View Full Version : NATO crosses Afghan/Pakistan border, wipes out military checkpoint, 24 troops die

midnight rambler
26th November 2011, 08:18 AM
This wasn't an 'accident' or a 'oops'.

NATO officials: "The Afghanistan/Pakistan border in that area is very fuzzy and difficult to pin down."

Really?? ???


26th November 2011, 08:20 AM
This wasn't an 'accident' or a 'oops'.

Really?? ???


No, it was no accident. It was a message in reponse to Afghanistans statement that they will stand with pakistan against the US. Now they have something to stand up about, lets see if they do.

midnight rambler
26th November 2011, 08:24 AM
In the era of precise GPS navigation they would like us to believe that the border is 'ill-defined'. lol The Pakistan military doesn't think so, therefore they closed their 'ill-defined' border.


midnight rambler
26th November 2011, 08:28 AM
How is a helicopter attack made on a *military checkpoint* where the pilot(s) cannot CLEARLY see that it's obviously the Pakistan military running a checkpoint INSIDE Pakistan??

NATO and their toadies in the nooz business think we're all a bunch of morons, every last one of us.

26th November 2011, 08:47 AM
Why does pakistan even have anything to do with the US? just start reporting all nato activity to the taliban and set up traps and give iran nuke capability. the entire region should be united against the US, period.

26th November 2011, 09:40 AM
Why does pakistan even have anything to do with the US? just start reporting all nato activity to the taliban and set up traps and give iran nuke capability. the entire region should be united against the US, period.

Comments like that need to be tempered with the reality most ordinary people, in both America and Pakistan, have nothing to do with the military and strategy decisions of their respective governments. Demonizing entire populations because of the actions of their leaders only helps the same murderers we are trying to hold accountable. The entire region should not be united against the U.S., they should be united against Israeli policy proxied through U.S. forces.

26th November 2011, 02:34 PM
they should be united against Israeli policy proxied through U.S. forces.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda.

A compliant people's policy thru tax support.

30th November 2011, 03:59 AM
Pakistan blocks BBC TV news (http://southasia.oneworld.net/todaysheadlines/pakistan-blocks-bbc-tv-news)
30 November 2011

Pakistan's cable television operators have taken BBC's world news channel off the air for broadcasting 'anti-Pakistan' content.

The operators say that the move is in response to a documentary broadcast by the channel, entitled Secret Pakistan.

Other foreign TV channels found guilty of broadcasting "anti-Pakistan" content will also be blocked.

The BBC said it was deeply concerned by the move, and called for its channel to be speedily reinstated.

"We condemn any action that threatens our editorial independence and prevents audiences from accessing our impartial international news service," a BBC spokesperson said.

"We would urge that BBC World News and other international news services are reinstated as soon as possible."

The two-part BBC documentary questioned the country's commitment to tackling Taliban militancy.

It argued that some in Pakistan were playing a double game, quoting US intelligence officials as saying that they acted as America's ally in public while secretly training and arming the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The decision to block BBC World News and other international news channels comes after a media uproar in Pakistan over a Nato air strike that killed 24 Pakistani troops near the Afghan border at the weekend.

The All Pakistan Cable Operators Association announced on Tuesday that all foreign news channels airing "anti-Pakistan" content would be barred from Wednesday.

The operators called on the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra) "to revoke the landing rights of foreign channels" if they are found to be "propagating" information harmful to the country.

Relations between Pakistan and the US in particular and the West in general have been strained by the raid - as well as by continuing US drone strikes in Pakistan, the killing of Osama Bin Laden in May and a row over a CIA contractor acquitted earlier this year after killing two men in Lahore.

Correspondents say it is not possible to see BBC World News in most Pakistani cities, with the ban expected to be extended to rural areas by Wednesday.

Cable Operators Association spokesman Khalid Arain said that no foreign anti-Pakistan channel would "ever" be broadcast in the country.

"We want to send them a strong message to stop this. If they don't stop this, then it is our right to stop them," he said.

Correspondents say the Pakistani government is likely to have put pressure on the operators to impose the ban.

30th November 2011, 08:25 AM

Pakistan closes Torkham border crossing, shuts down NATO's supply line (http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2008/09/pakistan_closes_tork.php)

An estimated 70 percent of NATO supplies move through Khyber to resupply troops fighting against the Taliban in Afghanistan. The bulk of NATO's supplies arrive in the port city of Karachi, move north to Peshawar, and head west to the Torkham crossing into Afghanistan and the final destination in Kabul. The rest of the supplies pass through the Chaman border crossing point in Baluchistan or arrive via air.

From the OP:

The checkpoints that were attacked had been recently set up in Mohmand's Salala village by the army. They were intended to stop Pakistani Taliban militants holed up in Afghanistan from crossing the border and staging attacks, said two local government administrators, Maqsood Hasan and Hamid Khan.

The message was "don't fuck with ZATO's supply lines." - Since there is not 1 article out there explaining why the site was hit, I think we can assume there was intel on a local 'militant(s)' that has conducted raids on ZATO's supply lines at the location at the time. Whether or not the target was hit is unknown.

Here is some footage of the aftermath of the attack on the Salalah checkpoint:
