozenges maybe those are worse> but I am not getting the smoke in me so I guess that is better then nothing, Dad died from it last year and my sis wouldn't have throat cancer ( i bet) If she didn't smoke.

Really girls and Guys TRY HARD.

6th December 2011, 11:35 PM
However, I ended up giving up on it, because some of the cartridges delivered liquid nicotine to my mouth directly. It sort of bubbled, and it just wasn't good.

It sounds like you over-filled the cartridge. It can get really nasty when you do that. Another horrible thing is when some of the liquid gets too hot and makes an acrid burning plastic-like smell and taste. Ugh.

7th December 2011, 12:17 AM
To all , Please do your best and try your hardest to stop smoking !
I used to smoke its not easy to quit, I had told myself in my younger days I would quit by the time I was 30, nope still smoking, then after seeing my grandma die and then my Aunt a few years later I finally made up my mind, and quit at 37, But I still take those damn nicotine lozenges maybe those are worse> but I am not getting the smoke in me so I guess that is better then nothing, Dad died from it last year and my sis wouldn't have throat cancer ( i bet) If she didn't smoke.

Really girls and Guys TRY HARD.

Thanks for your concern sweetie, but it's really not that hard; taking the nutritional supplements that were brought up in this thread effectively kill any physical addiction.

And if despite doing all this you're still scared, get your 25-hydroxy-vitamin D or 25(OH)D levels tested (http://www.zrtlab.com/vitamindcouncil/). Low levels are associated with cancers like lung cancer.

Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Advanced Cancers
Study Shows Three-Fourths of Cancer Patients Have Low Levels of Vitamin D (http://www.webmd.com/cancer/news/20111004/low-vitamin-d-levels-linked-to-advanced-cancers)

For the study, the researchers collected blood samples from 160 men and women with cancer and measured their levels of vitamin D. The five most common diagnoses were breast, prostate, lung, thyroid, and colorectal cancers.

Among people in the study, 42% had vitamin D insufficiency, defined as levels between 20 and 30 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) of blood. An additional 32% had vitamin D deficiency, with levels less than 20 ng/mL. [Holy cow! According to the latest research, Optimal numbers are between 50-80 ng/mL (http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/about-vitamin-d/vitamin-d-deficiency/am-i-vitamin-d-deficient/).]

"People with levels below 24 ng/mL were nearly three times more likely to have stage III cancer than those with higher vitamin D levels." :o

"As a second part of the study, the researchers treated patients with low vitamin D levels with 50,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D a week for eight weeks.[...]The average vitamin D levels of the supplemented patients rose to about 35 ng/mL -- in the normal range."

:o :o But that's still not even approaching the low end of optimal!!!!

Despite all this,

"We do not recommend vitamin D supplementation for cancer patients at this point," says Dr. Phillip Devlin, a radiation oncologist at Harvard Medical School.

Huh, now why not? Guess he can't have all these patients getting healthy on him before he's milked all the money out of their illne$$!

7th December 2011, 12:49 AM
To all , Please do your best and try your hardest to stop smoking !
I used to smoke its not easy to quit, I had told myself in my younger days I would quit by the time I was 30, nope still smoking, then after seeing my grandma die and then my Aunt a few years later I finally made up my mind, and quit at 37, But I still take those damn nicotine lozenges maybe those are worse> but I am not getting the smoke in me so I guess that is better then nothing, Dad died from it last year and my sis wouldn't have throat cancer ( i bet) If she didn't smoke.

Really girls and Guys TRY HARD.

Just logged on to let you know Zap... I don't smoke... no stinky fingers, yellow teeth or bad breath for me... :p

7th December 2011, 01:37 AM
Just logged on to let you know Zap... I don't smoke... no stinky fingers, yellow teeth or bad breath for me... :p

Well me neither girl! I go to extraordinary lengths to keep the smell and yellow off as much as possible. My close friends were astonished, astonished I tell you! when I revealed the secret to them.

It really helps to either be outside or have a fan to direct the smoke away from your person to an open window while indoors, put long hair up and away and use a latex glove to cover your smoking hand with. I use some blue ones my dh got off a work site having to do with medical facilities I believe, and oh my, does it get quite stained and stinky after a while!

As for breath, I may start taking chlorophyll again. The stuff is amazing, it totally eliminates all body odors. Hunters use it to stay undetected by their prey (http://growthehunt.typepad.com/grow_the_hunt/2007/09/scent-control-t.html).

7th December 2011, 01:41 AM
Really girls and Guys TRY HARD.

Zap, we try. A goood smoke is the last bastion of true manhood left, aside from beer. I admit, I love pipe tobacco.

This e cigarette, pulls just like my pipe does. It's a wonder, honestly. I tried inhaling it, but I coughed, and can't. That's OK. You don't inhale pipe tobacco anyway, you cough, same thing. There's a whole bunch of different flavors too.

7th December 2011, 04:45 AM
I smoked a pack a day for over 20 years. Most smokers I know had a pack a day habit.

7th December 2011, 06:01 AM
Well me neither girl! I go to extraordinary lengths to keep the smell and yellow off as much as possible. My close friends were astonished, astonished I tell you! when I revealed the secret to them.

It really helps to either be outside or have a fan to direct the smoke away from your person to an open window while indoors, put long hair up and away and use a latex glove to cover your smoking hand with. I use some blue ones my dh got off a work site having to do with medical facilities I believe, and oh my, does it get quite stained and stinky after a while!

As for breath, I may start taking chlorophyll again. The stuff is amazing, it totally eliminates all body odors. Hunters use it to stay undetected by their prey (http://growthehunt.typepad.com/grow_the_hunt/2007/09/scent-control-t.html).

Yes, but how do you keep your nipples from falling off?

7th December 2011, 08:08 AM
It sounds like you over-filled the cartridge. It can get really nasty when you do that. Another horrible thing is when some of the liquid gets too hot and makes an acrid burning plastic-like smell and taste. Ugh.

My cartridges were pre-made. So perhaps they were over-filled in the factory.

7th December 2011, 10:04 AM
Yes, but how do you keep your nipples from falling off?

You just let 'em go so you don't have to worry yourself with it anymore.

11th December 2011, 03:06 AM
Yes, but how do you keep your nipples from falling off?

Ha ha ha, thanks for your concern.

Hopefully taking around 12 grams of sodium ascorbate every day along with other supplements, eating a whole food diet yadda yadda yadda will help.

11th December 2011, 03:11 AM
My cartridges were pre-made. So perhaps they were over-filled in the factory.

I see. Yes that is likely. Maybe try a different cartridge?

11th December 2011, 03:52 AM
A goood smoke is the last bastion of true manhood left, aside from beer. I thought so too, but am surprised by the lack of response here.

I recently watched a really cool documentary on Netflix called "Pururambo," about a remote tribe of tree-dwelling natives in New Guinea which showed that even these stone age people enjoy smoking. They use huge wooden pipes!

11th December 2011, 06:10 AM
I've smoked for 40 some years, Camel staights. 3 years ago I quit with Chantix. I thought I had it licked, so when
I'd stop at the bar where my daughter tends bar I'd bum a few from her, next thing you know I'm back buying them again, stupid, stupid, I know, was off them for about a year. Any more now I just buy whats cheap, but could sure
go for a Camel.

Now that Wisconsin won't let private property owners let people smoke in their establishments, I tried my daughters
E-cig and did notice some kick to it. Don't stop at the tavern to visit anymore so should be easier to quit. Gonna try
these E-cigs. Whats a good brand?

Goldlleaf. I bought my kit from Vapor 4 Life. Good kit for newbies. The only problem is , i found their flavors less then adaquate. Might i suggest this website for getting started. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/

This website has an unbelievable amount of info and wisdom on the subject.

After i bought my starter kit, i realized the error of my ways. For you see, the whole Ecig thing is really two things not one.

Much like a computer, the Ecig is both hardware and software. The hardware part is pretty easy. The 808 battery system is the easiest and most cigarette like of the three or four different systems. This is the system used by Vapor 4 Life. In my opinion, it is best for newbies.

Now on to the software. You can either by the cartomizers pre filled or you can fill them yourself with a flavor of your own choosing. After a few weeks of stumbling and bumbling i came to a conclusion. I hated all the pre filled cartomizer flavors. I now buy my juice from a company called Backwoods Brew. I fill blank cartomizers from Vapor 4 Life with my juice from Backwoods Brew. The juice i am using is called Backo,and i get mine with a nicotene leval of 18. I find it to be the most cigarrete like of all the flavors i have tried, and i am now satisfied. I was able to come to this conclusion rather quickly, because of the combined wisdom at the Ecig forum that i linked above.

You have to understand, there are litterally dozens and dozens of manufacturers of both the hardware and the software.

I am now cigarette free for over 30 days. Have not touched a cigarette since picking up the Ecig, NOT ONE FREAKING PUFF! That is in my opinion a modern miracle.

11th December 2011, 06:20 AM
Zap, we try. A goood smoke is the last bastion of true manhood left, aside from beer. I admit, I love pipe tobacco.

This e cigarette, pulls just like my pipe does. It's a wonder, honestly. I tried inhaling it, but I coughed, and can't. That's OK. You don't inhale pipe tobacco anyway, you cough, same thing. There's a whole bunch of different flavors too.

Hey Solid, i was truly amazed when i saw an Ecig that looked like a tobacco pipe. Absolutely amazing. They look and hit and even sound exactly like a tobbaco pipe, and with all the different flavors it really does simulate pipe tobacco to a tee.I truly believe that anyone who smokes tobaco pipes would be instantly transformed to a vapor user in short order.

11th December 2011, 09:49 AM
Hey Solid, i was truly amazed when i saw an Ecig that looked like a tobacco pipe. Absolutely amazing. They look and hit and even sound exactly like a tobbaco pipe, and with all the different flavors it really does simulate pipe tobacco to a tee.I truly believe that anyone who smokes tobaco pipes would be instantly transformed to a vapor user in short order.

I really need to do some research on an actual pipe vapor kit. I wonder if the pipes are actually wood, that would be pretty neat. Right now, I can officially say, my old stinky briarwood pipe has been retired. This e cig has replaced it. I smoke it like a pipe.

I got into pipe tobacco years ago as a hobby, with my brother, something we did together. It was an enjoyable bonding experience. If we were out hiking, fishing, whatever, we'd take a pipe break occasionally and soak in the nature. We enjoyed going to the local smoke shop, chatting with those folks, trying out different tobaccos, etc. They even had a bar there, you could pull up a stool, get a beer, and enjoy a pipe.

Smoking a pipe is really unique in a way, it causes the pace of life to slow down. The mellowness, almost like getting in rhythm with life, whatever you are doing, reading a book, good conversation, all else just drifts away.

The downside, is the smell, that carcinogens in the smoke, the tar in the mouth, the aftertaste of smoking too much, the early aging...see a guy who smokes a pipe a lot over the years, looks a lot older.

Rarely does technology truly amaze me, and this thing really does. I really have to thank you, millright. Had it not been for your post here, I doubt I would have looked into this at all. I was lucky as well, to find a cool local shop where I could try it out before buying it.

11th December 2011, 01:16 PM
I really need to do some research on an actual pipe vapor kit. I wonder if the pipes are actually wood, that would be pretty neat. Right now, I can officially say, my old stinky briarwood pipe has been retired. This e cig has replaced it. I smoke it like a pipe.

I got into pipe tobacco years ago as a hobby, with my brother, something we did together. It was an enjoyable bonding experience. If we were out hiking, fishing, whatever, we'd take a pipe break occasionally and soak in the nature. We enjoyed going to the local smoke shop, chatting with those folks, trying out different tobaccos, etc. They even had a bar there, you could pull up a stool, get a beer, and enjoy a pipe.

Smoking a pipe is really unique in a way, it causes the pace of life to slow down. The mellowness, almost like getting in rhythm with life, whatever you are doing, reading a book, good conversation, all else just drifts away.

The downside, is the smell, that carcinogens in the smoke, the tar in the mouth, the aftertaste of smoking too much, the early aging...see a guy who smokes a pipe a lot over the years, looks a lot older.

Rarely does technology truly amaze me, and this thing really does. I really have to thank you, millright. Had it not been for your post here, I doubt I would have looked into this at all. I was lucky as well, to find a cool local shop where I could try it out before buying it.

Look what it did to him
http://api.ning.com/files/W3pWOPsX1JDw4OKLxTR7C2RcfzrsIFz5MIjkjs1sauhEahm5su fW3UyvPhpwzBREqeaYdd3iThdlqOoSuhoKoQQ7h0x9YVGv

11th December 2011, 03:05 PM
I really need to do some research on an actual pipe vapor kit. I wonder if the pipes are actually wood, that would be pretty neat. Right now, I can officially say, my old stinky briarwood pipe has been retired. This e cig has replaced it. I smoke it like a pipe.

I got into pipe tobacco years ago as a hobby, with my brother, something we did together. It was an enjoyable bonding experience. If we were out hiking, fishing, whatever, we'd take a pipe break occasionally and soak in the nature. We enjoyed going to the local smoke shop, chatting with those folks, trying out different tobaccos, etc. They even had a bar there, you could pull up a stool, get a beer, and enjoy a pipe.

Smoking a pipe is really unique in a way, it causes the pace of life to slow down. The mellowness, almost like getting in rhythm with life, whatever you are doing, reading a book, good conversation, all else just drifts away.

The downside, is the smell, that carcinogens in the smoke, the tar in the mouth, the aftertaste of smoking too much, the early aging...see a guy who smokes a pipe a lot over the years, looks a lot older.

Rarely does technology truly amaze me, and this thing really does. I really have to thank you, millright. Had it not been for your post here, I doubt I would have looked into this at all. I was lucky as well, to find a cool local shop where I could try it out before buying it.

Wow thats cool as hell brother. You should visit the site i linked earlier. There is an absolute encyclopedia of info on pipe style Ecigs, and yeah i get the whole smell on the body thing believe me. I would get to one of my stops on my route and i would literally take a bath in waterless soap to get the stink off of me, not to mention all the damn breath mints i was going thru and don't even get me started on how many times a day i would change my shirt. My laundry loads were huge. Now i wear one pair of cloths from sun up till sundown.

11th December 2011, 10:29 PM
Okay, I'll bite~

I'll show you what I use.

I use a magic flight launch box. The device is inexpensive and utilizes a rechargable 2300 miliamp battery to heat a small element underneath my screen dugout. I fill the trench with whatever herb I feel like vaporizing, (chamomile, lavendar, cannabis, tobacco, whatever) and push the battery to make contact. It is at vaporization temperature within ~3 seconds and it is windproof so it can be executed outdoors.

Vaporization has very little smell and dissipates in minutes. For those that do not understand vaporization, you are not combusting the material. You are turning it into a gas. Your lungs are made to inhale gasses and reject solids. Smoke is what is called a 'colloidal suspension' which basically means it is a superlight solid that is well diffused. Read again, smoke is a solid. You can argue the merits of directly supplementing herbs to the bloodstream but I feel that this is an infinitely healthier method when compared to smoking. I still smoke occasionally.

I also have a 2900 miliamp battery which lasts me longer and goes a little hotter. Again they are rechargeable.

For someone like me this device is perfect as I am usually alone. Sometimes I meet a kind soul or three with whom I will gladly share my pipe, but by nature I am very friendly, yet solitary. I hike by myself, I 'smoke' by myself, I am alone with my thoughts quite often.

Anyway here are some pics. If you have any questions just write back. I'm using mine right now, using a little cannabis (both legally and lawfully) for the first time in a few weeks. It's quite pleasant, clean, easy to clean, and nobody in the room can even smell it.



I guess what I like the most is the modularity of the device. You can make it do whatever you want and it is easy to control. It's a very "open source" type solution.

So yeah, now you know. I figured most of you had pieced together what I am about anyway, so I don't mind sharing this with you.

12th December 2011, 01:11 AM
Anyway here are some pics. If you have any questions just write back. I'm using mine right now, using a little cannabis (both legally and lawfully) for the first time in a few weeks. It's quite pleasant, clean, easy to clean, and nobody in the room can even smell it.

You have a very nice set-up that I'd love to get for myself.

Although I'd rather smoke outside on my patio, because I have a nosy child I mostly smoke in my office with the door locked, a fan on, the windows opened and a towel stuffed under the door. Afterwards I still have to spray stuff in the room and/or burn incense to get the rest of the odor out, and it's a real PITA.

I also live in southern California, where it's practically illegal to be fat never mind smoke! Oh the horror. All my friends and most of my acquaintances are those wholesome organic-eating nature girl types who would be outraged if they found out my vice. So I don't smoke at all if I'm going to be around them, although those are the very times when I'd really like to! ;)

You can argue the merits of directly supplementing herbs to the bloodstream but I feel that this is an infinitely healthier method when compared to smoking.I wonder! It's been done for thousands of years by various native peoples around the world. I just found out that it's considered one of the four sacred herbs for Native Americans.

And it's weird, but very often when I'm smoking in my office, bees fly right up into the screen like they're trying to get some! When I'm by myself I rather enjoy the smell and stink of tobacco, even on my fingers, so I wouldn't use this to completely replace cigarettes. But your device appeals to me a lot more than my e-cig.

So yeah, now you know. I figured most of you had pieced together what I am about anyway, so I don't mind sharing this with you.Thank you very much for sharing!

12th December 2011, 02:30 AM
I also have really enjoyed smoking over the years. But these days I am exercising quite a bit (daily, sometimes twice a day) so I have switched to this.

Btw I am gonna PM you about something

12th December 2011, 02:44 AM
I also have really enjoyed smoking over the years. But these days I am exercising quite a bit (daily, sometimes twice a day) so I have switched to this.

This afternoon I found an old bottle of Niacin. I took a bunch, like 500 mg. Flushed red like a beet all over; even my ear canals felt itchy! D'oh. But hours later, I went for my usual walk and noticed that it took a very brisk pace to make my heart rate go up. 30 minutes of this passed like nothing!

I change things up a lot with my supplements and had forgotten all about Niacin. Now that I smoke, I think I should take it regularly, along with my mega-doses of sodium ascorbate.

Btw I am gonna PM you about something OK! I will try to stay up longer, although it's way past my bed time. :)

12th December 2011, 03:20 AM
Interesting. I have three close friends who burn. They have all switched over to a vaporizer type device, although nothing that looks quite like yours.No smoke,no smell. Really nothing more then a THC delivery device, much like the Ecig is a Nicotene delivery device.

12th December 2011, 05:24 AM
Three things:

1) NE, is your burner actually burning solids, or is it doing somethig else? I can't imagine turning weed into vapour.
2) Lapis, is Niacin something you can buy, or is it found in supplements or something?
3) Millwright, only some E-cigs deliver Nicotine. I bought a system that is Nicotine free and I still quit smoking.

12th December 2011, 08:53 AM
I like the idea of vaporizing herb. I like herb.....mmmmm. NE, that vapor pipe of yours is awesome.
But for me, much of the pleasure of smoking was the smoke itself. Following the smoke. Yes, there were spiritual connotations.

Back to the e-cig...
I wonder what or how the "juices" for e-cigs are made? Where does the nicotine come from?
Is it a manufactured chemical derivative or a natural tobacco extract? What exactly are all the "flavors" made of?
How can one be certain?

Is it possible to make your own juice?

2nd January 2012, 08:44 PM
I am in e-pipe heaven. I treated myself, for christmas, to a custom electric pipe.

I tell ya, I may be the only pipe smoker on this forum, but if you are one...if you go to this e pipe, you'll never go back to pipe tobacco. This thing is utterly amazing.

I can enjoy a pipe without the smell, without the mess and fire hazard. It's so much better than a traditional pipe, I can not contain my excitement.

Plus, the pipe is a beauty. What a work of art. This is the actual pipe I'm enjoying right now...


Joe King
2nd January 2012, 09:08 PM
This is the actual pipe I'm enjoying right now...2001

Did it come with the cute little wooden stand? Or are those extra? Does it use batteries? If so, what size?

I can enjoy a pipe without the smell
I don't smoke, but I've always liked the smell of a lil' pipe smoke in the air. Some of scents/flavors can be kinda nice.

2nd January 2012, 09:18 PM
Did it come with the cute little wooden stand? Or are those extra? Does it use batteries? If so, what size?

It does come with the stand, but the stand is a bit cheap, imo. The pipe however, is a gorgeous chunk of wood, you'd be proud of it in front of the best pipe enthusiasts out there.

You would not be ashamed of this pipe. It's an actual pipe, converted to electric vaping technology. It uses 3.7 v 18350 batteries, which you can get a charger for. It also has a refillable cartomizer in the stem, that's replaceable, to fill with your favorite pipe tobacco 'juice'.

There is no smoke, no leftover smell or nastiness. It's clean, hits and the clouds of vapor around you. It's just fucking awesome.

Anyone who smokes a pipe, would take to this thing in an instant.

Joe King
2nd January 2012, 09:35 PM
It does come with the stand, but the stand is a bit cheap, imo. The pipe however, is a gorgeous chunk of wood, you'd be proud of it in front of the best pipe enthusiasts out there. So in other words, it's not marine-rated, huh? lol

You would not be ashamed of this pipe. It's an actual pipe, converted to electric vaping technology. It uses 3.7 v 18350 batteries, which you can get a charger for. It also has a refillable cartomizer in the stem, that's replaceable, to fill with your favorite pipe tobacco 'juice'.Are you locked into buying a certain mfg "juice" cartridges? Or does it use something that's standardized in the industry? How much do they cost? Is it actually a liquid? Or is it pipe tobacco in a tube of some sort?

There is no smoke, no leftover smell or nastiness. It's clean, hits and the clouds of vapor around you. It's just fucking awesome.

Anyone who smokes a pipe, would take to this thing in an instant.

Like I said, I don't need one but it seems like an interesting technology. I'm glad you like yours. Enjoy your new-found pleasure.
Oh, and I hope you don't mind the "20 questions". ;D

2nd January 2012, 09:46 PM
Joe, don't worry about the 20 questions, it's a fascinating technology. It really is. I'll try to answer any/all questions...the stand is not marine-rated, but the pipe definitely is.

It's an actual tobacco pipe. Care was taken in it's design. However, the bowl (where the tobacco goes) was converted to house a lithium battery. In the stem of the pipe, is what's called a cartomizer. What the cartomizer does is converters 'juice' into vapor. Like a fog, gas,you'd see at a rock concert. It's a true gas, no solids, so it doesn't damage your lungs.

You add juice to the cartomizer, which you can buy in small bottles, and you are good to go. It is an amazing technology, it really is. Right now I'm enjoying a cappuccino flavored juice/vape, out of this pipe.

Here's a video of a guy reviewing this same pipe, I am enjoying..


2nd January 2012, 11:50 PM
I wonder what or how the "juices" for e-cigs are made? Where does the nicotine come from?
Is it a manufactured chemical derivative or a natural tobacco extract? What exactly are all the "flavors" made of?
How can one be certain? Is it possible to make your own juice?

If I remember correctly 'the juice' used in an e-sig is tobacco soaked in food grade glycerin. Glycerin is a sugar alcohol (used in cooking and drinks) and will extract chemicals out of the herb (usually have to soak it for weeks). The nicotine literally soaks out of the tobacco into the glycerin. It may sound weird to you to smoke or vaporize glycerin, but people already do it; have you ever seen hookah tobacco? the stuff is all wet, it is tobacco soaked in fruit flavored glycerin. Glycerin is an excellent vehicle to add flavorings and will convey the medicinal effects of whatever herb you soak it with.

1) NE, is your burner actually burning solids, or is it doing somethig else? I can't imagine turning weed into vapour.

The greens become wilted and darkened as the crystals melt off of them. The leaves never combust but they still look spent. I save the ABV (already been vaped) in a small bottle and run it through a fat or alcohol soak (glycerin counts as an alcohol!) and I can get a 2nd round of use out of these. Medicated cooking or drinks.

8th February 2012, 04:17 PM
I got my kit today in the mail.
Now I will charge up the Batteries and hopefully get to use it Thursday.

15th February 2012, 08:23 AM
Exploding Cigarette
Tue, 14 Feb 2012 19:44:25 CDT

A strange accident has left a Niceville man with severe injuries and burns.
He was smoking an electronic cigarette when it blew up in his face.

Laura Hussey "When firefighters here at the North Bay station got the call there'd been an explosion in someone's home, they thought it might be an oxygen tank. It turns out something much smaller had done some awful damage"

Tom Holloway is a photographer, a Vietnam Veteran, a father of three.

Wendy Jensen/Friend "Just a super nice guy, and he's had some health problems with his lungs and so he, he quit smoking"

Neighbor Wendy Jensen says Holloway had been using electronic cigarettes for about two years.

Monday evening, his wife heard a loud noise from the study.
"She said that it sounded like a firecracker, and it was just a horrible noise, and she heard him scream and she ran in there"

Holloway's cigarette had exploded.
The debris that flew around the room was so hot, it melted everything it touched.

Chief Butch Parker/North Bay Fire District "And what we believe was in the battery, and whenever the battery ignited, it was basically like him holding a bottle rocket in his mouth"

Wendy Jensen "It exploded in his face, and it knocked out all his teeth and part of his tongue and he had blood all over his face, and it set the study on fire"

Jensen says Holloway has been transferred to a burn center.
Firefighters say it was impossible to tell the brand of the electronic cigarette; this is the first time they've heard of one exploding.

Wendy "Oh it's horrible, we were just up all night thinking about it, it's horrible"

Laura Hussey "This incident has been reported to a national database, so any possible patterns can be identified."


15th February 2012, 08:35 AM
You know, I had an incident with one of my batteries too. I think it got some moisture inside it and shorted the leads out. The frikken thing got so hot that it burned my fingertips. I dropped it on the counter and it burned the countertop.
I quickly hit the tap and flicked it into the sink.

Then I called them and told them what happened, and mailed the battery back and had a new one sent to me. Haven't had any problems since.

21st February 2012, 02:35 PM
I decided to quit smoking cigarettes, and will not take up the ECs either. So if my posts seem extra-whiny and petulant, you know why. ;-)

It's been about two days since my last cigarette. Yesterday I got a headache, and today I just feel out of sorts and klutzy (just broke a small drinking glass in the kitchen).

I thought I'd get all Bill Hicks about withdrawing, but I guess I haven't been smoking long enough to feel too badly thank goodness.


9th April 2012, 04:44 PM
8 days now without an analog.
Transition to the ecig full-time was easy.
Time for a "Mod".

9th April 2012, 05:01 PM
e-cigarettes & e-pipes are gateways to more dangerous substances...

9th April 2012, 05:19 PM
e-cigarettes & e-pipes are gateways to more dangerous substances...

yeah. like Farmville.

9th April 2012, 05:37 PM

roll your own. Non filter too!

9th April 2012, 06:26 PM

roll your own. Non filter too!

That's the spirit! http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-cool18.gif

9th April 2012, 11:32 PM
e-cigarettes & e-pipes are gateways to more dangerous substances...

http://rlv.zcache.com/img/imt-prd/pd-137299890145917137/isz-m/at-238560305421145726/realview.jpg?urbaninside_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.urba ndictionary.com%2Fproducts.image.php%3Fdefid%3D364 9241%26greeting_card_inside%3D1%26revision%3D9ece2 1c09bc633a7d083ec02b94fd9e308c2c639&urbanword_txt=e-crack&urbanimage_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.urbandictionary.co m%2Fproducts.image.php%3Fdefid%3D3649241%26greetin g_card_outside%3D1%26revision%3D9ece21c09bc633a7d0 83ec02b94fd9e308c2c639

10th April 2012, 12:22 AM
http://rlv.zcache.com/img/imt-prd/pd-137299890145917137/isz-m/at-238560305421145726/realview.jpg?urbaninside_url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.urba ndictionary.com%2fproducts.image.php%3fdefid%3d364 9241%26greeting_card_inside%3d1%26revision%3d9ece2 1c09bc633a7d083ec02b94fd9e308c2c639&urbanword_txt=e-crack&urbanimage_url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.urbandictionary.co m%2fproducts.image.php%3fdefid%3d3649241%26greetin g_card_outside%3d1%26revision%3d9ece21c09bc633a7d0 83ec02b94fd9e308c2c639


10th April 2012, 02:06 AM
8 days now without an analog.
Transition to the ecig full-time was easy.
Time for a "Mod".


I am 6 months analog free now.

I am thinking about giving up the Ecigs and becoming totally Nicotene free.

I am tired of having to order new juice and empty cartos.

Overall its been a great experience. I would recommend it to anyone who is trying to quit.

11th April 2012, 03:06 PM
20 days for me. I barely use the e-cigarette, gum or lozenges, but I like knowing that they are around, just in case.

As always, stress and drinking are the worst parts. Thank goodness I don't have much real stress.

So, drinking . . . it's always a struggle to not smoke when I drink, but so far so good!

12th April 2012, 10:36 AM
e-cigarettes & e-pipes are gateways to more dangerous substances...
that is soo TRUE...next thing you know they will be main-lining heroin!

12th April 2012, 01:16 PM
A buddy of mine who rarely drinks or smokes told me, " every can of beer should have 2 cigarettes scotch taped to it".

Hatha Sunahara
9th January 2015, 10:29 PM
Since the last post in this thread, there has been some real developments in e-cigs. I recently got interested in them because marijuana was legalized in Oregon back in November 2014. It won't be legal to smoke it until July of this year, but I am getting ready. I am planning to grow some, and I don't want to 'smoke' the weed, I want to find an easier way to enjoy it, and so far, The most promising easy way is using a vaporizer. I looked into vaporizers recently, and bought a 'vape pen'. that has a battery an stomizer and some circuitry to makeit all go. I bought some e-liquid for it and I can say it meet my expectations for a healthy alternative to smoking. WHile searching for vaporizers, I came across devices calle 'mechanical mods' which are bigger and more powerful, and have some features I like. They are rebuildable, have no circuit boards in them, and you can buildyour own from parts you can buy. So I ordered some parts and am waiting for delivery. Meanwhile I am researching how to make cannabis e-liquid. It appears to be quite simple--just heating the herb, and making a tincture in vegetable glycerin. I need to grow some weed though, so I will likely not be having any of this in July--maybe in October or November. Meanwhile,I can vape the various flavors I have, which are banana, mango, pineapple, coconut, Marlboro, and Mary Jane. Just flavors--no nicotine no THC. I can also get acquainted with my mechanical mod vaporizer.


10th January 2015, 12:24 AM
Honey Oil.

12th December 2016, 10:18 AM
many members in this thread that we havent seen in a long while

however, some opinions and projections stated turned out being wrong, the NWO has always a plan B and C

E-cigarette vapor filled with cancer-causing chemicals, researchers say
Last Updated Jan 22, 2015


Big tobacco company joins ‘e-cig’ industry; plans to stop selling traditional cigarettes
12 December 2016 GMT

Tobacco giant Philip Morris International (PMI) has announced its intentions of gradually phasing out the manufacture and sale of conventional cigarettes and instead focusing on electronic cigarette technology.

The company has just applied to the FDA for approval of its new electronically heated cigarette, called iQOS, which is already being marketed in 12 countries and which has just been introduced to the British market.

The iQOS is different from most e-cigs currently being sold.’

12th December 2016, 04:19 PM
Thanks to FDA Deeming regs for ecigs Big T is ready ready to move in and crush most of the little guys in the US.

Turning Point Brands, Inc. (NYSE: TPB), a leading provider of Other Tobacco Products (OTP) through brands such as Stoker’s, Zig-Zag and Primal, today announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Smoke Free Technologies Inc. d/b/a VaporBeast for total consideration of approximately $27 million. The transaction is expected to be immediately accretive, pre-synergies.

Time flies.

8 days now without an analog.
Transition to the ecig full-time was easy.
Time for a "Mod".
Coming up on 5 years without a cig come April.