View Full Version : Thank You Military

29th November 2011, 07:15 PM
For being enforcers of the tyrannical government. And sick demented bastards.


Remember this video next time you see a veteran, and think they are all heroes.

29th November 2011, 07:19 PM
Time for mutton dinner!

29th November 2011, 07:20 PM
Let's hope the Oath Takers message spreads.

29th November 2011, 07:23 PM
is that a halal or kosher killing?

29th November 2011, 07:27 PM
Jesus, I am not going to watch the video, don't think my stomach or my mind can stand it, there is so much ugly hateful crap going on.

29th November 2011, 07:27 PM
is that a halal or kosher killing?

It didn't squeal enough for kosher satanic pleasure. So halal I guess?

General of Darkness
29th November 2011, 07:28 PM
Fucking animals. This country has absolutely no kultura.

29th November 2011, 07:28 PM
I thought I had seen the extent of their sick, sadistic tendencies.

Boy, was I wrong.

I got through about 0:13 of that before I had to shut it off.

Just think, when those guys are done with their "tour of duty/serving their country", they will be the one's pulling you over on the street to enforce "the law".

29th November 2011, 07:29 PM
Jesus, I am not going to watch the video, don't think my stomach or my mind can stand it, there is so much ugly hateful crap going on.

Good choice. It's worse than you think.

29th November 2011, 07:30 PM
Jesus, I am not going to watch the video, don't think my stomach or my mind can stand it, there is so much ugly hateful crap going on.

I've only watched it once, I have no need or desire to again.

It is sick.

As I am sure you all know, I am not some tree hugging PETA jackass, but brutally killing/torturing an animal is wrong.

General of Darkness
29th November 2011, 07:38 PM
How long before these ZOGBOTS start taking bats to the Amerikwan sheep is what I want to know?

29th November 2011, 07:39 PM
How long before these ZOGBOTS start taking bats to the Amerikwan sheep is what I want to know?Baseball bats, batons, tazers, pepper spray... same fucking difference.

29th November 2011, 07:42 PM
That was probably more humane than how the Jews kill their sheep kosher style. I think an animal should be stunned before you go cutting their throat. The kosher way is pretty gruesom. I've butchered a lot of animals and I don't want them suffering. I shoot them in the head so they don't know what happened to them. Their heart keeps pumping for awhile and all the blood is pumped out. There is no reason to cut their thoat without stunning them first. Those damed Jews cutting their throuts like they do doesn't seem right to me.


29th November 2011, 07:45 PM
I agree Tumbleweed, when we do have to kill a animal why make them suffer? I don't understand.

Do it quick and as painless as possible.

29th November 2011, 07:48 PM
That was probably more humane than how the Jews kill their sheep kosher style.

It wasn't the idea of killing a sheep that bothered me.

It was how they were laughing hysterically.

Tell me, do you laugh and whoop it up when you slaughter an animal, Tumbleweed?

Killing an animal isn't sick. Killing it slowly and getting off on the experience is.

29th November 2011, 07:52 PM
EE was right... satanic pleasure at it's finest... gotta love the jooz

General of Darkness
29th November 2011, 07:53 PM
It wasn't the idea of killing a sheep that bothered me.

It was how they were laughing hysterically.

Tell me, do you laugh and whoop it up when you slaughter an animal, Tumbleweed?

Killing an animal isn't sick. Killing it slowly and getting off on the experience is.

And that's how jew see us goyim. These fuckers are psychopaths.

29th November 2011, 07:54 PM
Hell no I don't laugh or whoop it up BrewTech. I really don't like to do it but it is a necesary part of life and I prefer it to be quick and painless for the animal. Those soldiers were inconsiderate assholes with no respect for that animals life and suffering. The Jews pretend to be respectful but if they really were they'd stun their animals before they start cutting their throats.

29th November 2011, 10:26 PM
That was probably more humane than how the Jews kill their sheep kosher style. I think an animal should be stunned before you go cutting their throat. The kosher way is pretty gruesom. I've butchered a lot of animals and I don't want them suffering. I shoot them in the head so they don't know what happened to them. Their heart keeps pumping for awhile and all the blood is pumped out. There is no reason to cut their thoat without stunning them first. Those damed Jews cutting their throuts like they do doesn't seem right to me.

It's because they're too stupid to realize their arcane mumbo jumbo food practices revolve around not having refrigeration in the middle of the desert several hundreds of years ago.

When you have that level of superstitious idiocy in lieu of today's technologies, and it still goes on....well...there's the IQ level you're dealing with right there.

(let alone trying to impose it on everyone else)

29th November 2011, 10:39 PM
That was probably more humane than how the Jews kill their sheep kosher style. I think an animal should be stunned before you go cutting their throat. The kosher way is pretty gruesom. I've butchered a lot of animals and I don't want them suffering. I shoot them in the head so they don't know what happened to them. Their heart keeps pumping for awhile and all the blood is pumped out. There is no reason to cut their thoat without stunning them first. Those damed Jews cutting their throuts like they do doesn't seem right to me.

The key is that the animal dies consciously and feels its life slipping away. The purpose of animal sacrifice is to release it's life energy so it can be consumed by something else.

29th November 2011, 10:48 PM
The key is that the animal dies consciously and feels its life slipping away. The purpose of animal sacrifice is to release it's life energy so it can be consumed by something else.

Consumed by superstitious hocus pocus by some kook wearing a ridiculous hat.

29th November 2011, 10:58 PM
Fucking savages. Karma is a bitch, and those bastards have it coming.

29th November 2011, 11:32 PM
disgusting Jew bullshit, I just threw up in my mouth.

29th November 2011, 11:52 PM
Kill Kill kill
wonderful stuff

reminds me of the guy killing a kitten. Fucked up beyond anything I can think of.

30th November 2011, 05:28 AM
They didn't have .22 cal. rifles or boltguns in the days of the old testament but we've got them now and they will release an animals life energy. If I was going to get my throat cut I'd damn sure want to be knocked out first. What those Jew bastards do is inhumane and their are humane ways to put animals down.

If those soldiers had held that sheep, used a hammer with a well aimed and heavy blow that sheep would have been knocked out and then could have had it's throat cut. An animals heart pumps for awhile after it has been shot in the brain. The blood gets pumped out of their body if you immediately cut their jugular vein after shooting them. I know from this from experiance. What the Jews do is unnecessary and inhumane. SOB'S

Those soldiers showed no respect for that sheeps life or it's suffering and it's disgusting to watch people doing that kind of shit.

30th November 2011, 05:41 AM
Sick fucks like that post on here, they dream of bashing
my skull in with a baseball bat, first they call me a " nazi "
twice, then pull out the knife avatar, then the baseball bat,
all the while admitting it is for me. First thing I thought of
when I saw that is Inglorious Jews Bastards torturing and
murdering regular captured German soldiers and getting
off on it.

30th November 2011, 05:50 AM
Truly, seņor don Quixote, hope they find the tumor and can remove it!

It has been a while since I have seen such a leap of imagination as your post! The paranoia runs deep in you , no?

30th November 2011, 06:07 AM
Dogman I don't know if you've ever been under attack for your beliefs like Magnes has but I recently was on another forum. I know the type people who were attacking me with pure, venomous hatred would probably try to stomp me into the ground if we were to meet. When I was younger I got in a lot of fist fights so I'm no beginner to this kind of stuff.

If we were to meet some of those who attack us on a forum face to face and was out numbered there's a pretty good chance we'd get stomped. It happens. The older I get the more dangerous I get and I believe that is what keeps me safe in a lot of situations. I am not afraid of anyone or anything and that scares people and backs them off when they otherwise would try to do me harm.

30th November 2011, 06:18 AM
Dogman I don't know if you've ever been under attack for your beliefs like Magnes has but I recently was on another forum. I know the type people who were attacking me with pure, venomous hatred would probably try to stomp me into the ground if we were to meet. When I was younger I got in a lot of fist fights so I'm no beginner to this kind of stuff.

If we were to meet some of those who attack us on a forum face to face and was out numbered there's a pretty good chance we'd get stomped. It happens. The older I get the more dangerous I get and I believe that is what keeps me safe in a lot of situations. I am not afraid of anyone or anything and that scares people and backs them off when they otherwise would try to do me harm.

Back when younger , I used to love a good "dustup" back in the day it was good entertainment. But would never go looking for a fight, it had to come to me. I like Magnes, believe it or not! I respect him for his dedication, and obvious intelligence. But sometimes I do feel he carry's things too far, and goes after totally innocent people. And see things that do not exist, so that is why my nickname for him.

Would love to see him post his thoughts on other subjucts, but it seems he only has a very narrow focus. Which is in my opinion a great loss, to all. There is more to life than one or two subjects..


30th November 2011, 06:19 AM
Hell no I don't laugh or whoop it up BrewTech. I really don't like to do it but it is a necesary part of life and I prefer it to be quick and painless for the animal. Those soldiers were inconsiderate assholes with no respect for that animals life and suffering. The Jews pretend to be respectful but if they really were they'd stun their animals before they start cutting their throats.

I knew the answer to my question when I asked it, of course...Asked only in the rhetorical sense to prove a point is all... :)
(didn't want you to misunderstand it as some kind of attack)

po boy
30th November 2011, 06:49 AM
Dogman I don't know if you've ever been under attack for your beliefs like Magnes has but I recently was on another forum. I know the type people who were attacking me with pure, venomous hatred would probably try to stomp me into the ground if we were to meet. When I was younger I got in a lot of fist fights so I'm no beginner to this kind of stuff.

If we were to meet some of those who attack us on a forum face to face and was out numbered there's a pretty good chance we'd get stomped. It happens. The older I get the more dangerous I get and I believe that is what keeps me safe in a lot of situations. I am not afraid of anyone or anything and that scares people and backs them off when they otherwise would try to do me harm.

Well he was on here saying he would bash peoples heads in a while back was banned for it and now is acting like a victim. Nigga please!

When it comes to slaughtering animals I have seen for worse suffering during hunting trips.


30th November 2011, 07:27 AM
It looks like youtube pulled the video. I'm not sure I wanted to see it anyway...

30th November 2011, 07:32 AM
This may work or not, the video still exists on youtube.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgarWjKYFGs&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsear ch_query%3Dtroops%2Bkill%2Bsheep%2Bwith%2Bbat%26oq %3Dtroops%2Bkill%2Bsheep%2Bwith%2Bbat%26aq%3Df%26a qi%3D%26aql%3D%26gs_sm%3De%26gs_upl%3D5877l17312l0 l17506l30l30l0l18l1l0l202l1411l3.8.1l12l0

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgarWjKYFGs&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsear ch_query%3Dtroops%2Bkill%2Bsheep%2Bwith%2Bbat%26oq %3Dtroops%2Bkill%2Bsheep%2Bwith%2Bbat%26aq%3Df%26a qi%3D%26aql%3D%26gs_sm%3De%26gs_upl%3D5877l17312l0 l17506l30l30l0l18l1l0l202l1411l3.8.1l12l0

30th November 2011, 08:23 AM
Truly, seņor don Quixote, hope they find the tumor and can remove it!

It has been a while since I have seen such a leap of imagination as your post! The paranoia runs deep in you , no?

Try reading this thread and get back to me.
Then read my GIM Masonic Avatar thread.
Maybe you don't know what Horn is posting, first he calls
me a Nazi twice, then tells me his knife avatar is for me,
and he repeated that a second time, and posts the bashing
of skulls, he misrepresents deliberately my positions as well.


30th November 2011, 08:28 AM
Well he was on here saying he would bash peoples heads in a while back was banned for it and now is acting like a victim. Nigga please!

You wanna play dirty too, I got banned for telling people, old friends
that go back years, jokes on me for being slow , to F Off, Horn and Keehah.

There are people here that say things like, " catholics are satanists " " catholics are kaballists "
on gim a guy that is probably from their church stated " stone the orthodox ", that
was WAOG I believe, no ban on gim, all of these people seem allied
as well, my comment was general and stands, try talking like that in
real life and we will see what happens, whoever wants to say it to my face
and I will kick their fucken head in, bring the fucken pigs to see it happen.
Period end of fucking story troll. Does this threaten anyone here, bunch of clowns,
bring the fucking mud pigs and the army and try talking like that in real life,
all you people are allied, you are agitators and you are liars.

The Orthodox make Saints out of defenders and avengers,
this is what happens to those that did stone and mass murder the Christians.


30th November 2011, 08:32 AM
Try reading this thread and get back to me.
Then read my GIM Masonic Avatar thread.
Maybe you don't know what Horn is posting, first he calls
me a Nazi twice, then tells me his knife avatar is for me,
and he repeated that a second time, and posts the bashing
of skulls, he misrepresents deliberately my positions as well.


I think I understand, but you ranted in this thread, and horn has not posted in it. There has been no attacks in this thread against you!

That is why I responded to your post the way I did! Your post was out of place and out of the blue. With nothing in this thread directed at you!

Now later, horn probably will post in this thread.But up to this point he has not.


Edit: Clowns? Is that your true view of the members that post on this forum?
I would rather defend and associate with clowns, than irrational people. That it
seems their only mission in life, is to stir shit!

po boy
30th November 2011, 09:24 AM
You wanna play dirty too,
Not playing dirty at all pointed out that you were claiming people wanted to bash your head in and that the only person I've seen on this form advocating such violence against members was you.

30th November 2011, 09:48 AM
Not playing dirty at all pointed out that you were claiming people wanted to bash your head in and that the only person I've seen on this form advocating such violence against members was you.

You obviously haven't met Antonio, or so you pretend,
http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?42118-Hello-Hello-)&p=350774&viewfull=1#post350774 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?42118-Hello-Hello-)
A lot of your friends and allies on here are his friends and allies, ROFL !
I don't advocate violence, I have a strong history of speaking
out against it, what part of what I said above do you not understand ?
Why you misrepresenting peoples positions, get in someone's face
and talk like that, what do you think will happen ? Something good.
Some of the shit like that posted here are fighting words in real life,
and you don't understand that, someone's sock puppet is threatened,
personally I think I have seen quite a few comments on here about
kicking peoples asses or punches or implying would in real life,
I think one of them has posted he was a cop. There is other stuff
on here too, buried, not a big deal till trolls like you come in to
misrepresent and inflame.

You ain't honest Po Boy, I have given you the benefit of the doubt
many times and even tried to have honest conversations with you.

You are a dirty player, like the rest of your allies on here.

Here is what your friends are doing on here. Just a quick search.
Joe King agitator and Provocateur.

Edit add too, Dogman is such a choir boy, LOL, openly stating he wanted to kill Antonio.

" fuck off and die Ruskie "

Thanking the Po Boy troll, ROFL !

I come to that troll Antonio's defense despite our history and his crazy past.

Dogman has always had it in for me.
He just does not want to go head to head anymore.
I don't got 5 fucking sock puppets on here either.
You want some more.

It is fucking outrageous you would thank that post, go look in the mirror.

30th November 2011, 10:01 AM
Seņor Don Quixote, Dude. you must be seriously out of your mind. Do me a favor and show me, this so called post where I said that about Antonio?

You can not, because it does not exist.

Go find some other "windmills" to chase. http://www.mainlesson.com/books/baldwin/quixote/zpage080.gif

You go around and attack people for no reason other than what you imagination dreams up!

Dam, get a life. I like you, but you sure make it hard to do. Have your head checked.

Since English is not your first language, maybe it could be what you translate what is said here
and the intent and meaning is lost to you or you interpretation it all wrong?

Joe King
30th November 2011, 10:11 AM
Not playing dirty at all pointed out that you were claiming people wanted to bash your head in and that the only person I've seen on this form advocating such violence against members was you.

I believe it was that some need to be stomped into the ground for what they post.....or something to that effect, anyways.

30th November 2011, 10:36 AM

Have you ever been blind drunk, and say things that you do not mean, because you hate yourself and your life?

Also I have only one account here.(Ask the mods) Yes I have used other names, but because of being drunk here, I was ashamed to post under that name anymore.

This post says much of how I feel about you.


And not everyone is going agree with your and other members beliefs that all of our troubles are caused by________fill in the blank.

You attack members on this forum, by name calling and are seeing things that do not exist, nor others can see where you are coming from. That is why I call you " Don Quixote" because you are seeing things here that do not exist, other than in your mind.

I am no clown or troll , I am just a person that likes to help other people and share with them, as other members here do.

If you can not see that , then I do feel truly sorry for you! And this is my last toward you on this thread, saying anything more would do no good!