View Full Version : Oslo's Police: "We have lost the city". It is controlled by arabs.

General of Darkness
25th November 2011, 05:42 PM
Thanks jews.

“We Have Lost the City” (http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2011/11/we-have-lost-city.html)

The article below is about the apocalyptic level of culturally-enriched violence in Grønland, a district of the city of Oslo. Fjordman sends this background material on the area:

Grønland is only two subway stops from the Parliament, and one from the Central Station, fairly close to the government offices that were bombed by Breivik.

It looks like Karachi, Basra, and Mogadishu all rolled into one. People sell drugs openly just next to the Grønland subway station.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JjOtAo9Jxfs/TsrbOoLcfkI/AAAAAAAAD_I/rc2Cjm7NqKM/s400/bloodgroenland.jpgIt's not Norway or Europe anymore, except when there is welfare money to be collected. The police have largely given up. Early in 2010 Aftenposten stated (http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/Moralkontroll-i-Oslos-innvandrergater-5314438.html) that there are sharia patrols in this area, and gay couples are assaulted and chased away. “Immigrant Fatima Tetouani says that ‘Grønland is more Muslim than Morocco.’”

Readers should remember that Aftenposten, which is the largest newspaper in the Oslo region, is normally pro-Islamic and very Multicultural.
Many thanks to Kitman (http://kitmantv.blogspot.com/) for translating this article from Aftenposten (http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/Ransoffer-nr-351-Grnland-6702489.html):

Robbery-Victim no. 351, Grønland

Sturla Nøstvik (36) did not suspect any danger when the barrel of a pistol was smashed into his forehead. That was the beginning of fifty minutes of hell as a hostage of the robbers.

The women are being raped at night in Oslo, and the men are robbed more than ever.

In just the past ten years more than 4,000 people have been robbed in the town center and the area of the Grønland police station [an immigrant ghetto]. Most of them are young men. Sturla Nøstvik is robbery-victim 351 from Grønland just from this year, the same period in which around fifty assault-rapes have been reported in Oslo. The robbers play on fear, violence, and severe threats that leave a mark on the victims. Police superintendent Inge Sundeng in Grønland describes them as the “somewhat-forgotten victims”.


The police visited Sturla Nøstvik in the emergency room after the robbery. They told Nøstvik that a gang of robbers had committed many similar robberies in Grünerløkka and surrounding areas in thee past weeks. They told him that everybody should have the right to feel safe, but that they had no way of halting the robberies. “We have lost the city,” they said...

25th November 2011, 06:13 PM
Darned. I used to like to visit Oslo. Very safe city.

Not so much any more apparently.

25th November 2011, 07:01 PM
MIGRANTS GRAB 12,000 JOBS A MONTH (http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/284200/Migrants-grab-12-000-jobs-a-month)
Thursday November 17,2011 express.co.uk

[T]he latest figures show that foreign workers are thriving in the labour market as Britons lose jobs.

The Office for National Statistics revealed that 280,000 fewer UK nationals were working in the three months to September compared to the same period a year earlier – a one per cent fall to a total of 26.6 million people. But the number of non-British *workers rose six per cent, by 147,000, to 2.56 million.

The increase in foreign nationals in work included a 93,000 (16.3 per cent) rise in those from eastern European countries which joined the EU in 2004.

There was a 28,000 (35 per cent) increase in workers from Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Yesterday’s gloom was heightened by announcements from British Gas, *mining giant Rio Tinto Alcan, and Clydesdale and Yorkshire banks of nearly 1,700 job cuts, as the Bank of England cut growth forecasts.

The figures led to uncomfortable questioning for ministers...

Tory MP Philip Hollobone, pointing to previous figures showing nine out of 10 new jobs are going to foreigners, said: “This is simply unsustainable.

“As a nation we can’t go on like this. We have to control our borders once again, but we also have to incentivise young British workers to go out and find the jobs that foreign nationals are picking up.’’

Fellow Tory MP Philip Davies said: “We’re mad in this country, that we allow people to come here to take jobs – a lot of them low-skilled jobs which people in this country would be more than capable of doing if they got off their backsides.” Ministers insist youth unemployment is a long-standing problem, rising by 40 per cent under Labour, and starting well before the recession.

Tories also accuse Labour of opening Britain’s jobs market to an eastern *European free-for-all by failing to put limits on their citizens’ rights to work, as most other EU countries did when the nations joined the club in 2004...

He said the risk that many youngsters would stay on the dole as adults was a “timebomb” for the economy.

25th November 2011, 07:50 PM
the Jews have an interesting scheme.

they make the Mid-East uninhabitable, and the people leave for more peaceful places, like Norway.

but then you have a more crowded place with a lot of poor people.

the Jews like the result - the Norwegians end up hating Muslims.

just what the Jews wanted !

it would work much better if the Muslims stayed in the Mid-East. but in order for that to be a good choice for a Muslim family that wants to raise their family somewhere safe, Mad Dog Israel has to be chained up.

we could have instant world peace (for a few weeks, at least !) by ending the Hellish Experiment known as Israel, and letting the Muslim people return to their homeland.

25th November 2011, 08:17 PM
It's all through northern Europe. 15 years ago in Denmark they already had this problem. huge crime and for a country with hardly any sexual assault, rapes it was easy to see. The Danish people could see it clearly yet same as everywhere these invaders are brought in and the local population pays for it and pays for it dearly. I don't think it can be turned back now. They are having children at the rate of 3 to 1 compared to the locals. We have the same issues down here in Oz. They get a car, new and not a junker. We are talking $50K here. I'm driving a banger and paying nearly 70% tax when you add it up. They get new car and $75K minimum towards a house.

I'm falling into the small minded trap but still if the priorities were right we probably would have more than we need and be looking to help people out. As it is we're all stuggling while carrying 4 or other people on our backs.

26th November 2011, 12:49 AM
First Hollywood now Oslo!

Twisted Titan
26th November 2011, 04:21 AM
I am wholly of the opinion that Every problem that the average person faces in their daily life can be traced back( probally less then 5 steps) to a Zionist Sociopath.

without fail.

26th November 2011, 08:20 AM
The Scandinavians have a very deep patience. I would even call it foolhardy tolerance. What will it take for them to route out all foreigners who have poisoned their country? If you wait until the cute little baby dragon grows into a full-sized mean-tempered monster, then you will pay dearly. The costs are now adding up. The dragon has been well nourished and it is ready to flex its wings.

midnight rambler
26th November 2011, 09:12 AM
Their brown menace comes from the ME, ours comes from the south. The end result will be the same, the worst sort of racism. It appears the plan of the Death Cult is on track to success.

26th November 2011, 09:48 AM
It is a curious fact that only white people can be racists.

Those who go around admonishing people for being a racist are themselves the greatest racists of all

They are reverse racists, they betray and condemn their own people and show off their loyalty to all but their own.

They are race traitors, who have been tricked into believing they are doing good, when in fact this will end up in their committing suicide of themselves and their race.

All by the design of the people who hate them the most, the people who have a book devoted to hate (http://www.come-and-hear.com/editor/index.html).

26th November 2011, 11:50 AM
I am wholly of the opinion that Every problem that the average person faces in their daily life can be traced back( probally less then 5 steps) to a Zionist Sociopath.

without fail.

Yes - You hit the nail on the head !

Twisted Titan
26th November 2011, 12:19 PM
98% of what. we read hear or watch on media is controled by a zionist power monger.

until that choke hold is broken .......my opinion is valid

mick silver
26th November 2011, 12:38 PM
the usa is on course to be worst then any country over sea when the time comes . this show is only in the first acts wait till act two comes out then three . you cant keep taking from the ones working . the taker add nothing

27th November 2011, 01:29 PM
" we have lost the country" (usa) its controlled by jews.