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Silver Rocket Bitches!
28th November 2011, 09:54 AM

What is the “Global Domination Agenda”?
The Central Assumption Behind The Theory.
A diagram: the “Global Domination Agenda” and its logical links.
Example One: “The GDE deliberately created the global economic crisis!”
Example Two: “George H.W. Bush said he was instituting the New World Order!”
Example Three: “But the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission are real! You can’t claim they don’t exist!”
Mistaking Political/Economic Power or Social Status for “Evidence” of GDE.
A Logic Game: The Neighborhood Watch.
Questions Believers in “Global Domination Agenda” Should Ask Themselves.
So if there’s no GDE and the “Global Domination Agenda” doesn’t exist, who does rule the world?
You call this a “debunking”? You haven’t disproved the Global Domination Agenda at all!

One of the central messages of the Thrive movie—indeed, arguably the central message—is the assertion that the world is controlled by a conspiratorial group of persons, entities and business interests who are pursuing goals inimical to the best interests of humanity. On the Thrive website, this conspiracy theory is referred to as the “Global Domination Agenda,” though there are many permutations of this conspiracy theory which go by many different names. This article will debunk the notion that the world is controlled by a unified group pursuing a “Global Domination Agenda,” at least as that concept is elucidated in the Thrive movie.

Debunking “Global Domination Agenda” is at once simple and very complicated. The simple answer is, there is not a shred of evidence to support the existence of this conspiracy theory. However, explaining how and why this is so, and why it is illogical to believe in the existence of a “Global Domination Agenda,” is more complicated. It also involves the exact sort of reasoning and argumentation that is least likely to satisfy believers in this conspiracy theory.

This is a lengthy article. Before we begin, I’d like to ask all persons who intend to post comments on this article to read the entire thing before making comments. Any comments that raise points that are directly answered by this article—meaning, comments that indicate the commenter has not read the entire article—will be deleted. (Substantive discussion of those specific points, of course, is encouraged).

What is the “Global Domination Agenda”?
For purposes of this article I will refer to the conspiracy theory at issue as the “Global Domination Agenda,” because that’s the term used by the makers of the Thrive movie. I conceive of this conspiracy theory as being essentially synonymous with the idea of the “Illuminati” or the “New World Order,” both much more popular terms than “Global Domination Agenda.” Exactly what this conspiracy theory means, and what its details are, differ widely depending on who believes it. It’s impossible to come up with a description of this conspiracy theory that takes into account all permutations of it; however, the most commonly agreed-upon features of the theory generally hold:

That a group of persons, entities and business interests exert total, or at least significant, control over international relations, economics, media and technology on a global scale;
That this group has some sort of internal unity—i.e., that its actors are working in concert toward a common goal or goals; and
That either the direct goal of this group, or the effect of their goals, is to consolidate dictatorial power over all, most, or a significant portion of the world’s people.

Believers in a “Global Domination Agenda” are probably the most intractable and unyielding of all conspiracy theorists. Many debunkers simply throw up their hands when confronted with a believer in this theory, because it’s virtually impossible to convince them that this conspiracy theory is illogical and completely unsupported by evidence. Nevertheless, a full debunking of the Thrive film wouldn’t be complete without at least an attempt at addressing this conspiracy theory. Therefore, we will try to analyze why people believe in this conspiracy theory and what can be done to demonstrate that the “Global Domination Agenda” does not exist.

The Central Assumption Behind The Theory.
At its core, the “Global Domination Agenda” conspiracy theory is an assumption. Conspiracy believers simply assume that points 1, 2, and 3 are true. Once they make this assumption, virtually anything they see they will interpret as “evidence” supporting the truth of points 1, 2 and 3. Basically, they think it’s true because it’s true. The circular and self-reinforcing nature of the assumption admits no outside stimulus that can either support or refute the points of the assumption.

How do we know that a group of persons, entities and business interests exert total, or at least significant, control over international relations, economics, media and technology on a global scale? Because they do, and if you don’t agree, you’re a blind brainwashed sheeple. How do we know that this group has some sort of internal unity—i.e., that its actors are working in concert toward a common goal or goals? Because they are, and if you don’t agree, you haven’t done your research. How do we know that that either the direct goal of this group, or the effect of their goals, is to consolidate dictatorial power over all, most, or a significant portion of the world’s people? Because it is. Wake up!
This is a difficult point to grasp. At the risk of making this more complicated than it is, I’ll attempt to demonstrate it graphically.

A diagram: the “Global Domination Agenda” and its logical links.
Let us map out how this system would work if the “Global Domination Agenda” was true. A graph of it would look like a pyramid. There would have to be some sort of unified command, a group of ultimate decision-makers, at the very top. Let’s call this the “Global Domination Elite” or GDE for short (a term I just made up, but call it what you want—Illuminati, NWO, reptilians, whatever). There would have to be connections of some type between the GDE and the persons, entities, governments etc. that they use to do their bidding. Let’s call that layer the “Action Elements.” There would have to be connections of some type between the Action Elements and the individual acts or conditions that they create—the “Results” layer.
http://thrivedebunked.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/global-domination-diagram-mastera.jpg?w=519&h=252 (http://thrivedebunked.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/global-domination-diagram-mastera.jpg)

In order to prove that the “Global Domination Agenda” is true, you need to prove (I) that each layer of this pyramid exists; and (II) the connections between each layer. Without both I or II, the very idea of a “Global Domination Agenda” collapses.

Believers in the “Global Domination Agenda” simply assume that I and II are either already proven, are self-evident, or can be proven by evidence that in fact does not point to either I or II.
I don’t expect this statement to make much sense without concrete examples. So, we’ll get to some.

Example One: “The GDE deliberately created the global economic crisis!”
This type of claim is very common among “Global Domination Agenda” believers. In fact it is presumed in Thrive that the GDE deliberately tanked the world’s economy as part of whatever their plan is supposed to be. If you ask a “Global Domination Agenda” believer to prove this, he or she will usually offer two types of “evidence”:

1. Links to news articles about wrongdoing by mortgage bankers, irresponsible economic decisions by governments or corporations, or trends about worsening economic conditions like foreclosure or unemployment.
2. Statements of opinion, often made by other conspiracy theorists, that the GDE or persons working for them created the economic crisis.
But note what’s really happening. News articles about bad economic decisions, corporate malfeasance etc. only prove the existence of the results—not the cause, not the connections between the various layers of the pyramid. That sort of evidence goes to prove only these parts of the diagram…

http://thrivedebunked.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/global-domination-diagram-1a21.jpg?w=519&h=252 (http://thrivedebunked.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/global-domination-diagram-1a21.jpg)
…not these.
http://thrivedebunked.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/global-domination-diagram-1b21.jpg?w=519&h=252 (http://thrivedebunked.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/global-domination-diagram-1b21.jpg)
Think about it. A CNN.com news article that Acme Megabank made a series of disastrous loans between 2000 and 2008, when they should have known better, does not prove the connection between Acme Megabank and the GDE. All it proves is that Acme Megabank made a series of disastrous loans when they should have known better. An article about how youth unemployment is at 30% and getting worse does not prove the connection between the employers who are refusing to offer jobs to young people and the GDE. All it proves is that there’s a youth unemployment problem. But we know that already.

Proving one set of connections and then the other doesn’t work either.Thus, proving that the former CEO of Acme Megabank is now Assistant Secretary of the Treasury does not make the connection, because you still haven’t proven that Acme Megabank acted on the GDE’s orders to make those disastrous loans. You have to prove connection from the bottom up—from the result all the way up to the GDE.

Furthermore, statements of opinion, or unsourced assertions, by other conspiracy theorists—“Guess what? The directors of Acme Megabank made those disastrous loans on purpose to further the Global Domination Agenda!”—similarly proves nothing. It does not prove the existence of the GDE, nor the connections between the GDE and the Action Elements. All it proves is that somebody thinks there are connections. But that is not proof that the connections exist.
Indeed, these pieces of “evidence” are totally meaningless unless you already accept the assumption that the “Global Domination Agenda” exists. Then, and only then, do they become relevant. This is an other illustration of the point that the “Global Domination Agenda” conspiracy theory operates on totally circular logic.

Example Two: “George H.W. Bush said he was instituting the New World Order!”
Believers in the “Global Domination Agenda,” when they are not providing “evidence” along the lines discussed above, will sometimes point to “incriminating” statements by persons they believe to be part of the GDE, supposedly indicating an “admission” of their true agenda. One of the favorites in this category is a speech made on March 6, 1991 by President George H.W. Bush in which he used the words “New World Order.” Supposedly this indicates an “admission” that the New World Order, as conceived by conspiracy theorists, exists, and that Bush was one of the people trying to implement it.

But does it, though? I doubt most conspiracy theorists have actually read Bush’s speech, in which he outlined his vision of a world following the Persian Gulf War. Here is the full text (http://millercenter.org/president/speeches/detail/3430). He does in fact use the words “new world order.” But, if you read the full speech—I won’t excerpt it here because I encourage you to read it for yourself—it’s very clear he’s not talking about global domination. He’s talking about a vision for foreign policy which, ironically, ultimately did not come to pass. How, then, does this prove the existence of a “Global Domination Agenda”?
Time and time again, believers in a “Global Domination Agenda” will serve up these sorts of tidbits, which do not stand for the propositions they claim they stand for. (At least Bush’s “New World Order” speech is real, even though it doesn’t say what they think he said. Often, quotes by high-ranking figures used by conspiracy theorists are simply false. For example, the Thrive movie claims that Henry Kissinger makes an ominous-sounding statement. I cannot find any reputable source—meaning, not another conspiracy theorist website—that even indicates Kissinger ever said this.)


midnight rambler
28th November 2011, 10:13 AM
Great, an apologist for the Death Cult. ::)

Yet another useful idiot. I'd like to see this asshat 'debunk' Epperson's The Unseen Hand. lol

28th November 2011, 10:44 AM
Unseen hand is fantastic, except for the fact that Ralph doesn't mention the BLT's once.

But at least it will get people thinking and hopefully make them start digging for truth. The Unseenhand is how I got started on my journey of discovery.

28th November 2011, 10:48 AM
I've come to understand that Debunking = Undeniable Plausible Deniabilitying.


In politics and espionage, deniability refers to the ability of a "powerful player" or actor to avoid "blowback" by secretly arranging for an action to be taken on their behalf by a third party—ostensibly unconnected with the major player. In political campaigns, plausible deniability enables candidates to stay "clean" and denounce advertisements that use unethical approaches or innuendo based on opposition research.

More generally, "plausible deniability" can also apply to any act that leaves little or no evidence of wrongdoing or abuse. Examples of this are the use of electric shock, waterboarding or pain-compliance holds as a means of torture or punishment, leaving few or no tangible signs that the abuse ever took place.

Plausible deniability is a legal concept. It refers to lack of evidence proving an allegation. Standards of proof vary in civil and criminal cases. In civil cases, the standard of proof is "preponderance of the evidence" whereas in a criminal matter, the standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt." If your opponent lacks incontrovertible proof (evidence) of their allegation, you can "plausibly deny" the allegation even though it may be true.

Uncle Salty
28th November 2011, 10:57 AM
Wow...a whole blogsite dedicated to debunking the movie. Guess someone is getting a bit too close to the truth.

28th November 2011, 12:30 PM
Hehehe. He uses a wikileaks leak to prove that they don't discuss anything conspiratorial at Bilderberger meetings... Further the fact that Madoff went to prison is supposedly an argument against a NWO... Speach of GHWB41, where his version of NWO didn't come to fruition. What he talks about are high or mid level managers. Not the untouchable inner circle policy makers... Presidents that disobey gets shot, money managers that steal Billions gets chucked in jail, but the family is looked after, and midlevel managers of the NWO discuss mundane stuff at Bilderberger meetings, but if Wikileaks would leak important discussions rest assured that Assange would disappear for good very quickly...

Twisted Titan
28th November 2011, 12:31 PM
Unseen hand is fantastic, except for the fact that Ralph doesn't mention the BLT's once.

But at least it will get people thinking and hopefully make them start digging for truth. The Unseenhand is how I got started on my journey of discovery.

where is this book available....any pdf formats?

28th November 2011, 12:40 PM
Not sure, TA. I bought mine off the internet, from Amazon.

I don't know if there are any pdf versions out there. What I do when I want to look for a PDF book is just type the title in google: TheUnseenHand.PDF and see what comes up.

All those sights like scribed.com are blocked here, or I would do it for you.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
28th November 2011, 01:00 PM
Hehehe. He uses a wikileaks leak to prove that they don't discuss anything conspiratorial at Bilderberger meetings... Further the fact that Madoff went to prison is supposedly an argument against a NWO... Speach of GHWB41, where his version of NWO didn't come to fruition. What he talks about are high or mid level managers. Not the untouchable inner circle policy makers... Presidents that disobey gets shot, money managers that steal Billions gets chucked in jail, but the family is looked after, and midlevel managers of the NWO discuss mundane stuff at Bilderberger meetings, but if Wikileaks would leak important discussions rest assured that Assange would disappear for good very quickly...

Kinda like how the 9/11 documents exposed by Wikileaks fail to mention any Zionist hand and support the Al Qaeda tale. ::)

28th November 2011, 01:15 PM
Kinda like how the 9/11 documents exposed by Wikileaks fail to mention any Zionist hand and support the Al Qaeda tale. ::)

YES! It is a very superficial debunking IMO...

midnight rambler
29th November 2011, 01:18 AM
Unseen hand is fantastic, except for the fact that Ralph doesn't mention the BLT's once.

But at least it will get people thinking and hopefully make them start digging for truth. The Unseenhand is how I got started on my journey of discovery.

What's bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches have to do with anything?? ???

29th November 2011, 01:38 AM
What's bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches have to do with anything?? ???

I think it refers to Babylonian Luciferian Talmudists...

midnight rambler
29th November 2011, 01:43 AM
I think it refers to Babylonian Luciferian Talmudists...

Then apparently Awoke has not read Epperson's New World Order where he gets worked into a lather over these 'BLTs'.

29th November 2011, 04:36 AM
Then apparently Awoke has not read Epperson's New World Order where he gets worked into a lather over these 'BLTs'.

I have read it twice.
He focuses on the Freemasonic cult in that book. I don't recall him mentioning babylonian talmudism once in that book, but it's been a while since I've read it.

I've read all three of his books.

29th November 2011, 11:38 AM
I've noticed quite a few articles similar to these circulating round the interwebs recently. Intellectualism is the preferred propaganda strategy here, but the article also contains components of oversimplification, repetition, begging the question, and poisoning the well (among others). Maybe I'll rip it to shreds piece by piece if I get some time over the next couple of days.


mick silver
29th November 2011, 11:48 AM
A. Ralph Epperson - The New World Order (7) ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DztwA-abNU