View Full Version : Scientists develop new bird flu strain that 'could kill millions'

30th November 2011, 12:51 AM
Researchers in the Netherlands studying bird flu or avian influenza (H5N1) have reportedly developed a strain of the virus that's just as lethal as the original virus.

According to the New Scientist magazine, research on the bird flu virus has resulted in the highly contagious strain that has some scientists worried about the possible development of a bioweapon.

Media reports say the US biosecurity committee is deciding whether the crucial research is too dangerous to publish since it might allow the H5N1 to cause a lethal human pandemic.

The research was initially submitted to the journal Science, but has now been passed to the US National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB).
"The benefits of publishing this work do not outweigh the dangers of showing others how to replicate it," Thomas Ingelsby of the Center for Biosecurity was quoted as saying.

According to the US Department of Health & Human Services, the H5N1 kills more than half the people it infects, but cannot be readily passed from person to person.
It has so far infected more than 500 people in more than a dozen countries.
"The potential for escape of that virus is staggering," says D A Henderson of the Center for Biosecurity.

"A catastrophe would result" if a highly contagious virus with a 50 per cent kill rate got loose.

The NSABB does not have the power to prevent publication of scientific findings, but it can request that journals not publish certain studies.Article @ the Age (http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/business/a/-/technology/12191218/new-bird-flu-strain-could-kill-millions/)

Oh and Australia is opening a new biowarfare facility. It has some kind of exclusion zone for live stock but will also be used to develop highlyt lethal bio warfare solutions.

So... basically we know how the genocide will be going forward in several more countries now.

30th November 2011, 01:49 AM
Australia is outta control

30th November 2011, 05:06 AM
I wonder what "legitimate" reasons the scientists may have for developing these strains to begin with?

30th November 2011, 05:18 AM
I wonder what "legitimate" reasons the scientists may have for developing these strains to begin with?

Because they can? :-\

30th November 2011, 05:25 AM

30th November 2011, 05:30 AM

Nederlands gotta have WMD for anyone thinking of retreating from Euro, and International courting standards.

30th November 2011, 05:37 AM
Why? The only thing i can think of is to study the strain, and also develop defenses against it. You have to remember, that in nature there is a very good chance that someday, nature could develop the same or nearly the same strain.

The scientist's may have only sped up what nature in time would have done. So if they can develop a vaccine against it , that may also work against other strains.

Just a good guess!

30th November 2011, 06:18 AM
This is some scary shit right here. We already have human modified mycoplasmas and chlamydias floating around right here in N america. Once this shit is outta the bag there is no putting it back in.

30th November 2011, 06:58 AM
Article @ the Age (http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/business/a/-/technology/12191218/new-bird-flu-strain-could-kill-millions/)

Oh and Australia is opening a new biowarfare facility. It has some kind of exclusion zone for live stock but will also be used to develop highlyt lethal bio warfare solutions.

So... basically we know how the genocide will be going forward in several more countries now.

Israel would love to infect Iran, Iceland, & Ireland with it.

30th November 2011, 07:00 AM
The only thing i can think of is to study the strain, and also develop defenses against it. You have to remember, that in nature there is a very good chance that someday, nature could develop the same or nearly the same strain.

The scientist's may have only sped up what nature in time would have done. So if they can develop a vaccine against it , that may also work against other strains.

Just a good guess!
Well that could be the official explanation for it. But by not publishing the results, you would seriously hamper any vaccine research, and only have a very potent bioweapon with the ability to wipe out a large proportion of worlds population... And I am sure that there
are some ethnic researchers at the lab that have already passed on the information to a middle east rogue nation that rhymes with hell...

I know it is not your argument Dogman, but I sincerely believe that the world would have been a better place without even thinking about experimenting with this virus...

30th November 2011, 07:02 AM
Well that could be the official explanation for it. But by not publishing the results, you would seriously hamper any vaccine research, and only have a very potent bioweapon with the ability to wipe out a large proportion of worlds population... And I am sure that there are some ethnic researchers at the lab that have already passed on the information to a middle east rogue nation that rhymes with hell...

I know it is not your argument Dogman, but I sincerely believe True, but it would also be very stupid to release a bio weapon with that high of kill rate, without a cure.

30th November 2011, 07:03 AM
They have been prepping the public's consciousness for this event for years...


30th November 2011, 07:15 AM
True, but it would also be very stupid to release a bio weapon with that high of kill rate, without a cure.

Well there are a lot of easy preventative meassures one could take, that would reduce the risk to your own group of conspirers vs the sheeple intentionally kept in the dark. Isolation, nutrition, hygiene etc... Sure they will lose some, but not nearly in relation to most normal grunts