View Full Version : The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is is Not Just for Our Liberty, But Our Very Survival

25th November 2011, 01:58 PM
Now is the Time to Realize More Than Ever, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is is Not Just for Our Liberty, But Our Very Survival .

The American people are not looking for a fight with the government at all. But for years we have seen the erosion of our liberties ever since September 11, 2001. The government now has taken their focus off the Muslims in the middle east now turning the barrel on the American people. With a the Passage of the Patriot Act in the fall of 2001 shreds our bill of rights. The Federal government is now more of a threat to the safety and security of its own citizens more than the phony radical Islamic terrorist threats.

We have the Department of Homeland Security that seeks to grab more power daily away from State and local governments. We have the TSA groping a 98 year old grandmother in a Wheelchair to keep us safe. We have Police acting like thugs beating up protesters asserting their right to free speech. We have US Senators voting on the US Military arresting Americans with no trial or due process. Sen Joe Lieberman is asking Google to censor the bloggers. The Congress and the President want to silence free speech as much as possible because they know their time is short to impose their will on us. If they cannot do it, they all face jail time or the gallows for treason.

They are calling for censorship of the internet and invasion of our privacy, restriction on our travel because their power is waning thanks tho the internet. The Alternative press and citizen journalist have been the news source people are looking to for information. The old media is dying and the new media I am part of is becoming mainstream in the thought of the people. Thanks to the internet, we have exposed the puppets looking right straight at the real power. A central banking cartel waiting to loot the wealth of the nation. There is one thing that stands in the way that scares them right now. This tradition has been a part of our culture for 234 years. This right preceded the Constitution, without this right. We would still be subjects to the British crown.

We had the unfortunate lessons from other countries like China, Cambodia, and Russia when people are left helpless and cannot defend themselves. We see what happens when the government has a monopoly on force, many innocent people were killed along with dissidents. A police state set up to keep the dictator in place while the people had no means of force to remove and abolish a form of government that threatens their very lives. Why did this happen? It is because the people surrendered their firearms to the government for a false sense of security thinking the government will protect them. In reality the government murdered people to protect itself. If we surrendered out gun like the other nations did in the past. There would be mass graves here also and FEMA camps filled to capacity with political prisoners.

If there was a time for the right to keep and bear arms is more essential as a deterrence against full blown tyranny. It is now to be stubborn. We have an Israeli duel citizen Senator Joe Lieberman trying to silence the opposition trying to quell free speech by censoring the internet by asking Google to put on terrorist button on the blogs. John McCain passing a bill for the US Military to arrest Americans and detain them without charge as political prisoners. The Police power of the state is being used to infringe on economic liberty shutting down Lemonade stands and Farmers markets having guns drawn. We have the government seizing property without due process of law. Police beating and tazering people to death without provocation. Even though they are passing all these draconian laws that are unconstitutional, the people retaining their right to keep and bear arms might be a difference between living in a free state or a dictatorship without firing a shot.

Ever since Obama was elected President, firearms sales have rose to new levels as never before. Private sales at gun shows are at a greater number. Ammunition sales are on the rise. Gun Control has lost its credibility. No matter how much the President and the bureaucracy tries to use administrative measures to keep guns out of the hands of veterans. A patriot will find a way to be armed. The system is moving fast to clamp down on the people with laws after laws. How much they can enforce depends on us because we retain our right to keep and bear arms no matter what the government says. Is up to us. The right to self defense against a tyrannical goverment is our God given right no despot can take away unless we give it away. The only difference between us being in darkness in a reign of terror and having a chance to stop the tyrants in their tracks and push back without firing a shot is our right to keep and bear arms.

We have a right to life, liberty and the pursue happiness. When a government becomes a threat to our safety and security infringing on our rights by force and fraud. It our right to alter, abolish and institute a form of goverment to safeguard of freedoms. Having an armed population now is the difference between freedom or tyranny and even life and death. What happened in tyrannicide countries must not happen here. We cannot trust Washington anymore to defend our right. It is our to defend if we are going to survive. An armed society is not only a polite society, it is also inhabited by a free people.


25th November 2011, 02:21 PM
The high ground is ours in defense of liberty. People that love this country, and not artificially, are good people. This *nation* has many good people. Unfortunately we also have a lot of dead wood tangling everything up at our expense. The message is out there now - we are sick and tired of carrying everyone and everything on our backs. It is on us, not lawmakers, to choose whether or not compliance is manifest with all this legislation. The concept of people "waking up" is them empowering themselves to weigh reality instead of obeying it. That breeds independent and critical thought. In fact, almost all people with skin in the game, both as providers for their families and those responsibly owning firearms, are going to draw the same conclusion: being defenseless is not an option.

midnight rambler
25th November 2011, 05:56 PM
Considering all the wonderful 'diversity' we are now experiencing, only the insane would give up their means of self-preservation.

25th November 2011, 06:42 PM
in the Neocon (Criminal Jew) version of America, self-defense means not allowing yourself to be used as a participant in the Talmud-Worshipper's Rituals of Human Sacrifice, such as the Iraq War.

they have lots of jobs for Gentiles. you just have to be willing to breathe Depleted Uranium ! but many of those jobs are Hellish mirages.

Here in the States, self-defense means defending yourself from street crime, and from Jew crime (financial fraud, for example).

it seems like Survival requires both the Awareness of both the Synagogue of Satan (criminals hiding in the Jewish church) and the instinct for dealing with crimes of violence. as far as i can tell, you deal with the bad Jews by avoiding them and their corporations.

as far as street crime - you mean i can't just call 9-11 ?

just kidding ;)

that is a nice Glock !

there is also a huge amount that you can do with home security. it helps if people on the road look at your home and don't see a home, just trees & bushes.

and it helps if your road is one where meth-addled freaks looking for some copper to steal are not likely to show up.

"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Revelations 2.3.9, King James Version.

Twisted Titan
25th November 2011, 10:17 PM
Just keep looking for that national firearm registration.

They may test it in a numebr of states to see how it goes prior

Mass , Cali, Ny NY come to mind