View Full Version : Government can't do much about unemployment if there is no consumer demand.

28th November 2011, 11:15 AM
Well, they are finally waking up to "No Export = No Recovery"... Ponce.......... the American people can produce and consume only buy so much, and if the rest is not EXPORTED then there will be no jobs and no recovery.

What a dunm Cuban refugee has been saying for years it now it takes and "expert" to find this out.
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it's a vicious circle. People who don't have work, don't have money. If you don't have money, you don't spend. If nobody spends, business doesn't need to hire people.


28th November 2011, 01:34 PM
You're not a "dunm Cuban" you just have some common sense. Something missing in the elected

Twisted Titan
28th November 2011, 04:38 PM
You are very much mistaken.

When has common sense stopped the gubbermint from doing anything?

The best example and the one I have the most fun with in nuclear energy. I listen to people wax and wane about how we need more plants. I then ask them two questions.

How many nuclear plants have ever been run that actually Made a profit?


How many nuclear exist today that run are free of massive( and I mean massive) gubbermint subsidies?


So why are you advocating for something that has never been profitable and places a unending burden on taxpayers.

blank stare and the subject quickly changes

28th November 2011, 04:48 PM