View Full Version : Tear-jerking moment lab beagles see sunlight for the first time as they are released

29th November 2011, 01:27 PM
Tear-jerking moment lab beagles see sunlight for the first time as they are released from cages

By Wil Longbottom (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Wil+Longbottom)

Last updated at 6:04 PM on 29th November 2011

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This is the heart-breaking moment male beagles kept in captivity inside a laboratory were released from their cages for the first time.
Scared and visibly unsure of leaving the confines of their cages, the dogs were among many being used for lab testing in Spain before it went out of business.
A total of 72 beagles were rescued by members of Animal Rescue Media Education (ARME) during the operation - most of whom had never been outside their cages.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/11/29/article-2067576-0EFC8D9300000578-324_634x316.jpg Freedom: This male beagle takes a tentative step outside his cage for the first time in his life after he was freed from laboratory testing

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/11/29/article-2067576-0EFC8E0700000578-880_634x311.jpg Terrified: The face of this beagle says it all as he contemplates freedom for the first time

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/11/29/article-2067576-0EFC8D7F00000578-503_634x326.jpg Timid: After setting foot on grass, this male beagle is unsure of his new surroundings

Gary Smith, ARME's Beagle Freedom Project spokesman, said: 'We've been told they lived on per cage in rooms of 10 beagles, but they never had any physical interaction with one another.
'They've been in kennels since they were rescued about a week ago, but aside from that, they've spent most of their lives locked up.'

The rescue operation took place in June, and the animals' first steps of freedom were posted on YouTube after they were recovered.

Forty of the beagles arrived in Los Angeles, U.S., last week where they will be put up for adoption.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/11/29/article-2067576-0EFC8CB400000578-137_634x326.jpg Cruel: The male dogs, aged between four and seven, were among 72 rescued from the laboratory in Spain after it went bust

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/11/29/article-2067576-0EFC8DAB00000578-813_634x324.jpg Set free: Beagles have been used in laboratory testing of products in the past because they are docile and forgiving

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/11/29/article-2067576-0EFC8C2A00000578-589_634x333.jpg Confined: The dogs may never have been outside or on grass before, and most were understandably reluctant to step outside their cages

The remainder of the dogs, all aged between four and seven and bred in captivity, have already been adopted in Europe.

Beagles are often used in lab testing of products, including cosmetics, because of their 'docile and trusting' personalities.

Mr Smith added: 'Beagles are incredibly sweet, docile, companion animals.

'The downfall is, the same reason the beagle is a perfect companion animal, is the same reason they're used for testing.'

For more information on the rescue operations or adopting one of the beagles, go to ARME's website (http://www.arme.tv/bfp.php).

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2067576/Tear-jerking-moment-lab-beagles-sunlight-time-released-cages.html#ixzz1f8FIRyEK

29th November 2011, 01:38 PM
Beagles are very good dogs, this post made my eyes misty.

Edit: Those gals were HOT!

29th November 2011, 01:49 PM
I knew the beagles would send you mad,dogman.........;D

29th November 2011, 02:42 PM
Same here Pluto, I would just love to get hold of one of them......would make a nice playpal for my dog and cat.

I looking at them in their cages I can't help but to think of Palestinians who are prisoners of the Zionist only because they are Palestinian.........someday there will be a payback agaisn't the Zionist....I hope to be there.

Twisted Titan
29th November 2011, 04:44 PM
It took the dogs ten minutes to realize they were no longer in a gulag anymore.

it will take your average sheep a lifetime to realize they are in a gulag

29th November 2011, 04:49 PM
It is so very sad that we (humans) treat beautiful animals like that its so sad, I am glad they are free !

29th November 2011, 04:53 PM
If you watch it without listening to the horribly shitty musical accompaniment you will feel better and not cry...

29th November 2011, 04:54 PM
Anyone that can read dogs, and their faces and their mood's , can see in that video. That those dogs felt like they stepped into the twilight zone, from hell into heaven. And also were desperate for attention from people, that they never knew existed.

I can understand the need for lab animals, but this shit , that was done too those dogs, was beyond redemption.

Hope everyone of them find a good loving home, and they can make up the dog's life that they lost in those cages.

This pisses me off and also ripped my heart, watching that video.

29th November 2011, 04:58 PM
Ive gone off LABS all together

29th November 2011, 05:00 PM
If you watch it without listening to the horribly shitty musical accompaniment you will feel better and not cry...
Sometimes it can make a person feel better by crying
Take a look at the world, if your heart isnt cryin there must be something wrong.

29th November 2011, 05:07 PM
Sometimes it can make a person feel better by crying
Take a look at the world, if your heart isnt cryin there must be something wrong.

This makes me cry... "millions of animals like these beagles are used for testing and research each year. Please do your part and adopt these animals after we discard them."

Do Your Part!!! Just Say No to home bred pets... ::)

midnight rambler
29th November 2011, 05:12 PM
Do Your Part!!! Just Say No to home bred pets...Where do you think pets should be bred?? Farms or factories??


29th November 2011, 05:13 PM
Where do you think pets should be bred?? Farms or factories?? Probably "Lab"s"

Joe King
29th November 2011, 05:20 PM
Where do you think pets should be bred?? Farms or factories??

http://www.kimbertal.com/kennels/visual-tourGood thing you're not taller, or you'd have gotten a good haircut when her post zoomed over your head. lol

29th November 2011, 05:23 PM
Ok so which companies are doing testing on dogs ffs!?!

PETA goes apeshit over fish, so if a company started up on dogs there would be a huge fucking mess in the news.

But we hear of no company, but this company releases dogs, and they find out, and no uproar or insider info on who is testing products on dogs.

Massive Boycott campaign anyone....duh.

Something is not right here. Western society considers dogs literally as family members.

Might as well be people testing, but never heard of a single case of a company testing on dogs anywhere in the media, internet, etc.. etc...

So instead of going awww...sniff....so sad.... shouldn't people be going uhhh....seriously WTF?!?

Twisted Titan
29th November 2011, 05:48 PM
Never ever ever EVER donate a dime to PETA

They are a front organization like UNICEF,Serria Club WWF

They are about regulation people not the corporations that commit the crimes


Joe King
29th November 2011, 05:51 PM
Ok so which companies are doing testing on dogs ffs!?!

PETA goes apeshit over fish, so if a company started up on dogs there would be a huge fucking mess in the news.

But we hear of no company, but this company releases dogs, and they find out, and no uproar or insider info on who is testing products on dogs.

Massive Boycott campaign anyone....duh.

Something is not right here. Western society considers dogs literally as family members.

Might as well be people testing, but never heard of a single case of a company testing on dogs anywhere in the media, internet, etc.. etc...

So instead of going awww...sniff....so sad.... shouldn't people be going uhhh....seriously WTF?!?What are you saying? That the testing is fake? Labs like testing on beagles due to their passivity.
ie they can hook stuff like this up to them without much chance of getting bit.


Unlike monkeys. You can try putting a smoking mask on this guy....I'll watch. lol


General of Darkness
29th November 2011, 05:57 PM
Where do you think pets should be bred?? Farms or factories??


Tom is absolutely correct. The problem is that in this day and age 95% of the breeders are absolute fuck tards. Just look at the show dogs, they're absolutely destroying the dogs.

Before I post a long ass rant let me say this. We had a trial 2 weeks ago at our club and there was a German gentlemen that's got a ton of Schutzhund III titles and has been a world champion in Europe. He flat out said that our Dobermans were the BEST he'd ever seen, and the reason is we're BREEDING the dogs to be the BEST, even better than what they've got in Germany. Everyone else is breeding for size and show which has NOTHING to do with the working ability of the dog. My 80 lbs Enzo would do his fucking job when it came down to protecting his house and his best friend, ME. The show dobermans would tuck tail and run as soon as you fought back. Oh they might bite you out of fear, and then piss themselves and run.

Breeding HAS to be for the benefit of the DOG, and what it's role is, not to make it's chest bigger by cross breeding it with X, but end up removing an essential part of the what the dog is that makes it that type of a dog. It's complicated.

Rant off.

midnight rambler
29th November 2011, 06:04 PM
Tom is absolutely correct. The problem is that in this day and age 95% of the breeders are absolute fuck tards. Just look at the show dogs, they're absolutely destroying the dogs.

Before I post a long ass rant let me say this. We had a trial 2 weeks ago at our club and there was a German gentlemen that's got a ton of Schutzhund III titles and has been a world champion in Europe. He flat out said that our Dobermans were the BEST he'd ever seen, and the reason is we're BREEDING the dogs to be the BEST, even better than what they've got in Germany. Everyone else is breeding for size and show which has NOTHING to do with the working ability of the dog. My 80 lbs Enzo would do his fucking job when it came down to protecting his house and his best friend, ME. The show dobermans would tuck tail and run as soon as you fought back. Oh they might bite you out of fear, and then piss themselves and run.

Breeding HAS to be for the benefit of the DOG, and what it's role is, not to make it's chest bigger by cross breeding it with X, but end up removing an essential part of the what the dog is that makes it that type of a dog. It's complicated.

Rant off.

Having a furry kid is like having a child - most don't deserve them and don't have the first clue as to how to go about raising them and living with them.

And some who are totally lost have been fooled by that POS master-marketeer Cesar Millan aka 'the Dog Whisperer' - the stupid fucking asshat who's ruined countless dogs by his primitive (at best) 'techniques'.

29th November 2011, 06:07 PM
Loving and obedient monkey up for adoption soon
(Only several more months of sessions)
Please do your part and adopt him.
You will feel good... We will feel better...
No Tears Formula Labs Inc.

29th November 2011, 06:52 PM
That's why I don't kill animals for meat.......I simply buy it at the store, you know, the one that makes the meat in the back room somehow?

Uncle Salty
29th November 2011, 07:03 PM
It took the dogs ten minutes to realize they were no longer in a gulag anymore.

it will take your average sheep a lifetime to realize they are in a gulag

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

29th November 2011, 08:17 PM
What are you saying? That the testing is fake? Labs like testing on beagles due to their passivity.
ie they can hook stuff like this up to them without much chance of getting bit.


Unlike monkeys. You can try putting a smoking mask on this guy....I'll watch. lol


Who are these companies *today* testing on dogs? Nobody gives a --- about monkeys. Rabbits more so, but waaay less than dogs.

It would spread around the internet in a matter of minutes, and they would be boycotted into oblivion.

Yet here we see company X advertising their release, but no mention of company X....at all.

Yeah, I'm not so sure of that scenario. Doesn't pass the smell test.

Joe King
29th November 2011, 08:29 PM
Who are these companies *today* testing on dogs? Nobody gives a --- about monkeys. Rabbits more so, but waaay less than dogs.

It would spread around the internet in a matter of minutes, and they would be boycotted into oblivion.

Yet here we see company X advertising their release, but no mention of company X....at all.

Yeah, I'm not so sure of that scenario. Doesn't pass the smell test.I have no idea who the companies are, but dogs are in fact used in animal testing.
...and even if the rate of decline in their use as seen in the previous 32 years, continued to the present, there'd still be nearly 30,000 used this year.

29th November 2011, 08:48 PM
I have no idea who the companies are, but dogs are in fact used in animal testing.
...and even if the rate of decline in their use as seen in the previous 32 years, continued to the present, there'd still be nearly 30,000 used this year.

Well some countries breed dogs as food. This video appears to be a coming from a western based society.

It doesn't strike you as the least bit bizarre these women know in advance they are being released but make no mention from where?

Something is not right with this picture.

29th November 2011, 08:50 PM
Well some countries breed dogs as food. This video appears to be a coming from a western based society.

It doesn't strike you as the least bit bizarre these women know in advance they are being released but make no mention from where?

Something is not right with this picture. Early on it said Spain in Europe, Read and watch again!

Joe King
29th November 2011, 08:55 PM
Well some countries breed dogs as food. This video appears to be a coming from a western based society.

It doesn't strike you as the least bit bizarre these women know in advance they are being released but make no mention from where?

Something is not right with this picture.Those numbers I quoted are USA numbers. ie a Western nation.
...and perhaps part of the deal of them getting the dogs was not to say from where they came?

29th November 2011, 10:18 PM
Why would there be any loyalties in this scenario? Tell a friend, post it anonymously. Who's to say who told who, and when?

I have a hard time believing nobody that works at these companies is speaking out especially ex employees. Everyone has cameras on their phones now.

Any corporation that uses dogs for testing is on an inevitable crash course with public dissent in the form of public awareness and boycott, yet there is little to zero mention about it.

Still something not right with this picture.

Joe King
29th November 2011, 10:41 PM
Why don't you send them an email and ask them from where in Spain they got these particular dogs?


I just don't see why you think it'd be so unusual for dogs to used in animal testing. There's thousands used every year in America, alone.

29th November 2011, 10:45 PM
Why don't you send them an email and ask them from where in Spain they got these particular dogs?


I just don't see why you think it'd be so unusual for dogs to used in animal testing. There's thousands used every year in America, alone.

Yet nobody has said anything about it, or has there been any kind of notable situation generated over who is doing it. Maybe it's a grand conspiracy of silence, where all employees ex and current are sworn to lifelong secrecy.

Joe King
29th November 2011, 11:01 PM
Just because YOU haven't heard anyone say anything about it, somehow means it doesn't exist? So you've heard of everything, huh? lol

Again, if you're so concerned it's all a big ruse in order to get people to adopt dogs they'd otherwise not want, write them and ask from where the dogs came.

They say right on their website that.....

All of us with laboratory rescues should feel a special responsibility to talk about our pet’s origins and educate others about animal testing.

So ask 'em about their specific origin and that you think it's all a big scam if they won't tell you. lol
...and yea, sometimes people do sign non-disclosure agreements.

Edited to add: From wherever these dogs came from, I know there's one thing we can both agree upon about them.....well, maybe two things.